HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-05-06, Page 4PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD T B- alei 0 t: MM t l f 1 H Hr H `e eisatanezetetetatitate Yx� i� 3a Remember REMEMBER MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 9th BY SENDING HER ONE OF AOUR SPECIAL CARDS` 5c TO 25c EACH E�7 REMEIVIBER FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 20th P , DAD WILL APPRECIATE GETTING ONE OF THE SPE-' OIAL -CARDS WE HAVE FOR THIS OCCASION 1 REMEMBER 1'e 3r • �xa THAT WE •SELL r; SIMPLICITY PATTERNS AT 15c -20c ---25c GUARANTEED TO SATISFY 4. REMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS FOR LAIN arbrir'A' 4'ientaeeret0' OF TORONTO THE 1VIOST MODERN PLANT IN CANADA -- eteIC s Ot ABLE- ;' A.T• COOPER. STORE OPEN PHONES 36W YF EVENINGS 6 TO 8 3�6 Tit erear1+MaM4.1.4WeRafea to CHH ♦ �♦f f fHtalH N i s M�H NtiH antate .'�..f}M1 PROTECT YOUR WOOLLENS It is in your interest as well as in the National In-, terest, that we advise you to protect, all woollens, furs, rugs and upholstery. Use Larnex as a Spray Use Dee -Tee Moth Cry'stal's in Clothes Closets, Drawers, Trunks, and under Cushions and Rugs Larnex 85 cents Dee -Tee Moth Crystals 39 cents W. S. B. NOIMES PNM, B. CLINTOIL ONT. '.8�� dt ata. PHONE es art ��ft fHf 4,f t'R:.'. •r: .,k FREEDO1YI FROM FEAR 'xa 2 r t 3 What Are You Doing For It If you can't fight for it your- ;e self, there is something you can do. Work for it and pay for it e, by lending. your money to buy ; weapons of attack, the guns, el tanks, ships, and planes that :.«+ will smash, the Axis and serol it «J reeling. Then only will you have • Freedom from Fear. Then only will you have the satisfaction of knowing you have. done. your mart. Do without luxuries, even necessities today. Back the At- tack for a future of plenty and FREEDOM . FROM FEAR. Space Donated by: DAVIS & HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS -- Be Measured by a Tailor. «?: SPORTING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Fishing Tackle — Bicycles We have just received our new stock of fishing tackle, tennis rackets, and Golf Supplies A Pew Slack Suits and Ladies' Jodphurs EPPS SPOK,T SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods ns`NASM_..M�It'MlP::I+.OH. rW 1 1Hisi1HiHiHiN,',N�HT I�N� r �w�i1?HIiNiHiH1 i i�H + iiNHHHH� -£ Clinton Monument Works WILL IN THE FUTURE 13E OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THEIR Exeter Business i «t eet ' ' Mr. J. J. Zapfe will be pleased to receive any inquiries •); 4. H ewwa ae . ,�.. H a WW aHNHaH aN-NHHf,H f •, M... . a MM fH: M:f.+ .... I"4 .. ... K.+": 'O+M". ie::H:earM. se+`.+4`nee•H M. JJOLMESVILLE Spring Grain Rush -Miss Ruth Town of Stratford was a guest over the week end with Miss ::Mary Jervis. Sgt, Ivan Jervis, wireless air gun- ner,.son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jervis left on Monday for the east coast. Misses Cora and...Alma Trewartha spent their Easter . holidays at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha, Miss Esther McMath of Goderich spent the week end, with Mrs. B. McMath, Mrs. M. Aiken of Clinton spent Sunday with Miss S. Acheson. Sunday May the 9th will be Moth- er's Day, Rev. Rogers is preparing a special service and there will be special music by the girls choir. Ev- 'erybocly will be made welcome. The Leslie Jervis' are suffering •with the mumps. Starts at Goderich With the arrival at Goderich Satur- day of four grain freighters, ceary- ing 900,000 bushels of wheat front the head of the lakes, for the Goderich Elevator and Transit Company, the yr spring grain rush is on in earnest. to The arrivals include the Caradoc, Jo the Saskadoc, the Quedoc and the in C1 THURS., MAY, 6, 13x3 Red Shield The R. S W A held their n+gulai meeting in the S.A. Hai on Tuesday, May 4th.', There were 10 members pre sent, collection amount to $:i';,. Articles brought: in included, 4Pr. seeks 1 boy's suit, 4 gait: blocks. We tush to acknowledge oh,, follow- 4i donatioi s '3 nighties by•Mrs W. C. Brown,. Refugee clothing by Mrs, M. Crich. The next meeting will be Tuesday May filth in the S.A. Ball. This