HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-02-25, Page 88' We have in stock the NEW . MOIRE INLAID LIQ OL EUM in the 2' yard, width. Itis durable,, does not. mar eaSlly, available, at )low Cost FOR: SALE 'Two wheel trailer, tiresgood as new.,.. Baltjoint trailer hitch. A.T'TI• Funeral Service! -Furniture - Ambulance Service ' Phone.184W Geo. B. Beattie 'WE CARRY A' FULL LINE OF C. L L. Enamels, Paints, ;Semi -Gloss,: Varnishes, Waxes; Household Cement and Plastic Wilda 1 Used Cook Stove' Good condition, Reservoir 25;00 SUTTER ''`PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING : ELECTRICIANS PIONS 147w. CLINTON, ONT. What about your New Spring Suit? Under Normal Conditions it Might be Rather Early to Consider a Spring Suit; but Conditions are not Normal. ENGLISH TWEEDS and WORSTEDS are becoming increasingly difficult to procure. An Early Shipment of the New Spring Styles in Shades of Blues and Browns are now on our racks. These have been. on order for a long time and it is not easy to prophesy for future deliveries. Our Advice -- Buy Early Styles are Right According to Government Regulations and the Prices Very Reasonable $22.50 to $27.50 Balance of Winter Overcoats at Reduced Prices Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts - Adam Hats - Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Agents Tip ,Top Tailors. Be Ready For Syrup Season ORDER YOUR PANS, BUCKETS AND SPITES stole° Sap Pan Iron in Stock at Present FLUE' `THE NEW WATER PAINT Call and See the. Samples r Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Butter Ration to be Half Pound • L. B. Unwin, administrator of con,. sumer rationing for the „Price •Board, announced that, barring :bad wea- ther or other ueforseen circumstan- ' ces, the board will be able to resume the regular . butter ration allowance of half a pound per person per week by about the middle of March. Donald Gordon, chairman of the Prices Beard,' told the Canadian Press that "we hope to' be able to do some thing in the course of the next two weeks -or not later than March 15. The, present butter ration, atm*. 'dished .by the elimination of tWo coupons : which normally would fail due in February,.'amounte tto5 anct.2 3 ounces per person per wcl k. Unwin said' the tempara'i+- rife duction in : the ;.butter • ration }is ;pro- ducing the desired results. "The 'con- servation •of supplies which: !has re- ' salted will enable retailers iiia 'all ureas to 'honor butte6i: coupon which becomes due:,. neict Dates on which,' the: butter' couptihs in, the new booted: become 'valid and expire will be' annou • P ,.. ncedshortly,..., VARNA ' LAO and Mrs. W. A. Reid., 4if Ha- gersville speint ;seven days fuii ' 'gh with Mr. and Mrs. George Reid. Our quota for the, Red Cross drive is $$00, which atiounts tN, almost $8 per family,. The 'dollectera will Soon be calling on you, please do not let us fail eiir boys. We cahoot rekncvo the shackles froin our ;prisoners -of - war but We can see•that they are fed, so do your, hit, an if wee aoh dm t hat we krto?w we 'will reach our objective. ldrs. Argo and son Jimmie fee 'ref Halifax who have !spent the past week with her 'parents Mr. UM, iVIrs. A. IVIc- Connell left one day last week for Minniapofis where she intends 'Visit- ing her aunt, Miss Easter. A very .pleasant time was spent in the township hall on Saturday night in honor of the 'newly weds :Mr. and Mrs. lEarvey Chutor.. The young cou- ple were preseiited;aiith aiwill filled Tate. 'The 'f'•errl ii ill r tb£' ithie ,e141thg Was s'peht'in'de,heing tto.' hti ic'ti n- ished by. the Murdock Orchestra.' The young couple are taking up house in Harriston. The god wishes of a host of friendsg .o With t e h m. Quotable Quotes Cur magazine stand'. leports..;an ih Dreaded sale of Readersi Digest W"'' Sell More of. it than any; other marithly Magazine. There mage "be a reason. In the realm;' of weeklies the;Star has, a.big lead. Between its pages are war-, iety of reading and more than ordie-, ary value. None excell it for '100 To :get a letter write; a lettere ' St: Patrick's Day,' March 17th A,pril Fool's Day, A7,ril fist Faster Sunday, April 25th Effective, Feb. 15 no greeting card ,shall.iiie retailed far' more than 25c. It's