HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-02-04, Page 11 F -Silver And Gold The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era O. 030 -63rd YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO. ecOr The New Era Est. 1867 •• THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1943 THE HOME PAPER Erratic Timepieces Make erratic people- for we are governed More than most of us imagine by our watches and clocks, - , omething Going Wrong But there's really no need for all this trouble. Consult us about your When they go wrong we 'are liable to be late for this, that and the other thing, or too soon or Something • . .. All The While Not when there's a re - pair outfit like ours within easy reach. Timepiece Aihnents 1 WH . . ' i ELLYAR [Martha Washington PPilat Frocks For Home Wear New Spring Styles have just Come' In. The Assortment is not as Large as* Usual, But the Quality Is There. Sizes 14 to 20 -- 38 to 44. Priced at $1.75 to $2.19 Come in and Look Them Over. v-IRWIN IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS 'A arrest Important and much appreciated gift for the man in uniform We have a large and varied stock in several shapes and styles to choose from in either sterling silver ori gold filled. We will engrave them with name and number or supply with proper crest if desired. We also have Sterling Silver Identity Neckchains for their. discs, in regulation length. Full line of Parker Pen and Pencil Active Service Sets, complete in fine leather cases with. crest. Zippered cases containing toilet articles for men -- also Military Brush Sets - Writing Cases - Bill- folds -- Steel Mirrors -- Ronson Lighters -Pouches --Rings -- Shockproof Watches, etc. REMEMBER WA/PCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR EXPERTS - OUR WORK ASSURES YOUR SATISFACTION W. N. COUNTER Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County COUNCIL MEETING We understand its the first time in the history •of the Town of Clinton that a council meeting has lasted un- til after midnight. This is what hap- pened at Monday night's meeting, when High County Constable Fox of Goderieh waa present and addressed council briefly and it was moved that council go into e, cernmittee as a whole to discuss police work with the High County Constable, Press excluded. Council resume.d again about one hour later and it WAS decid- ed to advertise for applications for Chief of Police and Watchman. Chief of Police to work days for a salary of $1000 his duties to be governed by town by-law, The Watchnian to work nights at a salary of $900 his duties also governed by town, by-law. This difficulty arose from an appeal by - letter from Chief Constable Premlin, to serve days after eight years of night duty. There was, of course, con- siderable discussion and, a decision by council was made more difficult by an appeal from Day Constable El- liott for an increase in pay. All inembers were present at the regular neeeting'of council and Mayor MelVfurray presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. AJ communication from the County Clerk was read and Reeve Falconer explained the reforestration movement by the county. There was some talk on securing, trees free for our park, This matter will be discuss- ed further -with our local agricultural representative. A letter from the Happy War Wer- kerS 'Club 'was read, relative to their dance in the town hall the evening of January. 15th, at which they eharged tmfafr treatment in the matter a hall rent. Councillors declared a mistake of misunderstanding had occurred and a refund of rent money was allowed. It was decided that all dances for patriotic purposes be charged a fee of $5 plus extra policing clumges. ' .A. communication from the Divis- ional Engineer of the Department of Highways certified an arrangement for the department to share in the re - 'novel of snow from our main streets. A. certified copy Of a resolution en- dersed by Kitchener City Council was read. This was relative to the petit- ioning of the Federal and Provincial Governments to appoint committeesto deal with the matter ,of compulsory voting in General and Municipal Elec- tions, and after seine discussion was ordered filed. An appeal