HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-11-25, Page 3'HURS•, NOV. 25, 1943
If we all cut
out only one.
call a day
�(9 r ar�iirx"�mp
War calls must scale first .
which means that we should reduce• our non-
essential use of the telephone to the minimum.
Present facilities cannot be increased; your co-
operation is needed if war calls are to go through
promptly. C. Please remember that the wasteful
use of telephone time can hold. up war business
—and that every second you save counts.
Civr,•srq &fieffs
To /1/atcls
Some Notes of The News in 1918
D. S. Cook, who has' left town.
, Councillor Sheppard had a word
'from his son, Norman, yesterday stat-
tating that he was on his way to New
York and would be home in a few
days. Norman Sheppard was engineer
On the ship Seneca before the United
States went into the war and this ship
was commandeered by the Govern-
ment and put into shape for naval
duty and on the morning after war
was declared sailed out o$ harbour
fully equipped. Young Sheppard stuck
to his ship and has been serving in
Uncle Sam's navy ever since.
Mr. Richard Horsley of town re-
eeived the following telegram yester-
day evening from his son, T. C. Hors-
ley: "Prince Albert, Sask., Nov.. 20,
Charlie killed today, shot by gang of
military evaders who murdered than
Friday. He went with other soldiers
to round them up," This is all the par-
ticulars available at time of going
to press.-Thewoung man was twenty-
two and had been in the west
Genuine Shillelah Sent
Home, From Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills on Mon -
had the n isfortumte to' have both of
his. legs fractured in. London recently.
Arnold after' serving- for a period
overseas was invalided home last De-
cember and has since been doing
day received a germane .Irish shnllelah guard duty et Wollsely Barracks, Lon -
from their son Frank Sills, Jr" who is don. Recently he was getting off a
stationed in Ireland• Made of exquis- i bus on Hamilton Road when he was
itely carved black oak, it is a well bal- hit by a car. Both legs were fracture•1
anced short ,chub, which tucks away I and, ,he was otherwise bruised. The
neatly under the arm when not being l fractures were very 'severe as his
used for the purpose for which it is legs were broken in two or three plae-
intended,—Seaforth News es.,
V He is at present a patient in West-
Colnm con -
Commissioned Pilot Officer) niinstei hospital where he will be con-
fined for some months,—Winghant
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundercock { Advance -Times.
and Elinor, attended the Graduation
1 _ V_._ --
Ceremonies at No. 6 S.F.T.S• Dunn-
ville'ot Friday, when their son, Sgt. No, Open Season for
some D. K. Sundercock, was one of the
years before joining the .colors. He graduating class, and received his
was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. War --1 Commissionw home on furloughs a Obeforeicr. He is
rener of Clinton.
for his new duties on the West Coast,
Clintonians should be living high _Blyth Standard.
these: days as the hunters have re- V
turned with their spoils. Mr. Adam
Glazier got a fine deer, as did also
Mr. J. Brown.
In the casualties this week is the
name of W. Saville of Clinton, who
is ill with poisoning.
NOVEMBER 21st 1918
itir. and Mrs. John Woods, "Apple
Grove Farm" Goderich township, re-
ceived word last week of the death
of their second eldest son, Matthew
Hall Woods, of Darcy, Sask., who
was stricken with Spanish influenza
a short time ago. This developed into
pneumonia and resulted in his death
Nov. 11th. Later word was received
of the death of his wife. Mrs. Mat-
thew Woods, formerly Miss Ethel
Snider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
shua Snider of Sauble Line, Stanley
township. Just three weeks ago Mr.
and Mrs. John Woods lost their young-
est daughter, Miss Sadie Woods, who
died of influenza.
Pte. W. J. Shaddick of Hensall, who
has lately been invalided home, is re-
newing old acquaintances around Lon-
desboro and visiting his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, 'William Brumbley
We are glad to see Willie looking so
well, although he has lost his right
ITALIANS Surrender In Tens Of Thousands
Deer iii IEillron
The ieport, taken up in committee of
the whole, by Huron County Council
with Reeve Whitmore in the chair,
was adopted after much discussion
over the, open deer season. An at-
Wingham Soldier tempt led by Warden Tuckey to re-
verse the decision, and to have the
Broke Both Legs Department- of Gane and Fisheries
Private Arnold Stoakley, son of Mr. declare an open season even at this
late date, failed. It was explained
and Mrs. James E. Stoakley of town, that only by holding an open season
. could the county have a full-time
When the Present Century game overseer appointed.