a War Time' ruling. We have them within that limitation., Also at 5c, IOc and 15c. Keep 'em Happy with Mail We are seven days nearer peace to- day than we were last Thursday. The Mammoth Song Book -225 Songs' and choruses -Voice -Piano -Genii - for e $L00. That's the reason for ou frequent' repeat orders. Hasten:the march to 'Berlin by buying War "Savings Stamp's ,If . the Rus= sirens 'had:'got stood up 'here'wbuld we be? The tide of:: War in past weeks has` been encouraging, but there is no assurancd that it will continue un- 'isliroken the. enemy marched towar seems for ,nearly. three ,years, Wr. Savings Stamps will help keep him the run, in true •Churehillian'fashio: Our aini is to make 'the transfer f goods to you profitable 'to each'' Of us and at Convenient as we know how under, war restrictions with perfectly proper prices. • Tl1o!. -Farr Co Often the Cheapest -Always' the Beat II I����'i11711111IninNuuni�� m � �,npi:pil�,iii�' lr Miss A. MacDonald was in Toronto last week on business. Pte and Mrs. Kelso' Streets are visit- ing with friends in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. B. F, Thrower were visitors in London this week. Miss R. V, Irwin is in London and Toronto this week on .business. Mrs. Thomas Leppington visited with friends in London on Wednesday, Miss Cora Streets of Toronto was a week end visitor at her home in town. Miss Gladys Radford, R.N., of Lon- don is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Radford. Mrs. Wm. Schryver, of Toronto, spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Sam McDonald, of town. Sgt. Instructor M. J. ,Snider and Mrs. Snider of Goderich spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Snider. Mrs, W. H. Nesbitt, of Eastwood • Ont., is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mn.rSam. Me- n Donald. Misses Pearl Elliott, Fayre Snyder and tiarbara Scott of London' were week end visitors at their homes in town. Mrs. T. A. Maloney, accompanied by • heir' granddaughter, Carol Monte, left ori Wednesday to visit relate es in Toronto. Mrs. Gilmoar of Oakland Oaf, and Mrs. Archer of North Bi'timore, Ohib,Are Visiting their conein, Mrs. b George IL Elliott. Mr. anti ivrts. Murray Hetherington, o who have' been visiting with Mt. and Mrs. John Snider have returned • Yo. therr.•home in• Goaerieli. Mr, 4t. G.Kendall of Summerside, P. 'EA; and fatherly on the staff of the Cllntoii ':Collegiate -,institute,' viii 'the gg>Yes't tins week of Mr. and b Mrs,, W. McGuffin. kr. ,jack Mutat of Detroit .Vas a, week end -Visitor with his parents T Mr. , and Mrs. Fred Muth; Mrs. I 111utch who has been a visitor hers tor flit .past. two -Weeks, returned )tome. V HALLMESVILLE'. A former minister,,Rev. Harold Wilding preached to a large array 'e- gation in the Holmesville United Church on Sunday morning. Rev. Wilding has. been preaching at Oil Springs and is leaving immediately for the west- coast where he will M nave charge of an Indian mission hear h Prince Rupert. T Miss Frances • McCullough chat te- o turned' home' after spending a'month .t with her great aunt, Mrs. J. fI. Smith of Goderich. ' A "Miss 'Del 11 irila 'Goderich G rrch spent h a few days' with her parents' Mr.' and s 'Mrs. 71L J. Finlay.. _.. -irIrs. G. M. Elliott and family spent w a few days with Mr. read Mrs: George Porter _of Atwood. ' ' ' ' f.�LII�7 e; > S I ECO' S'1•• t,'il tittt,ii Will 'Present A Thi'ee-Act Play;; , „THE MYSTERY 'oF THE TET)) GABLE' j In. The Parish Hall' on liL1Nj!'lllYj Monday ' and `Tuesday MARCH.8th and 9th Admission Adults 30ets Children 15cts CONCERT" By the R. A. F BAND By the. kind Permission of Wing Commander Cocks Including, solos, accordion numbers, tap dancing, ete. Under the auspices of the CLINTON RED CROSSSOCIETY is the TOWN HALL, CLINTON WED, MARCH 3, at 8 p.m. Plan to come for' an evening's enjoy- ment. Admission 25c 'GARDEN LECTURE The' Women s Au ciliary of,the Station 'ate sponsoring a°lecture on . gardens in ='• , TOWN . Hs1LL WANTON MONDAY. MARCH -8th. at' S pm . Mr George'Rush,•Agricultural Rep. resentative from Toronto will' 'be'the guest. speaker. J. C. Shearer, local representative assisting. NO ADMISSIQN OHARGE EVERYBODY 'WELCOME IN THE LETTER BOX London; Ont., Feb. 23, 1943 