fos an increase in grant of $25 from the treasurer of the Clinton Spring Stock Show was read, and it was move il that $125 be granted the Show. The increase is caused by the additional sections for bacon hogs and the added finished beef classes in the market cattle sec- tion. The Council granted $25 to Major Flannigan of the Salvation Army, London for his rescue home work, this amount being their annual grant. The following appointments were made: Library Board representative, George H. Jefferson; Board of Health representative, M. Corless; Fire Chief, L.J. Cree, salary $40; assistant chief, H. ,Fremlin, $35; lieutenant, Frank Dixon, $30; engineer, G. L. Hanley, $50; secretary -treasurer, a W. Draper, $10; firemen, A, P. Cud, more, (L Rath, G. Lawson, G. L. Hanley, T. A. Sutter, Ernest Ellwood, Theo Premlin, J. C. Radford, Lloyd Ferguson, Percy Lievrmore, Murray Megwen, $25. eaeh. Councillor Nediger reported for the Fire and Water committee and sug- gested, and it was approved by Coun- cil, that the clerk order 50 feet of hose and also get quotations and oth- er particulars about gas masks for the firemen. Reeve Falconer moved the adjourn- ment to meet Again February 15th. Street Cash -Removing and plowing snow, 314 hrs, 35c; 180 hr e 60c) 217.91 G, M. Lavis with Etseter plow 13 hrs at 35c ,, . . . . 4.55 G.: M. Lavis contract plowing 154 hours, $1.80 ...... 277.20 A, Fulford plowing walks 42 1-2 hours 50c , sr. .. 21.25 D. L. Stephenson, 2 8" tile 1.70, A. Seeley, Mower reprs (1942) 1.55 - Street Lighting Lighting Streets 215.22 Property P.U.C. Lighting test room ... 1.00 P.U.C. Lighting Town Hall 15.53 P.U.C. Lighting stock scales 1.00 Mrs. L. Tideswell, care of rest It 5.00 W. J. Miller, 8110 lbs coal .. 64,90 A. D. McCartney, 6550 lbs coal 52.40 Clinton Bicycle Sales ' Flash light batteries ........ .90 Cemetery M. MeEw'an Salary 96,83 Women's Institute The regular meeting was held in the Agriculleiral Board rooms on Thurs day January 28th, with forty 'memb- ers present. Mrs, Adams, the presi- dent, presided with Mrs. Hearn at the piano. A number of thank -you let- ters wore read from beys receiving Obristins.s gifts. before the business period was concluded. The roll call was answered by 'How Christmas was spent?' The guest speaker was Mrs. George H. Jefferson who took as her subject, "The Life History of John Buchan." A hunsmous reading was given by Mrs, R. Sperling. Lunch was served by Mrs. J. B. Lavis and com- mittee. V • RED CROSS NOTES The Feb. meeting of Clinton Red Cross was held on Monday at 3 p.m. with the president Mrs. 'Oakes in the chair. There was a good attendance. Mrs. A. Haddy gave her report of the Nurses refresher course. A. class in home nursing under her supervis- ion will be held. shortly, the date to be anounced. Plan to attend. It it a vital part of our work. After some discussion the meeting voted to. get Ten Emergency Units these to be , stored in 'some suitable place and are to be used by any of the units in case of need. The visitors for Februrary to the Military Hospital are to be Mrs, M. Counter and Mrs. G. German. A drive is one for the collection of fats and bones. You are urged to take yours to your butcher, who will have them sent to the proper places. We wish te acknowledge with thanks the following articles from the Legion Auxiliary: 9 print dresses, 1 pair pyjamas, 2 pair flannelette bloomers, 1 pair cotton bloomers, 1 pinafore, 1 dressed doll. The following are the' shipments : - British .Civilian: 5 ,baby jeckets;' 5 baby bonnets; $ pair booties, 1 sweat- er size 12, 1 sweater size 2, 1 pair baby mittens, 1 pr. booties, 5 panty dresses No 4, 25 panty dresses No 6; 10 juniper skirts No. 8, 20 blouses, 1 dress; 2 year; 1 blouse 8 year; 16 handkerchiefs; 6 large quilts, 2 crib quilts, 1 afghan, 20 girls panty dress- es, 10 boys blouses No. 8, 4 pair boys shorts, 2 boys blouses; 1 boys shirt No. 8, Hospital Supplies: -60 large pads, 160 medium pads, 240 medium pads, 1200 compressei, 800 wipes. Shipments of new and, old furs and used clothing were made. From Goderich Township S. S. No, 4.-4 pair boys shorts, 2 boys blouses, 1 boys shirt, all size 8 and non quo - to. Hospital supplies will be made again on Monday at 2.30 p.m. Your help will be appreciated, A. Seeley, Mower rep 1942 .. 