HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-05-27, Page 5'THURS., MAA', 27, 1943 THE Borrowing for Farmersall overCanada-grain growers,stock raisers, dairymen, fruit growers, vegetable gardeners, poultry 'then-allkinds of farmers—are forcing production, 'fighting hard early and late to supply rhe enormous quantities'of•products demanded in the greatest of • all wars. :In this "survival war" food plays a Tremendous part, and'the•farmer is the dependable supplier, to 1404P Farming whom armed forces and civilians alike must look. The extra demands on farm production mean extra financing, The Bank of Montreal, ready always ro co- operate with agriculture, is making special efforts at ,his time to help she farmer produce food for Canada and the United Nations. If you need to borrow, see our nearest branch mana- ger, who will understand your problems. :BANK OF MONTREAL "A RANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE the Outcome of 123 Yearr' Sereasfiel Operation., �iM l�'l14 I Id-' Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager cfi 414l, Lohdesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday. are! AUBURN Mrs. Lloyd Raithby, Gordon and .Paul Raithby of London spent the week end with her parents Mr. and ;Mrs, Jeremiah Taylor. Mn and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and •daughter Karen of Galt spent the 'week encu with Mr. and, Mrs. J. J. `Wilson. Miss Jean Scott of Parkhill was a 'week end visitor with her parents Mr. -and Mrs. R. J. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Harris of BeIieville spent the week end With their son :Donald Harris: and Mrs. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson ..and son Bobby of Brampton were. "week end visitors with relatives here. . MissAlma Mutch..of Toronto spent the week end with her mother Mrs, -Jas. Muteh. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. •Ferguson spent Sunday with 'friends 'in Parkhill, Miss. Frances Houston. of Kitchener. spent the week end with her parents .Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. ' Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mr. :and Mrs. Oliver Anderson spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter, .Port Elgin~ Miss Sadie 'Carter who has been visiting her brother return - ✓ ed homewiththem. Miss Isobel Rollinson of Toronto -was a week end visitor with her 'parents Mr: and Mrs. AIfred Rollin - Mrs, Harry Anderson of Lucknow spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Thomas Doyle. Miss June Marsh of Brampton spent the week •end with her parents Mr. •and Mrs. Bert Marsh. • Mrs.. John. Symington spent Monday` •°with Mrs. John Moss of Dungannon. Mrs. Fred Ross, Donald Ross and alas. W. Medd spent the 24th, with Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard McWhinney, Creole Miss Katharine McPherson and Miss •Majorie Arthur of Teesavater spent thet eek end with Mr's John Arthur. -Pilot Officer Donald . Mcillveene, of BowansinviIle is visiting Mr, and Mrs. ChasAsq uith. A special Empire Day program was enjoyed by'th'e Mother's of 1 the Soho', ,ars. at the Public Scheel on Friday .af- ternoon. A pageant was presente 7 w't1 Betty Yongblut as narrator, recita- tions were given by John Seers, Marie Raithby, and Pauline King, Hymn and Patriotic .s•ongs were sung by the pu- pils accompanied at the piano by Miss Josephine Weir.' 'rho E.Y.P. U. held their monthly meeting in the .church basement Fri- day evening with -Glen Raithby in °charge, The meeting" opened with a song service, with Mrs. R. J. Phillips at the piano. the theme song was sung and Rev. A. E. Silver offered prayer. Solos were rendered by Miss Vivian Straughan and Evelyn Raith- by. The scripture was read by Marie Raithby. Elaine Johnston gave a mouthorgan selection 'and Shirley Ro- bertson, gave "a reading, The guest speaker was Rev. W. G. Hose of the United Church who spoke one "Pub- lic Worship and What it Means." George Raithby offered prayer and Mr. Silver pronounced the lrenedic tion. +_ v HOLMESVILLE Miss Helen Bond and .her friend Miss Margaret Bettger, of Stratford Normal School spent •the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bond, VARNA Holiday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott of Galt with ,the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott, and family. Pte Harry Reid, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Reid and family. Mr. and Mrs. Aldington of Cronr- arty, spent Sunday with their son and wife. Mr. ,and Mfrs. E Epp's of Clinton and •master. Ernie Epps of Seaforth were renewing acquaintances in the village. The latter called' on•his grand- father Mr, George Clarke. Mrs. Tuffin of Staffa has returned home after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Alclington. 'Mr. John Aldington made a busi- nem trip to Toronto on Tuesday. v One hundred million potnmr of su- gar will be available fo: hotnc can- tina tlds year the ftation Athnird- stlation, WPTB, announced:: in Mon- ureal. For Sale ' Seven room house on Mill Street, lights and water. 111 acres behind house. Will sell separately if desired. Some contents and garden tools also for sale. Apply at• the residence of the late Robt,' J. Fisher, Clinton. 46-1. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. William Rath wish to thank their many friencle neighbors -and relatives for their many kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to them dining their recent sail bereave - trent. BIRTHS THOMAS --In 'C'linton Public Hospi- tal on Monday, May 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. Trevor Thomas, a dough,. ter, DOUGLAS — Mr. and Mrs. Archie Douglas are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Nancy Marilyn, at the Clinton Public Hos- pital, May 22nd, 1943, .A baby sis- ter, for Kay. Both well. • CRA.WFORD—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Osborne Crawford (nee Hazel Irene Robertson) 72 Colbeek avenue, Tor- onto, are happy to announce the birth of their son, David Osborne, on Thursday, May 20th, 1943. at Private Patients' Pavillion, Toron- to, Western Hospital, Mother and baby are both doing well. DEATHS RATA—'In Clinton on Monday, May 24th, Leila Ada' Archer; wife of the late William Rath. FISHER In Clinton on Monday, May 24th, Robert John Fisher, aged 74 years. 50 to 100 Acres Wanted, 50 to 100 acres wanted, cash rent, buildings not necessary. Earl Douglas Chatham, or % Douglas Garage Clin- ton. 46-1 For 'Rent Two garages on Victoria ' Street. Apply to Mrs. Robert Webster, Clin- ton. 46-1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSIiHOLD EFFECTS Rattenbury Street, Clinton. Herold Jackson, auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1943 at Two O'clock, the following Two bedroom sets; dining room fur- niture; ,six rockers; piano, aix high back chairs; twelve other chairs; two sideboards one with oleos top; two extension tables; library, table; and several small tables; Hall rack and seat; one case- drawers; curtains anal blinds; steel washtubs, two wringers; one oil barrel; :one milk . can; Dona barrel; , cream can; lawn mower; wheelbarrow; step ladders; other lad - delis; shovels.; wakes; ,saws; brace and. bits all sizes; glass; sealers; .three couches, and numerous' other articles. TERMS—CAS'II RALPH TIPLA.DY, Proprietor, Harold Jackson,' Auctioneer. 46-2 CLINTON NEWS-RECORDr CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. ♦ o COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 60J EGG PRODUCERS No doubt all Egg Producers are doing their best to help fill the con- tracts for Great Britain. So far On- tario is below her quota of eggs and every effort is requested by the au- thorities to keep up egg production. When your flock requires culling let us know. Culling clone by an exper- ienced .poultryman. N. W. TREWARTSA Day Phone 214. •Right Phone 328. Batkins Locker Service HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FROZEN CORN AND RASPBERRIES ALSO FARMERS STYLE SAUSAGE TRY US FOR FISH WE BUY HIDES FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS Teacher Wanted. First Class Protestant Teacher wan- ted for S. S. No, 1 Stanley (Baird's School). ;Duties to commence the be- ginning of September 1043, Aipply stating salary and qualifications to the Secretary. CLIFFORD J. STEW'ART R: R. No. 5, Clinton, Ont,, For Rent Phone 631i'25 46-tf Summer cottage, Bayfield, for rent; for particulars write to Mrs, Minnie Ross, Bayfield. 