HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-06-24, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
''.With Which is 'incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 6150 -64th YEAR
Advertisers and 'Corres-
pondents Please Note
As July 1st, Dominion Day, falls
on a Thursday this' year and will be
celebrated then we are forced to get
out our issue on Wednesday if we are
also to enjoy a holiday.. May we
have the co-operation of our advertis-
ers and correspondents by sending in
all advertising ,and news items one
day earlier.
57 Blood Donors at Clinics
Clinton's .first blood donor clinic
washeld on Tuesday, morning, June
22nd, in Wesley -Willis Church Hail.
Much time and planning was spent in
its organization, and as a result • it
was most successful. The doctors in
charge were: Dr. Shaw, Dr. Oakes, Dr
Addison, Dr. Vokes, Dr. Trotter, .Dr.
Weir. The nurses assisting were,
Mrs. Oakes, Mrs. Haddy, Mrs. Mid-
dleton, Mrs. Lawrence, Miss Grainger,
Miss Sinclair, Miss Grirness, Mrs.
Thompson, Mrs. Brown, Miss Stirling,
Mrs. Livermore, Mrs Fitzsimmons,
Mrs. Yacca, Mrs. Thornburn, Miss
Hoeflin. Those in charge of the secre-
tarial work were: Mrs G. Miller, Mrs.
L, H. Stevens, Miss R. Ball.
The receptionist at the door was
Mr. Lyle Paisley.
During the morning Mrs. J. M. El-
liott entertained with piano music.
Those in charge of equipment were
Mrs. Venner and Mrs. J. M. Elliott.
Refreshments served the donors
were in charge of Mrs. Paterson.
Those assisting her were: Mrs. Me -
Taggart, Mrs. Axon, Mrs. Osbaldes-
ton, Mrs. M. Steep, Mrs. W. Colclough
Mrs, P. Manning, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs.
C. Elliott, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Hunter,
Mrs. Meanwell.
We wish to thank the following for
donations: C. M. Shearing, T. J.
Riley, Miss Doan, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs.
C. Merrill, Mrs. Colclough, Mrs,
Steepe, Mrs. Fred Middleton.
Thanks also to the Presbyterian
church for the loan of screens.
The nurse technician, Mrs. Pitt and,
her assistant, Mrs. Bell in charge of
the Mobile Blood Donor Clinic com-
plimented the entire staff on the ef-
ficient way the clinic was handled.
The Junior Red Cross of Clinton
are paying the expenses of these clin-
ics. Another one will be held in
five weeks. If you were not called for
this one, be ready for the next• Many
more donors will be needed as the
number used will be increased. Mr.
Shearer and Mr. McMurray are in
charge of receiving the names of don-
ors. Give them your name.
Mr. J. Cree Cook headed the fol-
lowing list of volunteer donors:
Harry Schellenberger, A. Garen, Gor-
don Hoy, Ernest Walton, Wm. Hog-
gart, J. B. Philbin, Ken Elliott, Reg:
Ball, G. Scribbins, Geo. Elliott, C. D.
Connell, C. V. Cooke, John Sutter,
Elmer Potter, John. Leiper, Erwin Ja-
cob, G. M. Counter, L. W. McDonald,
Bert Gliddon, Joe Silcock, Alvin Flet-
cher, Vic Roy, Alonzo Mathews, J. B.
White, F. W. Pennebaker, Clifford
Cooper, Dr. H. A. McIntyre, Frank
Lobb, G. R. McEwan, W. H. Rob-
inson, W. Glen Cook, Father McDon-
ald, A. E. Haddy J. C. Shearer, E. V.
Lawson, Frank Fingland, Gregor Mc-
Gregor, A. M. Knight, Fred Ford,
Kenneth C. Trewartha, James Turn-
er. Dennis Bisback, Murray East,
Chas. Merrill, Jack Nediger, Irwine
Tebbutt, Harry Henry, Stewart Mid-
dleton, Lorne Jervis, George German,
Elmer Trick,: Bert Shobbrook, Noble
Holland Wm. Sinclair, Eph. Snell, A.
Choir Honours : ride -Elect
choir rac-
e regular c r
In place of th g prac-
tice the choir of W
•ic at the chureh e
- met at h
le -Wills United Church
home of Mrs. W. M. Nediger on Vic-
toria street on Friday night last. This
occasion was to honour Miss Dorothy
Corless -a faithful member -on her
e s -a
approaching marriage.
Following the regular choir prac-
tice conducted+by Mrs. Agnew, games
and contests were enjoyed under the
leadership of Mrs. R. A. Montgomery.
Benson Sutter then spoke of the
reason for the gathering mentioning
that the choir would miss Dorothy
and expressed the best wishes of the
group for her wedded happiness.On
behalf of 9 the ch it Misses Lillian
Garrett and Kaye McGill presented
Dorothy with a lovely coffee table.
The bride-to-be thanked the choir for
%heir thoughtfulness and expressed
regret at leaving her home choir. •
The hostess served dainty refresh-
ments, assisted by her daughter -Miss
Clara Nediger and Mrs, Win, Conron.
The New Era Est, 1867
Rev. G. R. Thompson
Elected Deputy G. M.
Rev. G. R. Thompson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry J. Thompson of God;
erich Township, and 'rector of the
church of Ehgland at Truro, Nova
Scotia, was elected deputy grand mas-
ter at the 78tl .annual meeting of
the Grand Lodge of the Masonic Or-
der in Nova Scotia held recently,
Postponed Soccer Match
Saturday, June 26th
The Soccer match between the R.A,
F. Station; Clinton, and, the team re-
presenting the Michigan State Soc-
cer which was
Football C
to have taken place on Saturday,
June 19th, on the Station Sports field
has been unavoidably postponed until
Saturday, June 26th.
