The Clinton News Record, 1943-10-14, Page 1•
The Clinton News-Reeord Est. 1878
With Which) is incorporated The Clinton New
NO. 6166 -64th YEAR
The New Era Est. 1867
Space Sponsored by W. H. Hellyar
Space Sponsored by R. V. IRWIN
With the enemy reeling back on all fronts now is the time
to plant the finishing punch . . . With 5th Victory Loan
Bonds. Sign tap NOW. Sign up for all you can carey.
Sign up to bring the boys back home in triumph • . .
soon, Every dollar, every bond, counts in this great forward
sutge of our fighting forces. And remember, Victory Bonds
are Canada's finest imeestment.
ceeve V.11; flk.,111, 0109,
Space Sponsored by W. N. Counter
The MOST You Can Lend Is The LEAST You Can Do
Final arrangements are being coin- Knight, and salesmen were present.
pleted this week for the 5th. Victory
Loan drive in Clinton. A recent meet-
ing of the salesmen in Clinton and of
the townships of Goderich and Stanley
was held in the council chamber when
J. A. Luarsden of the Huron County
organizing staff, Frank Fingland, K.
C., vice-chairman for Clinton and dis-
trict, and the local chairman, A. M.
Similar meetings are being held
:throughout the county. Fifteen of the
leading merchants advertising in this
medium have donated their space this
week towards the 5th Victory Loan.
Clinton's quota is $184,000 and wit14
your help it can easily be accomplish,.
A rally of all units of the Clinton
Red Cross Society will be held in t
the town hall, Clinton, on 'Tuesday
October 19th, at 8 p.m. There will
be a display of work done and a splen-
did program has been arranged. Much
interest should be centred in this
rally. Will you do year share to make
it the success it should be? Your at-
tendance will help and you are as-
sured of an enjoyable.and profitable
Toronto Association Party
The Huron County Junior Associa-
tion of Toronto extends to all Huron
Old Boys and their friends, an invi-
tation to a Bowling Party on the even-
ing of Saturday, October 23rd at 8.15
p.m. at the Central Bowling and Re-
creation Club, ,22 Sheppard Street,
Following lunch, a short business
meeting will be held to elect the of-
ficers for the coming year.
Because of the shortage of alley
boys, the executive members urge
everyone to be ready to bowl at 8.30
at the latest,
Clinton's Third Blood Donor
Clinic Proves Successful
The third mobile Blood Donor Clin-
ic for Clinton and district was held
in Wesley -Willis United Church with
Mrs. Jaekaini; Nurse Technician in
charge. Seventy-eight donors were ac-
cepted. The doctors were, Dr. Shaw,
Dr. Oakes, Dr. Addison, Dr, Voices.
The nurses assisting were: 'Mrs. W.
A. Oakes, Mrs. Alec Haddy, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs, Shaw, Mem. Robetelle,
Mrs. P. Livermore, Mrs. Ross Fitz-
simons, Miss Stirling, Mrs, McLeod,
Mrs, Fred Thompson, Mies Greig,
Mrs, Middleton, 'VD's. Lawrence. The
secretaries were Mrs. G. Miller and
Miss Ruth Ball. Mayor McMurray,
acted as receptionist, and Mrs. J. M.
Elliott assistedin taking tempera-
tuees. 'Mrs. Hunter had charge of rou-
tine. Convener for serving breakfast
was Mrs. Paterson. Her committee
was as follows: Mrs. McLow, Mrs.
Lowe, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs, Streets,
Mrs. Fear, Mrs. 3. Torrence, Mrs.
Walters, Mrs. Cree Cook, Mrs, Lep-
pington. Publicity for the clinic was
handled by Mr. Geo. Jefferson, and
Dr. Shaw. Mr. J. C. Shearer, and
Mr. A. McMurray ,ware responsible
for getting donors. The clinic wishes
to thank rifarch Bros. for a donation
of cream.
The following is the list of donors:
Harold Crittenden, 2; G. M. Coun-
ter, 2; C. M. Shearing, John Butler;
Gregor McGregor, 2; Mrs, Lula M.
Elliott, Shirley Henri, A. Garen, 2;
J. C'ee Cook, 2; Benson Edwards, 2;
Robt, Thompson, Mrs. Jean Leiper,
Emily Scrutton, Dorothy Mutch, Dor-
othy Streets, M. Jacob, 2; E. E.
