HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-07-15, Page 5'THURS., JULY 15,1943
I'I.GE '.5
Mr. and Mrs. Paulen and Baby Day- On Sunday morning our new pastor
id of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs, W. Rev. Cahvell preached a splendid •ser -
•cull of Manchester, England, were
aIle guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. E.
I'Parker on Sunday.:
Miss Dean Castle, Reg: N., 'of S'trat
.ford came on Monday to spend a era-
cation with her parent's, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos W. Castle
MT. and Mrs E. A. Sauder� of kit
ehener, are• spending this week with
,the latter's aunt, Mrs. P. A. Ed-
Mr. Beverley Hulley of Galt visit-
ed his grandmother, Mrs, A. Currie
for a few clays last week.
Mr. Frank V. Martin and two dau-
ghters', Ruth Joy and Margaret Edith.
of Detroit have joined Mrs. Martin
at their summer home "Boulder
. Lodge,"
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillman of Lon-
, don came on Friday to spend a vaca-
tion at their cottage "Longvue."
Miss Mary Gray of London is the -
guest .of
he-guest.of Mrs. F. A. Edwards,
Mrs. G. M. Galbraith and daughters
of Hamilton are at their cottage at
Sunset Point.' Her father, Mr. R.
. Heard of London is with them.
Mrs, Moore of Traverse City, Mich.,
is visiting her sisters, Misses F. and
L• Morley.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Speed and three
children of Detroit, accompanied by
Miss Jean McClinchey are spending
. a vacation with Mrs. Speed's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClinchey,
Mrs. E. N. Hart and daughter, Dor-
othy, of London are at their cottage
in the village. Miss Marion Hart of.
Washington, D. C., and WTelt Jean
Hart stationed at Vancouver, are
also spending their vacation with
their mother.
Miss E. Webber of Kitchener is
visiting her cousin, Mis, Percy West -
Mrs. M. McKeown of Windsor acs
companied by Miss Webb, Reg. N.,
came last week,to visit at the Quarry
residence, Mrs. Chas P. McTague of
Toronto joined them on Tuesday. The
many friends of Mr. Vincent Quarry
who underwent a critical operation in
St. Michael's Hospital,. Toronto • on
Saturday are glad to know that he
is. progressinig favourably and hope
for les continued improvement
•• Guests at the Albion Hotel ate: Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene .Gyr, Detroit, Mr.
Fred Pye, Hyde PEO; also over the
week end were Dr. 'and Mrs. MacFar-
lane and daughter, • Mrs. J. Ward
III of St. Clair Shores, `Mich.
. Mr. and Mrs, P. R)tynee of Toron.
to,spent the week -end with the for-
mer's . mother, Mrs. 0. Rhynas,
" Sltangri-la"
Mrs. M. Aikenhead 'and nieee of
London are at her cottage in the
Mrs. Lorne Walmsley and family
of Kitchener are holidaying nt the
Mrs. W. Ahrens left oir Tuesday
for Detroit after having spent three
Weeks at her cottage "Trailbla'aee Ca-
Mi•. and Mr's: C. R. Will of London
• are at their cottage. Miss Agnea W:11
apont several days ,with them last
week and MVlrs. WiIl's sister, Mrs.,
Watters of Windsor, is now their
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Oates of Hain.
ilton came last week to spend the
' summer at their cottage in the village.
A delightful bridge was held in the
town hall on Monday evening when
ten .tables were taken. The first prise
was won by Mrs. A. E. Pounder and
the second prize went to Mrs,' A. Geld
thbrpe. The play ,was followed by a
social peuod when tea was served,
"The refreshment table was dune in
lace cloth, and -decorated with flow-
ers and white tapers. Over seventeen
dollars was raised for the Bayfield
• and Community Active Service fund,
the affair being •sponsored by the
• committee in charge.
Messrs Norman Brandon and Ron -
:aid De Coppet of Waterloo •spent last
• week at the Little Inn. Other guests
included Miss Tenent and Miss Stone,
of London; 1Vlrs. Neil Macliaren, Mrs.