44-tf ROXY THEATRE CANTON Now Playing —"THE COMMAND- OS STRIKE AT DAWN" with Paul Muni. -A war drama -- MON., TUES. & WED Double Hilt. DamonRunyon writes .a rib -tick- ling, yarn about a soft-hearted safe cracker. "BUTCH MINDS THE BABY" Broderick Crawford, Dick Foran and Virginia Bruce. ALSO --Edmund Lowe and William Gorgon in "FLYINGCADETS" THURS., FRI. & SAT. 1 Humphrey Bogart, Many Astor, Sydney Greenstreet and Keye Duke A fast moving action film dealing with Japtreachery in the Canal' Zone. "ACROSS THE PACIFIC" Coming —"Forever and a Day" See what we are fighting for .. Faith - hove . . . Home and Ideals. They must survive! PAGE 5:; CAPITAL THEATRE GOD/MICH Now Piaying—"THE FIRST CO1H- MANDO"_ Constance Cummings. MON., TUES. & WED. "HITLER'S CHILDREN" A revealing story of perverted doc- trines and their effect from cradle to grave. Tim Holt, Bonita Gran- vil'le and Kent Smith, THURS., FRE & SAT.` George Brent, Priscilla Lane and Bruce Cabot, spin a rollicking yarn concerning the days when men gambled their lives on the whim of a woman. "SILVER QUEEN" Coming — "THEY GOT ME COV - BRED"• REGENT THEATRE ammo= Now Playing— "AIR FORCE" with John Garfield. MON., TUES.. & WED. Errol Flynn, and AIexis Smith, tell the exciting, and adventurous' story of the old time champ Jim Corbett. "GENTLEMAN JIM" THURS-, FRI. & MT. —Two Filatures -.- Penny Singleton, Arthur Loire and Larry Simms Bring back the Duro- steads far another misadenttre "BLONDIE FOR VICTORY" Tex Ritter, Bili Elliott and Luana Walters, tell a tale .of. the old: l.aw- bustin Texans. "LONE STAR VIGILANTES" Coming—"HITLER'S CHILDREN" Notice of Tenders Tenders will be received up to Tues- day, June 1st, 1943, for repairs to S. S. No. 3 Stanley' township school with concrete and finishing coat, wall to be 4" thieh The tender is to include all necessary supplies. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Dated May 8th, 1943, Varna, Ontario. J. W. Elgin Porter, Chairman, J. A. McGee, Secretary Treasurer, 45--2 Teacher Wanted Protestant Teacher wanted for School Section No. 9 Goderich Townr- ship. Duties to commence September 1st. Apply giving full particulars on or before June 5th. ROBERT E. ROWDEN, Secretary, R. R. 3, Clinton. 46-1 For 'Sale Fide -roomed house, furnished, in Bayfield. Apply to Mrs. Lyda McNeil. High Street, Clinton. 43-tf" Wanted:' Live, old and, disabled horses and cattle for mink feed. Elmer Trick, Phone Clinton 907r25 39 -e -o -w For Sale Property known as the Henry Per- rin Estate. In Clinton near .station. Six room brick cottage with, two piece bath, :and good cellar. Three lots go, this property. property. Price $2000.00 cash. Apply to R. J. Drake, 169 Gel, borne Street, Brantford, Ont. 46-1 For Sale Durham cow to freshen the first week in June. Apply to Peter Young, R. R. 1 Goderich, Phone 938r41 Gode- rich. 46-1 For Sale Finlay kitchen stove, water front and ivory enamelled. In good condition Apply at the News -Record, 46-1 For Sale 1750 quart strawberry' boxes. Sev- enty five cents per 100, six dollars per thousand. Also some pew straw- berry crates. Robert W. Cole, Clinton, Ontario. Phone 906r24. 46-1 To Rent Eight -roomed house to i^ let. Hydro and water inside. Apply to Leonard Hunter, Clinton, or write Mrs. H. Campbell, 469 Horton Street, Lon- don. 46.1 For Sale Uprightpiano in good condition. Sell cheap for cash. Apply to John Thom- son, Bayfield, Ont. 46-2 PURE BRED SHORTHORN CATTLE SrELLING BY AUCTION on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1943 AT EXETER FAIR GROUNDS EXETER, ONT., at 1.30 P.M. 30 'CHOICE BREEDING FEMALES; 10 YOUNG BULLS. They are all grand colors awl ' of the low-down thick kind, the progeny orbred to one of these three of -the best sires in .this country by these contributors namely. KLAYMOR ELECTOR awned by R. M. PECK, ZURICH, ONT. TEMPLAR'S BARON, owned by ROY.F. PEPPER, SEAFORTH ONT. DRYNIE ROISTER (inip.) owned by W. C. F. O'ESTRIC'HEII, CREW - TON, O'N'T. Every animal was carefully select- ed for this draft ,sale. All cattle pas- sed a clean blood test and are from fully accredited herds. For Catalogue Write: W. C, F. OESTRICHER, CREDITOR, ONT. Sale Manager. AUCTIONEERS:— Doman Brown, Shedden, Ont,, Robt. T. Amos, ma. fat, Ont., Wm. O'Neil, Denfield, Ont. 46-2. BA,RTLIFF'S BREAD The Place To Buy your Bread, Buns, Pies and Cakes PHONE 1 WE DELIVER For Sale Tenor Bongo in A-1 shape sell or will' trade for clarinet. Apply to John Plumtree, Clinton. 