The kick-off is at 7.30 p.m. and an
admission charge for civilians and
service personnel will be made. The
game is being played under the aus-
pices of and for the benefit of the
Clinton Women's Auxiliary (R.A.F.)
While Mrs. Gabe Elliott was spend-
ing a few days with her brother, Mr.
Ed. C. Glen, she received the sad news
that her son, Pilot Officer John C.
Elliott, of the R.C.A.F., is missing.
She left for her home in Toronto at
once. His wife, formerly Jeanne
Hatton resides at 35 Raglan Avenue
The missing airman is the son of
Mr. Gabriel Elliott, of Toronto, form-
erly of Clinton, and nephew of Mr.
Moe. Elliott of town.
It is the hopes of al] who know the
family in this district that they will
hear more encouraging news shortly.
Four Nurses Graduate
From Clinton Hospital
Graduation ceremonies for four
nurses who have completed their
training in Clinton Cpmmunity Hospi-
tal took place in the Presbyterian
church Thursday night, The grad-
uates are Miss Madelon Mason dau-
aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason
of Summerhill; ,Miss Bernice Grigg,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Grigg, Clinton, Miss Marion Stewart
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stewart, Hullett and Miss Marjorie
Watson, daughter of Mr. H. Watson,
of Parkhill. The church decorations
featured pink and white peonies in
tall white standards at altar and choir
Dr. J. W. Shaw, dean of the medi-
cal profession in Clinton, was chair-
man and in his introductory remarks
outlined the history of the institu-
tion from its establishment under the
proprietorship of the late Dr. William
Gunn in a small building on Victoria
street to the present commodious
and well equipped institution.
The graduates were obligated by
Dr. W. A. Oakes following which
the nurses were addressed by Rev.
A, Lane, B. A., B.D., pastor of Wes-
ley Willis United church. Miss Grain-
ger, hospital superintendent present-
ed the graduation diplomas and Mr,
E. E. Paterson treasurer .of the hos-
pital board presented gifts on behalf
of the board. Rev. G. G. Burton, M.
A„ B.D., pastor of Ontario Street
United church prayed for the well
being of the groupof graduates and
for the institution,
The presentation of flowers and
gifts was carried out by four little
girls, who made numerous trips down
the aisles with bouquets, nosegays and
baskets of flowers, until the graduat-
es were almost hidden from view, and
thenfollowed with
gifts from relativ-
es nd friends. iends. The little girls were
Margaret Ellen Lawson,on, daughter of
Major and Mrs. H. C Lawson; I
Grigg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jayne Ford - daughter Grigg, Jr; J y ghter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ford, Goderich,
and Virginia Shearer, 'daughter of
Mr .and Mrs, J. C. Shearer.
F. Fingland, K. C., president of
the hospital board addressed the gath-
ering, outlining the financial condi-
tion of the institution. Musical numb-
ers interpersed throughout included
solos by Jack Cook, Mrs: Burton
Kearns and nurse -in -training Miss
Betty Craig, Mrs Bert Boyes,!organ-
ist of the -church was
Congratulations were showered upon
the graduates after the closing bene-
diction and God Save the King. After-
ward a reception , was held in the
church basement at which the mem-
ben of thehospital nursing ,staff;
medical fraternity and friends of the
graduates were present
More V67inners at
Lions Club Frolic
Prize winners in the draw at the
Lions Club frolicl last Wednesday
night, in addition to those reported
in last week's News -::Record were for
the miscellaneous prizes, LAC, Bea -
tom, Malton; G. McDonald, Goderich;
Alfred Ingot, Varna; George Reid,
Varna; A. E. Finch, Clinton; P. F.
Aspell, Monkton; W. L. Whyte, Sea -
forth; Don Hanley, Clinton; L. W.
Dippell, Bowmanvillc; John . Wise,
Clinton; W. G. ,Ross, Londesboro;
Francis Brians, Seaforth; Sgt. Powell
Pt. Albert; A. Bowman, Exeter; Russ
Barrows, Walton; W. Rogerson, Sea -
forth; Peggy Case, Seaforth; Jiggs
La Beau, Clinton; W. Earl, 'Auburn;
Ross Fitzsimons, Clinton; Mrs. John
Gibson, "Clinton; Mrs. A. Settles, Por-
ter's Hill; A. Young, Blyth; Mrs. C.
C. Spencer, Toronto; Dr. Oakes, Clin-
ton; Miss, Ethel O'Hearn, .]o.ierich;
Gordon Monteith, Goderich; Mrs. J.
Hall, Clinton; Miss Hazel : Williams,
Toronto; W. Robinson, Clinton; Betty
Johnson, Clinton; Miss Olive Quinley,
Toronto; John Powell, Seaforth; Mrs.
N. Manning, Clinton; John Davidson,
Brucefield; Miss Patsy Jacob, Clinton;
Tom White, Hullett; D. H. Mclrnis,
Clinton; Mrs. W. T. Herman, Clinton;
Reg. McGee, Goderich; Harvey Hul-
ley, Seaforth; G. M. Elliott, Holnres-
ville; F. Smallacombe, Hensall.
Mrs. Corless Gives Trous-
Beau Tea for her Daughter
Mrs. M. T. Corless entertained at a
trousseau tea at her home Saturday
afternoon and evening, June 12th, in
honour of her daughter Miss Dorothy
Corless, a June bride. The rooms
were decorated with baskets of iris
and spirea. The gifts and trousseau
were shown, in the afternoon by Miss
Kaye McGill and in the evening by
Miss Corless.
Assisting with the refreshments
were Mrs. J. Addison, Mrs. A. Mc-
Murray, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. Ro-
bert Montgomery, Mrs. Odell, Mrs.
(Dr.) Addison and Mrs. Harold Tyn-
Masons Elect Officers
Clinton Lodge A.F. and A. M., held
their regular meeting last Friday ev-
ening at which the following officers
for 1943-44 were elected.
W. Master Wor. Bro. H. M. Monteith
L P. M,..... Wor. Bro. M. J. Agnew
Sr. Warden .... Bro. V. D. Falconer
Jr. Warden .. Bro. R. E. Thompson
Chaplain .. Wor. Bro. E. E. Paterson
Secretary Rt. Wor. Bro. H. E. Rorke
Treasurer Wor. Bro. F. B. Pennebaker
D. of C.... Wor. Bro. T. G. Scribbins
Sr. Deacon Bro. G. R. Ross
Jr. Deacon Bro. Bert Irwin
L Guard ... BroHarry Plumsteel"
Sr. Steward Bro. Stewart Middleton
Jr. Steward Bro. C. C. Pearce
Tyler ..... , , ... Bro. N. Kennedy
Auditor Rt. Wor, Bro. G. H. Jefferson
Auditor.. Wor. Bro. H. P. Plumsteel
Trustees, Wor. Bros. McBrien, Drap-
er and Knight.
The installation of the officers will
take place tonight at the meeting
celebrating the Festival of St. John
the Baptist.
St. Paul's Church Notes
Friday evening of this week the
Laymen of the Deanery of Huron will
have their annual banquet, this year
being in St. Paul's Parish Hall. The
members of the Ladies' Guild will be
the caterers. About eighty laymen.
are expected to sit down to supper
coming from the Parishes of Goderich
Bayfield, Blyth, Wingham, Seaforth,
Exeter, Gerrie and Brussels. The
charge its Pre-
sident,ti will inch a of
meeting be
speaker ' the
Mr. Meir. Theof
'n will "be Rev. C. W
. Armen,
evening ,
rector of the Church of St. John the
Evangelist, London, Ontario. Mr. For-
man has recently returned from two
years' service in England as a Chap-
lain and is well fitted to speak on
`England Today.' As Mr. Forman, is
noted for his forensic ability the lay-
men present no doubt will be amply
repaid for their attendance.
The supper begins at 7 p.m.
On Trinity Sunday, June 20th, at
4 p.m. there was the Public service of
Baptism in St. Paul's church, conduc- week prayer service are invited to be
ted by the Rector. Those baptized were
Franklin Kenneth, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Ladd, who was sponsored
by his parents and his grandmother,
Mrs. W. J. Elliott; Reginald John,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith,
sponsored by his parents, and Wilfred
Robert, son of Mr, and Mrs. H. E.
Watkins, sponsored by hes parents.
Iloliday. Hours At The Post
The regular holiday hours at. the
Post Office willbe observed next
Thursday, July lst, Dominion Day.
The wicket 'will be open from 11.00 a.
m. to 11.30 am. and from 2,00 pan.
to 2.30 p.m. for the convenience' of
the public. There will also be only
one collection of the street mail Boxes
in the evening at 8 o'clock.
C. C. I. Junior Red Cross
This society, by means' of dances,
salvage collections and otherstudent
projects, has raised funds throughout
the school year which have been use
in the following ways:
Donations:: -Senior Red Cross So-
ciety, $75; Provincial Jr. Red Cross,
$15; Blood Donors Clinic, $60; Rus=
sion War Relief Fund, $50; Chinese
War Relief Fund, $25; Greek War
Relief Fluid, $30; British War Vic-
tims Fund, $30; Queen's Fund, $50;
Navy League, $30. Total, $365.
Clothing made by C.C.I. girls (ap-
proximate retail values given) 18
girls' skirts 2.00 each $36; 37 knitted
garments at 1.00 each $37; 10 girls.'
dresses at 3 each $30; 7 small girls'
dresses at 1.50 each $10.50;1 girls'
jacket, $3.00; 3 quilts at $3,00 each,
$9.00 Total $125.50. Sale of War Sav-
ings Stamps, $300; Balance on hand
for next year, $40. Total $830.50.
Notice re Salvage Collections
No salvage will be collected during
the summer vacation. Please do not
leave salvage at Mr. Connell's barn
but save it for collection in the fall.
Wesley Willis United Church
The Sacrament of the Lo-d's Sup-
per will be observed at morning wor-
ship on Sunday next.
Presbyterian Church
10 a.m, Sunday School.
11 a.m. Minister's sermon subject,
"Consider the Lilies of the Field" This
is flower Sunday and the church will
be beautifully decorated. All worship-
pers welcome.
Ontario Street United Church
10.40 a.m, The Sunday School will
AC 2 Cameron Proctor of the R.O.
A.F. is spending a short leave at his
home in town.
Trooper Don Hanley of the C.A.C.
stationed at Camp Borden, is on
leave and is visiting his parents Mr.
and Mrs. George Hanley. '
Flight Officer Ruth Moorhoase,
daughter ,of Mrs. C. J. llfoorhouse
of London, formerly of Clinton is
now in Newfoundland,. where she is
senior Women's Division officer at a'
the R.C.A.F., station at Tor Bay. Miss
Moorhouse was formerly officer com-
manding the School of Cookery,
Guelph. Recently she attended a con
ferenee in Halifax. Her many friends
here will be glad to know of her pro-
motions in the field of service,
LICpl. Roy Fitzsimons of the Pro-
vost Corps at London spent the week
end in town -With Mrs.'Fitzsirnons.
