The Clinton News Record, 1943-05-20, Page 5THURS., MAY, 20, 1943
Announceinent of the appointment
of Rev. John R. Thompson of St.
'Paul's church, Stratford, as a Chap-
aain in the second (reserve') battalion
of the Perth Regiment with the rank
of honorary Captain was announced
last Saturday by Lieutenant-Colonel
G. D. L. Rice, E. D., commanding of-
. The appointment has been eon -
''firmed by Headquarters.
Captain Thompson has been ser-
ving in the ranks of the Perth reserve
for some months and has been keenly
interested in the activities of the re-
giment and the'welfare of the troops.
A native of Goderieh Township, son of
M. and Mes .H. J. Thompson, he is
also a graduate of the University of
`Western Ontario and Huron College.
Captain Thompson was ordained In
Mr. and Mrs. Chas E. Asquith at-
`rtended the Synod meeting at London
last Wednesday.
Mrs. Jas. Howitt, and Mr, Hugh
Chesney of Seaforth and Mrs. J. P.
Manning of Clinton called on friends
here last Sunday,
Mrs. K. K. Dawson spent the week
end in Toronto.
Mrs. ,R. J. Phillips and Miss Jose-
'phine Weir, packed and mailed boxes
'to 19 Auburn and district boys who
are serving overseas! These men are
remembered once a month by a gift
from the Red Cross.
Among those receiving wings at
Centralia on Friday was Donald Mc-
Illveen, .grandson of Mrs. Alfred As-
Allan Craig, youngest son of Mr.
•and Mrs. Wm. Craig escaped serious
`injuries 'when he was hit by a car
on Sattdday.
Pilot Officer Eugene Dobie has
completed his course at Rivers, Man-
' itoba,
an-'itoba, and, has been posted to Crum-
lin airport. He and his mother visited
3riends here Saturday.
Miss, Betty Asquith spent the week
end with friends in Toronto. •
The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian
'Church held a quilting in the churoh
basement on Tuesday. Two of the
quilts were donated by Mrs. James
Hewitt of Seaforth a former' mem-
-her of the W.M.S.
The Westfield Farm Forums met at
'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sturdy, Monday evening. The early
part of the evening was spent list-
ening to the Radio Farm talk. Fol.
:lowing the company was divided, into
groups and had discussions relating
'to farm topics. Community singing,
and contests were enjoyed. Lunch
'War, served.
Women's Institute
Mrs. E'd'gar Lawson presided for
the May meeting of the Women's In-
stitute, which was held in the Forest
-ers Hall on Tuesday. The-rneeting op-
•ened by singing the 'Institute Ode.
and repeating the Lord's Prayer In
'unison. The secretary read the min-
'utes of the previous meeting and also
gave the financial report for the year
'showing receipts $122.53; expenses
$94.80 leaving a balance of $28.o3.
Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs. Jack Cow
an, Mrs. Earl Raithby, and Mrs. Fred
Ross' woke appointed delegates to
'attend the District Annual in Clinton
In June. Community singing was en-
joyed. A reading was :given by Miss Chu
Vivian Straughan, the topic ., "The sehro
Land . of ` Coffee" was ably given by than
Mrs.' Gordon:' Taylor. Miss Lenora sunt
I'la.etzer gave a reading. For'' the F
June meeting each' member is asked dear
to. bring' some article which will be 0 fn
sold, and the proceeds used for the Clin
boys boxes. The roll call was answer-
•ed. by paying of fees. The nominating imp
'committee brought in the following it, w
slate of officers. Iionorary president Chu
'.Mrs. ,Tames Woods. President Mrs. a c
Edgar Lawson, lst vice'president, 18"
Mrs. herb Mog•ridge, 2nd vice liresi- es 6
dent, Mrs. J, J. Wilson, 'secretary were
'treasurer Miss Margaret Icing, Dis- road
Arid Director. Mrs Fred 'Ross, Press yarn
'Secretary Mrs R Ross, Pianist Mrs. R. ing
�-J. Phillips, Miss Sadie 'Carter, Mrs. e's h
Wm. Craig. Visiting Committee
Amelia McElwain, Miss Mae F
son, Program committee, Mrs.
son, Mrs. 0. E. E�.•ratt, Mrs
on Taylor, Miss Josephjn- Weir,
ectors, Mrs. Jas. ,Woods, Mrs. Geo.
