The Clinton News Record, 1943-10-28, Page 5'THURS., OCT. 28, 1943
PAGE 3.`
You Don't Need Cash
To Buy
4goceisima. 1.
Your Banker will finance that Victory
Bond for which you temporarily lack the.
ready. cash. This can be done at no extra
cost to you because the interest earned on
the bond will pay all carrying charges.
Consult your banker or Victory Loan Sales.,
pian today!Payments may be made at your.
Huron County's Quota Will Be More
Difficult to Reach this Time
Clinton's Quota is $184,000
The Most You Can Buy Is The Least
You Can Do -
(Inserted by the Huron County War Finance Com.)
Mrs. R, A. McKenzie of Wingham
its visiting Mrs. Fred Ross.
Mr .and Mrs. A. J. Nott of Strat-
ford spent the week end with Mr. and
.Mrs. W. T. Robison,
Mrs, Alfred T'ebbett of Goderich
is visiting her brother, Mr E. Phil-
lips and Mrs, Phillips.
Mrs. Wm. Reid and daughter Ruth
of Goderich spent the week end with
Miss Josephine Weir.
Donald Ross of Gait was a week
end visitor with his mother, Mrs. Fred
Miss Ila Craig of Wingham, spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, who 13th chapter of St. Matthew 31st and
recently sold their farm in, West 32nd verses,
Wawanosh have moved to Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. R. Taylor formerly
Mrs. Herb Govier's farm near Au- of Stephen were guests at the hone
burn, where they will reside until of Mr. and Mrs. W. Webster and were
renewing acquaintances in the com-
munity during the past week.
The many friends of Mrs Austin,
will be pleased to hear that at time
of writing she is much improved and
we look for her home coming.
The Bingo party sponsored by the
teach and pupils of S.S. No. 6 Varna
last Wednesday evening was well at-
tended and much enjoyed by all. Mr.
and' Mrs, Harvey McGee, Mr. and Mrs.
Phillips and Miss Weir attended from
Auburn, Mr. McGee in his usual plea-
sing manner sang several patriotic
songs which were much enjoyed. The
proceeds were in Aid of the Navy.
Mr. and Mr$, Jno McAsh visited
with the latter's brother, Rev. Keys
of Arthur on Sunday,
We are pleased to report that Mrs,
Jno, Rathwellis home and improving.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Keys have moved
into the village aid are comfortably
settled in their new home, We `wet-
come Mr, and Mrs. Keys,
Mrs. Mossop tvas .a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar of
Bayfield Sunday afternoon,
service the choir from Port Albert Air
Port led in the service of praise and
sang two numbers "The Holy City"
and "Abide With Me." A generous
free will offering was received.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Smith and fancily
Mrs. Aldpvinckle and family
M. Reid, Mr. and Mrs E. Chutor, Mrs.
M. G. Beatty- and Miss Mossop attend-
ed the confirmation services at St.
James Church, Middleton, Sunday af-
ternoon. His Lordship, Bishop Seager
of London, delivered a most impres-
sive sermon taking his text from the
spring when they get possession of
their hone on East street, Goderich,
Mrs, Stewart of Wingham is visit-
ing her niece, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson.
Baptist Ladies Aid
The Baptist Ladies Aid held their
October meeting at the home of Mrs.
;Earl Raithby and during the first part
of the afternoon, the members worked
at a quilt top. The president then
took charge of the meeting. The de-
votional period was taken by Mrs, L.
Irwin and Mrs, Glen Raithby, The
treasurer Mrs. Glen Raithby gave her,
yearly report showing $106 had been
raised during the year. The secretary
Mrs. Earl Raithby; reported there had
.been 11. meetings. 10 Red Cross quilt
tops had been made and donated to•
the Auburn Red Cross -Society and
two missionary quilts had been made.
It was decided to buy a $50 Victory
The program was in charge of Mrs.
Earl Raithby. A reading was given by
Mrs. Jas Webster and a solo by Mrs.
Wm. Haggitt.. The topic was given
by Mrs, Earl Raithby. Mts. R. J.
Phillips presided for the election of
officers which are president, Mrs.
Chas. Howson; lst vice president,
Mrs. Frank Raithby; 2nd vice pre- • LONDON' ROAD
• sident, Mrs. R. J. Phillips; seeretary The London Road. Club held their
Mrs. Earl Raithby; treasurer Mrs. regular meeting at the home of Mrs.
