HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-05-13, Page 59.1XUlZ°S., MAX, 13, 1943 • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD`" "SEEMS I CAN'T' SAVE ANYTHING ' E MET,on:aViain Street. Jim had his usual ear smile, even when he got telling:me'how-hard up he was.' "Seems funriyjj he ,said, "I'm earning more these days, but I just can't seem, .t to keep it. "Taxes, Victory bonds" and all those other things `coniifig off my pay." He paused, then went on slowly. "At least it seems as though I can't save anything. Actually, 'of course, those war bonds'are my savings. I'm glad/I've •salted'•away a" few of them And you can count me in on the Fourth Victory Loanto!". This advertisement contributed to the Fourth Victory+Loan Campaign by Dominion Textile Company, Limited Montreal AUBURN ding Mary Grieison, Toronto, piano duet Mrs.' Jas. Jackson and Miss Mar Miss' Zeta Munro spent the week garet Jackson, Toronto. The young -end with friends at London and Brant- girls present sang a song. The Imes!. -ford dent dismissed the meeting with pray. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbs and Mrs. er, Lunch was served by the hostess, Powell of Detroit spent the week end Earl Mugford has returned to Iv- ' with Mr .and Mrs. Harvey McGee. perwash Camp after visiting his moth - Mr. and Mrs. Will. Mains' and laugh- er Mrs. George F. Yungblut. ter spent Sunday with. Mrs. Annie • Doyle. Private • Roy Bentley 'of London spent the week •end with his parents • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bentley, Corporal John R. Weir and friend • -of Ottawa spent the week end with his father Dr; B. C. Weir and Miss • Joseph'sle Weir. V LONDESBORQ A very interesting "Mother's Day Service" was held -oln Sunday morning in the Ignited' Church with a Iarge at- tendance. The service of song was led Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Mutch and Miss by a mother and daughter choir. Mrs. Dorothy Mitten of Clinton spent Sun- L. McNeil,: gave the story. Rev. A. E. Menzies spoke on "mothers". Three baskets of flowers were placed there by relatives in memory of deceased friendsalong with spring flowers; there was also a bouquet of roses that a son overseas ordered for his mother. Four mothers took up the offering. The service throughout was very ap- propriate in thought and appreeiatlo,, of all mothers. Mrs. Jennie Lyon, who has not been well for some time was taken to day with. Mrs. John Arthur Mrs, John Raithby who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby has ' moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby where she will spend the summer. Russell I{ing has resmnod his dot- ' des carrying the mail from the stat- ion to the post office. During Mr. King's alrsence'through illness for the past two years, William Dodd jr has -carried on. Aitcraftinan Harry' Arthur son of Grace Hospital, Windsor on Tuesday Mrs. John Arthur has been moved of last 'week where she will undergo to Brandon MRn, treatment, Her son Dr. Arthur Lyon Miss Nancy Rose of Oshawa spent is an interne in that hospital. A speedy the week end' with her parents, Rev. recovery is hoped for by -a host of H. W. l%ose,and Mrs. Rose. friends. I. Miss Elda Watson and friend of Ladies Aid Goderich spent . Mother's Day with The Baptist Ladies' Ai heldher mother and sirters• Aid their Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood 'and the. May meeting in the church' basement W. E. Kennings spent with • •s I u Sunday after- Mrs. NlcNali in''charg•e noon with Auburn. friends. The devotional period was taken by Mrs Stanley Johnston and Mrs. Earl Raithby. The business period was tale- - en by the president Mrs. Howson. Sev- -eral letters of thanks for messages of sympathy were read, •also letter •of thanks for a get well message. A quilt top was donated to the Rai Cross, Readings were given by Mrs. R. • J. Phillips, Mrs. Thos McNeil, and a • duet by Mrs. 0. A. Howson and Mrs. Stanley Johnston. The topic on "Moth. ' er's Day" wasgiven by Mrs. Earl ' aithby,, A pot luck supper was ser- - red, The monthly meeting of the Wo-' men's 'Institute will be held in the Flordia tolive' '1 h • •at 2.30 Mrs. W, J. Henderson, District, resident is. eX,pected to be, present.. Roll Ball paying of fees. Hostesses ' Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Miss. Amelia Mc- Illwain, Mas. Alfr ed' Rollinsoir, Special ;Mother's Day service was -observed in •all• the local . churches fbthasfor the highest marks lit the -on Sunday:'' At St. Mark's Anglican, fifth form andBetty second .highest. 