Sturdy, Mrs. Earl R'aithby, Mrs. A. J.
Ferguson, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs,
J. J. Robertson, Mrs, Geo. Bean, Mrs.
J. C. Stoltz, The 'singing of the Na•
tional Anthem brought the meeting to
a close. A dainty lunch was a served
by Mrs . 1. J', Robertson, Mrs. Alf
Rollinson and Miss Amelia McilI-
wain. • _
Rev. Harold Snell of Ethel has- ac-
cepted a call to become pastor of Au-
burn Westfield and Donnybrook,
United Clhurches, subject to confei-I
Gohd_ meeting at the home of Mrs, H. Tre-
Dir_ Iwartha. The meeting was opened by
singing a hymn followed by the Lord's
prayer in unison. The reports were
read by the'secretary and treasurer
and other items of business - were
discussed. Two quilts were quilted and
articles sent into the ;Red Shield were.
2 quilts; 3 pr. stockings; 3 children's
dresses. A ten -cent tea was
and the meeting closed by singing the
National anthem. The next meeting
is to be held on June 2nd, at the home
of Mrs. Geo: Mann.
The Lafalot Club held their May
The W. M. S. meeting was held
Thursday afternoon last with a g
attendance. The president opened
meeting by all singing three•• ve
of "God Save the King," folio
by the daily prayer' for peace.
Call was answered by the word "Co
age" the word for the June roll cal
be' "Comfort." Anyone having g
used clothing for the missionary b
please leave it at Mrs. W. T. Br
don's home as soon as possible
F. Shobbrook gave a splendid read
on community friendship and. M
S. Lyon one •on Christian stewards
Miss Kirk .gave the report +of
morning session of the W.M.S. c
vention held recently at Bruss
The theme being 'Lift up your he
in faith.' Mrs. S. Lyon gave the
port of the afternoon session. Gro
No. 2 then took charge with
L. Young as leader. There was a
votional service with silent prayer'
lowed by prayers by Mrs. J. McC
and Mrs. F. Shobbrook, Miss You
gave an inspiring' address "What
the church doing for our sons
daughters in uniform," Mrs.' Town
end also spoke on the same subje
We cannot do enough for Canada
youth in the forces and factories.
is estimated that at least a milli
and a quarter • of our youth have
Ieft their homes to go to ,new places
to train for military service or to
work in war industries, What is the
task' of 500 congregations of the Un-
ited Church near training camps. do:
ing for them? Are we inviting them
to our homes? Many are far from
their homes and native land and are
very lonesome. ` Mrs. J. Scott and
Mrs. Townsend sand a pleasing duett.
Prayers wore Offered by Mrs. Ruddel
and Mrs. Fairservice. Meeting closed
with prayer by Miss Young. Next
Sunday evening May 23rd the Mission
band will• hold a special meeting in
the basement of the church where
slides will be shown on the execution
of the Japanese children inland. Spe-
cial music will be provided. Your at-
tendance will help to encourage the
children in their work. All are wel-
1 to
on -
We wish to correct an error in the
standing of Elva (levier and Betty.
Snell in the Clinton Collegiate class-
es. The results are not at present
known, but Phyllis Herman of Clin-
ton came first and not Elva Govier,
as previously stated. The standing.
will probably be announced in the
papers later.
Word has been received from Mrs.
Henderson, Goderich, extending an in-
vitation to all former institute work-
ers here to meet with them at their
District Annual to held in Clinton,
June let.
Deepest sympathy is felt for Mrs.
Fred Pickard and family in their hour
of sore bereavement.
Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Jas. Durnin, London
spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Woods.
Thursday last the W.A. meb at the
hone of Mrs Allen Betties and a
quilt was quilted.
The torrential rain Tuesday last
washed out two bridges on 6: conces-
sion, One near G. G. Newton's and
the other at the foot of the hill at
Frank Picot's farm.'
Mrs. Will Stewart is spending a .
while with Mr. and Mrs. Les Cox.
