HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-04-22, Page 3TI 15RS., APRIL, 22, 1943 THE HAPPENINGS IN CLINTON EARLY IN THE CENTURY Some Notes of The News in 1918 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD I Mrs. (Dr.) McJ,wan of Aylmer is APRIL 18th, 1918 the guest of hex•sister, Mrs. H. R. Sharp. Mrs. Richards of Centralia ihas been the guest of Mks, F. French dui - ng the past week. s Mrs. James Steep was visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Collyer in Lon- don this week. Mrs. H. B. Chant left Monday morn mg for Chatham to visit her daughter Mrs. W. E. Floods. Mr, and . Mrs. Melville_ Torrance and children .returned to Toronto yester- day after visiting the home of then he fornner's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Tor- rance •of tow. Miss Gladys Cantelon left yester- day. to spend a few days in Toronto. She will be accompanied home by her mother, who has been in the city since Baster.' Major J. W. Shaw, medical officer of the 161st battalion arrived in Hali- fax on Monday and is expectei home this week. Mrs. Shaw and Miss Made - Ion went to Toronto to meet hint. Mrs.` Close 'and Miss - Gillispie of Seaforth were guest's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James .Dunford over the week end. Miss Florence Fowlie of Seaforth has been visiting"at the Mine of Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett. Mr. Diehl of Varna, who has for many years supplied Clintonians with excellent maple syrup had 728 trees tapped this year. 'He gathered from the 18th •of March to the 14th of Ap- ril 6,666 gallons of sap, but front this big .amount he 'got 17'7 gallons •of syrup. The sap did not have as inech body as other years. Lieut. Wm. Proudfoot, son of Mr. W. Proudfoot, K. C. •of Goderieh has been awarded the Military: -Cross. Lieut Proudfoot, who has been four times wounded went overseas with the 33rd London Battalion, but was trans- ferred to a Highland Battalion, He is a graduate of Osgoode Hall and Trin- ity College. Last week while having a general cleanup and a small fire, the home of Mr. W, Moore, Rattenbury street, had 'a close call, the hedge near the ,arouse caught on fire and extra work was needed to stop it from reaching the house, The town clerk has received a copy of the Act 'recently passed by the Ontario Legislature whereby vacant land can be taken over on order for One of the contestants for the. prize for driving Tuesday afternoon 'was Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt of Hobnesville, She did not win a prize but she exhib- ited some skill as a horsewoman so say those who witnessed :the scene. By an unfortunate change she• came into collision with a dray and but for • her coolness and skill there might have been an .accident. but no harm' was done: Dr. C. W. Thompson has been ap- pointed medical examiner for Clin- ton for the,purpose of examining any men, not called out under the. Military Service Act, who wish to enlist, Mrr...B. A. Gooier received word last week that hot son, Pte. • J. H. Biggin, who enlisted with the 161st battalion Lad been wounded. . No particulars. have as yet been received. Mrs. M. Forbes received word the other day that her son, Charlie, who has been training in Texas during the winter, has returned to Canada and was on a short leave with his brother at Beamsville. He itwas who picked up Stanley Hays of Seaforth 'after his fatal fall a couple of months ago. Some radical changes in the G. T. R. will go into effect on April 28th, but the local agent is not in a position to state just how Clinton wiII be affect- ed. Mr. Charles Hunt has moved in from Tuckersmith and, has taken up Iris residence in town. Judge Lewis of Goderich must have felt some elation on Sunday last when Daylight Saving came into effect throughout the Dominion. Judge Lew- is, then Mr, E. N. Lewis, M. P. for Centre Huron, was the first mar, in Canada to advocate Daylight Saving by introducing a bill in the commons at Ottawa nearly a dozen years ago. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Cantelon receiv- ed word on Tuesday evening` of the sudden death of Mrs. John Stadey of Bensall, which occurred that morning. She is the mother of Mrs. Cantelon, The fire bell rang on Saturday morning last and the brigade hurried to the scene to discover a blaze the barn just rear of Mrs. D. B. Ken- nedy's residence. The fire was soon extinguished and little damage was done. It is supposed the fire was started by some children playing with matches. the purpose ,of being cultivated only Mr. John Deihl of Stanleyhas•in if the same is not to be used for building or manufacturin vested in a tractor, an eight -horse g purposes. Advertising of native wines for power coal oil engine and has been busy this last week or days cult! ,beverage purposes is prohibited in vating his land and•the regulations issued by the Board ggetting' it ready for the seed. Mr. Deihl has made use of a small engine for some time us- ing it for the driving power for many things about his farm and, buildings but he has not used it . for field On Monday :evening Mr. A. J. Me- work