Walton, 2; Ken Elliott, 2; C. D.
Connell, 2; Lloyd Keyes, Dr. H. Mee
Intyre, If. C. Schelleriberger, 2; Har-
old Yeo, Elden Yeo, Gordon Scrib-
bins, 2; Elmer Potter, 2; Alvin Flet-
cher, 2; John Leiper, 2;., Mrs. Geo.
Riehl, Mrs. A. Garon, Helen Dixon;
John Sutter, 2; Mrs. Donald Harris,
S. B. White, 2; Rev. A. Lane, 0. H.
Rands, 2; Mrs. Wm. Shaddock Clif-
ford..Cooper, 2; F. W. Pennebalcer, 2;
Mrs. Walter Forbes, Ephriam Snell,
2; Mrs. Fred Lobb, Mrs. Bert Lobb,
Glenn Cook, 2; Kenneth Trewartha,
2; James C. Shearer, 2; Harry Thomp-
son, Raymond Cox, 2; Mrs. W. G. Mc-,
Damen, Art Knight, 2; Irvine Tebbutt,
2; Robt. Jervis, 2; Mrs. Rees Jenkins,
Palma Flunking, Wm. Hoggart, 2;
Geo. Gerinan, 2; Mrs. Ione VanEg-
mond, Joe Shaddick, Stewart Middle-
ton, 2; Vic ,Roy, 2; 'Mrs. Harold Glaz-
ier, Ina Read, 3e Mrs. Wm. Jervis,
Mrs. J. B.. White, Noble Holland, 2;
Mrs. Noble Holland, Edward McLeod
2; Bert Glidden, 2; Mrs. W. Pinning,
Mrs. Laura Saundercock, W. A. Mc-
Allister, Mie. Lloyd Pipe, Geo. Tea-
verner, 2; ,Mrs. Hazel MeEwenrPercy
McLellan, Leslie Jervis, W. M. Lee,
Geo. Jeffers:OM,
Wesley Willis United Church
Morning Worship conducted by Mr.
Stewart Miner of Holmeeville,
Evening Worship; • Rev. R. 3. Mer-
riam of Centralia will preach.
1 The joint Thankoffdring meeting
of Wesley Willis W.M.S. and Evening
Auxiliary will be held on Thursday
Oct. 21st at 8 p.m, in the schoolroom.
I Rev, johnsonaecently returned from
Bolivia will be the guest speaker and
will give an illustrated talk.
Everyone is urged to attend.
Evangelistic Centre
A special invitation is given to all
young and old—you will enjoy the
bright singing and inapiring message
rendered by the Ford Family.
Sunday at 8.30 p.m. subject "The
Unopened Letter." and on Thursday
evenings at 8. p.m.
This may be your last opportunity
of bearing Evangelists Mr. and Mrs.
Ontario Street United Church
Turner's Church Anniversary
At 2 p.m. and '7,30 p.m.
Sunday, October Ilth
V.3V. A. M, Giant, B. A., B.D. of Kip -
pen United Church will be the guest
speaker at both services,
Rev. J. S. Harrington of Toronto will
preach at Ontario Street in the
morning at eleven.
Evening service withdrawn.
Clinton Presbyterian Church
Sunday, October 17, 1943
Divine Service 11.00 a.m.
Meditation --"I had fainted—unlees"
You are Welcome Among us
You will find UR friendly
David J. Lane, B. A., Minister.
The Presbytery' of. Huron, Presby-
terian Church in Canada will meet in
the church in Clinton on Tuesday, Oct.
19 at 2,30 p.m. to consider a call to
Rev. Joseph E. Taylor of Cranbrook.
and to make provision for his induc-
tion if the call is suetaitted.
W. M. S. will hold their. thankof-
fering meeting on Wednesday Oto -
her 21st at 11 13.M. at the home of Mrs.
Clifton. Mrs. D. J. Lane, Goderich
will be the speaker. All the ladies
are cordially invited.
Baptist Church
Anniversary services will he held
on Sunday, luorning and evening. At
eleven alt, and 7 p.m.
The anivresary speaker will be the
Rev. Joseph Janes of the Goderich,
Baptist Church. There will be music
by the choir.
