HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-03-04, Page 1The Clinton News -Record ' Est. 1878
Witli Which is ;. Incorporated 'The Clinton New . Era
NO. 6134 --64th YEAR
March 1903 March 1643 II
After forty years of service to arateful' community
it is with great pride andleasure that I take this
opportunity to
With Promise to Good Service in the Forty Yearsto
come. I remain your friend
New : Cotten Materials
for your Home
Dress Mailing
PRINTS In small and large floral
designs for children's and
women's wear.
36" wide 21c to 55c yd.
MERRICORD A very fine ma-
` terial in flowers and stripes.
• " wide at . _: �. 59c yd.
SEERSUCKER Exceptionally
fine . Quality in the Season's
Newest Patterns
and priced at 89c yd.
• s
Every ring is styled in the modern manner and
in selecting Bluebird, you choose the utmost in value.,
For your protection everyBluebird . Diamond
Ringis registered, look forthe o d
g registration; number
stamped inside your ring:
Bluebird has been for years the world's stand-
ar d for fine diamnds.
Perfection isyour guarantee when you select a
Bluebird Diamond Ring.
Superb creation inspired by the imagination of
true artists, Bluebird Rings typify the vvery latest
styles in engagement and wedding rings.
Bluebird Wedding Rings artistically cast in the
identical pattern of your engagement' ring to make
the perfect pair..
'Bluebird offers you the most complete choice Y p of
designs at the price you want to pay.
We invite you to see our very complete stock of
these beautiful rings.
w. N: ca�rvTE
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century ill Huron County
The March meeting of the Clinton
Red Cross Society was held in. the
Council Chambers on Monday March
1, with the president, Mrs. Oakes in
the chair,. The conveners of the:var-
ious committees gave splendid• e.e-
ports showing that the work of the
ol'ganiaztion is going •on very effic-
iently. •
Will all those interested in the
Hume Nursing course please note the
said course will begin its lectures on
Monday, March 8th. at 'three o'clock,
at regular place, of. meetings. Any
Members from the outside units wish-
ing to avail themselves please note
time and place.
Will the parentsor guardians of
any boy or girl from Clinton enlist..
ing in. the awned forces, please get in
touch with Mrs. G. ,Cuninghame; The
Red Cross wishes to present those
leaving with an enlistment gift and
in order that no one may ,be missed
Mrs Cuninghame has .been placed in
charge and will appreciate your co-
The society is having a shower for
the Women in Uniforan in Britain.
The articles needed are soap, tooth
brushes, tooth paste, tooth powder,
laundry soap, soap flakes, Lipsticks,
hairpins, ,hobby, pins, hair nets, kleen
•ex, combs, tape lines, face powder,
safety pins, straight pins, cold cream
if in small jars and put inside wash
clothes. They are also sending the fol-
lowing to the mothers darning need-
les, sewing needles, buttons, tapes,
mending cottons, mending wools el-
astic. Will anyone ,wishing to contri-
bute please leave your articles in the
Red Cross Rooms, where there will be
a labelled box for them. Mrs. M. Mc-
Taggart is in charge in the shower.
The following shipments have been
Fele: 12- hospital Supplies 60
large pads; 160 medium pads; 1200
compresses; 800 wipes; 240 small
British Civilian -5 pair women's
bloomers, 15 pantie dresses; 25 baby
bonnets 10 baby bootees, 5 baby
jackets; 1 romper; 9 dresses; 1 pair
pyjamas; 1 .pinafore; 1 dressed doll;
3 pair pantees (4 years.)
The regular meeting of council wa
in the council chambers Mo
day evening at eight o'clock' with a
members present Mayor McMurra
presil�ing. Minutes of the last regul
meeting held Feb. 1 and the adjourn, -
meeting held, Feb. 15th. were, rea
and approved,
Mr. A. Brock Monteith, town audi
tor, was present and 'presented' hi
regular annual report and full state
ment of the 'town's finances, sinkin
fund and debenture issues, also th
finanical position of the Board o
Education, Public Utilities Commis
sion and Library Board.;
It was moved by Councillor Tre
wartha, seconded by Councillor El'
liott that Council tender a vote of
appreciation to Mr. Monteith , and
that his report be accepted and ap-
Communications from different
companies, relative to Firemen's sup-
plies were referred to the Fire. and
Water Cernmittee
A letter from the• Motion Picture
Censorship acid Theatre Iuspectioni
Branch was read. This bad reference
to the matter of fire prevention mea-
A. communication from'the Clothing
Division of the Canadian Aid to Rus-
sia Fund ^was read.
