HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-02-25, Page 5THUIRS.,, SEE. 25,1943':
'o Carry On Tour War Work
very Canadian citizen. has A part to do in winning
this "su'rvival'war against the international bandits
'who are trying to kill freedom and enslave man
ikind. Your war work is your most important job..
'Vie Bank OfMontreal encourages war -time saving,,
iiather'than borrowing; but' there are 'cases where
:A timely bank loan not only saves. money for,thee,
iborrovver but helps him to do.. a better job for
f you find it necessary to borrow money in order
Ito perform your highest duty as•a.Canadian citizen
--whatever that duty may be—please feel free to'
discuss your financial needs in confidence with
'the manager of, our nearest branch. We have
hundreds of branches throughout Canada.
�Iltemett�iill lstA
Modern, Experieaced Banking Service • the Outcome of 125 Years' Successful Operation
Clinton Btaach: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager
Londesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday.
111..•and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and•
-daughter Karen of Galt spent the
'week end with Mr. and. Mrs. J. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston and
:Miss Laura. Phillips were London
'Visitors last Friday.
•Miss Mabel Hickingbottom has re-
: :turned home after a three months
'visit at New York. •
Mrs. ` S. Young of Ho1mesville is
'Visiting ' her dang1 to Mrs, Harry(
Mrs. Jack Carter, West Wawanosh
had the misfortune to fall and hurt
:her arm. '
Miss Clarissa Carter of Clinton, is
'visiting her parents •Mr. and 'Mrs.
•Jack Carter,
Mr. Robt, Brunt of. Strathroy is
•^Visiting Dr. B.' C. Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson .en-
tertained about 36 of their friends
'.on Wednesday evening in honor ef'
Mr: Nicholson's 40th birthday. Games
'were enjoyed after which lunch was
•served,by Mrs. W. Nicholson and M•rs.
,Jas. Nicholson. The remainder of the
evening was spent in dancing to niu-
sic provided by Mr. and.Mrs. Gordon
. i12cOlinehey, Mr. and Mrs.' Everett
'Taylor ;and Jack Cousins.
, A meeting' • of the Auburn Public
Library was held at the home .of Rev.
"W. G. Rose., who presided, when the
'` ';following 'standing , committees were.
'The' first naiited .being convenors:
Program committee, Ha'ry Sturdy,
' •Josephine Weir, and Arthur; J. For-,
.guson, Book Committee Rev. W. G.
'Bose, Mr's: Bdgar Lawson rind' O. E.
''Rrratt, membership' Mis 'Fred Ross,
A'ntelia'•M011lwain, q •Chas. As u th and
`'"Josephine Weil', Financial Comm'it-
'`tee, 'Ralph ,Munro, Harfy, ' Sturdy,
',Frank Raithby and Rev. G. `'W, ,Rose.
Mess Jesenhnte' 'Weir gave her.
li'onm.0r' the W.M.S. of Kubis Pres-
" byterian Church.' The new president
4'111iss Weir' presided The'scripture the,
' '99th Psalm was read in •,hnison
lowed by•,prayei by . Mrs.'James
'Woods. Arrangeinents were made ,for
' the Worlds Day of Prayer, which
' Will ,be held' in the Umte'ii Chinch
oil Fi day March 12th M is. Oliver
A ''tie;son' gave a:reading a` Bolo was
' *tiered, ;bv Mrs., Wesley Bradneck.
'The topic the 90th,,'psalm was given;
, by Miss' Wen Mrs R. J. ;Phillips
ve a pia
no instrumental.'
Fd -
Ser Lawson gavo'a reading. The roll
was 'answercd,by a verse of serip-
ture' 'containing the. word "prayer".
."The meeting closed by repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison. A. dainty
lunch • was served liy Miss Weir and
Mrs. Lawson.
The B.Y.P.IJ. of the Baptist church
held their monthly meeting in the
Sunday School room Sunday evening
The program was prepared by Mrs.
Wm. Haggitt and Royce Phillips, and
Mrs. Haggitt presided.
