HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-05-06, Page 8PAGE 8 There Is no _ merchan,- dise of out's we can <ad- vertise'that is as impor- tant as the Loan for 'Vic- ,tory. ' Its success made possible only by your buying of Bonds will be a blow that our enemies will surely feel. Men give their lives, you are invited tolend your money to Canada or rather invest it at 3 per cent in a sure thing. But only a sure thing if Can- ada is saved. If your word is . your Bond now is the time to do some talking. That we may have some- thing to live for in the future can we not live for less now? YOUR DOLLARS have a job to do RELEASE THEM. Space Donated by:. Tile W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. Janes' Cook has 'returned ' to townafter spending the winter in Toronto. • Mr. Robert .Roberton of Palmerston renewed old acquarntanees in town this week. . • Miss Nellie Rapson of Toronto is visitingher sister Miss.,Eva' Rap- soil, of town Iiss Shirley'Kruegeiof tendon was the week end guest of Miss'D.or- othy Corless. rs. Cousins of Flint, Mich., visited' her, sister, Miss..Sadie Watl;ins•.of town this week. Kiss Marion •Thompson of Hamilton was the week end' guest of Mrs. F. G. Thompson and family. Vlas. C. McKinnon has returned home after spending the winter months with her daughter in Napanee. Ceith Jenks has returned home after a visit with •hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Quaife of Toronto. ir. and Mrs. Allan L. Maxwell have returned to their home in Bayfield after spending the winter in Clin- ton. Riss Gladys Radford, Reg. N., of London spent the week end in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Radford. r. B, W. Kearns of town, and Miss Lois Kearns of Sky Harbor spent the week end in Kit'taidine with the former's parents. TM ir. George McCartney of Woodstock. visitor his brother, Mr. A. D. Mc- Cartney and Mrs. McCartney, on Monday last. igmn, Fred Hellyar of the R.C.S.C., Toronto accompanied by Miss' Har- ris, also of 'Toronto spent the week enol with his father, Mr. W. II. Hell- yar iss Ellen Freml]n of Hensel] was in town on Tuesday attending the wedding of her brother, Gnr. Har: old Fremlin to Miss Edna Ashton of Clinton. vIr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson and Pilot Officer Fraser Thompson, and Mrs. E. Barnes of' Guelph spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manning, ir. and Mrs, Randel Pepper of War - ran left for their home, on Satur- day after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ste- phenson of town and other relatives near Clinton. Miss Mary Corley, Reg. N., of Tor- nto visited over the -week end with 4r .and Mrs. A. Proctor and family. Miss M. Gilchrist and . Mr.: G. Gil- 1Lrist .have retenned home after pending the winter in Saginaw, Mich, TON NEWS -RECORD' BRIDAL 'PAGEANT Sponsored by Wesley , Willis Y.P.U. To be Held in the. CHURCH d`'LTD>,TORIUM Gn WEDNESDAY, MAY' 26tli Weddinggowns from 1885 to 1943 will be , •modelled. Special musk will be featured •• . ADMISSION: 25c Children 15c. 43-3 AMONG, TIIE-CHURCHES. Presbyterian Church 10 a.m, Sunday, Sohool. 11 a.m. The members of "C" Com- pany of the Middlesex and Huron Re- serve Regiment will be present and worship with the congregation. All are cordially invited. Wesley Willis United Church The Girls Ciut will meet on Tues- day evening, May 11 at the home of Mrs. C .M. Shearing, Albert Street. Mrs. Oakes will, give the topic and Mrs. Shearing's: group, will be in charge of the Meeting. The W. M S. -Will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Fiiigland • on .Thursday, May 13th, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Addison's group will have charge 'under the leadership. of Mrs; 'Britton. The C.G.LT. will hold a "New Can- adian"tea on Saturday, May 8 from 0 to 5 p.in. Proceeds for home mis- sions. Work display, wel- come. Sunday, May .9—Mother's Day Let us gather for worship by fam- ilies to honour Mother and Mother's God. Fitting music and messages are being prepared for the day. At morn- ing worship the. Sacrament of Bap- tism will be dispensed. Remember the "New' Canadian" Tea in the church hall on Saturday, afternoon. May 8, from 3 to 5 o'clock. Sponsored by the Canadian Girls in Training, St. Paul's Church , Thursday 7.30 p.m.: Prayer service. Friday, 8.00. pan, Choir Practice. 