'Church, the' sacrament of baptism was •administered. to George Edgar Leath- : �erland son,•of Mr. and Mss. Alvin Lea- tbherland 'and at 'Knox. Presbyterian George Wayne Dawson son of Mr ''and, Mrs. K. K. Dawson and Clarence tin the ;Sheppard shed but no tin or g'Iass is Miss Tillie Mains Reg. 1N., and Miss Nellie Thoxpson, Reg. N, of London were visitors at Miss 10. Mains on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finglancl and family: Clinton, Miss Kirk and Mrs. Chas. Meyers and Jackie were the guests of the Finglands on Mother's Day. Mr, Fred. Gibbs and Frank Gibbs have proved into the house .by the river. .. Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. J. Man- ning were with the Frank Tamblyns on Sunday. • Mrs. Isaac Marwood has gone to Forester's' Hall on 'Puesda with her daughter and y May 18th son-in-law. She has rented her farm to: Mr, Rapson. Misses Elva Gooier and Betty.Snell are' congratulated on there passing' •their final •tests at Clinton Collegiat it being .their last year. Miss Elva > he monthly meeting of Reda Cross was held in Community Hall on:Thurs- day, May' 6. with President'Mei. B. Brunsdon presiding with an attend- ance of 26. • The Salvage is to be left son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl, wanted. 'Gorier wei.e, baptized. There was a nice shower of toilet The Walkerbunn Ladies ,Ant club articles for our Womenin Un' 'diet at the home of Mrs Harold Overseas. Mrs. Yuri blu"and sfm'm g Mr S run . Th s. p e na•e ' � Hall ,Pat g - silent 1VIra. Ernest i offered to pack these. terror, was in charge. After the The Bingo wasost on p p ed MAD' af- .•apeninghymnthe Lord's Prayer was to seeding. ':repeated hi unison. The roll cal ' bur'New Hos•ita 1 was„pl� 1 Sewing quota .answered by 14,,members andfive consists of 1Q0 khaki handkerchiefs. ndlterchiefs. visitors. The topic was: given by Mar-• 100 Turkish` Bath Towels, 120 mat- garet Crawford. During the business tress pads. 'period the 'secretary Mrs. Bert Hunk- i The Treasurer reported a ing read 'the minutesof .110.1, balance of the - previous `� � 59. :meeting and plans were made for the 1 Work Committee for June: s: n Bert Sdn e, Mis•, silver jubilee• of the club 'on July obrook, Mrs. Clark, 1V6.s. E. '7th, The following program was en- l Woods, Mrs, J, Snell, Mrs. G, McVit joyed. Readings, Mrs._Henry Hooking,tee• • Mrs. Guy Cunningham, Elsie Patet • a- � The following have been . slit ed •son, duet Maxine' and Roxy•Ba1I, tea since last; meeting: 5 girls'r coats, 8 uo+nbs to Berlin. skirts, 4 jackets, 9 bedpads, 22,quiltsi 7 girl's dresses, 7 ladies blouses, 13 girls''. slips o' boats, 14 pair gloves, 2' alternative caps, 4 turtle neck sweat= ers,''2 iound neck • long sleeve swea- ters; 5 v neck sleeveless sweaters, 1 pair socks, ll toques, 13 pair sockees, 5 rair Imickers. Tickets :were sold on two dishes donated by. Miss R. Shaddick, lucky ticket going to Mrs. B. Brunsdon,, Proceeds $1.40; Lunch collection:' $3.60;' The following donated, Host- ess Money: 50c each: Miss L. Young, Mrs, D. Ewan, Mrs. J. Manning, Mrs. F. Priest, Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. W. Knox, Mrs. J. Melville, Mrs. B. Brunsdon, Mrs. R. Townsend, Mrs. Fred, Sho- brook, Mrs. A. Webster, Mrs. G. Rad' ford, Mrs. J. Lyon. Cash Donations; Grant from Coun- ty of Huron, $600; Boys of Con. 13: Proceeds from "dance, $15.00. Quilt Donations: 2 quilts from Group No. 4 Burn's W. M. S. 1 quilt. from Mrs. Win. Bell. 4 quilts from Mrs.' Geo. Carter, (Burns Red .Cross quilting group of Con. 8 and 9 HulI- ett.) Two quilts were quilted at meeting one top donated by Mrs. Charlie Vod- den. The other top pieced by Mrs. Wm. Hest from Red Cross patches. Meeting, closed by singing "God Save the King.” Likely He Penned, "Having •Fine, Time." Bernard L. Montgomery of Seaforth' received a piotureposteard from Tun- isia, sent by his 'famous relative and namesake, Gen, Sir Bernard L. Mont- gomery, fighting• leader, of the Brit- ish 8th Army. The card was•. an ack- nowledgment' of birthday greetings from Seaforth. Rommel is pictured on the card running with Montgomery in pursuit in the Flying Fortress