HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-09-23, Page 8FAGE '8 MACK ALL -CAST FURNACE NOW IS imp '.GIME TO HAVE YOUR FURNACE OVERHAULED OR A NEW ,ONE INSTALLED Wo Carry a Fill Line of Furnaceand Stove Pipes A FEW GOOD USED • COOK STOVES SUTTER Ce PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING Jt ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. ww, FALL SHOES OXFORDS— THE IDEAL SCHOOL SHOES FOR GIRLS OR BOYS We have them in black or tan and different styles to choose from At Pre War Prices LOAFERS, PUMPS AND SLIPPERS FOR GIRLS Who want something different —AND FOR THE BOYS— Camp Shoes, rubber or leather soles, and ,Running Shoes. FOR THE MAN WHO IS PARTICULAR ABOUT HIS FOOTWEAR We have just placed in stock shipments of Oxfords from Scott and. McHale and Williams Shoe Co., which have been on order for more than a year. Genuine Calf Uppers (Black or Tan) with "Goodyear Welt" Soles and at the same old prices. The Names of the Above Manufacturers Guarantee the Quality. .As Full a Line as Possible of Rubbers and Rubber Footwear P1ui;stee1 ros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott Si Meiiaie Shoes for Most Agents Tip Top Tailors. INSULATE N THICK - FIRE PROOF SANITARY EASY TO INSTALL YEAR 'ROUND COMFORT n . Insulate your house now and be comfort- able both winter and summer. GYPROC WOOL Thick Insula0 tion. quickly pays for itself because it SAVES FUEL Let us measure your house and give you an estimate a• Phone 97J V D. FALCONER Clinton, Ont. DRi.JC'EFIELD Stock. At a meeting of the executive of the Brucefield Young People's 'Union it was decided to begin the year's ac- tivities with a social evening. This will be held in the basement of the church on Monday evening, Sept- ember 27, beginning at 8.15 p.m. The young peopleof the community are cordially invited to attend. V VARNA Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday evening September 26th, at 7 o'clock. LICp1.' William Ball' of the R.C.A.M. C., Ambulance Corps acepmpanied by Mrs. Ball and little son Nelson of Vancouver B. C., arevisiting with relatives in Varna and Clinton. Mrs. _Harold Elliott of Windsor spent the week. end at the home of her mother Mrs. lVlossop, Mrs. Welsh of Ripley in company with her grandson Geo. Elliott of Oshawa, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty and; fam- ily over the week end. At time of writing Mrs. Austin is still quite ill in Seaforth hospital, V HOLMESVILLE Quite a number from here attended the Anniversary Services' at Ebenezer an Sunday,, Mrs. Conrad Decker -of Lucknow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. LAC Charles Cudmore •of the R. C.A.F. at Rockeliffe called on friends here. on Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs Harold Calbeck of Vineland have returned home after spending ten days with their Aunt, Miss Susie Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohni of Wing - ham called on Mr. and Mrs. M. Stock on Sunday. There was a quilting in the base- ment of the church on Thursday also one at the home of Mrs. M. Stock on Wednesday, Miss M. Proctor spent Sunday at Mr. Herbert Oakes. On. Tuesday afternoon of last week the W.M.S. held thein Sept. meeting at the home of Mrs. S. Walter with Mrs. E. Potter conducting the devot- ional service and Mrs B, Trewartha, the business. Mr. Minor offered pray- er. Mrs. E..Potter gave an interesting paper "Neomi, the Mother-in-law" followed by. a pleasing vocal solo by Mrs. E. Trewartha. A reading "Op- portunity Unlimited" was given by Mrs. p. Trewartha. An article con- cerning the Cleansing of the, Lepers in Africa was . read by Mrs. Cudmore. The Year Book of the Crosby Girls'' Home sent to us, by Rev. Wilding was passed around for each one to look at and proved most intersting. The meet- ing closed with Mizpah Benediction. The W. A. held their meeting the same- afternoon with Mrs. Walter in