HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-05-27, Page 7THURS. "MAY, 27, 1943
hese days, when tea must yield
the utmost in flavour, quality
is• of supreme importance: Ask for .
The Family. Doctor 1
«.r",".114.~# r, 00.• By "PEG"
'Ting -a ling -a ling -a ling. Finally these sociable chats turned
"Doctor yon are wanted at the into such deep arguments that he
'phone," said Jane. now quarrels with every one. He
"Yes, yes, well perhaps I had bet- usuallyhas been hear a real fight
ter come out and see her. An start- when I am called. His .home life has
ing err my rounds in -a few minutes got to be terrible and the whole thing
-and will can in." is most pathetic. He and his wife
Doctor Reynolds, who served the have gone to live with a son and 'I
+district for some forty years had some times fear the breaking up of
sold his practise to a young doctor that home too: When I am called I
•starting out in life and was retiring. usually leave a bottle of that mix -
The two doctors were going out to- ture called ""peace". At thnes it
gather for the first time, the retir- takes days and days to get him set -
Ing doctor was introducing his sue- tied down, Then he will be alright
•cessor. until he gets iutoanother argument..
They try to keep him at home but it
The first cast was in response to is an awful condition to have to com-
• the telephone message which 'had bat. It all began just with the habit
just been received. of contradicting the statements of
They made six calls and then re -.other people."
'turned to the office to discuss the
different cases, the older man about Now you remember that third case,
to give up his work and the younger. that child. Re is just fourteen but
• one commencing his worthy calling. since his early childhood' he has been'
The names of the different ail- troubled with "anger", something
meets do not correspond to our mod]- displeases stile. and • the first thing
cal term of to -day but the diseases
they know he has picked up anything
themselves cause about as much within reach and has thrown it at
• trouble, as many of the nnpeoiroun soma one. He will end on the gal -
cable conditions we now fall heir to. lows or in one of our. Mental Hos-
"Well" said Dr. Reynolds, "1 have lntals. He has just been allowed to
been among these people for many - go on with it until now very little
many years, in fact since I graduat- can be done with him 'by those who
'•ed, A. great 'number of them I have any authority to punish him.
brought into the world and have When I am called I give hint a large
treated them through diseases of dose of "gentleness" in order to try
childhood, youth, and on.up as theto make him feel ashamed of him
Years went on. I have been with them
also when their call came to go up
higher, when no medical skill could
keep them any longer on earth.
That first case was purely what
we call "envy"; The patient and her
sister were married about the same
time, but financially'her sister made
a much better match than she did.
The sister has had rather a care free
life while this one has had to battle
along bringing up a large family on
• the wages of a working man. .She
: has a good home, but not much men -
Hydro Homo Economist
Hello Homemakers!: Our chilly
Spring weather has retarded rhubarb
growth, so perhaps yen haven't used
your sugar dividend yet! The extra
pound of sugar for use with rhubarb
is secured with Blue Coaeon No. 1
(Spare B) in Ration Beek No. 2,
which expires May 31st. Along with
the amount you can save out cf
your weekly ration, this extra pound
of sugar will help you to serve the
family its favourite rhubarb dishes
for quite a while. Af:e,• June 1st,
of course, "canning" sugar will be
available to those who sent in their
Rhubarb is grand. for pies and des-
serts as well as preserves. 1)o plant
one or two roots if you have the
space—It's a hardy 1 erunniai and
easy to grow. It's not only convenient
and economical to have yore• rhubarb
and other garden 'porducts right at
your kitchen door but a tine -saver as
well. You don't need to spend time
searching for different feeds to get
variety into your menus—just learn
to serve the foods you have at hand.
in different ways; Good waecime psy-
chology, too! Of course, you know
that freshly. picked :fruits and vege-
tables have finer flavour awl are
richer in vitamins. -
• " Rhubarb Dessert
4 cups cut•rhubarb;1-2 cup sugar
or 1-4 cup sugar and 1-4 cup honey.
Wash' and' cut r'hubarb into inch
Lengths. Place in upper part of dou-
ble boiler, cover and cook with sug-
ar. Do not stir.
