HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-10-14, Page 4sr Val »wr«:»• •••• -« ..•»• .•...y • •»•.•»•»•»•»•»•»•»•»•»•»•»•»• o,:»-.,..:»•.•»:«« x' • • 3 HAYFIELD Clinton Monument Works WILL IN THE FUTURE BE OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THEIR Exeter Business Mr. J. J. Zapfe will be pleased to receive any inquiries PAGE •4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Now Showing Christmas Cards Christmas Wrappings Tags and Seals FOR OVERSEAS Orders Taken For Private Greeting Cards A. T. COOPER, STORE OPEN EVENINGS 6 TO 8 ROLL OUT TEE DOLLARS ... and They'll Roll up the Axis! PHONES 36W «i« 36.1 SPEED the VICTORY .717774r° le0 Space Sponsored by W. S. R. Holmes .wvwmn..,c •;1 4.4 • Tel 12.1 • ,tt .I......................:...,,,...........1.,.....: Space Sponsored :_ 4 by Y DAVIS 4. it ;1« and I = i lM. „� 4. HERAN Speed the VICTORY VICTORY LOAN Space Sponsored by Epps Sport Shop 'Rev. and Mrs. A, S. Colwell re- 'turned to the Parsonage on Thursday of last week after a vacation spent oat Detroit and Pelee Island. Mrs. G. W. King left last week for Ann Arbor, Mich., after having spent the season at her cottage "Kings' Bluff." Mrs. H. R. MacKay was the guest of IVlrs. H. A. Lawson hi Stratford for several days last week. Mrs. F. A. Edwards Mrs. R. J. Wat- son and Master Edwards Watson left on Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with relatives in Waterloo Mrs. E. N. Hort and Miss Dor- othy Hort of London were. at their cottage over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards of London visited the latter's mother, Mrs. T. C. Bailey, •over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. 'Chapman of :London spent Thanksgiving at their. cottage L,A.C. Harry Bosnell wife and babe of Toronto and Mrs. H. Bender of Zurich were the guests 'of MI and Mrs. P. Weston over the hdliday. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald and grand- son of Kitchener' were at their cot- tage over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hohn, Etta, Pearl and Roy Holm of Preston were with Mrs. Holm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClinchey for Thanks- giving. Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar Jr,, and son, George and Miss 'Elva Dewar of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents, Mr, and: Mrs. David Dewar. Visitors over the week end at the home of Mrs. C. Parker. were 'Mrs. L. V, Smith and Maxine of London, Clar- ence Larson of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. H. K. King of Sarnia. Mrs. King remained to spend this week with her mother. Red Shield The R. S. W A;. held their regular meeting in the S. A. Hall,,. on Tues- day, October 12th. There were 20 members and 2 visitors present. There was 1 quilt sold to Mrs. Morley Counter for 28.00. Received from Mr. Mel Crich :$30. Rebate on town hall rent from Patriotic dances. Received refugee clothing from Miss M. Cham- bers also from Mrs. H. Castle and Mrs. J. Vincent. We acknowledge with thanks 1 quilt from the London Road Club. Next meeting' October 19th. London in 1923. following• the dis- bags to be sent our brave sailors for Christmas,: Mrs. John McGregor was put in charge of filling these. Yarn was given net for,knitting' navy socks also for ditty bags. A short program was given a solo by Mrs. Innes and a pleasing duet by Lillian and Betty 'Stewart, A gift of money was given to Miss Nota Stewart a bride-to-be. Mrs; Will McEwen read the address which was in verse and little Catherine McGre gor presented gift after which Nora thanked the members also in verse, af- ter which all joined in singing "For She's a Jolly. Good Fellow." The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's . Prayer after which a dainty luncheon was served. Mrs. John H..McEwen kindly.in- vited the club for the November meet- ing. estrous fire of 1922 which wiped out their bakeshop and'dwelling here. She iS survived by a daughter and two sons, Hilda King of London, Harald of Sarnia and Frank of Toronto, a brother and sister, Albert Vanstone and Mrs, Bert Hale of London also five grandchildren, James and Harold Atwood, Mrs. Alvin Dutot, Jackie Harris, Marlene Gertrude King, and one great grandchild, Kenneth Dutot. Following a service conducted by Canon W. A. Townshend in the Fer- guson Funeral Home, London, on the evening of October 8. the remains were brought to Trinity Church Hay- field Id h 1 ie , e fol owing morning and .the funeral service which was largely at- tended was held at half past two in. s the afternoon. The burial service was read by the Rector Rev. John Graham ek and interment took place in Bayfield Cemetery. The pallbearers were: J. e Parker, P. Weston, W. Westlake, G. a Houston, A. E. Erwin and E. A. Featherston. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moran of London spent Thanksgiving with the latter parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Houston, Mrs J. McClure spent last we with her son in .Seaforth. • Mrs. D. A. Volume returned hom on Thursday after having spent week in Toronto. • Rev. and Mrs. J. Graham, • Pat and Moniya 'visited friends in London and Delaware over the Thanksgiving week end. Mrs. J. M .Stewart returned to Hamilton. on Monday with Mr. Ste- wart who was here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Mary and Ronald of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Knight's smother; Mrs. F, C. Gemeinhardt. Mr. and, Mrs. Gideon Koehler of Zurich were with the latter's sister's' Misses F. and E. Fowlie for Thanks- giving. Mrs. W. R. Elliott and John of Wat- erloo were at their home over the hol- iday. Major Duffy and son of London were guests at "Llandudno" on Sun- day Mr .and Mrs. V. C. Quarry ac- companied them on their return to London where they will spend a few days before leaving for Florida. Mr. Quarry is improving in health and it is hoped that the warm climate will benefit hint greatly. Lieut E. W. Kendall, Mrs. Kendall and two children of Elmira are visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. R. Jowett. Mrs. E. A. Ponncler and family of Stratford were at their cottage over the week end. Misses Alice Drowin and A. Fern- etto of Detroit spent the week end at their respective cottages in the B village, Dr. and Mrs. Penrose and family of G London were the guests of Prof and Mrs. H. Kalbfleisch at their cottage in D the village over the week end and holiday, Amongst those from a distance who were here for the funeral were; Mr. and Mrs: H. King, Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. F. King, Mrs. Abbie Hale, Tor- onto, Mrs. Harold Ormrod, Windsor, Miss H, King, Mr. ThrallHarris and son, Jackie, Mrs. Nichol, Mr, and Mrs. B. Hale, Mrs: Eolith Richie, Mr. J. Moore, Mrs. Nichol, Mr; Albert Van - stone, London, Mrs... McIlwain, God- erich. - • • Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman and two boys . of New Dundee visited Mrs. Hallman's aunts, Misses M. C. and E. Reid,,pn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs W. Robinson and WEI- ter of London and Miss Mary Robin- son of Kingston were at their home in the village over the week end and holiday. 'Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kerr in the loss of their infant song who died shortly after birth in Alexandra and Marine Hos- pital, Goderich, on Monday. He was buried in Bayfield cemetrey on Tues. day afternoon, While Mrs. Kerr is still in a very critical condi#on she had rallied slightly at time of writ- ing and her many friends hope for continued improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Wadedough, Royal Oak Mich., are guests at The Little Inn. Guests over the week end at the Ritz Hotel included: Mr, and Mrs: James Johnson, Mr .and Mrs. Mervin lack, Mr. E. Clarke, Mr, J. Sullivan, 119 :r .George Watson, Mr. and Mrs, H. . Edwards, all of London Mr. and Mrs. Alex Collins Sarnia, Dr. and Mrs. obberman and daughter, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. J. Biggart, Mr. Geo. McCraw, Toronto. The anual Inter -School field meet results will be published next, week owing to an abundance of news this week. Mr. and Mrs H. Bauer and family of Waterloo were at their cottage ov- er the Thanksgiving week end. • Mr. and Mrs, Jas. P. Ferguson spen Thanksgiving with the for'nier's moth er, Mrs. Ferguson accompanied them on their return to London. Mr. and Mrs. H, Baker and three daughters, Donna, Sylvia and Connie, Mrs. V. A. Burt, Ronald and Mary Lou Burt and • Mr. Ernest Miles, all of London spent the Thanksgiving week end under the parental roof. The Finance Committee of the Red Cross bas arranged to bold a dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening 1 Miss Jeanne Dunn and Miss Wey- man of Toronto were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd 1VIakins over the week end. t V VARNA Holiday isitors: Dr. Harvey an Airs, Reid and two daughters of Tor- onto with the former's mother, Mr 