After singing the opening hymn
the theme song `Love Lifted Me' was
sung followed by prayer by Mrs.
Wainer. The scripture the 23rd Psalm
recomposed by Mrs, Ernest Knee-
shave. of Meaford, was read by Royce
Phillips. A reading was given by
Dolly Beadle, Garth McKnight and
Donna Haggitt sang a duet, a read-
ing was given by Grant Raithby and
Marie Raithby, Doris McKnight Jack
McKnight and Royce Phillips sang a
quartette. Miss Amelia Mclllwain
gave a reading and Mrs. R. J.
I?hillips a piano instrumental. ` The
topic "Geo Elliott's story of Romola"
was given by Mr. Don. Barris. Mrs.
Wes Bradnock favored' with a ,solo.
Letters of thanks for Christmas gifts
received from the B.Y.P,U. were read
from Eldon Yungblut, Lloyd John-
ston and • Stanley McNeil.
Mrs, Haggitt thanked all who had
tarsen part ' in the meeting. The . next
meeting will he in charge, of Mr.
Geo. Raithby and Joan Killough.
Following the National Anthem,
Mr. George Raithby closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
The Red Cross Society held a quilt-
ing in the, basement of the ,Baptist
Church Tuesday afternoon., when five
quilts and a crib quilt : were com-
pleted. The secretary Mrs,' Roes read
letters .from Ken Scott, :Keith, Ar-
thur, ,and James Iiouston eversees
thanking the Red. -Gross fox. the
Christmas 'boxes they, had :received
also a letter from Stanley • McNall
thanks for a . 'ift he' had
expressing k g
received. Ai letter. was` mad • froth
headquarters :regarding:, toil-
et articles ,to the:women:. •inunifoiint
It was decided to have,a,. shower . of
toilet articles- ate,,:the next meeting. A
pot luck .•supper was serted^ by Mrs.
1. McKnight, Mrs .Thornes . McNdll,
'Mrs. Fred Seers and Mrs. ,Win..Rob-
ettoih. - .
:A farm mapinery Bch. oof was
in the Foresters' Hall on February
18 and 99 ty,.ier .the auspices of t{ie
'bntario Department of A,rieul'ture
Clinton,, the Huron Federation, ef Ag-
riculture and the Committee .cif, Hui-
u.program, ways
{Jr:, Co my Council. nc The l ire 1ra
as follows. Thursday morning. Mervyn
•Stelck of Zurich, gave' a talk on Y re-
pairs and adjustments of mowers' ane
binders. Thursday afternoon repairs
and adjustments of tractors and com-
bines by Mr. Stela. The 1943 farm
production program was given by
James C. Shearer Agricultural repre-
sentative at Clinton. On Friday morn-
ing Trope splicing was discussed by
Jas, Shearer. In the afternoon labor
saving machines and methods and re-
pairs and adjustments of plows were
explained by Gordon McGavin of Wal-
ton. Mr. A.. J. McMurray of Clinton
gave a talk on the Victory Loan.
Harry Sturdy president of the East
Wawanosh Federation. of Agriculture
outlined the need of strong farm or-
ganization. The attendance was good
at all meetings, Over 100 farmers
being present at all classes.
Mr. Robert Turner has rented the
farm of Mr. Oliver McBrien of Hul-
lett, Mr. and Mrs. Turner and family
will move the first of April,
Jack Hamilton eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton . of God-
erich and grandson of Mr, and • 1Vlrs,
Win. Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hamilton of Auburn has joined the
Royal 'Canadian Air Force;
Donald Ross teacher at Brumfield
Public School and four of his pupils,
Jaynes and Ronald Paterson, Doug-
las McBeth and; 'Hugh Zapfe spent
Saturday with Mis Fred Ross.
Mr. :Russell Kitig: of London is
spending a few days at his home here.