'Glen Raitliby; assistant Mrs. R. J. N. Manning on Thursday October 21,
Phillips; pianist, Mrs. R. J. Phillips; The meeting was opened by .Mrs. Geo.
a assistant Mrs. G. -Raithby; flower. Henderson in the absence of Mrs. W.
committee, Mrs, Stanley Johnston,
1tIrs. 'Earl Raithby, Mrs, C. A, How
son, Mrs. Harvey Reid, Mrs. Elmer
Robertson and Mrs, Jas. Webster;;
quilt committee, Mis. -John McKnight,
:Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Mrs, Jas.
Raithby, 'Mrs. Frank Lansing, Mrs.
Fifteen Christmas Boxes were Pack
ed and sent overseas by the Londes•
bolo iced Cross to the followingiboys:
Bill Little, Cliff Sundercoek, ' Jack
Sprung, Donald Sprung, Edwin Foth-
ergill, B: Hall, Harold Ross, Peter
Brown, W. J. Cabe, Roy Vodden, E.
Allen, Nelson Radford, Sam Spen-
cer and Ernest Garrett. Each box
contained '7 chocolate bars, soda bis-
cuits, writing pad and envelopes,
cheese, Christmas Cake, peanut but-
ter, Cigarettes, razor blades, 2 gum,
4 chiclets, towel and Wash cloth, ,ton-
dense•l milk, tomato juice, tomato
soup, tooth paste, tooth brush, hard
candy, peanuts, • chocolate drink, and
Mr. W. J. Tamblyn of Forest Hill
Village, Toronto, visited last week
with his mother; anti at his brother's
heine, Mr. -Prank Tamblyn, He and
his mother .also visited at Mrs. (Rev.)
E. 1VIodd's home in London returning
home on Saturday.
Mrs. •F..Hall was called to Clinton
recently because her sister, Mrs. Ro-
berton isvery ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Townsend
were in Harriston en Monday. '
• Miss • Margaret Tamblyn• was the
gnest of her friend, Coronna "{Vendor!
of Clinton over the week end.
Mrs. Bert Lobb, Goderich township
is spending this week with her moth-
er, Mrs. H. Lyon, and assisting in the.
caring for her sister Olive Guant, af-
ter her recent operation.
Miss 13. Kirle and Mrs. W. Camp-
bell were the guestg of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Scott on Sunday.
Mr. and •Mrs. Douglas Campbell,-
ampbell;Westfield visited -with Mrs. J. Tam-
blyn on Sunday.
The October meeting of the W.M.S.
was held in the church school room, on
Oct. 12th. with the president in the
ch lir. Meeting opened in the usual
form. The theme' "The Bible for all
of Life" The responsive -heading was
taken from Psalm 19. All sang verse
1 of Hymn 182 "0, Word of God In-
carnate," The Roll Gall was respond-
ed to by a verse of scripture contain-
ing the word "Thanksgiving". The
word for November Roll Call to be
"Rehienbei." After the business per-
iod the meeting was taken over by
Group No. 3, with Mrs. R. Caldwell
presiding: Those who took part 'were,
Prayer by. Mrs. W. Lyon; Ruth Shad -
dock, Read the dedication to the study
of_ God's 'word; Prayer by Mrs. C.
Watson; Hymn 187 was sung .as a
solo by Mrs. Fangrad, Mrs, W. Gov-
ier presented the chapter in the
study book, "The Light of Knowledge"
Meeting closed with the singing of a
Hymn and the benediction.
Kenneth Scott, who was in the Navy
is home at present assisting his fath-
er in the farm work. Mr. Scott is
laid up with a broken wrist.
The Anniversary services will be
head next Sunday October 31st at 11
a•m. -ail 7.30 pan. The Rev. Dr. Ross
of Blyth will be the guest speaker and
comes highly recommended. The choir
is preparing special music and will
be assisted by the quartette from the;
Wireless School Clinton. The Dag is'
looked forward to with anticipation!
and pleasure. We hope for a fine day
and a good crowd as usual.
The annual meeting of the Goderich
township Federation of Agriculture
will be held in Porters Hill School on;
Thursday, November 4th, at 8.30
Special speaker will be on hand to ad- ,
dress the meeting after the election
of officers. All are welcome.
A large crowd attended the dancer
which was held in -the Clinton town!
hall Iast Friday night, sponsored by!
the S.S.'No. 4 Unit of the Clinton
Red Croas Society. The music was 1
supplied by Murdock's Orchestra, with
Mi. M. Crich as a capable floor man-;
ager. Lunch was served by the mem
hers of the unit. The net proceeds!
amounted to $104, also a quilt was
sold by tickets. The lucky ticket I
drawn made Mr. Wilfred Biggin the
owner of the quilt. $23.70. was re-
alized from the sale of this quilt, this
money to be used to help send Christ-
mas boxes to the boys of the S.S.
