HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-03-11, Page 5THURS.,-MARCH, 11, 1943 THE CLINTON'. NEWS -RECORD ,PAGE 5 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL. HOLDERS OF SLAUGHTER PERMITS and of LICENCES TO. SLAUGHTER HOGS Because of the urgent need of securing the quantit- ies of BACON and other PORK PRO'D'UCTS nec- essary to meet the wartime requirements of the Un- ited Kingdom, and the consequent necessity of cur- tailing slaughter for domestic use in Canada, the following action has been taken under a new Order of . THE BACON BOARD, con- curred in by THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD. ON AND AFTER MARCH lst, 1943 .. Persons not already licensed to slaughter hogs under previous orders of THE BACON BOARD, .but holding slaughter permits from THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, shall not exceed 75% of their 1941 average weekly number of hogs, slaughtered by or for them for sale or further pro- cessing in Canada. (See following paragrap its for further explanation re- garding areas concerned). THIS iRDER APPLIES to all who hold slaughter permits from foul' WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD and who are located in what is generally known as Old Ontario; to all those holding such permits and located in or slaughter- ing for sale in any town or city with a population of 5,000 in the Maritimes, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, and' that part of British Columbia known as greater Vancouver. THIS ORDER DOES NOT APPLY ..to holders of slaughter permits in any alert of what is 'generally known as New or Northern Ontario, or Brutish Columbia excepting the greater Van- couver area. ,..it does not apply to farmers slaughtering- hogs for consumption on their own farms only. (These do not require slaughter permits and are not subject to this new Order.) Persons already Licensed to slaughter hogs under previous orders of THE BACON BOARD will continue operations under their present status. That is, they are still restricted to 50% of their 1940 weekly average for distribution or sale in Canada. Approved anti Co'nciirre'dt Approved D. Gordon, Chairman J. G. Taggart, Chairman The Wartime Prices and The Bacon Board Trade Board AUBURN Mr. and l4Irs. W, T. Robinson at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Edward Beck, Goderich on Thursday: Word has been received by Knox :1''resbyteriari Church that Rev. A. D. 'Thompson, B.A. D.D•„ of Brookfield. P.E.I. has accepted a call to Knox `Church here: The pulpit has been vac - 'ant since the removal of Rev, A. M. Boyle to Caledon in •September. The 'call has been sustained by the Pres- bytery of Prince Edward Island and the Presbytery of Huron. The indue- '•don will take place on Friday March 19th at three p.m. Rev. Hugh Jack has 'been interin moderator 'since Sept- ember. Dr. Thompson will also minist- er to the Presbyterian congregations •at Blyth and Smith's Hill. Guild Meeting., The Ladies Guild of St, Mark's Ang- lican held their)1,farch meeting in the 'Orange Hall. •'Mrs. `George Beadle was in charge.. Prayers were led by Mrs. Jas. Nieholson.'The scripture was read 'by Mrs. Clifford Brown. and a reading was given by Miss, Elsie Patterson. 'The ;topia "Preparation for Lent" wag prepared by Miss Mary Asquith of 'Toronto and was read by Mrs. Thos. -Johnston. Plans were made for the EWorld's Day of Pra,Per. The roll call .was answered by each member paying •9 cent per inch of her waistline,. Mrs. 'Gordon. Taylor and -Mrs. Geo. Beadle -were appointed to.purchase -a cover for: the vestry table. One dollar was weted to the Chinese Relief Fund, Rev. P. H. Streeter closed the meeting wi h prayer. W.M.S. The W,'. M. S. of Knox United `Church met in the Sunday School room. with the president Mrs., Jas. Woods in charge. Arrangements' were "made for the World's Day of Prayer, '`Wliieh'will be observed in the United' Church, on Friday March 12th, at two -third'. Mrs. Woods announced the W. M. S. allocation for the year, which "was $275. for the W.M.S., and $20 for the Mission Band had been raised 'Mrs. Woods read a letterfrom the -Missionary Monthly- written by Rev. Dr. W. J. Mortimore, a former pastor,, -'This letter was a tribute to Dr. Retta '1 ilborn of West China. The topic Building Comm.u•nity Neighborliness -by. love