1VI. Reid. Harold Rathtvell, wife and little so of Windsor, who were accompanie by Mr. and Mrs. George Foster als of Windsor visited with the former's mother, Mrs. John Rathwell, whom we are sorry to say is confined to , Scott Memorial Hospital with a frac- tured shoulder and arm. LAC Wm. McAsh of Pendleton, Ont with his wife and little son at the parental home. Mrs. E. Epps and Mrs, Webster of Clinton with relatives and friends. Mrs. G. H. Beatty and son G. M. spent the week end with friends in London. Mrs. Sherlock Keyes of Creenrore, $intoe spent the week end at her Hoe with her husband and family. Mrs. Gertrude Reid returned home after a fortnight with her daughter in Sarnia; She was accompanied by Mr. anti Mrs, Jamieson and little son Billy. Miss Lillian Elliott has returned ter spending several weeks at the inona fruit farms and reports a od time, while helping tosave the V WEDDINGS CALDWELL—WEBSTER An arch of evergreen, decorated with fall flowers, maple leaves and ferns formed the background for a pretty Autumn -wedding at high noon on Saturday, October 9th,• at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 'hodden, when their niece, Gladys Florence, youngest daugh''er of Mr, and Mrs.. Joseph Webster of Clinton, was unit- ed in marriage to John Ralph Cald- well, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. John Caldwell of Blyth, Rev, And- rew Lane officiated, The bride looked charming in a floor length gown of pink sheer, with finger tip veil, and Carrying pink Rapture roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Bertha Webster of Toronto, who wore a floor length gown of blue sheer with matching headdress. She carried Joanna Hill roses. Mr. Gordon Caldwell, cousin of the groom, was best man, After the ceremony a dainty buffet luncheon was served by Misses Grace Addison ane] Florence Garrett, Mrs. William Riehl, Mrs. W. Partridge and Mrs. Jack Partridge. The table' decor- ations being carried out in pink and white. Later the young couple left for a trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto and other points, the bride travelling in a blue wool dress, navy coat and match- ing accessories. V KEYS STEPHENSON The home of Mr. ancl. Mrs William R. Stephenson, Varna Ontario, was the scene of a charming fall wedding on Saturday October 2nd at 11.30 a.m., when their elder slaughter Jolene Marjorie, was ranted in marriage to James Harvey Keys, second son of Mr.and Mrs. Benjamin Keys, Zurich. Rev. Reba Hein officiated, bliss Joyce Stephenson sister of the bride played the wedding march and before the ceremony played "0 Perfect Love" During the signing of the register, Mrs. D. I. Hill, Listowel sang "I Love c] You Truly." accompanied by Miss ehSnell of Londesboro. The ceremony was performed in th s' living room before the fireplace whit was attractively arranged with whit dstandards of asters,. peach and whit o gladiolis and ferns. The bride, given in marriage by he father, was lovely in a floor leng gown of white chenille, embroiders organza over satin in roses and lit of the valley design. The dress mad on princess lines featured long. tigh sleeves which formed points over th hands and sweetheart neckline. He floor length embroidered veil of Brus sels net was arranged in sweetlear style. She wore the groom's gift a gol heart shaped locket and carried pin Briareliffe roses. Miss Doris Smale, Seaforth, cousi of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wa smartly gowned in a floor length dres of turquoise sheer with tiny jacket em broideid in gold. She wore gold sand als and a wreath of flowers in her hair and carried an arm bouquet of Goldo Glow chrysanthemums. Mr. Douglas Robinson, Zurich was best man. Following the ceremony, dinner was served to thirty five guests, The dining room was decorat- ed with pink art(' white streamers and white bells. The table was centred with the wedding cake, white tapers and vases of pink and white dahlia: Girl friends of the bride Ruth Snell, Anna Reid, Ruth McAllister and. Mrs. Ken McLean served. assisted by Mrs, Russel Erratt and; Mrs William Ell- wood, Goderich. DurinDuringdinner, the bride and groom received a telegram of congratulations from the bride's relatives in Pilot Mound, Manitoba. The bride's mother wore an air force blue crepe dress two• piece style. The groom's mother wore 'Alice blue crepe in similar style. 