An appeal for membership from the
Association of .Assessing' Officers of
Ontario was presented and filed.
There was received the usual an-
nual appeal froni the Clinton Public
Hospital for a town grant. No defin-
ite action was taken at this meeting
of council.
During the period of reports from
the chairman of the various com-
mittees of council, 'Councillor Tre-
wartha made reference to the diffi-
culties and complications. of the High
Street drain.
Councillor Agnew for the Property
Committee referred to the. condition
of the Town Hall roof, which may re-
quire some considerable expenditure
before it is fully repaired. It was de-
cikted to' have an inspection of the
roof by the property committee, cer-
tain members of the council and Chief
Reeve Falconer read the finance
statement and moved its adoption
which was seconded by Councillor
,Feb, 17.-17 quilts; Seamen's Coin- !Agnew and carried.
forts -7 tuttle-neck sweaters; 12
sleeveless sweaters, 20 tuck -ins, 24
caps, 39 pair mitts; 120 turtle neck
tuck -ins; 2 sweaters; 31 pair gloves;
5 pair seamen's stockings.
Feb, 26 -British Civilian -15 baby
After some discussion and objection:
over the matter of extra policing at
dances in the town hall, it was moved,
seconded and carried, that the Chief
of Police and Night Constable take
care of policing at the dances held in
bonnets, 5 baby booties; 5 baby Clinton,' and no extra policing- be .em-
jaekets; 15 pair pantie dresses size ployed by any member of council un -
4; 10 girls coats, size 6; 5 women's
slips size 42; 48 pair bloomers. b
Airforce and Navy -8 Turtle neck
sweaters, ; 20 sleeveless sweaters; 20
tuck -ins; 13 sweaters; 20 air force
luck -ins; 16 aero caps; 6 pair airforce
gloves; 11 pair nitvy mitts; 3 pair.
Seamen's',socks 26"; 1 pair ankle
Ration Coupon Dale Dates
Green: coua6ns 1 and 2 in the new
ration books come due on March 6
and may be used for the purchase
Of fuer ounces of tea or one pound
of coffee.
Orchid coupons 1 and 2 in the new
ration books come due on March 6
and inay be used for the purchase of
two pounds of sugar,
Brown Spare G coupon 9 in the. old
ration book, good for purchase .,of
half pound of butter, came due on
March 1st and expires on 'March 14,
The regular meeting of the Lions
Club was held in the Anglican Hall
with 35 present, . President Ken Wat-
ers ` in the chair. Cpl. Stevens of R.
A.P.. Station was at the piano. The
minutes were read and adopted, and
the • Civic Improvement Committee
Was reported on .by J. A. Sutter, re-
garding Hospital cot. The programme
was in charge of Dick Jacob and .7.
A. Sutter, Dick Jacob ' acting , as
,chair>lnan for that part of the meeting
which was carried out as a Quiz pro,,
gaamme, with 2 sides, J. Shearer and
Alex Reddy acting as captains, Lion
Haddy's team, won ley .6 points. The
jack -pot question .open to everyone
ended in a '3 cornered tie with J.
Shearer, F. Fingland and Bill Wells
equal. The -prize of War Savings
Stamps was equally divided. The us=
usual draw was won by Frank Penne-
til brought before council.
Reference was made to letters re-
ceived from Madeline Hawkins, Bill
Powell, Stewart Cook and Harry Tid-
eswell, , expressing thanks and appre-
ciation for bill -folds received from
the town.
Street Pay Sheet
Snow removal, 99 his at 35e ..34.05
High St. Drain, 73 hes at. 40 ..29.20
A. Fulford, Plowing side '
walks 33 1-2 hrs. 50c 16.75
G. M. Lavis, Plowing Streets
.132 1.2 hrs. $1.80 238.50
J. 13. Lavis, 74 hrs at 35e
(controlling wing) .... 25.90
G. M^.Livia, 1 load sand 150
L. Cl•ee, with hose on Iligh Si
Drain 1.00
-V. Burton, High St. Drain, job ..2.00
L. Hunter, High St, Drain 1. hr .60
T. Hawkins, Use of Drain ed .75
Street Lighting'
Lighting Streets 215.22
P.U.C. 'Lighting Rest Room 1.00
P,U.C. Lighting Town Hall - 7.14.
P.U.C. Lighting Stock Scales. • 1.00
Mr'1,Ti d
s.. eswell, care of R.R. 5.0
Mustard Coal Co, 6150 lbs.coal • 49.2
Mustard Coal Co, 540 lbs coal 3.
