HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-05-06, Page 53T' 3UR'S: MAY, 6, 1943
tj:. irf#
'THIS 15 YOUR SWORD ....ft
Use it to write your•ehellue for your new Victory Bonds.
Use it to sign a pledge 'to buy Bonds out of future
Use it that Canada's fighting sons may have the tools of
war they will need?thisyear—above all years.
Your pen is your ,sword. Use it. There's still a tough
fight ahead! -
'BUY �j'/J� .�%+ �r �� ��
THE �' 1 '6/ +<7 Gi1ZGi•Qi.
Miss Amelia McIllwain .is visiting
']per cousin' ire. Robertson St. Thom -
Ist. A recitation was given by Edna
Bailie of S.S. No 2 Hullett Two chor-
uses were given by U.S.S. No. 5
(Auburn School) recitation by Jean
Gibbins, of S.S. No, 5 Hullett a two
part songby June Lear and Janet
Pollard. A song "Let's Get Together"
by the pupils of S.S. No, 6 Rev, Dr.
Thompson of Knox Presbyterian
Church gave a short talk. The guest
speaker of the evening. ,Rev. Mr.
Burton of 'Clinton ;spoke ro l the
Victory Loan and urged all his hear-
ers to buy Bonds to help win the war.
Mr. Donald Harris teacher of the
continuation explained the contest.
The questions were asked by Mr. Rose
The Judges Miss Helen McGregar•,
Miss Gladys McMann, and Mrs. Hugh
Bennett all teachers gave their deci-
sion as follows, Group A. Erma Watt,
of S.S. N. 6 Group B. Edna Bernie,
S.S. No. 2. Group C. Vera Lyon, S.S.
No. 8, These pupils will compete 'at
the finals in Clinton on Wednesday
evening May t,vote ofthanks'
was extended Mr. Harris for arrang-
ingthe contest. The meeting closed
by singingthe National Anthem.
u, t.
port. He then asked the floor man.
ager, Melvin Crich of Clinton' to` take
charge. The music for the dance was
played by Jackson's Orchestra, Wing
ham, and commenced with the Grand
March, of all.those in costunie. The.
judges:: Misses A. Drouin and A. Fer-
nette of Detroit and Mr. J. Stewart of
Hamilton awarded the prizes as' fol
lows: , Ladies Fancy, 1st Mrs. 'Ed.
Sturgeon (Parson); 2nd Mrs. T. Bai.
ley (Victory Loan); Ladies conic ist,
Mrs. D. E. Prentice, (old maid) 2nd
Mrs. N. W. Woods (School Girl);
Gents Fancy lst, Mrs, E. "P. Lewis,
(Cowboy) 2nd Dorothy Ann McLeod
and Jacqueline Parker (Torpedo'Sur-
vivors); Gent Comic, ist Mrs. R. H.
F. Gairdner, (Travelling Photograph'
er) 2nd. Miss Leona Webster, Varna
(Farmer) Children 1st Miss Donna`
Sturgeon and Master Glenn Sturgeon,
(Red Cross Nurse with bandaged pat-
ient in ambulance) 2nd Monica -Gra-
ham (Crippled Child), 1st Melvena
Sturgeon (Agriculturalist) 2nd Ken-
neth Pollock (Farmer's Son). The
prizes were war saving stamps and
the net proceeds of the evening aro
to be donated to the Red Cross. Re-
freshments were served by the com-
mittee, assisted by members.
Mrs. J, Graham attended the an-
nual meeting. of the Women's Auxil-
ary of the Church of England of Hur-
on Diocese which was held in London
this week.
' Miss Donna Baker and Buddy Burt
returned to London on Sunday after
having spent the Easter vacation with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Baker.
Mr. Jas. A. Cameron of Toronto
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and :68J
Good' Market For
Eggs and Poultry
Never in the history of Canada was
there such a need for increased pro-
duction in foodstuffs. We are' in a po-
sition to cull your poultry flocks when
you -notice too many non -producing
Our electric egg machine will give
you quick service and satisfaction.
-Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Now Playing — Pat O'Brien anti
George,. Murphy: in 'THE NAVY
The most 'amazing mass 'of talent
seen in .a picture in a long titre!
Nineteen stellar names, Eighteen
feature players. Three producers.
Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Ray Mill-
' and, Vere Zorina and others,
Henry Fonda, Lucille Ball, Barton
• Mac Lane and Eugene Pallette.
Inimitable Damon Runyon at his
best. The hilarious, yet pathetic'.
story of a bus boy's great love and!
Sacrifice for a heartless glamour
Coming— 1''red Astaire and Rita
Hayworth in "YOU WERE NEVER
Matinees—Sat, and Holidays at 3.
Now Playing — ento ` Flynn in
In which a sophistiacted gal goes
1 toe .bat for her sister, with romantic
complications, Ida Lupino, Joan
Leslie and Dennis Morgan:
Henry Fonda anci Lucille Ball. Da-
mon Runyon tells a tale of a dame
With her mind on a million.
New Pidying-••1iLONi)thes, sides•
SED leVJeN'1" & •'R111 eitS� OE
Out of Europe's• crumbling Free-
dom conies an action -romance You
will remember.
with Cary Grant & Ginger Rogers
Humphrey Boart and Mary Astor;
co-starred in a smashing story of T.
mud -yellow 'Nip. treachery,
ADE" a hit!
TURNER—On Wednesday, April 28,
at their home on the Bayfield Line,
'Goderich Township, to Me. and Nes.
Gordon Turner, a son.
McAS'H In Clinton. Community Hos-
pital on Sunday, May 2nd, to Mr.
and .Mrs. Wm. MCAsh of Varna, a
HORNEER—In Clinton Community
Hospital on Sunday, May 2nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Horner, of
Varna, a son.
McKNIGHT—Lieutenant •and Mrs. J.
was at his cottage on the Blue Water • That's the route your money takes L. McKnight of London, wish to
Highway last week.' when you buy Victory Bonds. It's your; announce the birth of a son bra
Miss J. Manson is visiting in Gude- way to Back the Attaek'by, giving our Thursday, May 6th, , . at Victoria
rich this week, g p hey need. So Hospital, London.
Mr .and Mrs. H. Bauer'and'femily
of Kitchener were at their cottage
in the village last week.
Mrs. E. Rehr of Detroit, Mich.,
came en Friday to spend a week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David De-
war, S.B.A. James Dewar accompan-
ied his sister, Miss Elva Dewar Mr.
and Mrs. David Dewar, jr., and.Mast-
er George to Toronto on Sunday where
he.- will visit for a few days : before
leaving to rejoin his ship.
Mrs, W .R, Elliott and him wh
were home for the Easter vacation,
have returned to Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs, Angus McRae and t
children returned to London Sun-
day, , after avin • spent the
with Mrs. MCRae's parents,
1 rs.Win. Johnston.
Mr .and Mrs. Blythe
Margaret, Donald and Barbara ,of
Toronto were at their cottage in the
village for a few days last week.
fighters the weapons t
tighten your belt, cut spending to the
bone and lend generously. You'll be
proud of the part you've played in
smashing the forces of. evil and you'll
provide yourself with a fund for the
future. Dig down deep. This is the
year that counts. Buy Bonds.
Space Donated by:
Batkins Locker Service
Miss Inc Rose has returned from a o Mairs of London, their son, Pte. El -
visit with friends in Toronto. Nott Marrs, wife and little son, E1-
Mrs. James Match is making fay Nott ,Pte Mairs is a Drivers Meeh-
trable recovery from a fractured hip, y two anic and expects to go overseas.
Icer daughter Miss Elm Mutch has d y h on pee Miss Joyce Gardner, London was
returned to Toronto, s week home with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Corporal Robt Craig of St. Thomas tl Mr .and Dell Gardner, over the week,
VI H J 1 ton, Mr, he holiday Betties of Toronto
'spent the week end with Itis parents y e Stephenson, spent
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Craig : the with Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Betties.
