HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-11-25, Page 6THURS., NOV. 25, 1943
"WE MUST BEWARE of trying to
build a society in which nobody
counts for anything except a
politician or an official, a society
where enterprise gains no reward,
and thrift no privileges."
The Rt. Hon: Win,+tonChurchill.
It is the natural desire to make your own way, as far
as your ability will take you; an instinct that has
brought to this continent the ighest standard of life
enjoyed by any people on. earth. It is the spirit of
democracy on the march.
Mr, and Mrs Win. Maus of Hullett
spent Sunday with the ratter's moth-
er, Mrs. Annie Doyle. •
Me. Stewart King of Toronto spent
the week end with his ..other, Mrs.
Russell King.
Miss Francis Houston of ICitchetter
was a week end visitor with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Houston.
Mr. James Jackson is spending a
few days in Toronto with his mother
and sister Miss Margaret Jackson,
who •tee regret to say is under the
Doctor's care ,
Miss Margaret King, who was a
patient in Clinton Hospital returned
home last Saturday.
141r. and Miss Young of Woodstock
visited Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Beadle on
Sunday, Mrs, Carrie Armstrong, who
has spent the summer with Mr.' and
Mrs, Beadle returned home with
SI' .Relit Gnn:l at' C nettle % le 1}.-
it}1..g' 3Tr. and Mrs. Wellington Good.
The I :"1.'J held their ne iley
tna ' it. the Sunday School rttoam
on Sunday evening. The meeting wry,
in charge of Mr'. Stanley .Tu n toll
aped 11•'ti:s, 1'/114}n0 .Tr,hnston. I',11ovvit!'1
the opening Myonn the script:e e '.vas
rev.:' r+'tii"le Rohe tei n rt:t.
o. -sir^•. 1 , Jur. I:.ti hbc•. r'.end-
inat, wc•r[ eir di) h 1larie Bwithi'v
and ,roan Killen,: -T1 and Foie,: v,,-,
tet^ 1 by lir t!' -t T1 t •1.11
insirumein ol.
an—Z f 1 tine i.dtn4ton end Stewart
Tn} :•m•1 a duet. The topic was =riv-
c:} i neer;`.• flail' lie and the r`t'fcr-
Tt1 involve; was closed by the M}..
pn'} benediction,
T) r 1'nrrsl( Ir•r)t a's fill :1
eale,chy Friday vi 4:t for 11, ..
ee1't y.no.tvoretl l,R• tltr 'n','.'
no entire proceeds t i
tht• Oversea • Box- Fund,
13 l C. 'Weir. v:a chairman fn'
1 Il.n in 'ram, gni''. Mr,
t 11.4 ,c«. or iiky ITarbor. II'u
311,(1:2P. v',1.:, C,vraon Ttp.•loi•. Birt
%) r t; W J ;k L71.1t1 with `.nit-
... 1. n„•a 1 dt' dee! Zits, Ta.
•1.1:Betty C7•t•,r. vr^lin +1+trr�lmis,.
!ll r 112, Bruce 1'•ly'h. Reariitr, 'Rev.
Mr McKaye, Godcrich, tap d.n c.t;t*
T. y(1 lion Pattie. Sky }Turbo?, IMIr,
McGee. ic•l in contm'tni:,^
Two p?lrivti^ shorn -r,,. \yore
. ,.,c,., "10-0 t•.l.<tt, Re‘,. T1
,�y]t<t.• ,;ACs , ?'cit' remark'±. k4pi01:11
frr ^c, or 111^ evert}ng ,vas a c;raty
mach on a (milt which was made awl
donde/ ht• tilt- Tarred Woods. and
an elect`'` f<•nco donated by Nelson
Matarty, itt 1't^h tickets had been
id, The quilt tint -et, teilieee 11'.0.05
and the electric fence $36.25. Mrs,
Herb Mogridgo Presidentof the 11rc)
(7 n=.. was the winner of the quilt
while Mayor A. .1. McMn.vray of
Clinton won the electric fence. Mrs:
Arnie Willman woe the lucky lino'•,
prize, war savinr.••a stamus.