charge. Lunch was served by the host- esses Mrs. J. Harris, Mrs. B. Trewar- tha and Mrs. Walter. . THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD; THUES., SEPT.,, 23, .1343 Back to School But First to us For Text Books and Supplies WEDDINGS I3UDIEI—,8I3ZRW'IN A wedding' was solemnized at St Paul's Cathedral, London when Beat- rice Kathleen daughter of James and.. the late Catharine 'Sherwin, of Lon- don, became the bride of George Em- merson Hudie, only son of Mrs. Mary and the late George }Indio, of Clin- ton. Very Rev. Dean P. N. Harding, officiated. v- MCINTYRE—POW ELL In Robinson Memorial United Church, London, Saturday, Blossom Pearl, daughter of Mrs. Powell and the late Rev, E. G. Powell, was given in marriage by her brother Carmen E. Powell, to Alex D. •McIrityrk son of David McIntyre, and the late Mrs. SCHOOL DAYS.— SCHOOL DAYS McIntyre. of Teeswater. Rev. M. P. Smith officiated, MAKE THEM A reception was given in the Sun day schoolroom of the church and Iat- GOLDEINI' RULE DAYS . er Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre left on a wedding trip. For going away the Some for all and all get some is the bride wore a rose wool suit, polo coat, brown felt hat and brown seees- idea behind your ration book. Ra- sories On their return they will re- side on Florence street. tioning is a nuisance, of course, but The bride will be remembered by the alternative is unfairness in dis- tribution of goods in short supply and that is worse. Without it some would have profusion and others little or nothing. When you buy your school equipment how about a War Saving Stump or Two -or more. The W. B. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 11011 los ,iiiiIIIII INI Im 11 I IIUII II i ]VIPs, Charles Clew of London is vis Ring in ,Clinton and district this week. Mr. Minims Heard of Stratford spent the week end 'in town with friends and relatives, Mrs. Erma Adams of London spent the week end in town with her mo- ther Mrs. C. B. Hale. many in Clinton, where she attended school while her parents were resi- dent, some thirty years ago, V MacDONALD--McPWAN Clinton Presbyterian church was the setting for the wedding of Betty Mali 1VIcEwan, granddaughter of Mr. Walter Mair, Clinton, and daughter of Mr. J. W. McEwan, Porcupine Plains, Sask. and the late Mrs. McEwan, and Warrant Officer Donald Cameron MacDonald, R.C.A.F„ son of Mrs. Mary MacDonald of Brucefield, on Saturday afternoon, September 18th. Standards of gladioli, fern and hem- lock formed the church decorations for this pretty autumn wedding. Rev. David J. Lane of Goderieh performed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. W. A. Mair of Brampton, was attractive in a floor -length white chiffon gown, heart -shaped headdress and finger-tip veil. She carried a bouquet of Hollywood roses. Miss Ent McEwan, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, gowned in a floor -length blue chiffon dress with snatching veil, and carrying peach coloured gladioli. Mr, Frank Cook, Clinton acted as best man, During the signing of the register Jack Cook, Clinton, sang, "At Dawn". Mrs', Bert Noyes was at the organ. The reception and wedding dinner was held at the MacKenzie House. Re- ceiving the guests was Mrs. W. A. Mair, Brampton, aunt of the bride, wearing• a navy blue ensemble with corsage of white gardenia, who was Mrs. Clarence Down, Bobby and Hel- assisted by Mrs. MacDonald, mother en, spent the week end with Mr. of the groom, wearing navy blue with and Mrs. James W. Manning. corsage of Briarcliff roses. Guests Mrs, N. A. Phoenix of Hamilton visit- attended from • London, Brampton, ed her sister Miss Bon Cluff of Stratford and I3rucefield. The young town, for a few days last week. couple left later for a wedding trip Mrs. Elliott Bartliff and son Charles to Toronto and points north, the bride of Dashwood were week end guests travelling in a two piece brown wool at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry suit with matching accessories and Bartliff. Ibeige coat, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Quaife, of Tor -11 V• onto are visiting for a few days: with the latter's parents, Mr. and I HARRISON—STIRLING Mrs. E. Ward. Erskine United Church, Toronto, de - Mr. Thomas Hardy and daughter Mrs. !