Editor Clinton News -Record: Dear Sir: For a. long time, groups of men and women catching the vision of a world• of great :possibilities - have tried to build on the teachings •of Christ. The natural man cries "grab" "push" "get' ahead", "trample down the weak." and there are not em. ough enlightened.and-courageous • men and women to sway, the beastly in- stincts, it seems, and lift mankind to its true standard. At the end' of the other war, we felt, I think, that.. peace would come without much effort on our part, and we slumped and let' the ideals fade out. Are we wiser now? Are we really greatly concerned for a world that must go air after we die, or are we selfish enough to think, "well I've done my bit." That isn't the •Christian, spirit. The children of today or tomorrow' have not asked to be' born, they have to inherit the world; that others have fashioned, They are wistful -eyed to my way of thinking,. we can't "let them down" if its possible to save diem from worse than, we have known. We have seen demonstrated the way of men to whom Christian ways of life are mere nonsense. • Do We want to see our land in the grip of ,such devastating ideas? If ot, we've got tb.be more . than mere church -goers, ibore' than jab par- roting what we've heard, more than' reneateis Of platitudes, more than gesturing robots, we've got to stand tall, .think high, and:do right. 'sloth.. rlig narrow or personal is good en - ugh for life today. We've got to live as, world -citizens; and think world - Wide thoughts. Can we? We dare not do otherwise if we are fit for the test, M this is our judgment day (as I elieve) •- for judgment days cone ften, and we must not be "found wanting." -Mrs. Rena Chandler H. .C.S. Cornwallis; ' Halifax; N.S., Feb. 13, 1943 The Clinton Newi§,Reeord ear Sirs: Would •; you' be kind enough to eon- vey. my, thanks •and -,appreciation to the own' of Clinton for the bill fold which received from them. It certainly is nice "Per the'bo-s:of he service t%, be retneinbered b' their ame towil.and especially with a gift s useful as a wallet. Thanks agaih, Sincerely OISm. M. P. Maguire. V • NI?IkSb EY WILLIS EVENING AUX. The Evening „Auxiliary of the W. . S. of Wesley Willis United Church eld their February study meeting on hursday evening last at the hone f Mrs. Percy,Livermore .with an at- ndaneeeof 18 present. ' With Isobel Chowen the president, residing, the meeting opened ;with a yon and Isobel led in prayer. The ecretary and'treasurer reports were cad and adopted. and several calls ere reported by the Community P riend hi, . s er V na Pollock and Viola Nelson ,Spring Flower, Suhpy. Pays are enc :'eas-' iig the supply' of flowers,, and we are :.now getting 'a good -supply of ' Spring Flowers. DAFFODILS JONQUII:S TULIPS ' Also Roses • and. Carnations in limited supply Flowers '' carry special cheer when days are cold and stormy. "jSay it with Flowers" '' U 2S., FEB 940 -F. R. CUNINGLIAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As, Personal care .given every order and special; attention' given to funeral orders. !hones 176 and 31 Superior stores PHONE 111=-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR 'February 25, 26, '27 Rinse Large Pkg. 23c Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs 23e Van Camps Tomato Juice 20 oz. 2 Tins 19c Quick Quaker Oats, Ige pkg , .. 21c Itoman Meal, pkg 29c Cowan's Cocoa, 1 Ib tin 25c Polifloor Floor Wax, 1 lb tin 49c Princess Flakes, Reg. Pkg. , 15c 25c Tea Bisk, Large Pkg 35e Lynn Valley Lima Beans, 16 oz. 2 tins Large pkg. 1 25c Lipton's Noodle Soup, mix 2 pkgs 25c Grapefruit size 112s Lemons, side 360s Waxed Turnips, 4 lbs Washed Carrots, 3 lbs New Green Cabbage, Ib Tangerrines, 246s dor. 5 for 25c 3 for 10c 10c 13c 12c 25c T. R. -THRIYJPSON !tree Delivery were chosen to look after the supply dept. Froin the list ofthings sent to us for a choice to work at this year,' the Auxiliary chose to do a quilt and an afghan, each one doing her bit towards the same. Satinet viee president Add' Jervis took charge of the meeting and after singing a hymn Olive Pearce read the scripture from Matt 5. Hymn 150 Was rend' in unison as a prayer, Adell JerVis then introduced the next chap- ter of study book dealing with