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They say it with bullets-you;say it with Bonds
But you must say it first, for without the Bonds there'd be no bnlletsl
or heaths er tanks or ships or planes. That's where the money you're
asked to lend: goes — tobuild and huy the weapons of attack for this,
crucial year of the drive to Victory. Back our boyo; Back the Attack.
Lend your money: do without now and have in the. future.
Space Donated 13y:
Will you skulk on the sidelines or
be one of the carefree, cheering
crowd, welcoming the boys with a
clear conscience knowing well
you've had a stake invictory?
Where you'll stand depends on what
Yen do NOW, on how you respond
to their call to . Back the Attack!
Back them with your dollars. Lend
for Victory. Every cent you save
now, every needless purchase you
pass up .in favor of War Bonds,
puts just that much more steam
behind the knock -out punch ears
boys deliver. Lend today for Vic-
tory Tomorrow!
Space Donated by:
Freedom. of Speech
What are You Doing for it?
Some can fight for it. Some can work foe it. All can pay for it.
And it's something that's worth fighting, working 'and paying for.
So forget the pleasures of the moment; thought of a Gestapo -muzzled
future makes them look pretty insignificant. Put your money into Vic-
tory Bonds instead. Back the Attack. Let your dollars buy ships, planes
guns and tanks this crucial year of the Victory Drive. That's how you
can assure a future of plenty' and Freedom of Speech.
Buy the lV Victory Loan
, .. and Back the Attack
Space Donated By:
Plumsteel Bros.
Anew Sidrta — Adan Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Mer
Agents Tip Top Tailors.
The May meeting of the Red Cross
will be 'held ineCommunity Hall. on
Thursday May `611i. At this meeting
there will be a shower for the Women
in Uniform. The articles which are
listed are needed: Toothbrushes, tooth
paste, or powder, toilet soapy soap
flakes, and laundry soap, wash cloths,
cold creams, comb, hair nets, tape
line, kleenex, face powder, lip stick,
hair pins, bobby pins, safety pins,
straight pins, any of these articles
will be' gratefully received.
The W$.S. held their Easter Thank
offering meeting combined with their
regular meeting an Wednesday April
21st in the basement of the church,
with Mrs. Townsend, presiding, Meet-
ing opened in the usual form and
business was taken up. It was announ-
ced that the quilt for the bale had been
completed, a special collection to de-
fray the expenses on quilt will be tak-
at the May meeting,
Woodman, Milverton. It may not be
known to many that Leslie's son was
killed in action about a month ago.
Word came to the Woodman's on
Monday of the sudden death of Mrs.
Newton Black of Kitchener on Mon-
day. She being a relative of the
Woodman's Mrs. Jack Clark left for
Kitchener on Tuesday morning.
Mr. Kenettal and daughter of Lon-
don Visited with Mr. and Mrs., Albert
Vodden over Easter. Mrs. Kenettal is
a sister of Mrs. Vodden.
Mrs. Wm. Bream with her parents
tine Griffiths.
A beautiful service was held on
Sunday morning hi the United church
it being a joint service with the Sun-
day School. As a special feature. The
Pageant of the Twelve Disciples was
given by twelve of the senior young
men of the Sunday School. The Junior
choir rendered special music. Four
young girls took up the offering Rev.
Menzies, conducted the service.
Rolf call was answered by a verse , BRUCEFIELD
containing the word "Trust" Theword
for the May meeting to be "Cour- There was a splendid attendance at
age". Mrs, A. Webster gave a splendid the Easter services in Bruce£ield,' Unit-
, reading
nitbreading on the .temperance problem. ed church on Sunday.; The pastor, Rev.
Mrs, F. Shobbrook reported four visits • G. F. N. Atkinson preached at both
: to the sick had been made. Miss Kirk services, centering- around "the E'as-
Captain., of group No. 1 then took ter'. Triumph" in the morning while: at
charge of meeting. The taster` pro- the evening service his theme was "If
gram in the Missionary Monthly was Christ Had not Risen." Easter music
followed. Those taking part were. Miss under the direction of the organist,
Kirk: ,Mrs. Frank Tamblyn. Mrs. Geo, Donald Ross, was rendered by" the
McVitt'e, Ms", Shobbrook, Mrs. Towns choir. In the morning the choir
end. Mrs. Menzies sang a .beautiful sang"Easter Bells" and "The Way to
solo. "The Shepherd and the little Calvary" and in the evening they ren -
Black Sheep," written in Negro dia- dered "Bells at Eastertide."
lett. Mrs. Edwin Wood, "Gifts to
Africa..' Miss Ruth Shaddick a reading Next Sunday the Young People's
Miss Young introduced the individual Anniversary will be held with Rev. R.