+corates with standards of pink gladioli D. Thorndike and Fred visited on !was the scene Saturday, Sept. 18th, of Saturday in Brussels with Mr. and the wedding of Grace Isobelle Stirling Mrs. D. Crawford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward spent the; Stirling' of Goderich Township to Mr. week end in London and attended !Edmund (Ted) Harrison of Weston, the funeral services for the late isalt of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Harrison, Rev. C. H. Quaifef of York, England. Rev. Phillip Dun - Misses Edna Archambault, and Bar-, can officiated and Mr. Harold G. Wil - bare Scott and G. Taylor of Lou -Mains presided at the organ don were week end visitors at their! The bride, wife was given in mar - respective homes here, tinge by her father, wore a street Mrs. Lila Steep has returned 1iome�length frock of romance blue crepe, from Cayuga sifter attending the l fashioned with tight fitting bodice illness and death of her sister, the! and split peplum back, and wore an late Mrs. Calvin Williamson. I aquamarine brooch, the gift of the Miss Anniee Bartliff, who does "host- groom. ess work" at military camps is now A shoulder length veil fell from her stationed at Fingal, and spent part matching sweetheart halo hat and of her holidays at her home in town. she carried a cascade bouquet of snow Miss IdaBelleWatson of ICippen and white .gladioli petals. Miss Lois Kearns of Sky Harbour,' The bridesmaid Miss Laving ILnox, were week end visitors with Mr. wore a frock of Burma blue crepe and Mrs. B. W. Kearns, and Miss fashioned the same as the bride's, Joyce. with matching hat and veil and car Mr: and Mrs. Gerald Hamilton, Joyce Tied a cascade bouquet of Butterfly and Marilyn have taken up resi- pink gladioli. dense in Uxbridge, where the form- Mr. Chas E. Cansfields Sr., uncle er has been transferred to the of the groom, was best man, the ugh Bank of Commerce there, ors were Messrs. Jack Stirling and Mr, and Mrs. James Elliott of Hyde Charles E. Cansfield Jr. Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Alegi Whit. The reception was held at the Club field of London were week' end Top Flat, Sunnyside where the guests visitors with their parents, Mr. and were received' by the bride's mother, Mrs. David Elliott of town, !Mrs. James Stirling 'wearing a navy Mr. and MrsNethery of Sarnia. and crepe suit with braid trim and match - Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Quinn of Guelph tug accessories and word a corsage and Miss Ruth Nethery of London of 'rapture roses. spent the week with. Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. 3. Wilson, sister of the groom James, A. McGill and family. assisted, dressed in lilac wool jersey Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Moore, Cpl. ! with snatching accessories with a bur - Murray Moore, Miss Thelma Moore gaudy Glamellia ,corsage. of Cayuga and: Miss Jean Bailey of For going away the, bride changed Ottawa were recent guests of Mr, to a :brown wool dressmaker suit with G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn. turquoise trim and wore triple stone Miss" Joan Sidman daughter of Mr. martin furs and brown accessories. Mrs: Fred ' s and n, and Miss I The couple left for a wedding trip Phyllis Herman; daughter 01 M. , to Ottawa and , the Gatineau Hills, and •Mrs. W. T. Herman, left on upon their return they will reside flavour score is indeed a matter for Monday for London,, where' they; will at their new home, 372 Church. street ''lsatidfastioa and \eeitainly refleclts attend Western University. Weston. • close care and supervision. ........