HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-12-23, Page 1_ __.eetemewerwerea+easrca�.teee[e1r eel. a reiateeeteteeet' The Christmas Spirit "THERE'S A CHRISTMAS FEEL IN THE ''AIR" and time is moving rapidly toward the great festival of the year. There is nothing that helps one to get the full benefit of. the Christmas season as does the bestowing of tokens of esteem upon those whose friendship and companionship we value. This store has been fortunate to get many useful articles, (far above our expectations,) to choose from and we invite you to come in and see for yourselves. BEATJTIFUL' SILVERWARE, WATCHES AND RINGS, FOUNTAIN PENS, NECKLACES, BEADS, • CHINAWARE, ETC. W. H. H L LY A R JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST RESIDENDCE PHONE 174j r u'o mat'er9ra*1WANhts'r rbr2 INDI'sr t9r raagr9r37btb'rEr2rar 1St r& r;IrI`iStp:arhr2r 4s .6i�'avEiitwetc 'mP.' emo '.vvemmi6mt;+mat,',6',mome,05,4etglo.mma,,,,v.. 'i °p e The Clinton The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 Ne s-Recori With Which is incorporated The Clinton New Era NO. 6177 -64th YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DEC. 23, 1943 It's Christmas Time Again .61 And as Charles Dickens said—"The only time 1 know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut; up hearts freely." May it Always be Christmas for You and Yours R... V-1RW1N NOTE :—Completing the greatest Christmas sea- son in our history, we have decided to re-: main closed from Christmas until Mondayo January 3rd, at which time we will be able to offer many new lines of staple merchan= dire, We ask your indulgence, please. A d.' a 2terereeeeeiereinie2r2r9eniernenegrllereihereleinretereaetearrerme2a rr3rh aeieteeleeiet2bc• `elaiatelerecetatteattialetateteeeireacialetetetarareretaicieleceretaavataletatetaVeteevatoree t. 1 FOR CHRISTMAS Fine Watches Lovely Rings New Mavco Compacts Beautiful Lockets Shining Silverware Bracelets of all kinds Corn Flower Crystal Bluebird Diamond Rings Ladies' Diamond Set Watches RCAF Wings, and Jewellery. Billfolds, Key -Cases, Pipes. Single Place Settings in Sterling Silver Pearl Necklaces and Earrings Tarnish -Proof Chests of Silver Clocks, Watch Bracelets, Tie Sets We extend our most cordial greetings of the season with every.for good wish Christmas W. N. COUNTER Counters for Finer Jewellery for 'Over Half a Century in Huron County rbterroatvrerbrer oyal8orerer9arfimat8rd t;ti=smtpaiatitreoma&rare•7tet8 A RED CROSS NOTES Annual Meeting will be held in the town hall on Thursday. Dec. 30th,' at 2.30. p.m. Plan to attend this imper- tant meeting,. The date scheduled for the next Mobile Blood Donor Clinic in Clinton is Tuesday, January 11th. On behalf of the Canadian Red Gross, we bone that whatever the New Year may bring, it will find us all with a stead- fast courage and an increasingpur- pose, that no sacrifice may be too great which will enable us to bring any comfort or help to our Armed Forces, wherever they may be. Our President extends to all wor- kers and members or Clinton Branch including the Units, the Compliments of the Season. Good News for Hydro Users The local Hydro Commissioners have decided to give half the citizen.; a 1O% rebate on their 1942 consump- tion the first of January; and the remainder of the citizens will re- ceive their rebate the first of Feb- ruary. This rebate is off the 1942 revenue and only residents using hydro dur- ing that year and still using it will receive the rebate. V Presentation to Bride Elect On Monday evening the neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Grigg, in honor of their dough ter Bernice whose marriage is to take place in January. The address was react by Mrs. George Carbett and Mrs, Bert White presented a beautiful coffee table, bath towel and pair of pictures: Following is the address: Dear Bernice: We have gathered here this even- ing to express our heartiest congrat- ulations to you on your approaching marriage. We hope that you will find happi- nese in your new life. Those of us who is impossible for new industries or know you at work in your profession commercial businesses to open up at appreciate fully your success as a present time due to regulations of the nurse. Wartime Prices and Trade Board. It As a token of our esteem we ask is erne there are regulations which you to accept these gifts as a re - !prohibit the opening of new business- membrance of your old neighborhood.. es without a permit from the WPTB; Bernice made a fitting reply. The but it is also true that the WPTB evening was spent in cards and bingo have and will issue permits where Prizes were.won from different gam- es by Mrs. G. Carbett, Billy Chow - en, Kay Plumptre, Ilsobel Ashton, Mrs. Radford and Mrs, Garen. Lunch was served. The New Era Est. 1867 THE HOME PAPER Christmas Hospitality More than at any other time of the year, Christmas and New Year's are the days when Canadian families gather together to celebrate and re- new the ties -of love and friendship.. At this time, too, is retold the age- less tale of Tiny Tini and Scrooge, who,finally gained, happiness in giving, happiness to others. V Your Duty to Attend the Nomination Meeting Monday, Dec. 27th. "I'm not going. I haven't been doing any complaining this year?" It is not up to ms to say whether or