Sunday May 23 the service at Grace
Chu will be at 9.45 a.m. Sunday
of following. It was felt.' best to
ge to morning service for the
riends at Porter's Hill are sorry to
n of the illness of Mrs. John Cox
ruler resident here, now living in
Mondev afternoon the May meet
of. the Rech Cross, Porter's Hill un
as held in the basement of Grace
'ch. About 20 ladies were present
lilt was minted end 10 pair of
seamen's ,,:',s, 50 pinafore dress -
year size. and 5 ,pair army socks
packed. ,,Ladies blouses eist and
y to sew were handed out and.
for boys socks. The next meet -
will be held at Mrs. Jobe McGtnr.. 8
time on June 21st.,
Mr. and . Mrs. T. IL Wheeler spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Pat-
Miss Ina Scott of London spent the
week end at' her home here.
Miss Lois Rathwell ,R.C,A.F. (W.D.)
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Rathwell.
F. D. Robt. Aldwinlrle, R.C.A.F.,
Eastern Air Command spent a few
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
H. Aldwinkle.''
Miss Doris Dutot of London spent
the week end at her,hong; .here.'
Bring• in your salvage, house clean-
ing time is on, save all your salvage
and bring it in.
Mrs. Wnr. McKenzie is visiting her
sister, Mrs. John Cairns.
Mrs. Lyle Hill `sepnt a few days
in St. Catherines with Freda and
Mrs. Geo. Swan is spending . a few
days with her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. E, Schilbe of` Zur-
Mr and Mrs. Frank' Taylor spent
last Wednesday' in Toronto.
MORRELL--Lr lovingomentory of 1sa-
cuss arquhal, beloved wife
of Albert Morrell, who died in Clin-
ton on May 15th, 1942. For Sale
And Jesus said, "Come unto me and Gent's Bicycle in good condition.
I will give Thee rest" Apply to .Box. 154 Clinton or Tele -
Ever' remembered by the family. phone 259. 45-1
L ` P
ARNOLD—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Friday, May. 14th to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Arnold of Drumbo, 'a
daughter (Madeline Anne).
DEEVES- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Deeves are happy to announce the
birth of their daughter Sally Ev-
ean ,at Clinton Public hospital, . on
May 15th. 1945.
CRAIG -In Clinton Public Hospital
on Monday, May 17 to Trooper .and
Mrs. Gordon Craig (nee. Ruth Grea-
lis) of Clinton, the gift of a son.
(Donald Ivan.)
GIBSON--'In Clinton Public Hospital
on Thursday, May 20th, to LAC and
rMrs, Roy Gibson of town, a daugh-
WESTERLAND— In Clinton Public
Hospital on Thursday, May 13th to
L''A and Bios. G. A. Westerland of
town, a daughter, (Carolyn Bren-
LAYTON—in Clinton Public Hospi-
tal on Tuesday, May 18th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Layton, R. R. 3
Seaforth, a daughter.
HUNKING—In Alexandria Hospital
Goderich, on Tuesday, May 18th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hunking, of
12 con. Hullett Township, the gift
of a daughter. (Marjorie Pauline).
THOMSON -In Clinton on Wednes-
day, May 19th, Lewis R. Thomson,
of Bayfield.
McOLINCHEY — In loving memory
of John MoOlinchey, who passed
away May 19th, 1942.
"Those whom we love go out of sight,
But never out of mind.
They are cherished in the heart
Of those they leave behind .
Loving and kind in all his ways
Upright and just to the end of his days
Sincere and true in heart and mind,
Beautiful memories he left behind."
Ever remembered. —Wife and fam-
)Executors Sale of Real Property
p y
1 The undersigned the executors of - dewlling, having a frontage on AI -
the estate of Samuel S. Cooper, late bert Street of 40 feet, 6 inches, and
of the Town of Clinton will offer for a depth of 120 feet on Princess
sato by public auction at the Street together with
g a right-of-way
N0'RMANDIE ROTEL, Clinton, Ont. over the westerlyo ae
portion of the
CN TUESDAY THE Ist,,JUNE 1943 Lot lying contiguous to the wester -
AT ONE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER- ly boundary and having a width of
NOON, THE FOLLOWING REAL 12 feet throughout,
PROPERTIES: 9. Lots 11, 12, 13 and the South two
thirds of Lot No, 14, in the Rail
way Terrace on Albert Street, on
which is situate a 1 storey frame
house, having a frontage on Albert
Street of 242 feet by a depth of 165
10. Lot 21 in the Railway Terrace on
Albert. Street on which is situate a
1 'storey frame house, having a
frontage on Albert Street of 66
'feet and a depth of 165 feet.
