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The Clinton News Record, 1943-11-25, Page 5
THURS., NOV. 25, 1943 THE 'CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD .. . gym.., "WE MUST BEWARE of trying to build a society in which nobody counts for anything except a politician or an official,a society •where enterprise gains no reward, and thrift no privileges." The Rt. Hon: Winston Cliarciaf j. What is PRIVATE ENTERPRISE? It is the natural desire to make your own way, as far as your ability will take you; an instinct that has brought to this continent the highest standard of life enjoyed by any people on earth. It is the spirit of democracy on the march. ' r THE ROYAL BANK OF CANA CLINTON BRANCH . - E.'E.•PATERSON, Manager A AUBURN' Mr. and Mrs Wm. Marrs of Hullett `spent Sunday with the latter's moth- er, Mrs. Annie Doyle. Mr. Stewart King of Toronto spent the week end With Iris another, Mrs. Russell King, Miss Francis Houston of Kitchener • Was a week end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Mr. Janes Jackson is spending a few days in Toronto with his mother and sister Miss Margaret Jackson, who we regret to say is under the Doctor's etre . Miss 'Margaret King, who was patient in Clinton Hospital returne bone Inst Saturday, Mr. and i'4iss Young of Woodstocl visited Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Beadle of Sunday, Mrs. Carrie Armstrong, wh has spent the Runnier with Mr. ant t Mrs. Beadle returnee] home with then! M's. loht (. o d of Co ierich r • vie. hint; Mr, and .\Ire. Wellington Geed. li.Y.P,tT T • P," F'ii loco] their m 1n Ery •) nre..lr it 1 t, • Sunday Schon] r,,.onu •()a Sunday evening'. The lneetin :ta in charge of Mrs. Stanley •To:!n-:ton and Mrs, Elaine Johnston, Followime the opening hym'i the scripture vets reit ' ) C . • c 1' '.tai o 1 to I erar- e 1 .•d'ee' 1 y Jae. Rait ii5•r. Peed - Ing;; we''e given by Miele •il- ii;;;.e ant] loan Killen' tt and eelee , ee 1e:eft,e hr Mee. ti•,. TT• •,i: :a1 n ,'l' it,�trll1 ('ll($I. 111: r.1:151700 P_h11 ton and Stewart Toil emu.). e duet. The topic wasiv- r:, t; C era 1 1i:'11,y and the offer - lee. , it..'1 i,v f r..nt 1'nitl;hv. `1•i,.. meeting etrrxs w. s eicsc•ri 'r 1. p:1i, h m let 011. T I r 1 esti r:r Hail teas fill ,1 edea 'tu Lida n1-+rx for tlu - set- ponsor d 1 the \\'1 i ee r;- nni, The, ct t r'e prne-•o1 • tz: i• 1 the: Over ca? Ilex Fund, D D. C, \Voir wag tandem:el foe the c 11 ilrne'rant)l a , Mr., V. 1 v, e e,, of Sky Harbor, Tl'a• ,•,n• mere",k 1r•. (io1',1on Teeter, Mi. • 1,1. Weir,, :reek T11 with ._nit- .. 0.?.p�;r)beer r, (Ret 'Arlie, 1 •i rVT,l ilr.tty Con. „i' attl •,')�,..ion,, Mr, DJ, Br1'c�' 111yih, Reading:: Rev. it DIr. eKaye, Codericll. tee' :1.1,„ seen LAC Don. Petite:. Sky TTarhoe. air, lI McGee. 1c1 le cnsur:,,tnity Tun 1i tt..r'ie el) ore vt,'?!%1 rete' , heed tele. Pee.. If Snoi?, .r1v0. raw remarks. Speel:el Mr .and Mrs 'nos Hallam Celebrates Mr and Mrs. Thomas Hallam high - 1Y esteemed residents of the village eelebrateed their golden wedding anni- versary on Thursday. Elizabeth Ann Adock and Thomas] Hallam were married in Lough- brough England •on November 18th, 1895. Following their marriage they lived in Loughbrough for foto• .years where Mr. Hallam was employed on m. the railway. later they took up far mg aft Lei;eester, IGagland and in 1913 Mr. and Mrs. Hallam. and their five sons calve to Canada. They land. " ed at Ltieknow and went to St. Helens t a "herr' Mr, Heiken was employed with e d ;Mr. Flunk Todd. In 1914 they moved y Ito West \Vasvanosll where their son 10 Leslie resides and 25 years. ago they tr 11 moved to Hullett township to the t 0 farm where their son Arthur resides Three yen's ago they retired to Au- e LONDESBORO The lied Cross meeting 'will be h in Cotninunity Hall Thursday, De 20d, There will be quilting and a baza Articles asked for are pillow case Aprons, and towels. This will be bury afternoon so ladies please co early. The condition of Mr, John Harve is not improved, -We regret to repot The ,play "Two County Kids" wi be put in by the Walton Young Pe ple in the Community Hall Deeemb 3rd sponsored by the W. A, proceed to be used for the New Honor Ro for our boys, who are now serving i the war. Mrs, Geo.. Pentland. and` Mr.'s, Nix' of the- Nile visited at the home o their brother, Mr. John Snell on Sur day. Mr, Millar, Stratford visited wi his sister, Mrs. John Harvey an Mr. Harvey over the week end, Mrs. Thos Fairservice spent a fe days at the home 'of her daughte Mrs. A. Shaddock, Clinton, - Presentation The neighbors of N. 10 Hullet gathered at the home of Mx. and Mrs John A. Snell on Monday evening t honour their daughter, Elva who i leaving shortly for Moncton. Th following address was read by Ruth Vodden and Mrs. Sid Lansing and Mrs. Elgin Josling presented Elvawith a beautiful occasional table, Dear Elva: We your friends and neighbors of the tenth concession of Hullett, have gathered here this evening to spend a social hour with you before you leave for your new home, We take this opportunity of ex- tending to you, onr congratulations and best wishes on your approaching marriage. We regret that you are leaving our midst as you have en, cleared yourself to each one of us. by your cheerful friendly disposition and willingness to help whenever cal- led upon. We shall miss your sunny smile but our loss will be a gain to the community where you will be liv- ing, he 0 ar s, a me y t, 11 0- er. S 11 n on f th d r, t 0 s to 'We feel that we would like to how, in a small way, our esteem for 'ou. We ask you to accept this table, As you use it in your hone, may it ever recall happy associations with' the friends back hone. The pathway of life is. not always month but always remember that here is .a silver lining. behind every loud. It is our sincere prayer that ou and your good husband may en-, y the best of health, happiness and ropperity through a long wedded lite' ( e=ther, Signed on behalf of the Tenth cnn- e-sign of Hullett, Ruth Vodden, etll Lansing. bunt, 1 1 1 o member.; of Knox United 11rt ch end are regular attendants. )n Ilr, Il;r}l a ni 1)11 See111 31.7 trcasm'.:r; „ of S.S. No, 0 IIu110f.t for 14 year:•: e, This 13ui0r1 \va: blest with five 1. sort, George and I.eslie of Wesi: wnnielt, Charles of Aslii'iold, Arthur; The evening was spent playing pro - 1 ssit•e (•tu'ir'r. T11c prize fur the diet goine' to Mrs. Rd. Yonngblut r'. fur ib , men to I.l^-in Josling. 11n033 teas then served after spend - ::: a very happy 0u1lllllg, VARNA 1': 1l u '1•d Peek of the f:(',:+,8' is 1....t,.L..a k, .' ic, i 2 •.'011,t) 1.it and Mee. .(_ 3; 1 ' nt: .,n-t,i tti with Mt'. rrai 1T c. vee ('hut'',r ri 1loir1- ' ::n'1 .l:a. it + t`.zi;e,3 vvitil i • c I, . <m r, a ✓.• t^: Il'' 1;'., 0 r,". 0:is i;::lt i•ira. fen'eree 0veeint• was 11 cleave made o1) <a milt. \'hich was Made and don't*n1 by Mee re,;,ee Woods. a,ul ae electric Tome; donated by Nelson, 132(T.artr, en , 11 ' 1 +iekets hail been skhl. The (ttilt trel stet re"liee,l $"0.05 and the electric fence $30.35. Mrs. Herb Mogridge President of the IR:el 0,o' ,,, was the winner of the quilt while Mayor A, J. McMurray of Clinton won the electric fence. 