Again on Wednesday the subject of
Was Young an open season for deer was opened
THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD and this time the proposal was reject -
(ed by a'recorded vote, of 2i1 to 7. The
NOVEMBER 19th, 1908 motion to rescind previous motions al-
so stipulated that only shotguns could
The firth of R. Coats & Son have be used by hunters and that a full-time
disposed of their business to Messrs. game warden must be appointed. It
Tozer & Brown who took possessionlwas charged by supporters of an open
last week. Mr. W. J. Tozer, the pian -;season that. the law was being flag -
aging partner, was for thirteen years cantly violated by the shooting of deer
in the service of the wholesale house at all seasons, a fact that could be
of Gordon, McKay &Company of Tor -
substantiated, it was said, by a peep
onto, for sgyieral years their traveller into refrigerator lockers. Fewer deer
through this part of the province. His I
would be shot, it was argued, if an
partner, Mr. Brown, is a citizen of open season were declared and the
Woodstock, where he is also engaged law rigidly enforced at other times.
in business.
Mayor Jackson, Councillor Combe Reeves, Shaddick, Watson, Armstr-
and Messrs Forrester and Lansford ong and others upheld the virtues of
attended a railway meeting in Guelph the open season and Reeves Weir,
on. Tuesday to advocate the extension ,Rathwell, Wheeler and Smyth led the
of the C.P.R. from that city to Gode- debate against.
rich by the southern route. Other( Reeve Bowman brought to the atten
municipalities were also represented -tion of Council that black squirrels
and strong reasons were presented had become a pest in small towns and
why the route via Clinton should be villages and were causing a great deal
decided upon. Messrs. John Pollock of damage, yet it was illegal to shoot
THIO CLINTON. NEWS RECORD Organ Factory, He had been on the
(Toronto Police Force for about four
NOVEMBER 21st, 1918 years and had been doing well there.
Corp. Fred Bartlett, son of Rev. T. He had been engaged as police detee-
S. Bartlett of Toronto, secretary of!tive and was in the performance of
Sunday School and Young People's his duty, endeavouring to arrest a
thieves when one of them
Societies o£ theMethodistc ] 1 t h' He was in his
been awarded the n n rt' year incl was unmar-
Miss Mercy; Ward left Friday for
A. Erwin ably represented Bay- them.
her home in Rockwood, Md., after field which will be much better off in I V
spending sa couple F. of months with Sc ool the event of the proposed line being
sister, Miss e. F. Ward, of the School built as a station will in all probeb-+Zhll'011 C. A. Society
of Commerce• Miss Ward accompan- illy be built in Goderich township at
ted her as far as Buffalo. few utiles distant from Bayfield. Advanced to Grade ccErr,
Miss Stewart is back at her post be- The -delegates did not, of course, sue -
The. announcement was made on
Picture from the Sicily front where over 77,000 shows: A batch of Italian
the mounting total of prisoners of troops waving white flags as they
war taken by -the Allied forces is well surrender to British infantry.
Red Cross serum is saving the lives of
hundreds of wounded sailors, soldiers and
airmen. But thousands of additional blood
donors are needed. Give a pint of blood to
save a life. Call Red Cross Blood Donor
£•`1��. 0.Y. ,a s�rr:l.+Y°'a t4�", k�iYF'd-���La�r+�+i.:�'�v:.A l�•f,t��Y'*a1''. .+,{'k.^•wmM92!
Inn Id Boys Association Elect Officers
h hunch has couple ofBra vn" Jaeksot, formerly Vice Presidents: NIr G. iVI. CS
monthly � •lac' -eel president of�ney; Dr• Byron (-ampbell; r. Fred
Mi medal for deliberately shot mi. i
twenty-sixth hind the tickers in the telegraph oz- seed in securing anything very de an -
bravery upon the battlefield. Corp.Mice after having a fortnight's enforc-lite as to which route will be chosen. I
Tuesday evening, at the mon ty of , e lnrth, t. a., c
ca TuSdBmeeting. of the Huron County Child- the Huron O::d Boys Association of,Bryans; Mr. W. E. Iimana; Major
Bartlett is a nephew of Ms. W H. tied' Tho town hall hurl a narrow e5 p
1 ted vacation owing to an attack of in -1 y Child -
Toronto, at the 44th Antral Meeting SpriokS Mr, W. W. Given; Mr.
H Rev, of town• On Sunday last while Mr C. Connell Ifluenza. Iftam firm about seven o'clock on Fri- eti' Aid Society;
ha lee L'c"e which held et Ha�':len Hall and attended Ly I-1 ietet: :1Ir. R, A. Greer; Mr..
stor re the On- of the Base Line and Mr. Percy Ghd two little S0118 day evening last. Chief Wheatley enc of the largest gatherings in re- A.