11. Lots 28, 29 and 30 and parte of
Lots 31, 32, 33,' 84, and 35 in the
Railway Terrace on Albert Street
being all that part of these Lots
lying east of the Provincial high-
way. On this property' is situate a
1 storey frame house, having a
frontage on Albert Streetof 5281
feet more or less. with a maximum
depth of 165 feet.
1. Part of Lot No. 47, Ring Street, on
which is, situate a cement block
building known as the Normandie
Block, having a. frontage on Ring
Street of 93 feet, 6 incises, by a
depth on Mary Street of 88 feet.
2. The Northerly part of Lot No. 47,
on King Street on which is situate
a two storey brick building con-
sisting of stores and apartments
known as the Sloan 'Block, having a
frontage on King Street of 88 feet
and on Isaac Street of 100 feet,
more or less.
3, A block of 3 stores on Huron
Street a short distance west of Al-
bert Street located on. Subdivision
' Lot 8 and part of Subdivision Lots
1 and 2. according to Plan No. 9,
having a frontage on Albert Street
, of 40 feet by a depth of 100 feet.
4. Part of Lots 205 and 206, Albert
Street, on which is situate a store
with rooms above, having, a frontage
on Albert Street of 21 feet,.6 in-
ches, more or less, with a maximum
depth•of 108 feet, 1 inch.
5. Part of Lots 224 on Rattenbury
Street and 256 on Princess Street
on which is situate a 2 storey brick
building known as the Molsons
Hanle -Building, having a frontage
on ftattenbury. and; Princess Streets
of 65 feet by a depth of 264 feet,
together with a right-of-way over
a strip of land 12 feet in width ad-
joining thesaidlands on the west,
6. Lot 255 on the south side of Prin-
cess street and part of Lots 224
and 225 on the North side of Rat-
tenbury Street. and part of Lot 256
on the South side of Princess Street
on which is situate a 2 storey brick
building consisting of 4 stores, 4
rooms and which is known as the
Perrin Block, )saving a frontage
on Rattenbury Street of 821/ feet
and on Princess. Street of 99' feet.
with a depth.' of. 264 feet, and sub-
ject to a right-of-way over a strip
of land .12 feet wide .extending
over the easterly portion of the
said parcel,
7. Part of Lot No. 237 on Rattenbriry
Street on which is situate a 2 stor-
frame house, having a frontage' on
Pattenbury Street of 41 feet, 3 ir=
ehes, by a depth of 132 feet.
.'Part of Lot 378, 'Albert. Street, on
which is situate a b •i k t
Now Playing' -. "AIR FORCE"
with John Garfield and Gig Young.
A thrilling and timely expose of
Wartime racketeering and sabot-
eurs who 'undermine the war effort
George Brent, Brenda Marshall,
Gene Lockhardt and Eduardo Cian-
Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor,
Sydney Greenstreet and Keye Luke
A melodrama dealing with Jap
treaohe y in the Canal Zone.
Coming ;•tSC1'011 MINDS THE
Matinees—Sat and Holidays at 3
Now Playing — Pat O'Brien in
78 Top-flight :Stars -_7 Famous Di-
rectors and 21 Leading Writers
with Robert Cummings, Chas.
Laughton, Anna Neagle, Merle Ob-
eron, Herbert Marshall.
A story janianed' with tense excite -
'tient, and featuring authentic war
scenes, is brought to the screen by
a capable east.
A revelation!
Now 1'Iayi tg—Henry Gonda In
Takes us on a musical inspection
tour through an aircraft production
plant with Ann Miler, Betty Rhodes.
and Jerry •Colonna.
John Garfield, G4g Young and
Harry Carey, tell the story of
Mary Amt, the famous Flying For-
tress, and her intrepid crew.
Corning— Errol Flynn in "GEN-
swd wIA�loWerz ,.