2nd Sunday ,After Easter 10.00 a.m. Sunday School. 11.00' a.m. Mattins Sermon by LAC John Garrett. This will probably - be our last opportunity to hear this young' man, .. 7.00" p.m, Evensong Sermon: The life of Hudson Taylor, Founder of the China • Inlaid Mission." Monday 8.00 p.m. A.Y.P.A. Tuesday, 3.00 p;;m. W .A. in Owen Memorial'Hall.; Sunday, May 16.-11 a.m: Special speaker, Rev:' Harry 'O'Neil, principal Of Huron College, and a former rec- tor. 'lrhe'Friendshrn`iC1ub''will meet at the home of ; frsiflt. ScheIlenberger, Rattenbury' street,,, on Wednesday, May 12th; at 8 .o'clock. Ontario. StreeteUnited Church Motheii's Sunday 10.00 a.m. Minister's Class 10.40 a.m Sunday School in Shoal Hal' 11,l00 a,iil Congregation and Suir- day School in Auditorium. Mother's' Choir. Baptism of'Infants. 2.00 p.m. Turner's Church. Moth- er's Day Program "Baptism of In- fants. 7.00 p.m. Topic: "Religion in the Day School." why should not the Bible bear the curriculum or Course in Religion on Biblical lines—both in Public and Secondary Schools. Monday: 8 p.m: Y. P. Union, in home of Miss Florence Aiken. Baptist Church Special Mother's Day Services for this coming Sunday, May 9th. Mother's are Specially invited to attend the Sunday -School with the children. The Sunday School begins at eleven o'clock in the morning. A specially prepared Mother's Day pro- gram will be used contain a help- ful story, hymns, reading } pray- ers, all treating the then 'b5' Happy htomes," The Pastor will ,address the open school with an illustrated lan- tern message . Let us have a record attendance at this years Mo- ther's Day Sunday School session. The evening "Mother's Day" wor- ship service begins promptly at seven o'clock with a bright Gospel Song Service. The choir will render an ap- propriate selection. 'and the Minister's sermon theme •wixI be — "What Have They Seen m.Thy House?" Another good program for the Fel- lowship Hour,';' whi'cli follows the worship service is being- arranged under the leadership of Harold Leh- man. You are invited to attend one or both of these helpful services. V St. Paul's Ladies Guild The Chancel Guild held their regu- lar meeting last Thursday evening. The meeting was; opened by prayer. After 'a brief period of discussion concerning items of business, The pre- sident, Mrs. D .H. McInnes, introduc- ed Mrs, Cocker, who gave a talk on "Present Day England," Mrs. Clocker gave a graphic ,description of Eng- land udder rationing, of air -raids and activities of people in a war -time country. The talk was intensely inter- esting and those who heard it have a new conception of the amount of sac- rifices necessary to help win the war, The TANKS are, Coming! Help send Hitler and his hench- men scurrying • oh- coyer. Back the attack with Bonds; to smash ahead with an overwhelming, weight of tanks, guns, ships, planes. Suppose you do have to sacrifice? Think 'of the risks our fighters are taking. They're fighting for you with their lives. You fight for them with ,your. money. Bay Bonds. Buy the IV VICTORY LOAN ... and back the attack F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR May6,7,8. AYLMER CHOICE PEAS Large 20 oz. tin 21c MAXWELL' HOUSE CO,FFRE 1 lb bag 43c KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN' Large pkg. 19c P. & G. SOAP 4 bars 19c ROYAL YORK CHEESE. 