Mr. Fred Pickard, who has been
Mr. and Mrs. A. confined to London Hospital the past
to theira home in Maxwellayfield oreturned,three weeks returned to his home
toter havingFriday on Saturday, somewhat improved.
.pent the winter in Clin- Very Iittle has been done on the
ton. land yet, the cold weather keeps the
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. E. Parker Billy ground to wet to work.
and Bobby, spent Sunday with relativ- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lockhart have
es in Mitchell• at last secured a house in Goderich;
The Victory Tea held' in the town and are moving their furniture on Due to war conditions, it would
Mr. and Mrs, John ;Robertson of 5t1 A. t hall on Friday afternoon to raise Tuesday. Houses in Goderich are appear that gladiolus growers are
Goderich are visiting Miss Susy Blair• funds for comfort begs for the Wo- scarce as hens teeth. going to experience more difficult
Miss Mar Torrance of Stratford than ever in safeguarding their
Services for the next five Spndays riser's Divisions of the Armed Forces Yg
in Knox Presbyterian. Church will be overseas, was a decide;l success and Normal is practice teaching at Holm- favourite flowers from the attacks of
at 7.30 in the evening. Sunday School it most enjoyable :affair. The hall was esville this week. thrips, states Alan G. Dustan, Divi.
"Will be at the usual time 10 o'clock. artistically decorated with cedar, Mrs. G. G. Newton spent Sunday sin of Entomology, Dominion De-
The pecking and inspection coni- Craig :Armstrong flags and fern and the two tea tables with her mether, Mrs. Walters. perti fent of Agriculture. In the past,
enittee of the Auburn Red Cross 'net looked -Host attractive with lace cloths Miss Bessie Young of Brantford is when corn treatments had been some -
.and packed the following articles for I{nox United Church parsonage was and spring flowers. The sewingknit. home the week end with her par- what neglected nearbyrd
shi ment to head . the scene of a pretty but quiet May igardener eso occuro
pquarters Toronto, Day wedding on Saturday morning ting'. etc'' done o the d theld Branch cots W and Mrs. Peter Young. Bes. red, the careful niedresorted to
18 quilts ,1 crib quilt, 20 pair pyjam_ of the Red Cross and the Bronson sre is working in the Massey Harris, smnlner sprays made with tartar
as, 2 extra pair trousers, 17 ladies at 10,30 o'clock whep Rev. G. W. Line and Blue Water Highway units Mrs. Ramage our teacher has re- emetic or parrs green and''a sweetner.
dresses, 1 girls skirt, 4 girls dresses Rose united in marriage Margaret was displayed' and the various articles turned to her school after spending The poisons are still! available but
' Donalda (Donna) Armstrong, Lon- of ivearin • a • arel were Silent tribute sugar,honey, syrup
41 pair service socks, i scarf, 6 alter -don, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to. the skill and, efficiency of the the holidays at her home in Dungan -,are notoo iecio and corns u
hate caps, 4 sleeveless sweaters.y the tvor_ tion. ! 1 ns to spray about
ClAA dance sponsored by Gordon Mc- Mark Armstrong 8th concession of kers. The Comfort bags for Wo- a garden.
da end. Everitt Ta G in aid •of West Wawanosh, and Corporal Mel.
'the Overseas GiftBox Royal Canadian Ord- men's Divisions were on display as V f With the possibility of control by
vm James Craig,o !spraying virtually
.I and was held • nance Corps, London, son of Mr. and sent
also boxes of comforts which are y removed, it is es
in the.Forester's Hall on Friday night Mrs. James T .Craig, St. Augustine. sent to our'boys overseas, Pictures VARNA jsential this spring that:all corms be
in'Progressive euchre was played dur-The bade wore ai black pin stripe of fifteen boys from this community ]thoroughly and carefully treated, In
ing early upart chre f the evening the suit;•with matching accessor- who are with the active fortes were Week end visitors: Mr. and Mrs. the past, it has been found that the
ent thennes gentlemen,
lady's Mrs. L. Irwin, tailoredx with corsage of achi American Beauty loaned for the occasion by ' Jamas Laythern and family in company with neglect of treating new corms put-
, g cue , Mr. Geo, Beadle. War rosebuds. Miss Mary.M. Armstrong, Robinson. The guests were received l' Miss Beatty of London with the let- chased from whatever som•ce was one
=savings stamps being theprize. Mu -1 West Wawanosh, was her sister's
sic for the dance was provided by Mr. ibridesmaid. wearing a blue two-piece.
