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yJ4EIRlS3*y11:_4 leA:.4t4 1f,-00 f44414H
Mother's a
By Sending.a Greeting Card
The Fighting Men
• X
�. '. COOPER
EVENINGS "6 TO 8 t - 361`
�.�„'.�'L•.'�!ZHL.J'If41 w.': S"��i+i'.+4.`S»«SM'ei+� 'M p4 i":'!. � ..�'M'MS�':'`.�:"+'�Si�+O?�?`M,
Freedom! .From; Want
.11 ghat are You Dojng for: It?
Think of the. plight of.the people of Europe, ataryed and etselaved..br..
the anastert:race" 'That's, want as we've never known it That's the
`iwaiiti • lent money fights against when. you put it in Victory Bonds',
.• .So•wh'at•if you do pees up' a few parties, eut•out luxuries and curtail' `
..nfecessirties? Is that too big a price to pay? Not when you think of.
the awful alternative. •Back the Attack with your dollars, and you'll
do yourpart tq win Freedom front want! • _
Space Donated By:
e¢. Jenee
,Fiera.t...t.t; ..: +..,:+ . ::w»: E .... « :»; :.: «: s «:.::.»:.k.»::µ.'rt•
£� s
CUSTOM TAILORS. -- Be Measured by a Tailor, 3
What Are You Doing For ft
If you can't fight for it your-
self, there is something you can
do. Work for it and pay for it
by lending your money to buy•
weapons of attack, the guns,
tanks, ships, and planes that
will smash the Axis and send it
reeling. Then only will you have
Freedom from Fear, Then only
will you have the satisfaction of
knowing you have. done. your
.part. Do without luxuries, even
necessities today. Back the At-
tack for a future of• plenty and
Space Donated, by:
DAVIS & FIl�RL�� 1°d
aaaeµ aiµt«b :.ataeal"i a":` to ;e ,alelat .e. teaas'statettaket hits' t t»:»: estaiateal ta.. lea's:
Victory Loan Bonds
and back the attack.
Space Donated by:
Headquarters For All Sporting Goods
'!LQi. .' a. t leas+.:tele: aeaaaseateasaaseaseesi'lisaseee stee sase-eaterte ... el
Clinton Monument Works
Exeter Business
3f, Mr. J. J. Zapfe will be pleased to receive any inquiries
e'OeA 0:+4+4 «.e'f x+144. .140: 444 i HMHH N ♦ . 1 ei ..
ti . . '.«. �. raet «,»;e:µA.a Iµ:� p•:«,w..444waew..t
Miss Bernice B ace L'o
bb of
:spent the Easterholiday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb.
The Federation of Agriculture will
meet in. S.S. No. 4 on Thursday May
6th at 8.30 p.m. Mr. Hugh Hill will
address the meeting along with- oth-
er program. As our President is able
to be around again we hope for a
good turnout, All - directors are re-
gtrested to attend to appoint voting
delegates to the County meeting for
the election of officers made neces-
sary by the resignation of Messrs
Morgan and Whyte. Come one, come
On Saturday evening Rev. Mr.
Graham of Bayfield Anglican church
baptized Catharine, infant daughter
f Mr .and Mrs. Robert Welsh at
their home in the presence of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Snell, Mr .and Mrs.
Oliver Welsh, Miss Helen Weleh, Miss'
Graelis and Mrs. Carter.
Mr, and Mrs. Myron Btitler spent
the week end with, Mr. and Mrs, Alf
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chuter of
Harriston with the former's parents
Mr. and Mrs. E. Chuter.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott of Galt
with the former's parents, also Mrs.
Morrison of Kitchener,' and little
Lorna Herd of Stratford guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott.
The funeral ofthe late Mrs. Annie
Beatty Woods of Listowel was held
in Bayfield cemetery, Monday.
M. and Mrs. Jamieson of Windsor
with Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Elliott of
Windsor spent the week end with the
latter's another, Mrs. Mossop.
• We areI
p eased. to mention Mr. and
Mrs. Aldington (newlyweds) are now
comfortably.settled in their new home.
We welcome Mr .and Mrs. Aldington
to our community and wish thein hap-
piness.and prosperity. .