will be packing day. Will all me:nbe:s please try to be present as there is import- ant business to be dealt with. ' LITTLE LOCALS The A.Y.P.A. of St, Paul's church met on Wednesday night, after the opening exercises Rev. G. W. Moore introduced. LAC. J. V. L. I{raskauskas of Hamilton, formerily a pitching sthr with the Washington Senators, who gave an interesting" talk on baseball and some of the well known people connected with the game. To round out the evening Mr, D .H. McInnes conducted a quiz contest which was also very much enjoyed. v 'Some Real Estate Sales Mrs. Thomas Cardwell has sold her house and lot on ;'William street to Mr. Mervin Batkin of town. Mr. Ralph Tiplady has also sold his house on the corner of Rattenbury and Gibbings streets to Mrs. A. Tre- leaven, who sold her property on Gib - limes street to Mr. C. M. Shearing. Mr. Frank Glew has sold his house on Ontario street to Mr. John Jamie- son. Mr. Emmanuel Ward has sold his house on Victoria street to Mr. Jos- eph Wilds of Bayfield. V Correspondents Note ' As news budgets,in unsealed envel- opes are not designated first-class mail matter only one cent postage is required,' according to the new regu- lations which came into effect April 1st. Any news matter sent in an un- sealed envelope marked "Printer's Copy" requires only one cent post- age. Cpl. F. Whitmore Arrives Overseas Reeve S. EL and Mrs. Whitmore of Tackersmith on Saturday received an airgraph from their son, saying he bad got over safely to England. The message was dated April 5th and said ,t was pleasant there, with green fields and trees, flowers in "bloom, and to bask in the sun in early April, —Seaforth News. Wesley -Willis W.M.S. The Easter Thank Offering meet-' ing of Wesley -Willis W. M. S. was' held on Tuesday April 27th, in the church hall. It took the form of a family party and proved to be a most enjoyable evening both instructive sed entertaining. Mrs. Fingland the President took charge and after an opening hymn and prayer, extended a welcome to those present in a few chosen words. The mission band members present- ed a pantonine, "The Easter Mes- sage," The junior members taking part in an acrostic, "A Joyous Easter Christ is Risen", The leading parts of the pantonine which' was exceedingly well presented were taken by Isobel Chowen, Jean Nediger, • Katherine Fingland and Audrey Jervis. As- sisting also were Joyce Andrews, Arva Britton, Audrey Oliver, Gary Cooper, Margaret Dales, Douglas and Kaye Britton. Five members of the Explorers group Joyce Andrews, Arva and Kaye Britton, Betty Lampnian and Joan Jordan then Sang "Tell me the stories of Jesus". A highlight of the even- ing was a gift from this group of $10. to the W. M. S. This was presented by Kaye Britton and the address was read by Betty Ward. Miss Helen Nediger thea recited a very appropriate poem, "Whatever is —is best" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The collection was taken by two mem- bers of the Evening Auxiliary, and the dedicatory prayer offered by Miss Isobel Chowen, Mrs. Wilfred Jervis then conducted' a Quiz contest with the mothers of the Baby Band, Mrs. Jack Nediger read the Scripture lesson.. Mrs; ;Ellen Atkinson sang very sweetly,. "Tho Gift": The members of the C. G. I. T. un- der the direction. of Mrs. Bob Mont- gomery then held a candlelight•ser- ce lighting the points from coast in, coast engaged in the work of the n W. M. S. Those taking pert were C an Fines, Jean Lampman, Kather- e Fingland, Betty. Ward, Isobel 0 mowen, Shirley .Batten, Audrey Jervis, Jean Nediger. w Miss Stone from the W. M, S. then spoke of the efforts of each society,d represented and.read choice poems i., he Japanese, Christian, writer a gawa suitable to each gtoup; and ry fittingly closed this very pleas - program. After a hymn and the benediction. light refreshments were served. WEDDINGS DESECIf;-BllA1V DON Calla fillies and evergreens decor- ated the Wesley Willis 'United Church for the wedding; of Betty"Iona Bran- don Clinton, to ` Sgt Pilot Andre' Joseph Deeecic, ` It C.A.F.., son of Mr. and Mrs. F.L Deseck, Detroit, Mich. The ceremony :was Performed