and friendship was taken by "Miss Amelia Mclliwain. Miss Mae 'Perguson and Mrs. Earl .Mclinight 'contributed a duet, :Mrs. tall Wight - Man read' a leaflet on Prayer and Mrs. Jas. Roberton offered prayer. The meeting closed by the National An- them and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Baptist Ladies' Aid The March meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Church was held in the Sunday School room on Thurs- day.,The program had been prepared by Mrs. John McKnight and Mrs. Harvey Reid, and the meeting was led by Mrs. McKnight. The devotional period was taken by Mrs, Howson and Mrs. L. Irwin. A quilt for the Red Cross Society was displayed by Mrs. Irwin.: The roll call was . answered by a favorite verse of scripture. Read- ings were given' by Mrs. John Cowan, Mrs. Fred Seers, Mrs. Earl Raithby, and Mrs. Win. Roberton. Solos were rendered by Miss Josephine Weir and Garth McKnight. The 'ladies quartette contributed a number. The topic. "The Guiding Signal" taking Christ as our Pilot was ably taken by Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. After the topic a duet "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me" was sung oy 'firs. Earl McKnight and Mrs•. Wm. Hag- gitt. The meeting was closed by Mrs. R. J. Phillipsdho read' a poem sent by Mrs. Reid who was unable to be present,, It was written during an air raid' in London, England, by Rev. Thomas' Tiplay of Lambeth Mission whose'ohitrrh was wrecked by German, bombs. A. pot luck hunch was served. The March,ameeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday, March 16th, at two thirty. The subject Social Welfare will be taken_by Di'. B. C. Weir. Current events, will be given by' Mrs. W. T. Robison. The hostesses Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Miss Sadie Carter.' and Mrs, Harry Armstrong. • BRUCEFIELD Funeral services for Mrs, Jessie Scott, widow of Andrew Thomas Scott of Brucefield, who died in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, Sunday ev- ening were held front Brucefield Un- ited (hUrch Wednesday, conducted by Rev, Mr. Atkinson. Burial was made in Baird's• Cemetery. Mrs. Scott whose husband was n _ oau i reliant of `Ilrueef eld, was t`,., ',1'1111'T :re sic McDonald ,en i had resided hi Brucefield most of her life, She was a member of Brucefield United Chinch and took a prominent part in all organizations of the church when health permitted. Surviving are two sena, Ross., postmaster of Bruce• field, and William, also of Brucefield; 'Ina and EIlen Mae, of London; one sister, Mrs. Yellowlees, Bowmanville. Mrs. A. Dutton of Clinton visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott. We extend our very sincere sym- pathy to the family of the late MTs. A. T. Scott, who passed away on Sun- day. Mrs. E. Scliilbe of Zurich, and Mrs. E. Munn of Hensel! 'spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan. Bring in your fats and bones to the Red Cross meeting on March 28th. Here is your chance to help. Miss Grace Dalrymple of Hensel' spent a few days at her home here. IIave,you met your Red Cross Can- vasser and given generously. Presbyterian W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association was held in the Sunday School room with a fair attendance. The president, Mrs. E. Ward, was in the chair and conducted the devotionarp'eriod by reading the 23rd, Psalm, after which all repeated the Lord's prayer in unison. The sec- retary's report was read by Mrs. Streets and Mrs. Sheddick' read the report of the treasury. Both were ap- proved. Somenew business' was discussed for the spring work, and the Women's Day of Prayer was the main topic, hoping all members would be sure to attend in the Ontario Street Church Friday, March 12th. Sewing was done on a quilt after which a social half hour was spent, with .Mrs. G. Roberton and Mrs. J. Snider served lunch. The meeting closai with the singing' of God Save the King. V EBENEZER The March meeting of the W. 'A. of Ebenezer United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Wre. Rueger:on day of last .week. The president con- ducted, the meeting which was opened with the the singing' of a 'hymnfol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer.. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The 'roll call was answered by members giving quilt blocks ,which are to he made into quilts for the Russian relief. Mrs.