111re. Arnie Wnlpee wen the lucky done. pt''ze, War saving.: stamps, Dr, Weir thanked all who hadtaken Part in the prof11r' r. The acc0mnan- iete were Mrs, McLaren, Mrs, R. J. Phillips: Mrs Craig, Tla Craig and Vivian. Straughan. The nroceecls for the evening in - eluded door receipts $07.05 were $111.35. Any expenses incurred were paid by Mrs, Jas. Woods. luted Sohn of ITu11CP"t. Hering the selenium and 18a. 131111am received many callers. Deint.i- "' .e. •eis tvnnn •a'"i d 11(11 Ole'.; Blanche Phillips poured tea, Later In fT,1' aftelnooe), Ai•tlta.n' Albert eetme a ar oo 1 \Tr, t .11 ' TT 11 Chri"tone,] by Rev FI, Seed. A few) dinner ten; served i3 i•:!e Het! Ie. the f' a ht : Imo ' intimate flk111 . 'i.:u 11,1 M 3.,1 3, ..:)d yelle1' 1):,1,+t eaten it °ore• t•1,liee eel.., pith 50 1. ire i ,•• 3 ,,, fi lir ,• pniltP`, e"Ht.itl the i.>3'le, A toast to t1. Bride and e 00,1 ,( 1, ;,. r,. a ^1y It..0. nee i• .. 1.,: • ,f 1. :'f tr 3,i(3 life, 13;'v. H Seen ssese, v, ]Titr,:ontos.s the Chola, tate: .,;!s:•"Put on your old 0. w ' tt:,. !t eui �t•U l r :,:, , neign3, 3 311.1 erl'ttive- a;rice leu: D.30 arid wore f rov1ed nv 11,0 Y nnl5ie by Moult'., Orehc hila, Cede- :1"1,11'•:;,•••• - ,e de-' '1_: t' S- read by 111"1',1,:ir1 DT. n1 11cht explaining that the 4,7 eeeeieini 11on5e fnrplslun;;•a had heel 10 10° ri ity, A golden wed•litt:( b,)ek were r r. ',,3' 1 '..1 Nisei atelellee, Mut. Mr. Hallam expressed his appre- ciation for the gifts , Mrs, 333:-0 received r1131117 gifts ally 111ee- saltes of eongratulatloa' curing tee day. Both. Mr,.•and'Irs. Haliapi 11re en. joying good health despite their ad- vanced age.' Mr, Hallam is 75 and Mee. Hallr.m is 73, -Mr. F1a'lem fa very' fond of bicycling and almost any day you can see him riding his bicycle. A couple of weeks ago he rode over. 40 miles, The number 13 has no terrors for Dile worthy couple as they came to Ct:^a•la irr 1013 they were 13 days coaling across they landed 0n t1lr! 1,3th day of Aiiril and have 13 3,'1•on1- i Mr. and Mrs, Ilallam's many friends hope they may be spared to cele- brate their cliareonci waiding anniver- sexy. J TI; Seatentli Ter u. a]• - e, ']lien t.f c:,I,eete,l 11o,t,e in a 143 - Freres:ids net 131 i10 013 of 0t- :' v , home of her e 11. _, ,,l t 0 11e1i, and stir ( , v `1. ^ 1 ih rt. 1 (.1:.. 1: relate:el Axle] it •t •' �. t,i'h °."..11°.-.. J. .'.Tc,' aa,,l 9'I1:v. Dalt v e. th nC London visited with the latter's L Smith an .gni'=atyi 4 1.1s1 iter::. Ger tie Smith, 1.V. T1., of the uctik Pe:yell Pee, 11 C is . spending a cr with her patents NIr. and Mfrs, .Int". Smith and family. 0 r .S I �°U�,�•�i.i�t���TsI CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and eat A Go©d oltry 4 ` arket We are in the market for large quantities of live poultry. If your flock needs culling let us know. Quick service done by our electric Egg Grading Machine. N. W. TREWART1iA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Service WE HAVE SALMON, WHITE FISH COD FILLETT AND HADDOCK FILLETT AND HERRING HAVE YOU TRIED 011R FARMERS STYLE SAUSAGE WE BUY HIDES FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS BIRTHS SHADDICIC—At Mrs, R, J. Patte son's Nursing Home, I•Iensall, Saturday, November 13th, to 'Ree and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick of Hansa a son. 1 - On