before. - Murray unloaded b 10.20 Titan, Int - Rev, T. R. Gourtice of Oil City, pa„ ernational tractors, at the station was a visitor from Friday until hes- here, and had them travel on their day at the parental home, that of ownpower up • Street. One of the five Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Courtice of Holm- esville, He cane over to see his moth- er, who has been quite ill during the past couple of, weeks. Mr. M. B. Morrison of Hullett town- ship, one evening last week entertain- ed a number of his friends in honor of his niece; Miss Helen Morrison, teacher at Oakdale who was home on vacatlpn,: Mr.,David Forrester, Jr.,' wlio has been one of the most courteous and obliging ticket agents in the uptown office of the Grand Trunk Railway, Toronto, has tendered his resignation in order: that hemay help the "great- er production" movement by working on his father's farm near town. Rev. R. B. Stevenson of Toronto visited at the !tome of his sister, Mrs, W. S. Downs on Monday last. Miss Nellie Watt of Woodstock is . Miller and N. Ballg rep• to the Faill visiting at the home of her brother, bowling assoc,, J. Wiseman, delegate• Mr. T. J. Watt o3 Rattenbury street. to the Western Ont. Assoc., W. Jack - Mr. J. W. Irwin of .London was in son. The first new membersof the season to join the club are, S. B. Sto- d thers •and G. E. Hall, The •following old time residents were made holior- ary members, James Fair, J. B. Roo - of License Commissioners. The regu- Iations provide that anyone violating thein shall have his permit suspend- ed. is sold at Renard' and another at Mit- chell while the other three sold in Goderich, and Colborne townships. Most of the Merchants are wond- ering if they,.can't close up their stores on Wednesday. afternoon's com- mencing the 1st of May, Now that theme is an extra hour of daylight they want to'inake the most of it in the garden, in autos or on the bowling green. The :annual meeting of the Clin- ton Lawn Bowling Club: took place in. the council chamber on Monday night, with the following officers being elected for the coining year: Honor- ary persident, D. A. Forrester; pre- sident, W. Jackson; vice' president, H. Wiltse; secretary, F. T. Jackson; .trea- surer, Dr. Axon; auditor, D. L. Mc- Pherson; ground committee, W. Grant TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, `. PAGE 3 IIowaiout • CHIS YEAR, hundreds of thousands of Canadians will risk their ALL for victory. This is "attack" year. Trained and ready for the sacrifice, our fighting men will pull no punches. How about YOU? These men going into battle DEMAND nothing of you. But they know how much depends upon those dollars you earned in jobs that have no risks like theirs. Are you going to pull YOUR punches—NOW? Maybe you've bought Victory Bonds till it hurt. in preparation for the attack. You did a good job there._ But attack is still more costly than preparation. MORE Canadians buying MORE Victory Bonds that is the price asked of those at home for the drive to victory in this year of attack. When so many LIVES are being dedicated to victory, are you preparing to dedicate your DOLLARS to the same end? 56-4 5 �'�'� �� VAR F• 'EDD 1 �/ NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMIT *1.11•112,..r.1.1".•000110irball1M.M11.11190 011131W EE that the players will -have a good.' ago moved to Toronto, but tiring of townshiphas'beconie a citizen of Olin- taught; If the green grass green to play on .The ladies will also i life in that city he has returned to haste the use,of -the grounds five after- Huron and taken up his abode in the none during the season if they sol Hub thereof. town on Tuesday, being the guest of Mr. an Mrs. . Cunninghame. Mr. Ir- win never fails to attend the Clinton Spring Show. Rev. Dr .and Mrs, Stewart of Toren., ver, R,obt.; Holmes, F. R. Hodgens, Ans to arrived, in town and will spend a drew Port, Dr, Ag'rtew, Dr. Robertson, few weeks here. Ii. Erskine, Lack Kennedy, W. Aar- Mrs. H. Kennedy has been visiting land, Rev. Mr. Grant, Rev. Jenkins friends at Staffs. THE CL NTO•N NEW ]615A W. P. Spalding, J. P. Tisdall, W. J. Stephenson, J. W. Irwin, J. A. Watt, C. E. Dowding, H. E. Paull and Rev. T'. harper. APRIL 18th, 1918 • Messrs. W. Grant and J. Miller will Miss Marion Gunn hasgone to Tor- again look"after the grounds during the coming summer and tiais means onto to take a position, e e. v When the Present Century Was Young THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD APRIL 16th, 1903 Mr. C. J. Wallis returned on Sat- urday last from a five week's busi- ness trip to the Northwest. , While away he disposed of three carloads of horses and the result was so satisfac- tory that he starts back again today with another carload.'The competition among the horse -dealers in. the North- west is very keen and it has required a shrewd head this season to pull out even. The ranches of Alberta •and Montana have been heavily drawn upon and are now advancing prices somewhat, The Northwest, says Mr, Wallis is decidedly booming. At Wey- burne, Assa., where he spent the most of his time, between eight and nihety