HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-09-09, Page 4PAGE 4
Kr •
Tuesday, y, P
Se tember 7th.."
School Text B
Ask for one of our' large shopping bags, which are Free, but don't
ask for Credit — OUR' TERMS. ARE CASH
36J .
^tC•.41«rtit5Et !R4-•tw»C MIM t. -CC .-C4t•i«/ ,,+c ,44 --C » H Hi Rz./•1ilc+M''ii':
House of Hobberlin.
SUITS FROM $27.50 to $55.00
OVERCOATS' $25,00 and UP
3 ,
CUSTOM TAILORS -- Be Measured by a Tailor. it
Your duty to Yourself
Is to keep yourself physically fit for the duration at least.
Build up your resistance to colds, and a run down condition.
by using
Certified Halibut .Capsules
100 CAPSULES $1.25
Hunting License now on sale
1302 0 BOZ FLOATS $1.25 and UP .
Headquarters For All Sporting Goods.
NA 4t.
Clinton Monument Works
Exeter Business
Mr, .1. J. Zapfe will be pleased to receive any inquiries
GODERICH TOWNSHIP S.S. No. 11 Red Cross group will
meet on Thursday, September 16th,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rehill of Lon- at the home of Mrs. William Vodden.
don were visiting the latter's broth-
rother's Jack and Bill McGuire. •
Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. R. Stirling.
Mr. Don;Smith, of Toronto spent
the holiday with his father, Mr, D. A.
Smith of Sloan Crest farm.
Miss June McDougall returned to
Toronto'Monday after spending • two
weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Murray McDougall,
Miss 'Elizabeth Thiel of London
spent the holiday at Mr. John Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald of De-
troit spent Sunday with -the former's
brothers James and Can McDonaId.
Mr. and Mrs Fred Middleton and
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton have
returned home after spending a very
Mr. J. ',Ross Middleton motored to
Lion's Head on Sunday on his return
to resume his duties as Public School
Principal at Sault Ste. Marie after
spending the month of August at
his home,
Miss Phyllis Middleton 'returned on
Monday from visiting friends in To
ronto and Markham.
Miss Kathleen McNaughton and
Margaret McNaughton London have
been spending a few holidays at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Middle-
ton.. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie McNaughton
and Mr, John McNaughton of Lon-
don • were Labor. Day " visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, Mrs.
ohnston returning to London with
Miss Margaret Middleton, Reg. N.
who has been at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka
pleasant week on Manitoulin Island,
Red Shield
The R.S.W.A. held their regular
meeting Tuesday afternoon, there
were 18 members and .4 •Visitors ,pre-
sent. Captain Davies led: in the de-
votionals and the ;President Mrs, J.
Cook, presided, over the business part..
We acknowledge, with thanks 1
quilt topdonated by Mrs. George
Potter, and Refugee Clothing donat-
ed by Mrs. Howard Williams. Special
thanks is extended to Mr. Melvin
Crich for a donation of $50, made
from dances he has sponsored. The
next meeting will be Tuesday,Sept.
14th and this will be packing day.
for: the summer returned home last
Rev. G. G. and Mrs Lyna of Tor-
onto accompanied by the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. Art Bradley of New York
attended the .wings parade .at Cen-
tralia last week when Wesley Lynn
received his wings as a pilot. They
also. were the guests of Mr. H. Me-
Cartney of Goderich township.
Council meeting -Council met on
Monday Sept. 6. The University of
Western Ontario wrote' asking for the
donation of any old relics such, as.
old guns, pistols, Indian relics etc, if
any of our ratepayers 'have any to
donate get in touch with the clerk
who will forward to the University.
Toronto General Hospital sent no-
tice of a patient 'there which they
are charging to this township. Coun-
cil were of the opinion the patient was
able to pay and would not accept the
account. J. V. Ludgate, District En-
gineer approved of the tender of
Messrs Looby •to build two bridges.
Mr. Frank Elliott drew the attention
of council to the condition of his
fence, where a hill had been cut too
close to his fence,` the Supt. was dir-
ected to arrange a settlement.
Bylaw No. 5, setting the rates of
taxation was read and passed with
the following rates :County 87.10;
Township 35.10; General 53.10; S.S.
No. 1 64.10 ; No, 2 3 nulls; No, 3 a
mills; No, 4, 35.10; No. 5 32.10; No.