Rhubarb Shortcake
2 cups flour, 1-2 tsp. soda, 1 cup
thick sour milk, 1 tsp, salt, 2 tbs.
Cut shortening into measured flour
self. The parents are now realizing soda and salt. Add liquid gradually
that they 'have "spared the rod" but 'nixing with a fork to a soft dough.
they have spoiled their child. A good Owing to the difference in sour milk
trouncing in his 'young days might it is not always possible to determine
have helped a great deal but it is too the exact amount of liquid. Turn
late to start that tow. dough on lightly floured board and
"The next case was in a home
where I am called ,quite often in I have mixed several things together
fact too much so. They have what and have called it "faith". Itis a
we call "erevellin.gs. They began.' wonderful remedy if they will only
some months ago having parties of take it, but as you go on in life you
some kind to raise money for war will many times find your preserip-
work. There were a few friends in tions on the pantry shelf with just a
for the evening. At first they just few doses taken out of the bottle.•
ey to get along with. One could notused aoft drinks for their refresh- Faith" is a positive cure for worry
say she is reallyif the patient will just persist in tak-
siek'yet from time menta but as tune went on their
to time she becomes very jealous of drinks became harder. The day ing it. That woman has picked up
her sister. Her mind • dwells on thefollowing one of these parties I ani wonderfully. I saw her in chuigh
• difference of their stations in life. I ,usually callad in. How disgusting it ,last .Sunday. She was joining in the
'nearly always know when she has is! One would just like to take and -hymn singing and seemed interested
Iock them up tiiitil they get some in the sermon.
sense into their heads. It has now "Yes, faith • in Jesus Christ and
got to be an affair of the day as well constant prayer will string patients
as of the night and sad to say it ap-I through all these diseases andit is
plies to women as well as men. Worst the only thing that will."
of all they are inviting our young! "On one occasion I was asked to a
folks in, especially those belonging home—
to the forces. I . have 'talked and Ting -a ling -a .ling.
talked to them but it does not seem
to have any effect. Now, I have 'be
had word from her sister for I usual-
ly receive a call. What treatment
do I prescribe? Well usually I give
her those old standby tablets of
"love" and. they seem to work won-
ders with her. She will take them
for a:few days and you cansee an
improvement. Maybe I will have to
go back a second time and strengthen
the dose, but usually in a week or
two she is as happy as ever• . gun giving thein "goodness" in large
doses hoping that will help to coun- over."
"My boy, when you start out in texact the influence. The sad part of "Guess we will have to leave that
your profession there are many it is that these young men and worn other ease discussion as we are wan -
things winch you will have to en are going out into the world an. ted down the street in a hurry, but
work out for yourself, Make' your- they have been taught a habit which son, always remember that if you
self a ca -partner with God and •he'they inay never overcome".• keep in close touch with, your Sav-
will never fail you. Never be afraid "That lash case was a very. pitiful lour that He will go with you to
"Doctor you are wanted on the
"Yes, No, Yes, well I will go right
to speak for Him for you will have one. That woman is the mother ee every ease and will instruct you
'opportunities along that line whichlsix children. Her husband passed where no •Earthly help will be any
no one else will ever have. away when the children were eom use to you. I am so pleased that the
In the hroadeast of Prince Minister paratively small. sbe had hal. a man is to follow Inc is a ;'believer in
Churchill some months ago, he used I great strength' to bring them up the crucified . Christ and the risen
the expression, "Blood, sweat end l'Two of the boys and one girl have'Savi:our for no young man or woman
tears" That was, of course in refer- turned out very badly. That little should undertake this work unless
enoe to the tragie'state of the world lo`''jler belongs to the girl. She goes he 'has. first given his heart to God
to -day. The base of all ,h,:: csefic,'. otic to work now anal mother looks and has' asked hum. to be his Partner
ty is jest .simply that people were
after little John, The whole affair in this great business of saving lives
•quarrelling,: Now that socondease 'has worried .her so thatshecannot and souls. There are many trials and
we calked in to see is what we might see good in anything; That case almost overwhelming' disappointments
classify as the disease of ""quarrell- eon -tee under the. diagnosis of "won- which wonis be very hard to hear
ing". That rnan used to be a quiet 1y' ai'd you will :fine] that avery heed without I3is help. 1
peaceful soul until he , beeasne, an condition •to raced with. I have given No matter how busy _you are aI-
areatuer• politician. Then he would .this disease a great cleat of thought ways take tiitue.:for conunuiiion with
and slave tried to work out some so- your Heavenly Father.