Tire London Road Club held their;
regular meeting on Feb 13 at :rtbc;.
hone of Mrs:' George "Fienderson.'The
president Mrs. Swinbank occupying
the. chair. The meeting opened',by
singing b' Canada followed by' the
Creed. The minutes of the fast
ing were read and adopted. Corres-
pondence and. bills Were read: The
Roll°'Call ti=ers'• answered' by a Valen-
tine yetiel s answered
members: and; y vistiors. It was de-
cided to, buy.p
..20 yards,:. f,flannelette.
Some nieces., of sewing•;;werebrought
in'• also .4 pair: mitts, `'2 sleeveless,
sweaters '1 'ttirtle neck and set„
vice sweatets'fot Red C1oss';Sewing
was ,handed ,8 for the next nioath.
also kmttiPg ;M1, onatiens,were, receiv-
ed- .$ .00, Mr .vm. Henry ad $1.00
Mrs.;:Fred' Nett. •The meeting closed,
by.:singinig+fod:Save •the King; • A
dainty lunch' was served by the hos-
teas. 'Next'rneleting wiil;,;bP held,' t'the
Ronne -cif MTs. Wm. Moffatt oil. March
18.•;r z•• •
In tlast•2. w i••
he weeks their have
been: 3 progressive "euchre parties at
3 'd'ifferent' homes. Mrs. Swinb'ank,
Mrs. McKnight and Mrs. Moffatt,' a
'good sum was realized.
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 80.}
More 'Eggs for Britain
Great Britain asks for 75,000,000
dozen eggs from Canada in 1943
To supply. home consumption in
Canada plus eggs for the Canadian'
Army, Navy and Air Force, plus ex-
port to' Great Britain will require
860,000,00 dozens of't eggs in 1948.
Never before was care of the Poul-
try •Flock so important:
Do not market laying hens. Have
them culled; regularly by an,experi'en
eed poultryman.
Day Plume 214. Night Phone. 328.
Bathing Locker. Storage
Fresh and^Smoked rilletts, Haddock
Also Frozen Green Peas
Farmers Style Sausage and Ground
"Casings' For Sale
We Buy Hides
The February meeting of the W.
M. S. was held at the home of Mrs.
W. Lyon. Mrs. R. Townsend presiding
Meeting opened by singing "In Christ
There is no East or West," Followed
by the National Anthem. The daily
prayer was repeated in unison. Psalm
146 was read , responsively. The
World's Day of Prayer will be cpm-.
biped with our regular meeting to be
held in the school room of the
church, on Friday March 12th, to
which every one is'i svited. In the
absence of our secretary Mrs. E.
Wood was appointed to take the min-
utes. Miss B. Kirk gave a temperance'
reading "The house beside the road"
The roll call was answered by a verse
of scripture with the word "Trust"
The word for next roll call will be
"Mercy", Quilt committee, Mrs. C.
Watson Mrs. E. Wood, Miss Kirk,
1VIrs. R. Caldwell, captain of Group
No: 3 then ttok charge. The ?'hems
being providing recreation for the
homes, Mrs. Caldwell read a portion.
Mrs. W. Govier led in prayer. The
scripture lesson was taken by Ruth
Shaddick, a reading by Mrs.. Watson.
"What one woman can' do" solo Miss
Velma Hesk. 'Growing up with Jesus'
The study book was partly taken by
Ruth Shaddick. and Mrs. Caldwell, the
Offering was them taken. Meeting
closed by singing a hymn and pray-
rayer by Mrs. Lyon.
Mrs. Fred Prest is in Clinton this
Mr.s. Wrn. Lyon is spending some
weeks at the home of `Di: and Mrs.
Anderson, Exeter.
Mrs. John Nott is visiting with her
daughters Mrs. '2. Steens and 'Mrs.
F. Roberton, ,Seaforth.:' '
The meeting of the Rei Cross will
be held in Community Hall on Thurs-
day, Mareh 4th.
We were pleased to See Mr. Harry
Riley out again .after some weeks of
Mrs, Laura. Sunderceel vgecently re-
ceived a letter, from tier son Clifford
who recently 'arrived safely,�in Eng-
land. Peter Brown and Bill Ross were
with #rim in. tile, sante boat going
across the Atlantic.
