HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-04-29, Page 5111URS., APRIL, 29, 1943;
n this time of national emergency our country is making
demands of its citizens such as we have never . known before.
• 'And rightly, for we have never been faced with a crisis such as
this war has brought to our doorsteps.
Yon — our' depositors -' have 'responded loyally,in many;
ways, and we, at the Bank'of' Montreal, take particular' pride in
. y y :Bonds. W e take pride,
'the splendid w a you have bought Victory
too. in the record. of serviceof this Bank.' to its customers and to
Canada. For a period of over 125 years which has embraced the
troublous times ofeight wars — our Bank has continued on its
steady course, always confident that Canada would win' through
•'to a -future that would far outshine its'record'of the past. 'This
faith has always been justified .:. it is still as strong as ever.
Today, in this time'of national crisis, we appeal to you to
support the nation's war effort by drawing on your savings and
earnings to the limit of your capacity to:. buy Victory Bonds. We
shall be glad to place them in safekeeping for you at a very small
charge If you must have cash' at any time; Victory Bonds are
always' acceptable as security for a bank loan and the arrange.
meats are simple and prompt.
Your coltntry needs your help NOW through your support
of the Fourth Victory Loan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and
• {laughter Karen of ,Galt spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson,
Miss Josephine Weir is visiting her
-aunts, the Misses ,Margaret and Annie
Weir, Strathroy.
Miss Dorothy Hart of Toronto spent
the, week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Phillips. -
Mrs. Marguerite Chopin of Toronto
spent the week end with her parents
Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz,"
Misses Jean Scott of. Parkhill and
'Grace Scott of Hamilton were week
end visitors with their parents Mr
and Mrs. R. J. Scott.
The following teachers are home
for the Easter holidays. Betty Asquith
of Ben/tiller, Marjorie Arthur of Tees -
'wider, Ila Craig of Wingltam and
Donald Ross of Brucefield.
Mrs. James Mutch, who •lias been
'confined to the Clinton Hospital for
the past three weeks with a fractured
hip was able to return home last
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Nott, of Strat-
ford, spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Robison.
Mr. Roy Webster of Niagara spent
the `'week end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. James Webster,
Miss Alma Mutch of Toronto ,is
'visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Mutch.
M1•. John Roberton is•a patient in
the Goderich Hospital,
Mr, Jas. Watson of ?ickford, Michi-
gan is visiting his. sister-in-law Mrs.
Alfred. Asquith.
51Yonald Ross spent, ut, a couple of
days with friends at ,London..
Arnold Phillips of Toronto spent
the week end with his mother, Mrs.
Blanche Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mutch and Miss
'Dorothy Match Clinton, Donald Mc-
Donald Clinton and Miss Katharine
McPherson of Teeswater were recent
• visitors with Mrs, John Arthur.
_ Miss -Ina Rose is visiting her aunt
M. Dr'.' C. H. Hair, Forest Hill Vile
' lage,
The B.'Y`,P.1;J. held their April meet-
ing in the church Sunday evening with --
Wm. Raithby in charge. Following
' the opening hymn a sing song was en-
joyed'ivith Mrs. R. 3. Phillips at the
piano .Mr. Geo. Raithby led in prayer.
5olcs were rendered by Marion Taylor,
Donna Ilaggitt, Elaine Johnston, Eve-
lyn Raithby, duet by Enema and ,Shir- 1
ley Robertson, piano solo by Hugh s
Rose. Reading g wass given
by Joan
lough. h
g T e scripture was read by t
Marie Raithby. Mr. Frank Raithby h
gave the Easter message., The 'May
meeting will be in charge of Mr. and d
Mrs, Glenn Raithby. The meeting c
-Closed by singing God Save the Hing.
The -Ebenezer Ladies Club met at
the home of Mrs. John Reid with 13
members and one visitor present, Two
Red Cross quilts were quilted. A guilt
top was donated 'by Mrs. Geo. Hal
lam and a crib quilt by Mrs. Wm.
Moss.: The May meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs, S, H, Johnston.
The hostess served a dainty lunch.
Women's Institute
Mrs. Edgar Lawson.... presided for
the April meeting of the Women's In-
stitute which 'was held in the For-
ester's Hall. Following the singing of
the Institute Ode and repeating the
Lord's 'Prayer• in unison community
singing was enjoyed with Miss Jose
Ovine Weir in charge.' The minutes of
the previous meeting were read by tit
secretary. Miss Margaret King. Sev-
eral letters of. thanks were read from
friends who had received cards of
sympathy also from those who had
received "Get Well" cards.