1-2 lb pkg. 21c 1 Ib I -8c, ARCTIC PASTRY FLOUR zes 1 C OVALTINE Large Tin 98c JAVEX Bottle 15c SA NI -FLUSH Tin 29c RED RlVlali; CEREAL Pkg.' OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Tin SUPER SUDS Large Pkg• , , • , , ,, ,, 22c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Bars • 19c ODEX SOAP 3 Bars 19c PURE BLACK PEPPER 1-2 Ib 15c GRAPEFRUIT Size 112s, 4 for 25c LEMONS Size 360s, 3 for ...,10c NEW CARROTS. $ Bunches 19c. HLLLCREST LARD 25c loo T. RTHflMPSGN HULLETT TOWNSHIP A large number of neighbors gath- ered at the Clinton Town Hall to honor Mervin Nott of Hullett, who has joined the Royal Canadian Air Force. Melvin Crich, who was floor manager, called the guest of honor to the plat- form, when Donald Switzer read an appropriate address and Stanley' Col- lins present him with a wrist watch and a purse of money, Mervin made a suitable reply. The rest of the even- ing was spent in dancing to Addie Irwin's orchestra. Mr. Nott left later for Manning Depot, Toronto, V SUMMERHILL The April meeting of the Red Cross Society was held at thehome of Mrs. G. Cornish. The meeting opened by singing, "Abide with Me" followed by the Red Cross prayer and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved. The roll call was answered by 20 members and six visitors. The ladies decided by ballot vote to send the boys in the service cigarettes. It was thought advisable to send part of the cigarettes this month and part next month. It was moved by iVirs. E. Blake that the society keep the raffle money which was made at the party. The, knitting report was given by Mrs. Smith, 24 pair socks; 2 pr. season's boots; 2 scarves; 2 pr mitts; 2 infant's sweaters; 2 infant's bon- nets, 1 pr seekers; 7 pair booties and 7 sweaters. Mrs. Fred Vodden donat- esi a box of Lux to be raffled, this was won by Evelyn Merrill and brought 80 cents. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Next meeting at the hone of Mrs. B. Ellis on May 12. Ladies to serve are Mrs. E. Snell, Mrs. W. Merrill, Mrs. W. Hoggart and: Mrs, O. Jervis. T IURS., MAY; 6, 1943 VALUES FOR. MAY 6th, 7th and 8th RGDD& WHITE PASTRY FLOUR 24's bag 83c ICED & WHITE COFFEE, lb bag',,,,,, 470 RED &'WHITE PIE RDD & WHITE PUMPKIN, 2' tins ' I9c SALT, 2 for • ,15c' FLOOR WAX Falcon lb. ,tin 25e'' CAKE 5c P. & G. Soap, 4 for 23c GLEN GR,OVE Cheese,... pkg. 20c HEINZ NEW TOM. Soup, tin 1Oc" AYLMER BEET Greens, 2 tins 25e LYNN V IUEY LIMA' Beans, 2 this 27c R. & W. CHOICE Tomatoes, till 14c LIBBY'S CHOIF CE Peas, 2 tins ...... 25c ECONOMY PKG. 19c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA SWEET Oranges, doz 430 OrFLORIDA g s,lUICY doz. 45c NE7CALIFORNIA NEW TEXAS Carrots, 2 bunches ...19c Beets, 2 bunches 27c CALIFORNIA FLORIDA SEEDLESS Lemons, 3 for 10e Grapefruit 4 for 25c •- PINEAPPLES — LETTUCE RADISHES' — TOMATOES —. — 'ASPARAGUS -- CELERY — CUCUMBERS — TURNIPS — C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON . Back The ATTACK Put your money on the winner, for this may well be the year of the second front, the all-out drive that will set the Hounds of Hitler back on their heels. Back it up with every dollar you can scrape together; go without non -essentials. The sacrifice is nothing compared With the alternative. Give your boys the weapons they need and let them !smash the enemy. Lend your money for victory .... Remember it's Freedom versus Slavery. Put your money on Freedom to win. Space Donated By: BALL & ZA P FE DEALERS, IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ` ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 Clear the Sides For Victor BONDS build planes: BONDS train pilots: 160NDS load the guns, shoot the enemy from the skies'; the first step in the big attack. The more bonds you buy the bigger the_ mar.gin', our boys