` Carman Tebbutt` gave the Scripture reading and led in prayer. Following the business session, e hymn was three daughters•, Elizabethat home, sung' and the meeting was closed with CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COKE FLO-RIST' Phones; 66w and 66J Poultry in Demand Early in .April the Jewish Feast of the Passover will be celebrated. This will he a good time to cash the hens whose laying qualities have been ex- hausted during this long winter. Poul- try culling done carefully by an ex- perienced poultryman. Our egg -grading is done by a 'Gov- ernment tested Electric Machine, In the market for a few tons of Alfalfa Hay suitable for sheep. N. W. TREW ARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Service TRY ,US FOR DIFFERENT KINDS OF FISH Choice Herring at 15e lb. Have you Tried our Frozen Green Peas, Strawberries and Raspberries Also our Farmers Style Sausage We have Casings For Sale We Buy Hides and Horse Hair FROZEN' FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess. A quilt top and batt were donated' by Mrs. Chas. Wil- liams, and the quilt was quilted in aid of the Russian Relief. The members of the Y.P.U. are pre- paring for a St, Patrick's social which is to be held in the church on the even- ing of March 19th. A program of music, playlets, etc., is being pre- pared by the young people, V. LONDESBORO Week end visitors In village were Miss Dorothy Little of Toronto with her mother, Mrs Robert Townsend, Miss 011ie Moon, of Toronto with her parents, Idle. and Mrs. George Moon,. Mrs. Beatty and Mrs: Haines, of London with their sister Mrs. Wm. Brunsdon, Miss Vera Lyon who had her appen-• dix removed last week is getting along so well that she. will be home on Fri- day. Mrs. Thomas Adams is visiting friends in Wingham.' We are glad to report the improve- ment of Mr. J. H. Shobbrook who has been ill for some time. Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. B. Brunsdon received an Air mail letter from their son L.A.C. Melvyn of the R.C.A.F'., telling them of his safe ar- rival in Vancouver, B. C., Melvyn en- joyed the trip through the Rockies and he was all in love with the city. Flow- ers were blooming and it was so warm there thathe went around in shirt -sleeves, He does, not think he will be there long as he may be sent to Alaska. • One of the worst blizzards of the winter experienced) over the week end, once more filled in the highway and side -roads.' Friday and Saturday there was a steady fall of snow accompanied by an east 'wind. Then,Saturday night and Sunday a west wind seat the ther- mometer dawn below tern. The bus went south Saturday morning and then they were cancelled until 6 pan. Sun- day when the snow -plow came along and opened the highay., V o BAYF,IELD Pte Keith Gemeinlrardt of Camp' Borden accompanist by. Ms, nice,) Mary Knight of Toronto, arrived on Thurs- day of last week to spend his leave with his mother, Mrs. F. C. Gemein hardt. Or their return to Toronto) ow. Monday, they were accompanied by his sister; Mrs.. Jack . Sturgeon) ands babe, who will spend ,a fortnight in Toronto. Mrs. W. J. McLeod, left on 'Satur- day to visit her daughters in Detroit.. Mrs, F. A. Edwards returned home on Friday after having' spent tlie•past ten weeks with relatives in, Kitcl ever and Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma'kins left en Monday to spend a short vacation in; Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Irvine left on Saturday for Windsor where they will spend this week. The Women' Day of Prayer will be observed by a United Service in St. Andrew's 'United Church ow Friday of ernoon at hiee o oer under the ROXY THEATRE' CLINTON Now Playing — "HERE WE GO AGAIN" with Fibber and Molly, and Bergen and McCarthy. MON., TUES., WED. George Brent, Joan Bennett, Mis- cha Auer and ;Una Merkel. •Lar1 through a series of marital mix- ups in "TWIN BEDS" THURS., FRI., SAT —Two Features George' Formby, Sbsgland's ace comedian turns "copper". and goes "ON THE BRAT" The Burma Road, the liftiine of China, and the heroic .struggle. to keep it open is graphically port- rayed in "KUKAN" --No well informed person should miss it-- Coming— t—Coming-_ Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in "The Road to Morocco." CAPITAL