Correspondence. included a letter
from the district secretary regarding
an executive' meeting to be held in
*Ingham on May Sth. to snake ar-
rangements for the' District Annual
to be held in Clinton June 1st. Deep
regret was expressed by the president
at the death of a member. Mrs, W'nr,
Melllwain, Readings were given by
Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs Earl Raithby
and Miss Josephine Weir. Mrs., Wesley
Bradnoek favored with a solo. The
roll -call was answered by a house-
cleaning hint. A feature of the meet-
ing was a demonstration of home-
made house dresses and aprons. Mrs.
Earl Raithby' received the prize for
the apron while Mrs. Fred Ross and
Miss. Josephine Weir received the
prizes for the house dresses. The fol-
lowing standing committees • weire
appointed Canadian industry, Mrs,
Chas Straughan, citzeieship M.rs. East
Raithby, historical research. Miss M.
King home economics. Mrs. Gordon
McClinchey, social welfare, Miss 3.
Weir, publicity Mrs. R. J. Phillips,
War Work, Mrs. Herb tlogridge, Fol-
lowing the singing of the National
Anthem, lunch was served by Mrs.
Wm. Anderson and Mrs, Gordon Mc-
Mrs. Harry Govier was pleasantly
surprised on. Saturday when her son
Wtrn. Govier and Mrs. Govier'of linst
Wawanosh their son, ,Mervin Golder
and Mrs. Goyim.. of'Morris and their
daughter, Mis, Ear' Caldwell and •Mr.
Caldwell of Blyth met at her home to
minor her on her :83rd birthday. In
pita of her advanced, years she is re-
markably b spa•
1 tt and
Y < active and at -
ends to her own household duties, She
as lived alone since the death of
her husband 11 /ears. ago. A lovely
inner was served, the table being•
entred with a birthday cake. The
guest of honor was the recipient of a
lovely potted plant and also received
many messages of congratulations.
Her many friends wish her many more
Miss M. J. Logan
The death occurred in Clinton hose
pital on Wednesday April 21, of Mary
Jane Logan in her 77th year. She had
been a patient in the hospital for the
past three weeks, Death was due to
a heart condition. Miss Logan was
born in Morris township,' the daughter
of the late James Logan and Mary
Jane Knox, She spent her lifetime
in the Blyth district. Surviving are
three brothers and two sisters, They
are: • John, Brussels, Wesley,Winnipeg
William A,,, Blyth, Mrs S. B. Gorwill,
London and Mrs. David Laidlaw,
e Clinton. ,The funeral took place Fri-
day afternoon from the home of her
brother William.
Rev. A. Sinclair, pastor of. the Un-
ited Church of which the d'eparted,was
a member conducted the services.
Interment was made in Blyth
Union Cemetery.
Mr, and Mrs, Randal Pepper of
Warren are visiting the past two
weeks at the home of Mr. John E.
Miss Mary Metcalfe and friend of
London visited Mr ,and Mrs. Victor
,Taylor last Saturday,
LMiss Kate McGregor of: Wingltam
and Miss Margaret McGregor of Tor-
onto, are spending their Easter hali-
days at their home here.
Mrs. Oliver Yallop of Toronto spent
the week end with her' parents Mr.
land Mrs, William Scotchmer oftheBronson line.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Butler of Sarnia
visited friends in this vicinity over
Ithe week end.
Miss Mary Snowden of Windsor is;
spending a couple of weeks with her
parents Mr .and Mrs. T. K. Snow-
den of ,the Blue Water Highway,
Mrs,' F. Hobson spent the week end
visiting friends in this vicinity,
The April meeting of the. Stanley
Community Club was held at the home I
of Mrs. Adam Stewart with nineteen '
members and .three visitors present. !.
The president, Mrs. Norman ,Baird
wasin charge and the roll call was
answered by a joke. The secretary and
treasurer gave their reports and it
was decided to send boxes toboys t
overseas. Flannelette to be made into t
babies clothes was distributed and +
ttm a
h rade i
d n. An.
g. invitation tion fr
the W. A. of Brucefield United
church to attend their May meeting
was accepted. The Iadies arse com-
pleted a quilt and plan to meet in'
June at the. home of Mrs. Fenwick d
ALEXANDER—In Clinton Public Ho
pital on Sunday,' April 25th, to Mr
and Mss. Norman Alexander of Lon
desboro, a son..
