HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-10-07, Page 1i
We Clinton News -Record Est. 1,878
With Which„ is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 6165 -64th YEAR
The Betrothal
In almost every case the betrothal ring consists of 'a diamond or
diamonds in solitaire, twin or three -stone settings..
The matchless beauty of our diamonds and mountings makes
shopping here a real pleasure, while our personal guarantee as to
quality relieves the purchaser of all responsibility. When buying
a diamond there is a sentiment attached to it which lasts a life time;
and so we invite you to come and see our beautiful display,
During, this 'mime when so
many lines of civilian goods are
in short )supply, Learn to conserve
materials in every way possible.
Buy Carefully,
Avoid Waste,
Conserve whenever possible,
' And Sew Your own.
We are doing . out best to
distribute equally among our
customers, such lines as -limited:'
We will appreciate your •co-
operation and indulgence.
R... v—IRWINI _1
11 New Goods
as well as several other kinds have just arrived.
See all the smartest shapes in yellow, pink and white gold.' Scene
ladies models have cases set with sparkling diamonds.
If you want to add to yours we may have just the pieces you need, and
might find hard to procure now.
Ladies and Gentlemen's Signet Rings and. Birthstones, Cameos,
Onyx, Pearl and also a complete line of BLUEBIRD DIAMOND
RINGS with matehing WEDDING RINGS for Ladies and Gentlemen.
Counters. for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
*Century in Huron County.
It was announced Friday by Vict-
ory Loan Headquatters the Quota.for
the General Canvass in the Fifth
Victory Loan will be $2,975,000, an in-
crease of $85,000 over the quota of
$2, 890,000 in the Fourth Loan.
The quota for the Air Training
The New Era Est. 1867'
Clinton's Quota is Only $184,000 in 5th
Schools in the County isbeing set by
Training Command and. will be added
to the above quota. The quota for
the Air Training Schools amounted to
$150,000 in the Fourth Loan, making
the •combined ` Quota for, the County
Victory Loan
Rain Fall of
Last Five Months
Mr. George Baird of Stanley Town-
ship, who acts as meteorologist for,
this .section, submitted the following
report on the rainfall for the past
Victory Loan Committee five months. On IVIay 11th, when we
had our cloudburst as all will r
Announces Huron Quotas member 2,24 inches fell, and on July
RED CROSS NOTES The following is the breakdown for (4th, we had another big rain, 1.52 in -
the canvassing districts in Huron thea falling. Following is the total
The October meeting of the Clinton County:
Red Cross .Society was held. on .Mon District Quota
day October 4 in the' Council Cham- Ashfield a Township $103,000
hers. The reports- received from the West Wawanosh Township , .. 67,000'
committee convenors were very cred Colborne 64,000
itable and showed the efficiency with ,Goderich (town) 436,000
which the work of our Red cross is East Wawanosh Township ... 69,000
progressing. More 'knitters and sew- Wingham ........ 188,000
ers will be welcomed. The work rooms Turnberry Township .... 79,000
are open every afternoon except Howiek Township 229,500
Mondays. If you cannot come to the Morris Township 91,000
work rooms but feel you would like 'Grey Township ...... ...•.,, 116,000
to help you may take work hone Brussels 76,500
and do it there. !Blyth 46,500
The Society voted $100 to fill , Tuckersmith Township 100,000
Christmas bags for members of the McKillop Township .. 100,000
armed forces in hospitals in New-iHullett Township 100,000
Mrs. A. T. Cooper and Mrs. E. Pat- lCliit'en
erson were appointed as visitors to 'Stanley Township
the R.C.A.F. Hospital. Goderich Township
We would like to remind you again�ensall &
ram fall for each month, May 6.23 in-
ches; June 2.66 inches; July 3.50 in-
ches; August 3.85 inches and Septem-
her 2.53 inches, making a total of
Clinton Presbyterian Church
Sunday, October 10, 1943 11 a.m.
Rallying Day foreveryone.
Subject. "God in First Place."
The children will be present.
Motto for the clay "Everyperson at
Make this Rally a Real One
Holiday Hours At The Post
The regular holiday hours will be
observed at the Post Office on Mon-
day, October llth, Thanksgiving Day.
The wicket will remain open from 11
to 1 1.30 a.m.2.30
and from 2.00 to
p.m. for the •distribution of mail.
There will be the one collection of
street mail boxes in the 'evening as
per usual.
Last Cal! for Volunteers
For men and women of Clinton and.
vicinity it's your blood or his life, he
may die. With it, he may cheat the
silent grave -come home to laughter,.
love, and useful work. He fights for
you in the grime and pain of battle.