5.55 gash L. Hunter, 5 hrs 600 ... 3.00 Cash Labor, 33 hours 35e .. 11.55 G. M. Lavis, plow 11 hrs $1.80 20.70 Fire and Water J, E. Hovey, Chemicals ... 2.60 C. Draper, Seet. Fire Brigade 1-2 year firemen's salary 232.50 T. Leppington, clearing snow from hydrants 35 1-2 hrs ...... 12.43 Cash L. Hunter, clearing snow, 2 hrs at 60c 1.20 Cash A. Carter, clearing snow 3 hrs at 35e . . . . . ... 1.05 W. Burton ,Clearing-Shew at fire hall 1.00 Dry Earth Closets A. Fulford Salary 65.00 Salaries A. E. Fremlin, salary 82.50 D. Elliott, salary 65.50 M. T. Corless, salary ' 83.33 N. Kennedy, salary ..... 50.00 D. Elliott, 42 hrs 30e extra pol 12.60 R. B. Fitzsiironons 6 nights extra policing at $3.0018.00 M. T. Corless, 1.942 vital statistics Returns ......... 55.50 M. T. Corless, 1942 O.A.P. and Mothers Allowance 9.00 Hospitalization County of Huron, Care of Indigent Patients 74.35 , Grants W. M. Aiken, Billfolds 35 at $1.88 64.05 Postage and Stationery A. T. Cooper, Postage and ..... . A. T. 'Cooper, Postage and Desk Blotters 7.26 General MunicipalExpenees Bell Tele. Co, General 9.73 The Municipal World 9 sub. .. 9.00 Receipts Rentals '$109.50 Cemetery ......... $30:00 Stook scales .... . . ... y$15.50 S • $155.00 o • Engagement Announced Mr, and -Mrs, John R. Butler, Clin- ton, wish to announce the 'engagement of their only daughter, Audrey Mad- eline, to Harvey Edwin Chuter, young est ton of Mr. and Mr. Ed. Clutter of Varna. The marriage Will take place early this month. v Sparks Again Lose To Beavers, 8-7 Seaforth Beaver's scored their sev- enth victory in the Enron League of the intermediate "A" O.H.A. Thesday night by beating Clinton Sparks 8 to 7 in what was generally -considered an interesting game, the win coining in the third period when the visitors long the- rivale of the former Clin- ton Colts; . netted two 'goals in the final stanza. The game attracted Et good crowd. Because of a car accident while enroute to Clinton, Seaforth started the game with only six play/ars in uni- form. While details of the mishap 'wade not available Peck, Harrisj Thompson and Carnegie were late in arriving. Some of the players were slightly injured. The teams. • Clinton -Goal, Rothwell; defence, Mertz and Clark; centre Christie; wings, Hay and Vadebonceor; alter- nates, Hardy, Dungavell, Robb, Mc- Crea, Stevens and Dagley. Wesley Willis Annual Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Wesley Willis United church was held in the church on Wednesday evening, January 27th. Supper was served by the Women's Association after which a brief worship period was conducted by the pastor Rev. An- drew Lane, -who also was chairman for the business mdeting. Reports 01 the work for 1942 wero presented by the department heads and all were indicative of advance- ment spiritually and materially. Those, giving reports were: N. W. Trewartha clerk of the Session, who 'stated that the membership Is 483; 3. A. Sutter Sunday School secretary; Mrs. E. B. Patersoh, president of the Women's Association; Mrs, G. A. Miller, pre- sident of the Girls' Club; Miss Ruth Potter for the Young People's Union; Mrs. M. Agnew, organist and leader, for the choir; Mrs.. Chowen, president of the Women's Missionary., Society. Mrs. Charles Nelson for the Evening Auxiliary; Miss Catherine Fingland, for the Mision Band and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis for the Baby Band, The financial report; for the Mis- sionary and 1Vlaintenanee fund was given by M. T. Corless and for the general fund of the Church by treasur- er, E. E. Paterson. A hymn, in memory of members who have passed on during the year was sung. A resolution of appreciation of the services' of Rev. and Mrs. Lane was voiced by chureh officials and wa's endorsed by the assembly, , • MILITARY NEWS The News -Record received a let- ter from Pte. Duncari Cartwright, overseas, in which be wished us to convey to the Town of Clinton his sincere thanks and appreciation for the billfold he received. Among the recent, ennstments in the Canadian Army at London are Samuel W. Graig and R. G. Chem - bens of Clinton, Mrs. Henry Sioman has received a letter from Pte Montan, No. 