and Mrs. Gordon McClinehey, Mr. suit with matchin • accessories n
;Harry Jackson, Harvey McDowell, a corsage of pink carnations. Mr. Ar-
ne na B. Craig, and Mrs, Win. Haggitt nold Craigof St. Augustine, r
A medicine cabinet made and donated g , b otln.
by Mr. Wm .Craig sr, for this wor- : er of the bridegroom, was best many
'thy fund was on display. I After: the ceremony the bridal party
motored to the home of the bride's
Death of John Roberton . ]parents where the wedd]ng'd]nner ryas
;served to the immediate families. The
A native and life-long resident Of home was prettily decorated with pink
'this community John Roberton ass
Pass- and white streamers and baskets rof
ed away in .Goderich Hospital on daffodils and other flowers. Later'
Thursday night, ' He suffered two Corporal and Mrs. Craigleft for
"strokes.' in six days though he had Tor
onto. On their return they will reside
been in, ailing health for a year. Born in London, Ont. Guests present, at the
"70 years ago a Walkerburn,the son wedding were: Mrs. William Craig,
of the late Robert Roberton and Eliza- London; Mr. and Mrs. William J.
beth Iteapy, the departed man was Thompson, Auburn; Miss Jean Robin -
engaged at the carpentry and build- son, London; Miss Elaine
'Mg trade which 'he followed until his Bamford,
sur -
'health failed thirteen Auburn. Prior to the marriage ayears- ago he prise party was held, at the home of
• 'retired to 'Auburn. Mr. Roberton was Mrs. William Craig,London
a member of 'Knox United Church. I a number' of girl �where
Tie was unmarried and is survived byg friendsh mst am
,presented bride-to-be with a shower
''two brothers, William of .Auburn,' of towels. A aoup of her friend in
and Robert of Palmerston, two sist-'.Doi n brook district s a
-ere Mrs, Oliver Clarke„ (Elizabeth)! y trnet Donnybrook
ch h.
her honer at the Donnybrook church.
and Mrs. D. Wiggins (Margaret) both An address 'was read
•'of ,Goderich. The funeral was.held by Miss aurae
nson and many useful and' beauti-
;from his late residence ,on Saturday 'Robi
ful gifts were -presented. ed
afternoon and was conducted by Rev. p tt 'Gne-;
W. q. sof the United Church as- were played and at a suitable hour re-
W.i> esiunents were served,
sited by ,Roy, Dr. Thompson of the
.Presbyterian Church. Internee tools V
place in Ball's Cemetery- with Messrs. . .
Edgat Lawson, James Roberton, i' , BAYFIELD
Charles Scott, Harry Wagner, Idze-'
'leis! Phillips and Ephtia-n Ball as 1 The mend! Easter Masquerade. held
pall bearers, in the 'Town Hall on Wednesday ever -
1 ing of last week under the auspices
The Victor Loan uizz con of tie Be :f lel
VictoryC test a Sic, Agriculture./ Society
for the pupils from the schools of was well attend`id, The hall was taste-
.Hullett Township was held in the For- fully decorated with large V's' made
resters Hall on Monday evening. Rev. of Cedars, Red Cross flags, and fol-
W. G. Rose was chairman. The pro- iages graced the platform. Tiro Presi•
gram opened by singing "0' Canada" dent, Bert Dunn, welcomed those pe -
with Mrs. R. J. Phillips as accompan- sent and thanked them for their sup -
Mrs. F, 0. Mcliveene returned to her
home in Bowinanville on Friday. She
Was accompanied by her smother Mrs.