(friends ;in this district 'Who extend
their best wishes fora happy future,
We legyet to.,report ,that Mrs. 11. They will reside in Detroit.
Talbot is •sefiously ill' at the home of - S.B.A. James Dewar, who has been
her daughter, Mrs.' Roy Scotchmer, serving aboard a Canadian Corvette
Stanley township. Her ; many:• friend's since last August arrived on Monday
wish her aspeedy recovery. to spend his leave with this parents,
Mr. Charles Hort of Terento was' 'Ma• and Mrs. David Dewar.
the guest of his grandparentsAtt., Mrs. A. S. Atkinson- of Detroit is
and Mrs Geo. King over; Easter, , at her :home in the village. Mr Donald
MrE. H. Featherston of Hamilton Atkinson of Detroit and Flight Lieut -
was home for taster— • enant and Mrs. Renquf Johns of God -
Mr. and. Mrs, V. C..,Quarry of Lon= erich were with her over Easter. "''
don were in the village, on Good Fri; Mrs. J. Atkinson Stewart '•and
day.bliss Marion Atkinson of Detroit are
Mrs. A. L Trout of Detroit was at spending this week at their cottage. ,
her cottage over Good Friday 'and. Miss Alice Drouin and Miss A. Fer-
r. nette of 'D'etroit are at their cottages
O S:, John McLe'ed, who has been for the Easter vacation.
serving .on a corvette doing convoy Miss Jessie Mem f of 'Detroit is
duty with the Canadian Navy - for with her mpthet•, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf,
the past year is spending .a twenty.• for the Easter vacation. '
eight day leave with his parents, Mr.
and,Mes, Lewis McLeod.' ' Miss Mabel Scotchmer of Toronto
spent the Easter week end under the
Mi. and' Mrs, Chas. Fraser moved parental roof,
into the Cleave house On Louisa St. Mrs. 4. McClure has moved to the
on Saturday. Their grandson, Master home which she recently purchased
John Fraser of Clinton is spending on Ann St., We bid her welcome to
the Easter vacation with thein. the village.
Mas. R. Kerr of Kincardine Is with Prof, and Mrs. H. Kallefleisch and
her cousin, Miss E. Cameron. ' two boys of London were at .their
Miss Helen Sturgeon of Clinton yeas cottage in the village for Easter.
with her parents, Mr: and Mee, E. The fishing season opened in Bay -
Sturgeon over the Easter week end. field the end of last week with fair
Her sister' Jean, returned with her to catches of herring and perch. The
spend a few days in Clinton. ice on the lake has limited the fish -
Dr. and Mrs. A.:Newton-Brady of ing ground's for 'the loetal fisher-
Hamilton were week end•1guests at men but large catches have been la-
the Albion Hotel corded at .Grand Bend.
Miss Ruble Fisher' • of Kitchener Miss Jeanne Dunn accompanied b
spent' Good Friday. anti. Easter with .Miss Wayman • of Toronto were the
her aunt Mrs F A: Edwards. . , guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd, Makins
Mrs. J. H. Salter, .Who has; spent the over•the week e'aca
Past six wdeke with°tier 'grandmother Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson and
Mrs. W. J ,Stinson, and other.;relatives son Walter of London are at their
in this ..district, left on . Friday for cottage. A.C. 2 Wm. Robinson of
Floxcombe,: Seek', with! lier`.'thusband, Manning Pool, Toronto was with them
AB talte2has been posted: to, Over- for Easter.. - y
Mrs. Chas Berry, who has been (Intended for -last week)
'undergoing _treatment at _ Victoria ,
aioserti)l• Leaden 'was over the Che following are letters received
weak grid:Elsie,
.: • recently by the correspondjng sacra-
Mieses ElsLeitch and Lorna tary from two of our boys overseas:
Wostiake of'Iikspeler=were home over H•M.C.S. "Algoma" March 8, 1943:
Easter. x.. Dear Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Holm and son ,
Roy, and Mr, and Mrs. Elkton _Holm Well I guess it is about time I an
of Prestoh'•were the guests of Mat A. swered your letter. You would be sur-
Holm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry prised to know the ,place I was in when
rlfcClinchey for Easter, '- your letter reaehed me, Mrs. Prentice
Misses 'Doris McEwan arid Marion Of course I cannot tell o
Castle who are attending Clinton you as the
Collegiate and Miss Dawns .Toms,•who navy is the "Silent Service" but there
is a student at Goderich Collegiate will be lots of exciting things to tell
are spending, the Easter vacation when I get home on leave so it will
at tacit respective homes in the; have to wait until then. About the
Mrs. Claude Robbins and little Miss cigarettes and parcels you good people
Claudia returned to their home in have sent so far, I have only re -
Detroit after having spent a fort- ceived 300 cigarettes and I got them
night with her mother, Mrs. W. J, about two weeks ago. However, the
McLeod. others will probably get through to inc
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart of Hain- O.K. as the place I am in now is very
ilton are at their home in the village. difficult to get mail to and fi'oin. I
Miss M. Fee and Mr. W. Fee of guess ,Bayfield must be pretty dead
Hensall were their guests on Baster about this time with everybody join -
Mrs. E. P. Lewis of Toronto cameing
Day, the "services" and all but I would
on Thursday of last week to visit sure like to get in on soma of those
Mrs. N. W. Woods. She was accom- dances and things, Yon never miss
paned by Mrs. J. H. Cobb, who is them until you get as far away as 1
with her mother, Mrs. M. Ross, Sun- Ain now.