ve 11, MURCH—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Friday, November 19th, 111r. and Mrs, William Murch Clinton, a son, (Francis Lorne • to of HENDERSON — In Clinton Publ Hoslital on Saturday, Novemb 20th, to IlIr ,and Mrs. John Hende son of Hohnesville, a daught (Barbara Jean). PLUMSTEEL — In Clinton Publ tllospital on Tuesday, Novemb m.,1,, ..d, to Mr. and Mrs. I•Iarry Plun steel, Clinton, a• daughter (Eff Elizabeth.) ITALLAT•IAN—In Clinton Public Tao pital on Saturday, November 201 to Mr. ands Mrs, John Hnllaba0 Belgrave, a son (stillborn). . DEATHS coax - fa Clinton. on Wednesday - November 2,101, George 1i'illiat 1''-ok, in his 34th year, Funeral a the Ilte residence, Vietorih Stree Clinton, o11 80th:lay afternon Nevemher 27th. Commencing at o'clock. is er I., Mrs, James R. Stirling. or, Miss Alice Hastings, who has been very i11 was taken to Goderich ]hos- pital. Wo hope for a speedy resovery. is Mr. and Mrs, Alex Sparks and fan:- er ily proved to London for the winter. ie PAGE 5•. , BOXY THEATRE cxerrON Now Playing Alan Ladd in "CHINA" MON., TOES. & WED, Bette' Davis, Paul Lukas, Gerald ins Fitzgerald and Lucile Watson, From the Rhine to the Rio Grande came the• rats ;of the Reich, gnaw- ing their way into the hearts of the free. "THE WATCH ON THE RHINE" THURS., FRI. & SAT, —Two 7i eatures- . The terrifying drama of an RAI' Ace :ivho ran the gauntlet of tenet into the heart to the Gest, apo headquarters. "APPOINTMENT IN BERLIN" Also — "LONE PRIARIE" Coming — "Two Senoritas ' from Chicago" and `Counter Espionage' Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 8 CAPITAL THEATRE GOD/MICH Now. Playing-ee Heaven Can Wait" in. Technicolor, starring 'Geae;Tier- ney and Den .Ameche;; MON:; TUES. & WED. Sabo, Maria Monter and Jon Hall, Portrayed in gorgeous Technicolor comes the glamorous adventures of "ARABIAN NIGHTS" THURS., FRT. & SA'P. ' EDWARD G. ROBINSON Glenn; Ford, Marguerite Chapman, and Edgar Buchanan telling a story of hazardous adventure out on the perilous Pacific. DESTROYER" REGENT THEATRE =AMItTE( Now I laying•-. '!Vengeance of the West" and '1Footiight';Glanioui :" MON., TUES. &,WED, Loretta Young and Alan Ladd and Williarlx Bendix take Its on :a jour.. ney along the torturous Burma. Road. _ • "CHINA" THURS FRT; k'i` SAT. Kenny Baker, Patricia Morison and Belita, a tuneful end pleasing mu- sical 'hit ;features a sensational skate -star•• "SILVER SKATES",... Coming— Fred Astaire and Joan ( Caning- Glaudette Colbert in "So Leslie in "The Sky's The Limit." I Proudly We Hail." D IS YOUR BEST FOO+ > EAT MORE OF IT BL••'♦R A LHFlY' 'S PHONE 1 digent 18.35; Board of Health $82.30 NIiss Acheson, use of house $5.00 Supt. pay roll, No: 12 $1322.15 Coun- cil then adjourned to meet ,on Dec. 15, at 1.30 P.M. Bliss Elizabeth Theil of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. McGuire, NTr, and. Mrs, Ted Harrison and Jack Stirling of Toronto, spent the wee kend with their parents, Mr, and h, Master Bob -Harris, who has been working in the Western provinces, returned home and reports there are good crops. The annual business meeting of )1, South End Reel Cron, Unit will be held at eight o'clock Friday evening, November 20th, 111 51, James' Church All those in tllc• community who are interested in the Red Cross are ur- ut i - A very 5.ueceefal fiance was heal in S.S. Nu. 11 ,50lmo311,1U50 last n, i day evening to the musty of Welsh's 2 i o;•chestrit. Mr, Ken Nleener acted as floor lnana;,er. Tea, cider, ;-andwichee and detighnats azul pie were ..old and n , the proceed: mounted to $01.07, 'f111 ✓ (lance was sponsored by tlu' S. $. No. • 11 'teed alines UT1:it, f j 'Filet O.irc•ec mal Mrs. P03111133 Middleton of Clinton spent Sunda,-- 1 with Mr: and Mrs. Fred Middleton airl -ramify, 'The committee01' the Oversea• ;Fund. South Ind lied Clues received i t' the following; Teller reecntly frofromTed Middleton, 'I j Nov. 12, 1013 C.A. P.O. No 1C, st RCAF Doer Mrs. Cooper2I:,1, lii�.l 10;;.. 