KNOX— In Clinton Public Respite
on Tuesday, April 20th, to Cpl. and
•Mrs, K. D. Knox of Clinton, a dau
ghter,'(Lela Susan).
WARD—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Friday, April 23rd, to Sgt. and
Mrs. Douglas Ward, Clinton, a son
(Lawrence Wayne),
IStORITA1LLE- In Clinton Publi
Hospital on Thursday, April 22nd
to LAC and Mrs, Glenn Robitaill
Clinton, a son, (Wesley Howard).
REID—In Clinton Ptibiie Hospital
on Saturday, April 24th, to LAC
and Mrs, William AI Reid, (nee
Mary Rozell), a son;' (Wayne'Wil-
Now `--laying Ilumplirey:Bo-
I:San TDonlevy, Veronica Lake,. Al
an, Lad and Bonita Granville You
will agree that politics, and mur-
der areFbad bedfellows when'you
see this thriller from the pen of;
Dashiell Hammett,
• A page torn from your` daily Pap-
er a grim and realistic portray-
al of the hazards confronting the
men who go'down to sea in this
global war. Pat`' O'Brien, ' George
Murphy, Jane Wyatt and Jackie.
• Cooper,. '
Coming— A 'host of stars in "STAR
ShowSome Fight
Now playing -_ "AIR; FORCE"
Warner's wonder picture:
—A Sensation--
Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Allan
Ladd, Fred Mae Murray; Dorothy
Lamour, Paulette Goddard, Maiy
Martin, Betty Hutton and scores
of ether celebrities in the hit musi-
"'S'L'ARR 6.`AN GLED RH Y'i'tIM"
Bette Davis, Paul Henreid, Claude
Rains. Return to the Gapitol by
popular request in
Enrol Flynn with Alexis Smith in
the thumping action yarn depict-
ing the,life and adventure of Jim
Corbett. •
Now Playing "TRE; AVENG c
Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman
Paul Henreid. Tell an enthralling
story of the fugitives who wait for'.
a chane3.to escape in
—Two Features-.
Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake and
Lary^' Simms: The Bumsteads have
a red-letter day.
Charles Starrett, Russell Hayden"
and Cliff Edwards present a ruste.
ling ,roaring western tale, >'
Coming—•',ONCE UPON A HON-
for Ammunition
with Victory Bonds
CUT • FLO.. ERS :;• .
For' Every Occasion
c. v. COOK
Pbonea: 68w and. 662 .
• Good Market For
Eggs and Poultry:
Never in the history of Canada was
there -such a need for increased pro-
duction in foodstuffs. We are in a po-
sition to cull your poultry' flocks when
you notice too many non producing
Our electric egg machine will give
you quick service and satisfaction.
Day. Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
That's the route your money takes
when you buy Victory Bonds. It's your
way to Back the Attack by giving our
fighters the weapons they need. So
tighten your belt, cut spending to the
bone and lend generously. You'll be
proud of the part you've played in
Smashing the forces of evil and you'll
provide yourself with- a fund for the
future. Dig down deep. This is the
year that counts, Buy Bonds.
'Space Donated by:.
Eatkins Locker Service
Mrs. C. S. Hawke wishes to thank
her neighbours and friends for their
many kindnesses during the illness of
her husband and for their sympathy
- during her recent bereavement.
For, Sale
A quantity of Mandarin soya bean
suitable for seed. Phone 22-901. Ray
Whitmore. 42-2
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strange of
e Toronto spent the week end with Mr
and Mrs. G. Swan.
e, Starting the lst of May the stores of
'Brucefield will close on Wednesday
afternoon and will be open on Tues-
day evening' till 10 o'clock and Sat-
urday night as usual.
HAINES-In loving memory of a
dear wife, Jean, beloved wife of
Prank Haines, who passed away Ap-
ril 29th, 1942.
Away. in the beautiful` hills of God,
By the valley of rest so fair.
Some time, some day,t 1 know not
I will ,meet my loved' en there
And while she lies in peaceful sleep,
Her memory I *ill ever keep,
—Sadly missed by her husband.
The Y. P. U. Anniversary will be
held next Sunday service both morn-
ing and evening the speaker will be
the Rev. G. Hazelwood of Walton
with gpecial music' by the Y. P. U.
choir and guest soloist.
