HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-09-09, Page 811111111.01 Mack All -cast Furnace BE IN STYLE IN KHAKI Join the Canadian WOMEN'S ARMY ' CORPS We Sell Tile SUTTER € PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Made - to Measure Clothing ORDERS FO:R MEN'S OR LADIES' SUITS OR COATS FOR FALL OR WINTER WEAR SHOULD BE ORDERED ALMOST IMMED- LATELi. THE BEST DELIVERY WE CAN PROMISE IS SIX WEEKS TO TWO MONTHS. - There is a definite shortage of both materials and labor. Get your ,order in early and avoid disappointment. MEN'S READY TO WEAR SUITS AND TOPCOATS FOR FALL now on our. racks. High grade Worsteds and Tweeds that will be difficult to replace. Early buyers will be best served BUY NOW MEN'S "GOODYEAR WELT" SHOES ARE HARD TO PROCURE. Some lines arew o n in stock which have been on order for more than a year, assuring the very best quality obtainable at lowest prices. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow aklrta — Adam Bata — Scott & McHale Shoes ter Met Arcata Tip Top Tailors, VARNA Holiday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chutor of Harriston,- Mr. and Mrs. Billy Townsend and baby, of Gode- rich .township, Mrs. Pongraze of Lon- don, Mrs. Walter McBride and baby of Blake at the Chutor parental home. AC Bill McAsh of the R;C.AJ'. P. 0. Dept. from Camp Pendleton, with Mrs. 1VIcAsh and little .sons at the parental home. •Gertie Smith of the (W.D.) R.C.A. F. from Patricia ,Bay, B.C., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. `1 Mrs, Snaith spent a few days last week in London with her daughter, Mrs. Dodsworth. - swe,•a l Mr, John Seeley of London called at the Austin home Monday., Mrs. Schell of Detroit was called to the home of her mother, Md. A. Austin ' 'htnn we are very sorry to tepid is quite ill in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Fred Austin of Detroit spent Sun- day with his mother. At the time of writing Mrs. T. Stin- son is quite ill and is well advanced Flying Officer and Mrs. Thomas C. in years. Louis Dutot, Miss Doris Dutot of London visited their mother, Mrs. S. Dutot and Bessie. Miss A. Mustard of London 'visited her mother, Mrs. ,k. Mustard over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and El- eanor of Bluevale visited Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Berry on Monday. Mrs. F. Skelton is 'visiting Mr. and Mrs, Frank Skelton in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shaw and Rhea of Alliston and Mr. and Mrs. Bray of Blyth visited Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cor- nish.on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson and fam- ily of London silent the holiday with Mi and Mrs. It, Septt, c"-* MILITARY NEWS Cpl. Albert Dinnin, of the :R.C.A.F. now stationed in Toronto was a visit- or in town last -week. Cpl.' Munn has only recently returned from New- foundland where he had been stat- ioned for a year. Cooke, of Dartmouth, N. S., visited Owing to the serious illness of Mrs. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Jas. Stephenson, Goshen line her sis- Cooke, for several days. ters, Miss Mossop- and. Mrs. Beatty I Pte. A. Benson Corless has been are assisting Mr. Stephenson on the spending his furlough with Mrs. Cor - farm.: Mrs. Stephenson has been in less at the Lake Cabin at Burks, the hospital several weeks and we and both attended the wedding of are sorry to relate her recovery is Mrs. Corless' cousin in Toronto on slow. 1Saturday. The many friends of Lewis • Taylor Sgt, Carlyle (Jake) Cornish of the who underwent .s major operation in R.C.A.F. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. :Alexandria Hospital, Goderich and as- Cornish of Brueefield is a prisoner far as we know is doing aswell as of war in Germany, recovering from may be expected. wounds in a •hospital, according to These many stricken homes all word received by his parents from have the most sincere sympathy of. International Red Cross. Gunner on the 'community. an R.A.F. Bomber on -a raid over Our worthy teacher, Mrs, G. A. Germany, he was the only Canadian Beatty, has once more accepted our in the crew and the only survivor, it school. has been learned from a lady inScot- Mr',s.. Sherlock Keyes has accepted land, the news coming from her son a position as teacher in Simeoe. Coun- who also is a prisoner in Germany. ty. ! Pte. Harry Watkins has been'trans- V faired from'London to Oakville. BRUCEFIELD' BAC Kenneth Colquhoun of the R.C. A.F. at Toronto, who was a recent vis - Mise Margaret Aikenhead of Lon- icor at his home in town has'' been don spent the holiday with her par-. sent to Mossbank, Sask., to complete ents, Mr. and: Mrs. H. ,Aikenhead. his bombardier's' .course. Miss E. Scott spent the week end L.IOpl. Kenneth Pickett of the R. in London. 