No. 4, who are in the armed forces.
Mrs. Geo. Wasson had the misfor-
tune to fall while picking apples,
while fortunately not seriously injur-
ed, Mrs. Wasson will be laid tip for
For Every Occasion
Phones; 66w and 683
Buy Bonds - -
Speed The Victory!
The "V" is no longer just a symbol
of hope, It's a symbol of smashing
and complete Victory. Speed it up.
Give it wings by your purchases of
5th Victory Loan Bonds.
Space Sponsored by
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
AT 15e per pound up to 37c pound.
LAURIE --In Clinton Public Hospital
on.,Saturday, October 23rd, to Cpl.
and Mrs. W. A. Laurie, R.C.A.F.
Clinton, a daughter. (Frances Dor-
PETR E -In Clinton Public Hospital
-on Friday, October 22nd, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Petrie of Clinton
a son, (Paul Eric).
DUTOT—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Wednesday, October 27th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Dutot, of Clinton a
son. '';21E1111110
MILLER -In Clinton, on Friday, Oc-
tober 22nd, Louisa Sutter, wife of
the late Hugh Miller, in her 84th,
WHITE—In Hamilton Hospital on
Friday, October 22nd, Jessie Iso-
bel White, wife of the. late D. Budd
White, and former resident of Clin-
PECK—In Stanley Township, on Mon-
day, C\gtober 25th, Emily! Cloth
wife of the late Henry Peck, in her
851h, year.
HEFFIGRMAN In Clinton on Thurs-
day, October 21st, Helen Henderson,
beloved wife of Leading Aircraft
man Joseph P. Heffernan, R.C.A.F.
Clinton, in her 30th year.
WILSON In Clinton on Tuesday, Oc-
tober 26th, Joseph Wilson, in his
84th year. Funeral service to be held
in the Presbyterian Church, Clin-
ton, on Thursday, October 28th, at
2 o'clock. Interment in Dungannon
Swinbank and by singing Long, Long some time.
Ago, followed by the Creed. The Mi.' and, .Mrs.: Robt. Welsh sport
minutes of the last meeting were read
and adopted. The Roll Call was ams- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
tvered by Current Events. There were Ball of Sutmnerhill,
13 members; 1 visitor. ThisLL vas fol- V '
lowed by two more songs," Cradle EBENEZER
The W. A. met last week at the
home of Mrs. Frank Jones, The pre-
sident, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, presided and
•closed the meeting with prayer. A. hot —ea donated by Mrs. H, Snell 1VIrs, the meeting was opened by singing a
luck lunch was served. Hann and Mrs 'York 1
are sewing a hymn and repeating the Lord's. Pray-
song." lieve me if
those en -
'Thos. McNeil, Mrs. L. Irwin; visiting cleaving young har s.aA friend do-
!committee, Mrs. Alfred Asquith, Mrs, hated two dollars. A boys sweater
'J. McKnight, 'Mrs. Wainer. Mrs. W. and a pair of socks for Red Cross,
'C. Robertson, Mrs, C. A. Howson, also a ditty bag to be filled 1 quilt
Large crowds attended, the Anni.'cloth quilt together. It will, be quilt er in unison. The aciipture reading
-versa y Service in Knox Presbyterian led .at Nlrs. W. Swinbank's on Thins- and prayer were given by Mrs. Bert
• 'Church last Sunday. Rev. Richard day November,.4. The meeting closed 1Lobb. The minutes of the previous
'Stewart of Knox Presbyterian dlcureh by singing God Save;. the &ing. - A meeting' were read and adopted and
"Goderich • was the guest speaker and ! dainty lunch ..was served by hostess. the roll call • was . answered by' ten
preached -two• powerful .sermons. At The next meeting will be held at the members. Following the, business chs -
the morning service the choir under home. of Mrs: Geo., Falconer.- The mission the -meeting was closed with
'p pline Weir ;Ro1T'•-call will be answered by a the Mizpah.benecliction. The remain
of Miss Jose,l
-'rendered two anthems. At the 'evening Christmas : Gift. . der of the a ei oon was p c c.
STEVENS-1n loving memory of my
dear husband and our dear father,
George Stevens, who passed away,
October 22nd, 1942.
Gone is the face we loved so dear,
Silent is the voice we loved' to hear,
Too far away for sight or speech,
But not too .far for thoughts to
—Ever . remembered by his loving
•vife, and family.
GLAZIER—In memory of a dear hus-
band and father, Thomas W. Gla-
zier, who passed away four years
ago, October 31st, 1939.