will have. Back them for all you're worth. Dao without to give them plenty. They're risking their lives. You're leading your money. Lend it now, Back the Attack with War, Bonds. Buy the IV VICTORY LOAN AND BACK THE ATTACK Space Donated By: Loi;' BONDS Sink ii!B4OATS T Clearing the sea lanes is the first step in the coming attack, Back the the Attack with Bonds. Think of their as bombs that drop on, Berlin, as depth charges that break the backs of lurking U -Boats. The days sof defence are over. Now we must seek the enemy and destroy him. How quickly and completely depends on you. Buy Victory Bonds" to the limit. Do without now to, have plenty in the future with free, done to enjoy it. Space Donated By:. T. EARDWARE Q, PLUMBING "9 Phone 244 and .. t 1 They say it with bullets -you say it with Bonds But you must say it first, for without the,Bonds there'd be no bullets or bombs or.. tanks or ships or planes. That's where the money you're asked to lend goee — to build and buy thei weapons of attack for this crucial year of the drive to Victory. Back our boys; Back the Attack. Lend your money: do without now, and have in the future. Space Donated By: B EA.TTI E'S ' PHONE 184W BACKTHE T !;illi >ti'' ! 1f i i► �iei, VICT0R SUTTER HARDWARE. PRONE I47w. ,4 " 1 ' ; \', + ,' ®� P LOAN PLUMBING ' WHERE �:WIL'L'YOU STAND IN THE .. ; Victory Celebration? Will you skulk on the sidelines or be one of the .carefree, cheering crowd, welcoming the boys with a clear conscience knowing welt You've nod a stake in victory? Where you'll stand depends on what you de NOW, on how you respond 'to their call to. Back the Attack! Back them with your dollars. Lend for Victory.' Every cent you save now, every needless purchase you pass up in favor of War Bonds, puts just that much more steam behind the knock -out punch our boys deliver. Lend today for Vic- tory Tomorrow! Space Donated by: & PERDUE & ELECTRICIANS CL!NTON, ONT. Freedom of Speech What are You Doiug.for it? Some can fight for it. Some can work for it. All can pay for it. And it's something that's worth fighting, working and paying for. So forget the pleasures of the moment; though of a Gestapo -muzzled ' future makes them look pretty insignificant Pitt your meney into Vic- toYy Bonds instead. Back the Attack. Let your ilo tars buy ships, planes guns and tanks this crucial year of the Victory Drive. That's how you Can htstre a future of plenty and Freedont' of Speech, .' 1 Buy the 'IV Victory. Loan." .. land `Back the Attack. Space Donated By: Plumsteel Bros. ] Arnow *Ws — Adam Hats - Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Agents Tip Top Tailors. "er Too People'of in a TORY 040,000. amount of the How The' Most is Daved HOW SOON ON YOU Back This ad is sponsored NEVER DO WE WANT Little -- Huron County patriotic way to LOAN but the This leaves to be raised Campaign. Do You You Least You OUR BOYS — MAKE YOUR DOLLARS- The by the Huron AGAIN TO HEAR r Too Late" are responding r the FOURTH VIC- objective is $3,- a tremendous 1 in the last week Stand? Can Buy You, Can Do our . Best? COME BACK DEPENDS, , DOLLARS FIGHTING Attack County War Finance Committee There Is no _ merchan,- dise of out's we can <ad- vertise'that is as impor- tant as the Loan for 'Vic- ,tory. ' Its success made possible only by your buying of Bonds will be a blow that our enemies will surely feel. Men give their lives, you are invited tolend your money to Canada or rather invest it at 3 per cent in a sure thing. But only a sure thing if Can- ada is saved. If your word is . your Bond now is the time to do some talking. That we may have some- thing to live for in the future can we not live for less now? YOUR DOLLARS have a job to do RELEASE THEM. Space Donated by:. Tile W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. Janes' Cook has 'returned ' to