7=n el'lo Weeter 1 ged to attend. Hospital. on Thtres 1.13', Not -webs 11x.'1, Airs. J. ITr'.tt'(':P31>, r:C Winnifred Shci her'3, formerly o Clinton. CHANT—In C 331>101) •.trr,. November 2i'di, C' .'rla,(te Holmes beloved wife of the lute Il, 13 Chem, 111 h^r 8211d year FINC'II -In Stratford alt „unl•ty, No v: mher 21:4, Ca:c'.ee Wilber Finer, tom 0I1 the late all:, and ;lira fora:nunrel Finch of Clint -eh in hi deft: year, r'3'i'l343---in T'm'0n1(1, ort Tuesday No•:e 3riiea 23iel, Anne 1 eettie, be ;l wife et 113,' late George Top- ping, }remitter, end mint of Mr. Geo. 13, Beattie, of Clinton, InLer- mont in \Warton cemetery, Friday, y, V T GOD,RICI TOWNSHIP Council met. it: Hoimesville on Nov. 15. Mount craft society asked for the ueu l grant, read and filed. Dept. f Highways sent approval of bylaw o •increase the salary of road Supt. Toronto general hospital notified that'11;e ellarge for indigent patients -will be $4.00 per day instead of $3.00 as former,, The. tax Collector was instructed to levy on Porter Bros, the amount charged to Win. Alcock, they having purchased the property. Accounts. paid: Robert 'Welsh, sleep claim $30.00; News Record' printing; $55.55; Muni- cipal World, supplies $20.81; W. 12, Lobi) valuing sheep $1.80; John Har- ris, weed inspector $47.00; • Reeve and rcuncillorle service: at the board $150. 00; Chas, A. Whitely, treasurer's sal- ary $125.00; Howard Sturdy, collector salary $100.00; P. G. Thompson, clerk salary and postage $1.89.78;. Walter TIicks, dog tax error $2.00; Elmer Potter use of church shed '$5.00; County of Huron, Hospital care in - The Tuckel'smhtll Ladies Clirb wiD I. held at the horiu of Mrs, Howard Crich 011 Wednesday, December 1st, 1! Cal] "paying' of membership fees." Ties dee'lt coeuret very a:1410n1y last Tuesday evening of harry S. eaelvtn cn the teen of Broadfoot "O1,PeAsiM1 2, Tncke1'Rniith, where he had been employed. for the tee yeees, Born in Seaforth on 17 1€7713, he had bean a 1»r'ne- .111 his life. His wife, the 20101er Lana I(iehne. died in 1020. He woe a member of First Presbyterian Church. Seaforih. Surviving are two sons, Kenneth of Streetsville and Ar- thur of Toronto. The funeral service „•,s lseld on Friday afternoon, with interment in Maitiandbenk cemetery. 1 •y'voivsi the •box •scut •to .1110 lry the overseas committee of the Red 1.,roes :nal I would line yeti to convey nth., n:1ny thanks sie the committee and the ladies who helped to fill it. The content: arrived in excellent condition and every a1ti0]0 brings me 11 great deal of pleasure and 18 I extremely useful, the seeks and. nuf.