Engagement 'Announced
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cole, 33 Laur-
ier Street, Stratford, announce the en-
gagement of their eldest daughter,
Cpl. Ellen Jane Cole, C.W.A.C. Kit-
chener, to Mr. Joseph Patrick Mor-
gan, Clinton, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Morgan of Belfast, Ire-
land. The marriage will take place ite
V -
Lions Club meeting held at Align -
cap Parish Hall with president Jim
Shearer in the chair and Mac McDon-
ald at the piano.
Lion F. Ford reported on War Ser-
vices committee. Lion George Jen-
kins reported on Victory Gardens.
Two new members were installed,
Win. Jervis and Reg Ball, with past
presidents, Frank Fingland, Frank
Pennebaker, and Niek Whyte, taking
Lion Fred Ford took the chair on
behalf of the War Service Committee
Dr. Melntyre gave a short address
and introduced the guest speaker, Mr.
Harold Turner of Goaerich, his ad-
dress was very interesting, the topic
"What can be done for the Boys when
they return from Overseas."
The draw was made by Bill Counter
Frank Finland being the lucky Lion.
Rev. G. W. Zherman of Sparta visited
in town on Tuesday.
Miss Shirley Bawden is visiting in
Hamilton this week.
Mrs. Ralph Foster and son Ralph are
visiting in Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. W. Kearns and Miss
Lois spent the week end. in Kin-
Miss Cora Streets, Toronto spent the
holiday week end at her home in
Miss ..Toyee Kearns spent the week
end in Centralia, the guest of Miss
Ida Belle Watson.
Mrs. R. B. Ferris of the Y.W.C.A
Hostess House, Clinton, was a week
end guest in London.
Miss Barbara Thompson of Washing-
ton, D. C., is visiting her grand-
mother, Mrs, Martha Pickett.
Mrs. H. P. Chapman of St. Thomas is
spending this week with her grand-
daughter, lIrs. 13. W. Kearns
Mr. and hies. Laurence Manistee' and
Barbara Spent Thanksgiving week
end with their families in town.
Misses Irene Snider of London me'
Kae Snider of Kitchener spent
Thanksgiving at their home in tom,.
Mrs. George Crooks and daughter
Mary of Delhi epent the week end
and holiday with relatives in town.
Mrs. F. G. Sandy of Goderich is spend-
ing a few days this week with her
Parents Mr. and Mrs. 3, L. Recut .
Miss Withelmine Trewartha of Toron-
to spent the week end with her par -
elite, Mr. and Mrs. N. W, Trewar-
LAC and Mrs. Leonard Caldwell of
Toronto were week end visitors with
their families in town and Londes-
The services of the day will nark tdarch
Miss Jean Powell is spending this
the 62nd anniversary M the life of week at the home of her parents,
, the church. We extend a cordialwet - Mr, and Mrs. Baden Powell, Sea-
' come to one and all who would like to foxth.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Watson, and
two children of Sarnia spent the
holiday week` end with her mother
Mrs. Angus McLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Lawrence of Ham-
ilton were with Mr. and Mrs. P.
Townsend over the holiday -week end
and to attend the funeral of the late
Mr. Robert Trick.
Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Hughes of Port
Colborne and Mrs. F. Hugh-
es of Aurora spent Thanksgiving
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper of Toronto
spent the holiday -with, their mother,
Mrs. G. E. Cooper, also her, two
grandchildren, Misses BettY,,Hitch-
in and Blayne Webb, all of Toronto,
'Other relatives in town en Sunday
for the late Mr. Robert Trick's fun-
eral were Mx,. and Mrs. Charles
Mills of London, Mr. and Mrs. Leeds
Lott of Coetworth, Mr. and
Goodman, of Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs
B. Bree of Chatham, Mrs. Hattie
Laurie of Blenheim, Mr. and Mrs.
Wrn. Wood, Mr. and Mrs, George
":Shann, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Downs,
andr MT Clarence Downs all of Ex -
worship with us at one or both of the
anniversary services.
Special thankoffering will be re-
The Sunday School for Oct. 17th
will meet at two thirty o'clock in the
St. Paul's Church of England
7.30 mid week service.
' 8.15 choir practice.
'Autumn meeting of the Deanery of
Huron in St. Thomas' Chruch, Sea -
forth, ,41,
10.00 a.m. Holy Communion.
Followed by business sessions un-
til 3.30 o'clock with recess for lunch
at 12.30 o'clock.
3.30 p.m. General meeting address-
ed by Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming, Bish-
op of the .Aretic.
17th Sunday after Trinity
8,00 am, Holy Communion,
10.00 a.m. Sunday School.
11.00 a.m. Litany and Sermon
7.00 p.m, Evening Prayer.
Guest Preacher: Rev. J. 5. Harring-
ton, Toronto, representative of the
British and Foreign Bible Society,
Monday, 8.00 pan. A. Y. P. A.
:We have found out that the town
hail has been engaged for the evening
of October 30th, for a Hallowe'en
party for all the boys and girls of
Clinton and surrounding district. Priz-
es -will aso be given for the best cos -
tunes, so now's the time to start
planning what you will wear. We will
tell you more next week.
Baptist Church Anniversary'
Sunday, October 17th, is the day
set apart for the church to observe
the Sixty -Second Anniversary. Rev.
Joseph Janes, the newly settled min-
ister of the Goderich Baptist Chereh
is to be the guest speaker for the day.
Services at 11 o'clock in the morning
and again at seven o'clock in the ev-
Remember and reserve the day. Let
us pray and look forward to a bless-
ed and profitable time at our anni-
versary services again this year. —
Let us—
"Expect great things from God
and let us,
Attempt great things for God."
Bride-to-be Honoured
At her home, Riverview Fann, Mrs.
Adam Stewart recently entertained at
a trouseau tea for her daughter, Miss
Nora, whose marriage to MISgt.
Adolf (Don) Wilson of Boea Raton
Field, Florida, will take place Satur-
day. The bride and her mother receiv-
ed and LAW M. Helen (Billie) Ste-
wart invited the guests to the tea-
room -where Mrs. William McEwar,
and Mrs. Ed. C. Glenn pourea tea et
a lace covered table, centred with
a low bouquet of autumn flowers. In
charge of the tea room was Mrs,Fran-
cis Daymond, of Chatham, aseistettby
Miss Alice Glenn and Sgt. Marjorie
Peddle R.C.A.F. No. 16 S,F.T,S,
Hagersville. Upstairs Mrs John Mac-
Farlane sr., was in charge with Mrs.
Alec Addison and Mrs, William Ad-
ams, both o'C Clinton, assisting.
Mrs. Alec McEwan opened her
home on the 2nd of Stanley for a
shower given the bride by the Stanley
Community Club and Miss Josephine
hlet of London also entertained at
a shower Ind class reunion in Lon-
Navy League News
The Local Committee of the Navy
Leegue is crateful to the following
whn aro 'filling Ditty Bags.
The LaraInt. Club; The W. A. of the
Presbyterian Church, The Ladies of
St. Pauls Guild; The W, A. of the
Ontario St. Church; Mrs, Shaw;
Mexwell; Mrs. C. Epps; Mrs. M. Bat-
kins; Mrs. G. Howes; Mrs. M. Corlese•
The Ladies of the Baptist Church;
Mrs. IL Gould; Mrs. W. 'lintel];
ley -Willis W. W. A.; Mes. J. McKinley;
MPS, W. H. Robinson; Miss F. Schoen-
hals; Mrs. R. P. Douglas: Mrs. G.
Nickerson; Miss Ora Grealis; Miss
Helen Kennedy; Pupils of S.S. No,
4 Goderich Township; Lions Club;
Pupils of 8. S. No. -5 .Hellett; Miss
N. Thompson; Special mention is
made of the pupils of Clinton Public,
School who are filling 8 Ditty Bags.
Sub. Lieutenant Bill Counter is vis-
iting his parents Mr. ancl Mrs, G. M.
Counter of town, and expects to leave
shortly to serveNvith the British Navy
in European waters.
1 Mrs. G. R. Harris of Blyth receiv-
ed a cable last week from her 1Ms-
band, Cpl. Gerald R. Harris, stating,
that he had arrived safely overseas.
Cpl. Harris is the younger son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Harxis, Huron street.
I Able Seaman Keith Jenks, 11. C. N.
V. It, St. Hyacinthe, Que., spent the
week end with his grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. E. Ward, Huron Street.
Wien Mary Gayclen of H.M.C.S.
Stadacona at Halifax, N. S., is epend-
1Ing pert of her leave in town as the
guest of Mrs. 13. C. Hearn, Miss Gay -
don was formerly on the staff of the
Clinton Public Hospital.
