HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-12-09, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Call and See OUR DISPLAY OF PYREX AND FLAME WARE A Full Line of Glass Cups and Saucers White and Green Electric Hot Plates, Irons, Toasters, Heating Pads, And Curlers CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS AND LIGHT SETS One Used Cook Stove $20.00 SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING 1Y ELECTRICIANS PROMS 147*. CLINTON, ONT. Sn..1.9 'iattinmt2t mia,:azintarnavrLefainivntatahmA tairalarnont` taan `.`mmatarai.FaMOD averdtdaMotstdacslelt?`'.(,''!,6m6+a"R{g'.2i6!R,'.G'.0-'k`, :stat'{ mdism, e.-widialele-td:Vete--Into C"�,P' id j { LATE .SHIPMENTS Delivery of Fall .and Christmas Merchandise has been very slow. Many lines that should have been here in September are only now coming in stock and many lines still stand on the "Promised List." We urge you to shop now. You may net be able to get every- thing you need but we will try and give you some idea when we will have these goods and we will be delighted to have you call again. We have a splendid showing of Men's Ties, Chirts; Sox, Sweaters, Slippers, Mufflers, Gloves etc. and are adding new lines almost every day. k Shop Now and Shop Often MEN'S OVERCOATS—Do not put off having a look over our stock of Overcoats as our stock is very completein sizes to 46 and our prices are very seasonable. SEE OUR NEW FALL HATS—FINE FUR HATS AT $3.95 Buy Quality Shoes at Plumsteel Bros. 5 A • Some outstanding books of the year from which to choose that Special Gift. S0 LITTLE TIMEI John P. Marquand No. 1 Best seller in All Am- erica! BOUGHS BEND OVER M. P. French! This year's Canadian Best! Seller STAND ON A RAINBOW M. Q. Innes The Canadian Mrs. Miniver Story. We also have: Hungry Hill; Incorrupt- ible; In Bed We Cry,; Mak ta Spitfire; Paris Under- ground; The Robe. As well as children books to suit all readers. de G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" Amor /bile -- Adam Sats fbeett & McHale Shwa for Idea Areata Tip Top Tailors. + gla ata:oialarVramat tVar n`?m`ilia remain 2ra,-2tsawaafaratrr�r malar rs rasamn:taiatl iNatA Wesley -Willis W.A. gave the secretary's report and also read several thank -you letters. Mrs. ate December meeting of the W.A. Neilans then presented the treasurer's of Wesley Willis Church took the report which showed the W.A. had a form of a "Christmas Party" on the very successful year. afternoon of the second—The Presi- It was decided to remember all dent, Mrs. Paterson was in the chair "shut ins" at Christmas time. Mrs. —Mrs. Agnew was pianist. ,Fox then took the chair for the elec- The church hall was prettily dee tion of officers for the corning year: orated in the Christmas colours of Hon. President, Mrs. Ward; President red and green, and carols were sung Mrs. J. Stevenson; 1st vice President at intervals. IMrs. Shaddock; Secertary, Mrs. Mrs. W. Jervis read the .story of Streets, Treasurer, Mrs. Neilans; So - the birth of the Saviour from the 2nd:`dal Committee: Mrs. Ward, convener chapter of St. Luke's gospel, and assistants Mrs Axon and Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Addison offered prayer. I Quilt Committee, Mrs. Shaddock A. short business meeting was cwt- convener, assistants, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. ducted when the secretary—Mrs. G LStreer, Miss Stirling and Mrs. Miller, and the treasurer, Mrs. Oakes' Streets. gave their reports, Mrs. McKinley I Visiting Committee: Mrs. Roberton took the chair for the election of of- and Mrs. Snider and the other mem- ficers.A hearty vote of thanks was hers when possible. tendered to those retiring. Mrs. Fox then outlined the work A programme Mrs. C. Hoare play- that all these committee's meant in ed a piano solo—which was much en - and keeping up the work of the church joyed. Mrs. Jefferson read a beauti- ful and hoped the coming year would be story "The well of the Star:' by just as prosperous financially as the Elizabeth Goudge, and Mrs. M. Nedi- one just closing, ger sang "Ohrist is born in Bethle-1 The new president Mrs. Stevenson list," vena sweetly. then took the chair and spoke a few 'words, thanking the W.A. for electing The Mizpah benediction closed the her as President, and hoped we would meeting. Supper was served to a all help her, in het_work in the com- large number from 5 to 6.30 at tables ing year, after which Mrs. Stevenson gay