45-2 Man 1Vanted Man wanted to cut the lawn, trim shrubs, garden, etc. Apply to Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, morning or even- ings, 45-2 Executors Sale of Real Property The undersigned the executors of devilling, having .a frontage on Al - the estate of Samuel S. Cooper,' late bert Street of 40 feet, 6 inches, and of the Town of Clinton will offer for a depth of 120 feet on Princess Sale by public auction at the Street together with a right-of-way NORMANDIE HOTEL, Clinton, Ont. over the westerly portion of the ON TUESDAY THE 1st JUNE 1943 Lot lying contiguous to the wester - AT 0'NE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER- ly boundary and having a width of NOON, THE FOLLOWING REAL 12 feet throughout. PROPERTIES: 9. Lots 11, 12, 13 and the South two thirds of Lot No. 14, in the Bell - 1. Part of Lot No. 47, King Street, on way Terrace on Albert Street, on which is situate a cement block which is situate a 1 storey frame building known as the Normandie house, having a frontage on Albert Block, having a frontage an Ring Street of 242 feet by a depth of 165 Street of 93 feet,6 inches, by a feet. depth on Mary Street of 88 feet. 10. Lot 21 in the Railway Terrace on 2. The Northerly part of Lot No. 47, Albert Street on which is situate a on King Street on which is situate 1 storey frame house, having a e two storey brick building con frontage on Albert Street of 66 sisting of 'stores and apartments feet and a depth of 165 feet. known as the Sloan Block, having a 11. Lots 28, 29 and 80 and party of frontage on King Street of 88 feet Lots 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35 in the and on Isaac Street of 100 feet, Railway Terrace on Albert Street more or less. being all that part of these Lots 3. A block of 3 stores on Huron lying east of the Provincial high - Street a short distance west of XI- way. On this property is situate a bert Street located on Subdivision 1 storey frame 'house, having a Lot 8 and part of Subdivision Lots frontage on Albert Str'eetof 628 1 and 2 according to Plan No. 9, feet more or less with a maximum shaving a frontage on Huron Street depth of 165 feet. of 40 feet by a depth of 100 feet. 12. Part of Lots 5 and 6, Block "D" 4. Part of Lots 205. and 206, Albert Frederielc Street on which is sit- St}eet, on which is situate a store uate a 11/ storey brick house, hay- with rooms above, having a frontage ing a frontage on Frederick Street on Albert Street of 21 feet, 6 in- of 132 feet by a depth of 82/ feet,. ches,'more or less, with a maximum 13 Part of Lot No. 1, in the Huron depth of 108 feet, 1 inch. ,lZoad Concession of the Township 5. Part of Lots 224 on Rattenbury of. Goderioh containing 5 acres of Street and 256 on Princess Street land more or less adjoining the rail- on which js situate a 2 storey brick road. building known as the Molsons 14. Part of original Township Lot Bank Building, having a frontage No. 24, in the lst Concession of the on Rattenbury and Princess Streets Township of : Hullett containing 3 of 65 feet by a depth of 264 feet, 3i acres of land on which an or- together with a right-of-way over ohard is located. a strip of land 12 feet in width ad- These properties will be offered joining the said lands on the west. for sale separately, subject to re - 6. Lot 255 on the south, side of Prin-' serve bids, padsting tenancies cess street and part of Lots 224 (if any) and to conditions to be • and 225 on the North side of Rat- made known at the time of sale. tenbury Street and part of Lot 256. All these properties aro located on the South side of