townafter spending the winter in Toronto. • Mr. Robert .Roberton of Palmerston renewed old acquarntanees in town this week. . • Miss Nellie Rapson of Toronto is visitingher sister Miss.,Eva' Rap- soil, of town Iiss Shirley'Kruegeiof tendon was the week end guest of Miss'D.or- othy Corless. rs. Cousins of Flint, Mich., visited' her, sister, Miss..Sadie Watl;ins•.of town this week. Kiss Marion •Thompson of Hamilton was the week end' guest of Mrs. F. G. Thompson and family. Vlas. C. McKinnon has returned home after spending the winter months with her daughter in Napanee. Ceith Jenks has returned home after a visit with •hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Quaife of Toronto. ir. and Mrs. Allan L. Maxwell have returned to their home in Bayfield after spending the winter in Clin- ton. Riss Gladys Radford, Reg. N., of London spent the week end in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Radford. r. B, W. Kearns of town, and Miss Lois Kearns of Sky Harbor spent the week end in Kit'taidine with the former's parents. TM ir. George McCartney of Woodstock. visitor his brother, Mr. A. D. Mc- Cartney and Mrs. McCartney, on Monday last. igmn, Fred Hellyar of the R.C.S.C., Toronto accompanied by Miss' Har- ris, also of 'Toronto spent the week enol with his father, Mr. W. II. Hell- yar iss Ellen Freml]n of Hensel] was in town on Tuesday attending the wedding of her brother, Gnr. Har: old Fremlin to Miss Edna Ashton of Clinton. vIr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson and Pilot Officer Fraser Thompson, and Mrs. E. Barnes of' Guelph spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manning, ir. and Mrs, Randel Pepper of War - ran left for their home, on Satur- day after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ste- phenson of town and other relatives near Clinton. Miss Mary Corley, Reg. N., of Tor- nto visited over the -week end with 4r .and Mrs. A. Proctor and family. Miss M. Gilchrist and . Mr.: G. Gil- 1Lrist .have retenned home after pending the winter in Saginaw, Mich, TON NEWS -RECORD' BRIDAL 'PAGEANT Sponsored by Wesley , Willis Y.P.U. To be Held in the. CHURCH d`'LTD>,TORIUM Gn WEDNESDAY, MAY' 26tli Weddinggowns from 1885 to 1943 will be , •modelled. Special musk will be featured •• . ADMISSION: 25c Children 15c. 43-3 AMONG, TIIE-CHURCHES. Presbyterian Church 10 a.m, Sunday, Sohool. 11 a.m. The members of "C" Com- pany of the Middlesex and Huron Re- serve Regiment will be present and worship with the congregation. All are cordially invited. Wesley Willis United Church The Girls Ciut will meet on Tues- day evening, May 11 at the home of Mrs. C .M. Shearing, Albert Street. Mrs. Oakes will, give the topic and Mrs. Shearing's: group, will be in charge of the Meeting. The W. M S. -Will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Fiiigland • on .Thursday, May 13th, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Addison's group will have charge 'under the leadership. of Mrs; 'Britton. The C.G.LT. will hold a "New Can- adian"tea on Saturday, May 8 from 0 to 5 p.in. Proceeds for home mis- sions. Work display, wel- come. Sunday, May .9—Mother's Day Let us gather for worship by fam- ilies to honour Mother and Mother's God. Fitting music and messages are being prepared for the day. At morn- ing worship the. Sacrament of Bap- tism will be dispensed. Remember the "New' Canadian" Tea in the church hall on Saturday, afternoon. May 8, from 3 to 5 o'clock. Sponsored by the Canadian Girls in Training, St. Paul's Church , Thursday 7.30 p.m.: Prayer service. Friday, 8.00. pan, Choir Practice. 2nd Sunday ,After Easter 10.00 a.m. Sunday School. 11.00' a.m. Mattins Sermon by LAC John Garrett. This will probably - be our last opportunity to hear this young' man, .. 