not this is it valid excuse for not attending the nomination meeting which will be held on Monday even- ing of next week in the Town Hall. IIowever•, if it is taken as the yard- stick, to measure the attitude of the ratepayers and only those who have not been complaining stay away, we are afraid the Town Hall will be packed that evening, We can realize that it. is impos- sible for any Council to conduct the affairs of the Town in .a manner which will be satisfactory to every- one in every way. On the other hand we feel that one can or does ex- pect the Council to be 100% perfect. The right attitude to take is to over- look the little things which affect one personally, whether they are favourable or unfavourable to the Council and to review the actions of the Council as they have promoted or hindered the welfare of the town as a whole. The Council, while they set the tax rate and collect the taxes, are not actually responsible for the spending of all the money they collect. They do however, control the destiny of the Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Heard wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Margaret Isabella, to Corporal Albert James Shmie, RC- AF., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Shore, Goderich. The marriage will take place quietly the end of December.„ Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Grigg . of Clinton 'announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Reatha Ber nice, to Leading Aiecraftman Ken- neth Charles Cooke, RCAF of Aylmer younger son of Mr. and Mrs.. C. V. Cooke of Clinton. The marriage wilt take place early in January v Free Show Today for the Children As guests of the Clinton Lions Club all public school children from town anis from sixteen school sections in the country, and preschool age childrenwill wx 1 be treated to a free picture show in the Roxy Theatre Thursday (today) afternoon, Decem- ber 23rd. The picture is a comedy, "Who Done it?" starring that fun teats, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, The matinee will commence at three o'- clock and if there is a large crowd of children, two shows will be shown, Scarcity of war -time sweets has made it impossible for Santa Claus to greet the Clinton- children this year. V MILITARY NEWS W. O. Harold Seeley, who has been stationed at Ottawa for some time has been transferred to Lethbridge, Alta., and promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer, first class. Pte., Kelso B. Street, RCOC Halifax N. S., is home on leave. Flying Officer William F. "Blon- town as it is their attitude which cite" Cook is Dome on a month's fur - meets with the approval or otherwise lough after serving in the RCAF as of every prospective business estab- a fighter pilot for nearly- two years. lishment, which contemplates coming Mrs. Gordon Craig has received to Clinton. Has the Council taken the word that her husband, Trooper right attitude? Have they -been ag- Craig is with the 2nd Arm'd Regt., gressive in taking the initiative in the in the Mediterranean. past? We know that many will ons- Flying Officer and Mrs: Thomas o'er these questions by saying that it Cooke, Eastern Canada, are expected for Christmas at his parent's home, that of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke. Bob Nesbit, of Blyth, who was n recent enlistment in the army at Lon- don, was employed by Mr. J. B. Lavis before enlisting. Mrs. Steve Cordell of Stratford has been advised that her son, Pte. Don- ald Cordell, has been wounded hi ac- tion in Italy while serving with the Royal Canadian Regiment. His father, Sgt. Steve Cordell, who also went ov- AMONG THE CHURCHES Wesley Willis Church The Mother's Study group will meet at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Jervis Isaac Street, on Tuesday evening, December 28th, at eight o'eloek. V St. Paul's Church of England Christmas Services Christmas Eve — 1.1 p.nt. Choral Communion. Christmas Day 10.00 a.m, Holy Com- munion. Sunday 10.00 a,m. Sunday School. 11.00 a.m. Morning Service follow- ed by Holy Communion sermon: Make every day Christmas. 7.00 p.m. Carol Service. No Sermon. Wednesday: 7,30 p.m, Board of Management. Thursday: 4.30 p.nt. Mid Week Service . 8 pan. Meeting of S.S. Teachers and officers at Mrs. H. Tull's home. Evangelistic Centre The centre of Evangelism where theBible rspreaead from Over to cover, Old fashioned gospel songs are sung, which are inspiring and uplift- ing. You will enjoy the service and receive a hearty welcome when you come. Sunday 8.30 p.m. Pastor Ford, is speaking on the subject, "The Jour-' It is YOUR duty to attend the nom- ination of Life"'. Be sure and don't miss It meeting on Monday evening next and listen to your old council there is a need for the service to be given or where the war effort will be assisted by the granting of the permit. Another duty which evolves on the Council is the upkeep of the Town— the roads, the sidewalks and the pub- lic buildings. Does the record of the Council in this regard meet with your approval? Have they taken the Holiday Hours At The Post ! Flying Officer `Blondie" Office Cook Welcomed Home The usual holiday boues'will be oh- servee on Christmas Day at the post. tffice. The wicket will be open from 11,00 to 1150 a.m. and from 2.00 to 