D. B. Bentley, Miss Margaret Bentley,
',Sarnia; Mr .and Mes, Dickenson, Mr.
end Mrs. Chanties' and daughter, Lon-
don, Mrs. A. S. Munelly, Wyoming;
Ide. and lVXrs. H. 0. Bolitad, Mr. and
Mrs.. L. M. Clark, J. P. Malin R,AF
Clinton. Recent atrrivals are Hiss
Kerr end the son and daughter of
Lord and Lady Kindersley, Richard
and Lynn Kindersley of Sarnia; Mr.
and Mr's. W. K. Marshall London; leer.
and Mrs.' P. E. •Vaudernode,- Detroit.
Miss Norma Pickett of Clinton has
taken a position in Apfelbeele's Horne
Miss, Jeanne Dunn of Toronto was
bone over the week end.
Mrs. R. Newcombe of Philadelphia,
visited her father, Mr., Murdock Ross
last week.
Lance -Bombardier Grant Turnor, of
Halifax is spending a leave with his
wife and babe in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and
two children of Sudbury are viziting
the former's par eats, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson. ' •
. R. Gra andMiss .V of Alto Gra.
Mis Y
Detroit are spending a vacation with
Anon to a good-sized congregation.
On. Tuesday evening last members
and adherents of Grace' Church gath-
ered at Use home of J. S. Lockhart to.
do honor to Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Lock-
hart, recently maruried. At an appro-
priate, time Arlie and Muriel were
asked to come forward. Ray Cox read
a neatly worded address and Alvin;
Betties on behalf of those present
presented them with a lovely occasion-
al chair. A`r•lie made a suitable re.
ply thanking all for their good wishes
and kindness. Lunch was served and
theevening was spent in social chat.
On Thursday afternoon the W. A.
met at the home of Mrs. Will Cox: A
quilt was quilted. In the absence of
the president M's. Vic Elliott, Mrs.
J. Lcekhart took the meeting. Next
month's meeting will be held at the
home .of. Mrs: Les Cox. A dainty lunch
was served by the hostess.
Me. and Mrs. J, S. Lockhart have
returned after spending an enjoyable
holiday in and around Dundalk.
Congratulations to our entrance
pupils Harry Torrance and Tien Harr-
July' meeting of Porter's Hill unit
of Red Cross will be held Monday,
July 1.9 at Mrs. John McGuire's home
a full attendance is asked for.
Miss Bessie Young, Brantford, is
home on a two .weeks holiday.
Mrs. Jim Durnin of London attend-
ed the Elliott picnic. and visited her
parents, Me. and Mrs. Milton Woods.
Sgt. Stewart Schoenhals and wife
and• little Son of Longbranch are
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs Thos
Mr. and 1VIrs, Arlie Lockhart spent
Sunday with friends at Hensall.
Miss Gladys Addison R. N. Clinton
visited Tier friend, Mrs. Wilmer Har-
A special appeal is being made
for salvage this week. Fats, metal,
of all kinds, rubber, bones, paper and
rags are needed. Please leave at the
church shed.
Clothing of all kinds is needed for
the Russian Relief and can be left at
the. Red -.Cross rooms.
Don't forget our Red Cross meet-
ing being held every two weeks dur-
ing the summer months, next meet-
ing, July '21st,. Workers .are urgently
The Varna Junior Institute held
a meeting in the township hall and
,decided to close the Institute for
lack of membership, The Institute
money was donated to the follow-
$10•, to the Jain for Britain Fund:
$10,00 for the Chinese Relief; .$10.00
for Smokes for Britain; $10.00 for
the Queen's Canadian Fund; $10.00.
for British War Garments; $10.00
to local. Community Gift Fund.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Marks, .Ross
and Carol of Toronto, Me. and Mee.
Will Francis of Detroit, spent the
week end with Mrs. Mark's mother,
Mrs. George Connell and brothers, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Connell and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Connell of Tuckersntith.
Weekend visitors Mr. and Mrs.