- i fire, to break the icy ideate and the .,wets to -fill the empty spaces, Please thank Mr's. Arthur Welsh far the Airforce blue socks, and muffler ele0 the lady who knit the ether pair. Socks are always a very welcome .ight. When one is n long piece from Mother and has to darn them himself,3 tie my mending usttalIy ends up in a vary uncomfortable bump, al"o wish to extend my thanks for the box of chocolates I received a ceunlo of weeks ago. It helps a great deal to know the people at Monte are•thinkiilg of us boys and it stakes life much Happier in a place like this. Thanks again from; the bottom of mar heart, The Best regards' to all Ted. v Five Soldiers at Currie Barracks; Calgary, warned they would be mov- ing out, overseas -bound, promptly bought a Victory Bond each; donated their blood to the Red Cross Clinic • CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for their kindness and help; also the doc- tors and nurses at the Clinton Hospi- tal, during my stay there. Ross Freeman CARD OF TBANIKS The family of the late Mrs. H. B. Chant wish to express their appreeia- tion for many acts of kindness, ex- pressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended by friends and relatives during their recent sad be- reavement. Wanted One or two rooms in which to store furniture. Write to Box 83W, 'the News -Record, 72-2 Butter Supply Down in Western Ontario Reports of a considerable decline in butter production in Western Ontario as compared with a year ago are indicated M the summary of the reports of creaniehy inspect- ors of the Department of. Agriculture for October. Central and Eastern Ontario, however, have been showing a slight increase over last year's production. The continued growing 1 demand for fluid milk from the towns and cities is expected to have a material effect on butter predue- tion in spite of an increase in butter- fat during the last month, —V How to Place Orders For Feed Grains) To purchase Western feed grains tarrnel's in .Eastern Canada or in Srit- hsll Columbia should place an order with their regular feed dealer or direct with a P1ai1'ic farmer, explains the Ae ricultural Supplies Board. The clearer can order the grain, advise the fn11>0t' on costs and handle all details of shipment to the station nearest to the fariner whoa] the grain is for. Should the Eastern or British Colum- bia farmer desire to obtain train direct from a Prairie farmer the order should be placed direct, The kind of grain vv.altted sheuid be specified and IL i.tonlid be grade ('lett lied the grain me"4 net have More 111.,11 3 per (:(er11 '' (! a' . The fe1'luee placing the order should ele1a be prepared to toil opt Stain within one Teale of' his request. Pur- chase Made by either cue' of these methods gives the bucca the benefit; at' b--ntt:(s t et 31t 1st0.1-0'0 trt11e1 Dominion Government subsidies if his shipment 0omple's with the tr3ula- fiom. Oats anal b.trley will he ollar•ed for by the bushel, at the milling. prie0 (or the cash price, if this is lower) basis: in store et Fort William or Port Arthur. Ceiling prices are: on oats 51' cents per bushel; barley 0.4'; cents. Freight, loading charges, coin- rt 013003on, curl war AA: insurance m3133 'J hr paid by the buyer. For Sale Pekin ducks. $1.25 each, Cranberry Pippin apples: $1.00 bushel at the barn C. Lawson, R.R. 2 Bayfield 71-2 Raw Furs Wanted Mink, Fox, Coon, Skunk, are in good demand get my price before selling elsewhere, Norman East, Fur Buyer, R.R, 1 Clinton, Phone 805x41. 71-0 HATCHING EGGS WANTED We require breeding flocks all breeds to supply us with hatching eggs for 1944 hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodtested free, Guaranteed premium paid, also additional hatch- ability premium. Also turkey flocks wanted to supply hatching eggs. It will pay you to write for full details immediately. TWEDDLE CHICK HATIERIES, Limited. 71-5 FERGUS, Ontario, For Christmas Gifts A limited number of Nylon and Bristlecombe Hair Brushes, Also per- sonal brushes, may be ordered at Miss Winnifred O'Neils, Phone 75j. Fuller representative, 70-6 For Sale Good 1 1-2 storey house with new bath. House in good conditon. Also small barn, garden and fruit trees. Apply to 3, V. ,Diehl, Queen street, Clintons 69-tf Wanted Good prices will be paid for old and disabled horses. Apply to Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 6191.14, 0741 Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for mink feed, If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 908122 or Jack Gilbert 008r21. 58-tf Wanted Live, old and disabled horses and cattle for plink feed, Ebner Trick, Phone Clinton 007r5, $0 -e -o -w • For Sala U'runen's heavy serviceable brown coat, size 38 to 40; $15, selling for $10 also new plaid dress, size f•1. $,$2_..25.1 0. lone 295 Clinton, \\ 72-1 Watch Dog For Sale Tee months -ald 9i: , part (,hash, with short hair, !,Mach and white onr., king's. Real watch dog, Iinward 141. Crich, R.R. No 3, Senorth, phone Cline 614x3, 72-1 Lost le or near Clinton, side board for eteke hank truel., painted 'Muth blue, and about 'n1') root in hei_ht by able efeet 1 p, , ▪ Finder i'1( ';e phew. Rosa Senit, Ilrneutield, 018r13 Clinton 72-1 For Rent Tn'o furnished 1'IMn11S with bath - min, also private entrance. Phone 337cv, for informaton. 72-2 _ - ••_ For Sale One 20 model A Ford, gond tires, ood running condition, Apply to 1m1e 205 Clinton. 72-2 'I he Government 13,31..t;me: on feed ;;rain purchase's 18 318 folloWs: Per g bushel subsidy, One cent in November; pl one-half cent 1n December; feed wheat ,payment, 8 cents pey eyehole freight 'assistance on ford grains f,•n 1t Fort Wi)1i11m-Port Arthur to all yoi its 1) ]!:aster]] C'ar'de and from. C•cl1ary oe Edmonton to points in 131.1zish Colum- bia. 'I'hee minimum gr.li, order is 0 carload. difference in weight between one per cent dockage and actual dock- 3gc is. not included 01 cost of grain to buyer. After receipt of the grain the buyer should apply to the Feeds Administrator, Confederation Building Ottawa, for the necessary forms for refund of freight and other Dominion Government sebsidies, The docu- ments that should bo kept include: the original invoice or a'e0;1y signed by the smiler: r, 1'0ceip-ted hill or railway arrival notice; the grade certificate of the grain showing it is of a erada established under the Canada,.:(xram Act and does not contain over 3 per cont dockage, A new service ribbon the ribbon of the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal will he,a>varelef 30-'voluntoetamonrbere' of Canada's Navy, Army and Air Force who have completed 18 months' voluntary service Apples For Sale Good spy apples 81.00 a bushel at the tiara In your 0uvn bags or hammers, Phone 11103.23, T. 13., Jenkins, R..R. 3. 0Ii113011. 72-3 0.o.w, For Sale city, coaled velvet elcatin'( 0(4 - thine, size 14, cap to match; also Icoon's heavy black overcoat, large 'size, very reasonable and both in good !condition, Apply at the News -Record 72-1 Wanted I Child's tricycle wanted in good con- dition. Phone 233W Clinton. 72-2 For Sale Recently purchased beautiful all vveol tweed box emit in brown tones, never worn. Reason for selling. Size 14-15. Reasonable price. Apply at the News-ROcord, 72.2 For Sale Twelve pins, 8 Weeks old, Apply to Wesley Hoggart, Picone 221:805, R.R. 1, Clinton.:. 72-1 For 'Rent Light housekeeping rooms, Appiy, to Mrs, Lorne Brown, phone 367.