6 33.10; No. 8 25.10; No. 9, 3 mills,
and debenture rate 27.10; No. 10, 3
trills, No. 11, 36.10; Union No. 2 12.10.
U. N. 10 closed; U. No. 12, 3 mills, U
No. 8 45.10. The Bureau of Muni-
cipal Affairs drew attention to an
amendment to school act. if the sal-
ary of the teachers was $800 or more
the general grant to schools would be
$800 instead of $600 as formerly.
The rate for the Police village of
Bayfiold, Local rate 4 mills, Hydro
44.10 and special rate one mill, all
Hydro arrears and telephone rates
be those furnished by the different
Accounts paid, Dept. of Health,
Insulin $8,15 ;Miss Acheson use of
house $0.00; Supt pay roll No. 8
$425.82, Council adjourned to meet on
Monday October 4 at 1.30 p.m. •
-Miss Bernice Lobb of Waterloo
spent the week end at the home of per
Stocker 1 Alvin Lobb R.C.N.V.R. of
Kingston spent the week end at the
hone of his parents.
The old school bell rang on, Tuesday
morning and summoned pupils back
to study after the long vacation, llfr,
J. Bates resurrect his duties as prin-
cipal and Mrs, W. E. Parker as assis-
tant, -
Mr. ami Mrs. Chas Rogers of Ham-
ilton Mr. and Mrs, R. Hunter and
Mary Alice of Toronto spent a week
at the former's cottage "Chemin.'
Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Hunter remain-
ed here.
Mr, and Mrs. Norval Gemeinhardt
June, , Helen and Doris returned to
their hone in Saginaw on Monday
after having spent a fortnight with
the former's mother, Mrs. F. -C. Gem-
einisardt. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight
Ronnie and Mary of Toronto were
also her guests over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs .1. Merner of Detroit
spent the holiday with the former's
niece, Mrs. Grant Turner,
Mr. and Mrs, Robt Elgie and dau-
ghter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alex-
ander, Kippen spent Sunday at "Trail
Blazers" cottage with Miss E. Finne-
Lieut. Ted Hart, R.C.N.V.R. and
Mrs. Hart spent. their 'honeymoon at
the family cottage in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manness, Jr.,
of Hamilton and the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Taylor, Mound
Pleasant, Mich., visited with Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Mannessover the week
Mr. and .j1,4rs. Jas. P. Ferguson, of
London were with the former's moth-
er, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson over ,the La-
bor Day week end.
Mr. Arthur Peek and mother, Mrs.
IL Peek, and Miss Mary Fergie vis-
ited' Miss M. C. Reid on Sunday.
IVIcs. M. Ross and daugh ter Mrs. H.
Cobb of Torontocame on Saturday to
t a weak at their cottage, "Sum -
rs, LeRoy Poth and MVIsster Ron- t
R -In
nie who, have been visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett, re-
turned to their home in Caledonia on
Sunday with•lid} P„oth who' was also
here for ay few daye lagt week.
Mis. Adam Boyd, of'Gravenhurst is
spending a �'
P g a V elclat='her cottage in' the
village. Her daughter, 'Miss Peggy
Boyd, of ICitehener was also here over
the week end
Mr, and Mrs. Morley of Toronto and
Mr. and' Mrs Robt Clark and little
daughter Roberta of 'Cleveland Ohio
were the guests ` of iVir. and Mrs.
Chas Berry over the week end.
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Baker and
three daughters, of London spent the
holiday with the former's parents,
Mr. andr
Mrs. F. W. Baker. On their
return to London they were accom-
panied by Mrs. V. Burt and -Mary Lou,
Miss Vera Pease and Lloyd Pease
of London were with friends,in the
village over the week end.
Mr. and les. W. E. Parker, Billy
and Bobby spentthe week end with
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith in London.
Mrs. Walter Harvey and son, Geo.
of London and Miss Helen Sturgeon,
of Clinton spent a few days recent-
ly with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Sturgeon.
Mrs. John Baird Sr., and Mrs. Dave
Baird and son, Carl of Grand Bend
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stur-
geon over; the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orr and baby
Douglas of Stratford are at the fare -
By cottage in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. H. McClinchey vis-
ited their daughter in Preston over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morley of Plea-
sant Ridge, Mich., spent the week end
with their sisters Misses F. and L.
Morley, •attheir cottage "Birchcliff".