De, Weir thanl:erl nil who had taken
Part in the progr- n. The nccomnan-
is1'” were Mrs. Mrr;a).en, Mr=, R. J.
Phillips. Mrs Craig, Tla Craig tine
Vivian Straughan.
The proceeds for, the evening in-
cluded door receipts $67.05 were
1133.85. Any expenses incurred were
paid by Mrs. Jrs. Woods..
Mr .and Mks Thos Hallam Celebrates
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Hallam high-
ly esteemed residents of the village
celebrated their golden wedding anni-
versary on Thursday.
Elizabeth Ann Adock and Thomas.
Hallam were married in Lough-
brough England .on November 18th,
1893. Following their marriage they
lived in Louilibrough for four years -
where Mr. Hallam was employed on
the railway. later they took up farm-
ing At Leicester, England and in
1913 Mr. and Mrs. Hallam and their
five sons came to Canada. They land•
ed at Lucknow and went to St. Helens
e•here I r,•, Hallam was employed with
Mr. Frank Todd, In 1914 they moved
to (Vest 'Wawanosh where their son
Leslie resides and 25 years ago they
moved to Hullett township to ' cite
!farm whore their son Arthur resides
Time years age they retired to Au-
Our lid are regular atter utts,U
111.. lI dani was secretery treesurer
of S.S. i.o.:1 I'Inllett for 14 year,,
Thin t'nioti wa,, blest with f;ve
sons George and J e,lie of Wee). Wu -
?vanish, Ch:,rles of Ashfield, Arthur
an? .Toon of Mullett,
During the aft.ernnon M.n mu
Hallcun received many callers. lk'inte
ese,1,..,.. •,. v,,,.,.1. rrF-••$ ap-i ih rt•...
Blanch` Phillips poured tea. Later in
the arternomt, Atelier Albert 1•nt,n9
or Mr. and Mee. Arthur eTallanl
w.t • Christened by Rev IT. Sven'.
'• .\ %Awl darner was scree •I lea the
t'e one 0,
feu intimate frie'n e Tec lone;
111, n+rpt ?} clrrs•+ ^t 1 to ir,w
-''141 ?'(:111 " lightr1
o care , ,t . i;1}t , r+•t:e with 60
i,t e'n, tic tt 11 ata±d the table.
A toast to the bride b' ants irrinc,e
t o,)o o ay ii, I), km;
4,y.' ,I 11:4
n.radr<1 1}, 11. v. II Snell - -
vet. 'I'1 }e:'+1., emt0T2:. tilt. Got ," allot
."1k, on p.m. old
(La,' t" -op 1 n;," ATieut, ' ;0 ,h 1, n
neighbors and it lc±),ves ::.1.;v ,,:,en-
eat-9 i0 and were give led by ,
,.•..r;,"• . U, ., 1..'o- cosi. c.,.
0lusie by Mo1,h :: nt..—Nostra, C•, 1
,h,1,1;d:it . , t:as ('0.114 by
el.e• Earl i4se.Kuieht eeplainin„ that_
tt('- `19:: t) tt,i' 0;1:11110.i
Image furl:l^,Iltnm,, had been ••)1 eo 1 r,
r.-. .. ; ..`alit.,
ity. A golden tvcd in.; br.ok
blut. Mr. II Ilam expressed his .ppre
elation for no gifts . 1'tx rt _1100,
(use received many gifts ann nes-1
sages of c(ne'rato.iatiout during trio
clay. •
Both Mr. and 11115. Ilnllam are en-
joying good health despite their ad-
vanced age.' Mr. Hallam is 75 and
. . Hallen is 73, Mr. Hallam is very'
fond of bicycling and almost any day
you can see hint riding his bicycle. A
c=mlple of weeks ago he rode over 40
The number 1.3 has no terrors for
this worthy couple as they came to
Omelette in 1013 they were 13 days
coming across they landed 00 the;
13th day of A)n'il and Have 13 grand-,
Mr. and 14Irs. 3ealiam's' many friends
hope they inay be spared to cele-
bra,te their diamond welz ing ann:. er-
The ,Teed Cross meeting will be held
in Community Hall Thursday, Dec.