7.00" p.m, Evensong Sermon: The life of Hudson Taylor, Founder of the China • Inlaid Mission." Monday 8.00 p.m. A.Y.P.A. Tuesday, 3.00 p;;m. W .A. in Owen Memorial'Hall.; Sunday, May 16.-11 a.m: Special speaker, Rev:' Harry 'O'Neil, principal Of Huron College, and a former rec- tor. 'lrhe'Friendshrn`iC1ub''will meet at the home of ; frsiflt. ScheIlenberger, Rattenbury' street,,, on Wednesday, May 12th; at 8 .o'clock. Ontario. StreeteUnited Church Motheii's Sunday 10.00 a.m. Minister's Class 10.40 a.m Sunday School in Shoal Hal' 11,l00 a,iil Congregation and Suir- day School in Auditorium. Mother's' Choir. Baptism of'Infants. 2.00 p.m. Turner's Church. Moth- er's Day Program "Baptism of In- fants. 7.00 p.m. Topic: "Religion in the Day School." why should not the Bible bear the curriculum or Course in Religion on Biblical lines—both in Public and Secondary Schools. Monday: 8 p.m: Y. P. Union, in home of Miss Florence Aiken. Baptist Church Special Mother's Day Services for this coming Sunday, May 9th. Mother's are Specially invited to attend the Sunday -School with the children. The Sunday School begins at eleven o'clock in the morning. A specially prepared Mother's Day pro- gram will be used contain a help- ful story, hymns, reading } pray- ers, all treating the then 'b5' Happy htomes," The Pastor will ,address the open school with an illustrated lan- tern message . Let us have a record attendance at this years Mo- ther's Day Sunday School session. The evening "Mother's Day" wor- ship service begins promptly at seven o'clock with a bright Gospel Song Service. The choir will render an ap- propriate selection. 'and the Minister's sermon theme •wixI be — "What Have They Seen m.Thy House?" Another good program for the Fel- lowship Hour,';' whi'cli follows the worship service is being- arranged under the leadership of Harold Leh- man. You are invited to attend one or both of these helpful services. V St. Paul's Ladies Guild The Chancel Guild held their regu- lar meeting last Thursday evening. The meeting was; opened by prayer. After 'a brief period of discussion concerning items of business, The pre- sident, Mrs. D .H. McInnes, introduc- ed Mrs, Cocker, who gave a talk on "Present Day England," Mrs. Clocker gave a graphic ,description of Eng- land udder rationing, of air -raids and activities of people in a war -time country. The talk was intensely inter- esting and those who heard it have a new conception of the amount of sac- rifices necessary to help win the war, The TANKS are, Coming! Help send Hitler and his hench- men scurrying • oh- coyer. Back the attack with Bonds; to smash ahead with an overwhelming, weight of tanks, guns, ships, planes. Suppose you do have to sacrifice? Think 'of the risks our fighters are taking. They're fighting for you with their lives. You fight for them with ,your. money. Bay Bonds. Buy the IV VICTORY LOAN ... and back the attack F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR May6,7,8. AYLMER CHOICE PEAS Large 20 oz. tin 21c MAXWELL' HOUSE CO,FFRE 1 lb bag 43c KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN' Large pkg. 19c P. & G. SOAP 4 bars 19c ROYAL YORK CHEESE. 1-2 lb pkg. 21c 1 Ib I -8c, ARCTIC PASTRY FLOUR zes 1 C OVALTINE Large Tin 98c JAVEX Bottle 15c SA NI -FLUSH Tin 29c RED RlVlali; CEREAL Pkg.' OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Tin SUPER SUDS Large Pkg• , , • , , ,, ,, 22c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Bars • 19c ODEX SOAP 3 Bars 19c PURE BLACK PEPPER 1-2 Ib 15c GRAPEFRUIT Size 112s, 4 for 25c LEMONS Size 360s, 3 for ...,10c NEW CARROTS. $ Bunches 19c. HLLLCREST LARD 25c loo T. RTHflMPSGN HULLETT TOWNSHIP A large number of neighbors gath- ered at the Clinton Town Hall to honor Mervin Nott of Hullett, who has joined the Royal Canadian Air Force. Melvin Crich, who was floor manager, called the guest of honor to the plat- form, when