HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-07-01, Page 5THURS., JULY 1, 1943
M. and MTs. 'Stephan Medd and
rrchldren Donald and Stephenia and
Lillian F. Medd of Iiderton spent Sun -
(day with Jas. W., Medd and Mrs. F.
Mrs. Alfred Asquith bas returned
home after spending two months
with her daughter Mrs. F. 0. • McIll-
veene and Mrs. McIllveene, Bowman -
Mrs. William Plunkett is visiting
' •Miss .Margaret: King.
Mrs. W. T. Robinson who has been
a patient in Goderieh Hospital for
the past ten `dayshas returned home.
Sergeant William Thompson and
Mrs. Thompson are visiting Mr. and
.Mrs. Wm. J. Thompson..
Rev, W. G. Rose preached his fare -
"well sermon last Sunday to a large
audience Rev. and Mrs. Rose, Ina and
:Hugh Rose as."e leaving this week for
their new charge at Corruna.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nott of Strat-
ford spent the week end with Mr. ane
-Mrs, W. T. Robison.
A large crowd attended the annual
'memorial service at Ball's Cemetery on
,Sunday afternoon. The graves were
'beautifully decorated with baskets of
flowers and hanging pots. Rev. Dr. A.
'0. Thompson of Knox Presbyterian
church had charge of the service and
'Miss Josephine Weir presided at the
organ. Dr. Thompson gave an impres-
mpressive talk on "The Power of an End-
less Life." Miss Weir favored with a
eolo accompanied by Mrs, R. J. Phil
lips. The offering which is used for
'the upkeep of the cemetery was re-
• ceived by R. J. Phillips and K. K,
Dawson,. Friends . attended the ser-
vice from Iiderton, Seaforth, Clinton,.
'°Goderieh and the surrounding district.
Presentation to Rev. W. G. Rose
On Wednesday evening the West-
field United Church was filled to cap-
acity when the members of the All,
'burn, Donneybrook and Westfield Un-
eted• Churches and other friends met
'to honor their pastor Rev, and Mrs.
Rose and family. Mr. Albert Johnston
-presided for a short program which
commenced by the singing of the
hymn "The Church is one Foundation"
Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Mrs. Gordon
'McClinchey sang a duet accompanied
by Mrs. Wm. Craig, solo by Albert
"Walsh, reading by ears. Howard
Campbell, solo by Shirley Radford,.
r quartette number by' Albert Walsh,
Howard Campbell, Lloyd Walden,
Norman McDowell, accompanied by
Miss Winnie Campbell. Short talks"
were given by 0. E. Emelt and Mar-
' vin McDowell A reading by Jack
Buchanan. Rev. W. G. Bose was then
'called to the platform and an address
was mead by Mr. Frank Campbelland
• Is purse of money was presented by
Mr. W. J. Thompson, Mr. Rose on
behalf of Mrs. Rose and family thank -
••ed his many :friends for their genes. -
pus gift. ,Rev. and Mrs. Rose, Ina and
.Hugh Rose leave this week for theirs
new charge at Courtright and Cor
Mrs. Jennie Lyon aeturned:home on
Saturday last after, spending the past
two months in Windsor and Leaming-
ton, Where she has been undergoing
treetinent ` for her health. We are
glad to report her condition ismuch
Miss Vendee Hamilton of`Brant-
ford is visiting this week with Mr.
and Mrs. A. Jamieson.
Miss, Bina. Kirk spent Monday at
Exeter at the home of Dr. and. Mrs.
Master Bobby Lyon, of Leamington
is spending a couple of weeks with
his grandmother Mrs, Jenny Lyon.
A number from here attended the
Memorial Service hell at the Ball
Cemetery last Sunday.
Mrs. J. Tamblyn has returned hav-
ing spent two weeks at the home of
her son Frank Tamblyn of 13th con.
Haying has commenced in the com-
munity. Quite a heavy crop is re-
Miss Kathleen Bald of Welland is
visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
William Snell.
Londesboro Red Cross News
• The regular meeting of Londesboro
Red Cross .was held in Community,
Hall on June 24 with President Mis.
B. Brunsdon presiding 'with an at-
tendance 'of 17,
Mrs. G. Watson moved a vote' of
thanks to Mr. J. McCool and Mrs.
McCool for their help in packing the
Overseas Boxes also for the use of
their store and equipment. The treas-
urer reported a balance on hand .of
It was decided to send a ,lonation
Of $100 to the Chinese Was Relief
It was also decided to send our boys
overseas, boxes every three months
Work Committee for August, ?Vers, R.
Yungblut, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Wat-
son, Mrs. Hall, the following have
been shipped since last meeting 94
toilet aeticles and 4 sewing articles to
women in uniform; 3 lad'ee' sweaters,
1 pair ladies gloves; 11 children's
sweaters, 1 baby's slip, 4 quilts, 4
bonnets, 4 shirts, 14 sweaters, 1 pair
pantees, 10 pair bootees, 28 quilts, 1
blouse, 4 sheets, 1 house dress.
Tickets were sold on 20 ib' bag of
flour donated by Mrs. S. Lyon, the
lucky ticket going to Mr,. 3. Craw-
ford. Proceeds $1.40. Lunch col-
lection $L80. The following hostess
money: 50c each. Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon
Mrs. W. Lyon, Mrs. Harry Lyon, Miss
B. Kirk; Mrs. J. Fingland, Total $2.50.
Quilt donations: 4 quilts from
Burns' Quilting Group on 8th and
9th of Hullett sent in by Mrs. G. Car-
ter. Meeting closed by singing "God
Save the,Ifing."
' Death of Mrs. Fred Seers
This community was shocked and
saddened at the sudden passing of
- Mrs. Fred Seers. Deceased was in her
usual health Friday night and suf-
fered a heart attack early Saturday
morning and passed away before
medical aid could be summoned.
Mrs. Seers was formerly Mabel
Muriel Niel and was born ab London,
• Ont.,; on March 9th '1899.
One June 18, 1928 she married
Fred Seers. For the past .two years
they have resided in Auburn coming
here from-Goderieh. She was a mem-
ber of Knox United Church and an
active member of the W.M,S. also of
the Women's Institute and the Red
Resides her husband she is survived
• by two young sons, William age 11,
and John age 10, also one brother John
Niel.. Woodstock. • The funeral was
held from her late residence on Mon-
day afternoon and was conducted by'
Rev. W. • G. Rose of Knox United
'Church. The many; beautiful floral
tributes bore mute testimony of the
esteem of the departed. The pall-
bearers were: Gordon Taylor, Malt -
land Allen,
art-land'Ailen, Robt Phillips, Bert Craig,
'Thomas Johnston and Earl McKnight.
Interment took place in Bali's eeree-
Sergeant William II. Thompson has
been honorably discharged from the
Army due to ill health.
Private Wilbur Lawlor and Mrs.
Lawlor are visiting the former's par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor,
Dr, B. C. Weir, Mi. and Mrs. Chas
Straughan, and Thos. S. Johnston,
Were recent London visitors Mr.
Straughan remained for treatment
in Victoria Hospital.
Betty Craig daughter of Mr.' and
Mrs. Bert Craig, and Lawrence Plast-
' zer son of Mr. and Mes.7'red Plaetzer
gnipils of Auburn Public School Were
`successful in passing their entrance
'examinations on thein years' work
Billy Craig :son ofMr. and Mrs. Wm.
Craig received" his entrance standing„
':at Faster,
The last meeting of the London Rd.
Club was held at the home of Mrs.
Joe Clegg 'with the president Mrs.
Swinbank, presiding. The meeting was
opened by singing "Rule Britannia!,'
and "The Maple Leaf Forever" fol-
lowed by the creed repeated in unison.
The roll call was answered by 13
members and there were four visitors
present. The annual pienic was dis-
cussed and`it was decided to hold it
on July 3rd at Seaforth Lions Park.
Ode sweater for the Red Cross and
two pairs of stockings for the Club
were handed in. The meeting closed
by singing "Gad Salve : The Ring." A
delicious lunch was served by the
hostess, and the next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. LeBeau on
August 19th.
The Federation of Agriculture will
hold their meeting on Friday even-
ing, July 2nd, at S.S. No. 10. Every-
body is welcome and the guest speak
ers will be Raymond Redmond and N.
W. Trewartha.
The men of St. James Church (Mid-
delton) and of the Community held a
bee last week and shingled the south
side of the shed. This is quite a large
shed and the tnen are to be congratu-
lated on their work.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Plumsteel'. and
Mr. and Mrs. E..3. Welsh of Clinton
were guests on Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. 13. J. Rathwell.
Me. and Mrs. John 0stromn and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
1VIrs. Arnold Rathwell.
Mr. and . Mrs. Harold Tyndall and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rathwell were
visitors on Sunday with Me. and Mrs.
,A.idllnr Welsh. •
The trustees of S.S, No. 10 Bay-
-ed ha'•e secured the services of Miss
Olive Johnson of Varna as teacher'
form the coming year.
Mr. Jahn: Middleton had the mis-
fortune to lose a horse on Saturday
owing to: the excessive heat.
Mr: and, ills. Robert, Taylor. and
Barry attended the Doroson picnic
at Seaforth on Saturday,
Mr. Jack Cluff is busy laying floes
Mg at Airports again.'
•'The Summerhill ;Red Cross' Society
met at the home of dMrs..•E Fai,quhar
on Wednesday ;,afternoon last, With
the president in the chair the meet-
ing was opened by singing 'the • Na
tional anthem, followed by the Red
Cross prayer. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted and
the roll call was answered by 22 mem-
bers, and there were 8 visitors pre-
sent. Sewing was handed out. All
who have blouses hand in at the next
meeting. I+our boxes of berries
donated by Mrs. H: Murch and a box
of potatoes by ,Mrs. E. Farquhar,
brought $1.40. Two quilt tops were
worked on and a quilt was quilted in
the afternoon. Lunch was served A
the close of the meeting.
• The next meeting to be held on
Wednesday, July 7 at the home of
Mrs. Dave Forbes. Roll call to be an
swered l y a household •hint. Hostesses
Mrs. W. Penfound, 'Mrs, W, Mair,.
Mrs, P. Riley and Mrs. N. Wright.
(Intended for Last Week)
On Friday evening neighbors and
friend's of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lock-
hart gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Miller to spend a social even-
ing with the newlyweds and extend to
them a long and happy journey
through life. Shortly before lunch
Muriel and Arlie were asked to come
forward.' Bill Grigg read a nicely
worded addresses and Donald Co1-
clough and Jack Gilbert presented
them with a beautiful chair and a
purse of money. Arlie replied in a
few well chosen words thanking all
for their expressions of good will and
thoughtfulness, extending an invita-
tion for all to come and see thenrin
their new home. A dainty lunch was
served. Clarence Perdue, Bert Finley,.
and June Miller furnished the music
for dancing.
Pte. Ivan Lockhart, R.C.A.S•C,, De-
bert N. S., was home on six day leave
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
On Sunday a family reunion was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Lockhart. When their family
were all present. Included in the fam-
ily are Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Lock-
hart and two children of Royal Oak
Mich.,, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Row -
dee two daughters, Clinton; Pte, Ivan
Lockhart, Debert N. S., IVTr. and Mrs.
Glen Lockhart and Carol of Goderich
Mr. and Mrs, Arlie Lockhart P'orter's
The bridge on the 6th concession
has at last been repaired and the road
is now open• for traffic.
The June meeting of the Red Cross
was held at the hone of Mrs. Al-
len Bottles, Monday, June 21.
The I.O.O.F. Will hold their decora-
tion day at Baird's Cemetery on Sun-
day July 11th. Everybody come..
Miss Gants of Winona, Illinois is
visiting her sister Mrs. Atkinson and
rev. nrrsmson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hill of Stratford
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Cornish
117. and Mrs. L. Smith and family
of Wingham spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shange of Tor-
onto are visiting Mr. and Mrs, G.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoggart, Ross
and Mrs. Annie Brown, Mrs. Ray
Townsend and children and Mrs. Wm.
Hoggart of Clinton spent Sunday with
the latter's_sister, Mrs. Gordon Curls
of Thedford,
Hosiery Firm Buys
Property in Goderieh
An important announcement affec-
10 ,,,
ROAMS ,N,otru11,11
For Every Occasion
Phones: 06w and 661
More Poultry Meat
Market requirements for Poultry
Meat in 1943 will be at least 260,000,-.
000 lbs -of chicken, a 10 Per cont in-
crese over 1942. Because of the gen-
eral shortage of meats, there need be
no .fear of over -production. •
We are in the poultry market all
the year round.
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker 'Service
Any one who bas not already declar-
ed their meat please call and get a
form and fill it out.
We haee waxed containers for storing
•To prepare strawberries. for ..locker
fill container mixing a little sugar
then put in locker soon as possible.
This applies to all"fruit.
Don't forget our Farmer's Style
Try us for fish of many kinds
Huron Council
Bost to Convention
Over 240 delegates, officials and
friends of the, Ontario Association of
Managers of the Homes for the aged
and Infirm were the' guests of the
Warden and County Council of Huron
at a banquet at Hotel Sunset last
Wednesday night. This brought to a
close a successful 3 day convention.
The principal speaker of the even-
ing was C. H. Green, Toronto, of the
IOId Age Pensions Commission, who
urged that responsibilities of help -
ling the weak should be accepted, and
that the men who come back from
this war should get a fair deal. Men of
% the last war, he recalled, who were
anxious to work, had not always
There have been 141,240 old age
pensions since the pian was first
started.' At present there are 57,000
on the books. Men at 70 are now get-
tings jobs and more children are now
working and helping to support their
parents. Exploitation of the old age
Ipension is to be regretted, he declared
instancing occasions when this had
, been done.
S. L. Charlton, provincial inspect-
or for city, county and district homes,
,who also addressed the gathering,
stated that there are 80 homes in the
'province - 40 in cities,,. 35 county
homes and five district.
1 In 1040-1941 there was an increase
'of 376 inmates. There were 3.800
admitted; 3.200 discharged; 677
deaths. Of a total of 9,940, 2,528 were
receiving old age pensions. A few
%years ago 2 1-2 per cent of the in-
:mates were over 65 years; in 1940 it
increased to 6 1-2 per cent, and in
1943 to 15 per cent. Insurance stat-
istics, he said, show that 54 men out
66 are dependent, five are working
4 are comfortable, and one is rich.
Something will have to be done to
%improve the situation, the speaker
Mayor le ,D. Brawn hi extending
a civic welcome commended the as-
sociation for carrying on a work to
keep the old people happy and conten-
ted. Mayor A. J. McMurray; of Clin-
ting was mlie insi iusti ial niglife
b of
cleric ten; Reeve
Percy Passmore, of Us -ridge, president and genera' manager Wednesday morning was given over
Y g lit Y C. borne; L. E. Cardiff, M. P., North to a discussion period, during which
//mon; Judge T. M. Costello, andtimely topics pertaining to` the con-
mduct of county homeswere debated.:
Mrs.. R. J. Forbes, matron of Ox -
the corner of East street and Ca- our County songs; accompanied by Mrs. Phillips r<H 1 P
Now Playing "FIVE GRAVES
TO CAIRO with Franchot Tone
and Ann .Baxter.
Errol Flynn, Ann Sheridan,' Wal-
ter Huston and Nancy Coleman.
Their right to love . their right
to live .. `. hangs by a hangman's
whim. A story of Norway's under-
ground fight, against the Nazis.
Freebooters"of the Spanislr Main,
driven' from the Caribbean by the
greatest pirate of them all, Tyrone
Power, Maureen O'Hara, Laird
Cregar and Thomas Mitchell.
With Benny Goodman and his or-
NOTE -Feature picture is shown
twice each night, commencing at
7.30 p.m.
Now Playing - Walter Huston in
Harry James and his music mak-
ers are featured in this Technicol-
or fun -hit. Betty Grable, John
)Payne and Carmen Miranda.
Nevil Shute'I mighty story of To-
day becomes a picture you will re-
member. Monty Wooley, Roddy
McDowall and Ann Baxter.
coming --,"ICELAND" with Sonja
Now Praying - Anne Shirley in
040N., TUES. & WED.
The winsome Norwegian flashes
her blades to the music of Sammy
Kaye's Orchestra. Sonja Henle,
John Payne and Jack Oakie,
THURS. II11.'$c SAT.
Rated as one of the year's best
comedy -dramas is this brilliant ad-
venture yarn. Paulette Goddard
and Ray Miliand.
Matinees -Wed. Sat. and Holidays , Matinees -Sat: and Holidays at 3.
Willis Unitede Church, Clinton, on
Saturday, June 26th, when Dorothy
Grace Corless, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. T. Corless became the
bride of Kenneth Miller Breakey,
Montreal, son of Mrs. Irene Breakey
of Toronto. Rev. Andrew Lane of-
JEFDBAY-K•NOX -- In Wingham
United Church, on .Saturday, June
26th, . when Eileen Alice Knox,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs: John
T. Knox, formerly of Clinton, be-
came the bride of Sgt. Stewart Jef.
fray, Petewawa, only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Jeffeay of Glen-
nanan. Rev. W. A. Beecroft per-
formed the ceremony.
JOHNSON - In Victoria Hospital,
London, on Sunday, June 20th, to
Mr. and Mrs, Herman Johnson of
London, a daughter, (Anna Marie)
BAWDEN-In Clinton on Wednesday
June 30th, Francis George Raw -
den in his 64th year.
EAST -In Clinton, on Saturday, June
2615, Lillian Huller, wife of the late
Henry East, in her 78th, year
RUEGER- In Clintons en Monday,
June 2815, Madeline Margaret Rueg-
er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will-
iam Rueger, age one year, and one
DENOMME--In Clinton, on Monday,
June 28th, Phillip Denomme, in his
66th year.
MA&TIN-In. Stratford, on Sunday,
June 27th, Annie Mason, wife of the
late James M. Martin, in her 83rd,
RANDS --In loving memory of a hus-
band and father, Jabez Rands, Sr.,
who passed away July 5, 1941.
We often sit and think of hini
When we are all alone,
For memory is the only friends.
That grief can call its own.
Like ivy on the withered oak
When all other things decay,
Our love for hint vent still keep green,
And never fade away.
-Ever remembered by Wife and
Mrs. C. H. Green, Toronto; L. E.
Cardiff, M.P.; and Mrs. Cardiff;
Judge T. M. Costello; Mayor E. D.
and Mrs. Brown; Goderieh; Mayor
Thomas E. Henry and Mrs. Henry,
Startford; Mr .and Mrs. John Peart,
Hamilton; .Warden Cliff and Mrs.
Cliff, Wentworth county; J. Beattie;
S. L. Charlton; Reeve Percy Passmore
and Mrs. Passmore; Mr. and Mrs.
James, Toronto; Dr. J. W. Shaw; Mrs.
Jacob and the county and town of-
ficials of Huron and Goderieh.
of Dominion Road Machinery
Co., Group Captain Fullam?ton delivered
Limited, who stated his.company had brief addresses.
sold the main building of its plant at; Harvey McGee sang two Scottish
ford C t Home, lad the discussion'
bria road ;to the Holeproof Hosiery Auburn and W. A. McLaren, Hen 11 on e p >oblems Pertaining to
Company, of London. The property is sangtwo baritone solosa sa ' H'omes." W. to inmen , reeve of
36 Sc 117 feet,' two storeys. 1 Dr. J. W. Shaw, physician sician at the Mora, on "Entertainment for Home
It is underdstood that the Holeproof p Y Residents"; Miss Jane Pollock, super-
Huron County Home, was Present. � .
Co., will take possession immediately nmtendont of Ewart Home, Toronto,
and . will eventually employ a maxi- He has leaved the communityfor a1= ` Occupational Therapy in Homes'; T.
most half a•eentury. IL. Ma cock mane e y
mum of 200 women.' 1 President J. Beattie expressed the l y g ?' Brant Count
Simultaneously it was announced thanksp Horne, "Deductions from Salaries,.
that negoti tions were all but coin- of the-' convention to Mrs -1' The delegates were the guests of
0 Martha Jacob,.matxon of Huron Coun-
pleted for the purchase of the vacant ty Home, for her interest in the as- the warden and connciI of Huron on
Artcraft Factory on Maitland road by ranements and in behalf of the as- a ria to the Huron County Home
the Dominion Road Machines C'o. g and the Centralia Airport.
y seciation presented her with a gold
from the Town of Goderieh. This fete- locket and chain. After the banquet a
tory, formerly used for the manufac-'darnee was held at the hotel in honor
tare ,of rattanfurniture, has 33,000 of the guests.
ifeet of floor space. An extensive al- The guests were piped to the dining
aeration and repair program is plana- .room 4by ,Piper T. S. Carroll, of No.
ed but it is expected that it will be 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, who accompan-
in operation withinthree months. ied Group Captain. E. D. Fullerton, 0.
In peace time the Dominion Road C., and Flying Officer. Herbertson,
"Stork In Auto Halts Trraffic"--
hews headline. Whereupon other mot-
ovists no doubt flew into a sage.
"Nascopie to take Jig -Saw puz-
zles to Eskimo people," says a news
headline, .If Major. MCKeand really
Company manufactures road machin- who came by plane. They were given wants to get the Eskimos going and
cry exclusively, but is at 'present en! an ovation. see them turn wild-eyed, he should
e red in making war parts, -our to etake up the new simplified income
gaged employ- Other guests at the head table were
ing 100 hands. ' Warden and Mrs, Tuckey; Mr. and tax form to' them.
8.40 A.M, - 1.15 P.M. --4.35 P.M.
8.40 A.M. - 4.35 P.M, - 8.30 P.M.
9.45 AM. - 12.45 P.M. - 6.50 P.M.
12.45 P.M. - 6. 50 P.M. - 8.00 P.M.
-9.80 P.M.
11.40 AeM. (5)2.40 2.40 P.M. --
8.50 RM. (C)
2.40 P.M. -8.50 P.M. (0)
"B" to Wingham Oniy
"C" to Owen Sound via Walkerton
and to Kincardine Via Lueknow.
EASTBOUNND'- Stratford, Kitchen-
er, Guelph, Hamilton and Toronto.
Daily -8.35 a.m.; 1.10 p.m.; 5.30 p.m.
Westbound Daily-, Goderieh:
11.40 a.m.; 4.40 p.m.; 8.45 p.m.
Bartliff's Bus Depot
'Apply to Box 9
Clinton - Ontario
I expect to leave town in a few
drys, for en extended visit to Nova
Scotia. Anyone desiring passport oe
other photos, kindly act promptly. -
J. B. Lobb. 51-1
Lost or .Strayed
Small brown dog, short hair, long
tail, answering to the name of Pal.
Anyone having information about its
whereabouts plese.phone 81x15 Hen-
sall central. Seen in Clinton lately.
Reward. 51-1
Cow and Calf for Sale
A fresh cow with calf, Durham.
Apply to Owen Reynolds, R.R. 1 Clin-
ton central. 51.1
Commencing July 1st, Makin's Bar-
ber and Beauty Shoppe, Bayfield will
close every Thursday at 12 o'clock
noon throughout the year. 51-1
The family of the late Mrs, Henry
East wish to thank their many friends
and neighbors for the kindness and
sympathy shown them during their
recent bereavement. Sincere thanks
to Dr. Addison; and to those who so
kindly loaned their cars, and for the
many lovely floral tributes.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their kindness to us
during the recent illness and subse-
quent, death
ubse-quent,;death of our daughter, Made-
line Margaret, and also for flowers
and special thanks to the minister.
-Mr. and Mrs, William IRueger.
Owing to the gas situation we aro
forced to take our Stallions off the
road and will stand them at Lot 3,
Con. 8, Hullett Township, for the
remainder of the season.
, The Purebred Belgian Stallion
No. 5249 (18471) Enrolment No. 3071
Grade A, Premium Form 1
Terms $13.
The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion
Two Used Electric Washing. Machines
A. W. Groves, Princess St.. .
Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W
Representative Miss Winnifred O'Neil
Clinton, Phone 75j. For complete
lines of Fuller Brushes and Service
for same. 30-4
Live, old and disabled horses and
cattle for mink feed. Elmer Trick,
Phone Clinton 907r25• • 89 -e -o -w
Cottage For Rent
Log cabin cottage, furnished, with
enclosed screened porch. EIectric
lights, fireplace, spring water in
kitchen. Close to lake, Will rent for
season reasonable. Apply to Mrs.
Harry Ahrens, 20419 Stotter Ave.,
Detroit, Mich. 48.tf.
Wanted to Purchase
Pullets, all breeds and ages four
weeks up to 20 weeks. High price
Paid. Write for full details, Tweedle
Chick Hatcheries . Limited, Fergus,
Ontario. 49-5
For Sale
Brick house on Albert Street. Ape
ply to Maud Torrance, Clinton. 49-2
Trunks Wanted
We are willing to buy several
trunks in good condition, Appy to W,
M. Aiken, Clinton. • 50.2
REG. NO. 4750 Enrolment No. 3049
Standard Bred Stallion, Baron Lull -
water, will stand for the season at
his own stables, Lot. 34, Concession 5,
McKillop Township. Will also meet
mares at a reasonable distance. He
has won first prize at the Toronto
Exhibition for the last five years that
it has been held and in the last year
won the diplons.
Terms -To insure a foal $12.00.
A]1 accidents at owners risk.
Seaforth, Ownor and Proprietor,
Phone Seaforth 6r844 50-10
For Sale
New electric grill; complete bed;
chest of drawers; four unfinished kit-
chen chairs. Apply at the News -Re-
cord office, 51-1
Por Sale
17 acres of standing hay; also one
lawn swing, slightly used. Apply to
Robert S. Reid, Varna, phone 630r11.
Pigs For Sale
Eight young pigs for sale. Apply.'
to Albert Pearson, Clinton, or phone
908x3. 51-1
Household Effects
Mr. Harold Jackson has received
instructions to sell by public auction
the household effects of Mr. Joshua
Sherman, Fulton Street, Clinton, on
at 1 pan.
FURNITURE- Seuen tube Ever -
ready radio; radio table; Quebec hea-
ter; kitchen stove; two linoleum rugs;
carpet; carpet sweeper; several rock-•
ers; occasional chairs; diningroom
table with spare leaves and dining-
room chairs, extra diningroom table;
cupboard; kitchen cupboard; several
small tables; Singer Sewing Mach-
ine, drop head, like new; chest of draw
ers: mattress, iron bedstead; quilting
frames; bedding; couch with good
springs that can be used as bed;
cedar chest, like new; and dishes of
all kinds; two clocks; electric iron;
two e'1.ctric plates; 'oak sofa.
EFFECTS - good 'lawn mower,
small; several feet of hose; reel and
sprayer; cross -cut saw; buck saw;
DONALD MONCUR hand saw; good wheelbarrow; garden
c8559 tools; wash tub; copper boiler; steplad
Enrolement No. 4177, Form 3 der; stove pipes and drum; new wood,
Terms $11 len saw horse 14 glazed tile 2 ft. 6 In,
The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion ches, shoulder tile; small out houset
'Enrolment No. 3500, Form 1
Grade A, Premium No. 171
Terms $11
T. J. McMICHAEL, Proprietor
R.R. 2 Scafartlt 51-3
and a few dozen• chimney bricks; and
other articles too numerous to men-
tion, also three cord of hardwood
ready for use, also a Dominion organ.
Joshua Sherman, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson; Auctioneer.