at high noon Saturday= May 1st; by Rev. Andrew Lane. Mrs. Bert Boyes play- ed the wedding "music and Min, Percy Atkinson, Chinton, was the soloist, Given in marriage by her father, the bride word a floor- length gown of white satin' with inserts of ehan-. tilly lace on simple lines with shirred bodice and full skirt, She Wore a, Mary, Queen of Scots .waist length veil and carried a bouquet of calla lillies. The bride was attended by Mrs. Joseph ,Waller; as matron of honour,. wearing a floor length gown of white eyelet embroidery and.carried a bou- quet of pink roses and sweet peas. Mr. Richard Felts of Detroit was groomsman and the bride's'brother! Mr. Charles Brandon, and Cpl. Alvin Carless, R. C. A. F., Centralia were ushers. The reception was held at the home of the' bride's ::parents where Mrs. Brandon received, wearing a jacket dress of black . and pink ,'silk crepe and a' corsage of white gardinias. The . groom's mother assisted in re- ceiving wearing a black- crepe dress with black and white accessories and a corsage of white gardinias. The couple left on a' trio to Montreal, the bride travelling in a red gabardine dress with black chesterfield coat and black accessories. On their return they will reside' in Pierce, Alberta, • SELI{ER — MAXWELL A quiet wedding took.place at New' York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. on Saturday, •April 24th, The' Rev. Dr. Peter Mar- shall officiating when "Miss Mary Pauline Maxwell, 'elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lougheed Max- weil, Bayfield, Ontario,, became the bride of Allan H. Selker, B. Sc. (Cornell) of Washington, D. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Selker, University Heights. Ohio. The bride wore an oyster colored silk suit, large tan naica hat, with tan topcoat and white corsage. Miss Mary ,Rooke was bridesmaid and the groom was attended by Capt. J. L. Weed. Later Mr. and Mrs. Selker left by plane for New York and Cleveland, and will live in Washing- ton, where the groom is engaged. in chemical research for the U. 5. Government. v SIEBERT PAISLEY A quiet marriage took place in Zurich of Norma Eugenia Paisley, daughter 62 Mrs. Paisley Stouffville, and the late . Mr .Wellington Paisley, to Mr .William A. Siebert, son of Mrs. Siebert and the ]ate William L. Sie- bert. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. E, R. Siebert, Detroit, wore a black suit with white accessories, and a corsage bouquet of Talisman rases. After' a reception, the couple left en . a short trip. They will reside in Zurich . V FREMLIN—ASHTQN A pretty but quiet wedding was soI- emnized at the Ontario Street United church parsonage, on Tuesday May 4th, at twelve o'clock noon, when Edna Beatrice Ashton, daughter of Mr .and Mrs.' John Ashton, Clinton, and Gunners Harold Fremlin 7th A.A. Bty., •Newfoundland., son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fremlin, Clinton, were un- ited in' marriage by the ,Rev. G. G. Burton. The bride wort a white sheer floor length gown with finger-tip veil caught by a coronet of white roses, and carried pink roses and maiden hair fern tied with white ribbon, She was attended by her. sister, Miss Mild- red .Ashton, wearing a blue sheer floor' length gown and carrying pink carna- tions and maiden hair fern tied with a pink ribbon. Mr. Frank Cook, Clin- ton, was best man. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Bartliff's Restaurant for the immediate members of the family: Mrs. Ashton chose : a royal blue Moss and cersage, of pink roses while Mrs. Fremlin, wore a dress of navy blue' and a corsage of red roses. Later the young couple left for Tor- onto and points east, the bride travel- ling in -a turquoise wool suit with brown accessories and a corsage of roses. Gnr, Fremlin ~viii return Co his station .and Mrs. Fremlin will reside in Clinton. WOODS .CHURCHILL A quiet wedding took', place in St. Paul's Anglican church, Clinton,. on Tuesday, May, 4th at two o'clock p. when Olive Lillian, youngest dap.. 