Miss Freda Hill of St. Catharines
spent Easter with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Hill. '
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale and fam-
ily. of Glencoe spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stackhouse,.
Messrs Jas. Burdge of London and
Jas. McCully of Hamilton, spent the
week end at their home here.
Mrs. Robt. Dawson spent last week
at her home art Inwood.
Miss Margaret Aikenhead. of Lon-
don spent Easter at the bonne of her
parents, Mr .end Mrs. H. Aikenhead.
Miss Doris Dutot of. London. Mr.
and Mrs, A. Dutot and son of God'erich
ownship spent Easter with their mo -
her, Mrs. S. Dutot.
Miss Ina ,Scott of London . spent
Geed Friday at her home here,
Miss' Annie Mustard of .London
spent Easter with her .mother, Mrs,
A. Mustard.
Mr. W. Ham of Toronto is boll -
eying at his home here.
Grass fires are the order of the
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson of
Stratford spent the week end with
My'. and Mrs, J. Hugill.
1 Mrs. Earl Lawson and Reg'. were
1 in Londe on Monday, Miss Doris ac -
parents Mr, and Mrs. Austin Dexter.
Mrs. Archie Hoggarth. of Wallace
burg is spending the holidays with.
her parents.
Mr. .and Mrs, Win. Britton - Miss
Edith Britton returned home on Fri-
day after spending the Winter•in Lon-
1 Mrs. Earl Lawso and Reg ,were in'
London on Monday. Miss Dorothy ac-
companied them back after spending
the week ends with her parents.
Miss Donelda Adams is spending
the holiday with her parents. •
Mrs. Dave Millson entertained her
group. to .a quilting ,on Mondays..,2
quilts were quilted.
The many friends of Mr. John Fer-
guson hope to see' him up and around
again in a few days. Mr. Ferguson
has a very bad .heart condition.
Mr. Bob Johnson of ' Pickering
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs.. James E. Medd. •
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Montgomery
Lyle and Joy were in London on Sat-
urday attending the wedding of Mrs.
Montgomery's niece Miss Erma Woods
to Mr. Pere, M. Davis.
There' are going to be fewer button-
holet'in clothing in the United States
fewer saxaphones rind, clarinets, golf
balls, tpys,novelty ovelrYta1
in ladies' shoes because some of the
leading New England industrial plants
which have been making equipment
for their manufacture, are now an-
gagect in war work.,
Voice of. ;the GUNS
I3 YOUR votcE
BONDS ,:TALK:.They talk the --only
language Hitler' understands, the lan-
guage of overwhelming force, the lan-
guage of the big attack. Beek ` this
attack with all you've got. ,Let
Bonds do your talking; out of the
mouths of guns and bomlebays.'What
if you d'o give, up a few luxuries; or
even ebt,dowii on necessities? Victory
itself is at stake. Pull your weight.
Lend to the limit, Buy Bonds. ' `
.. and back the attack.
$pace Donated by
Anniversary Services
Sunday, May 2.
Guest Speaker: Rev, G. Hazelwood,
pf Walton. Special music by. Y. P.
Choir and Guest Soloist, Services at
11 a,m. and 7.30 pen.
A Play
Will be presented by Egmondvilie
Y.P.U. in the basement of Brucefield
United Church on
Wednesday, May 5th
at 8.15. p.m.
Admission: 26e; Children 15e.
' For Sale
Hen house, 9'6" by 9'8" long, Apply
to Edward Nickle, Clinton. 42-1
Pigs For Sate
Seven small pigs, 6 weeks old.
Apply to Peter Glazier, Clinton, phone
904r12. Clinton central. 42-1
e'er Sale
1927 Ford Coach in good running
order, APPLY Milton Johnston, Clin-
ton. 42-1
e'er Sale
A number of 100 Round milk cans.
Apply to, Gordon Turner, phone 006x5,
For Sale
Upright piano. Apply at Davis' &
Herman store, Clinton. 41-4
Wheatley, late of the Town of
Clinton in the County of Huron,
Yeoman, Deceased.
All persons having claims against
the estate of the above deceased are
required to file the same with the
undersigned' Solicitor for. the Execu-
trix, Elizabeth Knox,: on or before the y
18th day - of May, A, D,, 1943, after I R
which date the assets will' be distri- 1
buted aniongst the parties entitlei
thereto, ,having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall have been
DATED at Clinton, 'this 26th day of
April A. A, 1948.