Alfred Asquith. James Watson of Pick
ford Michigan ,who has been a guest
'with the Asquith' family also accom-
panied Mrs. Asquith and Mrs. blell-
Veene to Bowmanville,
Geo. Mustard of Brucefield spent a
Couple of days with Donald Ross.
PED'DIE -At the Soldiers' Memorial
• Hospital, Tillsonburg, on Monday
May 3rd, to Rev. and Mrs. Gordon
A. Peddie (nee Ethel Doupe) a
son, (Donald Walter Gordon).
HAINES . In loving memory of a
dear wife, Jean, beloved wife of
Frank Haines, who passed away
May 1, 1542.
Away in the beautiful hills of God,
By the valley of rest so fair:
Some time, some day, I know not
Twill meet my loved one there
And while she lies in peaceful sleep,
Her memory I will, ever keep.
—Sadly missed by her husband.
`Steel helmets halt shrapnel. You
can buy 42 for $100. Invest' in the
new Victory Bonds and save the lives
of Canadian soldiers!
Treat, Gladioli to
Get Good Bloom,
e president of the Red Cross, Miss'ter's mother and sister: - of the most common methods of
A. M. Stirling ,Aninformal program! Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley of Clintonhotting the thrips insects into clean
commenced by the' singing of the with Mrs. Austin and family. plantations and neighbourhoods,
Maple Leaf Forever,' led by Mrs. Jas. I Mr. and Mrs, Heard and familyofI There are several methods of treat.
Ferguson at the piano. Miss Stirling Stratford With Mr. and Mrs, M. EI- ing cornus—dipping in hot water, eel,
gave a few words .of greeting after ;Mott, !reeve sublimate and lysol, and fum-
which Miss Doris, McEwen gave a' Donald Keys of'London 11-.M.0.8. lotion by calcium. cyanide, and
pleasing pianoforte selection, and Prevost, . with his parents' Mr, and methyl bromide. The hot water
,Terry Sturgeon followed with a song, Mrs, Sherlock Keys. - Itteatm few
is convenient for the grow.
Mei. R. H. P. Gairdner gave a most Pte. Walter Bratherton' of Listowel er with fecorms to treat, and should
interesting talk on her experiences in with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. be used only in the spring, after the
New York and sonte-of the places she Bratherton, • corms are fully ripened, and plant -
had seen. Deer are plentiful in Huron! The W. A .of St. John's Anglican ing follows unser ed sly, The corms
County but she had to .walk down Church met at the home of Mrs. John should be immersed for 10 minutes
ybeing d Smith last week. ,in a bath at a temperature of 120
Broadway to see one le
about on a leash by a woman. Missesi degrees F.
Anna I Death 'of An
Porter and Mona ,Reid 'sang a n Beatty relict of the A corrosive ve sublimate dip may be
duet. Rev. J. Graham made a few re_ late W. 0. Weeds B.
,'born on lot 18 R. made aat the rate of one ounce to six
marks after which Mrs. Graham and • S. in 1864. second daughter of the gallons of water. Corms should be
Miss Monica played a pianoforte duet.' late George :Beatty and Jane Reid, soaked for three hours if peeled, or
Miss Barbara Middleton delighted all and was the last survivor of a fem. for 20 hours, if unpeeled.' The dip
with the sailor's hornpipe dance and'ily of nine, six boys and three girls. is effective at room temperature, et
a song. Rev. E .J. Wolland,.closed with Deceased was never very robust and at about 70 degrees. It should be
the benediction and the National An- er girlhood days clerked in .Beatty used -one only and then discarded for
them was sting. Mesdames W. Scotch -Bros, Store in Varna where she made al fresh dip. Corns should be treat -
mer and Fred Watson poured tea and muany friends,' -many' of them long- ed just before planting, and thus
other mother's who assisted with the ' since passed on, Later Miss Beatty in saving• trouble in dying them before
serving were: Mesdames Walter West- Ycompany with her younger brother, re -storing. The greatest care . mustlake. Wm, Osmond, Arch: Armstrong William carried on a general store be taken.. The sublimate is a deadly