New Leaflet "The Sharpened Tool." G. Hazelwood of Walton as guest
Prsyers were offered by Mrs. C'ald- speaker. There will be special music
well, Mrs. F. Wood. Mrs. R. Shaddick by a Young People's Choir assisted
Meeting closed with prayer by Miss by Miss Zeta Munro, of Auburn. The
Kirk.'.; morning service is at 11 o'clock and
Easter visitors with friends here the evening at 7.30.
were, Mrs.' Mary Grierson and children • The May meeting of the W .A. will
from near Toronto, Miss Esther Jam- be held on' Tuesday May 4th in the
ieson. of Toronto, . Miss D. Little of S. S. room, this is the visitors day
Swansee, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack and we hope every lath in our congre-
Knox, Wingham, Miss Roda Govier, gation will be present. We have
and friend from London, Mr. and Mrs. vited the ladies club.. of the 2nd of
Gordon Howe Clinton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Stanleyy and we hope they will all come
Norman Radford, and daughter, Pte. and make it an enjoyable afternoon. .
Jack Snell, Guelph and Elva Snell of Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd
London: -Mrs, Jame Woodman,; is spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T
Visiting with her son, llIr. Leslie H. Wheeler.
There is ".no merchan-
dise of ours we can ad-
vertise that is as impor-
tant as the Loan for Vic-
tory. Its success made
possible ;only, by your
buying of Bonds will be
a blow that our enemies
will surely feel. Men
give their lives, you are
invited to lend your
money to Canada or
rather invest it at .3 per
cent in a sure thing. But
only a sure thing if Can-
ada is saved.
If your word is your ..,
Bond now is the tirne to
do some talking. ,
That`We may have some-
thing to live for in the
future can we not live
for less now?
job to do RELEASE THEM.
Space Donated by:
The W. D. Fair Co
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
Miss Greta Taylor of London was a
end visitor at her home in town.
Miss Jean Calquhoun of Toronto spent
the holiday at her hone in town.
Miss Doreen Vessey of St. Marys is
visiting her aunt, Miss R. V. Irwin.
Miss Norma Bentley spent Easter in
London, the guest of. Miss Gunne.
Miss Pearl Elliott of London was an
Easter visitor at her home in town.
Miss Fannie Levis of London spent
the week end in town with her par-
Miss Agnes Agnew of Toronto spent
the Raster week end at her home in
Miss Beta Beacom of Toronto spent
the holiday with her mother, Mrs.
Mary Beacons.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Kilty and family of
Toronto 'are visiting with Dr. J. W.
and Mrs. Shaw.
Miss Lotta McKeller of Toronto was
an Easter guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Cuninghame.
Miss Marilyn Maxwell of Preston was
the holiday guest of her parents,
Mr .and Mrs. Maxwell.
Mr. Brenton Hellyar of Toronto spent
the holidays in town with his fath-
er, Mr. W. H. Hellyar.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leppington of Tor-
onto were week end visitors with
Mrr.",end Mrs. Frank Evans.
Misses Lorna Plumsteel and Kathleen
Ross of Toronto spent the Easter
holidays at their homes in town.
Mss. R, J. Draper has returned to her
home in town after spending the
past few months in St. Catharines.
Mr. Bert Gliddon spent the week end
in Montreal with Flt. Sgt. and Mrs.
Mines Nicicle and Pte, and Mrs,
Kenneth Pickett.
Miss Cora Streets of Toronto, and
Mrs. Kelso Streets of London spent.
the Easter holidays in town with
Mis, V. Streets.
Mrs. L. Lashbrook and daughter of
Mitchell spent the week end with
the former's mother Mrs. E, Pickard
Mrs. Pickard returning with them
for a weeks visit.
Mr. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn visited
- with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall and
family: of Toronto during the Easter
week end.
Mrs. -F. W. Troop of Toronto was the
guest of her parents, Colonel I3.,. B.
Combe and Mrs. Combe, 'over the
Easter holidays.
Miss Eleanor Plumsteel of , Sioux
Lookout is spending the Easter
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel.
Misses June and Wilma Walters of
London are spending their Easter
vacation with their aunt and uncle,
Mr. and.Mrs, W. Pinning.
Mas.' Frank Mcllwain and daughter
Jean of Lindsay are visiting with
. the, formner's mother, Mrs. Carrie
Jervis and other friends and rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ball of Centralia
visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Glen Cornish and Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Ball, Base Line, during the
Raster vacation.