F. Fingland, K.G., ,Solicitor for the
Executrix. 42-3 m
Repairs of ll .kinds. Work Guaranteed
Tubes • Tested Free
A3lintor,. W. OGntroves, PriPhoncene,2s:? S9Q-Wt.
"... "
It will pay.you to see -our stock of.
cemetery Monuments; Finest in On-
tario. Some old Country Gr.an;,t,e,tstiII.
procurable :Prices reaso,fable.i.s All;
work guaranteed, 7nscription tkor14;.
promptly executed, footetotle, in every
color supplied::Fxed,Poetegfield,, rop.;
P. O. box 16, Mitchell, Ont. Phone
99• $8-5,
Wool Growers' Organization
Our Registered Warehouse
No. 1 - Weston, ,Ontario •
Reliable Grading
Prompt Settlement
Obtain sacks and twine from;
Local Agricultural Office
or direct from
Canadian Co -Operative
Wool Growers Limited
217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada
Representative Miss Winnifred O'Neil
Clinton, Phone 75j, For complete:
lines of Fuller Brushes and Service
for same. 30-4
Seed For Sale
Some early Alaska Oats, Early Car
tier' Oats, Early Irish White Oats •
and some O.A.C. Barley Apply J. Les-
lie Cox, phone 903r2 Clinton 41-2
For Sale
Gladioli bulbs, exhibition quality,
No. 1 size, treated for thrip, n11 young.
stock and free of disease. Choice
nixed $2.00 per 100, 30c per doz..
Choice named varieties from 50 dif-
ferent kinds, $2.50 per 100, 350 per
doz. 4c each. Place your order early.
Murray Tyndall, Brucefield, Ont.
Phone Clinton 618-12. 39-4
Wanted to Purchase
Pullets, all breeds and ages four
weeks up to 20 weeks, High prices
paid. Write for full details. Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus On-
ntario. 41-4
For • Sale
The Ferguson home in. Auburn, Ont,
Solid brick House with Trot water hea:
ting, hardwood floors 2-5 acre land,'
Apply to G. M. Ferguson. 41 -ti •
House for Sale
A furnished house in Bayfield, also
a silver fox fur, slightly used. Apply :
to Mrs, Lyda McNeil, High street,
Clinton. 41-tf
Goats For' Sale
One milk goat, fresh, quiet, and has ;.
been hand milked; also one yearling
Apply to 3. A. Rath, Clinton. 41-1
Work Wanted
Farm work wanted by titan with 12
ears experience. Apply at the News-
ecord office, 42-1
Buggy For Sale
Navy blue convertible with springs,
and in good condition. Price $15,00.
Phone Clinton 2.13. 42-1
I have room'. to pasture 25 to 30
ore head of cattle for season. Good
sass, plenty water and cool shade to
n in. Terms reasonable. 0. R. Forst`
R.R, No. 2 Clinton, Lots. 19, 20,
Maitland Con. Colborne, Tel. 169
arlow. 42-3
Of House, Lot and Household
Furnishings. C
The undersigned has received in
structions to sell by Public Auction at
the residence of the late Joseph
Wheatley, Ontario Street, Clinton, on
Saturday, May 15th, commencing at
o'clock cl ck p,m. the following:
Household Effects: Three bedroom
suites;. dining room suite;' phonograph,
parlour suite upright piano;- four
rocking chairs,sideboard; kitchen
table and chairs; Raymond': dewing
machine; hand washing machine; ex-
tra kitchen table; two Small tables;
tapestry Y rug, three linoleum
two oilcloths
lar g • r e
, couch; dishes,
pictures and numerous other articles.
House and Lot subject to reserve
Elizabeth` Knox, Executrix,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 42-3
For Sale
Thirteen, two I.H.C. cultivator. Al-
so 8 chunks of pigs weighing 90
pounds. James Johnston, R. R. 4 Clin-
ton, phone 121.800. 42-1
For. Rent
Two garden lots: to rent between
'Mary. and Wellington streets. Real
good black loam. Apply to J. 1'. Shep-
pard, Box 111, Clinton. 42-1
Wanted to. Rent
One highchair ch $• in good condition
for two months. Phone Clinton 265.
10 yearling cattle to grass. Ideal
shade, water and pasture. Apply to
Charles Stewart, Londesbor-o, 42.1,