he :von from Gen Eisenhower, with the Mareth Line breakthrough. Seaforth's Mr. Mont- gomery said, "The general has many friends and relatives in both Seaforth and London Ont." •v Women's Institute The regular meeting of the W. I. will be held on Thursday, May 20th. Note the change in date on ,account of the District Annual meeting being held on June 1st. Roll call to be ans- wered by the payment of • fees. Sub- ject, selected by Mrs. (Rev.) Andrews, Each convenor please have their an- noel reportsready. Program in charge of Mrs. G. Wheatley and Mrs. C. E. Elliott, Hostesses for the day are Mrs. Epp -s, Mrs. Cardwell, Mrs, G. B. Hanley, Mrs. R: Carter and Mrs. Sa- ville. V Co -Operation of Everyone To help Wartime Gardners The people of Clinton are to be highly commended 'for " the efforts. thus far given to the Victory Garden scheme. We know the weather has kept most every6ne indoors nearly very evening. Yet the few fine even- ings that have appeared has seen great changes in garden plots. The boys who are in the fighting line will be proud of your effort too when they hear that Mrs. Jones has had that vacant'lot plowed up and planted in a Victory Garden. Because they realize more and more that if each family becomes more self sus- taining in the vegetables they can grow, that there will be that much more for the canning factories and dehydration plants to process. This as you know as well as they, means they will have more of these vege- tables to strengthen their attack on the Nazis hordes. While the citizens of Clinton have their monthly meeting at the horiie of CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS. For . Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FL,ORIST Pbonea: 66w and 66J Good MarketFor Eggs and, Poultry • Never in the:history of Canada was there such a need for increased. pro duction in foodstuffs. We are in a po- sition to cull your poultry flocks when you notich too many non -producing boarders. Our electric egg' machine will give you . quick service •and satisfaction. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Service Try us for Fish of All Kinds Fresh Lake Herrings Salmon and Fillets Farmer's Style Sausage Frozen Corn We have Casings for Sale • Also. Buy Hides Frozen Foods are Better Foods BIRTHS WALLIS — In Clinton Community Hospital on Friday, May 7th, to Mr. 0 and Mrs, Charles Wallis, Goderich township, a daughter. ROGERS—"A guest, Carol Ann ar- rived .to stay at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. 3. Rogers of Holmes- vi1le on May 6th. SHADDICK— In Clinton Community hospital on Friday May 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaddiek of Lend esboro, a son. (William -Charles) CRAWFO.RD=In Clinton Community Hospital on Satui'ady, May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford of nth Con. Hullett, fl, son, NELSON — In Clinton Community Hospital on Friday, May 7:11, to Corporal and Mrs. J. J. Nelson, of Clinton, a eon, (Christopher John). FREEMAN— In Clhrton Community Hospital on Saturday, May 8th, to Mr and Mrs, Lewis Freeman of Clinton, a son, (Joseph Gary). HOSKING—• In Clinton Community Hospital on - Monday, May 10th, to Sergeant and Mrs. W. J. C. Ha- lting; of harrow, Middlesex, E'ng- lanl a son, 1iALLAHAN Ll Clinton Community Hospital on Tuesday, May.11th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hallahan of Blyth, twins, a son and. daughter (William Joseph and Lenore Ann). DEATHS FICKARD---In Goderich Township on May 7th, Frederick Charles Pick- ard, in his 66th year. H'ALLAIIAN In Clinton on Tuesday May 11th, William Joseph, infant` son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Halla - ban of Blyth. HURON ROAD. z The Happy War Workers Club held put forth every effort in the gardens Mrs. Win. Glazier on May 6th. with an attendance of •eleven members and two visitors. The meeting opened with the club creed in unisop followed by the president reading a Bible story tentionally, but thoughtlessly . you and the repeating of the Lord's prayer, have maybe already spoiled enough, The ,minutes, of the last' meeting were of Mrs. Smith's garden to feed her read and adopted. Mrs. George Glazier family two days in vegetables, read a/ poem, "Nobody Knows But You or your children may have a Mother" The following were turned kind good natured pet dog, that loves in; 2 pair