:tOnee again',the'sun is shining and
the 'day' .looks asi if 'spring• vias just
' corner:
e as bee
vr'Y lttle actioitY 'iltqing the past
month around this', community., With
'ek d roads and sickness evr
bio e � � eYone
is a.tayipg neer, home. ,
v. olen, .perr, has been
,.oN.r .Paet..
quite ill, ;consequently ne Porch ser=
vice r the:, 1a ' t • two Sundays.;. The e
e $
wee +no ,school last :week.owing. to lack
tof'fuel''but 'the •trustees secured wood
on Thursday_ and the'ehildten are ,bank
o 'a aan. '
toch o] ,.,g;.,
received, Monda morn=
Word was ecce .Y
in' of the:: sudden. paseing.of. Endo
Newton,,. brother, of . G. C.. Ngwton, of
this:. place,. Mr. Newton .passed away
in a Detroit hospital :after :a. -'week's
Mr. -G. G. Newten 'and daugh-
ter 'Betty•
au h-ter''Betty are attending . the funeiral
in Detroit.
Mrs. Jas, Durnion, London, has
-,'•.P'AG•E. 5
Now Playing-"TH1' - FIRST COM
MANDO" with Tommy Trinder.
Marlene Dietrich, Fred Madder.
ray and Aline Mac Mahon. ,An iz
responsible actress adopts a baby
and discovers that she -must have a
husband .to keep; the child. • 1
He could inherit a fortune' if he
married the heiress within seven
days, but he forgot the fortune
when he fell for the girl. Victor
Mature, Lucille Ball, Harold Peary.
Coming — Rosalind Russell and
Brian Aherne in "MY SISTIIR
Matinees Sat. and holidays at 3
Now Playing, — Lucille Ball In
Bing Crosby—Dorothy Lamour and
Bob Hope. With, such a cast noth-
ing needs saying except that it's
the year's funniest film.
—In Technicolor—
Fred MacMurray — Paulette God-
dard and Susan Hayward. There's
action: every minute in this fight-
ingrand romantic tale of the
Coming—Jon Hall In "INVISIBLE
Matinees—Wed., Sat. and Holidays
Marlene Dietrich and Fred Mac-
tllrirray, with Baby Corey in the
amusing story of an actress who
turns -kidnapper.
Ginger Rogers—Ray Millard and
Rita Johnson. See what happens
when Ginger turns twelve to duck
a railroad fare.
Coming — George Sanders "THE
Matinees —Sat, and Holidays at 8;
The Place
To ``Buy; Your . Bread,
Buns, Pies ' and Cakes
BATKIN—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Monday, February 22nd, to Mr.
and, Mrs. Mervyn J. Batkin of Clin-
ton, the gift of a daughter, (Ruth
ALLEN -,At the Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, on Friday, Febru-
ary, 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Allen, (nee Sybil Keys) a daughter.
BISHOP—At Mt. Hamilton Hospital
on Wednesday, February 17th, to
Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur G. Bishop,
(nee . Cora Jervis) of Burlington,'
a daughter.
CHARLES — Dr. and Mrs. Arthur
Charles, (nee Jean Middleton), 299
Old. Orchard Grove, axe happy to
announce the ;birth of a son (Wil-
liam Coats) on Sunday, February
21st, at the Toronto General Hos-
pital, Private Patients Pavilion.
TROYER - At Mrs. Saundereock's
Nursing Home, Hensall, on Tues-
day, February 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs
Gordon Troyer (nee Isobel Morrell).
of Hensall, a son.
B•ECKER—In Sarnia Hospital on Fri-
day February 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Becker, of Sarnia, a son.
spent the past week with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woods.
The Red Cross meeting that was
to be held Feb. 15, at Jack Gilberts but,.
was postponed ' owing to the storm.
was held Tuesday of this . week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lockhart and
little Carol who have resided On the
farm the past four years are moving
to Goderich where Glenn is employed.