There will be quilting and a bazaar
Articles asked for are pillow cases,
Aprons, and; towels, This will be a
busy afternoon so ]adios please come
The condition of Mr. John Harvey
is not improved, we regret to report.
The play "Two County Kids" will
be put in by the Walton Young Peo-
ple in the Community Ball December
3rd sponsored by the W. A., proceed
to be used for the New Honor Roll
for our boys, who are now servingin
the war.
Mrs. Geo. Pentland and Mrs. Nixon
of the Nile visited at the hone' of
their brother, Mr, John Snell on Sun-
Mr. Millar, Stratforcl visited with
his sister, Mrs. John .Harvey and
Mr, Hativey over the week end.
Mrs. Thos Fairservice spent a few
clays at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. A. Shaddodc, Clinton.
The neighbors of No. 10 Hullett
gathered at the home of Mr. and. Mrs,
John A. Snell on Monday evening to
honour their daughter, Elva who is.
leaving shortly for Moncton. The
following. address was read by Ruth
Vodden and. Mrs. Sid Lansing and
Mrs. Elgin Josling presented Elva
with a beautiful occasional table.
Dear Elva:
We your friends and neighbors of
the tenth concession of Hullett, have
gathered here this evening to spend a
social hour with you before you leave
for your new home.
We take this opportunity of ex-
tending to you, our congratulations
and best wishes on your approaching
marriage. We regret that you are
leaving our midst 55 you have en-
deared yourself to each one of us. by
your cheerful friendly disposition
and willingness to help whenever cal-
led upon. We shall miss your sunny
smile but our loss will be a gain to
the community where you will be liv-
We :feel that we would like to
show, in a small way, our esteem for
you. We ask you to accept this table.
As you use it in ,your home, may it
ever recall happy associations with
the friends back home.
The pathway of life is. not always
email but always remember that
there is -a silver lining behind every
clout. It ie. our sincere prayer that
you 1411(1 your good husband may en-
joy the bast of health, happiness and
proeperity through a long wedded lite
Signed on behalf of the Tenth con-1
cession of Hullett, Ruth Vodden,
Beth Lansing,
I The evening was spent playing, pro-
.t,';ave. 00.114', The prize for the
aeries 90110; t1., 7115. Ed. Youngblut
For ,Every Occasion
C. V. c'S ;KE
Phones: 66w and 661
A Gadd
Poultry Market
We are in the market for large
quantities of live poultry. If your
flock needs culling let is know.
Quick service done by our electric
Egg Grading Machine•,
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
SIIADDICK—At Mrs. R. J. Patter -
son's Nursing Home, Hensail, on
Saturday, November 13th, to 'Reeve
and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick of Hensel',
a son.
itIURCH—I i Clinton Public Hospi-
tal on Friday, November 19th, to
ltIi'. and Mrs, William Murat of
Clinton, a son, (Francis Lorne).
HENDERSON — In Clinton Public
IIosgital on Saturday, November
20th, to 111r .ancl Mrs. John Hender-
son of Hohnesville, a daughter,
(Barbara Jean).
PLUMSTEEL — In Clinton Public
1Tospitai on Tuesday, November
23rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Plum -
steel, Clinton, a daughter (Effie
HALLAHAN---1n Clinton Public Hos-
pitel on Saturday, November 20th,
10 Ili-. ane Mrs. John Hallahatl of
Belgt'avo. a sort (stillborn),
,'n.• ii 4nn (4041 111 1.;i 10 •i0:1111g,
Lunch. testi thea :creed afterspend-
1 D i�ATI 7.`)
t.^lr a very harpy evening. i'OJX -- In Clinton, on Wednesday,
ti' Nrno',ttber 241h, flee+` e William i
e, of to his 84.11 year, Funeral at
y;A��fitT 4hIntr. iesiclenee, \'i:•torie street, I
Clinton, on St.tarday afternnnu,;
P, . Hard I I'ecil of 4111 i1('AF T4 November 27111. Commencing at 2
....I.:....., _. . i ,_.a.,
I c, .. 1. +. i
.xr..,_,t„s. ,no i. u..,.htn tic�tttn
.:41,' t :< .,tit ;i g v t ?I'o 11:10,1,111111/111,,, nix 'I'h+l1;1,...,(11:11,:;,•
i 1 I t t.< t etnbcr
ei g 31 :t: ->11 .,u e:a,,• meth Mr. •• v. J. : on, zree
I. 11.::voy C'htttat 1.1' Barr}s- 14 .•,ih•ed bhephcr<! formerly of
Ile, Clinton. -
' 114 'tl:t•'4''':''v }ietl wIth I
CHANT—In Clinton '`u,.'t, ,
t L t.'o + r =
i -t.., tcn.ber ..t,.h, C,t.r:c�tCe Itoin.0s
t ••, .. r f o ; .. o . Clot 'Mrs.' beloved wire of 1112 late 1
• .•.. , •aa i.t ,scat: Cft,ttt 3, 11,1in 14-4! nod year
.n,. lh. -ii. ,e,-. .'nttt z . „.k ap-
,71T C.
