The Clinton News Record, 1943-06-03, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
Which is Incor orated The Clinton New Era
NO. 6147 -64th YEAR
The New Era Est, 1867
Ba,ex up Our
Fighting Forces!
Don't Talk
W. • H• E L.1 L Jl. A R
IF Women's
allIattra•ff NO*
Wash Dresses
In Half Sizes for
Short Stout Figures
Sizes 1$1/2, 201/2, 221/2 and 24 1-2
Floral Effects in a Variety of
Colors and *Styles.
Priced at $4.75
Also a Few Sheers at $7.95, $9.75
and $10.50,
G R... v-IRWIN
iS • eSS
+1Cir r - ee"..;...._
In selling jewellery
there is always the \�
vision of how \
happy someone Is
going to be when the package Is opened
revealing that diamond, watch, or silverware.,
¶Yes-iewellery is always bought and given
as a token of sentiment faith, love, happiness.
Itif d'ka
lie I tele,
'The selection is not as large, but It's
the same fine 1847 Rogers Bros.
Canada's finest silverplate, You
also have the satisfaction of knowing ,
that even it the variety
of patterns is limited
those available are the
love/Met In silverplate.
We Also Have a
Grand Array of -
26 Pc. Services $34.75
44 Pc. Services $49.75
Adoration or First Love
e Patterns s
Clinton, Ontario.
Hon. John Bracken, leader of the
Federal Conservative Party, . is to be
in .Seaforth_ on Monday June 7th,
where he will. be a guest speaker at
the Huron Federation of Agriculture
picnic. It is expected that he will visit
Goderioh the following day, and ar-
rangements are in progress for a ban-
quet under the sponsorship of the
Lions and other organizations.
Examine Your Paper Label
The mailing Iist has been correct-
ed up to and including Saturday, May
29th. Please examine your label and
if you find that it is in error notify
this office at once. If you find that
your label is in arrears an early
settlement will be greatly appreciat-
Due to new regulations we are an-
xious that all subscriptions be beaught
up to date. If your label reads April
1943 or a prior date you are in. ar-
rears and your early attention to this
matter would he of great assistance in
keeping our Tecordis in proper form.
The June meeting of Clinton Red
Cross will be held on Monday 7th, at
3 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Plan
to be at this ,meeting.
Don't forget the film "Forever and
a Day" to be shown in the Eoxy Thea-
tre on June 7th, to 9th. By many it
is considered to be even superior to
"Mrs. Miniver." Your attendance will
help a worthy cause as the funds re-
ceived shall be divisible equally be-
tween the Canadian Red Cross Soc-
iety and the St. John's Ambulance
Association. Give this film all the
publicity you can.
We are appealing for floor fold-
ing screens from all citizens who have
such to be loaned for use at the blood
donor clinic. Please call Mrs. J. M. El-
lett at once ifY ou can loan one and
arrangementswill be made for r col-
lecting same,
Have you any jig -saw puzzles that
you have e no more use for?The o
force boys at the camp hospital would
appreciate having them or any other
suitable games. These, should be left
at the Red Cross Rooms this week, or
you may bring them to the meeting on
Monday. Look them un now while it
isfresh in your mind.
More sewers are urgently needed
to help get out an extra quota for
Greek relief: The local society is mak-
ing fifty: boy's suits for size 12. These
are all cut out and ready for some
volunteer sewer. If you can take one
or more please, phone, your name to
Mrs. Cres Cook at nun.
Reception of New Members
Fifty-four members were received
into full membership at Ontario. St.
United Church, Sunday morning May
30th. Twenty-five by letter or trans-
fer -Twenty-nine through profession
of Faith, Twenty-two were those who
came from the Sunday School and
Seven others on Profession of Faith
were adults.
