HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-07-29, Page 511
THURS., J`CJLY. 29 1943
The Dominion Government are allowing 3 cents a
bushel on wheat, barley and oats during July and
21/2 cents • in August in order to encourage the 'On
toric Farmers to buy grain wow so that he will be
sure of having it for winter feeding.
OATS - - 56c bushel
'BARLEY - 69e bushel
WHEAT - - 90c bushel
The Above prices will be further reduced by reason of the Provincial
Governments Subsidy of $1.80 per ton.
Clinton Monument Works
Exeter Business
14' )
e 3`
Mr. J. J. Zapfe will be pleased to receive any inquiries s'
;4,,, taiataet ; ;row!mFide41. :«2» ew +M«tede ee Ai+W «w «w« eer«;: :+:M ; ,0;
Death of James Curring
A pioneer of Hullett township, Jain.
ces Curring, passed away following
an illness of three weeks which con.
fined hint to the Wingham Hospital.
• -He was in his 79th year and was born
in Hullett, the son of Nicholas and
•Isobela Curring. Following his near.
swage he lived on the farm now occu-
pied by Earl Caldwell for five years
before moving to their farm on the
.Auburn road, where they lived until
'very recently, when they moved to
Besides his wife, he is survived by
,one daughter, Mrs. Loughrey (Helen)
Hartford, Conn., and an adopted son,
Frank, Stratford, and two grandsons.
31)f a family of 12, only two sisters,
.Marianna Stewart, British Columbia,
and Rate, Cyprus River, survive.
Mr. Cunning was a member of Trin-
`ity Anglican Church, Blyth where the
:service was held, conducted by Rev.
P, H. Streeter, Interment was made
.in Blyth Union cemetery.
' Pallbearer were W. J. Miller, Olin-
-ten, Fred Toll Jr., George Johnston,
James Heffron and Alonzo Smith.
Flower bearers were George Mains,
William Heffron, John Watson and
John Heffron.
Funeral of Joseph C. Taman
Members of the Orange Lodge of
Auburn attended the funeral of Jos-
,epht C. Taman which was held from
the residence of Mr. and Mr's. A W,
P. Smith of Blyth, Rev. Arthur Sin-
"elair officiated. The service at the
graveside was conducted by the Wor-
shipful Master of the Orange Lodge,
Charles Stewart end. Rev. Bro. A.
;Sinclair and for the Royal Black
:,nights by Harvey Bunking. The pall-
bearers were Charles Stewart, Henry
Bunking, Herbert Dexter, Thomas
Adams, William Bowes, Arthur Barr,
R 'H: Robinson and John Nesbitt. In
terment took place in Myth Union
Mr. Taman had been in failing
health for some time. He was hi
his 74th year and was born at Car-
leton Place. In 1920 lie married Jen-
nie Gibson who passed away six years
• Mr. Taman was a devoted. Orange-
man. For years he represented King
'William by riding the traditional
white horse at the head of the Orange
walk each July 12. At the completion
of `0 years of service members held
a special night in his honor. He held
every office in the society and for six
Veers was an honorary member. He
was &so a Black Knight and an Odd
He is survived by a daughter,`
(Addie) Mrs. Gamin, Foi•t Erie, and
one soh, Joseph, Toronto. There are
also two grandchildren and two sin-'
,tars, Mrs. Cox,' Scotville, Mich., and
Mrs, .James, Winghann.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogriclge.spenit
the week end with Air .and bars. Goran
ley Thompson at Brampton.
Mr. R. le, Munro spent a few clays
in Toronto last week.
Visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Edgar Lawson on Sunday were:
Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson, Mrs.
John Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hetn-
berger and daughter and Miss Marion
Sclater,, all of Seaforth.
Mr. Reginald Asquith B. A., of
Montreal is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Asquith.
Airwoman Jean Houston of Van-
couver B. C., and Miss Francis Hous-
ton of (Kitchener visited their parents
Mr. and Mrs. John—Houston at the
week end.
Misses Margaret Henry, Eva Stack-
house and Margaret Watson of Bruce -
field visited with Mrs. F. Ross on
At the evening service at Knox
Presbyterian Church next Sunday ev-
ening diploniaa and certificates will
be awarded to those who attend the
Daily Vacation Bible School
Women's Institute
Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for
the August meeting of the Women's
Institute which was held in the For-
esters' Hall. The roll call was ans-
wered by the name of your first
Sunday School Teacher, Miss Betty J.