i., , . t: ir:n,i. c.;.0,.•tacl 1)onte in aFL>,CII—In .,t.te:t:ord .10 Sunday. Nal
,•' vc`211K':' 21.5, Oat e,400 1'tiilheit1
Mr r. ii < e1.'$ and li the son of (
]t•' Fit tea, :.1.,n ne tat lode. 1.,. and Int,+
+' t, :'. ,14 Ire Home of her Emmanuel Find: of. Cliet:,n, i11 hie f
0•• ill , lc einell. cud lIr.!' -told. year. I
..',Ice.'.14 a11.
1 i. y:l 'T t..:.1 4'' h 1.l+.1. +0 Toronto, on Tuesday, i
' e C2,:'... ± .; 1.c1:1'4"-1.afltr N3,c.:ve 2„rd. slime, Beattie, be -i
1,10411 wife of 11111 late Gem •e. Top -11 `the.: ,,,cat; 111%. £ p
ting., Itamilto,4, and t.unt of 1YIr,, g
� T i,Ic:c.:gin, 1
, Geo, B. Beattie, of Clinton, Irtt r -
h -T ' 1 :i...'ra t td tTL' Dod:;cn r't1 me
of London visited with the. lettere?, ve }n Witu'ton ccinet0ty, Friday,
'melee.. Mee. L 41spit}, on .tut•.'tiny Nevem/my 2(it}±.
j' l•(,., Cr'dek, V
Genic Smith, W. D., of the RCA: BODE 'n TOWNSHIP (
QA• ,e��,k� TOc:.Ltl 7J&7Cd1L'
Pa)rc _ 1'aj+, 1; C., is s1)c»ding al
da tvilh hrr 1010045 11Th^, nod: Council met in Hointesvillo on Nov. 1
'•tree ad -Smith end artily. 14. Mother craft :needy asked for
1 the time; grant, read and filed. Dept.
-- -V — ' of Highways sent approver.] of bylaw a
10 inerca4 the salary of road Supt. S
TUCI4. 1RS . ITII 10/0/110 t;eite101 ha.11ital notified
The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will that •the charge for indigent patients
will be $.1.00 per day instead of $8,00 a
as formerly. The tax Collector was
instructed to levy on Porter Bros,
tl'o amount, charged to Win. Alcock,
they having purchased the property. r
Accounts paid:
, Robert Welsh, sheep claim $30.00; t
News Ilosord' printing, $53.55; hIuni-
cipal World, supplies $20.$1; W. H. i
Lobb valuing sheep $1.80; John Jlar-
115, weed inspector $47.00; Reeve and
reencillors, servtee.at the board $150.
00; Chas, A. Whitely, treasurer's sal-
ary $125.00; Howard' St rdy, collector
!.'AGE 5'
Now Playing —:. Alan Ladd in
Bette Davis, Paul Luleaa, Gerald
ine Fitzgerald 'and Lucile Watson,
From the Rhine to the Rio Grande
came the - rats of the. Reids, gnaw-
ing their way into the hearts oe
the free,
—Two Features—
The terrifying drama of an RAF
Ace who 'ran the gauntlet' of
terra into the heart to the Gest-
apo, headquarters,
Now PIaying••'es"heaven Cart 'Wait"
in. Technicolor,' starring Gene.;I'ier-
ney and Don Ameche.