Today recalls the memory,
Of a loyed one gone to rtst,
And, those who think of him today
Are those who loved him best.
—Ever remembered byhis wife,
and family,
MUTCH—In loving memory of our
dear son and btothei Flt./Sgt.
Charles Edward Mutch, R.C.A.F.,
who was killed on Active Service,
October 31, 1942, at Gibraltar.
He is gone but not forgotten,
And, as,dawns another year,
In our lonely hours of thinking,
Thoughts of hien are always near,'
Days of sadness will come o'er us,
Friends may think the wound is
But they little know the sorrow
That lives withinthe heart con-
Sadly Missed by Mother, Dad, Sis-
ter and Brothers.
quilting. Lunde was served by the
The Y.P.U. is holding a Hallowe'en'
social in the church on 'Tuesday even-
ing, November and. They are pre-
paring a program of playlets, music
Now Playing—Gary Grant in "MR.
Rosalind Russell, Fred Mac Mur-
ray, Herbert Marshall and Edward
Cianelli. A daring aviatrix on a
dangerous mission to the Pacific
—Two Features—
Another Bumstead film that pur-
sues a pattern that is fast 'moving,
with the postman getting his usual
bumpy this time from a horse in-
stead -of the whirlwind Dagwood.
Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake,
Larry Simms, "Cookie" and Alan
Dinehart.' Added attraction —
Coming— John Steinbeek's novel
of the Nazi invasion of Norway.
Nott' Playing—"Tainan 'Triumphs"
and "Truck Busters'"
—Two Features --
Robert Preston, Ellen Drew and
Otto Kruger, From restless war-
torn China come ea dramatic story
of high adventure,
Eddie : Albert, Anne Shirley and
Roger Pryor, offer a rib rocking
comedy hit
Alan Ladd, William Bendix, Lor-
etta Young, A cynical Yankee gets
oriental ideas from a gal with 'a
purpose. "CHINA"
Coming—"So Proudly We Hail."
Now Playing—"Action in the North
Charles Boyer, Joan Fontaine, and
Alexis Smith, tell an appealing
love story, one that you will dis-
cuss and remember.
George Raft, Brenda Marshall and
Sidney Greenstreet, there's plenty
of two-fisted action in this com-
pelling. tale of Occupied Europe.
Coming -A musical Hit "THE
Space Sponsored By
Two Rooms Wanted
On ground floor by a widowed
lady iii Clinton. Will- consider rent-
ing on a yearly basis if suitable,
Please leave particulars at The
News -Record. 68.2
Nice Spys, Barters and Russetts,
sprayed. Come and get a winter sup-
ply. Attractive prices at house.
C. Hoare
Take notice that the court of Re-
vision will sit at the council cham-
ber, Clinton, on the 15th, day of Nov-
ember, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening,
re the matter of assessment appeals.
The Municipality of the Town of
M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treas-
urer. Clinton, Ontario, October 28th,
1943; 69-3
Child's play pen in good condition.
Picone Clinton 268m. 68-1
For Sale
Wicker baby buggy in good condi-
tion. Phone Clinton 327. 68-1
For Sale
White enamelled wash basin. $5.00;
also tenor banjo. Apply to John
Plumtree, Clinton. 68-1
Mrs. NL. T. Hawkins and family
wish to extend their heartfelt' thanks
and appreciation for the acts of kind-
ness, messages of sympathy and beau-
tiful floral offerings received from
their kind friends and neighbors dur-
ing their recent double bereavement.
They especially' thank the Rev. G.
Moore, the members of the I.O.O.F.
Lodge, and the other ministers who,
so kindly assisted at the services.
The November .meeting of the Tue.
kersntith Ladies Club will be held at.
the home of Mrs. Erlin Whitmore on
Wednesday, the third. This is a grand
mother's meeting and all the grand-
mothers are especially 'invited. The
roll call will be answered, by, your
earliest memory of your grandmoth-
er or a poem about grandmothers.
You are also asked to bring in your
gifts fol the box to be sent up north.
RATE 45c Per, Hour
HOURS — 8 to 6 or longer is desired.
Earl Douglas
Stove. For Sale
Guelph cook stove with high enam-
el shelf, gallon size reservoir, and
oven•therinometer. Price $15.00. Phone
Clinton 619112. 68-1
For Sale
One set 3000 lb grain scales, one
wood cook stove in good order. A.