Picture Aids Red Cross
The -motion p'ieture "Forever and a
Day" will be, showing in the Roxy
Theatre June 7th, 8th, and 9th. This
film was made by all the leading film
artists- of the British Colony in
Holywood and donated .by thein to
the Governor General of. Canada, who
has decided that .all funds received
from the showing shall .be divided
equally between the Canadian Red
Cease and St. John's Ambulance As-
Engagements Announced
Mr, H, P. Plumsteel, wishes to an-
nounce the engagenihnt of his elder
daughter, Emma 11+I le, to Charles
Joseph Brandon, only son of M. and
Mrs, A. C. Brandon[ all of 'Clinton.
The .marriage will tape place the mid-
dle of June.
Rev. and Mrs C..W. D. Cosene, of
Essex, formerly of .( kinton, announce
the engagement of their eldest daugh-
ter, Kathleen•Marie,•{to Mr. John Ad-
dison Ross, M.A., song}of Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Ross, Stayner1' The marriage
will take place June g0th.
Mr. John Forrest, Tuckersmith, an-
nounces the engagement of his daugh-
ter, Isabel, to Mr. William D. Scott,
of Brucefield. The marriage will take
place early in June.
Londesboro Brdthers Serve
Privates Donald arid John Sprung,
sons of Mr. and Mrs' Harold Sprung,
of Londesboro are se, Canad-
ian forces overseas 1Private Donald
Sprung, was born in Hullett town-
ship on -December 1,' 1916. Early in
1940 he enlisted hi Clinton and was
in the Reserve army until August
1941. when he enlisters for active ser-
vice with the 4th. Canadian Armored
Division. He went *verses in Sept-
ember, 1942, and since then has ta-
ken special courses •' which fit him
for hospital and ambulance service
and for service as a dispatch rider.
Private John Sprung, -was born in
Hullett on April 9, e923. He enlist-
ed in Stratford in Ai gust 1942, with
the No. 1 Canadian„ Reinforcement
Unit in the Hospital Unit, going over-
seas in December ofthe same year.
Since going to Englaed he has taken
a special course as a dispatch rider
Before enlisting, both" goys helped
their father on 200 acres of land. They
have two sisters, Mees Harold Wag-
ner, (Olive), Atwood,¶, and Mrs. H.
staples, (Eleanor) Wiimipeg,
Clinton Sets Red
in 4th 'Victory, Loan
Final tabulation of the 4th Victory
Loan Bond purchased for Huron Coun-
ty shows Clinton residents having in-
vested a total of $201,000 in Dominion
of Canada Fourth Victory Bond issue,
There were 507 applications recorded
which amounts to one in every 3.7 of
the population and a per capita pur-
chase of $107 in bonds.
Two muncipilaties, Goderich Town
and Howick Township, having 'great-
er populations, exceeded Clinton in
amount, but not in per capita pur-
chases or per cent of population.
Public School Concert
As per usual the Public •School con-
cert e was well presented and the teach-
ers, supervisor •and the pupils
r r rls
P p P
are to be congratulated on their fine
performance. Mr. G. H. Jefferson,
principal, ,
acted as chairman and in-
-troduced the artists.
Starting with the primary . class
each r f
grads put on, their plays, dances
and choruses, The primary class
characterized Mother Goose rhymes„
aiong with several from Grade 2. Chor-
us by Grade 2 and singing- games.
Play by Grade 3 "Jimmy Jones' Un-
nlucky Monday", This was exception-
ally well done and the players were
Gary Cooper, Barbara : McDonald,
Kenneth Ashton and Maly Sernbbjns,
This was followed by ohorus Grades
4 and 5.- A drill , by 19 girls from
Grades 5 and 6 dress in blue skirts
white blouses with a red, white and
blue .band, The pupils of Grade 5 pre-
sented a Red Cross play "Courtesy.
Row" Group. chorus by Grade 6. 7 and
8. An amusing sketch was given. by
Glen James. "Sam Perkins Goes to
Town". Grade 7 and 8 presented a
mystery play, "The Cat's Whiskers".