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66J
No doubt all Egg Producers , are
doing their best to help fill the con-
tracts. For Great Britain. So far On-
tario is below her quota of eggs and
every effort is requested by the au-
thorities to keep up egg production.
When your flock requires culling
let us know. Culling done by an exper-
ienced poultryman,
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
Try us for Fish of all kinds. Eat
more fish for your health
We have frozen corn also raspberries.
And Don't Forget Our' Farmer Style
We buy Hides and Horse Hair
Man Wanted
Man wanted to cut the lawn, trim
shrubs, garden, etc. Apply to Mrs.
M. D. McTaggart, morning or even-
ings. 45.2
For Sale
Building size 8x10' in good condi-
tion. Would make good brooder house
or chicken pen. Apply at the News -
Record. 45-1
For Sale
Frame building size 28'x1'N, shingle
roof, to be taken away at once; also
pile of cow manure, $1.00 per, load
at barn. Thomas Leppington, Clin-
ton. 45-1
12. Part of Lots 5 and 6, Block "D" For Sale
1°rederieh Street, on which is sit-
uate a 1k storey brick house, hav-
ing a frontage on Frederick Street
of 132 feet by a depth of 82% feet:
13 Part of Lot No. 1, in the Huron
,Road Concession of the Township'
of .Goderieh containing 5 acres of ,
Iand more or less adjoining the rail-
read, i sge Collection
14. Part of original Township . Lot I CONTINUING
No. 24, in the lst Concession of the`
Township of Hullett containing 3, ` i
0i acres of land on which an or -I v ll continue the collection of gar -
chard is located. bage every Saturday.
IThese properties will be offered I On •a weekly basis
for sale separately, subject to re- '
serve .bids,� Cans left at side of road, 20c per
'`existing tenancies week. Cans left at house 25c pec; week
(if any) and to conditions to be ff•
spade known at the time of sale.; ARTHUR FULPORD
All :these properties are iopatecL
at Clinton,: Ontario.
Mr: A. J. Cooper will be at the'
Notilce of Tenders
Normandie Hotel,. Clinton, at 1
o'clock on Thursday, May 27th, Tenders will be received up to Tues
and will be pleased to show any . day, June 1st, 1948, for repairs to S.
of these properties to interested S. No. 3 Stanley townshi 'schoo
parties. p I
TERMS OF SALE: One tenth of the with concrete and finishing coat, wall
ptircuase price to be paid at the to be 4" thick; The tender is to
time of sale, and the balance within include all necessary supplies.
thirty days.
For further particulars apply to Lowest or any tender not necessar-
Mrs. R. Boyce has for sale one
brown steel cot and two baby chairs
in good condition. Please call at Mrs.
R. B. Fitzsimons, Huron street, after-
noons only.
The Canada Trust Co., London, ily accepted.
Ontario, A. 3. Cooper, Goderich,
Ontario, Executors or—. Dated May 8th Varna, Varna, Ontario,
Prank Donnelly, Goderich Ontario, J. W. Eli' •t
Solicitor for the estate,
Elgin Porter, Chairman,
Donald B. Blue, R. R. 1 Kincardine. J. A. McGee, Secretary Treasurer.
Ontario, Auctioneer. 45-2
The Place
To Buy your
Bread, Buns, Pies
and Cakes
A Court of: Revision to hear and de-
termine complaints against the Ass-
essment Roll of the Township of God-
erich for the -year 1943 will be held
in Holmesville on May 26 beginning at
10 a.m.
Parties assessed for clogs that have
since been destroyed must return the
tag or be charged in taxes. Com-
plaints should be in waiting and de-
livered to the undersigned not later
than Monday, May 24th.