Cpl. Roy Fitzsinions of the Pro-
vost, Corne, at London spent the week
end with Mrs. Fitzsimons.
Q.11VI. Sgt. George Knights, of Ip-
perwash was a week end visitor with
Mrs. Knights and son.
I LAC Gordon Herman of Centralia
spent the week end at his home in
itown . • .
More Rooms Wanted
An acute shortage of rooms for -
wives and families of Airmen, hait
arisen, Will anyone willing, to ACCOM•
,odate these young people either with
housekeeping rooms or room and.
board 'kindly notify Mrs Ferris, Hos-
tess phone 382 at the Radio School
or Mrs. Fred Hanly, phone 65, or Mrs.
B. C. Hearn „phone 69, in town.
New Commanding Officer
at Radio School
Wing Commander IC. R. Patrick, 28,.
chief radio instructor at No. 1 Wire-
less School Montreal, since June 1940„
has been posted to No. 5 Radio
School R.C.A.F. Clinton, as command-
ing officer it was announced Monday
by Air Vice 1VIarshal A deNiverville,
air officer commanding No. 3 Train-
ing Command, R.C.A.F.
A resident of Montreal since Febru-
ary 1940, when he arrived in charge'
of the • advance party to opera No. 1
Wireless School on Queen Mary Road,.
he had been stationed at the school
since that time, Born at St John, N.
B., he enlisted in the R.C.A.F. on
September 6, 1939, being the first
signals officer to be commissioned at
the outbreak of the war. He was at-
tached to the 117th Coastal Artillery.
Squadron at St. John, then went to
Trenton as an instructor before going'
to No. 1 Wireless School as chief tech-
nical officer.
Wing Commander Patrick was lar-
gely instrumental in organizing the
first co -operational wireless manoeu-
vres to be held jointly by the navy.,
army and air force, held in 1942, and
continued this ear with an increased
scope and participation of several
Wing Commander Patrick is mar-
ried, and has three children, the ybun-
gest of whom was 'born the clay, he
was commissioned in the R.C.A.F.
Four of his brothers are in the R.
C.A,F. They are Plying Officer Ed-
mond R, Patrick, it prisoner ot war;
Flying Officer Keith Patrick, who
has just completed two tours of °per-
ation overseas; Sgt. Murray Patrick,
stationed on the East Coast, and,
Flight Sergeant R. Patrick, an archi-
tect at No. 3 Training Conunancl Head-
0 V
St. Paul's W. A.
The regular monthly meeting of
St, Paul's W. A. was hall mi Tuesday,
' afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. R.
Robinson. The meeting was under the -
direction of the President Mrs. C.
McKinnon, who led in the openingrrayers fre, peace and guidance. The-
paseage of scripture was read by Eve-
Mrs. MeKinnon, later in the meeting
iuformal talk on the chi-
feZealt ntlihases of work undertaken by
the W. A., answering questions by the,
At the conclusion of the meeting'
dainty. refreshments were served by
the hostess.
Wesley -Willis W.A.
1 The W. A. of Wesley Willis Church:
met in the church hall on Thursday,„
afternoon, September 7th, with a
;large attendance. The president, Mrs..
Paterson, was in the chair, Mrs.
Hearn was pianist, The opening hymn.
was "Come ye thankful people. Come"
Mrs. Nelson o„ffered, prayer, and the
121st Psalm was said in 'unison.
'Minutes were read by the secre-
tary, Mrs. G. Miller. Reports were re-
ceived from the following committees.
Work, Social, Manse, Communion.
Arrangements were completed fore
the "Country Fair', which takes place
on Saturday, October 30th.
Mrs. F. Hanley and Mrs. Hearn
were appointed to receive gifts for
the ditty bags for the sailors.
Christmas boxes for the boys ov-
erseas were 'planned for and left in
care of hies, Oakes.
A short program followed: Mrs. G.
Miller gave a beautiful original read -
!ng entitled "Friend" Miss Mary Lane
sang very' sweetly: "How Still the
Night," accompanied; by Mrs. Ags-
Inew, and Mrs. Reg Shipley contribut-
ed a very amusing reading A hymn -
and the Mizpah benediction brought
1 the meeting to a close—after whieh,
afternoon tea was served by Mrs.
Frank Andrews' group.