AC 2 Lloyd Fulford of the R.G.A.F.
at Toronto, visited his parents Mr.
and Mrs. William Fulford last week
O.S. Douglas Andrews, of H.M.C.S.
Provest, London was a week end vis-
itor at his home in town.
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Bray of Bryth
received word last Saturday that their
son, Layton, had been promoted to
the rank of Flight -Lieutenant in the
R.C.A.F. He is now stationed on the
West Coast.
• V
Cricket -Clinton Fliers
• Vs. Port Albert
An extremely exciting duel took
place on the Clinton ground on Satur-
day. The final result was in doubt
right to the fall of the last wicket.
Port Albert who had the advantage
of batting first, in good light and on
an excellent wicket were fortunate co
gain victory. They batted from o"
o'clock till 6.30 for a total of 125
runs. P10 Kirby bowled untiringly
and brilliantly for the Clinton side,
his final figures being 6 for 29 runs.
Clinton in one stage of their innings
attempted to force the pace and their
last wicket fell in fading light being
only 7 runs behind Port Albert. P.10.
Halpin made a- shaky 60 runs.
LAC Molyneux led the Port Albert
meet, side in his usual confident style.
11.00 a.m. Children's Day and Flow- V
er Sunday. Entire Sunday School and
parents will meet with the congrega- fIUIltIeSVille Couple Mark
tion. Children's Choir. Presentation 50th Wedding Anniversary,
of Christian Flag. and The Union Jack
2.00 p.m. Turner's Church. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore, est-
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Fol- eemed residents of Holmesville, and
lowed by Sunday School, for many years residents of Goderich
7.00 p.m. Rev. G. G. Burton, Spea- Township, celebrated their 50th wed -
ked. Topic: "The Gleaner:' ding anniversary on Monday, June
Wednesday (June 30th) 8.00 p.m, 21st. Due to the inability of members
Midweek worship, For Prayer Instruct- of the family to be present on that
tion and Fellowship. day, the occasion was marked, with
St, Paul's Church a picnic at Bayfield on Sunday. The
Thursday 7.30 p.m. Mid -week ser- weather was ideal, and members of
vice: the family who were present, along
Friday 7, p.m. Banquet for the Lay- with the bride and groom of fifty
men of the Deanery' of Huron. Years ago, spent a most enjoyable
Sunday. afternoon.
10.00 a.m. Teachers' meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Whitmore were mar -
10.20 a.m. Sunday school session be- vied at Brumfield, on June 21st, 1893,
by the Rev. Mr, Simpson. For soma
gins, time after their marriage they lived
11.00 &.m. Matins. in different localities' surjrounding
7.00 p.m. Evensong. Varna, and 46
Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. Board of years ago purchased
Management meeting, the farm on the Bayfield Road, where
Note. Would the ladies please make they resided until nine years ago,
donations of good used clothing and When they sold the old home to A.
articles suitable for a bale to the E. Townshend, and moved to their
present location in Holmesvillo.
west. Before her marriage, Mrs. Whit -
Four girls of the Primary Dept. of
more was Isabell Reid, daughter of
the Sunday School took a surprise part the late Robert and Jane Reid, of
in the. Morning service last Sunday by Ashfield Townshi
singing the Hymn `Jesus Loves Me,' Mr. Whitmore is a son of the late
They were Jane Hartley, Katharine John Whitmore and' Mary Kingston,
Ladd, M. Waters and M. Silcock. and was born in York Township, near
They were directed by their teacher, Toronto. He came to this district when
Miss Virginia Harris. a lad of twelve, all by himself. He
Baptist Church can relate many interesting exper-
Gospel service at seven o'clock. All iences of the earlier days both in this
are welcome to worshipwith us. district and in the Toronto area.
The minister's sermon subject will
Seven children
were bornhe
to t
be "What C Learn an WeLe rn About
union o
f 50 `:ears ago, and all are
Heaven? living. They are Frarik and Harold,
The Young People's regular weekly of Hamilton; Mrs. John Young (Rose)
meeting to be held next Monday even- of Toronto; ,
r o Mrs. ribu • is
Wilbur Welsh nes-
in will take the form of an out-
are) of Stanley Township; Raymond
door social. The committee's in charge of Goderich Township; Mrs. Carl Cox
are planning for a good evening of (Gayneil) of Goderich, and Kenneth,
sports, devotional and refreshments. of Blyth. All are married and there
Let us have a hundred per cent of our are eight grandchildren.
young people present next Monday Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore were the
evening. More detailed information recipients of gifts from the family,
will be made at the coming Sunday and many other congratulatory mes-
evening service; sages, and flowers, Though both are
All who are interested in the mid -"advancing in years they still ,enjoy a
reasonable degree of good health. Mr.
Whitmore is 76,Mrs. Whitmore is -78.
It was regrettably noted on Sunday
that members of the family from'dis-
tant points were not able to be pre-
sent for the occasion.
A host of friends will join with
us in wishing Mr. and 111 Whitmore
many more year of happiness to-
present with us in the .Vestryof the
church. on Wednesday evening. The
meeting begins promptly at eight
The Ladies Aid will meet on Tues-
day, June 29th, in the vestry of the
church at 7.30 p.m. The keyword ?:s
"serve", and all the ladies of the
congregation axe invited.
Gifts tor Those
Watches, Rings, Fountain Pens, Eversh.arp Pencils,
Identification bracelets, 'etc,.
We Have
nice assortment of gifts forthe bride and her home.
'® L
NewCotton Fabrics
For �Ci�� Weather.
New Patterns in
Fruit -of -the -Loom,
Prints, Etc.
Navy Slacks
Extra Large Sizes 40-44
Priced Reasonably at ...$1.25
,tela�cyF::i <,>\wic
"a #ek
3 ';a
� \�.2 \ �j,
r • ,�''
� ��rl
made for
value. Can
$35.00, $37.50,
, �. ,,x,
. ro
., Kms) tr-
<f „� ,)�G
C )v <ey`•
`'.�\,. ryf
�'1. $1c ,�k�p+,.:
u. sk
{zx c '�3 �,.eA"
� LM
�\����, y,rn� f 5.
<Nj t�'.:'"��`
t grskvy+•
ML.��: .",wii
:r r
is no better
any country. •
active service, there
be serviced in
$42.50 and
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over .Half a
Century in Huron County
Advertisers and 'Corres-
pondents Please Note
As July 1st, Dominion Day, falls
on a Thursday this' year and will be
celebrated then we are forced to get
out our issue on Wednesday if we are
also to enjoy a holiday.. May we
have the co-operation of our advertis-
ers and correspondents by sending in
all advertising ,and news items one
day earlier.
57 Blood Donors at Clinics
Clinton's .first blood donor clinic
washeld on Tuesday, morning, June
22nd, in Wesley -Willis Church Hail.
Much time and planning was spent in
its organization, and as a result • it
was most successful. The doctors in
charge were: Dr. Shaw, Dr. Oakes, Dr
Addison, Dr. Vokes, Dr. Trotter, .Dr.
Weir. The nurses assisting were,
Mrs. Oakes, Mrs. Haddy, Mrs. Mid-
dleton, Mrs. Lawrence, Miss Grainger,
Miss Sinclair, Miss Grirness, Mrs.
Thompson, Mrs. Brown, Miss Stirling,
Mrs. Livermore, Mrs Fitzsimmons,
Mrs. Yacca, Mrs. Thornburn, Miss
Hoeflin. Those in charge of the secre-
tarial work were: Mrs G. Miller, Mrs.
L, H. Stevens, Miss R. Ball.
The receptionist at the door was
Mr. Lyle Paisley.
During the morning Mrs. J. M. El-
liott entertained with piano music.
Those in charge of equipment were
Mrs. Venner and Mrs. J. M. Elliott.
Refreshments served the donors
were in charge of Mrs. Paterson.
Those assisting her were: Mrs. Me -
Taggart, Mrs. Axon, Mrs. Osbaldes-
ton, Mrs. M. Steep, Mrs. W. Colclough
Mrs, P. Manning, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs.
C. Elliott, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Hunter,
Mrs. Meanwell.
We wish to thank the following for
donations: C. M. Shearing, T. J.
Riley, Miss Doan, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs.
C. Merrill, Mrs. Colclough, Mrs,
Steepe, Mrs. Fred Middleton.
Thanks also to the Presbyterian
church for the loan of screens.
The nurse technician, Mrs. Pitt and,
her assistant, Mrs. Bell in charge of
the Mobile Blood Donor Clinic com-
plimented the entire staff on the ef-
ficient way the clinic was handled.
The Junior Red Cross of Clinton
are paying the expenses of these clin-
ics. Another one will be held in
five weeks. If you were not called for
this one, be ready for the next• Many
more donors will be needed as the
number used will be increased. Mr.
Shearer and Mr. McMurray are in
charge of receiving the names of don-
ors. Give them your name.
Mr. J. Cree Cook headed the fol-
lowing list of volunteer donors:
Harry Schellenberger, A. Garen, Gor-
don Hoy, Ernest Walton, Wm. Hog-
gart, J. B. Philbin, Ken Elliott, Reg:
Ball, G. Scribbins, Geo. Elliott, C. D.
Connell, C. V. Cooke, John Sutter,
Elmer Potter, John. Leiper, Erwin Ja-
cob, G. M. Counter, L. W. McDonald,
Bert Gliddon, Joe Silcock, Alvin Flet-
cher, Vic Roy, Alonzo Mathews, J. B.
White, F. W. Pennebaker, Clifford
Cooper, Dr. H. A. McIntyre, Frank
Lobb, G. R. McEwan, W. H. Rob-
inson, W. Glen Cook, Father McDon-
ald, A. E. Haddy J. C. Shearer, E. V.
Lawson, Frank Fingland, Gregor Mc-
Gregor, A. M. Knight, Fred Ford,
Kenneth C. Trewartha, James Turn-
er. Dennis Bisback, Murray East,
Chas. Merrill, Jack Nediger, Irwine
Tebbutt, Harry Henry, Stewart Mid-
dleton, Lorne Jervis, George German,
Elmer Trick,: Bert Shobbrook, Noble
Holland Wm. Sinclair, Eph. Snell, A.
Choir Honours : ride -Elect
choir rac-
e regular c r
In place of th g prac-
tice the choir of W
•ic at the chureh e
- met at h
le -Wills United Church
home of Mrs. W. M. Nediger on Vic-
toria street on Friday night last. This
occasion was to honour Miss Dorothy
Corless -a faithful member -on her
e s -a
approaching marriage.
Following the regular choir prac-
tice conducted+by Mrs. Agnew, games
and contests were enjoyed under the
leadership of Mrs. R. A. Montgomery.
Benson Sutter then spoke of the
reason for the gathering mentioning
that the choir would miss Dorothy
and expressed the best wishes of the
group for her wedded happiness.On
behalf of 9 the ch it Misses Lillian
Garrett and Kaye McGill presented
Dorothy with a lovely coffee table.
The bride-to-be thanked the choir for
%heir thoughtfulness and expressed
regret at leaving her home choir. •
The hostess served dainty refresh-
ments, assisted by her daughter -Miss
Clara Nediger and Mrs, Win, Conron.
The New Era Est, 1867
Rev. G. R. Thompson
Elected Deputy G. M.
Rev. G. R. Thompson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry J. Thompson of God;
erich Township, and 'rector of the
church of Ehgland at Truro, Nova
Scotia, was elected deputy grand mas-
ter at the 78tl .annual meeting of
the Grand Lodge of the Masonic Or-
der in Nova Scotia held recently,
Postponed Soccer Match
Saturday, June 26th
The Soccer match between the R.A,
F. Station; Clinton, and, the team re-
presenting the Michigan State Soc-
cer which was
Football C
to have taken place on Saturday,
June 19th, on the Station Sports field
has been unavoidably postponed until
Saturday, June 26th.
The kick-off is at 7.30 p.m. and an
admission charge for civilians and
service personnel will be made. The
game is being played under the aus-
pices of and for the benefit of the
Clinton Women's Auxiliary (R.A.F.)
While Mrs. Gabe Elliott was spend-
ing a few days with her brother, Mr.
Ed. C. Glen, she received the sad news
that her son, Pilot Officer John C.
Elliott, of the R.C.A.F., is missing.
She left for her home in Toronto at
once. His wife, formerly Jeanne
Hatton resides at 35 Raglan Avenue
The missing airman is the son of
Mr. Gabriel Elliott, of Toronto, form-
erly of Clinton, and nephew of Mr.
Moe. Elliott of town.
It is the hopes of al] who know the
family in this district that they will
hear more encouraging news shortly.
Four Nurses Graduate
From Clinton Hospital
Graduation ceremonies for four
nurses who have completed their
training in Clinton Cpmmunity Hospi-
tal took place in the Presbyterian
church Thursday night, The grad-
uates are Miss Madelon Mason dau-
aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason
of Summerhill; ,Miss Bernice Grigg,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Grigg, Clinton, Miss Marion Stewart
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stewart, Hullett and Miss Marjorie
Watson, daughter of Mr. H. Watson,
of Parkhill. The church decorations
featured pink and white peonies in
tall white standards at altar and choir
Dr. J. W. Shaw, dean of the medi-
cal profession in Clinton, was chair-
man and in his introductory remarks
outlined the history of the institu-
tion from its establishment under the
proprietorship of the late Dr. William
Gunn in a small building on Victoria
street to the present commodious
and well equipped institution.
The graduates were obligated by
Dr. W. A. Oakes following which
the nurses were addressed by Rev.
A, Lane, B. A., B.D., pastor of Wes-
ley Willis United church. Miss Grain-
ger, hospital superintendent present-
ed the graduation diplomas and Mr,
E. E. Paterson treasurer .of the hos-
pital board presented gifts on behalf
of the board. Rev. G. G. Burton, M.
A„ B.D., pastor of Ontario Street
United church prayed for the well
being of the groupof graduates and
for the institution,
The presentation of flowers and
gifts was carried out by four little
girls, who made numerous trips down
the aisles with bouquets, nosegays and
baskets of flowers, until the graduat-
es were almost hidden from view, and
thenfollowed with
gifts from relativ-
es nd friends. iends. The little girls were
Margaret Ellen Lawson,on, daughter of
Major and Mrs. H. C Lawson; I
Grigg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jayne Ford - daughter Grigg, Jr; J y ghter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ford, Goderich,
and Virginia Shearer, 'daughter of
Mr .and Mrs, J. C. Shearer.
F. Fingland, K. C., president of
the hospital board addressed the gath-
ering, outlining the financial condi-
tion of the institution. Musical numb-
ers interpersed throughout included
solos by Jack Cook, Mrs: Burton
Kearns and nurse -in -training Miss
Betty Craig, Mrs Bert Boyes,!organ-
ist of the -church was
Congratulations were showered upon
the graduates after the closing bene-
diction and God Save the King. After-
ward a reception , was held in the
church basement at which the mem-
ben of thehospital nursing ,staff;
medical fraternity and friends of the
graduates were present
More V67inners at
Lions Club Frolic
Prize winners in the draw at the
Lions Club frolicl last Wednesday
night, in addition to those reported
in last week's News -::Record were for
the miscellaneous prizes, LAC, Bea -
tom, Malton; G. McDonald, Goderich;
Alfred Ingot, Varna; George Reid,
Varna; A. E. Finch, Clinton; P. F.
Aspell, Monkton; W. L. Whyte, Sea -
forth; Don Hanley, Clinton; L. W.
Dippell, Bowmanvillc; John . Wise,
Clinton; W. G. ,Ross, Londesboro;
Francis Brians, Seaforth; Sgt. Powell
Pt. Albert; A. Bowman, Exeter; Russ
Barrows, Walton; W. Rogerson, Sea -
forth; Peggy Case, Seaforth; Jiggs
La Beau, Clinton; W. Earl, 'Auburn;
Ross Fitzsimons, Clinton; Mrs. John
Gibson, "Clinton; Mrs. A. Settles, Por-
ter's Hill; A. Young, Blyth; Mrs. C.
C. Spencer, Toronto; Dr. Oakes, Clin-
ton; Miss, Ethel O'Hearn, .]o.ierich;
Gordon Monteith, Goderich; Mrs. J.
Hall, Clinton; Miss Hazel : Williams,
Toronto; W. Robinson, Clinton; Betty
Johnson, Clinton; Miss Olive Quinley,
Toronto; John Powell, Seaforth; Mrs.
N. Manning, Clinton; John Davidson,
Brucefield; Miss Patsy Jacob, Clinton;
Tom White, Hullett; D. H. Mclrnis,
Clinton; Mrs. W. T. Herman, Clinton;
Reg. McGee, Goderich; Harvey Hul-
ley, Seaforth; G. M. Elliott, Holnres-
ville; F. Smallacombe, Hensall.
Mrs. Corless Gives Trous-
Beau Tea for her Daughter
Mrs. M. T. Corless entertained at a
trousseau tea at her home Saturday
afternoon and evening, June 12th, in
honour of her daughter Miss Dorothy
Corless, a June bride. The rooms
were decorated with baskets of iris
and spirea. The gifts and trousseau
were shown, in the afternoon by Miss
Kaye McGill and in the evening by
Miss Corless.
Assisting with the refreshments
were Mrs. J. Addison, Mrs. A. Mc-
Murray, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. Ro-
bert Montgomery, Mrs. Odell, Mrs.
(Dr.) Addison and Mrs. Harold Tyn-
Masons Elect Officers
Clinton Lodge A.F. and A. M., held
their regular meeting last Friday ev-
ening at which the following officers
for 1943-44 were elected.
W. Master Wor. Bro. H. M. Monteith
L P. M,..... Wor. Bro. M. J. Agnew
Sr. Warden .... Bro. V. D. Falconer
Jr. Warden .. Bro. R. E. Thompson
Chaplain .. Wor. Bro. E. E. Paterson
Secretary Rt. Wor. Bro. H. E. Rorke
Treasurer Wor. Bro. F. B. Pennebaker
D. of C.... Wor. Bro. T. G. Scribbins
Sr. Deacon Bro. G. R. Ross
Jr. Deacon Bro. Bert Irwin
L Guard ... BroHarry Plumsteel"
Sr. Steward Bro. Stewart Middleton
Jr. Steward Bro. C. C. Pearce
Tyler ..... , , ... Bro. N. Kennedy
Auditor Rt. Wor, Bro. G. H. Jefferson
Auditor.. Wor. Bro. H. P. Plumsteel
Trustees, Wor. Bros. McBrien, Drap-
er and Knight.
The installation of the officers will
take place tonight at the meeting
celebrating the Festival of St. John
the Baptist.
St. Paul's Church Notes
Friday evening of this week the
Laymen of the Deanery of Huron will
have their annual banquet, this year
being in St. Paul's Parish Hall. The
members of the Ladies' Guild will be
the caterers. About eighty laymen.
are expected to sit down to supper
coming from the Parishes of Goderich
Bayfield, Blyth, Wingham, Seaforth,
Exeter, Gerrie and Brussels. The
charge its Pre-
sident,ti will inch a of
meeting be
speaker ' the
Mr. Meir. Theof
'n will "be Rev. C. W
. Armen,
evening ,
rector of the Church of St. John the
Evangelist, London, Ontario. Mr. For-
man has recently returned from two
years' service in England as a Chap-
lain and is well fitted to speak on
`England Today.' As Mr. Forman, is
noted for his forensic ability the lay-
men present no doubt will be amply
repaid for their attendance.
The supper begins at 7 p.m.
On Trinity Sunday, June 20th, at
4 p.m. there was the Public service of
Baptism in St. Paul's church, conduc- week prayer service are invited to be
ted by the Rector. Those baptized were
Franklin Kenneth, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Ladd, who was sponsored
by his parents and his grandmother,
Mrs. W. J. Elliott; Reginald John,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith,
sponsored by his parents, and Wilfred
Robert, son of Mr, and Mrs. H. E.
Watkins, sponsored by hes parents.
Iloliday. Hours At The Post
The regular holiday hours at. the
Post Office willbe observed next
Thursday, July lst, Dominion Day.
The wicket 'will be open from 11.00 a.
m. to 11.30 am. and from 2,00 pan.
to 2.30 p.m. for the convenience' of
the public. There will also be only
one collection of the street mail Boxes
in the evening at 8 o'clock.
C. C. I. Junior Red Cross
This society, by means' of dances,
salvage collections and otherstudent
projects, has raised funds throughout
the school year which have been use
in the following ways:
Donations:: -Senior Red Cross So-
ciety, $75; Provincial Jr. Red Cross,
$15; Blood Donors Clinic, $60; Rus=
sion War Relief Fund, $50; Chinese
War Relief Fund, $25; Greek War
Relief Fluid, $30; British War Vic-
tims Fund, $30; Queen's Fund, $50;
Navy League, $30. Total, $365.
Clothing made by C.C.I. girls (ap-
proximate retail values given) 18
girls' skirts 2.00 each $36; 37 knitted
garments at 1.00 each $37; 10 girls.'
dresses at 3 each $30; 7 small girls'
dresses at 1.50 each $10.50;1 girls'
jacket, $3.00; 3 quilts at $3,00 each,
$9.00 Total $125.50. Sale of War Sav-
ings Stamps, $300; Balance on hand
for next year, $40. Total $830.50.
Notice re Salvage Collections
No salvage will be collected during
the summer vacation. Please do not
leave salvage at Mr. Connell's barn
but save it for collection in the fall.
Wesley Willis United Church
The Sacrament of the Lo-d's Sup-
per will be observed at morning wor-
ship on Sunday next.
Presbyterian Church
10 a.m, Sunday School.
11 a.m. Minister's sermon subject,
"Consider the Lilies of the Field" This
is flower Sunday and the church will
be beautifully decorated. All worship-
pers welcome.
Ontario Street United Church
10.40 a.m, The Sunday School will
AC 2 Cameron Proctor of the R.O.
A.F. is spending a short leave at his
home in town.
Trooper Don Hanley of the C.A.C.
stationed at Camp Borden, is on
leave and is visiting his parents Mr.
and Mrs. George Hanley. '
Flight Officer Ruth Moorhoase,
daughter ,of Mrs. C. J. llfoorhouse
of London, formerly of Clinton is
now in Newfoundland,. where she is
senior Women's Division officer at a'
the R.C.A.F., station at Tor Bay. Miss
Moorhouse was formerly officer com-
manding the School of Cookery,
Guelph. Recently she attended a con
ferenee in Halifax. Her many friends
here will be glad to know of her pro-
motions in the field of service,
LICpl. Roy Fitzsimons of the Pro-
vost Corps at London spent the week
end in town -With Mrs.'Fitzsirnons.
AC 2 Lloyd Fulford of the R.G.A.F.
at Toronto, visited his parents Mr.
and Mrs. William Fulford last week
O.S. Douglas Andrews, of H.M.C.S.
Provest, London was a week end vis-
itor at his home in town.
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Bray of Bryth
received word last Saturday that their
son, Layton, had been promoted to
the rank of Flight -Lieutenant in the
R.C.A.F. He is now stationed on the
West Coast.
• V
Cricket -Clinton Fliers
• Vs. Port Albert
An extremely exciting duel took
place on the Clinton ground on Satur-
day. The final result was in doubt
right to the fall of the last wicket.
Port Albert who had the advantage
of batting first, in good light and on
an excellent wicket were fortunate co
gain victory. They batted from o"
o'clock till 6.30 for a total of 125
runs. P10 Kirby bowled untiringly
and brilliantly for the Clinton side,
his final figures being 6 for 29 runs.
Clinton in one stage of their innings
attempted to force the pace and their
last wicket fell in fading light being
only 7 runs behind Port Albert. P.10.
Halpin made a- shaky 60 runs.
LAC Molyneux led the Port Albert
meet, side in his usual confident style.
11.00 a.m. Children's Day and Flow- V
er Sunday. Entire Sunday School and
parents will meet with the congrega- fIUIltIeSVille Couple Mark
tion. Children's Choir. Presentation 50th Wedding Anniversary,
of Christian Flag. and The Union Jack
2.00 p.m. Turner's Church. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore, est-
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Fol- eemed residents of Holmesville, and
lowed by Sunday School, for many years residents of Goderich
7.00 p.m. Rev. G. G. Burton, Spea- Township, celebrated their 50th wed -
ked. Topic: "The Gleaner:' ding anniversary on Monday, June
Wednesday (June 30th) 8.00 p.m, 21st. Due to the inability of members
Midweek worship, For Prayer Instruct- of the family to be present on that
tion and Fellowship. day, the occasion was marked, with
St, Paul's Church a picnic at Bayfield on Sunday. The
Thursday 7.30 p.m. Mid -week ser- weather was ideal, and members of
vice: the family who were present, along
Friday 7, p.m. Banquet for the Lay- with the bride and groom of fifty
men of the Deanery' of Huron. Years ago, spent a most enjoyable
Sunday. afternoon.
10.00 a.m. Teachers' meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Whitmore were mar -
10.20 a.m. Sunday school session be- vied at Brumfield, on June 21st, 1893,
by the Rev. Mr, Simpson. For soma
gins, time after their marriage they lived
11.00 &.m. Matins. in different localities' surjrounding
7.00 p.m. Evensong. Varna, and 46
Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. Board of years ago purchased
Management meeting, the farm on the Bayfield Road, where
Note. Would the ladies please make they resided until nine years ago,
donations of good used clothing and When they sold the old home to A.
articles suitable for a bale to the E. Townshend, and moved to their
present location in Holmesvillo.
west. Before her marriage, Mrs. Whit -
Four girls of the Primary Dept. of
more was Isabell Reid, daughter of
the Sunday School took a surprise part the late Robert and Jane Reid, of
in the. Morning service last Sunday by Ashfield Townshi
singing the Hymn `Jesus Loves Me,' Mr. Whitmore is a son of the late
They were Jane Hartley, Katharine John Whitmore and' Mary Kingston,
Ladd, M. Waters and M. Silcock. and was born in York Township, near
They were directed by their teacher, Toronto. He came to this district when
Miss Virginia Harris. a lad of twelve, all by himself. He
Baptist Church can relate many interesting exper-
Gospel service at seven o'clock. All iences of the earlier days both in this
are welcome to worshipwith us. district and in the Toronto area.
The minister's sermon subject will
Seven children
were bornhe
to t
be "What C Learn an WeLe rn About
union o
f 50 `:ears ago, and all are
Heaven? living. They are Frarik and Harold,
The Young People's regular weekly of Hamilton; Mrs. John Young (Rose)
meeting to be held next Monday even- of Toronto; ,
r o Mrs. ribu • is
Wilbur Welsh nes-
in will take the form of an out-
are) of Stanley Township; Raymond
door social. The committee's in charge of Goderich Township; Mrs. Carl Cox
are planning for a good evening of (Gayneil) of Goderich, and Kenneth,
sports, devotional and refreshments. of Blyth. All are married and there
Let us have a hundred per cent of our are eight grandchildren.
young people present next Monday Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore were the
evening. More detailed information recipients of gifts from the family,
will be made at the coming Sunday and many other congratulatory mes-
evening service; sages, and flowers, Though both are
All who are interested in the mid -"advancing in years they still ,enjoy a
reasonable degree of good health. Mr.
Whitmore is 76,Mrs. Whitmore is -78.
It was regrettably noted on Sunday
that members of the family from'dis-
tant points were not able to be pre-
sent for the occasion.
A host of friends will join with
us in wishing Mr. and 111 Whitmore
many more year of happiness to-
present with us in the .Vestryof the
church. on Wednesday evening. The
meeting begins promptly at eight
The Ladies Aid will meet on Tues-
day, June 29th, in the vestry of the
church at 7.30 p.m. The keyword ?:s
"serve", and all the ladies of the
congregation axe invited.