2.30 p.m. v Trousseau Tea. Mrs. George Howson, of Medicine Hat, Alta., entertained r•eeently' at a delightful trousseau tea for her daughter, Miss Dorothy Howson, a - bride -elect of this. season. Sprays ' of Autumn shaded '.cluysantheniunts de- corated the large living -roost, where the hostess and her daughter received the guests. Tea was served from an attractive lace -covered table with centrepiece of pink and while car- nations, Mrs. J. J. Nott invited the guests to the tea room and those pre- siding were Mrs. W, E. McCombs, Mrs. C. W. Richardson and Mrs. L. Cook, assisted by Miss Bernice Cook. The gifts were shown by Mrs. Custer - son. Horne Inmates Suffer Majority of the 100 inmates of the Huron County Monte for the Aged al .Clinton as well as the staff are suffering from of have recovered from influenza, which has claimed the life of one inmate. Dr. W. J. Shaw, of_Clinton, the house physician reported last Thursday. ' Harry Muir, 73, a native of Goder ich who lived most of his life in Chicago, and who was admitted to the home three months ago, died of the disease. The man, who returned to Goderich 10 years ago, has no known relatives. Dr. Shaw said the influenza is of a mild nature. On Saturday night, the members or the recently formed committee and a large group of interseted citizens gathered in the Clinton Town Hall, to• welcome home F/0 W. Cook, more, popularly known to everyone as "Rion - die, who is the son of Mr, and Mrs - W. J. Cook. A few weeks ago it was learned that his family had received' word that his plane had become disabled: over enemy territory and that he had: been forced to bale out. After sev- eral weeks of waiting and suspense word was received that "Blondie" was safe in Gibraltar. Mr. Jack Butler acted as chairman and called on Mayor A. J. McMurray for introductory remarks, in which he expressed his pleasure in being able to extend a welcome home to P/0 Cook, who left home over two years ago as a member of the RCAF. Since that time he has had many varied :and exciting experiences Mayor Me - j, Murray stated that his most fervent wish was that all the lads could conte home as he 'had done. In conclusion, Time to Vote Mayor McMurray assured WO. Cook„ that he joined all his fellow citizens Elections in Clinton will shortly be . , held. There are indications that them expressing their pleasure at his electors are waking up to the fact safe return home, and only hoped he that in recent years their represents. could have a longer stay at home. fives have always been chosen bye Mayor McMurray then presented F/0 minority, and frequently by a minority Cook with a package of cigarettes. of a minority, for the simple reason. WC Cook replied in a few word', that the majority will not bother belle a rather shy lad, saying he was themselves to vote. There has often gla1 to be home and thanked everyone been no correspondence whatever be for the welcome and the gift. tween the views of the elected rep- A few of the citizens, who have resentative and those of a very large know F10. Bill Cook well, since he majority of his (or her) constituents. ;was a little lad, spoke briefly, Dr. It is entirely democratic and proper Shaw spoke first, saying he was glad for a town to have a Socialist conns;to have hint -safe home, as the time til if that is what n rea] majority of of waiting had been a severe worry 'ea its voters want. It is neither demo- his family and friends and trust have erseas wit lithe Perth, is still in Brie cratie nor proper for it to have a seemed a long time to himself, anti tain, he was a former resident of Clin Socialist council if that is what less;wished hiin good luck for his future.. tan and started the printing trade in than a quarter of the electors want,' Mr. G. H. Jefferson, principal o£' the New Era Office. and that has commonly been the case I the Public School recalled some of The News -Record invites items for in recent years. Bill's school days, saying that to him: this column with reference to the he was not F/0 Cook but the boy,. V who sat in the third seat fioni tha- ;front, This brought a look of anrusedr Women's Institute 'surprise to the guest of honour, Mr, • ting of the Wo- • Jefferson remembered that Bill was mee men and women ib uniform, Doings of proper steps to maintain these var_ members of the forces which other. loos things in the proper manner? wise would never eome to the atter- Here again the war effort must be tion of the newspaper reporters can taken into consideration and as little be recorded with the assistance of new construction as possible under. taken until after the war; but the lea- ders of our country have said time guar a member group a of a u of boys who et, or friends of the boys and men's Institute was held last Thursdaty that time, of gro tired in devising: girls, Help snake this column the afternoon in the Agrieultural Board I all sorts of mischief and vex„ clever- most interesting in the paper. rooms. It opened with the ode, the and again that they fully approve and L.A.C. Lloyd Fulford has been Lord's praper and the singing of "0 ly extricating themselves-, He used endorse a full program of mainten- transferred to Lethbridge, Alta. Canada," The roll call was answered (this same talent recently in freeing ance. George Rumball, R.C.N.V.R.. of