Besttietherick; Mr. W. F. Can-
Rov. J s Agnew ,, dot of Hohnesville were driving east Mrs, A. F. veunn, and
has received a afar Brant-1happenedthe
time n in the attention
office means that the local organization will seat yet:1,-c% Tn this absonee of Pas tel on.
taro street church, a y ] p 1 1 at the and his attention h thee ;receive additional gin aton the from Riclout at on the HuronCantelon's Road meant o t Detre extent to leave next �t'ei as been on: -
unanimous invitation t theymet another ;ford, where Mr. Mann S
Ms A. been drawn by the cracking of glr.ssGhientntrocluce.cl thisperiod
resultrltyaser eareh Vf rtltc.9rlunt �+1nI7. lIol lanna,nPrinicpalVice-
of Dlacliinnott, Secretary — DIr. John
church,. Lnnclon, to become pastor ofintend for some time anti where they
after the confer- car and turning off to pass the hind! ncl Mrs. Diann he went to+arcls the baclt Part of the int h 1 Secretary -.._Mr. R. S. Sheppare.
that congregation wheel skidded on the wit coact and 'intend :have
e locate. e. yearsMin a
The invitation tClintonnd are !hall to a, certain the cause th tille.cl Dr. Jnof. the . II ar cBr.rnet ndieg Intade the an4wr.3. Ree UaE v t Collegiate, dents lee.. pre- Assistant Secretary: miss Eva Bey. n June next. T have boen ten Clint n Eleven past presidents were
came as surprise to Mr. Agnew bast in the endeavor
eaeC1 ontoothegd ditch. Fortun-!sorry to leave the town. �He found the council chamber
r'n it he has decided to took a head ien the floor near the corneae. The,melt after the receipt of a nat]ficat- ct E.J B. Duncan), T. 5,kin,r- aures
of considering. g the at- ately neither of the Young men were un. Tl n fie (yea. ? . Fea u.on,
of thet t course to 1 Glidden l Dr Fowler returned last week after i alarm was sounded and the brigade ion to that effect from the Provincial)Financial Secretary: -- Mr a.lan
accept, J injured Much, though young G toh`t Mewl. .i. T;, II. D'lc('ncntli. L. M. Moon,
n'oval stationing connnittee• foot forced through n three woods hunting rrip in hag-
thecfla es we eel upon the. scene, but suIn the tours
1had his wounded Pringle, Ii M. Jackson, Dr, G. F.
Nearly all of Mr. Agnew's ministerialnorthren woods. One deer ryas bag ( flames were extinguis:lnecl wsiliout'p tmetntaltoffteialhis
referrpecl inta flat
lye y the windshield.c.i gl Welter Jacksoau• Dr. J. G. Treasure. Dr, J. Hodgins,
life has been spent in the London die Taylor of Blyth, gad He might have taken two thus i their ilei.
Reeve Neil A. y owlet isn't greedy. ' Mies Tena Ross, daughter of Mr. tering way to the wort: of the Society's Fr nizr.• o. tit H. S. S ru'e • nee Chaplatili—Dew. H.
C iHodgino.
trio and here. He feels very e hie e tragic death occurred season but Dr. I
elude his whose > Dlurdocic Ross of Bayfield, who has stafDuf rr eird nfielcled: rweti(ki iDlr� Edtion to uand Itvhr, rr c ere:fly mien l were the Auditors Mr. H. I. Morrish: Mr,
at home there. He will con Me. Roy East is expected the end ofGeo. E. Ferguson.
next June, His on Monday of last week as a result of ; Itis • keen living iii Buffalo for a numbs ing 1 ate E++. Fleetly. Secretary since t t'r
third year )n Clinton striking the side of a bridge ; the week to spent a few clays with i ears is home on a visit. She Is and Mrss. Chaffee are making it rn''ts irteetitiatr of the Association and •I.
tion will regret his depart his cat s g of Mr.'min home, be- °f y aunt, DIr=. Leech, for the Society in them mnhe oou and ti <on those lirescnt were I1. M.
