HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-04-22, Page 5THURS,., APRIL',; 22, 1943
1H ;O L m_ HIGH
Nothing short of victory over the powers of aggression
will ensure a just •and peaceful order after the war.
There can be no compromise with international bandits.
In that victory all of us wish to share.
Victory's price is high.
Some have the privilege of fighting; all have the privi-
lege of saving money to supply our fighters with
modern engines of war.
Enormous sums of money must be raised for ships;
planes, tanks, guns, bombs, shells and bullets.
Have a share in the victory by saving to—
Buy Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates
and Stamps—.
Pay the necessarily heavy Income Taxes—
Keeping up your Life Insurance and Providing
for your Future Independence—
Such a programme of determined, systematic saving is
part of the price of VICTORY.
...the Outcome of 125 Years' Successful Operation
Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager
Londesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison spent
Saturday with Mr .and .Mrs. J. A.
-Fott Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Yungblut of
Windsor visited the former's father,
•1VIr. George Yungblut last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Scott spent,
Sunday.with friends in Listowel.
Miss Mary Asquith P.hm, B .of
`Toronto attended the funeral of her
;grandfather, Mr. Alfred Asquith.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bunking of
' Detroit spent the week end with the
'former's mother Mrs. Bunking at the
:borne of Mr. G'eo.'1'. Yungblut.
' Nils.E�dgar Lawson, Mrs. J. C.
Stoltz ;Mrs. A. D. Thompson, Mrs.
Fred Ross, Misses Josephine Weir and
Norma Dder attended the Easter
'Thankoffering meeting of St. An-
drew's' Presbyterian Chuieh,Blyth,
last Saturday. '
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Taylor and
'Marion Taylor were recent London
Ladies Guild
The Ladies' Gelid tik St. 14fark's.An-
ican• urc
BlCh c1r met in the Orange Hall
for the April meeting, The program
*as in charge of Mrs. Gordon Taylor.
'1E10710wing the opening hymn, Mrs. P.
`Ii. Streeter led in the prayers. The
scripture was read by Miss Laura
Phillips. An Easter reading was giv-
'•en by •Mrs. Alvin Leatherland. The
topic the "Life of St. Mark" was giv-
en by llfrs. Jeremiah. Taylor. A read-
ing "There Will Always Be God." was
given by Mrs. T .S. Johnston. A solo
was rendered by Mrs. Gordon Taylor
'taecompanied by Mrs. R. J. Phillips.
The president Mrs. Thos S. John-
ston took the chair for the business
period.. The treasurer Mrs. Thos. Hog-
gitt gave her report of the financial
standing. Mrs. Johnston thanked Mrs.
G. Beadle and Mrs. G. Taylor who had
purchased a tablecloth for the vestry
table and also made special men-
tion of, a hooked' mat for the vestry
which was •presented by Mrs. Jere-
' Taylor. A special feature of
the meeting was two lucky chairs
being held by Mrs. Thos. Haggitt and
Miss June Leatherland. The president
presented useful prizes for this fea-
ture. Nine members answered the roll
call 'by a s se :al 'housecleaning hint.
There were 5 visitors and 5 children
prbsent. Miss M lrgaret Small lof
Toronto sent greetings to the Guild
and her thanks for a religious book-
let which ' was sent to her. Rev. P.
H. Streeter dismissed the meeting
with prayer.
Alfred Asquith
The passing of Alfred Asquith at
his' residence in Auburn marks the.
loss of a son of a pioneer family of
Hullett township after acompara-
tively short illness. Mr. Asquith had
enjoyed excellent health up until two
years ago when he suffered a slight
He was the son of Margaret Pea-
cock and Robert Asquith who came
to Canada from Dalton, Yorkshire, a
century ago' with several small child-
ren. They first settled in the Gore of
Toronto, later moving to Hullett town
ship and purchased' the Fear farm
south 'of Londesboro where Mr. As-
quith was born January 8, 1859.