Their daughters Pat and Barbara,
The death of H. W. A. Cookson of
the late Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cook,.of
Clinton occurred in Toronto on Sat-
at-u day, September 4th.
He was a veteran of the last war
and had been in ailing health for
some time.
He is survived by one son, Alvin of
the R.C.A.F. at Guelph, a brother J.
E. Cook, Clinton, and six sisters, Mrs.
B, Priditam, Detroit, Mrs. W. J. Dy -
merit of Chicago, Mrs. Y. G. Ross,
Mrs. Geo. Boyer and Mrs. Roy Dick-
son of Toronto, and Mrs. Henry Gar-
rett, of Clinton,
The funeral services took place
on Tuesday and were conducted by
Col, Sydney Lambert.
The death occurred' at the family
home in North Cayuga, Township, on
Thursday, August 26, 1043, of Mrs.
Calvin Williamson, following a short
illness. Mrs. Williamson suffered a
Seizure on the Saturday previously
from theeffects of which she never
fully recovered. The late Mrs. Wil-
lianison, whose maiden name .,Was
Jane Ann Campbell was born in
Varna, Ontario, a daughter of James
and Louisa Campbell. In 1905 she
was united in marriage with Calvin
WiIiamson and since that time they
have continued to snake their home
in this district.
Surviivng besides her husband are
four sons and five daughters: Lloyd
Earl and Doreen, at hone; Mrs. E.
Dyte, (Ina) and Mrs. J. L. Murdock,
(Cela) of •Cayuga; Mrs. 11. Zeats
(Marion) and Mrs. H. Johnson (Ir
ene), of Aldershot; Bruce of North
Cayuga and Roy with the R.C.A.
overseas. Two sisters and two broth-
ers also survive, Mrs. Carl White,
Detroit; and Mrs. James Steep, Clin-
ton and .Robert and Norman- Camp-
bell, Varna Ont.
Last rites for John Rayson who
died Saturday at his home, Gibbon
street, Goderich in his 76th year were
held Sunday at 2 pan. from the chap-
el at the Beattie funeral home Clin-
The ;departed man was of English
parentage a son of the late John Ray-
son and Mahilla Townsend, and was
born in Clinton in 1867. He attended
the Clinton schools and afterward
learned the trade of painting and de-
corating•in which he was active until
a short time before Ms death: He had
resided for the past four years in
Goderich and previous to that was a
resident of Windsor.
He was twice married and twice
bereft. Three sisters survive, Mrs.
Thomas Campbell, Mrs. Walter' Bar-
nes and Mrs. Edith Ball, Toronto.
Mrs. Bali was in attendance during
his illness of a heart condition and
accompanying complications. .He had
been confined to his home but, a short.
time, his last activity being his per
sonal appearance at the ration book
office to procure his No. 3 ration
book,. While there he was overcome
and required assistance in returning
He was Anglican in religion and tile
fnneral service was conducted by Rev.
G. W, Moore, rector of St. Paul's.
church, Clinton. Interment took place.
n Clinton Cemetery, .
who have been visiting their aunts ac-
companied their
ccompaniedtheir parents on, theirr re-
turn to Pleasant Ridge.,
Dr. Blanche : E. Burton returned, to
Toronto on Tuesday after having
been the guest of Mrs., N. W. Woods
for a few days. She was accompanied,
by,. Mrs. E. P. Lewis who has been
here for the past two months:
Misses Barbara Pollock and Ruble
Fisher, of Kitchener and Mrs Walter
Grierson of Waterloo were the guests,
of Mrs. F. A. Edwards over the week
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Buchan of Dun-
ville visited the former's Sister Mrs.
N. W. Woods over the holiday.
Lieut John Oates and wife and
Lieut Donald Oates and'wife spent a
few days last week with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Oates at
their cottage.
Mr, J. Stewart returned to Ham-
ilton on Monday to resume his teach-
ing duties after having spent the
summer at his home in the village.
Mrs. E, Arnold, Miss Peggy Hutch-
inson and Mrs. J. Robinson of London
spent the week end with the latter's
mother, Mrs. H. Tanner at her cot-
tage. '
Miss Barbara Atkinson and two
guests Misses Lucille Shain and Mil-
licent Schroder 'of London, were at
the family cottage over the week end.