'liter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Churchill linton, became the bride of Leading Aiecraftmatt John Woods, R.C.A.F., linton, only son.of Mr. and Mrs. J. Woocls of Port Arthur, Ont. Rev. G. Moore officiated, The bride chose' a street length rose of point cle esprit over taffeta n heaven bine, with, matching coat lid bat. She was attended by Miss Elia Mn.Ewan and I r, Frank Cook of Clinton was best man. Later t)ie, couple left one trip to Porti: Arthur .and on their return will reside in Clinton, Vandoe, all of the Patterson Steam - !ship lines: This brought the total grain receipte in`two days to. over a million bushels. The elevators were al- most empty. by The Canadoc cleared Sunday morn- Ifa ing foir 'Ashtabula for coal and the vo Quedoc cleared Sunday evening for ing Sanduslcy for coal. –v Victory Loan Sales Committee For T,e wn of Minton A. M. Knight; Chairman SALESMEN H. E. Rorke and T. G. Scribbins T. N. T.-- To -day Not To -morrow It is Better to Buy Bonds Than to Wear Them A SHARE IN VICTORY What share will you have in victory? What part on the earth's great stage Will you play? Or will- you sit :idly by While the fight for the right is waged? Por today our nation has called us To a share in defeating the foe By backing the boys who are over there And the lads who are still to go; Come then, let us of the home front Go active, each man, child and wife 'Tis Iittleandeed that is asked of us For many have given their life; When at last the foe is vanquished, When evil submits to the right, You can count your share in the Vic- tory By the dollars you put in the fight. F. H. Johnston. V Huron Pupils in Quiz A veritable gang of "Quiz Kids" in- vaded the town 11,111 last night to compete in the on County finals for the Victory Loan school quiz con- test. Their wits, sharpened and read for the toughest conundrums th may be tossed their way, these tow ship and town champions met in tl town hall, there parents and youn friends were in attendance. The questions not only denrande an excellent knowledge of the wa in general and the Fourth Victor Loan, but also a familiarity wi subjects such as radio stars, an .trees. Not a few of the queries tha the youngsters answered with seem ing ease, caused parental forehead to wrinkle in concentration. By a method in which points wer given for the correct answers th winners are, first, Billy Young o S.S. No. 8 Hullett township; second Hall of Wingham, third, Iva McClymont of S.S. No. 6 Stank township. The winners received War Saving Certificates. Judging the con test were Messrs Frank Fingland an James Shearer, The winner, Billy Young, will rep resent Huron County and will go to Stratford on Saturday, May 8th at 10.30 .a.nr, to compete with com- petitors from Perth County and after that if he wins will proceed to Tor- onto for the provincial finals. Judge Costello of Goderich was chairman for thee, evening and Mr. Frank Gillespie was master of cere- monies. Speakers of the evening were Mr. George R. Jefferson, principal of Clinton Public School and Mr. Ben - Pon Tuckey of Exeter, Warden of Huron County. y at p re g' d r Townsend. y Mr, Gordon Radford, who recently tit bought and moved into the Leslie d Ball home is making extensive alter - 1. ations and improvements to both - house and garage, s Miss Annie Fothergill is visiting at the hone of her daughter, Mrs. Wil- e bur Crich of Clinton. e Mr. Howard Brundson and Irene f Clinton were callers at Mrs. W. 1'. , Brunsdon's on Sunday. n A special Mother's Day Service y will be held next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, The service will be a - joint service with the Sunday School. d With so much disagreeable weather the farmers are up against it by being - unable to get on the lands hence a late seeding. will be the result. WALLPAPER—?AINTS THE LATEST IN SPRING SAMPLES LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM Samples and books may be seen at the house or a phone call brings them to your door. Let me sell you the paper or paint' and I will see that your work is done, or, you can do it yourself. I have a large stock of Paper, Paints, Varnishes and Enamels ,on hand. A few bargains of paper to clear at cost See My Stock Before Buying Prices are Right