with red centrepieces and cand- closed the meeting by prayer and the les. singing of God Save The King.. A The list of officers follows: Hon, very dainty lunch' was served and President, Mrs. Lane; President, Mrs. an exchange of Christmas Cards Paterson; 1st Vice President, Mrs. M. brought the afternoon meeting to a Nediger, 2nd vice President, Mrs. close. McKinley; 3rd 'Vice President, Mrs. V J .P. Manning; Rec. See., Mrs. Jeff- It; Was Not Like ersen; Treasurer, Mrs. Finland; Cor. Sec. Mrs Adams; Press Sec Mrs. A. T. Cooper; Pianist, Mrs. Hearn; As-. The weather man has done a won- sistant Pianist, Mrs. Charlesworth; derful jub so far this, shall we say Communion, Mrs. Laidlaw; Manse, fall or early winter. Sometime ago wo had a spell of snow and cold and it appeared that we we"c in for an: other long winter such as we had last year. But that snow mostly disappear- ed and since then we have had a mt. t Indian summer conditions. Yesterday, it was raining while a year ago the roads were blocked and the temper- ature did a dive that was about zero and a few days later it was well be- low zero. This mild spell has short- ened the winter considerably and if it continues will be a ;;`eat help, as it already has, in the conservation of fuel which is to ta tvci'hsicvaesyea fuel which is sovital this season.. v BOXING DAY" Monday, Deoem- 148 after which, the Lord's Prayer ber 27th will be observed as a civic was repeated iii unison. Mrs. Streets 'holiday this year. This a Year Aga Mrs. Pickard; Look Out, Mrs. Epps; Kitchen, Mrs. Saville; Flower, Mrs. Ohowen, Mrs R. E. Manning; Work, Mrs, VanHorme, Mrs. Pinning; So- cial, �Shipley, Mrs, Livermore; era] Mrs.- S p Y, Visiting, Mrs. A. Seeley; Programme Miss W. O'Neil; Group Leaders, Mrs. Andrews; Mrs, Nelson, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. J. Nediger. V Presbyterian W. A. The regular monthly meeting . of the W .A. was held at the home of Mrs. E. Ward on Wednesday after- noon December 1st. with a large attendance. The President' Mrs. Ward opened the meeting by reading psalm Illm11110i m ; ,nupufoc'�li ' ll _1LW�ui_ lig Miss Fanny Levis of London was a week end visitor at her home in town. WESLEY WILLIS YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Invite you to 'loin then in singing CHRISTMAS CAROLS In the Church Auditorium W EDNESr1A,Y, DECEMBER 1501 at 8.15 p.m. Special features will be solos, male quartette from the Radio School and mixed quartettes. There will be a silver collection. 74-1 NOTICE The Rest Room has recently been re -decorated and put in good condi tion. Will those using the rooms please keep it clean and refrain from defacing walls and furniture. By Order of Law, 74-1 Chief Constable. PLANTS 1' AND CUT FLOWERS Cyclamen, Cherries, Ferns, Pots of Mums in Bud and Bloom, are av- ailable for attractive gifts.. Paper White Narcissus g bulbs, 3 for 26e Try a few in a bowl and enjoy watching therrb grow. They will bloom • in a few weeks. CUT FLOWERS MUMS and ROSES Feed your plants with q Fertabs. Spray with Blackleaf 40 and have • healthy plants • F. R. CUNINGHAME THURS., DEC. 9, 1943; VALUES FOR DECEMBER 10th and 11th VAN CAMPS' QUICK SERVE QUICK QUAKER Beans, 2 pkgs 27c' Oats, pkg 21c ,QUAKER QUICK RED & WHITE TABLE Macaroni, 2 Pkgs 25c Salt, 2 pkgs. 15c COFFEE, Red and White, %lb pkg. 23c—lb pkg. 430 Member of Florists Tel Del. As. Personal care given every order 5 and special attention given to £ Funeral Orders. Huron Pensions Board a Recommends Increases The Huron County Old Age .Pen- Bions and Mothers' allowances Board met Thursday, afternoon with the chairmen, William Archibald of Tuck- ersmith presiding. Other members pre- sent were : John L. McEwan of Wrox- eter, R. J. Bowman of Brussels, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha Clinton, and Mrs. F. R. Redditt, Goderich. Six applications for old age pen- sions and one for mother's allow- ance were dealt with, 'and two old age pensioners were recommended for increases. • V Evening Auxiliary of W. W. The evening auxiliary of Wesley Willis United Church held their De- cember study meeting on Thursday, eevning last, at the home of Miss Rudd, with 16 present. The meeting opened with the singing of hymn 50 followed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- Son. • The secretary's report was read and approved, The roll call was respon- ded to, by each repeating a verse or thought on Christmas: The tree - Miss Greta Taylor of London was a surer gave her report. A slate of week end visitor at her home in officers was presented and they are town. as follows:: Hon, Pres. Miss Rudd; President, F. Shipley; 1st. Vice Pres. Miss Leola Nott of Guelph spent the Ii. Nediger; 2nd Vice Pres. E. McGuf- LEMONS, Sizes 300's fin; 3rd Vice President, D. Match; 3 For Rec. Sec. F. Higgins; Press Sec. E. GRAPE. FRUIT size 1 Beattie; Temp. Sec A. Jervis; Treas. 