congregation near Auburn, was a nephew • •easter, Mrs. Gordon Ct g A. Ir'T.anen, cr former Pre ]dent, and
lure, I laecomlaanied by her Jrck.a.n, IC• F. ITanua Dr, G. I. and
Andrew Taylor of Lown. i fore leaving fo Siberia, bIr. East, other contacts throaghout the county fora long period, the backbone of
I sister of Mr, Ross. tine Association. Mr. McLaren has Mrs. Belden; Dr. and Mrs, 'Byron
The news of the brutal murder of canna have er'wlro has been with the Royal Bank for DIr. Isaac Errant of the Babylon The office. secretary, Miss Helen Vi:)- Campbell; Dr. and Mrs.J. G • leer -
Frank Williams by The Messrs 'Epps of q
clothesman ith shop}several years, beginning as junior in Linn met with sa serious accident k ear, also which
sat : appreciative
was been confined to his home for some guson, NIr. and Mrs. 11, H. IVIG-
Plainclothesmen grand new blaeksm ,
thief in Toronto on 7 yes- acted a stand which'; the local branch, and has been in the t Tluusclay at last week. While pick- ferettci which said, atm office secret- i t eel ` r••:l ha, been greatly missed, , Mr. and Mra II, B, . Me-
ze eveClin was a shock to the slut- •add garage on the old -appearance of the }heart office, Montreal, for some time, ing armies his son-in-law's Mr. Ro- made in the choice of the oldestDir: and Dlrs, Jolnn Dloon, Mrs• Ath-
y whero.the adds greatly to the
o Clinton and vicinity, know they leaves almost at once in companyfbert et'c he ehey's of the •Goshen Line, cry, as she has shown keen ot Interesly t ;ut hart est jof(its kind in�Canada and o1 DlcQunrrie, DIrs. J. S. Hume, John
zees £ 11 d we are glad to
young man tvaa well known. He ] old job n�arn,with another f' 1 to estab {Stannley he had the onfsfortune to .fall ability for her jab, buttoR S. MoKinnou; Mr. and Mrs. George
Y t son of 1 t heli a b from the ladder, breaking two of his
in the work as a whole." bus hundreds be a great meeting place E Ferguson, NIr. and Mrs. Ii'alter
the ounges 1 s, He is now under the doeto' s i I for of Huronites• A Jtmior
cit 1r— iAGSncialian also flourishes and has Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs,. S. M. Wick.
care, but we hope to hear of his , `
sp eel recovery,
,Huron Old BOY is I t ns arriving yearly in Toronto. o.
was vi ge an bank of tela ,
y NIr and 14Irs• are able to atteHeir2• • ranch at Vlacltvostoelc, Siberia.
Chas; Williams, Sr„ of Goderich town- in the same stand, • � they intend to he ready and to accom-
ship and had attended Collegiate in `;, J W Miller has been appointed by . pony the Siberian force which leaves
• Clinton, afterwards being employed the Clinton Council of Chosen Friend (front Canada shortly. The bank shows
for some time in the office of the as recorder, to fill out the term of eonf)Aence in Mr. East in thus ehoos-
__ • ling hint for this important wok and
his; old Clinton friends congratulate
PACInINO: R. A.F. First Sicilian Airfield
The first Sicilian airfield' captured
by British troops was at Pachino. The
Italians, fearful of "invasion, had
ploughed the entire field with fur-
rows two feet deep, but the Loyal
Engineers got to work on it immed-
iately. The first Sicily -based Squad-
ron of Spitfires landed in the morn-
ing of the third day of the invasion.
been a magnet for the younger genet.-
enet- ens, H. I. 1VImrish, Miss Mary Mor
e y a io t risk, lie and Mrs. Douglas Wilson,
H. Mullholland has returned to his Mr. and Mrs. L. M, Pringle Mrs,
home in Hohnesville after visiting his
IOI101ireE1 by .'S I The Annual Meeting was confined AG. Smith, Ralph Sheppard, Mra,
brother in Chicago. with a social event and many tables
Sonne time since Mr. Frank Fair, Probit Jttlge George A, McLeod, o£. cf bridge and euchre were enjoyed. Dr, Hodgens, Mr .and Mrs, A. C.
him on his success, I Blaine County, Idaho, Ontario native Dr Belden, a past President, present- Dr, Har, Miss Eva Bryans, Mr. and
Hartley Monaghan returned brother of the Messrs flour°mill of the Brucefielcl district in Huron ed the report of the President,
natiitg con- ,Mrs. E. J. B. Duncan, W. H. Fat
from the west of Friday and has since i aceentecl a Position in a big County, marked bis 86th birthday ort ed the and when the name of Ha M. guson, Mrs. I. H. Brown, A. E.
been confined to bed with an attach at Carchtff, Assa., In the week se -e November llth, in his chambers
stir. Tarkson was •presented as Presiclenat Bradwin, Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Bee -
of the "flu". was thrice promoted and is now rounded by his staff who presented, it was greeted with great applause, wethericic, Ernie Edge, Mrs, J. A.
