HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-07-22, Page 8',.PAGE 8 ` The Mack all Cast Furnace Insures HEALTH! - COMFORT -SATISFACTION- CANADA'S LEADING FURNACE. No* is the Time to have your • ►leating'System overhauled.' or a new. ane •installed I'k CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF ATTER:.8 PERDUE 1nARDWARE, PLUMBING i ELECTRICIANS . PEON! 147w. CLINTON, ANT. Sale of Odd Lots OF SUMMER .SHOES GUT THEY GO -BROKEN LINES AND ODD SIZES - AT VERY LOW PRICES LOT NO. 1 -These are extremely' cheap. They consist of a lot of lines of Women's and. Children's White shoes that .have been gathered to- gether from higher priced lines. Some are counter soiled but will. give good wear. No Exchange on this Line. • CHOICE $L00 PAIR LOT NO. 2 -Some better lines bat mostly odd pairs CHOICE OF LOT 2 - $L50 PAIR LOT NO. 3- A nice assortment at 11.95 LOT NO 4-141en's Summer: Sport Shoes. Some With '•libber Sole CLEARING AT $2.50 PAIR SEE OUR REGULAR LINES OF SMART SUMMER FOOTWEAR • : PRICES ARE VERY, LOW Plurnstee1 Bros. ARlR1*1. = Adam Sate -•- Scott & 'McHale Shore for Mer Arena), Tip Top Tailors. rr >,.... WEDDINGS CALDWI;iLL-CG'LQUHOUN • Hydrangea, red roses and ever- greena in. beautiful ariangement`'in the bay window at the bride's home formed the setting for themarriage of Jean Lorene Colquhoun, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Col-. quhoun, Clinton, and William Leon- ard Caldwell; R.C.A.F.'Jarvis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Lon- desboro. The ceremony was' perforated at twelve o'clock noon, Tuesday, July. 20th, by Flight Lieutenant D. J. Lane, of Sky Harbour, and minister of Clin- iion Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Ernest Allen, Cromarty, aunt of the .bride • played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her grand- father, Mr. Arthur Colquhoun of Staffa, the bride wore a white sheer street length dress -with inserts of chantilly lace. She wore a shoulder Professor Sanctuary is One of Amer ica's foremost • authorities on Poul- try, •The. speaker chose for his subject, "Scientific' `housing ' and 'feeding of poultry for profit," illustrating his remarks with blackboard and chalk diagrams and lantern views. He stres- sed particularly the advantage of proper, ventilation of poultry houses, showing by drawings how the air should be dra-wn in so as to pass over the floor litter and escape overhead, thus keeping the litter dry and the birdsin1 a healthy condition, th eo n tion. Hopper feeding was also illustrated, showing how hoppers should be built so as to prevent waste. The speaker was heard with close attention and when the meeting was length vera caught with orange blot- thrown open for discussion answered some and ;carried a bouquet of Red a number of question. J. C. Shearer, Briareliffe-roses and bouvardia. Agricultural representative hereco- The bride was attended by. her sis- operated with the federati, on in local ter,' Miss Isabel Colquhoun,. as brides- p maid, wearing a street length dress of pale blue she over taffeta and carrying a bouquet of white Regal W- iles and carnations. Cpl. D. C. Colqu- houn, R:C.A.Fz, Bagotville, Que., the bride's brother, was groomsman. The bride's father, who is with the R.C. arrangements. IN THE LETTER BOX Sgt. Brown, P. M. R 97040 R.C.A.F. Overseas A.F. at Calgary, Alta., was unable to The following letter was received attend the wedding. by Mrs. Ronald Macbonald, from her. Assisting Mrs. Colquhoun in receiv- brother, Sgt.aPercy Brown, who, some ing the guests was the groom's mo- time ago was injured in manoeuvres ther, Mrs. Caldwell, wearing a navy overseas. dress and hat with white accessories Dear Marg. and Ron: and a corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Just a line to let you know I am Colquhoun was dressed in oming on fine. I'm writing this with powder blue c With White accessories and a corsage my right hand, its doing fine but is of pink carnations. A buffet luncheon still pretty stiff. But itwill come back was served to thirty guests by six lc•lt. Mends of the bride.'I've been sent to a convalescent The coupleleftby motor on a trip honle;until the back of my hand heals to Muskoka, the bride travelling in a, then I go back' to the hospital for two piece figured tan dress. with massages. Bay, is it swell hetes There brown gabardine accessories, and a I are oiily 20 fellows and the meals corsage of deepred. roses. On their are nerefct, better ihem...the hospital, return Mrs. Caldwell will 'reside at Its an old . country estate just like!. 64. Chester Avenue, ,,Toronto, and I Casa Loma, in a way, with well kept AC. Caldwell will return to his stat- grounds and nice, walks Coudn't;'be . ion at aarvis, Ontario. better to build up one's health. I'guess y ' Stewart will be finished his schooling by now and will have a good job; Professor Sanctuary Hope so anyway. Well, tomorrow is Speaks to Poultry Raisers July lst. but its no holiday here, In fact most people have never heard of The Huron Federation of Apical- it, but Tan going to celebrate by going time sponsored a meeting in the in- for a walk. .eXpect to get week end off an 'lterests, of :poultry husbandry as a d Wartime food production measure go into Edinburgh. Its a lovely clean which was held in the town hall, Gin' city and really pretty. There is a'huge castle in the centre of it. Also there is ,. ton, Friday night. It was attended by Hollyrood Palace, now, that's sure, about forty men and women interest- some place to see. That's where the ed in poultry raising. King and Queen stay when they come The guest speaker was` Professor to Edinburgh.' Say'' you ought to see me and I'll William Sanctuary of Massachusetts bet you would laugh. My hair is crop - State College, Amherst, Mass., who ped off short and T have.a moustache Was introduced by W, L. Whyte, pre- now. Doesn't look bad, even if I do sident `of the Huron Federation, and say se • myself., Wiah I had some films chairman of the meeting. Mr. Whyte I could have picture qf- myself token also spoke of the successful poultry and could send them beak, Let me know if you got my photo? raisers' convention held in Toronto, Lots of leve,, Percy. THE CLINT'ON: •NEWS -RECORD. THURS., JTJLY 22, 1943' Our assortment of low and medium priced glassware, looks well indeed where it is, but we are willing to have it distributed to- where it was inten ded, to go, in the home of••the people. If you cannot mobilize ••ypurself• mo- biline your, resources for the,,Winnina of this war when the ,conflict. is: end- ed it will be fine to be able to say ---I did "my part; 'I played the game I bought War Saving Stamps. If you enjoyed Rebecca, and who did not? You won't vyant, to miss the new book by the same auther, 'It'd. name Hungry Hill, at's price $3.00. It pro- mises to surpass' eveh the, wonderful' sales of Rebecca which we still keep in stock at $14b. In Hungry Hill this noted author '''does it `.again." ;Description of rrelarid where the story i'n'set addsto its •'ch'arrri and athtes- ;