You give a little blood your healthyAdvertisers, Correspondents body will scarcely miss. It is easier'
than you think -so give your blood,.
and give it regularly. If you have
not already done 'so register with
James Shearer, Dr. Shaw or the
Town Clerk and offer your services
next Tuesday at Clinton's Third
Blood Donor Clinic. Donors at the -
First Clinic are needed to repeat their -
donation. Ladies will please consult
their own physicians for a free exam-
ination to ascertain their fitness for
donating before registering, You can
make no finer, no more personal con-
tribution to the War effort. Do it
Due to Monday; October llth, being
Thanksgiving Day and a holiday we
wish to notify our advertisers that all
copy must be in the News -Record of -
five not later titan Tuesday..Corres-
ponclents are asked to have their bud-
gets of news in the office by Tuesday
also. News that is unnecessarily late
will not be accepted forpublication.
Please help us to enjoy our holiday.
Jean Nediger Struck
Holmesville United Church now remembering the date is next
Anniversary Services, October 10th, by Car While on Bicycle Tuesday forenoon, at the time named
The •Rev. Arthur. Sinclair of Blyth Jean Nediger, thirteen year old ,in the appointment made for you for
will be the guest speaker at both daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Nedi- your convenience. Telephone, write-
riteHay East morning and evening services at 11 ger, Jr., was seriously hurt on Sat- or call now. Don't put it off,
of our Red Cross Rally Night on Oct. ri
Zuch Sc flay West ..., 92,000 a.m, and 7:30 p.m. Special music by I urday evening, when she collided with
19, in the Town Hall. An exception- lUsborne Township 97,000 the choir. The Lobb Male Quartette } a car, while riding her bicycle, east V
Exeter 151,000 will sing at the evening service, f on Ontario street. The driver, of the
ally fine program is being arranged..MILITARY NEWS
Would all persons having a member Stephen Township 135,000
Wesley Willis United Church car was Mr. Bert Boyes of Clinton,
of their families in the armed forces v who was going west at the time of Major H. C. Lawson, of Woodstock
The Girls Club will meet et the accident. It has not been determined spent a few days at his home in town
please call Mrs, J. M. Elliott, phone Engagement 'Atut0Anced manse on Tuesday evening, October yet rhos to his leaving
12th Mrs, (Rev) D. J, Lane will be ' lust how the accident occurred p for a course at
(Continued on. Page 8) Mr. William Fairservice, Londes-, ' as Jean was carrying her flashlight, Royal Military College, Kingston.
bore, wishes to announce the engage -
guest speaker, Mrs, Jervis group which was lighted.
LAC Gordon Herman of Centralis
V rent of his youngest daughter, Sarah
'xn charge. As a result of the accident Jean was a week end visitor at his home i
Elizabeth to George William rear,Sunday, October 10th has a severely gashed left legand ex- town,
COUNCIL MEETING gMorning— Thanksgiving_ message
only son of Mr. and Mrs. William tensive bruises on face and body. Un -
The regular meetin • of the town Tear,Blyth. The marriage will tape and music. Sacrament of Baptism. Signalman Lorna Brown,R,C,N.V.
g gg til X-rays are taken it will not be
Church School,
council was held Monday evening with place in October. known if any bones are broken. R., has returned to his ship after
all members present with- the excep �r — EveningPraise and prayer, Ser- A. spendinga months leave with Mrs.
tion of Councillor Nediger, Who cane mon subject — "The Unexpected have the ulbest ° wishes girl,
all for will Brown and son Stephen in town,
unavoidably •absent. Mayor 1Vlachlur- Position With C. B. C. Blow.'
Y speedy and complete recovery. LAC Kenneth Cooke of A 1
ray president: The minutes of the last Miss Marjorie Henderson of Gode- The. W. M. S, will hold their reg- Aylmer
regular meeting were read and a1= ✓rich, who has been the competent
elm meeting on Thursday, October V : spent last week ;end with his parents
proved and communications were then stenographer in the Department of 14th, at 8 p.m. in the church hall. The Navy League News Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Cooke,
read. Agriculture office here for the past meeting will be the affiliation ser-
On communication from the Clinton three years, commences her new work vice of the C,G.LT. with members of
Due to the successes on land and in I Bill Carter, eldest son of Mr. and
the Evening Auxiliary and W.M.S.the air we are apt to forget the con-' Mrs, ,George Carter, Joseph street,
Lions Club for refund of $15 of the with the Canadian Broadcasting. Cot•- g has joihed the R.C.A.F, and: is now
$20 received from the Club for all poration next Tuesday, She will work taping part. tinual never -ceasing battles our sail.: stationed at Manning Depot, Toronto.
rent on the night of their dance for in the head office in Toronto with the Ontario Street UnitedChurch
or boys are waging againt torpedoes'Hissta father, who is a member of the
bombs shells, mines fog,cold and
Red Cross purposes was granted supervisor of farm broadcasts; and 11 a,nt, Thanksgiving Sunday,storm. Here is your golden opportun-I Signal Corps returned home from ov-
Counciller .Crich asked a rebate of although her work deals with farm- "The Fruitful Order of the Rolling ity to show them you have not for- erseas this spring.
$80 hall rent for dances. This was ing, it will be entirely different from Season."
gotten by filling a Christmas Ditty Pte, Harold Johnston of Chatham
also granted as it will be used for war anything she has attempted before. Near Noon—Sunday School. Bag. The time is growing short. spent the week end in town with
Work as per. usual. Previous to coating to Clinton; where 2.00 pan. Service and Sunday These bags must be filled and return.' Mrs. Johnston,
she has become well and favourably School at.Turner's Church.
corn -
AA rmstrong, conn s
ulting engineer, Mon known, Miss Henderson worked in a 7,00 p.m, "But — Where are the ed b1 ch� Cottven vember thfte fitste lociilto tcos. n - LAC Lloyd Fulford of Toronto was
law office in Goderich• Nine?" who can say the word to mttlee, a week end visitor with his parents.
treat, was read. This was relative to V heal the sore hearts and bodies and Mr, and Mrs. Win. Fulford,
the proposed post war sewerage sys- Sonte of those who are not forgett-
minds of humanity?" •
tem. In his letter Mr. Armstrong sol..Ditty Bags for Sailors
y xltg' LAC Cameron Proctor of Crum-
i•eited the privilege of having a men _ 100 Clinton's Quota vice.ednesday evening— Prayer ter- Mrs, A. Knight, Ladies of St Jos- lin spent the week end at his home in
ber from his Toronto office, Mr. K. The October meeting of the �I M.S., eph s Church, Mrs, A. Crozier; Mrs.
K. Ryblca, C. E., call at Clinton, en- This 70,000 ditty bags from ther H. Bartlif£; Mrs. E. Snell; Miss Dora town.
route to'one of his near future trips people of this Province for our own will be postponed for one week, in- Harrison, Miss D. O'Neil, Miss Dora
Mr. Douglas Kennedy received word
stead of being held on the 12th the O'Neil.
to Goderich. The Mayor, Reeve and and Allied sailors, filled by Novem_ on Tuesday from his brother, Pte,
Councillor Trewartha act as a temper- bee 1st, is really serious business. tttoeting Will convene on the 19th so VStanley Kennedy; saying that he had
ary committeeto meet the discuss And the million magazines for Eng as to matte it passible to have the re- iarriyed safely overseas,
with Ma .Rybka on the proposed sew-
lish sailors too, is serious! Let's talk port of the Sectional meeting which is Regarding Subscriptions
erage plan. about ditty bags. to be held at Londesboi'o on October i V
It isn't anyhardshipto fill one,or 14th, A recent article about News -Record
Council approved the settlementsubscriptions, has apparently been in- Pilot Officer "Blondie"'
made by the Tax -Collector; N.
Ken—two even, We all know that! And yet St. Paul's Church of England terpreted by some to mean that all
Hedy with the administrators of the do we get down to it seriously? Thursday 7,80 p.m. Mid -Week ser- subscriptions that are not renewed ati �� Cook MiSSing
Robert Stevens Estate, in the accep- This is what it means to you and to vice once will be discontinued, This is r
Lance of payment of $200 as full set- us. It means going to the nearest 8.15 pan, Choir Practice. hardly bhe case. Mt, and Mrs. J. W. Cook of town
Clement of arrears of taxes up to Navy League Branch and getting an 16th Sundayafter Trinity We do require and expect that all have received a message from Ottawa
December 31st 1942, on the empty ditty bag or bags: v p stating that their only son, Pilot
proper- I 10,00 eon, Sunday School, ea Aired subscriptions be reitetved .Officer William 13 ' clic Coolc i
ty known as Part Foster Block, Wil Then—It means buying an caters- 11,00 a,nt, Morning Service. promptly on a paid nt-advance basis,, ( )
tic razor and some blades—less than missing after a bombing flight over
liar street. I Sermon: Big prayers to an Al- but a reasonable period of
Councillor Trewartba in reporting ,a dollar, aren't Choy? And then a mighty God, text; "I ani the Lord allowed to make this renewal,
is enemy territory.
for the Street Committee suggested writing tablet: and some extra thick Thy God, which brought thee out of But we do intend to, and have al- I Blondie as he was known to his,
the .curries• of several • partially de- (woollen socks in blue or gray , , . and the Boal of Egypt: open thymouth ready, cut off some school and sport associates, applied
a pack of cards and couple of big h papers which for enlistment in the R•C•A•F. soon,
caged trees; and others which would,wide, and I will fill it. Psalm 81: 1.0, have fallen badly in arrears, With sol- after his 18th birthdayand was can-
e tet removed. He stated most of 7.00 p.tn, Evening Service, diets overseas (teen to receive the Pa-ledin March 1941. He received i
x stet repair jobs as pie Guest Preacher: Rev, P. H. Street- per, and new subscribers beingadded' its
training as a pilot at Trenton, Egiin-
couple of cans of soup and getting C1' Rector of Blyth. locally, the demand can only be met ton Shunt Club, Toronto and Virden
pressed concern over the amount of Tuesday 3.00 p,nt, W. A. Meeting by cutting off such subscriptions. Our
work urgently needing attention, with'" other to bake a haaif-decent cake at the, Biome of Mrs, W. Robinson, newsprint supply is limited, and the Man., Then m October 1941 he re-
appropriation of funds. Reeve d tt t t d 1 Princess street. industry faces farther limitations; tut. ceived his wings at Dauphin, Man,,.
of handkerchiefs, and there you area and went overseas soon after. Bion-
1'alconer recommended that a large ty bags filled.
less wasteful practises are discontin- ,die was at"one time a member of the
tied. "Baby Band" • squadron in Wales.
Our mailing lists were corrected up "The Baby Band", marked by the
to and including Friday, Oct, 1st, youthfulness of the members, did.
Thursday Oct. 14th. 8.00 p.nt, Ira_ Look at your label and see -if it cor-
respondslisted persons from town, as a small 'be at sea, or some English swoddy, or portant Congregational Meeting. with year receipt. If not, let Coastal and convoy patrol while the
token of 'appreciation. ` utaybe a Belgian or Greek or an ;Am- pilots gained experienced. Two weeks
pp I OctFriday,,. ]5th, The Deanery will us hear from :you.
The reports of the other committees erican sailor; those ditty bags are be held in Seaforth. Full Details ago not Officer Cook was mention-
were given by the chairmen of each. going to be just Heaven on Christmas next week..
b bet o packages of cigarettes or a pipe and
the var'ous t•e rtobacco and one of those moderate
viously slated were completed, but ex -,priced reprints of a good novel and a
an puttingt m a m,• an a coup e
catch basin be placed at the corner of I Y uiThc ditty is easy, dtsn't it? For one
Princess and Albert streets.
Councillor Butler reported about 30;or two or three ditty bassi It's so easy
billfolds ready to be delivered to en- and yet, to some Canadian lad who'll
Tuesday 8,00 p.m. A.Y.P.A. Pro-
gram: National Thanksgiving.
Wednesday 8.00 p.m, Friendship
Club at Mrs. Sheerer's.
ed in dispatches for having success -
Councillor Agnew reported for the Day! ,held.on Monday evening; in the Ves fully bombed an enemy supply train
t Just one•of those things that Baptist Church tr of the Church be xnniil at 8 in a raid over occupied France and
p •operty committee, and brought to IY g' g part of his
the attention of council the deplorable doesn't mean much on our part but . Sunday School meets at eleven o'clock, Come and bring a friend to returned withwing shot
a ,devil of a lot to the chap on the re- o'clock on Sunday morning. "Toa are l the meeting with off.
condition of the town rest xoom, .,ap- g' you..
parentIy the results of those who fre- fceiving end! Write your nearest Navy welcome to attend. Cotes t° i•he S m- I The "Quarterly Business Meeting" He is brother of Mrs, Frank
quem the place only with the thought League Branch for one or several day school, of the Chinch is robe held at the Par- (Hutch, whose brother-in-law Flt, Sgt
dict bays tela will ou, on service a lar
S ms t .c e . o Ct le
b a s n
M t
Y Y Y o U t
Y , g 2 s na cl
toa to s who mat and destroy, e next ret e•
Y, and` suggested i g Tuesday evening; Octob- ,rendered ted out-
decorating the rest room, I Anyone in Clinton or vicinity wish- clock. Join withf us in singing to the er 12th, beginning at eight o'clock. standing fighter plane service in
The Court of Revision relative to g getditty bag ±0 fill get in praise of God. From Whom all B163- All who are interested in carrying+the defence of Malta and who .lost his
in to a
hearing. Assessment Appeals will be touch with Mrs, F. Fingland, conven- sings Flow," During the period for on the work of the church, should at- life hi a crash, November 1942,
held in the. Council chambers, Mon-. or of this branch of•the work for the Bible meditation, the'minister will tend the business meetings. .of the I Friends and relatives . are anxious-
day evening, November 15th, at 8 p.m, Clinton Branch of the Navy League load the congregation in considering church, ly awaiting. further particulars and'.
of Canada. Our quota is 100 Bags by :Other One Things' in the' 'W'ord." tSunday, ,Oct, 17, Annsversar Services it is hoped by all that Ire. will be to--
(Continued on Page 8) ,November 1st: The "Young people's meeting is Special Speaker, Rev, Joseph Janes, Gated,