conA miller at d� ood salary him with a huge birthday cake, a ,Iia is not only a Popular member perry, David Thompson, Mr, and Mrs,
Mr G. 13. Harris returned on Tues- Mr. G. W 10,ll• formerly tee- • copy of the Hailey, Idaho,. Times, re- I John V Cox, Miss
cher in. S.S. No. 10,:but has been vent' active in the inter- r Ethel Farrow: ,
day after spending three weeks hunt-Goderich town-ce)ved reveals, este of the Association. The officers Miss Laura Farrow, Miss Ella Beek,
ing in the northern woods. ship holds a responsible position in the Judge McLeod, who is a veteran of ° elected are as follows. Miss Lydia Bee] , H. Da Morris, eck,
Mrs. L. E. Doherty and Miss Mary audit office of the Lake a.SuWhen( the 1885 Riel Rebellion and one of Ythe J. Morris,Mrs, Catharine Brown
Power Compare at the Soo. When, the surviving members of the Seventh Honorer Presidents,Hon. J. A.
of Stratford were the guests of the industries
recent crash came and the big
lady's mother, Mrs W. G. Smyth, over Sprints, Miss S. Anne Hamilton; Mrs
industries were shut ctownn l�6 tfz13Fty]fromfthatanorthwestecand �pahgn Jat �AnMtLarener; Mr. EMr. A. C. McVicacan; r. Howard Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
the week end. staff war reduced• from
lerich township having over -sub- end Mr Harnwell happened to he one � and shortly 'afterward, in 1886, moved Honorary Vice President: Mrs. H. Peter Bowen Mrs. Lillian Spears,
Gbe to the United States, settling in Hai- :7, Hodgins; Mrs. B. H. McCreath; C. Sloan, Mrs. A. Self, Mrs.MW, a
scribed its allotmentgnec in the Victory of the 1 f th t Mrs. W. A. Campbell; Mrs. G. E. Campbell, Mrs. P. V. Hassey,
Loan campaign, received.. the honour vices a+� annteciat 1 plata and Ferguson; Mrs. W, A. Buchanan; MrsScarlett, Mr. anti MrW A. Patrick, s. J. O. Scott,
flag on Monday. Reeve Lobb is elonat- Mi qtr T R a few
F. Mrs A. Brown, Kenneth C. Stan -
the staff which will be erected of last wee h has nen- deputy as y Pringle; Mrs John Moon; Mrs. G. I'.
in the village of Holmesville in the Mr McKaV D Wilson; Mrs A !bury, Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Stewart,
neat future. t d M T TavlorF cottage residence
hold publ Cotmty V
Life Members: •— Mts.{
The use of Pachino airfield saved
tons of petrol, as previously British
fighters had to operate from Malta,
80 miles away.
Pictures shows-- A spitfire taking
off for its first patrol from Pachino
aerodrome while the R. P : s are still
at work with a steam roller.
3 This indicates that has see -
Rose spent
k in Toronto,
from Wine am . ren-
ted Rotten -
Mary street and taken up his rest
in town,
Mise returnedto
>•o three months
visit nt the homer ee in
apppointed Mrs. J. G. Ferguson; Mrs. L. M. M.
As early as 1897 he
ley. He has been a resident o a
state ever since.
_ was
sessor at Hailey, and this
winter 'narks the 36th year he was
office in Blaine
out of the past He has a
Judge McLeod in alifem h
i Lodge, Seaforth,
leaving been initiated on January 27,
Relden; Mrs. D. D. M. Campbell, Miss Kay Tanner.
G, Smith, M D A Thompson
ac Mrs.
46 sister Honararv' L) e e •
Wm. McCreath; Mrs. J. A. McLaren; ole for Canadian Army
living in Clinton cott• I Som .int' pare
left this week for Port Stanley to en- Ma [ M dt of e in De- entbr of Mrs. Ea Floody: Mrs• S. L. S ,
gage in fishing. Mss. Mary McKenzie; Mrs, Zimmer. • personnel Overseas are insecurely
t t or Monday after a Britannia Masonic g
Indian summer uvea- t d Hnl'e`t Past President: Mr. Athol McQuar- wrapped that five soldiers at Base
The beautiful PostaOffice dot nothing elseebut repair
hashas given place to rain which t, wereei Tor 11taand n Man b
has fallen now for #our days in cart in Toronto Wednesday
succession. i Thursday'.
Mr. William Ferguson of Bayfield
and 1884, and has retained his membee-
t'�Presidetit: Mr. H M. Jackson. and readdress packages,
for' 59 years.