Sabu, Marla: Montez and Jon, Hall,
Portrayed in gorgeous Technicolor
comes the glamorous adventures
Glenn Ford, Marguerite Chapman,
and Edgar Buchanan telling• a
story of hazardous adventure out
on the perilous Pacific,
Coming — "Two Senoritas from
Chicago" and `Counter Espionage' Coming— Fred Astaire and Joan
Matinees—Sat, and Holidays at 3 Leslie in "The Sky's The Limit."
A/l% lO IfJ,.AAF® 'S
digent 18,35; Board of Health $82.30
Miss Acheson, use of house $5.00
Supt. pay roll, No. 12 $1822.15 Coun-
cil then adjourned to meet on Doc.
15, at 1.30 P.M.
Miss Elizabeth Theil of London
spent the week end with Mr. end Mrs,
J. McGuire,
Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Harrison and.
Jack Stirling of Toronto, spent the
wee kencl with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, James R. Stirling.
Miss Alice Hastings, who has been
very ill was taken to Godericlt hos-
Now Playing— "Vengeance of the
West" and `(Footlight Glamour."
Loretta Young and Alan Ladd, and.
William Bendix take us on :a jour-
ney along'the torturous Burma.
THURS.,' F1tr; & SAT.
Kenny Balcee, Patricia Morison and
Helita, a tuneful and pleasing mu-
sical hit, eeatures' 0 •sensational
skate -star,
Coming—Claudette Colbert in "So
Proudly We Hail."
I wish. to thank all my friends for
their.liendness and help; also the doc-
tors and nurses at the Clinton Hospi-
tal, during my stay there,
Ross Freeman
The family •of the late Mrs. H. B.
Chant wish to express their apprecia-
tion for many acts of kindness ex-
pressions of sympathy and beautiful
floral tributes extended by friends and
relatives during their recent sad be-
One or two rooms in whi4e]h to store
furniture. Write to Box 39W, the
News -Record, 72-2
Butter Supply Down in
Western Ontario
Reports. of a considerable decline 71-5
For Sale
Pekin ducks. $1.25 each. Cranberry
Pippin apples. $1.00 bushel at the barn
C. Lawson. R.R. 2 Bayfield 71-2
Raw Furs Wanted,
Mink, Fox, Coon, Skunk, are in good
demand get my price before selling
elsewhere. Norman East, Fur Buyer,
R,R. 1 Clinton, Phone 805r41. 71-6
We require breeding flocks all
breeds to supply us with hatching eggs
for 1944 hatching season. Flocks cull-
ed and bloodtested free. Guaranteed
premium paid, also additional hatch-
ability premium. Also turkey flocks
wanted to sppply hatching eggs, It
will pay you to write for full details
FERGUS, Ontario.
in butter production in Western
Ontario as compared with a year
ago are indicated in the summary
of the reports of creamery inspect-
ors of the Department of Agriculture
for October. Central and Eastern
Ontario, however, have been showing
a slight increase over last year'a
production, The continued growing
demand for Bled mills er,m the
For Christmas Gifts
A limited number of Nylon and
Bristlecombe Hair Brushes. Also Per-
sonal brushes, may be ordered at
Miss Winnifred O'Neils, Phone 75j.
Fuller representative, 70-6
For Sale
Good 1 1-2 storey house with new
towns and cities is expected to have bath. House in good conditon. Also
a nhateriral effect on butter Pretax -have small barn, garden and fruit trees.
tion in spite of an increase in butter- Apply to J. V. ,Mehl, Queen street,
fat (luring the last month. Clinton` Op_tf
HOW to Place Orders and disabled 1
Good prices will he paid for old
horses, to Lloyd
piled. Re hope for a speedy recovery, FOi' Feed Grains) Batkin, phone Clinton (319r14. 67-11
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sparks and fam-
ily moved to London for the winter, To purchase Western feed grains Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for halals feed. I£ dead, phone
at once, Fred Gilbert 0081.22 or Jack
Gilbert 908`21, 58-tf
Master Lob Barns, who has been .craters in Eastern Canada or in Brit -
working in the Western provinces, ish Coltunbia should place an order
returned home and reports • there are ;ish their regular feed dealer or direct
with a Prairie fanner, explains the
1,,ticutturul Supplies Board. The
grain, held at eight o'clock. Friday evening, fanner en casts and h ed]
November 20th to St Jamey Church of , hipmeut to the station neatest t
All thole in the community who are -I1• farmer whom the grain is. for.
in(.l Ck. 111
gen to attend,
good trope.