We are• sorry Glenn•had to giveup
farm work, •
Mrs. G. G. Newton, has been help-
ing are for her mother, Mrs. Walters
of Benmiller, who has been quite ill
bttt is improving.
The staying power'of the Nazis are
being better dismayed in Hely than
in Russia.
HAYFIELD ,: ; ,•'
Kenneth Brandon, d'ack Murray and
Spencer :Irvine 'are arranging a bene.
fit,dance to'be 'held in the' Town Hall
on'Fridayeb�ay' r •r , 26 th. The pro.
'seeds are for the 'Bayfield.' and Com-
munity Active Service Fund For
"smokes'? ,for
'the boysoverseas.
The many, fra nds of Mrs. Ch
r -
les McGregor of Detroit, forer1 of
Goderich Township, will be• sorry 'to
learn that she was recently forced
to undergooperation an o eratio for the' am-
putation of her left leg. All join in'
hwishing her a speedy recovery...
`' Mr. 'Charles 'Falconer 'has return-
ed' home after having spent' a few
days in Brucefield owing to .the death
of his cousin, Robert Gilmour.
Miss Patricia Atkinson• of Detroit
is spending a. few' days;'i they village.
P 6"n g..
• Miss Elsie McLeod,,who has spent
the past week at 'her home here, left
ion Wednesday for Jlt;inilton: 1,
1Mr. aondMrs. Cr
aig Kerr
e mov-
1I ,ed into Viss. MaryTaylor's "house
on Louisa Street..
r's.H. Middleton of ,Hensall
M R..
was the guest of hermother Mrs. N.
Sponsored by the Red, Cross Society
ef'the Clinton Collegiate Institute, on
Dancing in both halls of the .C.C,I.
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music By
Wi11is.Tipping and His Band
Applications Wanted
Applications will be received for
the position of County Constable for
Western Ontario County. Temporary
employment for six months with pos-
sibility of permanent appointment at
the end of that time. Applications to
be submitted on or; before' 12 o'clock
noon, March 10.
Apply. to Employment and Selec-
tive Service Office, Goderich, Ont.
Tenders for Wood
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned for body hardwood, beech
and maple at least 50 per cent maple
to be cut' at least 12" long for the
following.: 10 cords to be deliveted to.
S.S.S. No. 2. Huhett. 'Tenders to be
in the hands of the Secretary by
March 11. Wood delivered by April
TOM FLYNN, Sec. Treas.
33-2 R,R. Ne,11. Clinton
Gasoline Ration Books
For passenger oars are now on sale
at this office. Application forms, can
be obtained at your Post Office. Com-
plete this application end present it
and your 1943 car permit at this of-
fice. Fee is $1.00
H. D. Cameron, Issuer of Motor Ve-
hicle 'Permits, -Clinton Ont. 33-2
For Sale
One blue heifer, 1 year old. One
Fagier cord: wood sawing outfit. One
8" grain .grinder. Wanted to buy, one
rubber tired top buggy. Apply to
Percy Riley, Clinton phone 804i'32.
Pasture For Rent '
Choice pasture accommodation for
25 bead of various ages. One hundred
and twenty-five acres. Abundance of
shade and running water in creek.
Would sell above :property which
consists of '160 acres all in grass, ex-
cepting approximately 8 acres of
bush. • Good bank barn with stone
wall;• clay loam as to soil, natural
drainage. Sold reasonable to respon.
Bible buyer: ' MTS.. A1iice Ferguson,
Clinton.` 33.2
For Sale '
One extension dining -room 'table,
six chairs and a china :cabinet and
buffet combined. Apply at the News.