T. Hawkins, heater grates '
and hardware 5.6
Mullett .Twp. 1-2;cost erecting,.
snow fence ...: 2.5
1VI. McEwan, salary 95.$
G: M. Lavis, removing snow.
7 hrs, at 1.80 12.9
Cash Labor, Removing snow.
12 hrs, at' 35c .. . 4.2
J. B. Levis,. 3 hrs at ;35c .
controlling wing' ........ 1.0
Fire and Water
W. W. Pentland, 2 fire extin 19.9
Dry Earth: Closet
A. Fulford, salar3t 65.0
A. E. Fremlin, salary 83.3
D. Elliott, salary . • , , 37.0
Bruce McDougall, salary
M. T. Corless, salary ...
N. Kennedy, salary
The New Era Est.F86�"
Students Aid Red Cross
Last Friday evening the staff and
students of the Collegiate Institute
held a dance in the auditorium in aid
of the Red Cross campaign.The hall
was filled to overflowing and many
danced downstairs in the gymnasium
to the 'music of Willis Tipping and.
his ten piece band from Kitchener.
The decorationswere the emblems
and colors of the different allies made
by the students. The exact .amount
could not be determined but the affair
netted a substantial sun. This is the
second successful dance of the season
sponsored• by the Junior Red Cross
and they are to be commended upon
their good work.
V •
Presbyterian Church
11 a.m. The Minister's sermon sub-
ject will be "God -Our Vanguard and
12.30 p.m. Sunday School.
• Wesley Willis. Church
Themonthly meeting of the GirI's
Club will be held at the home of Mrs.
P. Manning on Tuesday, March 9th
Mrs. Britton will be the guest speak-
er. Mrs. R. Jenkins' group. will be in
The W. M. S. will meet at 'the
hoarse of Mrs, Jefferson on Thursday
March llth at 8 p.m. Mrs. Jefferson's
group will be in charge.
The minister's sermon subjects on
Sunday, Mar. 7th will be at 11 a.m.
"Life in Christ" and at 7 p.m. "About
Ourselves," •
St. Paul's Chruch of England
7.30 p.m. Prayer.
Sunday -
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion.
2.30 p.m, Sr, day 'School.
7.00 p.m, Evensong,
Monday and Tuesday-
-,8-p.m..AY':P.A..Play ., .
"The Mystery of the Third Gable"
See advertisement on another page.
Tuesday -
3 p.m. W. A. in'lt Owen
ial Hall.
4.15 p.m. Jr. W. A. at Miss : Hall's.
The Friendship Club will meet at
the home of Mrs, Roy Fitzsimons,
Albert Street, on Wednesday evening,
March 10th. Please bring in afghan
squares as an afgan will be completed
that evening.
Ontario Street United Church
11 a.in. Why Negative God's Voice?
2 pan, -Turner's Church
7.00. p.m, Evening of Song.
Mr. B. J. "Gibbings will direct the
half-hour Song Service. '
Monday 8 p.m. Young People's
Union Missionary Dept. in charge
Meeting at home of Miss Doris Tyn-
Wednesday 8 pan. Prayer Service.
Baptist Church Clinton
Gospel song -service at seven
o'clock assited by violinist, Mr. Har-
old Lehman.
Words 6f farewell from Sergeant
Alfred Robinson of the R.A.F. School
Sergeant Robinson will also sing -
"Nearer Still Nearer."
The minister's sermon message
"Soldiers of the King." will be illus-
trated with lantern slides.
Gospel solo, by 'Mrs. Harold Leh -
Presentation to Cpl. Lawson
•• At the close of the evening service
in St, Paul's Anglican church, last
Sunday night, about thirty members
of the choir and congregation gather-
ed at the home of the choir leader,
Mrs, Harry Bartliff; The gathering
was held to honour Corporal Maurice
Lawson of the R.A.F., who. . lid so
generously given of, his' musical tal-
ents while stationed at Clinton,
A letter' in which the thanes and
appreciation was written was signed
by all the members of the choir and
was read by Colonel H. T, Rance. , A
small gift was presented by Mrs,
Bartliff. Cpl Lawson replied and all
jgined in singing, "For He's a Jolly
Good Fellow A social hour and buf-
fet luncheon brought the evening to
a close. -
5681 Ration Books -
Distributed in This District
A`steady stream of applicants came
and went from the town hall all day
Thursday, Friday and. Saturday, to'
secure their No. 2 ration books from
the distributing centre established
in the- council chamber.