carloads of settlers effects arrived the first Week in April, Mr John Mc- Murray and family formerly of Clin- ton, are located about three miles from Weyburn and doing web. ' Mr. 011ie Courtice, who has been in ,the employ of Jackson Bros., and the Jackson Mfg., Company for two or three years, has resigned his posi- tion to go to the Northwest, with the expectation that the ehange will bene - of his health. On Tuesday 'the fellow employees of the factory presented him with a gold watch suitably inscri- bed. The same evening a party was given in his honor at Mr. W. Coll- yer's home. Mr. William Graham, who for over Captain H. B. Combe, who has for a number of years been a 'prominent figure in Clinton business circles, has at last found time to, devote to that more responsible phase' of life— matrimony. A number of his gentle men friends assembled in the club rooms last Monday evening to assure himof their best wishes for his hap- piness in double harness. A very plea- sant time was spent in which speech and song were prominent, but the fea- ture of the evening was the presen- tation to Captain Combe ofa hand - 'some easy chair, elegantly upholster- ed in leather. The present€iticn was made by Captain Shaw in a neat speech and was fittingly replied to by the guest of the evening. The ranks of the "07d Guards" bachelors are rapidly thinningand have been ma terially weakened by the Captain's de- sertion. Mr, and' Mrs. J. W. Treleaven of Alrnonte were in town for the holi- days. Mr, Treleaven visited his hone in Luoknow on Monday and left for Toronto on Tuesday to attend the meeting of the Educational Associa- tion. Mrs Treleaven went to. Toron- to yesterday accompanied by her bro- ther, Mr. • B. J. Gibbings. Messrs George. East and George Rands, who, went to Stratford to take employment have 'returned home. Mr, John Kennedy of Detroit was the guest of his parents,- Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kennedy, Easter Sunday. Mr. James Atkinson, who was in charge of the furniture business •of' Bowe & Holloway, but is now engaged .tri • the same line of business in Exeter on his own account, moved his family ton, having taken up his abode with His "way of life" for all mankind— his sister, Miss Beacom. Who raised the dead, healed the sick and blind Full soon our youth will free th' op- pressed; Bring happiness to souls distressed, Though we, like Mary, yield to die Our sons . . . a world to purify! And we, like sacred history. Know Calvary, ere victory! Lois Mi. Glenn Fair of the staff of the Gordon & McKay Company, Toronto, spent the Easter holidays at home, Mr. John Mennel of the staff of the Fergus Nows-Record spent from Friday to Monday at his home in town. Mr, W. S. Lawrence returned last week from Ottawa and is making pre- parations to move his family to the capital. • V CALVARY Two thousand years swift rolled away Since Jesus died that fearful day; Betrayed by Judas; Pilate tried; Scourged by soldiers; crucified! Crucified upon the tree. That Men might live. Yes—you and me! Are all Christ's lessons come to naught: The "brotherhood of man," He taught; The selfless "Good Samaritan"; The "True Vine and the Husband- man"? Oh, ministry of love and grace; Though cruelly slain, His .shining face Was lifted up with prayer unto. His God, "They know not what they do, "Forgive them Lord" , . . They thought Slim dead. Who for mankind had suffered bled, His was that day the victory O'er sin and hell . .Gethsemane, For us at war our Garden now;, Within its 'shadows may be bow Our hearts in prayer --even as He— "Deliver us from Calvary.' ' If bitter cup may not away Let us, like Jesus, humbly say: &SONG FOR EASTER If this bright lily Can live once more, And its white promise Be as before, Why cannot the great stone Bi moved from His door? Sears. Ascend• the shake. Year after year, And blossoms break Again and again. For April's sake, Why cannot He,. From the dark and mould Show us again. His manifold And gleaming glory, A stream of gold? Paint heart, be sure These things inust be, See the new bud On the old tree?' If flowers can wake. Oh, why not He? ' ---Charles rianson Toiv'ne thirty years was one of the best to that town on Tuesday. "Thou knowest best. Thy will be Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, British Se- andmostsuccessful. farmei:s' Mr. :and Mrs. George.Swartz re- in e- done. cretary`of State for Foreign Affairs known a n hi liar bought the turned home last week after .spend- "E'en though through death Thy, is showai chatting -oath Prime Minis - 1 enmert ny residence ce g lh p world is won.. ter W. L. MacKenzie King a few mo - citizen n o Clinton. and becomes a ing the winter with their daughter in May by'th s bol war be wrought ments after his arrival in Ottawa. :ng his brief stay. ' citizen of Clinton. He somie ' <• Cleveland, Ohio. I Y g of Goderich The since retired ' from farming a year Mr. Henry Beacom of on earth" that Jesus Mr, Eden flew from the United States in .the same huge bomber which ear- rind him across the ocean. He address- ed a joint session of the Canadian Se- nate and the House of Clommone duid