Recordoffice. 33-1
W. Woods oder.the week end.
The postponed annual congregation-
al, meeting of Trinity Church, Bay-
field seas held last week. The Church
was found toe 'in a sound financial
position, all obligations having been
paid in full and . a nice balance on
hand ,;towards 1943.. Mr. , W. J. El-
liott endMr., Win. Scotchmer were re-
appoipted wardens. The rector thank-
ed. the officers and congregation for
their splendid co-operation during the
year. A• vote of appreciation for their
was x
work a extended to the rector• and
officers. The rector reported that this
'year all three congregations, .Bayfield
Middleton and Varna had paid 'the
missionary apportionmentin frit.
Death'oi' Endo Newton
Friends her' learned 'With regret
on Monday of' the death Of Eudo New-
ton, which occurred in Detroit 'aftas
a brief' illness. He is survived by'his
Wife, formerly'- Miss Mabel Wesson
daughter of the ` late Mr. Mel Mrs.
Richard Hayfield',d 'Weston of and one
son. Kenneth with theU.S.A. Avineri
Forces in North 'Africa: Another son;
Ray, predeceased his father: '°" The
late r Newton: was; born in Gode-
riche M ... G
o shi,son 'o the late
rich T wn p, a f Mr.
and -Mrs. Clement • Newton, and was
widely known in this district.
Repairs of all kinds, Work Guaranteed
Tubes:Tested Free
A. W. Groves,. Princess St.
iinton, Ont., • .lyhone. 390-W
By The H. J. Heinz ,Com-
pany :of Canada, Ltd.
Anyone wishing to grow
cucumbers please contact
W. H. Lpbb, Clinton, Box 64,
Phone 314j 32-6
Work Wanted
1h perienced farmer wishes ,Work
either ley,,.day or by month in Clinton
vicinity. Apply to Box 39F, Clinton
News -Record, 33-1
On Tuesday, February 16th, •on
Main street, Five Dollars. Kindly•re.
turn to Mrs. Dick Parker, or leave
at the News -Record office. 33-1
Old horses and. cattle for mink feed.
If dead phone at once. Will pay ac-
cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone
907r6, or Lloyd Batkin, 619r14. •
85-tf a -o -w
Help Wanted
Man or woman to do part time
cleaning, and tend furnace in local
business office. Write stating age, etc.,
to Box 39B, The Clinton• News -Record
Custerh Sawing
Will be done this aiming- at -xVlc- •
Ewen's Mill Bayfield. ' 32-4
For Sale ,
One new electric washer. Apply to
J. W. Modeland, Egmondville, phone
600r4, Seaforth central.. 32-3
Farm For Rent
1.00 acres in 'Stanley Township,
good buildings, water and hydro. Will
rent part or all of land with or 'with -
outbuildings on shares or for straight
yearly rental, F'or full particulars
write Box 39M, Clinton News -Record
Representative Miss' Winnifred O'Neil
Clinton' Phone 75 `. For le
, , J complete
p te
lines. of Fulier Brushes and Service
for same. 30-4
Farm For Sale
Farm consisting • of 87 acres good
clay loam, partly roliing,but:.good,•pro-
'ducing land, 'with spring creek and
water in the barn and house, Barn' is
70'x30' with driving shed attached, 35'-
x18'; 'two colony houses, and..one• lien
House; excellent silo' 12'x40'. O'ne and
one-half storey house 24'x113' with n an kit -
'she ' d woodshed 181x30 Farm . is
five miles from: •Goderiehs and':seven
miles froinClintonnear,ri ..ihureh and
school. For further .particulars..apply
to Frank Chambers,a.R:R:?2.0Tinton,
phone Goderich, central.;i4433.. yi31-2
' Farms For ,Sale
(1); 100 acres in Tickersin h �,-,on
'Highway No. 8 ,Lot 29, 'Huron'iload.
Fraise barn on cement' foundation,
frame 'house .productive Iand' and
plenty of water.
-(2)50 acres in Mullett, north half
°flee ii Con: 2 Frame °barn on stone
founclation frame house,. three wells
choice farm.
Apply to Wm. Livin ton or s.
s Jas. F,
PP y g ,
Scott, I8, R. 2, Seaforth. '
Executors for the estate ofthe late
Thos. E. Livingston. 21 tt!