HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-05-27, Page 41 a a 1 It w a 1 h th th S w la b H H tv DT Vi tw g an M s L Po Ja The First Baptist Church, Brant- ford, was beautifully decorated with ferns, pink snapdragon and white carnations for the marriage of Char- les Alexander Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Hayfield, to Myrna Anne Luck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred Luck, 61 Dundas Street Brantford, on •Saturday, May 22, at 4.30 p.m. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father wore a long gown of white lace over satin, fashioned on Princess lines with finger' tip sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Her floor length embroidered net veil was held in place with a heart shaped white Satin halo and she wore a string of pearls. Her bouquet was of white cal- la lilies and Better' Time Roses. The maid of 'honour was. Miss Helen Da- vies whose gown was fashioned of yellow' sheer 'over satin with full length sleeves. She wore finger tip veil with halo of blue satin and car- ried a bouquet of yellow daisies and fern. The junior bridesmaid Miss Mil- dred Baker, a niece of the bride was Locked in turquoise sheer. She wore flowers in her hair and carried sweet peas. The flower girl, Geraldine Ba- ker wore a frock of pink taffeta .and carried an old fashioned nosegay. The ring bearer was Ronald Luck. Mr. Roy Pratten of I•Iatnilton was grooms- man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. L. C. Kitchen, assisted by the Rev. Albert Luck, brother of the bride. The wedding music was played by Mast J. F. Ruth, and the ushers were Earl Luck, brother of .the bride; and a nephew, William Bak- er. The reception was held at the Ker- by House. The bride's mother wore navy sheer and a corsage of yellow roses, and the groom's mother was also attired in navy sheer but her corsage was of red roses. The bridal table was done in sweet peas and roses, centered with the bride's cake. Following a repast the young couple eft on a trip to points East. For tra- Veiling the bride donned a pale blue dress with brown tweed topcoat and biege accessories. On their return the couple will reside in Toronto. Guests were present from Oheltenham, Tor. onto, Bethel, Bayfield, London, Paris, nd Hamilton. Hearty congratulations cid best wishes' are extended to Cher- ie and his bride, Mos. G. W. Brawn is at her cottage The Briars" after having spent the inter with her sister Mrs. A. Aran- strong, Stanley Township. Mrs. William Heardand son Wi11 Iso Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard and satiny of Stratford visited over the oliday with the former's daughter, Mrs;' Delbert Haw of Proton Station Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Weston and two children •of Detroit are spending eir vacation with the former's fe- er, Mr.George Weston. former Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, and Mr. tewart Sr., of Hamilton spent the eek end at their homein the vil- age,• Mrs. Stewart •remained'and will e here for the summer. Mi', and Mrs; Charles Rogers of amiiton, Miss Diane Rogers and: Mr. arold Rogers of Toronto spent the eek end at their cottage. L A.C. Wm, Robinson of Moncton , B. is spending his furlough in the liege. Mr. 'and Mrs. Philip Mynas and o sons of Toronto were week end 'tests of Mars. Oliver Rhynas. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London ent the week end with his sisters, isles E. & F. Fowlie Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pounder and on Tack and Mr. and, Mrs. James umsden and daughter, Marie, of tratford spent the week end at the under cottage. Mr. and Mrs.., Jack Parker, Miss equeline Parker and Mr .and Mrs, ed . Weston 'attended the Parker. PAGE 4 r SHEET MUSIC' and music BOOKS May be Procured at this Store Special Orders Receive Prompt Attention A. T. COOPER. STORE OPEN PHONES •36W EVENINGS 6 TO 8 361 =* As Fit As A Fiddle An old saying, but the backward season is effecting even a strong healthy person's efficiency. You can build up your health and nerve force with PERROPLEX A Vitamin B. Complex with Iron. Compound. Its fine for -Blood and Nerves: 16 oz Bottle $1.25 T1VO SPECIALS IN Nylon Hair Brushes THE BRUSH COMB .. $L39 THE ALL NYLON . , , .. $2.00 W. S BANES PNM,8,"im aaLli CLiNTON, ONT. PHONE 61 Straw Hat time is here again WE GARRY A LARGE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS FROM 75e TO $3.00 BOALERS, FEDORAS