1 C.O.C.'s at Valley Field, Quebec, vis - Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and ited his family here last week end: family: of Stratford visited Mr. and I Mrs. T. Cardwell has received a Mrs. T. Wheeler. ;letter from her, son, Pte. Walter Os - Mr. and Mrs. Chester Corestine of baldeston of. the Royal Canadian Watford spent the week end with giment, stating that he is safe and btr. and Mrs. Robt. Dawson. . well and at the time of writing was &Vir. and Mrs, Alvin Dutot and son in Sicily, • CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD THURS., SEPT. 9, 1943 Back to School But -First to; us For Text Books and.. Supplies SCHOOL DAYS SCHOOL DAYS MAKE THEM GOLDEN RULE DAYS Some for all and all get some is the idea behind your . ration book.. Ra- tioning is a nuisance, of cour e, but the alternative is' unfairness in dis- tribution; of goods in short supply— and that is worse. Without it some would have profusion and others little or, nothing. When you buy your school equipment how about a War Saving Stamp or Two—or more. The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best N / �IIIIImal4lllllllloliilu_ui !�igintlPii_IIIII��` Mrs. Agnes Foster left for Preston this week where she will spend the winter. Miss Harriett Fremlin has returned from a holiday with relatives in Wallaceburg. Mr. George Evans of Toronto was a week end visitor with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Toron- to visited relatives in Huron Coun- ty during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and Miss Audrey Wilson' of Toronto were seen in Goderich last Sunday. Mrs. Allan Hughes of Port Colborne is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Pickett. Mr. James Cook and Miss Eva Rapson left for Toronto on Monday' where they will spends the, winter 'months. Mrs. W. M. Adams has returned from a week's' visit in Goderich with Flight Lieut. and Mrs. 11 G. Ed- wards :-+ k: ';ef y4, Mr. and Mist H. A.. Stevens of .Port Dalhousie visited at Mr and Mrs. H. Bartliff's home over the holiday week end. Mr. and Mrs._ Lawrence Plumsteel and daughter Barbara of New Ham burg visited with their families in town last week end. Rev. Roy and Mrs. Cook and family have returned to Toronto after holidaying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cook. Miss Anita Cruilcshanks has returned to town after spending the past two months in Hamilton with her moth- er, Mrs. J. Cruickshanks. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper, are at Oakwood Inn, Gran!,, Bend, their son Mr. Willis Cooper, will spend the week end with them there. Mr. and Mrs. Binford J, Colquhoun and Ruth Helen of: Staffs were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Cor- less over the week end and Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs Pete. Shoebottoin and little daughter Sheila of .London were vi- sitors with Mr and Mrs. H. L.. Wise on •Sunday. Mr. and : Mrs. G. W. Elliott and son Billy of Bayfield were guests. on Sunday at the home of Mr. Elliott's sister, Mrs. E. 'Gibson, Ontario street. Mr. and Mrs. James Walters and son Jimmy, who have been visiting the past week with the former's mother Mrs. Dalrymple and other friends, have returned to their home' in Pon.. tiac Mich. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brandon were P.O. and Mrs. A. J. Desecic, of Clareshohn, Alta., Mr;'' and Mi's C. J. Brandon of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Deseck, of Detroit, Mich. and Mr. and Mrs; T. Brandon and three sons of Waterloo, WEDDINGS MEDD—PHiLLLIPS At high noon on Friday last Rev. Arthur Sinclair officiated at the mar- riage of Doreen Lucille Phillips, dau- ghteroi Mr. and Mrs. Harold'J. Phil- lips, Blyth, and Mr. John William Medd youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J,: Medd, Londesboro. The ceremony took place at the parsonage of the United. church, Blyth. The bride worea white wool dress- maker suit with a matching Juliet cap and white accessories and a corsage of red roses. Her only ornament was a rope of pearls, the gift of the bride- groom. The bride was attended by her. sister, Private Jessie Phillips, C.W. A.C., Queens Park