Seeley, Clinton, 68-3•
Work. Wanted
Elderly widow wants work in a Pio
testant, motherless home at once. Ap-
ply to Kerslake, Nelson street
Mitchell. 68-2
For Sale or Rent
8114 acres good grass farm, well
never dry. Miss Sue Johnson, Gosh-
en Line, Inquire Miss Sue Johnson,
Sandusky, Mich. 68-3
Puilets for Salo
Forty Rock Pullets for sale. Apply
to Ed. Boyce, No. 4 Highway, R.R.
1, Brucefield. 68-2
For Sale
Medium blue winter coat with grey
fur collar, size 10. Apply at the News -
Record. 68-2
Farm Wanted
I will purchase a farm, 25 to 50
acres -with fair buildings and fences.
Apply to Box 39W, Clinton News -Re-
cord. 68-tf
For Sale
Beach electrile stove,, with oven
and warming closet. Good as new.
Apply to George Fiewitt, R. R. No.
3 Seaforth, or phone Clinton 614111.
In the estate of Robert Trick. All
persons having claims against the
estate of Robert Trick, late of the
town of Clinton, retired farmer de-
ceased, who died on or about the
seventh day of October, 1943, are
hereby notified to send in to tate un-
dersigned on or before the eleventh
day of November 1948 full particul-
ars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date the assets of the said
estate will be distributed amongst
the, parties entitled, thereto, having
regard only of claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to. any
person of whose claim the under-
signed shall not then .have notice for
the assets so distributed or any part
Dated et Goderich this 22nd day
of October 1043,
R. C. HAYS, K.C. Goderich Ont.
• Solicitor for the Estate
Of First Postingof the Voters' List
for 1943, Municipality of Clinton
County of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have complied with Section .8 of the
Voters' Lists Aet and that I have
posted up in my office at Clinton, on
the 28th, d.ay of October, 1943,: the
Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed
Tubes Tested Free.
A. W. Groves, Princess St..
Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W,
Wood --Wood
I have staked off 10 more lots for
sale. The buyer has until April 30th
1945 to take it off.
Corporations or individuals inter-
ested can get particulars from O, R.
Forster, R.R. 2 Clinton, or phone
169 Carlow. 60-tf
Yearling Heifer strayed unto my,
property some time ago. Owner may
have same by proving property anti
paying for this advertisement. James
East, R.R. 4, Clinton. 67-1
Live, old and disabled horses and
cattle for mink feed. Elmer Trick,
Phone Clinton 90715. 39 -e -o -w
For Sale
Leicester sheep. My present offer-
ing consists of Ram lambs; year old
ewes; also a number of good ewe
lambs. Apply to J. H. Quigley, 3
miles south of Clinton on No. 4 High-
way. Phone 3 on 619 Clinton, 65-12
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 008r21. 5842
For Sale
One boy's brown overcoat size 16,
also one ladies' dark green coat with
fox collar, and chamois lined size 16,
Apply .at the News Record Office or
Post Office Box 242. 66-3
For Sale
Twelve head of 1 1-2 year old Dur -
home cattle. Apply to A. L. Shana-
han, R. R. 1 Clinton, phone 1Gr801
Good prices will be paid for old
and disabled horses. Apply to Lloyd
Batkin, phone Clinton 619r14.
Potatoes for Safe
Warba and Irish Cobblers. Ex-
cellent cookers. Free from rot. Apply
Roy Tyndall, Phone Clinton 907r8.
Voters' Lists 1943, Municipality of
Township of Stanley,
County of Huron
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of The Vot-
ers' Lists Act and that I have posted
up at my office at Varma, on the
28rcI day of October 1943, the list
of all persons entitled to vote in the
said Municipality at municipal elec-
lecttions and that such list remains there
for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correc••
ted according to law, the last day for
appeal being the 20th day of Novem-
ber 1943.
Dated this 25th day of October
Smith, late of the Township of
Goderich in the County of Hur-
on, Married Woman, Deceased.
All persons having claims against
list of all persons entitled to vote in the Estate of the above deceased are
the said Municipality at Municipal el- required to file the same with the un-
eetions and that such list remains dersigned Solicitor for the said. Estate
there for inspection. 'on or before the 10th day of Novena-
And I hereby call upon .all voters ber, A. D., 1943, after which date
to Make •imnted.iate proceedings to the assets will be distributed amongst
have any errors or omissions cor- the parties entitled thereto, having
rected according to law the last day regard only to the claims of which no -
for appeal being the 21st day of rice shall have been given,
November, 1943. DATED at Clinton; this 14th .day of
Dated at Clinton this 28th day of October, A.D. 1943.
October 1943. F. FINGLAND, K. C., Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for the said Estate.
M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Trea-
surer, the Town of Clinton. 68-2