F. Gcinernhardt, Wnt. rel. Aon, E. S. m the village •of Ethol. Prior to her• poison.
Sturgeon and De Dewar: nnarriag'e to W. O. Woods in 1901, As naphthalene flakes are scarce,
Sgt. Tiro when they went to reside in. Listowel.an
g s Scotchmer, who has re Aft • 1i- d ther price of corrosive sublimate
cently graduated as an air gunner era lingering illness she passed is'increasing, lysol has come into
from No, 9 Bombing and 'Gunnery away Apill 23rd 1943 and is sur- prominence as a dip at the "rate of 5
echeel Mount Joh, Quebec, spent a vived by two •sons, George Beatty, teaspoonsfuls to one gallon of water.
few days last week at the .home oe teacher in School of Commerce, Tor- Peeled or =peeled, the corms should
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Scotch-
on Robt. J., merchant, Listowel, be soaked for 6 hours..
mer,• where she died; also surviving are V
Lance 'C'orporal J. F. Wild, of me. three grandchildren Nancy Joyce and •
20 Training Centre, Brantford, Ont.,
spent the week end here with his wife
and . mother, Mrs, Agnes -Wild,
David Beatty Woods,Toronto, Bobby have -a great aim, andto Possess 'ap-
Woods, Listowel. Funeral was held- titude and perseverance to attain
from the Anglican church Listowel it• --Goethe.
of which she was a member. Inter -
rent in Bayfield cemetery. ,Rev. Nay -
PORTER'S HILL lox, her 'rector was in charge. Pell -
Apartment For !:tent
bearers, R. G. Reid, R. S. Reid, Net Famished apartment for rent for
Recent visitors with Me. and Mrs, son Reid, Jos. Richardson E. Memel: light housekeeping. g p ng. 'Young• couplo
Milton Woods were Mr. and Mrs. and C. Deihk no children, Phone Clinton' 367.
Voice of the GUNS
BONDS 'TALK: They talk the only
language Hitler understands, the lan-
guage of overwhelming force, the lan
guage of the big attack: Back this
attack with all you've got. Let
Bonds . do your talking; out of the
mouths of guns and bomb bays. What
V you do give_ up a few luxuries. or
even cut down on necessities? Victory
itself is at stake. Pull your weight.
Lend to the limit. Buy Bonds,
and back the attack.
Space Donated by:
For Sale
A . quantity of Mandarin soya bean
suitable for seed. Phone 22-901. Ray
Whitmore. 42-2
Young Sows For Sale
Two young sows for sale due to
farrow from May 12th to May the
20th: Purchaser may have the pick
of pen of five sows, Apply to J. W.
,Crich, Clinton, phone 617123. 43-1
For Salo
File -roomed house, furnished, in
Bayfield. Apply to Mrs, Lyda McNeil
High Street, •Clinton. 4341
: Wanted
Wonsan or girl for general 17ouse-
work. Apply -to Mrs. 3. M. Johnston,
R. R. 1 Godorieh, on No. 8 highway.
Apartment to Rent
An unfurnished apartment of six
rooms'tto rent. Apply at the News-
.Recowe office. 43.1
Will the lady living between,
pen and Seaforth who gave two air-
men a ride from Exeter to Kippen
please send the forgotten kit bag
collect to Laurie Colquhoun, Clinton
Ont. 43-1
For service man going overseas,
medium siztd leather suitcase or
Gladstone bag, Take to C.N.R. Ex-
press office. 43-1
For Sale
Wilton rug, 0 x 101k brown back-
ground. Cheap. Apply at News -Re-
cord. 43-3
I have room to pasture a number
of cattle for the season. Also a quan-
tity of seed oats foe sale. Phone 633r5
Clinton, John R. Noble. 43-1
For Sale
Five little choice pigs ready to
wean. Adam Steep, phone Clinton
906r12. 48-1
A boy's tweed coat, in good condi-
tion, 'size three or four years. Any
information regarding sante may be
left in care. of Box 39T the News
Record. Office. , 43-1
Cattle for grass. Lots of shade
and water, 60 acres of a run. Apply
to Joe Storey, R.R, 3 Clinton, Phone
3r006.' 43-1
Live, old and disabled horses and
cattle for mink feed. Elmer Trick,
Phone' Clinton 907r25 89 -e -o -w
For 'Sale
Frigadaire, General • Motors Pro-
duct, 6.9 cubic feet capacity. Guaran-
teed for four: more years. Apply at
the New -Record . 43-1
Of Household Funilture
On Osborne Street, Clinton,
ARTICLES: --studio couch; two oc-
casional chairs; two locking chairs;
several 'small tables, congoleum rug
9' x 12'; washing 'machine and wring-
er; bedroom suite; springs, mattress;
dishes; lawn mower; and a number of
articles too numerous to mention.