London, Mr Glen Carter, 'Londesboro, was best man. At the reception, held at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Phillips received the guests in a Wedgwood blue .printed silk dress with white accessories. Mrs. Medd, mother of the. bridegroom, was gowned in navy blue sheer. After the, reception the couple left for a trip through the Niagara district, the bride traveling in an old rose crepe dress with brown accessor- ies. On their return they will reside in Hullett township. Guests were present from Brockville, Ottawa, Lon don and Clinton. ---V MOMANUS-SNYDER Esther Fay Snyder, younger dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Snyder, ,Ra- disson, Sask., became the bride of Sergeant Robert Molitanus, C.A.D. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mc- Manus, Goderich in a quiet double ring ceremony, solemnized at Goderich by Rev. D. J. Lane on Friday afternoon, The bride wore turquoise blue suit with brown hat and matching brown suede accessories. Her corsage was of white camellias and she wore a neck- lace of pearls, the gift of the bride- groom. The bride was attended by Mrs. Ted Plante, the bridegroom's sister, wearing a suit of robin's egg blue, with corsage of Talisman vio- lets, with black accessories. Ralph Henderson cousin of the bride, was best man. After a wedding luncheon served at the home of the bridegroom's par. ents, the couple left for London. The bride is a member of the office staff of the Crumlin airport and the bride- groom is a sergeant in the Canadian Army Dental Corps, v REYNOLDS—CARLIN Baskets of pink and 'white gladioli were used to decorate the sanctuary of St. Columban's ehurch for the mar- riage of Barbara Louise Carlin, youn- ger daughter of. Mr; and Mrs. James Carlin, Beechwood, to 4 Ir. Harry M. SPECIAL SALE OF FLOWERING BEGONIAS In small pots,; Attractive and full of bloom . While' they last 15c and 25c EACH LARGE SWEET PEPPERS FOR SALE Get them fresh from the garden 'Try them fried with bacon as,a substitute for . mushrooms., We are out of Dill for-the,pre- sent but we have another bed coming on, SAGE FOR SALE Boquets of assorted garden flow ers made of freshly . cut bloom to suit your need. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR September 9, 10, 1.1 SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR Package .....,. ... 29c COWANS COCOA 1 pound Tin ......... 24e CHOICE RICE 2 pounds 23c STOKELY'S TOMATO SOUP 10 ounce, 2 tins 17c OATMEAL Fine or Coarse FLAKES, pound 5c NABOB COFFEE 1 pound bag ........,,. 45c ROMAN MEAL Package 29c OVALTINE, Med, Jar 58e FRUIT KEPE Package 25c 2-1N-1 SHOE POLISH Tin ....... 105 JUNKET POWDER Package 12c OXO CUBES Small Package 12e WHOLE MIXED PICKLING Spice, Package 10c METAL JAR RINGS Dozen ... 29c Reynolds, Sarnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. RUBBER JAR RINGS, Patrick 0. Reynolds, Clinton, which RED, 2 doz - 15c was solemnized Saturday morning at POTATOES, 8.30 o'clock. Rev. F. J, O'Drowski' Peck 50c sang the nuptial High Mass and per- COOKING ONIONS formed the marriage ceremony. Rev. 2 pounds 15c S. F. McDonald, Clinton, was present LEMONS, in the sanctuary. The charming bride Large size, 3 for 13c given in marriage by her father, wore a street length two-piece dress of burgundy alpaca, t g y p rimmed with mat&. ing braid and gold buttons, beige gloves -and shoes and a corsage of white roses. Her headdress was a halo of gold doth and wine flowers. The bride's only ornament was a gold docket, the gift , of the bridegroom and she carried a white satin missal with streamers. Miss Clare Eckert, Seaforth, was bridesmaid wearing a two-piece dress of sea green crepe, brown hat and matching accessories. She wore a corsage of red roses and carried a Large brown missal. The bridegroom's brother, Mr. Earl Rey- nolds, was best man, and the ushers were Mr. James Carroll, Lucan and Mr. Hubert Reynolds, Clinton. The wedding music was played by the or- ganist, Mrs Vincent Lane. Dinner was served at the Royal Hotel Mitchell, to 30 guests including the bride's granct- mother, Mrs. G. K. Holland, Dublin. Later a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, followed by a delicious buffet luncheon to over 60 guests, including the aunts and un- cles of the bride and bridegroom. Mrs. Carlin received the guests in a black coat dress, wearing a white necklace and; a corsage of red roses. The bride- groom's mother wore a black crepe dress trimmed with satin with cor= sage