Mrs. M. Burnside and two daugh-
ters of East Orange, N. J., and Mr.
and Mrs. F. Hendricks and son of
Birmingham, Mich., visited their aunt,
Miss 15!. Fttirher'n • at her cottage
"Westwind" recently
Recent guests at the Little Inn in-
clude, Mr. and Mrs., Wi C. And, Geo.
J. Aust, Miss M, Aust, London; Mrs.
Vera McPherson, Windsor; Mr. Leon-
ard Lorentz, Waterloo, Mr. Jerome
Kunjyeh, (Kitchener.
Miss Maragaret Granger, nurse -in
training at St. Joseph's Hospital Lon-
don, is spending a vacation at the
family cottage in the village.
The Happy War Workers Club held
their` September meetingat the home
of Mrs. Wm. Ball on Thursday Sept,
2nd, with an attendance of 12 members
and three visitors.
The meeting opened by singing
"Bringing in the Sheaves" followed by
the Club Creed in unison, The "Lord's
Prayer" was then repeated.
The president read a letter sof ap-
precation received from, an air force
boy stationed on the west coast, who
had received one of the ditty bags. A
card of thanks was read received from
THURS., SEPT. 9, 1943 .-,,:j
The StanleyCommunity Club held
their September meeting at the home
of Mrs. Victor Taylor with thirteen
members present. The president Mrs,
Baird,' presided. It was decided to
send for 12 ditty bags to be filled
to reach headquarters by November
20th, and a special collection to. be
taken at the 'October- meeting tc buy
articles to fill ditty bags: The eel-
lection amounted to $4.46. After the
business meeting Mrs. J. A. McEwan •
and . Margaret each gave a reading
and Barbara Graham conducted a corp.
the Gliddon Family. Also a letter of test. Mrs. Alice McEwan invited 'the
club to her home for the October
appreciation from Mrs. George Glaz-
ier, Mrs. George Glazier donated $1.
Mrs, J W. Crich donated a coat for
refugee clothing also bonnet and boo-
tees for the layette.
Things tm•ned in to the club: 2 girls
drosses, size 8 years; 1 juniper, size 10
years; 1 -dress size 4 years; 1 boy's
suit size 4 years; 3 pair socks, 9 tow-
els, 2 wash clothes 1 afghan, and 1
quilt, The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs, J. K. Noble on
October 7th, 1943..Mrs. Noble's group
to serve lunch.: •
The meeting came to a close by
singing "God Save the Ring.";. The
remainder of the 'afternoon was spent
in quilting. After whielr a dainty
lunch was served.
The family of Mrs. Dominic Flynn
were alI home for the week end. They
are Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn, Therese
and Gertrude BrunelI of Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs. Leo. D. Flynn, Noreen,
Charles Flynn of •Montreal;. Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. B. Duncan of Toronto; Mrs,
John Curran, Marjorie and Lorriane
Curran of Clarkson; Mis. Fred
Thompson of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. for a few days on their honeymoon.
Lewis Rowland of Walton, and An—Their many friends wish them much
drew Flynn of HuIlett and Tont at happiness as they journey through
home. life,
meeting. Two sweaters; one pair
mitts, one pair gloves and eight pairs
of socks were brought in.. The meet-
ing closed with the singing of the
national anthem.
Mr. Thomas Inch, London visited
with the Prests and Mr, and Mrs. E.
J. Crawford recently:
Mr. Jack Webster has taken a pos-
ition in the Clinton Knitting Company
Mr. Frank Tamblyn and .family,
Mrs: John Tamblyn and MIS. Marg.
aret Manning spent several days with
Toronto friends returning Monday
Dr, and- Mrs, Anderson . of Exeter
are visiting at the home of Mrs. Jen-
nie Lyon.
Dr. E. K. Lyon Leamington and
Dr: A, H. Lyon of Windsor visited
their mother here last week,
Mrs Wm, Lyon announces the mar-
riage of her daughter, Marjorie Gray,
to Mr. Jack Morosso of Copper Cliff.
The wedding took place at Copper
Cliff, on Wednesday Sept lst, 1943.
The `bride and groom visited at the
Immo of her mother -Mrs. W. Lyon
Men For Sugar Refinery
in South Western 011tario
Now Operating,
Good Wages
hole Cost of Livhig
Board and Lod'iog AilIabIe
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$8O� pci weed.
Apply your nearest Employment and Selective
Service Cffice.
ce. Refer.. C. R.--50.