AND SNAP RIMS SUMMER PANTS ARE NOW IN STOOK IN BLUE'S, GREYS, BROWNS AND GREENS SPORT SHIRTS OUR SPORT SHIRT LINE WAS NEVER BETTER FROM 75e TO $3.00 BLUE, BROWN, WHITE, GREEN AND TAN SUMMER UNDERWEAR IN TWO PIECE AND COMBINATION DAVIS& HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS -- Be Measured bra Tailor. SPORTING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT We. have just received. our new stock of fishing tackle, tennis rackets, and Golf Supplies Girls' Roller Skates $3.95 — Men's Sport Shoes $4.25 Ladies' Jodphurs $5.00 - Ladies' Breeches $4.75 EPPS SPOILT SHOP H.adquartere For All Sporting Goods i' 1eEre �.tEAri'-SI'-S a t' i :S4t', fieeilei`* rigitgieiliM *10:t!fi.�$"_+.tt,A4e ! :A� 'f Clinton Monument Works WILL IN THIS FUTURE BE OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THEIR Exeter Business. 3 Mr. J. I. Zapfe will be pleased to receive any inquiries Y 9:..p.:4 -P4" t4t4: $•444:M'..r'. 44:.+:`:44....44...'.`+ wr�IH:i4444iW.y`.H`.MAS+ n,:wist�t`.�:+'+VA�i i`;'Dr44.**':S!4 • Red Shield The R. S. W. A. held their regular meeting in the S. A. Hall on Tuesday May 25.th, with the president Mrs. J. Cook. Presiding. There were 22 mem- bers and 2 visitors present. The devotional part of the meeting was conducted by Capt. Davies, then the ladies quilted a quilt. The collection amounted to $2.50 ar- ticles brought in were: 4 pair socks; 6 quilt blocks; We wish to acknow- ledge the following donations, with thanks, Mrs. Neilans 1 quilt top; Mrs Trewartha 4 lbs wool; 2 pr. socks, and knitted squares for an afghan. Mrs. Chant donated enough quilt blocks for two •quilts also knitted squares for afghan. The London Road Ladies donated 7 dresses and, refugee clothing. Mrs. Harry Miller 3 pair booties, and 1 child's dress. Miss Irene Snyder, 1 pair pyjamas. The next meeting will be the- re- gular pot luck supper in the S. A. Hall on Tuesday June let, there will be 2 quilts to be quilted. A good at- tendance is requested. HAYFIELD PARKER—LUCK TH•Em Emma THE NEWS -RECORD CLINTON, ONTARIO Deal Sir.— The people of Huron County have again shown that through fine co-operative effort a task can be done. The. T'ourbh Victory Lean was successful because of the ex- celient combined work of the chairman, .the members of the various committees and the canvassers and through the fine reception, by the citizlems of the Comity. You have given 'us splendid assistance through the columns of your paper. • It has been a pleasure to work in this County and' to all those who aided in this Loan we say' "Thank you." M. J. VANDl WATER. J. A. LUMSDEN THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Luck wedding in Erantford on Sat- urday, Mr.• E. Featherston, of Hamilton, spent the weekend at his home here. 0. 8. John McLeod, left on Monday to rejoin ,his: ship at an Eastern Canadian ,port, after heving spent his furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis McLeod, He also visited in Port Dover and London. Mr, Reheny Larson of London and Clarence Larson of Stratford spent the holiday week end at their hone. in the village. Mr. and Mrs.' Eugene Souder and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Etwvin and son, Jimmy, of Kitchener were the guests of Mrs. F, A, EdWar.•ds over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. M. Aikonhead, Prof. Pemberton and family, Prof. Land: Mrs. H. Kalfleiseh, Mrs. E, N. Hart, Mr. ,and Mrs. C. B. Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ashton were amongst thorn from London who were at their cot- tages over the week end. Miss Ada Bingley of Detroit and Mr. 'and Mrs. B, T. Stephenson and three children, Misses Margaret and Barbara and Donald, of Toronto were at their home in the village over the week end. Mrs. George King who has been vis. iting in Toronto for a fortnight re- turned home on Monday. ' Mr. Howard Burt of London was with his grandparents, Mi. and' Mrs. F. W. Baker •over the week end. Miss Ellen McKay who enlisted in the C.W.A.C. last October was called to London on Monday for medical examination, Ella'•as she is familiarly known, has been on the staff of Bay- field Post Office for five years from which she will be greatly missed. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr of Stratford are at their cottage for a law days this Week. Professor James Scott of Sea- forth was the guest of Miss Elizabeth Gairdner for a few days last week. Mrs. F. G. Neelin, who spent the winter in Seederth returned to the vil- lage on Thursday of last week and' is the guest of Mrs. N. W. Woods for a few days before opening her home. Mrs. Darch and son of Stratford were the guests of Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling for a • few days last week. ',met Mr. and Mrs, William Seotchrner, r...•=M.Iffia..om..a, received a cable from their son, Sgt, Thomas Scotch -reel: informing then of his safe arrival overseas. LEWIS R. THOMSON There passed away in Clinton Hos- pital on Wednesday night, May 19, 1943, Lewis Robert Thomson, a life long resident of Bayfield. lie had been ne indifferent health for about three years, and had just retuned from the west, where he spent the winter, Two weeks ago lie entered Clinton Hospital for treatment but .it was of no avail as he became steadily weaker until death overlook him. With his death Bayfield loses nn outstand- ing figure who played a prominent part in municipal affairs. He was a councillor for several years ane 'as a young man was .associated with his father in the milling industry. A staunch Liberal he was at one time President of the Huron Liberal Asso. dation. In his younger datys he. served with the 33rd Huron Reserve Battal ion from which he retired with th.. rank of Captain. Tn religion he was a Presbyterian and .acted or. the Board of Management for a time. He was a great naturalist, well -versed in bird lore, and he had a large eollec- .tion of Indian relics which he had picked up on his farm situated on the north bank of the Bayfield River. Mr, Thomson never married surviving are four sisters, Mrs. J. B. Hall and Mrs. V. Watson, Toledo, Ohio, Mrs. A. McLeod, Bayfield, and Mrs. M, Fraser, Fort William, two brothers, Stuart Thomson, Lake Charles, La., and John, G, Thomson, Fort Fran- cis. A sister Florence (Mrs. M. Mc- Leod) died two years ago in Fort Francis. Following a short service for the relatives at the home of his sister Mrs. McLeod, a public service was held in Knox Presbyterian. Church Bayfield, on Saturday afternoon. Rev. W. Lane of Goderich was the officia. attending the funeral were two nieces ting minister. Amongst the relatives Mrs. C. McLeod, and Mrs. Kneeshaw, of Goderich, two nephews L.A.C. Rau Fraser, R.A.F. Station, Clinton, and Flight Lieutenant Douglas Fraser, Arnprior, who flew here for the fun- eraI,' Pallbearers were Alfred Er7vin, Don Galbraith, Archie Armstrong, Al- lan Maxwell, Geo, Lindsay, jos. Rich- ardson and H. McGregor. Interment was made in Bayfield Cemetery. THURS., MAY, 27, 1943 "Sane there will be changes after the war ... some are overdue. But I'm no robot. Whatever our post -wax plans, I still want to see hard work rewarded and dividends paid on brains and initiative. I want the privilege of going into business for myself if I choose. Above all T want my"kids to grow up where success depends on work, native ability and enterprise." Canada has grown to rich nationhood through the courage, resourcefulness and initiative of individual citizens. These qualities must be preserved in the challenging days ahead. 'THE What is PRIVATE ENTERPRISE? It is'the natural desire to make your own way, as far as your ability will take you; an instinct that has brought to this continent the highest standard of life enjoyed by any people on earth. It is the spirit of democracy on the march. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager TUCKERSIVIITH Mr. Walgate Tebbutt of Goderich, recently from the West has been vis- iting his brothef,.Mr. Lewis Tebbutt. The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Walters, on Wednesday, June 2nd, Roll call to be answered by quiz ques- tions on current events, Fine for ones not answering. Proceeds for Red Cross. LONDESBORO Mr. James McCrae of Toronto was a Sunday caller on Mr. and bars. David Ewan. v --- • STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baird and dau- ghter Thelma also Master Johnnie White of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr, Geo. Baird. 1400t cell path oj ate ceiu�iuy wc►sys98 45 '?.ecoid cue, ciie deI'piotf hltatalui eieacie .lo,die/vl j�4 -die 4irtittia. 4eiw%cet ,Ixy Wa�e#zil 440ut ems. Tho-ua#ic& Made Werneii JW*2I) is J2ach Ilte 4lhzch Thele id a autottelbpa41 die C.V.4. C. pizaoticallv e'u f cu'` .. # pada/an-- awl a .+n__- awtl the pav lieotejits yet as 9aad. )a4 D A d @h!Atitmat Boa and app_- _aIictot ar -varve ,otealedi Recutilia9 Si a ; ,04 copidael lite Mad. Ri p eahee: le 4oz q 4 wad ween.