bloomers; 1 quilt, .1 crib. to romp with the children, so kind and quilt; 1 crib quilt' top; 3 dresses and. gentle, .would not harm anyone. But he doesn't.lilte cats, or squirrels. One crosses his path he follows it in no uncertain manner at full speed, ordin- this year, some people are thought- lessly becoming saboteurs. Yes, pos- sibly, you are one. Ohl sure we know you wouldn't be a 'saboteur in - 1 pair socks Collection amounted to $1.45. The next meeting will be at the home •of Mrs, Fred Pepper on June 3rd: Mrs, Pepper's group to serve 1 milk hedoesn t like soft ground to run lunch, The remainder of the afternoon on but he thinks of nothing but the 'was spent in quilting, Luneh Eras ser - animal he is in pursuit of, But Oh!, ved and the singing of, the National the victory garden he has crossed t Anthem closed the meeting. Think of this, those of us who own( g dogs ,can avoid this by tying the pet 1 V— in our own back yard, thereby saving ter .1from thoughtless destruction, They • PAGE::5 ROXY THEATRE CI<+/1N']O N Now Playing—'THF, BIG STREET' with Henry Fonda aiid Lucille Balli MON. TUES., & WED. Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth, AdJ olphe'Menjou and Leslie Brooks, Fred dances his way into South America and into 'the beast of ii;"s loveliest lady, in the year's bright- est musical comedy, 'YOU WERE NEVER LOVELIER' THURS., FRI. & SAT. "AIR FORCE"' A powerful drama, of air action 'in the South, Pacific, the saga of the . Flying Fortress, "Mary Ann," John Garfield, Gig Young, Harry.Carey- and George Tobias. Coming --George Brent hs "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE FOREVER" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now playing -Henry Fonda, Lu- cille Ball in "BIG STREET" MON., TUES.& WED. —.Two Features-- George eatures= George Grant, Brenda Marshall and Gene Lockhart. Spiced with fun comes ae'new romantic yarn.. 'YOU CAN'T ESCAPE FOREVER' J Richard Greene and Betty Stock - field zoom to cloudlamd for an ex- citing adventure "PLYING FORTRESS" 'THURS., FRE & SAT, Pat O'Brien, Glen Ford and EV- elyn Keyes. Drama: blazing from 'war-torn skyways and ,love -,torn hearts. . "FLIGHT LIEUTENANT" Coming "FOREVER AND A DAY" Matinees -Sat. and Holidays at 3. All Star Cast." REGENT THEATRE BEAIrowrn Now' Playing- Humphrey Bogart in "ACROSS THE PA/CIFIC"' MON,. TUES & WED. Ann Miller, Betty Rhodes and Jerry Colonna tell a swift movingmus tally-lrealed story of the ircraft production line. 'PRIORITIES ON PARADE" THURS., PRI. & SAT. Henry Fonda and.Lucille Ball pre- 't• sent Damon ,Runyon's first love - story, •about a gal with her mind on a million, • "BIG STREET" Coming - "STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM" All Star, NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS, IN CLINTON Numerous complaints came to. my attention in 1942 of dogs running at large and became a source of nuis- ance, molesting flower beds, romping. through gardens, and etc. At this time, when gardens are be- ing planted and flower beds ,are be - mg prepared, I make an, appeal to all dog owners to see that their dog does not molest or destroy the property, of others. If this is not done, 1 fear the Council will be obliged to take action las some other towns have done stopp- ring all dogs running at large through certain periods of the year. A. J. MOMURRAY 44-1 i Mayor. COURT OF REVISIONTwp: of Stanley Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Rolls for 1943 will be held at the Township Hall on Monday, June 7th at ten o'clock in the forenoon to hear appeals on •said rolls, Also take notice that all appeals ,rust be in wirting and in the hands of the clerk on or before May 22nd 1943', Chas. C. Pilgrim, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED' For the decoration of the upstairs of the Clinton Public School. Tenders to be in the hands of the seeretary- treasurer by Tuesday, May 25th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 44-2 JOHN HARTLE', Secrtary„Treasurer, Clinton, Ontario. CARD ,OF THANKS Mrs. Fred Pickard and family wish t,o thank their neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses during the illness of their husband and father and ' for the sympathy: during their recent bereavement.: Wish to thank Rev. Mr. Rogers, the Lobb quartet and those who so kindly loaned their cars, Wesley -Willis Girls' Club The May meeting. of the Girls Club was held at the home of Mrs. C. M. Shearing on Tuesday,' May 11th, Mss. Miller presided. The interesting devo- tional talk was given by Mrs. Pais- ley. Mrs. Miller gave the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Shearing led. in pray er.