Donald Switzer read an appropriate address and Stanley' Col- lins present him with a wrist watch and a purse of money, Mervin made a suitable reply. The rest of the even- ing was spent in dancing to Addie Irwin's orchestra. Mr. Nott left later for Manning Depot, Toronto, V SUMMERHILL The April meeting of the Red Cross Society was held at thehome of Mrs. G. Cornish. The meeting opened by singing, "Abide with Me" followed by the Red Cross prayer and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved. The roll call was answered by 20 members and six visitors. The ladies decided by ballot vote to send the boys in the service cigarettes. It was thought advisable to send part of the cigarettes this month and part next month. It was moved by iVirs. E. Blake that the society keep the raffle money which was made at the party. The, knitting report was given by Mrs. Smith, 24 pair socks; 2 pr. season's boots; 2 scarves; 2 pr mitts; 2 infant's sweaters; 2 infant's bon- nets, 1 pr seekers; 7 pair booties and 7 sweaters. Mrs. Fred Vodden donat- esi a box of Lux to be raffled, this was won by Evelyn Merrill and brought 80 cents. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Next meeting at the hone of Mrs. B. Ellis on May 12. Ladies to serve are Mrs. E. Snell, Mrs. W. Merrill, Mrs. W. Hoggart and: Mrs, O. Jervis. T IURS., MAY; 6, 1943 VALUES FOR. MAY 6th, 7th and 8th RGDD& WHITE PASTRY FLOUR 24's bag 83c ICED & WHITE COFFEE, lb bag',,,,,, 470 RED &'WHITE PIE RDD & WHITE PUMPKIN, 2' tins ' I9c SALT, 2 for • ,15c' FLOOR WAX Falcon lb. ,tin 25e'' CAKE 5c P. & G. Soap, 4 for 23c GLEN GR,OVE Cheese,... pkg. 20c HEINZ NEW TOM. Soup, tin 1Oc" AYLMER BEET Greens, 2 tins 25e LYNN V IUEY LIMA' Beans, 2 this 27c R. & W. CHOICE Tomatoes, till 14c LIBBY'S CHOIF CE Peas, 2 tins ...... 25c ECONOMY PKG. 19c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA SWEET Oranges, doz 430 OrFLORIDA g s,lUICY doz. 45c NE7CALIFORNIA NEW TEXAS Carrots, 2 bunches ...19c Beets, 2 bunches 27c CALIFORNIA FLORIDA SEEDLESS Lemons, 3 for 10e Grapefruit 4 for 25c •- PINEAPPLES — LETTUCE RADISHES' — TOMATOES —. — 'ASPARAGUS -- CELERY — CUCUMBERS — TURNIPS — C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON . Back The ATTACK Put your money on the winner, for this may well be the year of the second front, the all-out drive that will set the Hounds of Hitler back on their heels. Back it up with every dollar you can scrape together; go without non -essentials. The sacrifice is nothing compared With the alternative. Give your boys the weapons they need and let them !smash the enemy. Lend your money for victory .... Remember it's Freedom versus Slavery. Put your money on Freedom to win. Space Donated By: BALL & ZA P FE DEALERS, IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ` ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 Clear the Sides For Victor BONDS build planes: BONDS train pilots: 160NDS load the guns, shoot the enemy from the skies'; the first step in the big attack. The more bonds you buy the bigger the_ mar.gin', our boys will have. Back them for all you're worth. Dao without to give them plenty. They're risking their lives. You're leading your money. Lend it now, Back the Attack with War, Bonds. Buy the IV VICTORY LOAN AND BACK THE ATTACK Space Donated By: Loi;' BONDS Sink ii!B4OATS T Clearing the sea lanes is the first step in the coming attack, Back the the Attack with Bonds. Think of their as bombs that drop on, Berlin, as depth charges that break the backs of lurking U -Boats. The days sof defence are over. Now we must seek the enemy and destroy him. How quickly and completely depends on you. Buy Victory Bonds" to the limit. Do without now to, have plenty in the future with free, done to enjoy it. Space Donated By:. T. EARDWARE Q, PLUMBING "9 Phone 244 and .. t 1