gather with some otheos in the gen- lutien which will make the future The groat Physician now is here,
corner and talk and argue half the eras store of stand • the street' brighter for those so afflicted. At The sympathizing Jesus.
last I think I Have found some thin "PEG"
eight if anyone would listen to li;iin, g•
Price Board Facts
o� Wartime Interest
Your questions will be answered by
the Women's Regional Advisory Com•
indttee to rile •Consumers Branch„
Wartime Priees and: Trade Board, and
should be sent to 291 Dundas Street,
Do I need to make out a new appli-
cation to, have this equipment added
to my machine?
A. No. For rationing purposes this
is considered as an attachment, a de-
vice for making a presently useful
machine more serviceable for which
an application to purchase need not
be made.
London. Q. I have a permit to buy some
'Q. May a grocer charge for. corn farm equipment valued at $900 from
syrup jars, refunding this charge my merchant. He is willing to allow
when the jars are returned?.
A. No charge may be made for the
corn syrup jars.
Q. How can my wife tell what
quality of beef she is buying?
A. All beef must be marked by a
stamp supplied to all persons hold-
ing a slaughter permit. This will
show the grade and quality of the
meat as well ,as the license and per-
mit number of the slaughterer.
Q. I have ordered and applied for
a combine without a scourkleen at-
tachment which has been granted: I
have since discussed it with a friend
of mine who thas used one for two or
three years. He strongily advises
that I should have a scourkleen at-
tachment put on mine when it is be-
ing assembled for delivery. I have
decided to do this if I can get one,
pat out,, Cut into circles and bike in
electric oven at 450'degrees for 10
minutes. Splib and serve with thick
rhubarb sauce between and on top.
Sauce -6 cups of cut washed rhu-
barb ]n saucepan placed on electric
element turned Low for 5 minutes,
Then to High, end add about 2-3 cup
of sugar. Cook only a few minutes
stirring frequently.
Rhubarb Tarts -
2 caps thick rhubarb sauce, 2 eggs
separated, 1 tsp. grated orange rind,
1-4 cup fine sugar.
Combine the rhubarb sauce, egg
yolks and orange peel. Cook in top of
double boiler, stirring constantly, un-
til thickened. Pour into bait shells.
Beat the egg whites till stiff " and
add sugar gradually, beating until
mixture stands in peaks. Place a
spoonful in each tart and bake in elec-
tric over 350 degrees about 12 to
15 minutes or until delicately brown-
ed. Makes 8 tarts of fairly large size.
To Can Rhubarb
me $2000 for some pigs I have but
tells me I will have ti. rale. $2U0 in
cash as well. Is that correct?
A. Your dealer is cle nt beiaese the
order ca.is for g pays,•"` of one third
in cash before any teal in can be
made. The pigs are tryde inmot c.^.sli.
Q. Kirdly inform nee" through the
"Question and Answers column" if
I would be allowed ?niu; est sugar f•;r
a wedding cake anti .Ise for the ic-
ing. I am being mIrxied in June.
A. Ane sugar for your welling
cake would have to l•e token from
your evert rations. As' to the icing, you
could make your own tern your ra-
tions or could have sea cake iced at
a confectioner's store,
To Issue Rations to
Farm. Workers
Rural dwellers who have been
worrying about feeding hired help
coating in for seeding, threshing and
other temporary jobs can put their
fears aside as far as rations are
Special supplies of the rationed Board's Enforcement Administration.
commodities are going to be made Cases against seven persona were
available to then, announces the Ra- dismissed.
tion Administration of the Wartime
Prices and Trade Board. e
According to the new ruling, rural
residcrta looking for e a -rib n itioi'a
for threshers, silo fille.,, fruit pack-
ers, r beep shearers end ; tieli .hut1d
tnia•e application to 1 Loral Rat-
ion Poard. The apple. ition should
state (a) the speer:., nature of Inc
extra work; (b) the estimated nttiit-
ber of workers _(ci the number of
days they will be 'tippioyed, at:d (di
the total number c meals to be ser-
Application for less than 12 meals
mill not be eonsidered, The Ration
Administration points out.