R -Inn. _
Master Irvine Pease of London is Thanks a lot for the sheet of ad -
visiting at the home of H. N. Brand-
on, dresses, Just now I am a long way
Mr. Harry Baker and daughter D'on- from those guys, but. I never knew
na, Miss Peggy Burt and Buddy Burt when and where we go next, so if I
of London, were with Mr, .and Mrs, get the chance I will sure look them
P. N. Baker over the holiday. p
A.S.O. Margaret Ferguson R C.A. u '
F. (W.D.) Guelph, spent Good Friday,I spent a pretty good Christmas but
with her father Mr, Wm. L. Ferguson, it would have been nicer if it had
Miss Agnes Campbell, Superintend- been in good old `Canada". We were at
ent of Guelph General Hospital, was sea on New Year's so there wasn't
the guest of Mrs. 0, W. Rhynas for
Easter: anything very exciting about that.
Mr .and Mrs. Harold Edwards and Well friends, there is isn't much
Mr. Edwards Sr'., of London spent more I can say in this letter as I go
Easter with Mrs.. Edwards' another, on watch in a little while. I will be
Mrs. T. C. Bailey: , looking forward eagerly to the cigar-
Mr. 3, Bates is spending the East-
er vacation at his home near Brus- ettes and parcels as good Canadian
sets. • cigarettes and other things are very
Mi; Lawrence Powlie, of London hard to get here, so I will ,close now
'pent Easter with his sisters, Misses 'wishing you all a very "Happy and
F. and E. Powlie. Prosperous Good Year" and hope to
Mr. R. Larson of London and son,see everybody again soon,
Clarence of Stratford were home for Very Sincerely
Easter. Mrs, Larson and Miss Betty Robert McLeod, A. B. V17395
Lou accompanied Mr. Larson on his
return to London where they will R,C.A.F, Overseas, March 24, 1948
spend this week, •The Bayfield Red Cross: Mrs: Prentice
Dvr. Keith Gemeinhai•dt of Camp
Borden spent Easter with his mother, Dear Mrs, Prentice.
Mrs. F, C. Gemeinhardt. It is some time since I received the
Mrs, Maria .Elliott and Mr. Leslie kind and very much appreciated par
Elliott spent Good Friday and Easter cel from the Bayfield Red Cross, but
with relatives at Mount Clemens,
here I am at last with a few' Words 'of
Miss Elsie McLeod of Hamilton appaeeiation, Have been moved around
was home for Easter. considerably since leaving from my
Me. Lewis. Thomson returned to the embarkation leave. We were in sever -
village last week after having spent al points, .in Eastern Canada and the
the winter with iris sister in Ft Wil- U.S.A. but have finally landed in
liana Ontario, •
Miss Berthena Sturgeon of Clin- jolly old England, safe and, well. So
ton was home for Kasten, far we have been well treated, well
Mr.. and Mrs, David Dewar and looked after and well fed.
Master George of Toronto spent the While we were on the `float we
Easter week end' with the farmers'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar. were all given a parcel froth" the Ant -
Miss Elva Dewar of Toronto is with erican Red Cross. I realized then I
her Parents for the Easter vacation, had neglected writing you and thanl3-
Me. and Mrs. H ,McLean and Miss ing you.
Christine of Port Elgin were with I- had a very good trip over and
Mrs. McLaren`s sisters, Mesas Maud
and J. Stirling over the Easter week have seen some beautiful country,
end: It would be a grand trip to make in
Mrs, R. L. Bassett of Goderich was peace time,
home for Easter. It seems
A victory tee. is being held in the albaro to realize that it
town hall on Friday afternoon from most trvo _months ago that Mrs.
2 to 8.30 p.m, to raise funds for com- West/ekepresented we with the Red
fort bags for the Women's Divisions Cross parcel, I had put it in my big
of the Armed Forces, serving over- kit bag and had ntost of it when I ar-
seas. An informal program isbeing rived here. M pal. and I' •o
arranged and it is hoped that there y g t m, it
will be a large attendance e other night and, believe me it, was
We made''lemonadewith the
Mr. and Mnr, George Castle -of swell.
Goderich spent Easter with the form- lemons ( I had sugar); and had a
er s aunt and b^other',' Mrs, Wm. How- real feed. The oranges were greats
and and John Castle. Miss Beryl, who They are a thing;of the past over
was with them over Good Friday, re- here '
turned to Goderich with her parents
while Wilfred ,,, Miss a,,- - - n r 1•Vrll' -•-- again, thanks _
a, n
. 2t. million
wined to visit this week. For the parcel and will drop you a
cl Mars. Bruce Menerey, who were Yours very sincerely
married '
Speak for yourself, Adolf - if , s merry Miss Ida
Reid, daughter of the *_
Congratulations ere extended to M: line later
•ni d in Detroit on April 17. Mrs.
Meneroy who wa for Stuart.
(L,A,C: Watson, J. S.,)
Can, R155172.
Scotchmere. youie able. brie Mr, and
Mrs. John Reid of Bayfield, has many
THURS., APRIL, 29;;1943
speaks' to its Depositors
-FOR Canada's fighting sons the' ordeal of offensive battle
j�' nears "This year", the Prime Minister has said, "all of
our forces will be engaged."
When the hour strikes, ample armour, modern machines,
Munitions, equipment and food must be theirs in plenty--
lenty—with assurance of unending supply—to help preserve their
own lives as well as to overwhelm the enemy.
Money is needed for these purposes; much money; more
money than 'Canada has ever asked before; money without
stint. In the FOURTH VICTORY LOAN campaign,
Canada is asking her citizens for at least $x,ioo,000,000.
The Royal Bank of Canada, as a patriotic duty and
opportunity, suggests to all its depositors that they buy the
New VICTORY BONDS, withdrawing from their bank
accounts to do so, straining for the very largest investment
that their circumstances will permit.
VICTOR' BONDS are this Country's finest security
• Isaac Marwood died at his farm
home near Londesboro on Sunday Ap-
ril 18th. He was in his 83rd, year and
was the sin of Mr. A.rd Mrs. John
Marwood of East Wawanosh where he
lived until his'' marriage to Mrs.
Creighton. Mr: and Mrs. Marwood,
lived for some time on the 'farm now
owned by Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
and later moved to their present farm
near Londesboro. He is survived by his
widow and four sisters Mrs. Hannah
Wamsley of Clinton, Mrs. Chamney of
Auburn; Mrs. Alice Robb of Lucknow,
and Mrs. Fitzgerald of Kincardine,
The funeral was held from the Chel-
lew funeral parlor at Blyth. Rev. A.
E. Menzies of Londesboro United
Church conducted the service. The
pallbearers were: Sidney Lansing,
Joseph Youngblut, Harold Sprung,
Willows Mountain, Albert Eno and
William Govier all neighbors of the
deceased. Interment was made in
Blyth Union Cemetery,
The funeral serivee for the late
Charles Samuel Hawke, widely known
churchman held on Thursday after-
noon last its Ontario Street church,
was largely attended. Masonic breth-
ren of Clinton Lodge attended in a
body. Associated with Rev. G. G.
l3ur•ton, pastor of the church, were
the following local ministers. Rev. A.
Lane, of Wesley Willis United. Rev.
A. E. Silver of the Baptist church,
and Rev. G. W. Moore of St. Paul's
Anglican, all of whom took an active
part in the service. Mr. Burton de-
livering the address, At the cemetery
the United Church burial service,
conducted by hili. Burton, was follow-
ed by the Masonic rites the service
being conducted by Past Master T. G.
Scribbins and H. E. Rorke. Among
those present from out-of-town were
Mr. F. Campbell, Master . of Bruce
Lodge No. 341, Tiverton, of which
lodge the departed brother had been
a member. The paliberer•s were Char-
les E. Elliott, Robert Trick, Fletcher
Townsend. Harold Pickett, William
Walker and Louis Peacock.
A Good Spring Tonic
The Victory Loan Coaninunities'
Contest launched by the National War
Finance Committee should prove to be
a good spring tonic for the Fourth
Victory Loan Campaign. Most of, us
carry around a fair share of enthus-
iasm for. Canada's war Job. But the
trouble with Most of us is that we
keep it bottled up in placid form.
We don't shake it up often enough
and allow it to influence our actions
as it should.
Let's take. a homely illustration to
amplify the point. Common exper-
ience tells us that the less physical
effort we make, as a rule, the less we
want to make. The less we use our
muscles, the weaker they become. But
when we begin to walk into town, to
tochurch, or to put new .vigor
into the physical part of our day's
work we stir up our latent store of
physical energy and we feel inclined
to do more and more
The mental approach to oar duties
as citizens in wee
time is governed: by
similar conditions. The more we
think and feel about things we should
do to hurry •our victory against op-
pressors and to bring our boys, back
home as Soon as possible, the great-
er our
reat-erour• urge to increase and strength-
en our personal part of the job.
When we express our feelings through
public gatherings ink our, communities
Attention Farmers
For Necessary Repairs on The Afternoon of
Wednesday, May 5
Your Co-operation will be Greatly Appreciated.
Samples and books may be seen at the house or a
phone call brings them to your door.
Let me sell you the paper or paint and I will see that •
your work is done, or, you can do it yourself.
I have a large stock of Paper, Paints, Varnishes and
Enamels on hand.
A few bargains of paper to clear at cost
See My Stock Before Buying Prices are Right
during the Victory Llan •campaign,
converting our thoughts into action
and words, we are bound to feel like
buying more Victory Bonds than we
did before.
There is no corner on ideas held
by any particular group of citizens or
by any one community in the country:
The Victory Loan Contest should en-
courage the production of excellent
campaign promotion in eversr section
of every province, and it would not be
surprisingif the grand trophy were
won by one of the many small towns
of Canada, where imagination and in-
genuity grow as. abundantly as in any
large city.
Beautiful Souvenirs Arrive I
On Saturday of last week Mr. and
Mrs. Frank nk D elbrg id •e received
a sur-
prise package from their son, Flying •
Officer Ralph. Delbridge, now of Eng-
land, but at the time the parcel was
sent he was eft Omdurman; neat
Khartum, in the Egyptian Sudan. The
contents of the, parcel, along with
the rest of the flier's baggage, was
lost for six weeks when be was hur- 1
riedly moved from the Sudan to Cairo
The parcel was mailed from the latter
place on September 22nd and has
been on its journey for almost seven '
months. It contained sonic very in-
teresting and valuable pieces of ivory,
The largest piece was five elephants
in graduated sizes, marching trunk-
in -tail across an ivory arch. The ivory
is set in a carved ebony base. There
were two sets of ivory candlesticks
ornamented with amber from Persia.
An ivory shoe -horn, tate handle hl the
shape of the head of an Egyptian prin-
cess and a paper knife of the sane'
material made in the form of a cro-
codile, completed the contentsof the
parcel. All the pieces of ivoryare
beautifully polished and the work-
inanship is extremely delicate so Mr.
and -D r'
Mrs alb id
ge were very pleased
to find that none of the pieces had
been damaged in the long journey. In-
cluded in a collection of snapshots.
which 'Ralph sent home some time
ago was a picture taken on the day
the ivory was purchased. He is to
be seen standnig, with two of his
friends,' in an open -fronted store with
one of the candlesticks in his hands.