3 for Grace Addison; Supply Com, Miss Davis, V. Nelson; Con. of Community CRANBERRIES Friendship, Mrs. Britton; Pianist J. Pound Phone 176 and 31 ate'` 30128210Z-om-2r2101273^rWir 't2amD'r-t«YDa. Superior Store PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR December 9, 10, 11 QUICK QUAKER OATS Large package COWAN'S COCOA, 1 Pound Tin NABOB COFFEE L. pound bag AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE Flour pkg. OXO CUBES 10s pkg. INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls NUTRIM BABY CEREAL 9 ounce Package ROMAN MEAL Package SANT FLUSH Tin BIG FIVE CLEANSER, Tin JAVEX Bottle SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA 2 packages ]le 19e 24c 45c 15c 25c 25c 29c 290 29c i— CELERY TOMATOES — LETTUCE - RADISHES — GREEN' BEANS—SWEET POTATOES—MUSHROOMS —GRAPES YOUR CHOICE '20c Ib. GARDEN • FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SNOWFLAKE MIX WITH COFFEE Ammonia, pkg 5c Appletine, Pkg 21e 5, PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON n� J"7a"z"5Pr"d,`3tit.Y,�7-9}i3tc333roty°v"tr9ti?I�a4�r2:oYi3i�:r5ma;t$'r`3't2i:�.=a",'i �r1`�:a:u 9i'u7��iir+�'r�r`l1F`J•�e72F`�•iiDii. a'e3.,' .k, a yf-v-we>? ' wetmcg w.i'{g'avoctax-retch`.et.E;te! teoc or +a 'owa'ei1s sn fl3 FLORIDA. .216's JUICY WASHED ONTARIO Oranges, Dozen 45c Carrots, 3 lbs 1,3c CALIFORNIA 360's JUICY LOCAL PEPPER Lemons, Dozen 35e Squash, 2 for FLORIDA 112's JUICY Grapefruit, 3 for 20c ° 5 23c CHOICE LOCAL' 4' Turnips, 3. lbs 10c C. M. SHEARING 0.§ 5 50 15c week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nott, High Street. Miss Edith Leppington of London spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ball and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bali spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Campbell at Holyrood. Miss Eva Stevenson of Toronto is visiting" her sister, Mrs. Cuning- hame and nieces, Miss F .R. Cun- inghame and Mrs. 1I. E. Rorke. Miss Phyllis Manning, student at Un- iversity of Western Ontario, spent last week end in town with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 3. Percy Manning. Mr. Robert Vodden accompanied by his sister Mrs R. Scott of Londes- boro spent the past week in Toron- to with their sister and brother- in-law Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Nim - mo. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harvey and son Bill and Mrs. A. Cousins of Flint, Mich., were week end visit- ors at the home of the latter's sis- ter, Miss S. Watkins and other re- latives. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson' and daughter, Mrs. Charles Tiitson of pray., Christmas Carols wree sung Pickering and Mr. Fred Lawson of throughout the service. A social half Toronto visited at the home. of Mrs. hour was enjoyed at the close of the William Lawson, Huliett- and other meeting. friends, over the week end. t V , WOMEN IN RAIL WORK ARE DOING FINFJ JOE "The spirit with which women are entering into the railways jobs is magnificent and they have proven their ability' to successfully take in many of the important operatic? a, some of thorn heavy ones." R. Q. Vaughan, Chairman and President of the .Canadian National Railways told a reporter during the occasion of a recent visit to Stratford. This city is an important railwaycentre and is, th e scene of a busy motive power shop which handles many units of the sys- tem locomotives. Mr. Vaughan vas Atlantic crossing, and Trans -Canada returning from a meeting of rail- Air Lines flights represented. approx way executives held across the borrd_ :mately 5,600 miles. er and he .said that women had per- formed excellent service in all rail- ways on the continent by stepping in Motion pictures• are shown nightly tofill positions of men who had en to Canadian Army troops in the Med- listed in the armed forces of both iterranean Area with as many as five countries thousand men at a showing. Livermore. It was moved and seconded that we hold our January meeting on the 3rd