As a boy Alfred Asquith attended
S. S. No. 9, Hullett and Clinton high
school. He came to Auburn with his
widowed mother in 1880 and opened
Auburn's first butcher shop. He later
started packing. and exporting .green
apples: At this time all the shipping
had to be. teamed. to Blyth, a distance
of six miles. Later Mr. Asquith be-
gan manufacturing evaporated apples
and wa9, senior partner of the firm,
A. Asquith and Son. who at one time
operated plants at Alvinston, Londes-
born Ont. When the grist mill here
was destroyed by fire in 1903 he star-
ted a flour and feed •business. which
he continued until his retirement 13
years ago.
On October 22, 1883, he was mar-
ried to .MaryRye.' Up to the time of
his passing, Mr. and Mrs,. Asquith en-
joyed the •ciistinetion of being, Au -
burn's oldest married couple both in
years and length of residence in .Au-
burn. They tided for nearly 60 years
in their cottage on the south side of
Auburn's main street. They would
have celebrated their diamond jubilee
in October of this year.
In religion 1V/fr. Asquith was. a Bap-
tist, being ,a. member of the board of
deacons. In politics he was a Conser-
vative. He was the last license in -
.Spector for West Huron, to which
position, he was appointed by the
government of. Sir Joseph, Whitney
in 1905.
Besides his widow, he is survived
by one daughter, (Gertrude) Mrs, F
..0. Mcllveen of Bowmanville, and
one son, Charles E. Asquith of Au-
burn two granddaughters and eight
grandsons, four of whom are in ac-
tive service.
The fiuneral service was largely at-
tended on Sunday afternoon at the
Baptist church, Rev. A. E. Silver
chose his words of comfort from
John, 11th chapter, 25-26, taking as
his theme, "I am the resurrection and
the life." The pallbearers were Wil
' liana J. Thompson, Alfred Rollinson,
Ezekiel Phillips, Ephriam Ball, James'
Robertson and George Raithby. The
lovely floral tributes were carried by
Robert Arthur, Kaltner K. Dawson,
'Gordon R. Taylor ''.and Thomas S.
Johnston. Interment took place in
Ball's, cenjetery.. Friends atiending3
frotn'a distance were Mr. and Mrs.
F. 0. Mcillveen and Eric of Bowman-
ville, Miss Mary Asquith, Phm. B.,
of Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Jas Bon -
Omen of Hensel, Mr. Peter McEwan,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Good. Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Clark, Mr. and . Mrs.
Frank Robinson and Mrs. Thomas An-
derson all of Goderich.
After 30 years' service as secretary
of Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F. and
A.M., Wor. Bro. R.'N. Creech, of Es-
eter has ' resigned and will be suc-
ceeded by ,Wor. Bro. .George W. Law-
son. in lodge an address was read
by the new. secretary, and the D. D.
G. M., Rt. Wor. Bro. R. D. Munro, of
Carlow Lodge Auburn,. presented
the retiring officer on behalf of the
Exeter lodge with a pen and pen-
cil set. Mr. Creech 'expressed his
appreciation of the gift, Mr. Creech
is known to many in Clinton and was.
formerly owner of the newspaper 'in
Help Wanted
A capable girl for general house-
work, good' wages. Phone Clinton 264.' due to freshen June 30th. Wouldo
: for cow fresh -
Goats For Sale Sider exchanging same
One milk goat, fresh, quiet, and has ening this month. Thomas H. LeP -!
been hand milked; also one yearling pington, corner North and Spencer.
Apply to J. A. Rath, Clinton. 41-1 Streets, Clinton. 41-1
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66J
Good Market For
Eggs .and Poultry
Never in the history' of Canada was
there such a need for increased pro-
duction in foodstuffs. We are in a po-
sition to cull your poultry flocks when
you notice too many non -producing
Our electric egg machine will give
you quick service 'and -satisfaction.
Day -Phan ' 2I4. i Night Phone 326:
Batkins Locker Service
Try us for Fish of all Kinds—
Fresh' Lake Herrings
Salmon and Fillets
Farmer's Style Sausage
Frozen Green Peas arid, Raspberries.
We Have Casings For Sale
Also Buy Hides
Frozen Foods are Better' Foods
Commencing on Easter Sunday
April 25th. The services in St. John's
Anglican Church will be held in the
evening at 1 o'clock during the sum-
mer months.
LAW Gertie Smith of the R.C.A.