More Coupons Are
Falling Due
Here are the dates on which union
coupons are due;
Butter coupons 6 to 11 ars now va
Coupons 12 and 13 will fall due
on Thursday, May 27. Coupons 6, 7, 8,
9, 10 and 11 expire May 31.
Sugar, tea and coffee coupode 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, and 6 are good and nos. -7 and
8 are due Thursday, May 27. They
are good indefinitely,
The special blue coupon (Share B)
for one pound of sugar for home-
grown rhubarb is valid until June 1.
Y •
Break Regulations,
73 Are Convicted
During one week convictions or 73
persons for breaches of the WPTB
regulations were reported in Canale.
Offences by 23, persons under gaso-
line and tire rationing regulations
and taxicab regulations of the Tran-
sit Controller also led to convictions
reported during the week by the
Wash and trim slender stalks. Do
not remove skim. Cut into 3-4 inch
pieces. Use 1 cup of sugar to each
quart jar (or 1-2 cup to .a pint.) Put
a thin layer of sugar in the bottom of
jar, then 'alternate layers of rhubarb
and sugar with a layer of sugar on
top. Pack very tightly, using a wood
enspocn or mash*. P'artialiy .deal
and process, in boiler, gently boiling
on electric element 25 minutes.
To Can Rhubarb Sauce
Add enough water to rhubarb to
prevent burning. Cook until soft. Add,
3-4 cup sugar to 1 quart rhubarb. Fill
sterilized jars. Seal tightly,
1. To prevent rhubarb pies from
boiling, use strips of wet cheesecloth
or" butter -wrapping cut in 2 inch
widths. Press the one edge to rim of
pie and Iet other side fall over fluted
pie crust. Overlap ends well.
2. Other variations of rhubarb
deserts: Upside-down, Cake, ,Rhubarb
Betty, 11hubarb Steamed Pudding,
Deep Rhubarb Pie, Rhubarb Sponge.
Mrs. C. N. asks: My sealers are
not air tight although i have used.
new rubber and metal rings.' They
leak when turned upside: down.
Answer: Testing sealers by fil-
ling theta with water"is not always
a .rue test. If your fruithaskept
in these jars before and they are not
chippedor cracked, we believe they
should be satisfactory if, you use
new rings. Some jars are off level
,ants it has be/en %suggesfked: boat
two rubber rings might help, It is im
portant to use force to seal the jars.
Ante Allen invites you to write
to her: % "Minton News -Record. Send
ih your questions on ',homemaking
problems incl watch this column for
Ruling Conserves
Flannelette Yardage
Women with babies and children,
who find flanelette absolutely essen-
tial to their welfare have found help
through an order issued from Otta-
wa by the Wartime Prices and Trade
Board. The order, now ,effective cane
for limitations on certain garments
and will conserve, 230,000 yards.
Back Meatless Tuesdays
With A'S'mile
supplies,including Vastfoodd g more
than 40% of Canada's meat produc-
tion, must be sent to our Allies and
fighting men overseas. "Meatless
Tuesdays" in all public eating places
began in Canada on May 4th, es the
first step in meat rationing. By eat-
ing meat substitutes on Tuesdays,
Canadians can keep fit and send
more food to the fighting fronts, -
I cannot ever understand
Why ivy withers at my hand,
Why lilacs squirm and fade and die
Beneath my over anxious eye.
Why tulips hide beneath the earth
And roses are of paltry worth
When I have given them my care—
I know but this—it is not fair!
My neighbor's garden plot is small
And yet her hollyhocks grow tall;
Her earth is not so rich as mine,
But ah, her rhododendrons shine,
bier evergreensare small and brief;
Her flowers bloom beyond belief;
Ah, I have felt the earth's rebuff-.-.
My fingers are not green enough!
Anne Mary Lawler.