Princess Street at Clinton, Ontario.. on which is situate is 2 storey brick : Mr, A. J. Cooper will be at the building g const tin s g of 4 stores, 4 Normandie Hotel, Clinton,' at 1 rooms and which is known as the o'clock on Thursday, May 27th, Perritt Block, having a frontage; and will be pleased to, show any on Rattenbury Street of 821/ feet Of these properties` to interested and on Princess Street of 99 feet parties. with a depth of 264 feet, and sub- TERMS OF SALE; One tenth of the jeet to a right-of-way over a strip - purchase price to be paid at the of land 12 feet wide extending time of sale, and the balance within over the easterly .portion of the thirty days. said parcel. For further particulars apply to '7 . Part of Lot No, 237 on Rattenbury. The Canada , Trust Co., London Street on which is situate a.2 stor- Ontario, A. J. Cooper, Goderich, frame house, having a frontage on , Ontario, Executoo s or- Rattenbury Street of 41 feet, 3 in- Franlc ponnelly, Goderich Ontario, cher, by a depth of 132 feet. Solicitor for the estate. . Part of Lot 378, Albert Street, on Donald B. Blue, R. R, 1 ,Kincardine,. which is situte it brick store and j Ontario, Auctioneer. 45-2 8 .RADIO SERVICE Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed Tubes Tested Free A. W. Groves, Princess St.. Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W MONUMENTS It will pay you to see our stock of Cemetery .Monuments. Finest in On- tario. Some old Country Granite, still procurable, Prices reasonable— A11 work guaranteed. 'Inscription work promptly executed, footsUone in every color supplied. Fred Porterfield, Prop. P. 0. box 16, Mitchell, Ont. Phone 99. , 38-5 Wool Growers' Organization. WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 - Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain sacks and twine from Local Agricultural Office or direct from Canadian Co -Operative Wool Growers Limited 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Representative Miss Winnifred O'Neil ' Clinton, Phone 75j, For complete lines of Fuller Brushes and Service for same. 30-4 For Sale The Ferguson hone in Auburn, Ont. Solid brick house with hot water hea- ting, hardwood floors 2-5 acre land. Apply to G. M. Ferguson. 414f Strawberry Plants For Sale Excellent table and canning var- iety. $L00 per hundred; $7.00 per 1000; F. W. Andrews, Clinton, phone 38. 45-8 COURT OF REVISION Twp. of Stanley Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Rolls for 1943 will be held at the Township Hall on Monday, June 7th at ten o'clock in the forenoon to hear appeals on said rolls. Also take notice that all appeals must be in witting and in the hands of the'elerk on or before May 22nd 1943. Chas. C. Pilgrim, 'Clerk. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements Harold Jackson, Anrtioneer, has received instructions from the under- signed to sell by public auction, the farm stock and implements of Harry Corey, Lot 45 Bayfield Concession, Goderich Township, on TUESDAY, JUNE 1st a 1 o'clock sharp the following: HORSES matched black team, 12 years old; one grey mare, 12 years old. CATTLE -Red cow, fresh; 4 cows due in June; cow due in July; caw due time of sale; 2 Durhams, one year old; one calf, four weeks old. PIGS: -Six chunks, about 90 lbs. HENS -30, year old hens. IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris binder; Frost & ; Wood. mower; Cock- shutt manure spreader; cultivator; disc harrow; set of diamond harrows; 1, 3 -drum steel roller; hayrack; rid- ing plow; walking plow; seuffler; Massey -Harris cutting box fanning mill; 2,000 lb scales; farm wagon; hayrack; cutter, buggy, set of slings; sling ropes; sling ohain; wheelbar- row; De Laval cream, separator; set of sleighs; 1 31/2. H.P. gas engine; set of good heavy harness; Noxen drill; three horse collars; two iron sugar kettles; forks; shovels; quan- tity of :hemlock Iunalsar; quantity of woven wire fence; cedar posts; and numerous other articles.. GRAIN -400 bushels of good oats; 50 bushels of barley. Quantity of household furnishings. TERMS—CASH Harry Corey, Proprietor. Harold Jackson: Auctioneer, 45-2 u