Under the direction of the .distribu
ting chairman, A. J. McMurray and.
secretary, Norman Kennedy the reg-
istration was made with" dispatch by
the busy shifts of workers. The books
were checked Before presentation by
the chairman and secretary, Mr. D.
L. Stephenson also assistedin check-
ing. .
In order to accoiiimodate those in
points in.Clinton; district who }verb
unable to get to town on account of
the storm, the office was open again
on Tuesday afternoon. In Auburn the
supply of -new, books sekJ was insuf-
ficient for demand and books for that
district also Bayfield district, were
issued latera
The' officials. stated that •everything
went off very smoothly and too much
cannot be said in commendation' of the
workers, who were, Mrs. J. C. Rad-
ford, Mrs, George German, Miss Jean
Webster, Mrs. K. Axon, Mrs. I. M.
Nay, Miss Louella Johnston, 14.iss Ed-
na Jamieson, Mrs. E. Adams; Mrs. L.
Denomnie, Mrs. Fred .Hartley, Mrs
G. A, Miller, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, Mrs
Reynolds, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. N
W. Trewartha, Mrs. L. Stevens, Mrs
H. D. McInnes and Mrs. 1. P. Man
ping and Mr. G. H. Jefferson and Mr
CharlEs Pearce,
The number of ration books givei
out in the districts - were: 536 Lon
clesboro; 538 Auburn; 529 Bayfield
378 Varna; and in the town of Clin-
ton 3456 books.
Regular Masonic,, ee ng
The regular, meeting of• th1 "Clin-
ton AP. and AM. was held last l ,i
day evening, when the airforce held':
the centre of interest. Wor.. Master
M. Agnew and officers corifeu.ed i
second degree on a member- af'•6I'%6 R.
C 1 F., a member of Fidelity Lodge,
Winnipeg. Mr. Agnew waisted in
the degree work by past' masteis 'of
the lodge, also Past Master Cross of
Centreville lodge. A' number of Mi.,
force mein were present as visitors.
itJ''C.N;1VED 1'I UMUT1UN:
The following taken from ,the Hali-
fax Herald refers to a former Clin-
ton boy, Captain W. E. O'Neil, M. C.,,
eon of the late Mr, and Mrs. W. T..
O'Neil. ,
"A promotion of interest is that eif.
Lieutenant W. I. O'Neil, M, C., of'.
the No. 36 Reserve Brigade. Group .
Company, Royal Canadian Army Ser-
vice Corps to the rank of Captain
in the unit. Captain. O'Neil is a :vet -e
Bran of the First Great War having.- ''
served wil& the 47th Battalion in.
France with the rank of Lieutenant.
with distinction,' being awarded the
Military Cross. He was eventually
promoted to the rank of Captain,.
which lie held on being discharged; ,
on demobilization. Not wishing to
sever' his- connection with the army.
he became associated with the 161st
Huron Regiment, Non -Permanent Ac-
tive Militia, in 1919, becoming Adju-
tant ' and Company Commander with
the rank of Captain, and:iin.1923 trans-
ferred to Reserve of. Officers with
that rank. He joined his present unit,
in April 1942 with the. rank. of. Seconth
Lieutenant, - -
.The regelar meeting of the Ladies -
Auxiliary to the Canadian. Legion:
will -be held Monday evening;. March '
8th, at 8.15 o'clock.
Sixty-two children belonging to
the Robert Land School Choir, under
the direction of Clarence Barrett,•
choir leader and J. J. "Jack" Bowden,
principal, will sing at the Ice Revue
' !of the Hemilton Skating Club on Mar:
' 12 and 13. Mr. Bawden is the 'nephew
of Mr. Frani: Bawden,-Miss Shirley
' Bawden and Mrs. C. Streets of town,
land is well known ,here.
Miss Dorothy McIntyre, elder dau-
8'hter of Capt. McIntyre, overseas,
_'82111 Mrs. J. H. McIntyre, of town, left •
last week for Toronto where she will
enter the General Hospital to train
08 a nurse. -
1 Page six of our issue this week has
jbeen donated to the Red Cross Cain-
'paign, locally and nationally,
Miss Jean Hearn has taken a posi-
tion in Mr. T. R. Thompson's grocery;
Splendid Concert Sponsored
By Clinton Red Cross
The concert presented by the Stat-
ion Orchestra and Choir of the Clinton
R.AF, Station, on Wednesday ,March
3rd, was very much appreciated for its
excellence and variety of entertain-
ment. It was sponsored by the ways
and means committee of the. Clinton.