of red roses, 1Vir ,and Mrs. Rey- BRUOEIFIELD nolds left on the afternoon train for Niagara Falls and Hamilton. After a short honeymoon they will reside in Sarnia. T. A. TRMPON with Miss Susie Acheson The regular Red Gross meeting, that was to. have been held in the. church this week was posponed on account of the serious illness of Mr, Alfred Jervis. Miss Watson! of Londesboro return- ed to her teaching duties here on Tuesday. Miss Cora Trewartha left Monday morning for North Bay, to her school there also Miss Alma Trewartha to Woodham to her school there. Mr. Miner of the United Church here preached at Porter's- Hill Sunday evening it being • their Anniversary there. Miss Francis Potter has sold her property to Mr. Liebold of Zurich. Mr. R. Maoartney and Mrs. Rod- gesand Elizabeth called on Miss Min- nie•Proctor on Sunday. Mrs. George Huller visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhail on Sunday. V. V BRUCEFIELD Quite a number from here took in the sports at Sky Harbor on Wednes- day last. A quilting was heldin thechurch basement on Friday. Two quilts were completed and lunch was served at the close. Mrs. Newman of Black Horse spent a few days at Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnstons, Miss Bell of Teeswater called on Mrs. Elmer Potter last week Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calbick of Mrs. A. Rohner has received two letters from her son Pte, John Roh- ner, who was in Sicily at the tiriie of writing. He said that the heat was terrible and water was scarce but they had all kinds of fresh fruits. He belongs to Geleral Montgomery1s British 8th Army and is very pread of it, • Rev. and Mrs, G. F. TV; Atkinson have returned 'home from their holi- days. Mr. Allan Hill ,of St. C'atha»•ines spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Ridyard and Donald of Brockville, LAC T. P Ridy- ardof Guelph and Miss Anna Cornish of Toronto spent the weekend with, Vineland are spending a few days Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish. VALUES FOR SEPTEMBER 10th and.11th SEA -NYMPH CHICKEN AY LOWER DER YDRA Js1JJ 1IADDIE, Tin 35e BEANS; Pang. lac SILVEItW,OOD'S EVAPOR. PUREX TOILET MILK, 2 Tins 19c iTISSUE 3 for 25c lie Regent Extract Krisp Sweet Vanilla 2 - 15c. - Relish Jar 23e Colgate's Toilet Dalton's Horse Rad Soap '6 for '25c Mustard Jr 140' Red &White Mustard Jar 9c, Robinhood Quick ' Oats pkg... 15c Red Feather Quick Puddings 10c" MUFFETS 2 PKGS. 23c CAKE{ 5c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES,. CAULIFLOWER _ SQUASH — SWEET POTATOES CORN' PLUMS — APPLES —"GRAPES. — PEPPERS — CABBAGE— CHOICE LARGE HEAD CHOICE HEARTS OF Lettuce, Each 17c Celery, bunch 15e CHOICE PINK CHOICE LOCAL, Tomatoes, 4 lbs 25e Carrots, 2 bunches .19e CHOICE LOCAL CHOICE CAL•IF,ORNIA Canteloupe 2 for 25c Lemons, 6 for 25c BE IN STYLE -IN KHAKI JOIN THE - CANADIAN WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON More New Stock We have been very fortunate in seeuring a grand selection of Bed- room suites, giving you the advantage of price range in various styles A Three Piece Studio Suite at a very reasonable price as well as dif- ferent styles and prices in the regular studio couches. A new stock of Kitchen Chairs and Rockeits, high Chairs, Hall Trees, Footstools, Springs, Felt Matresses, Children's Cribs and Baby Carriages BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND- FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Store Phone 195 Phone 103 Fall Footwear New Lines consisting of Ladies' Suede Pomps, ii1J widths, with heels, spike, cuban and walking style. Sizes 3 to 9. Oxfords for Ladies and Girls, Black and Tan colors, made in Military Style with Smart walking heels. Sizes 3 to 9 House Slippers made of Leather Chenille, Cotton Fabric, Fur Trim in Black or White Leather, Also Men and Boy's sizes in Leather and Felt. For growing feet we have Blucher Style Shoes, with hard and soft soles, Black, Tan and White -Straps and Oxfords with soft or hard soles in colors, White, Tan and Black, Full range of sizes Men's Military Oxfords, Dress Oxfords, Work Boots, Work Oxfords, also Boys Boots and Oxfords Cliltord Lobb WHEN IN NEED OF NEW FURNACE Get a Hecla The furnace that saves you one ton in seven. The only furnace with fused joints and steel ribbed fire pots. CALL AND SEE SAMPLE ON FLOOR MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS LEAD. There is a Reason. Find out why. HARDWARE and PLUMBING I UM T a lies D Phone 244