F. Patricia Bay Nanaimo B.C. spent
the past week at her home in the
village with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. Smith and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldington expect
to move into the village this week.
Mr. Aidington is taking over the
chopping mill formerly owned by
the late Mr. Wm. Reid.
On Tuesday evening of last week
men of the R.A.F. Clinton presented
an excellent variety program to a
well filled house in the township hall
Varna. The program included the Or-
chestra. The male quartette, guitar,
violin, tap dancing, impersonations,
readings and conjuring by magicians.
Each artist on the program displayed
exceptional ability. Luncheon was
served by members of the Red Cross
$40.00 was realized for the Red Cross
The parsonage of the church in
Teeswater was the scene of a quiet
wedding Saturday afternoon at three
O'clock when Edith Amelia, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuf-
fin, Staffa, was united in marriage
to Mr. John Aldington, son of Mr.I
and Mrs.' Thomas Aldington, Crom-
arty. Rev. R. N. Stewart •officiated.
There were no attendants. After a
short trip through Eastern ' Ontario
they will reside in Varna.
Mrs. McKenzie and Helen wish to
thank everyone for their kindness
during such sad days.
For Sale
44 pigs, from 6 to 8 weeks old. On
No. 4 highway, 1-2 ' miles north of
Brueefield, 'phone Clinton'529r2..R.
Richardson. ' 41-1
For Sale
Lady's wool gabardine •two-piece
suit, size 18, color navy.. Only worn a
few times, just like new. This is a
snappy outfit. Apply td Mrs. Thomas
H. Leppington, Clinton. 41-1
For Sale
A 1936 De Luxe Ford V-8 in good
condition. New battery, and fairly
new tires. Low mileage, and paint
on the outside is as good as new.
1943 license plates. Apply to Husty's
Shoe Repair, Clinton. 41-2
Seed For. Sale
Some early Alaska Oats, Early Car-
tier Oats, Early Irish White Oats
and some O.A.C. Barley Apply J. Les-
lie Cox, phone 903r2 Clinton 41.2
Convertible stroller in good con-,
dition. Phone 32 Clinton. 41-1
For Sale
Upright piano. Apply at Davis &
Herman store, Clinton. 41-4
Cow For Sale
Extra good cow. This cow is;quiet
and right in every way. Age 7 years
Now ' Playing Pat O'Brien and;
Brian 'Donlevy in "TWO YANKS
Ginger ;Rogers, Cary Grant and
Walter ' Siozak. An American re-
porter and a former Brooklyn
dancer meet in, war-torn Europe.
Together they outwit the Germans.
Six people kept a date with des-
tiny in . a city that rocked the
world. A superb war drama! Hum-
phrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman,
Paul Henreid, Peter Lorre and
Conrad Veidt,
Now Playing Humphrey Bogart
ht "Casablanca"
Fred Aistaire, Rita Hayworth and
'Adolphe Menjou, Kern's music by
Cugat's. Orchestra help make this
into a truly inspired musical
The roaring saga of a fighting for-
tress, the "Mary Ann", and a gal-
lant crew that wouldn't quit.
John Garfield, Gig Young, Harry
Carey and George Tobias.
Now Playing -. Pat O'Brien ` be
Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan and
Theresa Wright telling appealing.
story, of America's greatest gent-
leman of %port, Lou Gehrig.
Ralph Richardson, Deborah Kerr,
and H. Williams. If you like action
drama, romanec and humor then
you mustn't miss
Uommg-..he All Star sensation Coming — Humphrey Bogart in
ShowSome Fight with Victory Bonds for Ammunition
The Place
To Buy Your Bread,
Buns, Pies and Cakes
Sale or Rent -100 Acres
About Forty Under Cultivation
Rest seeded down, well water-
ed. Near school and store. Possession
April 1st, Lot 30, Con. 6, HulIett
township. Apply at The News Record
Clinton 37-tf
Wanted to Purchase
iPullets, all breeds ands ages four
Weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices
paid. Write for full details. Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus On-
tario. 41-4
For Sale
1 single bed with cable springs in
excellent condition; also one two bur-
ner electric plate for heavy wiring
with three heat control. Phone 289,
Clinton. 41-1
Horse For Sale
Particularly good five year old
mare, weighing 1,400 pounds. Apply
to Irvine Tebbutt, 906r6 Clinton.
For Sale -.
The Ferguson home in Auburn, Ont.
Solid brick house with hot water hea-
ting, hardwood floors 2-5 acre land.
Apply to G. M. Ferguson. 41-tf
Farm Stock and Implements
of the late Wm. Chambers, five
miles south of Goderich, on No. 8
Highway on Saturday, April 24 com-
mencing at 1 o'clock, the following:
Matched Black team 8 and 9 years
old; Chestnut work horse, 9 years
old; Durham Cow, with calf at foot;
Rede Cow, with calf at foot; . Black
cow with calf at foot; Roan cow, in
calf; 4 baby beef„ weighing about
600 lbs each.
Cockshutt Rake, 10 foot, nearly
new; Deering Binder, 7 ft.; Massey
Harris Mower, 6 ft.; Massey -Harris
Cultivator, 3 sec; Cockshutt Riding
Plow; Cockshutt Walking. Prow; 2 -
Furrowed Kid Kangaroo Plow; Good
Top Buggy; Flood McLaughlin Cut-
ter; 4 sections of Harrows; Set of
bobsleighs; Bain wagon and box;
stock rack; Flat hay rack; New Ideal
manure spreader; Grinding stone,
Gravel box; Set of double pulleys and
rope; Posthole Auger, 12 inch; Cat-
tle chute; fence stretcher and bar;
quantity of rope; ; Set of double har-
ness; Set of third horse harness;:2
sets of single harness; 3 good collars.
Hayfork, pulleys and rope; Fanning
mill; • 2 wheelbarrows; Set 2000 Ib.
scales; Several ladders; Coal oil 3
burner, with oven Coal oil heater;
Quebec heater; Box stove; Kitchen
Range, Empire; Fire Extinguisher;
2 Bedroom Suites; ?Sideboard; 2
tables; kitchen chairs; Dining room
suite; Singer sewing machine; Rug
9x11; Buffalo Robe; 1929 Ford car;
Dishes and other articles too numer-
ous to mention
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
For Sale
A spring suit, fawn wool tweed,
like new, size, 14. Apply at News -Re-
cord. 41-1
Tenders for Gravel
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned until May 20th, for crush-
ing and delivering approximately
3,000 yards of crushed gravel, one
inch screen to be delivered where
the Road Supt. directs, work to be
done after Sept. 1st, and before Oct.
15th. Contractors to prepare the pits.
Council to pay for gravel. A mar-
ked cheque for $100 to accompany
each tender. Lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted:
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk.
40-2 R,R.' No. 2 Clinton.
Wanted to Rent or Buy.
A house in good condition in Clin-
ton with modern conveniences. Apply
giving full particulars at once to Box
39S, the News Record. 40-tf
For Sale
Young stock bull ready for service
apply to C. Lawson, RR No. 2 Bay-
field. 40-2
For Sale
One and one-half storey brick
house on Isaac street, with furnace
and bath. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Cox,
Phone 168 Clinton. • 40-2
Wanted o
Cattle wanted for pasture by the
month. Apply to Reynold's Dairy,
Seaforth: Phone' 667r33. • 40-2
Buy your day old white Leghorn
90 % pullets for May and June de-
livery, now. Wilfred W. Glazier, Clin-
ton, Ontario. R.R. No. 4 40-2
For Sale
Two good cows rising 6 years old,
to freshen soon; also 300 bus. of good
clean Ethan seed oats. Alex Sparks,
Phone 934-22 Goderich 89-3
Man used to farming. Apply to
Harry J. Thompson, R,R. No. 2 Clin-
ton. 40-2
House for Sale
A furnished house in Bayfield, also
a silver fox fur, slightly used. Apply
to Mrs. Lyda McNeil, High street,
Clinton. 4141
Federal Buildings—Province of On-
SEALED Tenders addressed to the
undersigned and endorsed "Tender for
Coal," will be received until 3 p.m.
(E.D.S.T.), Thursday, April 29, 1943,
for the supply of coal and coke for
the Dominion Buildings throughout
the Province of Ontario.
Forms of tender with specifications
and 5onditions attached can be ,ob-
tained from the Purchasing Agent,
Departtnent. of Public Works, Otta-
wa; and the Supervising Architect, 36
Adelaide :St. East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders should be made on the
forms supplied by the Department
and in accordance, with departmental
specifications and conditions attach-
ed thereto.•Coal dealers' license num-
bers must be given when tendering.
The Department reserves the right
to demand, from any successful tend-
erer, before awarding the order, a se-
curity deposit in the form of a certi-
fied cheque on a chartered bank in
Canada, made payable to the order of
the Honourable the Minister of Public
Works, equal to 10 per cent of the
amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds
of the Dominion of Canada or of the
Canadian National Railway Company
and its constituent companies uncon-
ditionally guaranteed as to principal
and interest by the Dominion of Can-
ada, or the aforementioned bonds and
a certified cheque, if required to make
up an 'odd amount.
Such security will serve as a guar-
antee for the proper fulfilment of the
By -order.
• Secretary.
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, April 15, 1943.
Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed.
Tubes' Tested Free
A. W. Groves, Princess St.
Minton, Ont., Phone' 290-W
It will pay you to see our stock of
Cemetery Monuments. Finest in On-
tario. Some old Country Granite, still
procurable. Prices reasonable— All
work guaranteed. Inscription work
promptly executed, footstone in every
color supplied. Fred Porterfield, Prop.
P. 0. box 16, Mitchell, Ont. Phone
99. 38-5
Representative Miss Winnifred O'Neil
Clinton, Phone 75j. For complete'
lines of Fuller Brushes and Service
for same. 30-4
For Sale
A five -roomed cottage and sunroom
on Osborne street, with lights water
and garage. A nice garden with straw-
berries. Immediate possession. Apply
at the News -Record office. 40-2
' Wanted
Live, old and, disabled horses and
cattle for mink feed. Elmer Trick,
Phone Clinton 907r25 39 -e -o -w
Couple who understand farming.
May have home and small acreage in
return for some work and general re-
pair necessary on farm and buildings.
Location, three miles from town but
near store with mail delivery and tele-
phone. Apply News -Record. 371E
Pasture for a number of steers. Ar-
nold Jamieson, 616r33 Clinton 40-2
For Sale
Gladioli bulbs, exhibition quality,
No. 1 size, treated for thrip, all young
stock and free of disease. Choice
mixed $2.00 per 100, 80e per doz.
Choice named varieties from 50 dif-
ferent kinds, $2.50 per 100, 35c per
doz. 4c each. Place your order early.
Murray Tyndall, Brucefield, Ont.
Phone Clinton 618-12 . 39-g,
For Rent
Will Rent 3 rooms, living room, kit-
chen and bedroom, furnished or un-
furnished, to refined, quiet couple.
Must be permanently located. Gard-
en if desired -Also 2 rooms, bedroom
with adjoining sitting -room, suit only
single lady' or bachelor. No.house-
keeping. Please write Box 600, The
New -Record. 38-tf.
Of Farm Stock and Implements
Mr. Harold Jackson has received
instructions to sell by public auction,
on Wednesday, April 28 at 1 o'clock,:
on 8th concession of Hullett, 1 1-4
miles south and 1 1-2 east of Londes-
Horses—Matched team of mares :5
and 6 years, •brown ' color, 1. bay geld-
ing 9 years old.
Cattle -2 .Dunham cows due time
of sale; 5 Jersey, well bred, freshen-
ed, 4 years old; 3.Jersey cows due
any time; 1 Jersey heifer freshened
2 years old; 1 Jersey heifer due to
freshen last. of April. Young Cattle:
5 Jersey heifers 1 year old; 1' steer
1 year old, 2 young calves.
Implement's — 1 Massey Harris
binder., 1 mower, 1 hayrake, 1 cultiva-
tor and seeder, 5 sections harrows,
land roller, wagon and hayrack, pair
of sleighs, nearly new, 1 rubber .tired
buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set double harness,
1 cream separator, Lister, •ball bear-
ing 600 lb. capacity, ' almost new;
root pulper, straw cutter, spraying
Fordson tractor in Al condition
Terms cash.
Charles Josiing, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
�� �i 414