'Both wore corsages of Hollywood roses. Mr. and Mrs, Keys left on an ex- tended motor trip. The bride donning for travelling a two piece wool dress in 'gold shade, brown tweed coat, ,brown accessories and corsage of pink roses. Upon their return they willwillreside on the groom's farm on Babylon litre. Guests were present' from Staffa, Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Hensel', Listowel, London and Valleyfieldt Quebec. Miss Nora Ferguson left last week to spend the winter with Mrs. W. Balkwill in London. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rogers of Ham- ilton were at their cottage over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Potter of London were at their cottage over the week end. They had as their guests Mr. and Mrs, John La Salle. Mrs. Etta Reid of Sarnia was the guest of her niece Mrs. M. Toms and Mr. Toms over the week end. Mrs, J. McLeod So. and Miss Elsie McLeod left on Monday for Detroit where they will spend a few weeks. of Mr, and Mrs. Blyth Stephenson and w family of Toronto and Miss Ada Bing. go ley of Detroit spent the holiday week c end at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ferguson were guests of Miss •S. Govenlock in Sea - forth over the week end. Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. King. Death of Mrs. Thomas Ring Death carne suddenly on Sunday October 3, at her home in London to a former widely known resident of Bay- field in the person of Mrs. Ida Len- ore Ring. The deceased woman was born in Zurich, Ont., in 1868 •and was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos Vanstone. When' a young girl she came with her parents to live in Bayfield.•In 3889 she was married to Thos. King, who predeceased her in 1926. To this happy union five child- ren were born, two of whom prede- ceased their mother, Lillian (Mrs. A. Atwood) in 1926 and Shirley (Mrs. Hugh Harris) in 1940. The family liv- ed in Bayfield where Mrs. King took ' an 'active interest in Community pro- "W jests and was a devoted member of A Trinity •Church until' they moved to to op. Rev. Conan Townsend of London' delivered a very instructive and im- pressive sermon in St. John's Angli- can Church Sunday morning. Sunday being anniversary in the United Church, Rev. Reba Hern spoke in able manner to a well filled. house both morning and evening. STANLEY Miss Lois Moffatt, of Toronto spent the holiday and. week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. William Baird and Thelma also Me. Thomas Mathers of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. George Baird. The' Stanley. Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Alex McEwen, Oct. 7th with 21 members present and the president Mrs. Baird in the chair. The roll call was answered by hat we used to do on Hallowe'en". collection amounting to $1;8,31 was ken up to be used in filling 12 ditty THURS., OCT. 14, 1948 BARLEY We ' have substantial receipts of barley from the West available at the track in Clinton We are selling off the car at $29.00 per ton for any quantity you wish to take. Bring your bags and get some BARLEY while it is available. OBITUARY ROBERT TRICK The death occurred on Thursday, October 7th of Robert Trick for the past 6 years a resident of Clinton, in his 78111 year, after a brief illness. Born at Embro in August 1866, a s of the late Thomas Trick and Cath erine Clarke he came with his pa ents to Goderich township when b a young boy. They located on a far on the Bayfield road three utiles fr Clinton. where they also operated, water -power flour and feed mill whi became known throughout the distri as Trick's Mill and which served a large section of the farming cont. enmity. Thirty-nine years ago Robert Trick married Florence M.•Lott and they made their hone at the mitt farm, where they resided until they retired and took up residence in Clin- ton, Mr. Trick was -interested in all natters of community welfare and had been a director of the Holmesville cooperative cheese factory. He was Liberal in politics and Methodist and United Church in religion. Besides Mrs Trick there survive also one son Elmer Trick, a grandson, Billy; one brother Frank Trick, an the mill farm, incl three nieces, Mrs William Wise, Goderich Township, Mra FletcherTownsend, Clinton, acid Mrs. Fred Lawrence, Hamilton.The funeral was held from his late residence, Rattenbm•y street, on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Rev, 0. G. Burton conducting the service. The pallbearers were Messrs. Norman Holland, W. J. Elliott, John McFar- lane, Sr., W. Wise, Fletcher Towns- end, and Fred Lawrence, Flower bear- ers, W. E. Perdue, H. Charlesworth, Dorland Glazier, Roy Elliott, Frank Lourie and Chester Grigg. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooper of Clinton, and sister of Mrs. A. J. Morrish and Homer S. Cooper. Private services were held at the home on Friday afternoon last and interment was made in Woodstock on Presbyterian cemetery. The honourary c- pallbearers were Mr. A. J. Morrish, r'" Dr. J. W. Shaw, Col. H. T. Rance, ut Mr. W. D. Fair, Mr. J. E. Hovey, m Dr, H. Fowler, Messrs. George Ro1- ono erten, W. J. Cowan and Bert Kerr. a, The acting pallbearers were Messrs, ch L. Gorclonier and D. Batterton of et !Woodstock, and H. B, Manning, George Jenkins, Harry Bartliff and Newton Davies, • V SYDNEY ARTHUR ROWE The. death occurred at his hone, 46 Fairleigh Crescent, Forest Hill VII - loge, on Friday, October 1st, of Syd- ney -Arthur Rowe, beloved husband of Mary Watkins, in his 37th year. The funeral services were held from Brown's Funeral Honie, corner of Eg- linton and. Dufferin Avenues, Toronto on Monday afternoon, October 411 Interment at Prospect Cemetery. V=- LONDESBORO Miss B. Kirk is spending a week in Toronto. Misses Maty spec Esther Jamieson, Toronto spent the Thanksgiving week enol at their hone. Mr. and ISIrs, Chas Govier, Pt. Col- borne visited with his sister Mrs Lil- lie Webster on Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. Val Townsend and two sons of Toronto spent the week end holiday with his sisiteir, Mrs. Frank Wood and other friends. Returns From Overseas Geo. Cowan, who has been over- seas for the past three years arrived home last week he was in charge of a load of prisoners of war coning across the ocean. On his arrival here he was niet with a royal welcome. A ear with other ears following de- corated with many flags escorted him with his wife and son around the town several times before landing hint at his home. Everyone was glad to see trim looking hale and hearty and live in the hope of all others who are serving their King and Country will be spared to return home safe and well. Mr. Cowan is on a two weeks leave andas yet does not know what may be planned for his fu- - ture, On Friday evening last the "Lyon Cousins". met at home of •their aunt Mrs. Wm, Lyon to spend a social time i with their cousin Mrs, Jack Mor- esco, (fornferly Majory Lyon) who has been visiting for a couple of weeks with her mother, before re- turning' to her work in the Hospital at Copper Cliff. During the evening the Cousins presented her with two beautiful rugs. A dainty luneh was served. After good wishes for a happy future all . sang', "For she's a Jolly Good Fellow," Mrs. Morose left Saturday morning for Copper Cliff. On Sunday last the Rev. A. E, Men- zies gave an inspiring sermon on Thanksgiving, Next Sunday October 17th, there will be no church service here it being Constance Anniversary Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna will be the guest speaker and on Sunday Oct. 31st will be the Anniversary of the Londesboro Church, :Rev, E. R. Ross of Blyth to be the niinitter. Special MRS ANDREW PORTER Mrs, Andrew Porter died suddenly in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Goderich, on Monday marl- ing. She had taken ill at her hone, on Sunday and was removed to the hospital. Formerly Mary Alice Rum - ball, she was born in Clinton, daughter of the late Frederick and Elizabeth Moore Ramball; and for the past for- ty-two years had lived in Goderich, where her husband, the late Andrew Porter was a Customs Collector at the port of Goderich and was widely known. Mrs. Porter attended North Street United Church, She is survived by a daughter, Mrs Harriet Paliet of Cleveland, and a sister, Mrs,. Harriet Nye, of Orlanda, Florida, who has lately returned to her hone. The funeral took place from Broph- ey's Funeral Chapel, Goderich on numbers are being prepared by the Wednesday at 2.00 p,m. Rev. R. H. choir. Turnbull, of North Street United Church in charge of the service. In- terment in Clinton Cemetery. V MRS. W. C. BROWN Suddenly on Wednesday, October 6th, the death occurred of Mary Fran- ces Cooper (Minnie) beloved wife of W. C. Brown of Clinton. She was a Mr. Pete Crawford and family of London visited over the week end with E'. J. Crawford, 13th concession. Miss Alice Finglantl is taking her holidays, going to Toronto on Satur- day last, Mrs. J. D, Melville visited with he sister, Mrs. Bean of Auburn, on Sun- day.