„_,.....,,,,,,,.......„.....,............,............,.............,,_,...._.„ 1 r Come to Cuningha CS For Flowers For all Occasions FOR SALE SAGE DILL SWEET PEPPERS GARDEN FLOWERS and PREPARED' EARTH F. R. CUN1NGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior St ore PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR September 23, 24, 25 READI-CUT MACARONI Pound 5c VAN CAMP'S PRE-COOKED BEANS, 12 oz. 2 pkgs , 27c HILLCREST PURE LARD Pound 19c LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX, 2 pkgs 25c DELTA FLO-GLO LIQUID FLOOR VAX 20 oz jar ..29c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 8 ounce, 3 pkgs. 25c KELLOGG'S GRO-PUP DOG BISCUITS, 2 pound pkg. 25c INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls 25c SAUNA, Package 7c LA FRANCE Package , 15c, COOKING ONIONS 2 Pounds 15e CELERY HEARTS, Bunch 15e CAULIFLOWER Each 25e COOKING APPLES 6 pounds . 25c T. A. THR Nice Delivery PSIA A Competent Stenographer WANTED FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICE AT CLINTON BY OCTOBER 1st, 1943 Permanent position if satisfactory Apply to National Selective Service, Goderich, Ontario. 631 THE CTADIAN CANNERS. Limited, Exeter Will be in the market for trimmed turnips field run from 3 1-2 inches. up. MARKET PRICE PAID DURING THE TURNIP SE'ASO'N Further information given by mail or phone 77 Exeter SERVERNE WINER, Mgr. Praise from Britain The British Ministry of Food in its report on shipments of Canadian egg powder to Britain states: "The gen- eral excellence : as revealed by the, 4 VALUES FOR ,SEPTEMBER 24th and 25th READY CUT RED & WHITE MACARONI, 3 lbs 17c COFFEE, lb 476 CA'TELLI'S CHEES-A.-RONI 19c BEANS, 2 pkgs. ,..,..;29ci VAN CAMP'S QUICK FLY DED INSECT SPRAY, Tin' • 29c SOUP, Tin 10c YOUR CHOICE I9cI. HEINZ TOMATO JOIN THE CANADIAN W DMFS KA RMY CORPS. GAR E FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHOICE HEARTS OF CHOICE PEPPER Celery 2 for 190 Squash, Each 10c CHOICE HEAD CHOICE. Lettuce, each 15c Turnips, 3 lbs 10c en -ma -LOCAL morGe CALIFORNIA Cabbage, Each 150 Lemons, 6 for 23e — CAULIFLOWER — SWEET POTATOES .R— TO'MATOE'S .-- ORANGES — GRAPES — CARROTS --•PEPPERS — ONIONS C.M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON .BE PREPARED For fall weather, get your windows fixed with panes of glass and when you want new castings or repair parts for your stove you can -get them here. Then for stove and furnace pipes it will be wise tol get them early. Also a large stock of galvanized pails, tubs, hand washing machines. Saws, Axes, Shovels, Hoes and Rakes All necessary tools to clean up with BALL ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE .AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 Evry. ay rices NEWTON WHEELING YARN, 3 ply, Colors,. Black, Red, Blue, Medium Grey, White, about 4 oz. per skein. Four skeins $1.59 CHILD'S WATERPROOF BIBS, large size 65c CHI.LD'S WATERPROOF SHEETS, 36 by 27 in. 95c CHILD'S WATERPROOF PANTS, small, medium and large 49c and 75c See the Quality of these lines. CHILD'S WINTER COATS, Colors Green or Coral, Ages, 1, 2, 3, Price $3.49 BOY'S MERINO UNION SUITS, Penmans brand. Ages 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, per suit $1.39 BOYS' FALL CAPS, pleasing shades, full range of. sizes, Prices , 75c to $1.00 MEN'S HEAVY FALL & WINTER work shirt's, Red or Blue Plaids, Sizes 141-2 to 18. Prices • $1.79 to $2.10 Buy Your Winter Footwear Early and be Ready for the Cold Wet Days Clifford Lobb & son ... STOP YES, WHY NOT STOP NOW AND SEE OUR WINDOWS. We are sure you will find many things you have been going to buy for sometime. PYREX IS FILLING EVERYONE'S NEED FOR THE KITCHEN. We have a good supply on hand and will be pleased, to,show you our stock at any time. HARDWARE and PLUMRING T9, Phone- 244