by a Christmas greeting. The minutes himself from an unwholesome situn- The indications of a cessation of Orleans, Que., is home op a month's of the last meeting were read and ap tion. In conclusion, Mr. Jefferson hostilities within the next year and furlough and will report back in prover;. The treasurer reported and all swished him continued good luck and a Quebec City on January the sixth. safe return 'coir, Stewart Freeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Freeman, Huron Road East, a return to-nornmal.times snakes it sell1 nxore imperative that the rate- payers should elect a strong Council for 1944. In the period of re -adjust- ment following the war many look for a great industrialexpansion in Can- ada. If Clinton is to be ready to take past in this expansion, preparations should be undertaken at once, Other municipalities have been working along these lines for months past. While this night not be _a job which should be left to the Council, it is a job to which the Council should give leadership and assistance. Whether or not you say: "I have- n't been doing any complaining this ye r.n you should show your inter- est hi the welfare of the Town on Monday night. The Clerk and Treasurer has pre- pared a lengthy financial report which should be read by every voter, and can be seen at the Clerk's office, this. Thursday 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible study. Friday 7:30 p.m. Special for the children. A surprise for each child who attends. Children love the gos- pel stories, Mothers, so why not let them come? give an account of its work last year and if there are any new aspi- ants, hear what they have to say for themselves, Also, every voter should feel the res- ponsibility of their franchise anal vote ton Monday, January the third. bills were presented, and on motion of 14Irs, Sbobbrook, seconded by Mrs,; Mr; E. A. Fines, principal of the G. Jervis, that same be paid. Mrs. Clinton Collegiate Institute, spoke of is hone from the Island of Kiska in Sturdy the finance convenor, reported his pleasure in seeing him safe home the Arctic in the capture of which sending sixteen gifts to boys in Can- tlefter his "tour of Western Europe."' participated along with the Cana- ado for Christmas, the boys overseas Mr. Fines invited F/'O Cook to visit dian troops. The island is described having been looked after last month, the Collegiate and' give a little •talk as a barred, desolate place and it is Mrs. Cudntore reported sending flow- to the students. reported that the Canadians have now err to shut-ins. The war work conven- l We would have liked' an interview been evacuated. or, Mrs, Glazier reported 42 articles with F/0 Cook, but there are so many Judge T. M. and Mrs. Costello, God- knitted this month, Miss Brigham ask- questions that cannot be asked him, mien are in receipt of official notifi- ed for used clothing for the Red because at present, they are secrets cation that their son, Sgt. Terry, Cross to be given to Russian Relief. between him and the military author teas killed in action. He was reported Five dollars was voted to the Sick ities. What we would have asked tine missing some weeks ago. Not'only the Childeen's Hospital Punct 9iiss Brig -'shy young officer, was some"informa- fantily, but the community generally ham moved that Mrs, Lavis and Mrs. tion of his experiences in the RCM' feel keenly the loss of a promising Verner be representatives from the before his last eventful action against Welcome Hosie Citizens W totheC s I enemy. i - tin • life. W.the net Hewill have a fund of in - Pilotg eY. Pilot Officer John Holland, RCAF, Committee, recently formed,. Christ- teresting stories of exciting eta, has come from Sumneeside, P.E.I., to mas carols interspersed the following spend a iwo week's furlough at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Holland, St. George's Cresent, Goderich. He will report at Debert N. S., at the conclusion of his leave. F/0 Frank Vines, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Vines of Goderich, and some years ago known as Canada's young- est flyer, is now stationed at Gibral- tar, according to cards and letters received: in Goderich. Last heard of him was that he was flying a Catalina flying boat off the Atlantic coast run- ning down German U -Boats. program with Mrs. Hearn acting as pianist; The Christmas Message was very ably given by Flight -Lieutenant Floyd, padre at RCAF Station Cllr.= ton. The audience felt that it was was the best Christmas message over given in the hall, and was greatly ap- preciated. Miss Brigham gave ix paper oncurrent events. Two readings by Mrs, George Falconer. Mrs. Mc- Kinley moved the vote of thanks to all taking pact, and following the singing of the National Anthem, lunch was served by Mrs. Lobb and her group. plods. Everyone rentemlbers . "Blondie" Cook as a nsentber of the Clinton Lions Juveniles Tears, who only a few years ago won the Juvenile Hockey Championship of Ontario, and that• most of his team mates are also stele "ingfor victory by serving intbe var- ious branches of His Majesty's Arm- ed Forces. The co-operation of the lads onthe hockey team brought them, victory and we know, now, that their present co=operationwill bring a vic- tory with greater honours than be fore..