- Mrs. Oakes gave the topic, "How to Live Our 24 (tours .a day” containing many interesting and valuable facts as the story of successful people is that they love their work, We should look on our life work as a 'service, and live unselfish, useful, happy lives. The sun is risen on a new day. What can I wish far? Nothing to make tho. world poorer or leas happy; just a few things, which in their coining do ,not stop with us but pass and gather Strength; a few friends who under- stand and yet remain -Friends; a work of real value to do; a few moments. of quiet, ,silent meditation; a .sense of the. presence of God and when the setting sunt sinks for us ever the horizon we shall be able to say—we rave lived. In closing her.address Mrs. Oakes .sang "I Shall Not Pass Again This Way." • Miss Mary Lane song,"I love the name of Mother." accompanied by Mrs - M. J. Agnew. Mrs. Shearing's group served lunch, after which a pleasant social hall hour was spent. yn someone's garden, possibly our 1;; -uIas Record `like to bury their bones in garden 1 of Auction Sales, plots. In• so doing possibly they dig upMr. Harold Jackson local auction,. and destroy enough vegetables to fill' eer, has had a record number of au - an ordinary No. 2 tin, Any destruction ! ction sales the past month. He has is a help to the enemy when things 'held sales every day from April 5th are so badly needed. to May 5th with the exception of only I It is only a suggestion but we think if any fairnunklecl citizen weighs this over in their mind, they will be seen after they are through with their days work, exercising their Pets on •a leash p or candor control • so they do not harm precious Victory] Gardens," V Cash .and Carry blocld of dwellings. Victory Boncjs' , snake them possible, ) If woiiti wet our cash in' t Vee cry A $100 Victory Bond will drive 300 Bonds our airsiien will carry snore "jeeps" with•300 guns and 900 fight- ing men 20 miles closed to the enemy! two days. Livestock has been selling, exceptionallywell, good implements sold as high as 30 r/o more titan new prices in ordinary, times. _V The Canadian -made• Catalina coast- al patrol bomber has nine miles of wiring and generators enough elec- tricity to meet the needs of a small Ontario -Street W.A. The regular meeting of Women's Association of Ontario St. Church \vas held on Thursday, May 6th. The president, Mrs, W.S.R. Holmesin the chairr M s Kennedy was. ymchargeof devotions and Mrs. B. 3. Gibbings at the piano. The monthlyreports were given and approved. The , eon - responding secretary Mrs." Kennedy read' several letters of appreciation for flowers. ' ' Mrs, Gibbings asked if anyone had la radio or a comfortable chair as it was needed at the R.A.F; Station hos- pital,; Miss Wiltse favored with two solos accompanied by herself at the piano. The meeting was closed with 'the Mipali benediction. The executive served lunch, THE Voice of the GUNS IS YOUR VOICE BONDS 'TALK: They talk the only language Hitler understands, the lan- guage of overwhelming force, the lan- guage of the big attack. Back this attack with all you've got. Let Bonds do your talking; out of the mouths of guns and bomb bays. What if you do give up a few luxuries or even cut down on necessities? Victory itself is at stake. Pull your weight. Lend to the limit. Buy Bonds. Buy the IV VICTORY LOAN ... and back the attack. Space Donated by:, BARTLIFF'S PHONE i. WE DELIVER TENDERS WANTED` For two large cars of Champion lump coal for the schools. Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary treas- urer by Tuesday, May 25th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily •accepted. JOHN HARTLE.Y, Secrtary Treasurer. 44-2 Clinton, Ontario, Property for Sale To close the Estate of the late S. S. Cooper. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on TUESDAY, JUNE lst the stores, houses and other proper- ties of the late S. S. Cooper. 