Pupils from Grade 7 and 8 put on a
pageant, each boy and girl carrying
a war poster and the chorus sang
patriotic songs. The ,Ghiidren were
Don Miller, Shirley - Hattin, Anita
Gruickshanks, Glen James, Jack Lep-
pington, Gloria Dales, Edna • Ball,
Don Kayo, Billy Andrews, Doreen
Glazier, Jack Rozell, Ross Colquhoun
Frank Gealis, Betty Ward, Betty
Pearson, Frank McDonald and Betty
Cooke. This brought the stueoessiful
concert to, an ending.
Mr.artle eeert f
H y, s cryo the Board
of Education addressed the audience
and credited ' the music teacher, Mr.
R. Golding with melt of the - suecess
of ;echoed concerts. Tha members of
the ohorus are to be' complimented on
their singing;
Presbyterian Church -
10 a.rn. Sunday . SchooI
11 a.m, Divine Worship- Subject
"R,ejoicisng Deserts and, Blossoming
Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A,, Minister in
Wesley Willis United Church
Anniversary Services will be held on
Sunday, June 13th, with the Rev. P.
H. Dickinson of Toronto, book steward
of the United Church Publishing
House, as guest speaker.
Ontario Street United Church
10 a.m. Sunday School
11.00 a,m. "A Social Problem"
2.00 p.m, Turner's Church . Worship
and Sunday School.
7.00 pan. "No Finer Fellowship" -
Wednesday: 8 p.m. Prayer,, Service•.
St. Paul's Church
Ascension Day 'Thursday, June 3rd.
4.15 pan. Jr. W. A.
7.30 p.m. Shortened Evensong. Prea-
cher Feel Rev. T. H. Floyd, Padre of
the R.A.F. Station.
8.30 p.m. Choir Practice.
Sunday after Ascension Day
10.00 a.m. Sunday School.
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion.
7.00 p.m. Evensong.
Tuesday 3.00 p.m. W. A. meets at
the hone of Mrs. Morely Counter.
The Friendship Club wilt meet at
the home of Mrs. Bert White, Maple
street, cm Wednesday, Jur_ 9th.
The Baptist Church
Gospel Worship service at seven -
The Minister's Sermon Subject will
be, "Hearing and Answering A
Young Man's Question."
We welcome you to worship with
The members of the "Ladies Md"
are asked to tarry for a few minute&
at the cloSe of the evening service.
V -
The regular meeting of the Lions
Olub was held in the Parish Hall on
June 1st, with Lion Ken Waters,
President in the cbair, and Mac Mc-
Donald at the piano. The minutes of
the last regular meeting were read
and -adopted. Dr. Oakes spoke on the
Blood Donors Clinic and explained how
and when we would have to appear for
tests in the near future. Lion Frank
Pennebalrer, treasurer reported on the
financial standing of the lodge, show-
ing it to be in healthy condition. Dick
Jacobs, lst Vice President, reported
on they, zone meeting held in Stratford
on May 27. Lion Fred Ford reported
on the Victory Garden. Lion Jas.
Shearer, Chairman of the frolic be-
ing held air June 16, asked his chair-
men of the various committees to re-
port and all reported' very satisfactor-
ily. The election of officers resulted
as follows:
President, Jas, Shearer; let Vice
President, Dick Jacob; 2nd Vice Pres.,
J. A. Sutter, 3rdVice e P res'
dent Carl
Draper;' Secretary; Doug Ball; Treas-
urer, Frank Pennebaker; Lion Tamer,
George Jenkins; Tail Twister, Cliff
Lobb; Directors, Pete Counter, Dr.
Geo, Elliott.
The draw was made by Lion M.
Monteith, and won by Mitch. Shearing.
Mr. J. Jamieson has bought the
residence of Frank Glew an Ontario
Street and is moving into it. Mr. and
Mrs H. Williams and familyaee mov-
ing into the house vacated by the
Jamieson's on Ontario Street.
H. J. Vandewater, organizer for
the Fourth Victory Loan in Huron
County reports that the total sub-
scription in this county was $3,423,-
3,423,400. This 'includes $194,300 of "spec-
ial names" subscriptions.