Walper and babe of London, Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey Chutor of Harriston
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride and
family of Blake with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Chutor.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess of Goshen
Indiana were guests at the• home of
Mrs. M. Reid and Mr. C. Ra•thivell
last week.
Mrs, H. Elliott of Windsor is holi-
daying at the home of her mother
Mrs, J. Mossop.
Mr. and Mts..Ferguson and child-
ren of. Sudbury are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, M. Elliott and
Miss Welsh of Ripley was the guest
of her sister Mrs. G. H. Beatty on
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wiley of De-
troit are spending the week at the
hone of Mrs. G. Reid.
Mee. W. Ball and little son Nelson.
left London on Thursday, by plane
to join her husbancl at Vie bria B.
Miss Mary McAsh and -Miss Violet
Me,Clymont of Hensall were renewing
acquaintances in the`village over the
weekend: -
Mr• and Mrs,' A. Seeley' of Clinton
spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. A.
Mee. Jas. Ferguson.
Mr, :and Mrs. Harry Calumbo of
biieieo event the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Jenkins at "Valeuve"
•Mi'. Jacic Honeton of Firntnnntain
Sask,'has`returned bailie after visit-
ing. a few days with his parents
Mr, £1,11(1 Mrs. Samuel Houston.
LAC., L. A. Stephens of Beane.
toed S.F.T•.S. Betty and Billy Bell
and Cheater Valctt anent the week ens:'
with Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, at their
cottage "Lochliame."
Hailed as the greatest event in the
political history . of Ontario,, George
Drew and his Progressive Conserva-
tive . candidates are pledged to a
sweeping 22 -point platform,. It is
termed "the finest social document
in Ontario's history."
It is conceded that George Drew
"got the jump" on his opponents by
annouoncing his definite platform for
the Progressive Conservatives in the
Ontario election. There is no evi-
dence that the Liberal party intended
to offer a platform and it was quite
understood that the C.C.F. platform
would be one of opportunism.
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66;.
More Poultry. Meat.
Market requirements for Poultry
Meat in 1943 will be at least 260,000,-
000 lbs ,of chicken, a 10 percent in-
crese over 1942. Because of the gen-
eral shortage of meats, there need be
no fear of over -production,
We are in the poultry market all
the year round,
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
By January 1943 1,491 Maltese had ' Also Farmers Style Sausage
We Have Waxed Containers for Fruit
been killed and more than 1.500 ser-
iously injured in air raids.
Mr. Thomas Adams is visiting,
friends in Toronto.
Mai and Mrs. E. Phillips visited
Mrs. Wm. Gray and Miss Tena Haw-
kins, Port Albert on Sunday.
Mis. Rose Bradnock is visiting her
son, Wesley and. Mrs Bradnock,
Miss Josephine Weir was guest sol-
oist at the McAllister -McKenzie wed-
ding at Port Albert on Saturday.
Mr•. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson of
Copper Cliff are visiting Mr, and Mrs.
J. 3. Robertson and other relatives.
Miss Madeline Ceasar of Dungan-
non has been engaged as teacher of
SS • No. 5 Hullebt (Auburn School)
The monthly. meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held in the
Foerester's Hall on Tuesday, July 20th
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. • Yungblut were
Woodstock visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beadle, Mrs. Jno.
Arthur 'and Miss Marjorie , Arthur
spent Monday in Clinton.
The W.M.S. et Knox Presbyterian
Church held their July meeting in
the Church. Mrs. Herb Govier was in
charge and opened the meeting with
prayer. The 'scripture was read in
unison, Mrs. 'James Woods gave an
interesting paper on some famous
Canadian people and on the "Flrench"
in Canada. Mrs. Oliver Anderson gave
a paper on "I was an Athiest Until"
Mrs. A. Thompson offered prayer.
The roll call was responded ey a verse
of scripture cottaining the word."Re-
joice" Ala invitation from Mrs. •Jas,
Howitt of Seaforth to hold the Aug-
ust meeting et her horse was accept-
ed. The meeting closed by repeating
the Lord's Pieper in unison.
Walkerbuen Ladies Club
Mr. and. Mrs. James Jackson of;Hul-
let township entertained the Walker
burn Ladies Club when a reunion was
held to celebrate the 25th anniversary
of the Club. Among those present
were Mas. Walter Cunningham of
Glencoe, who was the first president
of the club, Mrs Loosen -eve, formerly
Bessie. Cunningham and sons of Glen-
coe. Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Cox of
Whitechurch, Mrs. Alex Manning of
Belget:ve, Mr. and Mrs. Fingland and
daughter' Alice of Londesboro. Mee.
Barker formerly Jemima Fingland of
Toronto, Mee. Cowan and Betty of
Londesboro, LAC J. and Mrs. Staples
of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mr's. Jas Rob-
erton. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Raithby of
Auburn, Me. and Mrs. Hardy, List-
owel, Mrs:'Andrew Kirkconnel and
family Saltford, Mrs. Jaelcson and
Miss Margaret 'Jackson Toronto.
Greetings were read from Mr. and
1VIa's. Collinson of Walton. Games und-
er the direction of Miss Margaret
Jackson were ,enjoyed by the young-
er members while the older members
spent the afternoon talking over'by-
gone days. Refreshments were served'
Induction Service-
The Induction Service for the Rev.
H. J. Snell. was held in Donnybrook
United Church on Thursday evening
at 8.30 p.m.
Despite the busy season a represen
tative gatbeeing from Auburn, West-
field and Donneybrook attended.
Rev. Aethur Sinclair' of' Blyth' a'cl
Tressed' the congregation. He spoke sin
the subject the "Importance of. the'
Church." •
A pleasant and profitable evening was
enjoyed by all.
The BYPU held their July meeting
at thehome of .Mr. end Mrs, Ear[
Raithby. The early part of the even-
ing was spent in playlag soft ball and
other games. The program was pre-
pared by Mrs, Thos McNall and sons
Robt. and Wellington, Mrs. McNeill
presided. The scripture ails read by
Bill Raithby and the Lord's prayer
was repeated in unison, Solos were
rendered by Douglas McNeil and
Marie Raithby, Emma and Shirley Ro-
bertson favored with a duet. Readings
were given by Royce Phillips and
Wellington McNall. The topic on
prayer was given by LAC Stanley Me -
Nall Lunchv'
was served,
Ladies Aid
The Baptist Ladies Aid met in the
Sunday School room with Mrs. Frank
ltaithby in charge. The scripture was
read by Mrs. William elagltt anis pra-
yer was offered by Mrs, Earl Raith-
by. The business period was taken by
Mae. Howson. A quilt top for the
Red Cross was displayed by Mis. L.
Irwin. The following program was.en-
joyed, Solos, Evelyn Raithby, Donna
Haggitt, reading Emma Robertson,
duet Marie Raithby and. Joan Kill-
ough, The topic on "Joy" was given
by Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Lunch was
SCOTCIIIVMERE--In Bayfield on Mon-
day, July 12th, to Mr ,and Mrs,
Charles Scotehmere, a daughter
(Ruth Ann).
TOWNSHEND - In Clinton Hos-
pital, on Sunday, July, llth, to Mr.
and Mrs. William Townshencl (nee
Bessie Chuter,) of Goderich town-
ship a daughter.
CARBERT-In Clinton Public Hospi-
tal on Saturday, July 10th, to M1.
I and Mrs, George Carbert, .of Clin-
ton, a daughter, (Mary Delores).
,LYE -At his home in Sault Ste.
Marie, Mich., Samuel Rye, at the
age of 85, and formerly of Clinton.)
BROWN -In East General Hospital ,
Toronto, on Sunday, July 11th, Mrs.)
Hannah Brown, 'nether of 'Bert
Brown of Clinton. I
.home of Mr. and Mts. Leslie Wil-
liams, Mitchell, when their daughter
Ila May, became the bride of LAC.'
Reginald L. Cudmore, of Trenton,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gudmoee
of Clinton. The Rev. W. 0. Mather
of Fullerton, officiated. ;
.FRASER-SMITH -- At Riverside
• United Church, when. Miss Pauline
Roberta Smith; daughter of Mr. and •
Mrs, Emery' Smith of Shelburne, N.
S., became the bride o.( Leading
• Seaman Richard Welter Fraser,' R.
• C,N•.V.R,, son of Mr.' and Mr's. F., A.
Fraser of Riverside. Rev. James
McAvoy officiated.
Now Playing- elEtLONTDrE GOES
'rte L"(OLLL''ix'B9" & "SOUTH of
Love, romance; song and dance
against the beautiful backdrop of
the Canadian Rockies. Betty Gra-
ble and John Payne with the music
of Harry James and his orchestra.
Sonja H'enie, John Peyne, Jack
Oakie, Felix Bressart and Osa
Masses. The comely Queen of the
Blades greets the Marines when
they land in
Note -Feature picture shown twice.
each evening, commencing at 740.
Now Playing -Paulette Goddard' In
Noel Coward, John Mille and Beer-
nerd Miles, seldom does a picture
win: the praia filse m et allis dramatic erit-
Gene Tierney, John Sutton, and
Preston Foster, A roaring adven-
ture deems packed with action and
romantic interludes.
Coming Betty Grable -"FOOT-
Matinees -Wed. Sat. and Holidays
Now • i'layn tg-- 1Seeea Henle
Walter Huston, Draoi Flynn, Anna
Sheridan tell a thrilling story 4'.f
Norway and its courageous strug-
gle for freedom
Grant Taylor, and Betty Bryant
a romantic military drama featur-
ing the exploits' of Anzac cavalry..
"40,000 HORSEMEN"
Coming- Anne Shirley in "P1181
Matinees -Sat, and Holidays • at 3.
Mr. Amos Osbaldeston is in Toronto
General Hospital recovering from an
The Summerhill Red Cross group
met at the home of Mrs. James For-
bes on July 7th. The meeting, con-
ducted by the president opened by
singing ,the Maple Leaf followed by
the Prayer for Pence. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and adop-
ted. Twelve members answered the
roll call and thirteen visitors were
present, One quilt was quilted and
another quilt pieced. A clothespin ap-
ron donated by Isobel Forbes brought
76 cents. and was won by Mrs. P.
Gibbings. Lunch was served at the
close. The next meeting will be on
July 21st at the home of Mrs. W.
Biggart. Hostesses will be Mrs. 3.
Rapson, Mrs, E. Ball, Mrs. T. Mason
and Mrs. G. •Cornish,
The. Stanley Community Club held
their meeting. July first at the home
of Miss Mary 'Gilmour with twenty-
one members and three visitors pre-
sent. The president presided and the
roll call was answered with the mem-
bers middle name. The minutes, of the
last meeting were read and the sec-
retary's report was given. It was decid
ed to give $10 to the Greek War Relief
Fund and to hold a supper for ,nem,
bees and friends oa the school grgrltlds
The work brought' in consisted of a
quantity of baby clothes, 8 quilts, 7
pair socks, 1 pair mitts and one
sweeten Mise Gilmour donated a love
'ly quilt made by her mother and,tielc»
ets .were 'sold 'on it, realizing $7.70
Mis, J. MacFarlane, sr., winning it.
The meeting closed by the singing of
the National. Anthem, and the next
meeting is te'be held at the home of
Mrs, Graham.
The Stanley Community Club held
a supper: on the school grounds on
Tuesday everting, July 6th, for the
members anis their families and
friends.•After super a social time was
spent making it quite an enjoyable
evening. Ove!' $20 was taken in to be
used in, tate club's activities,
The promotion of pupils in S.S. No,
1 Stanley is as follows (name areang-
od alphabetically.) Grade 8 to 9-
-Joan Hann, Grade 7 to 8 Helen'An-
derson, Charles Henly, George Jack-
son, Lillian Stewart: Grade 6 to /-
Ted Hann, Betty .Stewart; Grade 5
to 6 -Phyllis Hanly; Grade 4 to 5:
Edna Jackson, Don McGregor, Helen
Stewart. Grade 2 to 8 - Stewart
Broedeoot, Bob McGregor,
The thirteen pupils of the School
have invested $93.25 in war savings
stamps during the year, ,September
1942 to June 1943. Aprreximately $25.
was donated also to War Charities
in that period of time.
The July meeting of the W. A,
was held at the home of Mrs. Carmen
8.40 A.M. -. 1.15 P.M. -4.35 P.M.
8.40 A.M. 4.35 P.M. - 8.30 P.M.
9.45 A.M. - 12.45 P.M. - 6.50 P.M.
12.45 P.M. - 6. 50 P.M. - 8.00 P.M.
-9.30 P.M.
11.40 AiM. (B) - 2.40 P.M. -
8.50 P.M. (0)
2.40 P.M. -8.50 P.M, (01
"B" to Winghant Only
"0" to. Owen Sound via Walkerton
and to Kincardine Via Luoknow.
EASTBOUND Stratford, Kitchen-
er, Guelph, Hamilton and Toronto.
Daily -8.35 a.nt.; 1.10 p.m.; 5.30 p.m.
Westbound Daily- Goderich:
11.40 a.m.; 4.40 p.m.; 8.45 p.m.
Bartliff's Bus Depot
Girl for domestic duties at local
hospital. Board and room provided.
Apply stating salary expeeewe to Sel-
ective Service Office, Goderich, On-
thrice 53-1 For Sale
Litter of pigs. Heavy clean -legged
mare, A 4•ftirrow disc plow, spitable
lfor 4-horso team or tractor. Apply.
to A, Petrie, Beneefie,ld, 434
• • •. +
Wanted to 'Buy
I Medium sized ,house in Clinton. Poe -
The Ontario Weed • Control Act, 'session early in• October, Inquire at
makes it compulsory that all weeds the News -Record office. 53-1
must be destroyed either by cutting or
other means, as often every year as is
sufficient to prevent the ripening of
their seeds.
Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed) e'
Tubes Tested Free.
A. W. Groves, Princess St.
Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W
All Dog Owners
or those who harbor them will have
to have a license or will be penalized
for not doing so. No time limit,
By Order of Council
Wanted to Rent
Six or seven room house or duplex
in town. Wanted by August lst. Apply
stating particulars to Box 39P , the
News -Record. 53-1
Fur Sale
Number of young pigs, and some
chunks; also a good fresh cow. Ap-
ply to George Colclough, R.R. 1 Clin-
ton, 53-1
For Sale
Baby's wicker stroller, in geed con-
dition. Telephone Clinton 138w,
Wanted- Board without roont for
diabetic. Phone 223 Clinton, Mr. L,
E. Henri. 634
To Owners of Vacant Lots
If weeds are not destroyed within
a reasonable time, a man will be sent
to cut same, and costs charged to the
owner of such land wherein the weeds
are grown.
Chief of Police
Clinton, Ontario.
For Rent
Furnished cottage for rent in Bay-
field for summer or nearly occupation
Apply to Mis. N. W. Woods, Phone
631131 Clinton. 53-tf
For Sale
Heifer calf, 4 months old. .Apply
to A. E. Menzies, Londesboro. Phone
Blyth 251.5. 53-1
Tent For Sale
Size 12 feet by 14 feet. Army duck,
in excellent condition, complete with
poles. Apply to .M. T. Corless, Clinton.
Tebbutt. The president presided at the Of Houshoid Effects .at • Cottage For Rent
meeting. The scripture reading and • SEAFORTH SKATING RINK Log cabin cottage, 'furnished, with
prayer were given by Mrs. C. Tebbutt. SATURDAY, JULY 17 enclosed screened porch. Electric
Following the roll call and business at 8: pan. lights, fireplace, spring water in
discussion, letters of thanks from Chesterfield Steidle Couch; WPI- kitchen. Close to lake. Will rent for
Feitnk Little and Mrs. I. Merin were nut living room table; Oak sectional season reasonable. Apply to 'Mrs.