tot - lege lift of students in India. Three girls namely, M. glitch, P. Higgins and D. Match carried on conversa- tion in dialogue form, representing eellege girls' in India. At the close et this, the tell call was answered bythe members telling something gleaned from our study, ,proving how atteritiwe we had been, Miss Rudd Hien added to 'the interest of the meet- ing by reading two' inspiring poems.' The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer 'in unison. Ah invitation was eictentied to the Mix - diary 'to .have 'the next :meeting at the horns of :Mrs. Chas. Pearce on March 11B. SUMMERHILL ' The Summerhill Red Cross 'group met at the home' of Mrs. Norman Wright 'on Feb. 17. With the presi- dent in the chair the meeting opened, by singing "Abide with, Me." follow- ed by the Red Cross Prayer. The min- utes of the last . meeting were 'reed and adopted. There were 20 members' answered: the roll call and 4 visitors preseiia." A Iettei• was read, from Pte. S. Sepnce for a Christmas box, Mils. J. Watkins don•ated a quilt, batt and;-, 1.00. The next meetin $_. . .. g •will be at rhe home 'o£ 1VIrs J. Ritpson, on March SPECIAL VALUES FEBRUARY 26th & 27th. RED AND:WHITE. SOUPS 2'Tins, 190 COUNTRY KIST'," PEAS Tin 1Oo' FINE OR COARSE ROLLED AYLMER BEET OATS 3 lbs 17e I 'GREENS, ' 2 Tins 23c PICKLED BEETS - 27 Ounce Jar 25c NEW'RED & WHITE TIPS Asparagus tin .21 ALLEN'S APPLE. 'Cider lg. Jar .19 RED & WHITE TOM. Juice, 2 tins .19 RED &'WHITE KID. Lg. Pkg. 19c Beans, 2 tins .23 CAKE 5c • QUAKER QUICK Macaroni 2 pkgs. 25c GARDEN FRESH: FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery, bunch.. .15 ' CHOICE. HEAD ' Lettuce 2 for .25 CHOICE RIPE , Tomatoes,.,. ib .30' NEW GREEN Beans,:,..,..,..., lb .27 CABBAGE TURNIPS CARROTS PARSNIPS MUSHROOMS. APPLES. BANANAS' TANGERINES YAMS JUICY SUNKIST Oranges doz. .35 TEXAS SEEDLESS, Grapefruit 5`-_.25 JUICY FLORIDA Oranges doz.- .33 CHOICE CALIF. • Lemons 3 for .10 C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON We' Are Showing SOME NEW DINING ROOM SUITES In Walnut and Combinaton Walnut Also A BEAUTIFUL SOLID MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE and a few nifty designs in WATERFALL BEDROOM SUITES We have a large Stock of Wardrobes. Ranging from $L75 to $4.50 BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNI'TURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 New Shiprnents WALKER'S OVERALLS Men's sizes $2.69 & $2.89 WALKER'S OVERALLS Boys' sizes $1.35 & $1.59 MEN'S COAT STYLE SWEATERS, Knit from fine wool with full button front. Sizes 36 to 44: Prices $2.29 and $2,49 MEN'S WOOL TWEED TROUSERS that give good appearance and long wear. Sizes 30 to 44: Prices $3.95. and $4.25 MEN'S NO. 71 PENMAN Brand Underwear, Combinations $2.25 Single Garment $1.19 BOYS' WOOL TWEED TROUSERS, with cuffs ' ,Ages 10 to 18. Price $3.49 BOYS' SHIRTS Plaid cotton Doeskin, bright colors,, Suitable for school or outdoors. Sizes 11 to 14 Price $1.15 MILITARY OXFORDS Suitable for men in uniform; Price $4.49 IFYOU NEED; ANY LINE OF FOOTWEAR, IN- SPECT OUR STOCK. W. TRY TO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT tililord Lobb & on 3rd. Zile roll call to be answered by a sugar saving recipe.' The hostesses are Mrs. J. Rapson, Mrs. R. Neal, Mrs. b. Cornish and Mrs. T. Mason. iPinsentation to Pte. G. R. Mason. A few of the neighbors of Pte.' Ray Mason gathered at his home last week end and. presented him with a signet ring and a purse of money. Clayton Ellis read the address and Chas. Merrill presented the gifts. The address read. Dear' e Ray: W y , a small a represent - alien 'of'' your friendsneighbors; s..r _..and , at gathered her to wish you the best of luck in your new profession and we all hope and pray that what ever. your trials and tribulations in this. new life, it will not .belong till wa. can all .be gathered here in our ;ittla village store where most of us have. spent many happy hours. We ask, you to except these small presents- which comes. ,from the ,bot- tom' of out hearts, and nifty God g°aide you: 'and bring you beek'eafelya to us. Signed on behalf of " your friends• and neighbors.. Wes nog. garb), Biil T,P.vet to `.•H rr Wat i a Y l4 zis,. Don • Smith and Charlie .3eryill•