Branch of the Red Cross, with tha
kind .permission of Wing Commander
In his introductory remaa'ks, Mayor
McMurray spoke of the enthusiastic
way in which theboysand +iris of
he Junior Red Cross hail sold tickets
or the concert, Mayor McMurray in-
troduced LAC Russ O'Neil who acted
s Master of Ceremonies, and intro••
uced the members of the orchestra,
he orchestra played a group of nunt-
ers at the onening• and close' of the
oncert. LAC Russ O'Neil -sang,
Lords of the Air." accompanied by
•C Louis'. Belleveau of Winnipeg,
n., LAC. Les . Pollard of Toronto
ntributed; .two accordian solos.
The Station Choir,' under the .dir-
ion of LAC Fisher sang ,a group
three numbers, "O. Canada", "Fiu
dia," and "Passing By." ' . .
LAC Roy' Gibson, accompanied by
Corporal Stevenson, gave an exhi-
bition of tap it'ancing which was very,
much enjoyed. -
Mrs. Gilbert ' Wessoh, accompanied
by Mrs. Theo Premlin, sang a group
of two numbers. LAC Louis Belleveau
gave a g'r•oup of piano numbers. LAC
Jinuny, Sands of Peteeboro, accom-
ying himself on the guitar, sang
eral novelty numbers. Mrs. Pain of o
don Ehgland, accompanied by LAC
herr sang a group of three num-,
o the personnel. of the choir and
eetea and -their assisting artists
extended thanks and apprecia- 1
, for giving their talents so gen- v
man, "Calling. for Volunteers"
Closing hymn; "God be With You
Ti11 We meet Again." a
The ordinance of the Lord's Supper d
will be administei'od at the close of T
the service. b
You are invited to attend this wor-
service. Come and bring a friend. e
0' R. B, Fitzsimons" extra pot. ...12.00 Ma
0 D. Elliott, extra- policing, ... 2:70
65 Hospitalization
Dept. of Health, Insulin 4.'1 ect
0• Co. of Huron, Indigent patient 8.75 of
Postage Printing and Stationery Ian
R'. J. Lovell, Gen Sup... 27.09
0 The Municipal World'-
8, Assessors & C61 Supplies .. 25.29
Imperial Guarantee Co.
Security Bond ,Prem. . 12.00
0 Perth Mutual, Prem on Lib. 36.00
General Municipal expenses
5 Stratford Beacon Herald Adv. 1.40
Bell Telephone Co.' General- 10.49,pan
6 .The Municipal 'World,' 150
Dog Tags 6.24
0 Property .
A. D. McCarney, - 6600 ; lbs. coal 52.80
3 Receipts
Rentals 85,00
29.60 Licenses �,.. 25,00
83.Stock 'Scales - 9.30.
50.00 Cemetery 90.25 ero
The Canadian Active Army Mobile-
Recruiting, Unit will again visit Clin-
ton and surrounding. district.. Lieut J.
C. McDonald, formerly of Chesley,
who is in charge of the unit will be.
pleased to answer . enquiries end ac-
cept enlistments in the active ariny.,
The unit will be in Clinton. every,
Thursday. -
LjCpl. Roy Fitzsimons of the Pro-
vost Carps stationed at London spent
the week end in town with Mrs., ;
Fitzsimons. .
LAC. Reg Cudniore of the R•C.A..
F. at Picton spent a few days this'
week with his parents Mr, and Mrs...
A. F. Cudniore.
Pte, Arthur ,Aiken of the, Scots. ,
Fusiliers at Niagara -on -the -Lake was ..
a week end visitor with his parents.
Mi•. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken.
LAW, Madeleine. Hawkins, of the
R.C.A.9'.,. (W.D.) at. Toronto visited.
with her parents Mr, and Mrs. W. T.
Hawkins, this week, -
Sgt, Clarence Roze11 of Chatham,
was a week,end visitor at his home
in town.
Pilot Officer EIIivood Campbell, of
the R C.A:F. at Rockcliffe is on leavt,:..
and is visiting at his home in town. '
Mi. • and Mrs; 'Russel Neal, Base
Line; recoived'a cable froni their son, •
Pte: Allan Neal of . the R.G.A.S,C., -
stating_ that hee.'l(ad arrived! safely'
Mr. and Mrs. - Wesley Hoggart have .s,' '
received word that their son Ivan is.
verseas. Ile is with the
motoi• mechanic divisioat.
Pte. Harry Tideswell of the High
and Light Infantry at Stratford is.
isiting his parents, Mr, and 11,4m,.
Wm. Tideswell