Asquith favored with a piano solo,
Mrs, Oliver Anderson gave a reading
Two poems composed by the pupils of
Miss Marjorie Arthur's School was
read by Mrs. R. J. Phillips, The topic
"The Origin of Rubber" was given
by 1VIrs. Edgar Lawson. A solo was
Tendered by Miss Amelia .MeIlwain.
The August meeting will be in charge
of the children, The singing of the Na-
tional Anthenn brought the meeting
to a close. A dainty lunch was served
by the hostess. Mrs. J. C. Stoltz and
Miss Viola Thompson.
Mr. Gordon W. Dobie has Joiner,
the Royal Canadian Air Force and re-
ported at London, on July 26th. Since
1941 he has been employed at Fergus.
Mr. Harold Layman of the R.A.F.
Station Clinton and Mrs Layman will
sing and play at the Sunday School
and church} service at Knox Unite:)
Church, next Sunday morning.
On Monday last the Porter's Hill
Unit, Red Gross, was held at the
hone of Mrs. John McGuire, about
20 ladies were present.
Two quilts were quilted, one for
Mrs. McGuire, one for the bale of
clothing sent to refugees, I box of
ladies blouses and children's pinafore
dresses' Also a box of boys socks. and
1 sweater,
A drive for scrap, such . as iron,
rubber, magazines, etc., is on. Please
leave whatever ,you have at Mrs.
JohnToerance's farm before Aug. 1.
This will be sold for war purposes;'
Tickets were sold on a quilt; Mrs.
Geo. Johnston holding the lucky num-
• August 16th meeting will be held
at, the .home of .Mrs. Las Cox, Knit
tees and sewers are needed,
Miss Frances' Clark of Toronto, was
the guest of Miss Elva Dewar over
the week end.
Recent guests at The Little Inn in -
elude, Mr. and'eirs, Reinrick, Detroit.
Miss Margaret Garlick, Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. 3. D. Merner, Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs, W. D Sinclair, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell, and
Master Robert Keenan, Detroit; Mrs.,
E. S. Partridge, Mrs Hilda Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Beard; 1Vlaster. Jack
Beard, London.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gillard and little
Miss Patsy of St. Thomas, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar over
the week end Mrs. Gillard and Patsy
remained to spend this week with her
sister and other relatives in the vicin-
Miss Shirley Hawie of Detroit is
visiting Miss Ruth Joy Martin at the
Martin Cottage, Boulder Lodge.
Mrs. V. C. Quarry accompanied by
Mrs. Quarry and Dr, W. Tillman, was
brought from St. Michael's Hospital
Toronto to "Llandudno," his home
in the village on Saturday where he
is recuperating.
Mr. Jas. Scott of Seaforth is the
guest of Mrs. R. H. Gairdner.
Minns Vera Pease of London is vis-
iting Misses June and Audrey Bran
The Ladies of Trinity Church Guild
held a very successful sale of sewing
homemade baking, ,and vegetables in
Mrs. N. W. Wood's shop on Main
Street on Saturday.
Miss Ruth Pogson is spending a
few days with her parents, Rev. and
Airs. J. H. Pogson, at their cottage. .
Mrs. John Pearson, Milton and Ruth
of London are enjoying a holiday at
their home in the village.
Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens of Hamilton,
Miss Doris Osmond, of St. Catharines
and Pte. William Osmond, of the Can.
adian Army, Wainwright, Alberta
came home last week to attend the
funeral of their father. Pte. Osmond
its spending seventeen days leave
with his mother.
Dr. and
Mrs. Hurford and daughter,
Jean, of Seaforth, are holidaying at
the Box cottage for a fortnight.
Lance Bombardier Grant Turner
left on Sunday for Halifax after hay.
ing spent his long leave with is wife
and babe in the village.
Mr, J. E. Brant of Montreal is
spending this week with his wife and
babe at the Tillman Cottage.
Mr. Fred Weston, who enlisted ij
the R.C.A.F. ieft on Sunday for Man.
ning Pool, Toronto.