CLINTON A V LONDESBORO Pte, Gordon Lyon of . Prince Rus part visited recent ywith friends in the village. Gordon will not have another leave :of absence until April 1944. Miss Helen Ball, 'Clinton visited last week with her little fri;ondt Gail and June Manning. Mrs. Webster .and 'Jack and Miss Kirk spent a day in London last week. Thee regular meeting of the W. M. S. will be held on Thursday May 13th, at 2:80 o'clock in the basement ,of the church. • Roll call to be answered by the verse with the word "Courage" The theme "Canada's Youth in the Forces and .the Factories." Anyone who has friends in the war effort are espec- ially invited to be present, The delegates to the Presbyterial Held recently at Brussels will give thole report. Group 2 will lave charge, T. P. R. Frank Cowan, Darlington Man., his friend Bill Funk, of Rosen. field, Man., both training at Camp Bmelen spent the weep end with Mr, Cowan's cousins, Mr. and Mr's. Rebt, 1 V Regulations Govern Sales of Seed Potatoes Here are the new rules in effect immediately regarding the sale of certified seed potatoes, Every bag must carry a tag from the D'epart- ment of Agriculture stating they are certified seed potatoes. Retailers • cannot break these bags and sell them as seed potatoes in smaller quantities, states W. Harold McPhillips, Price and Supply representatives, W.P.T.B., London. However, seed dealers and large wholesalers in communities where there is an inspeetor of the fruit and yegetable division, Department of Agriculture, can have their supplies repackaged in 25 pound Containers, and retail.dealers wishing' to sell in less` than bag lots should purchase from these wholesalers. A PHONE 234 Church, Middleton. A home nursing course under the capable leadership of Mrs. Oakes and Mrs. Haddy is being organized in this community. All those interested are urged to attend a demonstration at the home of Mrs. John Hudie Friday afternoon May 7th. Council meeting:—The council met in Holmesville on Monday, May 3, Mr, F. Donnelly wrote on behalf of Mr. Albert Mitchell to have the Gut Line opened to the Lake. The ,Reeve and Councillor Stirling were. 'appoint- ed as a committee to investigate the matter,. Messrs. Johnston and Middleton were present soliciting for Victory Loans, the council decided to buy a $1,000 bond for the township, Mr. Frank McCullough aslce l per- mission to .use the Township, pound for a Victory garden. The request was granted, The Department of -Munitions and Suppy.requested the Township to see that sufficient fuel was provided to meet any possible shortage. Department of Public Welfare's no. tice re medical attendance for relief ' recipients was read and filed—there being no one on relief in, the town- ship. Accounts paid': Victory Bond $1,000; Monteith & Monteith, Auditing, $102,- 033; County of Huron, Hospital, 11.35; Miss Acheson, use of house, $5; Supt. Pay Roll No. 3, $179.65; R. G. Thomp- son, clerk. O.BITUA.RY 1VIYRTLE McKINLEY Myrtle MVicKinley, daughter of Mi. and Mrs, Elgin: McKinley of the Go- ehen Line, near Zurich, died suddenly her17th year. She had been, stiic- In centres where repacking can- rn ten with flu which developed into a not be .supervised by an inspector, 1 wholesalers: and retailers will have to 11 sell them in the original containers 5 of 75 or 100 pound bags to hone and community gardeners, who can divide their purchase as' they see fit, Mr. o McPhillips said, Ar GODERI CH TOWNSHIP at eart condition. Miss McKinley was a tudent at the Clinton Collegiate In- stitute. She is survived by her parents and no sister, Jean and three brothers, mson, Robert and Berne. The funeral was held from the home of her par- ats, an Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, rd.was conducted. by Rev. Reba Hera of Varna. Interment in Bayfield cone ery, V Join in the march to. Victory, Your 100 Victory Bond will buy stout ots andholdalls for 20 fighting Can. ians. Mr. ,and Mrs. Ranclel Pepper of Warren visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs; Fred Waffle. ,The South End ,Red Gross unit bo will meet Wednesday afternoon May 2tlr in the basement of St. Jamas ad