Mee. Ida Steep, Osborne street,
Clinton. 43-1
Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed.
Tubes Tested Free
A. W. Groves. Princess §t:'
Minton, Ont., ,Phone 290-W'
It will pay you to .see our stock of ,'
Cemetery Monuments. Finest in On-
tario. Some old Country Granite, still
procurable. Prices reasonable— All
work guaranteed. Inscription work
promptly executed, footstone in every
color supplied. Fred Porterfield, Prop.
P. 0. box 16, Mitchell, Ont. Phone
99. _ 38-5
Wool Growers' Organization
Oui' Registered Warehouse
No. 1 - Weston, Ontario
Reliable Grading
Prompt Settlement
Obtain sacks and twine from
Local Agricultural Office
or direct from
Canadian Co -Operative
Wool Growers Limited
217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada
Representative Miss Winnifred O'Neil,
Clinton, Phone 75j. For complete.
lines of Fuller Brushes and Service
for same. 30-4
Wanted to Purchase
Pullets, all breeds and ages four
weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices
paid. Write for full details, Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus On-
tario. 41-4
For Sale
The Ferguson home in Auburn, Ont.
Solid brick house with hot water bea-
ting, hardwood floors 2-5 acre land.
Apply to G. M. Ferguson. 41-tf
I have room to pasture 25 to 30
more head of Cattle for season. Good
grass, plenty water and eool shade to
run in. Terms reasonable, 0', R. Forst-
er, R.R. No. 2 Clinton. Lots. 19, 20,
21, Maitland Con. Colborne, Tel. 169
Carlow. 42-3
For Sale
Four year old part, Durham part
Holstein cow, with calf, freshened one
week, good producer; one registered
red roan bull, •eight months old; one
10 hoe Massey Harris seed drill in
good condition, Torrance Dundas,
R. R. 2 Blyth, phone 13z'15. ..
Buggy For Sale
Navy blue convertiblewith springs,
and in good condition. Price $1.5.00
Phone Clinton 213. 42-1
Wheatley, late of the Town of
Clinton in the County of Huron,
Yeoman, Deceased.
All persons having claims against
the estate of the above deceased are
required to file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the Execu-
trix, Elizabeth Knox, on or before the
18th day of May, A. D., 1943, after
which date the assets will be distri-
buted amongst .the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the.
claims of which notice shall have been
given. •
DATED at Clinton, this 26th day of
April'A. D., 1043._
Fc Fingiand, I{.C., Solicitor for the
Executrix. 42-3
Of House, Lot and Household
The undersigned Inas received in-
structions to sell by' Public Auction at
the residence ofthe late Joseph
Wheatley, Ontario Street, Clinton,', on
Saturday, May 15th, commencing - at
1.30 o'clock p.m. the following:
Household Effects: Three bedroom
suites; dining room suite; phonograph,
parlour suite; upright piano; four
rocking chair's, sideboard; kitchen
table and chairs; Raymond sewing
machine; hand washing' machine; ex-
tra kitchen =table; two small tables;
tapestry rug, three linoleum 'rugs;
two oilcloths, range, couch dishes,
1apictures and nu -mere -is other articles,
an d Lot subject, 86 reserve
Elizabeth Knox, Executrix,.
Harold Jackson An tionee • 4