Miss A. M. Stirling R.R.C. assisted
at the Blood Donor's Clinic in Clinton
on Tuesday. Messrs Jack Howard,
Walter Westlake, Jack Toms and Jack
McLeod were donors from Bayfield.
Mrs. B. T. Stephenson Miss Barbara
and Miss Ada Bingley returned to
their hone in the village the end of
the week after having spent a week in
Mrs. T. Crane and babe of Detroit
are visiting her mother, Mrs. W. J.
Miss Frances Elgy of Kippen is
visiting) her aunt, 'Miss Finnegan
at Trail Blazer Cabin.
Mrs. George Gunn and two daugh-
ters of London are occupying a cot-'
tage in. Jowett's Grove,
Mr, IL Barns and Mrs. Norton
Taylor returned to Stratford on Mon-
day after having spent a month In
the village.
Mr, and Mrs, S. R. McConkey of
Stratford, are at their eotage. I
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 663
More Poultry Meat
Market requirements for Poultry
Meat in 1943 will be at least 260,000,=
000 lbs of chicken, a 10 per in -
mese over 1942. Because of the gen-
eral shortage of meats, there need be
no fear of over -.production.
Weare in the poultry, market all
the year round.
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
We have two kinds of waxed con-
Fish at 15e Iband up
Have , you Tried our Farmers
Style Sausages?
Frozen Foods are Better Foods
suffered a severe paralytic stroke in
her home on Louisa Street. Since that
tune she has been confined to red in
her home and for different periods
in hospitals. She was a patient in God -
etch hosiptal from Oictober 19401
until the time of her death. Surviving
are three brothers, William James of
Varna Robert John of Stephen Town-
ship and Solomon of Winnipeg. The
funeral was held on Sunday afternoon
from St. Andrews United Church,
Bayfield and interment made in Bay-
field eemtery, The service was conduc-
ted by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Colwell
and Mrs. Colwell sang "The End of
the Road" The palbearers were: Gar-
net, Robert, Harvey and Louis Tay-
lor, Murary Grainger, and Wm. E.
Parker. Relatives and friends who
were present included. Mee. Joe Wil-
ton, Brussels, Mrs. Macintosh, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Pollock; Mr and Mrs.
Lottie, Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Pol-
lock, Mrs. Wm. J. Pollock, Mr, and
all of Greenway, Mr. and'
Airs. R. J. Taylor, Shipka and Mr.
an i
Garnet Taylor, 1Woodburn
r Staffa.
Funeral of Wm. Osmond
The funeral of the late William
Osmond was held on Friday afternoon
from Knox Presbyterian Church. The'
service was in charge of -'Che Pastor
Rev. D. J. Lane, and interment made'
in Bayfield Cemetery. The pallbear.++
ers were Robert Blair, W. E. Parker, 1
George Little, Win', Elliott, Reginald
Williamson and Lloyd Walters. Re.,
latives from a distance who were pre-
sent :for the funeral included, Mr.
and: Mrs. Neil Jenkins, Mrs. Feed
Davison, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Good of Auburn, Mrs. Spragg of Nile.'
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walters, Lloyd
and Osmond Walters, of Colborne
Township, Mr. John Young and two
daughters, Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs.'
Reg. Williamson of Goderich, Miss
Emily Osmond of Seaforth, Mrs. Bale!
ney Williamson and son of Goderich
Township, Floral tributes were from
Ruth Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Reg.'
Williamson,. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Jenk-
ins, Walters family, Thompson Pro-
ducts of St. Catharines, Emily Os-
mond, Mr. and Mrs. Little and guests
at The Little Jun, wife and fannite,
Dresser Family,', Ars. Neelin, Mr.
and Mrs. Hall.
Death of Mary .lane Taylor
The death occurred in Alexander
and Maxine Hospital, Goderich, on
July 23 of a most respected resident
of Bayfield in the person of Miss Mary
Jane Taylor. The deceased woman, who
was eighty foul.. years of age, wary
born in Lachute, Que., the daughter de
the late Sarah Pollock and John. Tay-
lor who emigrated front Ireland.
When she was: about eight years of
age she came with her parents to
Stephen Townehin and in 1882, .they
moved' to Stanley Township. At the
age of sixteen the late Miss Taylor
went to Detroit where she lived -until
coming to tiv village $one fifteen
years ago. About eleven years ago she
EDWARD—LANE--In Clinton Pres-
byterian Church on Saturday, July
24th, when Madeleine Elizabeth, on
• ly daughter of Rev. D. J. Lane, and
Mrs. Lane of Goderich, war',lilted
in marriage to Clayton H. Edward,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ed.
ward, Goderich. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Andrew Lane,
Clinton, uncle of the bride, assisted
by her father, Rev. D. J. Lane.
REID—CARTER-- At the brides
• home in Hullett, on Saturday Jule
24th, when Beryl Marjory, only
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George I
Carter, was untide in marriage to
Watson Gordon Reid younger son of
Mr. Devitt Reid and the late Mrs.
Reid, of Hullett, Rev. A. E. Menzies
of Londesboro officiated.
HELM—At Wiugham General Hospi-
tal, on Tuesday, July 27th, to Mr.
Mrs. William Helm, R.R. No, 3
Lucknow, a son.
WALDRON—In Clinton Hospital, on,
Saturday, July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs'
Jack Waldron of Clinton, a laugh-
ter (Sharon Gail).
BENNETT Mr. and ..Mrs. Charles $: ;
Bennett of Auburn, wish to an-
nounce 'the birth of their son on
Sunday, July 251h,'hi Clinton Pub
lie Hospital. C
SHEARS—In Clinton Public Hospital,
on Saturday, July 24th, to Cpl. are
Mrs. Norman Shears, Clinton, twin °
daughters, (Vivian Anne and Nor-
ma1 Doreen),
GI•BBINGS—At her home in Kinders-
ley, Sask., on Monday, July 26the.h
Ella Wiggins, beloved wife - of J. o
Foster Gibbings.
The Y.P.U. held a wiener roast at in
the river flats Tuesday evening. The
Now Playing "Footlight Seren-
ade" with John Payne and Betty
The flight of a wealthy Britisher
from Switzerland, through occa.
pied France to England. Monty
Wooley, Roddy McDowall, Anne
Baxter and Lester Matthews.
Alice, Faye, John Payne and Jack
Oakie, ,See it in Technicolor and
hear once again its memorable,
time -mellowed melodies.
"lila, 0, siatsvo,:IIIJLLO°"
Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 3
Now- Playing— Rafael Sabatini's
"The, Black Swan"
Alice'. Faye, John Payne, and. Jack
Oakie, Present one of the season's•
liveliest musical comedies, in Tech-
% tricolor.
Loretta • Young and Brian Aherne
offer bile most mirthful murder.
mystery you have ever seen
"A iurakll' 110 REMEMBER"
Matinees—Wed. Sat. and Holidays
SRw own
Now Playing— Riehard Dix in
Preston Foster,Gene Tierney, and
John Sutton, A teehnicolor presen.
tation o fair -trainees and their
hazarrdous schooling
George Formby
heads an able case in a fun tale
featured . by twinkling tunes.
Coming—Alice Faye "Hello, Frisco,
Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 3.
All accounts owing George • S, El-
liott, V.S,, Clinton, if not settled by
July 31st, 1943. will be handed in for
collection, as he is leaving town.
Murray and Bobby Biggin of Wind-
sor are spending their vacation among
relatives in this. vicinity.
Mrs. Rose Waters, London spent
several days recently with her friend
Miss L. Young.
Mrs. Wm. Glover Detroit is visit-
ing with her sister, Mrs. R. Young.
Miss Alice Fingland, spent a few
days at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Jones near St. Thomas.
Mrs. Lorne Shobbrook, of
Oshawa is holidaying with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shob-
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Howe of
Clinton were callers at Mrs. Jennie
Lyon's home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning and
Phyllis of Clinton spent Sunday at
the home of his brother, W. E. Man-
ning and family,
Mrs. Lillie Webster, and Jack vis-
ited with James Webster and family
on Sunday.
Mrs, Robt. Townsend and. Dorothy
are holidaying for a couple of weeks
at Barrie.
Mrs. Stanley Lyon, who recently
underwent a serious operation in the
Clinton hospital over three weeks ago,
was able to leave the hospital on
Sunday last and is convalescing at the
home of Mrs, Bert Lobb, Goderich
Berry picking is the order of the
day, amongst the women folk. Wild
berries, are reported as quite plenti-
Pall wheat harvest is in full swing
but rust is reported which has a bad
effect on both fall wheat and the
spring grain.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno Aldington spent
Sunday with relatives at Staffa and
The village chopping mill now own-
ed and operated by Mr. Jno Aldington
can once more be heard. Mr. Aiding-
ton has had a Deisel engine installed
and remodelled the exterior of the
building and is now ready to do a
first class job. This will be welcome
new to the farriers as they have been
very anxious to get their grinding
done nearer home,
Mrs. A. Austin in company with
her son Russel and ;laughter Mary.
motored to Londesboro Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Elliott of Windsor
pent the week end with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Manns of Brantford
were guests at'the' hone of Mrs. J.
Mossop on litenday.
Several members of the Anglican
hurch attended the Dedication Ser -
ice at St. James Church Middleton,
n Sunday. morning.
Marlyn Reid, of Toronto spent a
ew days with her grandmother, Mrs.
. Reid, last week.
The United Church Sunday School
eld their annual picnic at Bayfield
n Tuesday afternoon.
Mary Elizabeth Beatty ravened to
er hone Sunday after spending a
ortnight at the home of her grand -
other, Mrs. Welsh of Ripley.
Chutor spent Sunday with
or daughter, Mrs. W. Townsend of
oderich Township.
Miss L. Foster of Hensall spent
he week end with het sister Mrs.
. Stelek,
W.McAsh of the R.C.A,F. spent the
eek end with his wife.and small
ons at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. IfcAsh..
of Mr: and. Mrs. Appleby of Ingersoll
are guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs.' J. Smith and family.
Miss Fisher of Cleveland, Ohio,: who
as been visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
Smit for the past month returned
o her home Monday.
evening was spent in playing baseball in
and other,' games, also a sing song G
with guitar accompaniment by Joy
Lobb. • •t
. 'Stanley Lyon of Londesboro J
is convalescing after her recent illness
at the hone of her sister.in-law, Mrs. W
Bert Lobb.. 5
Miss Violet Philips of Toronto is
spending, her vacation at the home
tier sister, .Mrs. Ira Merrill,
Mr. Lawrence Biggins of Windsor
spent a few days last week with his
parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. W. Biggins. h
Mrs. Eric on
Howes of Laden is visit- S
ng at the home of Mr, Irvine Teb- t
The family of the late Mrs. John
Watkins wish to thank their many
friends, neighbors and relatives for
their many kind expressions of sym-
pathy and beautiful floral tributes
extended to then, during their recent
sad bereavement.
Mrs. Win. Osmond and family wish
to thank their many neighbors and
friends for the kindness and sym-
pathy shown to them in their re-
cent bereavement also for the beauti-
ful floral tributes and cards. They
also wish to thank Rev, D. 3. Lane fot
his services, Those ,who acted as
pallbearer, and those who kindly
loaned cars and helped in any nvay.
For Rent
Furnished apartments, • for light
housekeeping, Apply to Mrs. Lorne
Brown, High Street.
For Sale
Ford Model A. Good tires and mo-
tor. White Rose Service Station, Lon-
desboro, Ont. 55-1
Propertly for Sale
Three lots at Porters' Hill with re-
modelled 1 1-2 storey stucco house.
20'x40' barn on cement foundation.
Small fruit trees, cherries, plums,
peaches and pears. Property will be
sold reasonable. Apply on premises or
to Harry Proctor R.R. 1 Goderich.
Farm For Sale
150 acres, Good stock and Grain
farm, West Wawanosh, Chas. Strau-
ghan, Auburn, Ont, 55-2
Farm For Sale
'72 acres extra production, Hullett,
Close to station and village. Charles
Straughan, Auburn, Ont. 55-2
Private Sale of Household Furnishings
Including a Quebec Range, can be
seen from 7 to 9 o'clock Thursday,
Feeley and Saturday evenings, and
from 2 to 5 o'clock on Friday and
Saturday afternoons. Maud Torrance,
Albert Street, Clinton. 55-1
For Sale
One hundred feet of garden hose.