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk,
44-2 R, R. 2 Clinton
For Sale
Fide -roomed house, furnished, in
Bayfield. Apply to Mrs. Lyda McNeil
Highs Street, Clinton. 43-tf
Live, old and, disabled horses and
cattle for mink feed. Elmer Trick,
Phone Clinton 907r25 39 -e -o -w
For Sale
Fourteen Little pigs, will be six
weeks old•on May 25th. Apply Fred
C. Cook, R. R. 3 Seaforth, Phone
Clinton 21r617. 45-1
For Sale
One York hog for sale. Apply to
Edward Welsh, R. R. 4, Clinton.,
For Sale
Tenor Bango in A-1 shape sell or
will trade for clarinet. Apply to John
Plumtree, Clinton. 45-2
Farm Stock and Implements
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has
received instructions from the under-
signed to sell by public auction, the
faint stock and implements of Harry
Corny, Lot 45 Bayfield Concession,
Stanley Township, on •
a 1 o'clock sharp the following:
HORSES—matched black team, 12
years old; one grey mare, 12 years
CATTLE—Red eow, fresh; 4 cows
due in June; cow due in July; cow
due time of sale; 2 Durhams, one year
old one calf, four weeks old.
PIGS:—Six chunks, about 90 lbs.
HENS -30, year old hens.
IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris
binder; Frost & mower; Cock-
shutt manure spreader; cultivator;
disc harrow; set of diamond harrows;
1, 3 -drum steel roller; .hayrack; rid-
ing plow;; walking' plow; scuffler;
Massey -Harris cutting box fanning
mill; 2,000 lb scales; farm wagon;
hayrack; cutter, buggy, set of slings;
sling ropes; sling chain; wheelbar-
row; De Laval cream separator; set
of sleighs; 1 31 H.P. gas engine;
set of good heavy harness; Noxell
drill; three horse collars; two iron
sugar kettles; forks; shovels; quan-
tity of hemlockhonliar; quantity
of •woven wire fence; cedar posts; and
numerous other articles.
GRAIN -400 bushels of good mats;
50 bushels of barley.
Quantity of household furnishings.
Barry Corey, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson -Auctioneer; 45-2
Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed
Tubes Tested Free
A..W. Groves. Princess St..
Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W
It will pay you to see our stock of
Cemetery Monuments. Finest in On-
tario. Some old Country Granite, still
procurable. Prices reasonable— All
work guaranteed. Inscription work
promptly executed, footsione in every
color supplied. Fred Porterfield, Prop.
P. 0. box 16, Mitchell, Ont. Phone
99. 38-5.
Wool Growers' Organization,
Our Registered Warehouse
No. 1 - Weston, 'Ontario
Reliable Grading
Prompt Settlement
Obtain sacks and twine from
Local Agricultural Office
or direct from
Canadian Co -Operative
Wool Growers Limited
217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada
Representative Miss Winnifred O'Neil
Clinton, Phone 75j. For complete
lines of Fuller Brushes and Service -
for same. 30-4
Wanted to Purchase
Pullets, all breeds and ages four
weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices
paid. Write for full details, Weddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus On-
tario. 41-4
For Sale
The Ferguson home in Auburn, Ont.
Solid brick house with hot water hea-
ting, hardwood floors 2-5 acre land.
Apply to G. M. Ferguson. 41-tf
Strawberry Plants For Sale
Excellent table and canning var-
iety. $1.00 per hundred; $7.00 per
1000. F. W. Andrews, Clinton, phone
33. 45-3
For Sale or Rent
Desirable building bot on Joseph
street. Suitable for Victory gardens,
Apply to Mrs. Robert. Fairservice,
Londesboro, Phone 26r10' $lyth. 45.1
For Rent
Summer cottage, Bayfield, for rent;
for particulars write to Mrs, Minnie
Ross, Bayfield. 44-tf
For Sale
1934 Ford Coupe, motor re -condi-
tioned, good pain•t, fair tires. Apply
at Reg. Ball's Service Station. 44-2
Twp. of Stanley
Court of Revision of the Assess-
ment Rolle' for 1943 will be held at
the Township Hall on Monday, June
71:11 at ten o'clock in the forenoon to
hearappealson said rolls,
Also take noticethat all appeals,
must be in witting and in the hands of
the clerk on or before May 22nd 1943.
Chas. C. Pilgrim, Clerk.
For the decoration of the upstairs.
of the Clinton Public School. Tenders
to be in the hands of the secretary -
:treasurer by Tuesday, May 25th,
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
Clinton, Ontario.
For two large cars of Champion
lump coal for the schools. Tenders, to
be in the hands of the secretary tress-
user by Tuesday, May 25th. Lowest or
any tender nob necessarily •accepted,
Secrtary Treasurer.'
44-2 Clinton, Ontario: