HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-10-14, Page 8PAGE 8 Space Sponsored by SUTTER and PERDUE NfrwAV SPEED Me VICTORY \\\111?,._.�. BUY TH �. V (ThRY LOAN Space Sponsored by Plaided. Bros. INSULATION THiCK - FiRE PROOF SANITARY EASY TO INSTALL GODERICH TOWNSHIP S.S. No, 11 Red Cross Unit will meet on Thursday, October 21st at the home of Mrs. Oliver Welsh, The South End Red Cross Unit will hold their meeting Wednesday after- noon October 20th,\ t the home of Mi's, Harold Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. ,lames E, Brown and babe of Brantford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton during the Thanksgiving holiday, Death of James E. McCabe James 'Elliott McCabe, 79, pioneer resident of Goderich Township, and father of a -family of four sons and six daughters, well known in this sec - Alen, died Saturday on the farm cut out of the bush by his father the late William McCabe, and where deceased was born and lived all his life. His wife, who survives, was before het marriage, Miss Jessie Fuller, also a member of a pioneer family. Surviving sons are Fred, of Shep- pardton; Charles And George, of God= erich, and. Robert of •Saltford; dau- ghters: Mrs. Ben McCullough and Sere,' Hugh Graham, of Goderich. township; ,Mrs, James Allan, Mrs. Sam McNeil, Mrs, Leslie Smith and • Mrs. Ben ' "Young,. of Goderich; three brothers; YEAR. litr WO C MFt Te. Insulate your house now and be comfort- able both winter and summer. GYI'ROC WOOL Thick Insula• tion quickly pays for itself because it SAVES FUEL Let us measure your house and give you an estimate A Phone 97,1, Y. D. FALCONER Clinton, Ont. CITIZEN) t HURON COUNTY LISTEN TO THE FIFTI3 VICTORY LOAN BROADCASTS OVER RADIO STATION CKNX WINGIIAM Official Opening by REVEREND W. A.13EECROFT Chairman—Huron County At 8 a.m. Monday, October 18th There will be a 5 minute program 1 THE CLINTON NEVVS'RECORI) Outstanding Books THE ROBE --Lloyd C. Doug's. "The Robe" is a long novel, rich in Characters, rich in human incident. It is exciting and intensely moving. You do not finish this book when you have read the last page, for it has alt after effect of thoughtfulness. You will speak of it and think about it long after reading its It has headed the best-seller, list for nine months. —A record! It should be a best-seller for many more months $3.00< THE APOSTLE—Sholem Ash. Written by the author of "The Naz- arene" of which half a million copies were sold, this is a novel based on the life of St. Paul. It is a book destined for greatness and it is said that "The Apostle" will take its place, along with the Nazarene as the crowning achievement -of' a life devoted to the study of the greatest story in hsitory. $3.75 THUNDERHEAD Mary O'Hara, A glowing new novel by the author of "My Friend Flicka" An unalloyed pleasure in which is, told with a spec- ial magic the story* of Flicka's first colt and of the zestful McLaughlin battTitgg for their hearts desires on Goose Bar Ranch ............ $3.00 CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY_ Rosemary Taylor' The hilarious saga of a small-town boarding house in. the good old days. You will meet as amusing a set of characters as appears in any recent book, headed by mother, who kept her boarders loyal .and happy, and father, who kept them wondering what on earth he would do next. A. unique story of a woman who ran a boarding house for the tun of it and made it a howling success $3,50 Tile W. B. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best „au.IIIINIII1Ii unveil 1 1p 1 l ,~ :I 0111, 'tt Miss Eva Cluff spent the holltia week end in Hamilton. Miss Ella Akam visited in Toront during the past week. Mr, Brenton. }leilyer of Toronto wa home over Thanksgiving. Mr. Robert hale spent the week end in Toronto with his uncle, Mr. It, J. Barber. Mrs. Erma Adams of London spen the week end with her mother, Mrs C. B, Hale. 'Miss Margaret Lockwood of Toronto spent the holiday week end at he home in town. Mrs. John Walker of Kitchener spent the week end with Mn and Mrs. George A. Welker. Miss Agnes Agnew of Toronto was a visitor at her home in town during the holiday ';'eek end. Mrs. Frances Trick has returned to Hamilton for the winter with her daughter, Mrs. F. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waldron accom- panied by Mrs. Harold Johnston spent the week end in Chatham. LAC. and Mrs. James Kennedy of T Red Cross Dance Under the auspices of the S. S. No, 4 United of Goderich Township; in CLINTON TOWN HALL on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd Murdoclt's Orchestra New and. old time dancing Mel Cnich, ' Floor Manager. Lunch Sold Admission 35 cents School Children Free. 66-2 Clinton Baptist .Anniversary SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th SERVICES at 11 A.M. and 7p.M. SPEAKER—REV JOSEPH JANES, of Goderich, Music by the choir. Anniversary Social Fellowship Hour to follow, Monday evening, October 18th, at 8 p.m. The evening program will be—Mov- ing Film pictures received- from Ot- tawa government; These are .beauti e'ul ooiored pictures bearing the thiemnes, (a) "Playgrounds of two Nations." (b) "Frain` Sea to Sea." (c) "A picture of Special Interest to children. Ministers of : the Clinton Churches will be present to convey greetings. There will also be a_nuniber of musi- cal selections, both vocal and Metre mental. Scene time will be given for' community singing, when all in the assembly will be invited to take part. A valuable evening is anticipa'setn Colne and bring a friend with yort. Admission to Adults 25 cents Children 15 cents 66-1 Salvage Collection October 23rd The Junior Red Cross of Clinton Collegiate Institute will have a sal- vage collection on Saturday October 23rd: All salvage must be placed at the curb by 0 o'clock a.m. Articles required are: paper (se- curely tied in bundles), iron, brass, rugs, bones, greases, tires, tubes. •Salvage headquarters have sent out instructions NOT TO COLLECT: bottles, glass of any kind, tin Cans, small rubber, articles (1101. water bottles, boots, etc) wire until further notice. GODERICH TOWNSHIP o The following interesting letter was received by the convenors of 'the $ Overseas Boxes South End Red Cross, September 0th. Dear members of the south end Red Cross. I • received your parcel today and everything was in good condition and t useful. I thank you people very much; for the parcel and for the good work} that you and other Red Cross Clubs are doing for us boys over here. r Besides the things sent from you' people, I have had 2 sweaters, a pair of socks, a pair et mitts and a sera} from the Red Cross over here. from things sent by the Red Cross from r Canada. Again I thank you. Your Truly, Gnr, J. W. beeves, 1st Survey Regt., R.C.A. Mrs.' Mellveett has also received word from her soin Jack that his box bed arrived in good condition and he rxpressed his thanks, • These boxes E pronto were week end visitors at nd dis- their respective hopper in town trict. Christmas boxes are being prd- TULIP BULBS We have'a limited number to offer. They, are all for outdoor 1 planting . 13ARTIG'ON, SCARLET PROF, RAWHENIIOFF, RED WM. COPELAND, 'MAUVE PRINCESS ELIZABETH PINK ALSO YELLOW DARWIN'S 60c A DOZEN i ASSORTED DARWIN TULIPS 40e A DOZEN PREPARED SOIL? 25c A PAIL F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists . Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders, Phone 176 and 31 THURS.., OCT.. 14, 1943' lNOWo siuppiy THE FEISHING TOUCH! Send our troops storming to ceash the tottering Nazis. Armed to the teeth by your .5th, Victory Loan purchases, they'll sweep all before theth; move the Victory hour ahead. Then, the home coming!' Caa'.t you picture it?, That's what you're asked to invest in: a speedy Victory;:, a speedy, triumphant return. Lend note to bring thee boys home. SPEW THE VICTORY ... BUY BONDS Space Sponsored by C. M. Shearing Space Sponsored by BALL and ZAPFE Space sponsored by T. R. Thopson EBENEZER were sent the latter part of July and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobb, enter - in September cigarettes were sent to tamed the Ebenezer Y.P.U. to a fowl all the boys from fr the South Miss Barbara Scott of London spent • the holiday week end with her par- ents, 111r. and Mrs, Ronald Scott. Miss Maude Torrance returned last week end from an extended trip to Vancouver, BC., and Port Arthur Ontario. Mrs, J. F. Lockwood. of Lethbi$cige Alta„ and small soil Ronald Charles are visiting Mr, and Mrs, Charles Lockwood. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril 13. Hale of St, Catharines motored up to spend the week end holiday with the former's p another, Mrs, C. B. Hale, of town. Miss Edna Elliott of Toronto and th Miss Pearl Elliott of London were f week end visitors with their moth- d er and sister, Mrs. G. H. Elliott and d pared for them now. Miss Phyllis Johnston, Goderich, spent the week end at the hone of . her aunt, Mrs. Fred Middleton. The S. S. No 4 Red Cross Unit met last week at the home of Mrs. Ernest Little. The president presided at the meeting, which was opened. with the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison, The I • of the previous meeting were read and approved. The roll call was answered by thirteen members giving n the proceeds of the tickets sold n a quilt, and there was one visitor resent. The money from the selling of tickets is to be used for packing e Christmas boxes for the boys rove S. S. No. 4. Business items 'were iscussed, and it was decided that a ante would be sponsored by our Unit n the Clinton town hall on Friday, evening, October 22, with Murdoch's rchestra in attendance (see adv't. n this issue) Quilt blocks were dis- ributed, and a quilt was quilted dur- g the afternoon. A gift donated by M • Bert Lobb was sold by tickets. rs. Gamble, drawing the lucky tie - et. The meeting was closed with the National Anthem. Miss Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish had as their guests last week, Miss Lucy 0 on Barradel of 505 Fiske Drive, Det- roit, and Mrs. William Chater of St, t SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th, and each day of the campaign at 12.40 p.m. The first of these programs will be addressed by Warden Benson W. Tuckey SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th. Followed. by a prominent speaker daily October 18th to November .6th. William and George of. Goderich, and - BUY BONDS Hobert of . Goderich Township, ann • AAL eine sister, 'Mrs, George Rebell, of Port Colborne, SPEED THE VICTORY Thomas. in Miss Phyllis Herman and Miss Joan Sloman of the Western University M spent the holiday with the form- k er's parents, Mr. and Mars. W. T. Herman. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Blake of Thedford Mr. and Mrs. E. Dobie of Forest an Mr. Jas. MooreofForest were Olin ton visitors on Sunday to be at the pr funeral of the late Mr. Robert Trick. 1pe Mr. and Mrs.' Fletcher Young of New is Toronto' and 'Mr .and Mrs, Wesley er Young and daughter Marilyn of Port Credit 'visited with Mr. and Mrs, Peter Glazier over the week end, supper on Thanksgiving night. Sev- enteen young people partook of the supper, and the evening was • spent socially in contests and games. A vote of thanks was moved to the host and hostess for their hospitality. A number from this community at- tended the anniversary services Holmesville en Sunday. BRUCEFIELD The United Church will hold i Anniversary on Ooetober 24th w] Rev. Turnbull of Goderich at t host speaker. Mr. and Mrs. J. IC. Cornish spen few days with friends in Toron nd Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs, C. Halstead and Floyd o' •Stratford spent the week end wit r and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Miss Doris Dutot of London spec to week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe, spent ew days in London with Mr. an rs, A. Zapfe. Miss Annie Mustard of London pent Monday with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. 1', Dunlop of Chats orth spent the holiday with 112x. and rs. R. Scott, Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon - on spent the week end at her home ere. Mr, John Kelsey and Louise of Watford spent Sunday with Mr. and i's, Frank Taylor. Mr. D. Swan Miss E. Bower, and Is. , Grainger spent Sunday at Hel- ton, Miss Norma Collins of London spent,' at to th he t to spen g a a M 51 M s a d w V M One of the essential features of the d eparation and preservation of bacon h r overseas is the application of tent- nature control from the time the hag killed until delivery to, the consum- -in the Cool room of the process- ing plant in the pickling cellars, in M the railways cars, in the ships' holds er as they cross the ocean, and in stor- ageoverseas. th e week end with friends here. BUY BOOS! Si! SPMA WE VICTORY' Tanks and more tanks! That's the only talk the Nazis understand. So let them have it with both barrels. Buy 5th Victory Loan Bonds and speed the tanks ahead — driving to Victory. Every dollar counts. Every bond brings Victory that !pooh nearer. Go all-out for Victory, Space sponsored Clifford Lobb andrSon Speed the VICTORY Space Sponsored by T. HAWKINS