Apply to Mrs. R. B. Carter, Victoria
Street, Clinton. 55-1
For Sale
Young Boars of advanced registry
breeding; also 2 year old boar. Apply
to Roy Lawson, 2 miles west of Sea-
forth on highway. 55-1.
The Summerhill Red Cross Group
met at the home of Mrs. Wes. Hog -
email on. Wednesday July 21. With
the President in the chair the meeting
opened by singing "God Save the
King," followed by the Red Cross
Prayer. The minutes of the last meet-
ing were read and adopted;'12 mem-
bers answered the Roll call and 10
visitors were present. It was decided
to send more cigarettes overseas. The
president made an appeal for Blood
donors. It was decided to hold a has-
tier and Bingo in September to raise
funds. A can of cocoa donated by
Mrs. Hoggai'th brought 70 lents
and was won by Ars. G. Corhish. A
quilt was quilted and 2 quilt -tops,
pieced. Lunch' was served at the close
of the meeting. The next meeting will
be on Aug. 4. etthe hone of Mrs.
Hahkirk. The hostesses, Mrs R. Neal,
Mrs. N. Ball, Mrs. G .Neal Mrs. E,
Ellis. The roll call to be suggestions
for roll call.
The Election Act
Notice is hereby given that pursu-
ant to the provisions of the Elec.
tion Act (Section 88) a poll will be
opened on Saturday, Monday, and
Tuesday, July 31st, and August 2 and
3rd, from eight o'clock in the fore-
noon until five o'clock in the after-
noon and from seven o'clock in the
afternoon until ten o'clock in the af.
The polling places for the Elector-
al District of Huron will be located
at the Town Halls, Goderich and Clin-
ton for the purpose of receiving the
votes of railway employees, sailors
and travellers whose employment is
such as to necessitate their absence
from time to time from their ordinary
place of •residence, or who have rea-
son to believe that they will be ab-
sent upon the day fixed for the elec-
The Ballot box will be opened and
the votes counted at seven o'clock
in the afternoon of Wednesday, the
4th day of August at the said places.
Dated at Exeter this 19th day of
July, 1943.
Returning' Officer
Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed
Tubes Tested Free.
A. W. Groves, Princess St..
'Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W,'
Farm For Sale
100 acres first class farm, lot 27
concession 10, Hullett township, 1-4
mile west of Londesboro. Good build-
ings and brick house with water in
both. Apply to John Harvey, Londes.
bore,. 55-tf
For Sale
Leicester Rani Lamb; also new
potatoes. Apply to Robert Taylor, R.
R. 3 Clinton, phone 33x906. 55-1
For Sale
Several pieces of bedroom furni-
ture. Apply to Mrs. A. D. McCartney,
Clinton. 55-1
Wanted To Rent
Furnished or unfurnished house`ur-
gently required by Air Force Medical
Officer. Notify Box. 39L News -Re-
cord. 55-1
For Sale
Twenty-two pigs, 6 wks. old. Albert
J. Glazier, Phone 617r31 Clinton. 56-1
For Rent
Furnished cottage for rent in Bay-
field for summer or ,nearly occupation
Apply to Mrs. N. W. Woods, Phone
6311:31 Clinton. 53-11
For Sale
Desirable 8 -roomed brick house on
High Street, Clinton. Hot water heat-
ing. Apply to E. C. Boswell, Dominion
Bank, Seaforth. 52-tf
Cottage For Rent
Log cabin cottage, furnished, with
enclosed screened porch. Electric
lights, fireplace, spring water in
kitchen, Close to lake. Will rent for
season reasonable. Apply to MTs.
Harry Ahrens, 20419 Stetter Ave,,
Detroit, Mich, 48-1f.
Wanted to Purchase
Pullets, all breeds and ages four
weeks nip to 20 weeks. High prices
paid. Write for full details, Tweedle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
Ontario. 49-8
REG. NO. 4750 Enrolment No, 8049
Standard Bred Stallion, Baron Lull -
water, will stand for the season at
his own stables, Lot. 34, Concession 5,
McKillop Township. WiII also meet
snares at a reasonable distance. He
has won first prize at the Toronto
Exhibition for the last five years that
it has been heldand in the last year
won the diploma.
Teems --To insure a foal $12.00.
All accidents at owners risk.
Seaforth, Owner and Proprietor,
Phone Seaforth 6r844 ,. 50-10.