react. A reading on "Letter Writing" book case; ..cedar. chest; floor lamp; Harry , Ahrens, 20419 Stetter Ave.,
was given by Mrs. E. Little, and all day bed; 1 sewing cabinet; clothes Detroit, Mich. 48-tf.
recitation was given by Gerald Teb- hamper. 1 Raymond sewing machine,
butt. The meeting was closed with the drop leaf. Walnut table; 1 extension
benediction. A quilt was quilted and table; Modern Bedroom suite; 2 bed -
lunch was served by .Mrs. W. Big- room chairs; 1 single bed; '4 iron
gin. It wasdecided that the Augpst beds; 4 dressers; 5 felt mattresses,
meeting would be held at the river, Kitchen cabinet; 2 kitehen tables;
with the regular picnic lunch to be
served at the close of the meeting.
Jack Tebbutt, Douglas Jones and
Louis Tebbutt spent last week at the
Boy's Came neat Goderich,
Congratulations to Mr, Ivan Turnor
teacher'. of S.S, No. 4, and his pupils
Geacc Lobb and Billie Lobb who were
successful in obtaining their High
School Entrance at Easter,.and com-
pleting their .term at farm'work. Also
congratulations *to Mr. Ross Merrill
on the succeee of his class of four
pupils who passesl.their entrance ex:
Bunch of car keys on ring, Finder
please get in touch with Mr. Ed.
Nickle, King Street, Clintou. 53-1
Property For Sale
Consisting of 12 acres of land, with
10 -roosted frame house,Tlarn and hen
house. Situated 1-2 miles north of
Clinton on Base Litre. Apply to
Frank Fingland K. ,C., Clinton. 52-2
For Sate
Baby's Wicker Stroller, in ,good
condition. Telephone Clinton 318w.
Houses For Sale
Hensall-Two-storey brick house
of D. Foss and extra lots; also
frame house next to the Rennie home. .
Apply to W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 52-2
For Sale
Desirable 8 -roomed brick house on
High Street, Clinton. Hot water heat-
ing. Apply to E. C. Boswell, Dominion
Bank, Seaforth. 52-tf
Live, old and disabled horses and
cattle for mink feed, Elmer . Trick,
Phone Clinton 907r25 39 -e -o -w
16 kitchen chairs; '2 clocks; 8 kit-
chen stools; Electric heater; Quebec
cook stove; Moffat Electric Stove;
Chrome plated •Heavy duty electric
plate; (like newt 25, egalionr jars;
2 ice boxes; step ladder; 2, 3 Burner
Wanted to Purchase
Pullets, all breeds and ages four
weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices
paid, Write for full details, Tweedle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
Ontario. 49-8
REG. NO. 4750 Enrolment. No. 3049
Standard Bred Stallion, Baron Lull -
ma l oil stoves; crocks, curtains; 2 water,' will stand for the season at
toilet sets; 1 set scales, 240 lbs; 1 his own stables, Lot. 34, Concussion 5,
newlawn. mower; A hundred Hitchen McKillop Township. ,Will also meet
utensils. mares at a "reasonable distance. • He
Iiai•o1d Jackson, ;Auctioneer,has won first prize at the Toronto
53-1 :Exhibition for: the last five years that
it has been held and in the last year
Damage done to Marta up to the end won the-diplorita.
Terms -To insure a foal $12.00.
All accidents at owners risk.
Seaforth, Owner and Proprietor,,
Phone Seaforth 6r844 50-10
Crich---- In loving Memory of Mrs. J. antinations. of 1942 includes 5,000 hooses :eom-
Rev. II. J. Virecerson of Dungannon T.4 'r' h ,
re , who passed away - •Me, and Mrs, Fred. Cobb and Billie pletely destroyed 5.000 ruined and
addressed the namistet, IIe stroke in ago Jul ].4th. •
terms of relationshi t of gator and y vtsttedbver the week end at the Koine awaiting clemohtaon,, a sntttlar nurnbet
I l Ever remembered by sister's and bi'o- of Rev; anch,Mrs. C. ,Cox, of Price- unfit• for habitation until' repaired
! L d h )hers, vilic, and 13,000 houses damaged by blast.
Y t l•