The annual business meting of
South Ec�crler can order th
lead Red Cross Unit will bee 1 n, advise the
a e ahI details
°'Phone Clinton 9071'5, 311-e-o•w
Live, old• and disabled horses and
cattle for mink feed, Elsner Trick,
t tvt 1 the Rod Cress are u1.•- Should the. I tetern or/11111511 Colrain
l is farmer dc5ive to °eta}n grain dire(.
A very succc fel ;Inure wen ]tel t in from a Prairie fanner the order sltotil
Ie...., No. I1 scIm14daitso last hri- l'`' placed direct. 'i'lre kind of grafi
the: e 4 snit,): to the 11,44514 of �r4'1 !1's
vented should he : pecifiee and i
o che: tra. Mr. Ken Merner acted as "17 cul i bo mode clear that the rain
their' 1ttana;cer. Tea, eider, :-andwichee '4, '. »a. have more that 3 per cent.
• cr;n•ee. The fernier placing. the order
:esti run;1',nu ;eel lee were old and
...trete elm be. erepared to accept t •rah
the pincte.l ±104,,,1) ! to.k;11.07, f;tc•
,, 1'0;1. ihl ore 1 + 11. nG h s rot 1:c,t. Put
1..11.0(, 1105 14'4'4'"-"''`I by i1:c S. S. 1
tae mivk) b caber ons of the
11 11441 Cross I. 11. methods give, the buyer the. benefit
1 lc; Ol,au t auA tilt:. Dost: tai of benus05 freight esei talle'0 nthe1
tl'Iiildleton of 011141 t1. ,pent Sunda,
Dominion Government . ab;idie, is
with lfr. cher bins, Fred Middleton if. h
1;1 amity.
•+hipster.. cnutplic•s with, the reesda
"lc eemelittee: 0f the Oversea:
F1n1, South Enol lied Cross recc}vcc'. O`tt are b, rlcy will be charged for
For Sale
Women's heavy serviceable brown
coat, size 38 to 40; $15, :selling for $10
also new plaid dress, size 14. $2.50.
Phone 204 Clinton, 72-1
Watch Dog Far Sale
Ten months old pee. part Coach,
with ;hart hair, black mid elite near..
Icings. Real watch dog. 1'Ioward M.
e, Crieh, MR. No 3 Scaforth, phone Cline
sI614r3, . 72-1
The following letter recently from
by the Misled. at the. 0'}1}tt;a pt•iee (or
Ted Middleton..
the cash Ipt•tco if this is lower) basis
in store at Fort William or Port
Nese 12, 1940 C.A. P.U. No 11 Arthur. Ceiling plied• aria: on oats
RCAF 1 l cents per bushel; barley 64'11
Det,: Mrs. Cooper : cents. Freight, loadingcharges, am -
mission received the ilex sen to 1 ,, mission, end war rid. insurance ants.
the overseas COm14)11450 of thei Red be paid by the buvcr.
(t+u>s anti I u•ouhi like you. to convey Tlhc (,ovem10511) as:i tattce on feed
nu' ln^tty thanks to tl)e committee ."'rain perchas05 i3 as follow.;: Per
14.1.(1 the ladies who helped to fill it. bush01 subsldv, one cent in November
Pito cent tn.;. ;trrivdcl itt eyed}lett. one-half cent in December; feet} wheat
condition stud 00019 arfici0 110111!5 payment, 8 cents pe • bushel; freight
rue tt greet Ileal of 1(1014 tine and is a sislat 01' on £earl ! kRittS ,io :t I o,.t
extremely useful the socks and rnuf- SVtlliam-Port Ai'tio,:' to 1411 points }1
In of near Clinton, aide. heard for
* ke 11.:tele truer:, painted `lark blue,
i rm1 about one foot in height by nine
feet long. Finder plc -, , phone± Ross
Scoia, Brumfield, 018.1,11 Clinton
For Rent.