THEATRE GODRRICU Now Playing- Frederic' March In "`I MARRIED A WITCH." MON., TUES., WED. • Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor and Sydney' Greenstreet. Action abounds in this story of a ready - fisted` nip -hunter, "ACROSS THE PACIFIC" THURS. FRI.,' SAT. Janes Stewart, Paulette Goddard and Horace Heidi. The story of a popular •orchestra and its arise to radio' fame. "POT 0' GOLD" Coming Claudette Colbert in "PALM BEACH ST,ORY" Matinees—Wed, Sat. & Holidays 3 REGENT THEATRE &EAPOITH Now Playing—•.Victor' Mature In "7 DAYS LEAVE" MON., TUES., AND WED Dorothy Lamour with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, Romance with an Arabian Nights twist comes to two desert wayfarers. "ROAD TO MOROCCO" THURS., FRI. AND SAT. Bergen & McCarthy—Fibber Mc- Gee and Molly, with Mortimer and a host of entertainers in the fast and furious tun -fest "HERE WE GO AGAIN" Coming -Kay Ryser in "MY FAV- ORITE SPY" Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 3. BARTLIFF'S BREAD The Place To Buy Your Bread, Buns, Pies and Cakes PHONE 1 WE DELIVER MARRIAGES LOBB-THOMSON—At Knox Pres- byterian Church, Goderich, on Sat- urday, March 6th, when, Barbara Jean, younger daughter of Ars. Thomson, Goderich and the late James F. Thomson, and Orval Mur- ray Lobb, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Lobb of. Clinton, were united in marriage by the Rev. Richard Ste- wart of Goderich. DEATHS TRICK In Windsor, . on Thursday, March 4th, Thomas' Arthur Trick in his 51st, year. BELL --In Stratford, on Tuesday, March 9th, Jean Cordell, wife of Charles F. Bell, formerly of Clin- ton, in her 92nd' year. BIRTHS PEPPER—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Sunday, Feb. 28th, 1943 to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie`Pepper, R.R. 5 Clinton, a son. BOYCF In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, March Gth, to Mr, anti Mrs. Fred Boyce of Brucefield, a son. IN MEMORIAM CRAWFORD— In loving memory of a very dear son, and brother,, Dan Tel Crawford, who passed away March 9th, 1941. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day, Remensbrance keeps him near, Always 'remembered by Dad, Mother Sister and Brothers. IN MEMORIAM ,y F 0.JRSERVICE—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Wet. Fairservice,, who passed away March 11, 1937. She was a loving mother, tender, true' and kind No friend on earth can fill her place No friend like heir we find` Her suffering is all en'ded, her love and' care are o'er. ,And by and by we'll meet her. Upon that Head'enly Shore. - 5ad9y missed by Husband! and Family.. leadership of Miss A. M. -Stirling. Margaret L. Ferguson was amongst those who won their commissions, in the R.C.A.F. (W.D.) when a large classof assistant section officers grad- uated from No. 2 Training School, Toronto. Congratulations;are extended' to Margaret who is the first Bayfield girl to don the uniform She is the daughter of Mr. arid • Mrs. Wm. L. Fer- guson, Bayfield Red Cross :. 'The response from the villagers. at Bayfield hasbeen most generous, rais- ing $781 t -o 'date with more to come. Their quota was $750. Rev. J. Graham, chairman of the campaign, wishes to take this opportunity of thanking the canvassers and contributors for their splendid efforts. Farm :Help Wanted Single men, military exempt. Mar- ried•, men, with fanniliesof working age. Also teamster, truck and trac- tor drivers. Steady work, good wages. Applicants give full information in first letter; age, experience, national- ity, and if married state number of workers. E. D. Smith & Sons Limited, Fruit Farms, Winona, Ontario 35-2 NOTICE All owners of Dogs, or anyone har- boring Dogs will have to secure a license by April let, 1943. By order of the Tax Collector. 35-2 Contract Barley We are again taking contracts for Malting barley for the Canadian Malt- ing Company. Best Seed Provided. Write or Phone. Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Hensali, Ontario, 'Plume 103 Custom Sawing Will be done this spring at Me- Ewen's Mill Bayfield. 