Thursday of month Jan 20, as usual, but to consider in the meantime a change of date for future meetings. The offering was received with' offer- tory for byPres. I. Bruce. Y The President then introduced a Candlelight Service; and the pianist played verses of hymn 240 intersper- sed with scripture verses read by President. Each were handed a candle. The President light a candle on the centre table representing "the Light of the World," Then 4 members nam- ely. F. Shipley, D. Muteh, E. Beattie, and H. Nediger representing mission- aries of the Christian Church; lighted their candles at the "Light of the World." In turn these 4 members passed their light to the other them bels symbolizing the carrying of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all lands. At the close of the meeting the group was called to follow this light as only true guide into that New World of peace and. brotherhood for which to V AIR TRAVEL IS SPEEDY TO NAVIGATOR'S HOME Here is an example of speedy air travel. Squadron Leader D. S. Flor- ence, DEC., now serving as a naviga. tor in the Atlantic Sedvice' operated by Trans -Canada Air Lines for the Canadian Government, not long ago reached his home in Edmonton just 2..hou s after North r of er leaving a. N h Brt- tish airport—and only 37 hours were spent . in travelling, times down at Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, North Bay, Winnipeg, Lethbridge and Cal- gary making up the remainder. The air distance covered hi the trans. 2s 110 19c 49c CALIFORNIA GRAPES Pound 23c TOMATOES Pound 25c 1, fl, HflMPSON Week End Specials At Johnson's Grocery 2 Pkgs QUAKER MACARONI ..25c 7 lb Bag PURITY FLOUR .... 27c 5 Ib bag PURITY QUICK OATS 27c 1 can St. John ;FINNAN HADDIE+ 35c 1 can SEA-LECT MACKERAL ..35c 1 Pkg. Kellogg's. CORN FLAKES 8c 1 Basket (11 qt) SPY APPLES 65c 1 Pkg. RINSO 24c 1 Pkg. QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT 100 GOLD MEDAL COFFEE 3 lb,. 23c 1 lb 43c 1 Pkg. DENINSON'S PAPER NAPKINS 15c 1 lb Tin COWAN'S COCOA25c 1 Pkg. VITA -B CEREAL 10c & 25c 3 Cans. Aylmer INFANTS FOODS 25c 1 Can INSTANT POSTUM 550 FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES 2 GI';.APE'FRUIT, 70s 19c (Marshseedless) W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. Christmas Dance Will be held under the auspices of The Red. Cross. Society of C.C.I. on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th In the Collegiate Auditorium Music by Alf Tibbs and his Orchestra. Admission: 75 cts 73-2 Showing a New Line of Furniture Including a Beautiful Dining Room Suite, Bedroom Suites, Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Char's FOR CHILDREN A grand assortment of Baby's Cribs and. Mattresses, Prams, Folding Carriages, Runners for Carriages Doll Cabs, Extension Gates and Swings. BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE vi Phone 110 Phone 103 V. Store Phone 195 i4 55 4 farvadaararr t«taingaaiaaainialsoMroma:-"3rat.`Stair•am'`vm`ar`dt2tttt`a}didn^iL`ltd'r mlldiMir'llra ` iSin!t taialaa1 ¢,tQ`'.u"t€'"P,r,G���.`,t�tf�'BtRt..g'wt'A�..dty�.'s�:'�i+�tGi,^,t@ism-tHiPmA,t+7.r.F,!tns�tw'l.".{C�t. &�Ka✓. 6 December 9 to 11 TODDY 1 Pound Tin 45c ROSE BAKING POW- DER, 17c, 1 lb Tin RAINBOW NOODLE SOUP', 2 pkg, 21c LOOSE COCOA Pound 19c SPECIAL FLO-GLO Self Polishing Wax 45c qt btle. il COWAN'S COCOA JUNKET POWDERS l 11b Tin 23c Asstd. flavors 2 pk 25c Al GOLD MEDAL COFFEE lb pkg. 43c; % lb pkg. 23c' JAVEX 15c a Bottle OLD! DUTCH CLEAN- SER, 2 Tins 23c LOOK— Brodie's Self Raising Cake Flour 25c pkg. MACARONI 4 1b 25c Quick QUAKER OATS with Tumbler 29c CROWN BRAND Mixed' Tea 69c lb QUAKER Best Yellovd Corn Meal 12c pkg. SANI-WHITE Toilet Tissue 4 Rolls 25c POST'S BRAN Flakes 2 Pkgs. 21c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 19c LB. OiTaI Lftbb Grotci' FREE DELIVERY ,....E.,..,.,.,,,.........,,,..........,,..:.... ,.. t it.�t..t.44K-m.-.t€tCt.. tit ± tP.....&1E;t....,- IPmop NOW AND mux You want' the finest in gifts for your friends. Why; • not stop in and buy now while our selection ,i8 ata its best. You can purchase from our stock somethifig • foil • every member of the family. This year give gifts that will last, We still have one second hand cook stove on' the floor. It maybe the one you. were•lookifg for..,. just . Hawkins Hardware 'NiLONE 244 '6-`sMaiabMaia:imainimstow`staiinditdm3r.r,°iaram"s 911:'Y.+1..."; .114ansda`anraP,IL. a,'X. Z.21 d!'r4 ,,; PLUMBING AND HEATING •