44-1 Garbage Collection As I will discontinue the collection of garbage at the end of May. I must have all collections settled for by that time. Arthur Fulford For Sale $1500 buys a five -roomed frame cot- tage in Clinton. Three-piece bath, fur- nace, garage. Now rented at $15 a month •to a good tenant, John Granger, '75 Stanley Street, London. 44-1 For Sale Spring fitted coat, black, size 38. In good condition and. will sell cheap. Apply at the News Record office. For Sale File -roomed house, furnished, in Bayfield. Apply to Mrs. Lyda McNeil High Street, Clinton.' 43-t1 • For Rent Summer cottage, Bayfield, for rent; for particulars write to Mrs. Minnie Ross, Bayfield. 49 Foand Young Irish Setter, has strayed in- to Clinton. Owner may . have same by proving property and, paying ex- penses. Apply at the News ,Record of- fice. 44-1 For Sale 3934 Ford Coupe, motor recondi- tioned, good paint, fair tires. Apply at Reg. Bali's Service Station. 44-2 COURT OF REVISION GODER ICH TOWNSHIP A Court of Revision to hear and de- termine complaints against the Ass- essment Roll of the Township of God- erich for the year •1943 will be held in Holmesville on May 26 beginning at 10 a.m. Parties assessed for dogs that have since been destroyed must return the tag or be charged in taxes. Com- plaints should be in writing ;and de- livered to the undersigned not later than Monday, May 24th. R. G. TFIOMPSON, Clerk, 44-2 • R. R. 2 Clinton RADIO SERVICE Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed., Tubes Tasted Free A. W. Groves, Princess St.. - Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W • MONUMENTS it will pay you to see our' stock of Cemetery Monuments, Finest in On- '• tario. Some old Country Granite, still procurable. Prices reasonable—, All work guaranteed. Inscription work promptly executed, footstone in every color supplied. Fred Porterfield, Prop... P. O. box 16, Mitchell, Ont. Phone 99. • 38-5 Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 - Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain sacks and twine from Local Agricultural Office or direct from Canadian Co -Operative Wool Growers . Limited 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Representative Miss Winifred O'Neil Clinton, Phone '75j. For complete lines of Fuller Brushes and Service . for same. 30-4 Wanted to Purchase Pullets, all "breeds find ages four weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices paid. Write for full details. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus On- tario. 41-4 For Sale The Ferguson ]some in Auburn, Ont. Solid brick house with hot water hea- ting, hardwood floors 2-5, acre land. Apply to G. M. Ferguson. 41-tf Wanted I have room to. pasture 25 to 30 more head of cattle for season„ Good grass, plenty water and cool shade to run in. Terms reasonable. O. R. Forst- er, R.R. No. 2 Clinton. Lots. 19, 20, 21,•Maitland Con. Colborne, Al. 169 Carlow, 42-3 Wanted Woman or girl for general house- work. Apply to Mrs. J. M. Johnston, R. R 1 Goderich, on No. 8 highway. 43-2 For Sale Wilton rug, 9 x 1014, brown back- ground. Cheap. Apply at News -Re- cord. 43.8 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 08' Joseph I;. Wheatley, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims; against the estate of the above deceased are required . to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- trix, Elizabeth Knox, qn or before the 13th day of May, A. D., 1943, after which date thessets will a 1 be dfstri- buted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to : the.: , •.. Olefins of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 26th day of April A: D., 1943. F. Fingland, K.C., Solicitor for the Executrix. 42-3 AUCTION SALE Of House, Lot. and Household, Furnishings. The undersigned' has received in- structions to sell by Public Auction at the residence of the late Joseph Wheatley, Ontario Street, Clinton, on Saturday, May 15th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock pan. the following: , Household Effects: Threw bedroom uites; dining room suite; phonograph, parlour suite; upright piano; four rocking chairs, sideboard; kitchen table and chairs; Raymond sewing machine; hand washing machine; ex- tra kitchen table; two small tables; tapestry rug, three linoleum rugs; two oilcloths, range, Couch; dishes, pictures and numerous other articles. TERMS— CASH • • House and -Lot snbjedt to reserve bid, Elizabeth, Knox, Executrix, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 42.3