32-4 Representative Miss Winnifred O'Neil Clinton, Phone 75j. For complete lines of Fuller Brushes and Service for same. 30-4 For Sale Large ice 'refrigerator suitable for, large family or grocery store. Cap- acity 200 lbs. of ice. Apply to Charles E. Elliott, Clinton, phone 326. Farm for Sale or Rent Eight acres good pasture with spring creek and lots ,of shade. Six acres . good bush and orchard. Brick house, with frame barn and shed. Ap- up to MTs. Ellen J. Cox, Huron St., Clinton. For Sale Comfortable nine roomed house on Ontario Street, in first class condition. Apply to Frank Glew, Clinton. 35-3 Bull For Sale 1 purebred Shorthorn bull; eighteen months old, not registered; also 8 York pigs, six weeks old. Howard M. Crich, MR. 3 Seaforth, phone 614r3, Clinton. 35-1 For Sale Thirty healthy, vigorous, Leghorn Pullets, commencing to lay, bloodtest- ed. Apply to k. V. Lawson, Holmes-, vilie, phone 90103 Clinton. 35-1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Frances Trick and • daughter wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the. lcind'ness during their season of 'bereavement, especially Rev. G. G. Burton and' Miss E. Wiltse and Mr: J. J- Zapfe. IIOLMESVILLE The Hohnesviaie Red Cross unit met at the home of Mrs. Walter on Feb- ruary 24th. Mrs. Mel Elliott had kind- ly donated two quilt tops, .bats and linings; one of which was quilted and the other tied' during the afternoon. During the business meeting canvas- sers for this vicinity were appointed for the coming Red Cross drive. An appeal was made to the women to save fats for war purposes, Our unit was again divided' into groups, but only three groups this year compared to seven Iast year: Group I has fif- teen _members, group II, . thirteen members and group HI, sixteen mem- bers, All members were asked to take home at least three little dresse to •sew. " Of the seventy-six dresses, cut out, eleven still remain to be sewn. After the meeting closed, half of group one served a ten cent tea, .tak- ing in two dollars and forty cents. RADIO SERVICE Repairs of all lands. Work Guaranteed Tubes Tested Free A. W. Groves, Princess St.. ;limon, Ont,, Phone 290-W, DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TO ADAM BROCK AND HIS ORCHESTRA TOWN HALL yi CLINTON ADMISSION 35c Cucumber Acreage Wanted By The H. J. Heinz Com- pany of Canada, Ltd. 'Anyone wishing to grow cucumbers please contact W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Box' 64, Phone 314j 32-6 WANTED Wanted for Western Ont- ario County Home, an As- sistant Matron, also 1 Cook and 1 Maid. Apply Employment and Sel- ective Service Office. Gode- rich Ont. • 34-2 For Sale or Rent Farm, containing 50 acres, south half of Lot. 31, con. 6, of Hullett Township. Banked barn and comfort- able home. Ideally suited as a grass farm or for light:farming. Well wat- ered with never failing spring; also 15 acres bush. Apply at: tte News- Record office. ea 34-2 For Sale Cedar Posts, and anchor posts. Also a general purpose gelding colt, rising 3 years, will work single or double. Apply to Thos. Rathwell, R. R. 3 Clinton, phone 906x2. • 34.2 Help Wanted Man or woman to do part time cleaning, and tend furnace ' in local business office. Write stating; age, etc., to Box 39B, The Clinton News -Record For Sale One small Kozy Home range, will burn either coal or wood. Apply to Mrs. L. Snyder, Clinton, phone 320. 35-1 Farm For Sale Farm consisting' of) 87 acres good clay loam,' partly rolling but good pro- ducing land, with spring creek and water in the balm and house. Barn is 70'x30' with driving shed attached '35'- x18'; 5' -x18; two colony houses and one hen' house; excellent' silo 12'x40'. One and one-half storey house 24rx18' with kit- chen and woodshed 18'x30' Farm is five miles from Goderich and seven miles from Clinton near a church and school. For further particulars apply to Frank Chambers, R.R. 2 Clinton, phone Goderich central 4r933, ' 31-2 Farms For Sale (1) 100 acres in Tuckersmith on Highway No. 8 ,Lot 29, Huron Road. Frame barn on cement foundation, frame house, productive land and plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Hullett, north half of Lot. 5, Con. 2 Frame barn on stone feundation, frame house, three wells, choice farm. a Apply to Wm. Livingston, or Jas. F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaferth. Executors for the estate of the late Thos. E. Livingston. 21-02 Wanted Old horses and cattle ,for mink feed. If dead phone' at once.' Will "a p yac-• cording to value. 'Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batlrin, 619r14. 85-t1 e -o -w