The wedding cake on display at the
Bridal Pageant in Wesley Willis
church last Wednesday evening be-
longed to Mrs. Robert Pearson, Rat-
tenbury street, and is 57 years old..
Me. Norman Tyndall and family
have moved dram King Street in with
Mr, A. J. Tyndall ,liuro t Street, Mr.
MacDonald and family, the: new cus-
toms officers have moved into the
house vacated by. Mr. N. Tyndall. '
There will be a Home. Economics
Display and Fashion Sho•v Tuesday
evening June 8th. commencing at 7,30
in the Collegiate Audito,nun. The
pairtents and friends: of •'olNginte
Pupils and also Grade 7 and 8 in the
Public School are invited.
The response to the appeal for vol-
unteers for blood donations to ,the
Red ,Ckoss Blood. Donors' Clinic to be
held in Clinton, shortly has been most
gratifying to those in charge of re-
ceiving the names of volunteers. Es-
pecially noticable has been the res-
ponse from the districts adjacent to
the town. There is need for more vol-
unteere • if we are to hays ops' full
quota. It may be ,pointed, out here,
that there is little loss of time in con-
nection with the donation of blood.
The average time loss, disregarding
transportation time, is one hour. The
first clinic -of neer donors only --
will be held in the forenoon, Will you
he one of those to put a part of
yourself in' the fray, perhaps save a
life by donating a small part of
yourself and "sending it overseas in a
bottle." If you have not already done
so communicate with Jaynes Shearer
nr A. J. McMurray and express you.
wish, -
Mrs. Archie Robinson
Celebrates Birthday
Mrs. Archie Robinson, of town cele-
brated her 80th. birthday June 1st,
at the home of her youngest daughter
Mrs. Orville Phillips of Mitchell. Mrs.
Robinson was the former Miss Ellie
Flukes., daughter of the late Mr. and
MTs. Wm. Fluker. and was born en
June 1, 1963, in West Wawanosh. At -
ter her marriage to Archie Robinson,
of the same township 61 years ago
last April they farmed near Auburn
where their son Archie Robinson Jr.,
now resides. Several years ago they
moved to Clinton. Mr. and Mre, Rob-
inson have a family of two sons and
four daughters,' Prank, Toronto; Ar-
chie on the homestead, near Auburn;
Mrs. Fred Schoen (Mary) Detroit;
Mrs, Verne Bokinger (Laverne), Mrs.
Lester Gruinisen;(Edna) Detroit; and
Mrs. Orville Phillips (Luella) Mitchell.
At six o'clock there was a family
dinner when the table was ce stied
with e large birthday cake with 80
candles, Those -present. were the inrne-
eliate members of the family.
Navy League Tag Day,
June 5th in Clinton
Don't forget that Saturday, June 5th
is the annual Navy League Tag Day,
and it is hoped that Clinton and dis-
trict will again make a generous re-
sponse to this most worthy appeal. In
fact, this year the League is in more
urgent need of funds than ever, due
to a very mucin increased program of
relief and recreation, not only to the
men of the Navy and Merchant Mar-
ine, but to all branches of the service.
A. wonderful new hostel has recently
been opened at an east coast port,
the last word in comfort for •our
boys and survivors ors fro the sinkings
on the Atlantic.
A strong
local 1 bra
ch of the Navy
League has been formed in Clinton
and they ask your hearty co -opera-
tion and support tomake
their work
in this district s et a real success. We who
are inland do not have the chance
to see or know the great work the
Navy League has done and is doing
for the Boys in the Services, but if
any proof were needed the thousand's
of sincere and appreciative letters re-
ceived by the League from Boys who
have been outfitted and helped would
be enough indeed.
Following is the local executive:
Honorary chairman, Mayor McMur.
ray; Chairman, G. M. Counter; Viae
Chairnn n, E. A. Fines; Secretary
Mrs: Fred Ford; 'I?reasumer, Me. A.
Douglas; Convenor, Ditty Bags, etc.
F°ingland; Convenor, reading
and games, Mrs. G. Scribbins; Con-
venor, Publicity, C. Pearce; Convenor,
Finance, -Tag Day, J. Sutter.
Huron Deanery Program
Pro -
Wednesday, Spring meeting of the
Deanery of Huron.
10 a.m; Holy Communion Celebrant
Rev. E. 0, Gallagher, Rural Dean.,
11 a.m. W. A. Conference in charge
of Mrs. Jahn Graham, Speakers: Mrs.
Bewley, and Mrs Paul from Saskatch-
Laymen's Association in charge of
Mr. IL C. Mei',. -
12.80 P.M. Dinner.
2.00 P.M. Group Conferences con-
tinue, •
3.30 p.m. -Joint C'anference,
Speakers --Rev. Harry Garliutt from
Nigeria, Africa. Ven,: Arch. Doherty
and Canon Townshend,,Rev. John Gra-
ham re S. S. Clamp. Rev. P. 31. Street-
er, re 8. S. Examinations.
5,00 p.m. tea
At the recent Convocation of the
University of Western 'Ontario, Miss
Mary C. Thompson, graduated in, Arts,
passing with 1st class honours and
winning the gold medal in Business
Administration a n d Secretarial
She is a former studeht of the Clio-
torr Collegiate' Institute from which
she graduated four years ago with 1st
class honours in ten subjects, winning
the highest ranking University of
Western Ontario Scholarship and the
first Carter Scholarship for Huron
County. Last year she won the Uni-
versity College Scholarship for the
third year honour Course in Business
Administration a n d Secretarial
Miss Thompson has accepted a posi-
tion with the Dominion Income Tax
Department at London and has al-
ready ,entered upon her duties.
During, her four years at Western,
Mary, a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta Fraternity, has taken an ,active
part in all sports and won Second
Colours for basketball this year.
Her many friends around Clinton
join in wishing her success.
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' R.' G. -
Thompson and her brother, Robin at-
tended the graduation exercises .in
V -
Wesley -Willis Girls' Club
The Girl's Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Wilfred Seeley on Tues-
day evening, June 8th, at 8 .o'clock
with Mrs. Adams' group in charge.
The address will be given by Mrs -
(Rev.) Anclrew.
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Percy Manning, on Thursday evening,
June 10th, Mrs. McGill's group wilt
have charge,
Pte. Harry Tideswell of the H. L. r
at Ipperwash spent a leave at his
home in town
last week.
Q111•I. Sgt. George Knights .of the
R.C.A.M.C., at London spent a weetc
w hMrs.
and small son.
Pte. Ethel. Neilans of the C,W.A:C.
at Ipperwesh was a week end visitbr
in town with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, C. V. Cooke.
AC2 Cameron Proctor of the R.C.A.
F. at Lachine, Quebec, spent the weelc
end at his home in town.
Cpl. Bruce Barthel of the R.C•A.F.
at Aylmer was home en a week end' -
AC Francis Evans of the R.C.A,F'.
at St. Thomas was a week end visitor
at his home in town.
O.S. Douglas Andrews, of H.M G.S-
Provest, London spent the week end
in town with his parents, Mr: and
Mrs Frank Andrews.
Miss Mary.3. Gayd:on, who ,trained
as a nurse at the .Clinton Public Hos-
pital and who later was en its staff,
and also in the office of Dr, W. A.
Oakes, Clinton; until last March, wrier
she was accepted for service in' the
Women's Royal Canadian- Naval Ser-
vice, has now been nested to the new
Canadian Hospital H.M;C.S., ,Stada- -
coni, Halifax, N. ,S.
Trooper Don Hanley of the•R.C'.A.
S.C., at Camp, Borden spent last week
end in town with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hanley.'
Among the recent .enlistments in the
Royal Canadian Air Force is Arthur
Gerald Willson of town. Arthur
came here with his parents last year
and has been a student at the Cline
ton Collegiate Institute from which the
graduates this term.
Oleeder J. •C..Shanahan of ILM.C,
Signal School, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec,
spent the week end at his hone in