10 Cana- dian General Hospital, oversee's, say- ing that he was the first patient of the hospital. Pte Sloman fell while boarding a bus, cutting his face and hand which required a number of etiMhes. LAC. Earl Snyder received his in- signia at No. 4 Bombing and Gunnery School, Fingal, last week and is now a Sergeant Wireless Air -Gunner. He has two week's leave before report- ing to Winnipeg. Company Quartermaster Charles C. Farran, of Peterboro's Training Cen- tre, has been promoted to the rank of 2nd. lieutenant, Lieut. Farran is the son of C. W. Farran, retired man- ager of the Montreal Bank at Glen- coe, Previous to his enlisting he was on the staff of the Montreal Bank in Clinton, Pte Arthur Aiken of the Shots Fusi- liers at Niagara -on -the -Lake was a week -end visitor at his home in town. Gordon Herman and Francis, Elvans of Galt Aircraft School spent the past week end at their homes in town. LAC. Ivan Jervis of No. 4 Wireless chool, thielph, was a week endvisit- r at his home in lielmesville, L. E. Cardiff„M. P. Undergoes Operation L. E. Cardiff, M. P. (North Huron), is a patient in Wellesley Hospital, To- ronto, where he underwent an operat- ion' for arpendicitis. He was taken 111 in Ottawa on Saturday and was El -What to the • Toronto Hospital for treatment. He is , making favorable progress toward recovery. Mrs. Car- diff left on Tuesday for Toronto to be with hint during, his convalescence. v - Board of Education The Board of Education for 1943 held s its first meeting on Tuesday' eveninglast Mn. Men Cook, Mr. Gord- on Serihbins and, Mr. Caryl Draper were new members. Mr. Alex Cud - more was ,elected chairman of the board. The followmg committees were for med: Property - Trustees Paisley, Leib, Oakes, Knight, Fingland. Fin- ance -Trustees, Fingland, Cook, Dra- per, Scribbins, Paisley. Study and• Welfare, Trustees Oakes, Cook, Tre- wartha, Draper,- Lobb. Purchasing -- Trustees Knight, Scribbins, Trewar- tha, Cook, Draper, Miss Edna Jamie- son was appointed as a member of the Library Board. Inspector McKone's report was read and will be consid- ered at next meeting. The usual ac- counts were passed. ' Ontario Street W.A. The Women's A,ssociation of On- tario st. Church held their regular meeting on Wednesday February 3rd with a good attendance. ' Tho Presdient Mrs. W. S. R. Holm- es opened the meeting with "God Save the King." andthe national Pr1111257s1... Milton Wiltse had charge of the devotional period with Mrs, B. J. Gibbings at the piano. Themonthly reports were given and P!ied l'"vh°evW.• i A. decded to collect a bale ef used clothing for Russian Relief and also to quilt several .quilts for Red Cross. A number of ladies donat- ed linings and bats for quilts. Mrs. Townsend gave a reading which was much enjoyed by all.. Mrs. Wiltse closed the meeting with prayer after which the ladies of St. Andrew's Ward served a dainty lunch. AMONG THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church 11 a.m. Morning 'Worship Sunday School immediately follow- ing. ' '7.30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5th, An- nual Congregational Meeting. '• Baptist Church Clinton Sunday,' school at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon. Gospel Song Service et • Seven o'clock. Use of New, Hymnals. The minister's sermon subjeet, "Man's Search For God." will be il- lustrated with colored lantern slides, shown from the screen. Reception of new members and the observance of the "Lord's Supper" will be observed directly following the Gospel worship service. You are invited to worship with us. Wesley Willis Church The W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. Sutter on " Thursday, Feb. 11th, at 8 p.m. Mrs. McGill's group in charge. The minister's sermon subjects ter Sunday will be, in the morning at 11. "The Christian Theme" and in even- ing at 7 "The Teaching of Jesus on Sin." The Girls' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernest Adams on Tues- day, February 9th, at 8 pan. Miss Rudd will give the topic and Mrs, Adam's group will be in charge of the meeting. The regular meeting of the MPAL will be held Monday evening at 8 pan. Cpl. Norman Shears' and Miss Helen McGill's groups will take part in a debate "To Resolve that Mili- tary Life is more conducive to the development of Character than Civ- ilian Life." St. Paul's Church of England Thursday- . '7.30 p.m Prayer Service Sunday- - 11 a.m. Holy Communion 2.30 p.m. SUnday School iz the church 7.00 p.m. Evensong. Monday - 8.00 p.m. A.Y.P.A. all members are asked to attend, Tuesday - 3 pan. Senior W. A. Wednesday - 4.15 p.m. Junior W. A. 8.00 p.m. Board of Management LITTLE LOCALS The Ministerial Association has decided to send $26 to the Chinese Relief Fund, proceeds of, the collec-' • tions taken in the different charches during the week of prayer in Jenutiri. The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion wiil be held in the Legion Hall on Mon- day, February 8th, at 8.15, p.m. We are sorry to repent that 'qrs. W. J. Carter fen on the ice. 'oit Princess street and broke her right arm be tween the elbow and wrist. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sutter were in Stratford on Saturday attending the capping' ceremonien at the Stratford General Hospital, Their daughter, Miss Shirley Sutter received ,her can and accompanied her parents home for a week end visit. Seaforth Confers Degree . WorShipful Master M. 3. Agnew, of- ficers and members of Clinton Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 84, were hosts to'- the Worshipful Master I. H. Weed - mark and officers of Britannia Lodge, Seaforth, an Friday evening, January 29th at a special meeting called for the purpose of conferring a seemed degree on a member of Zeradatha Lodge, No. 220, Uxbridge, in the R.C. A.F., and now stationed at the R.A.F. Station 'Clinton. Visitors from other lodges included: Rt. W. Bro. Ralph Munro, D.D.G.M., Amos Andrew and Nelson MeLarty, Carlow; Thomas Chapman, Grand.Ste- ward, Huron Lodge, Hensel!. and Rev. G. MI Atkinson, Brucefield a member of Seymour Lodge No. 277, Port Dui - /musk. The degree team was' introduc- ed to the assembled brethern by Rt. W. Bro, George H. Jefferson, a mem, ber of the Grand Lodge Board. of Gen- eral Purposes. and Rt. W. Bro. J. W. Shaw. The lodge session was fol. lowed by a social half ,hour. Couple Injured in • • Motor Crash Monday Mr. and Mrs. 'R. Keller, Exeter the former Miss Dorothy Glazier ef suffeied injuries in an accident when their car lind the Darling' Com- pany Truck driven by Elmer Shearing of Seaforth, sideswiped about three miles west of Seaforth, on No. 8 highway. They were admitted to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth on Mon- day afternoon. Mr. Kellar had one 'eye removed ' and receiveds„multiPle lacerations to the head while hisswife was severely cut about the face. Shearing was un- injured and little damage was done to the truck whereas the Kellar car a 1936 coach, was a complete wreck. The Darling truck was going west and the Kellar car east. Provincial Constable Frank Taylor of Brucefield investigated. V Evening Auxiliary of Wesley Willis The evening Auxiliary of the W. M.S. of Wesley Willis United, Churcic held their January study meeting on Thursday evening last at the home of Mrs. R. N. Manning. Effie Beattie president for 1942 pre - aided, giving the call to worship, After the singing of a hymn, the various annual reports were heard from the different committee. Summing them. all up, a report of our year's work,. written in ryhme, was read. Our new president, Isabel Chewen then took charge. The minutes, were read and adopted. Offering received and roll call answered by the paying of fees, Three new members making an attendance of 14 preeent. Blisiness matters were discussed. Mrs. Percy Livermore kindly invited the Amtil, iary to her home for the next meeting on February 18th. Florence Shipley ist vice president took charge. Grace Addison led in prayer and psalm 710 in hymnaiy was read responsively. Miss Rudd in- troduced the new study book "Lamps in the wind". After which E. Beattie J. Livermore, A Jervis, F. Shipley told about interesting- phases of the story. Hymn 378 closed the meeting A half hour was spent in social chat. - PRUDENCE Did you ever know one of these pre-eminently prudent people accom- plish anything greater or good, cannot content myself within the narrow limit of a single reef.- Aim. Williams.