Two furnished ermine with bath-
room, also private entrance. Penne
207ty for informaton. 72-2
For Sale
One 29 model A Ford, good tiros,
good running condition. Apply to
Rhone 205 Clinton. 72-2
Apples For Sale
Gooch spy apples $1.00 a bushel at
the barn in emir own hags or hampers.
Phone 910.^2”, T. R. Jenkins, R.R. 2,
Clinton. 72-3 c.o.w.
+'1;e, to break the icy blasts and the k zstern C't t d', ;114,4 front Calgary or
art ets to fill the empty spaces, Edmonton to Point; in British Catton.
Please thank Mrs, Arthur Welsh for bra. .The minimum `sin order is a
tine Airforce blue sock., incl muffle=. carload. Difference in weight between
leo the lady who knit the other pair, , on0 per cent dockage a and actual deck-
are always , a very welcome: ere` is not included in cast of ;;'rain t0
ic,ht. When one IS a long piece .from 1.11yer' After receipt of the mra}n the
Mother and las to darn them himself,'
buyer should apply to the Fends
1 my mending usually ends tip in a Administrator, •Confederation -ma .ling
«0)' uncomfortable bump, 1Ottawa. for the necessary forms for
1 cI o wish to extend 017 thanks for refund of freight and otter Dominion
he, box of chocolates I received a Government subsidies. The dory -I
nn^tle of weeks ago. meats that should be kept include: the
It helps a great deal to know original invoice or a'aopy signed by'
he people at Thome are.thinkiilg of tis 1110 50]101'; a rcecipte(1 1111 m' railway 1
boys and it makes life much happier alz7val n01100; the ;rade certificate of
n n place tike this. Thanks again _the, •grant shotvrng it is of a grade
from the bottom of my heart• established under the Canacirtee'rain
The Best regards' to all Act and does not contain over 3 per
Ted. cent 'dockage.
A mw eereine ribbon the ribbon of
Five Soldiers at Currie Barracks; the Canadian Volunteer Service Me•.•1'al
Calgary, warned they would be n100 wi11 be,awerde-lto•voltifteet='nientb'e s"
"•g out, overseas -bound, promptly of Canada's Navy, Army and Air
ought a Victory. Bondi each; donated Force who have completed 18 )ninths'
heir blood to tihe Red Cross Clinic, voluntary service.
le. held at the horse of Mrs. Howard.
Crich on 'Wednesday, December 1st,
Call. "paying of membership
ore-mo'f,1 very . euelde1119
last Tuesday evening of Harry ., S.
t ,'no.'han en the f,1101 of Bioadfoot
^• o-,. ro +^esoinn 2. Tnc'cei'smith,
where he had been employed for the
c ten -Yc+•'rs, Boni in Seaffortlh on
1 seroerr 17 1873, he had bean a
all his life. His wife, the
former Lena Kiehno, died in 1920. He
else a member of First Presbyterian
Cbterch. Seaforih. Surviving are two salary $1.00.00; R. G, Thompson, clerk•
erns, Kenneth 0f Streetsville' and: Ar- salary and: postage $189.78; Walter
.140» of Toronto. The funeral service Hicks, dog tax error $2.90; Elmer i)
'r•^5 held on. Friaav afternoon with Potter use of church shed $5.00; b
interment in Maitlanclbank cemetery. County of I•Iuren, Hospital care in t
For Salo
CitTe corded velvet skating cos-
tume, size 14, cap to match; also
man's heavy black evolved. large
size, very reasonable and both in good
condition. Apply at the News -Record
Child's tricycle wanted in good e'on-
dition. Phone 233W Clinton. 72-2
For Sale
Recently purchased beautiful all
wool tweed box coat in brown tones,
never worn. Reason for selling, Size
14-15. Reasonable price. Apply at the
News -Record. 72-2
. For Sale
Twelve pigs, 8 weeks old, Apply to
Wesley Hoggart, . Phone 22r805, R.R.
1 Clinton., 72-1
For 'Rent
Light housekeeping rooms. Apply
to Mrs, Lorne Brown, phone 367.