Me. and Mrs. Fred Leonard returned
home Friday–after spending four
weeks • in 'Milton. Theywere ae-
-companied, by their son, Mr. Alvin
Leonard and Mrs, Leonard, who vis-
isited with thern over the week end,
iNvfli. ]Ecol
Space Donated by:
Mr. MacKay's Resignation
At the special meeting of the Town
Council on Wednesday night, April
7th,• briefly reported in last week's
Signal -Star, the resignation of Neil R.
MaeI{ay as town clerk and treasurer
was received and regretfully accept -
T.FIURS., APRIL, "29 194
The TANKS are'
Help send Hitler and his bench
men scurrying' ofr cover. Back
the attack with Bonds, to smash
ahead with an overwhelming
weight of tanks, guns, ships,
planes. Suppose you do have to
sacrifice? Think of the risks
our fighters are taking. They're
fighting for you with ''; their
lives. You fight for them with
your money. Buy Bonds.
Buy the 117 VICTORY LOAN
, and back the attack.
Member of Florists Tel. Del. As.
Personal care given every order
and special attention given to
Funeral Orders.
Phone 176 and 31
Secure employment as waitresses,
cafeteria workers, dishwashers, cham-
bermaids; southwestern Ontario city.
Help by serving those engaged in war
work. Good living accommodation un-
der proper supervision.
Apply nearest Employment and
Selective Service Office. Refer to
E. O. 721. 41-2
ed to be effective from May 1st next.
By another motion Mr. MacKay is
to be retained in an advisory capacity
for a term of six months from May
lst next, at his present salary.
All the members of Council were
present.--,Goderich Signal Star.
Ram tanks cost $90,000 but they
can't run without ball -bearings. Your
$100 Victory Bond will buy 500
Let's Each Buy MORE
Victory Bonds
Sales to date are encouraging. That's
fine, but let's not take this for granted,
Let's make sure that our quota will be over-
As a matter of facts there should be no
quotas in connection with the sale of Vic-
tory Bonds. Until the war has been won.
there can be no halting -no resting for any
of us. We haven't won the war yet.
Our fighters are not working on a quo,
to basis. They are' "all out" doing' every-
thing they can to get the job done.
So if we give this matter proper
thouglit,' each of use will buy MORE VIC-
TORY!BONDS. We will buy all we can for
cash, and we will buy more -on the instal-
ment plan—all we can pay for in the next,.
six months. If necessary, we will scrimp and
save to' do it.
This ad is sponsored by the`'Huron County War Finance Committee
That boy of yours
BUY `BONDS, so he'll have
Look at that carefree boy of•'yours.... It's his,
future you are fighting and working .for ;
his future you are paying for when you
"Back the Attack" with War Bonds. Yes,
your loaned dollars are need in the
fight for the Four Freedoms ... Freedom of
Speech ... Freedom of Worship
Freedom from Want . . . and Freedom.'
from Fear" the fight to Win for your
children and grandchildren the kind of a
world they deserve. Do your part. End lux-
ury buying; curtail on necessities. Lend
your money for Freedom. Lend now and
reap the reward tomorrow!
Space Donated By:
PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON
... Back The ATTACK
Put your money on the winner, for this may well be the year of the
second front, the all-out drive that will set the Hounds of Hitler back
on their heels. Back it up with every dollar you can scrape together;
go without non -essentials. The sacrifice is nothing compared with the
alternative. Give your boys the weapons they need and let them
{smash the enemy. Lend your money for victory .... Remember it's
Freedom versus Slavery. Put your money on,Freedom to win.
Space Donated By:
Phone 110 Phone 103
'Store Phone 195
Clear the Shies
For Victory
BONDS build planes;
BONDS train pilots:
BONDS load the guns,
shoot the enemy from the skies; the
first step in the big attack. The more
bonds you buy the bigger the margin,
our boys will have. Back them for
all you're worth. Db without to give
them plenty. They're risking their
lives. You're lending your money. Lend
it now, Back the. Attack with War
Space Donated By;
ClilIord tobb & Son
Clearing the sea lanes is the first step in the coming attack, Back the
the Attack with Bonds. Think of them as bombs that drop•on Berli'n,.
as depth charges that break the backs of lurking U -Boats. The day:;
of defence are over. Now we must seek the enemy and destroy him.
How quickly and completely depends an you. Buy Victory' 'Bends
to the limit. Do without now to have plenty in the future witk free-
dom to enjoy it.
Space Donated By:
Phone 244