The Clinton News Record, 1943-01-21, Page 8(FOR .PROMPT AND COURTEOUS jSEERVICE • CALL ' B.EATTIE'S Funeral Service - Furniture - Ambulance Service Phone 184W Geo. B. Beattie SPECIAL -Van Camp's Tomato Soup -3 tins 25c Carry We A Full Line GRANITEWARE, PYREX AND FLAME WARE. BURWOOD TRAYS, CANDLE HOLDERS, AND NOVELTIES ELECTRIC IRONS, TOASTERS, HEATING PADS , AND ETC. i 'SUTTER '& 'PERDUE• HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, 015T. Men's Overcoats SPECIALLY PRICED FOR JANUARY While our assortnneht of Coats is not quite as large as it was earlier still there are some sizes eft in most lines and a complete assortment of sizes from 36 to 44 still on the racks. They are a lovely lot of Coats and the prices are very reasonable, but in order that most of these coats may be sold, during January, we will offer some exceptional bargains for balance of the month. Coats Priced Front $18.00 to $30.00 CLEARING LINES FROM EVERY DEPT. MEN'S OXFORDS- BLACK OR TAN $2.49 MEN'S FINE .SHIRTS - MOSTLY SEPARATE COLLARS 79e WOMEN'S BLACK GALOSHES- 4 BUCKLE -SPECIAL $2.69 Also Broken Linea of Neckwear, Slippers, Pyjamas, etc. at SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts •=- Adam Hata - Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Agents Tip Tap Tailors. When in Need of HARDWARE, PLUMBING OR HEATING CALL 244 Martin Senour Paints Ueda Furnaces Tu llaWklflS "ROLY" GRAIN QUITS • WITH A PINE RECORD Ex -Reeve 1lolencl Grain of Turn - berry township', awho retired from municipalliflife at the end of 1942 after twenty years' service was in Goderich last Friday attending the final meet -1 ing of the 1942 Criminal Audit Board He was a county Councillor for eightY straight years and has the unique re-' cord of having had the same Township Council dewing those eight years. Every once in a' while he offered to step aside for some of his Council and when one presented himself this year for higher honors "Rely," as he is familiarly known to his colleagues gracefully withdrew. Ex -Reeve Grain may net be hack, although still a young man. He does not believe in comebacks or attempted comebacks.' Event'' reeve has his •day and Mr. Grain feels he has had his He had held 'most every job in County Council save the wardenship. He was on the road committee three years and was its 'chairman for one year. He thinks a' former reeve' always •turns to County. Council with a sort of tuperiority complex and regards otherWith members as ibeing in the kindergarten :lass. He is looked upon by his col- 'Leagues, rightly or wrongly, as a sort HARDWARE and PhotnMBI4 G y 24 I is a terrific handicap. He thinks a I champion shouldquit at the top of his Tom while he still holds the belt, Mr. Grain is chockfull of common sense, is a hard worker, loves a debate abut shuns publicity. v DOWN WIDE hushed stairways of the air, With winds' slow music stirring there In soft lights, drifts the white ballet 02 snow -as if to shut away. All but the peace and beauty caught In patterns lovelier than thought. These dancers have in silence found The melodies that need :no sound. The dance in its slow grace now seems, To drop white petals of lost dreams, To ;bring back twinkling dust of stars. To cool earth's wounds and hide its scars. Dead leaves in white enchantment Tes And something in the troubled breast Turns to remembered happy things A little while, on these white wings. v malice toward none, , with ( charity for' all, with firmness in the right -as 'God gives us' to see the right -let us strive on'to finish the TON 1V] ;RECO; THURS., JAN. 21,'1943:.; Let us win the' war the optional and discretional. way, not by the, lash as in Germany. Your purchase of War Savings Stamps is in'' harmony with this suggestion.' Vital wartime concerns •may suffer because it cannot have that telephone wire you are using. The moral ; is yours to apply. The effect is one way to help war effort. Now Canadians can enjoy the privil•: ege of getting the Canadian: edition of Robbins Mammoth collection of World Famous Songs, the Canadian counter- part of the book that has already Mid over 100,000 'copies in the Unite!. During these war time days when it is'necessary' to provide home entertainment, also to entertain our soldiers, sailors, and airmen, this muse is book is particularly timely,. It is full sheet music size, and has 224 rages of the world's choice songs -over 225 songs and ohoruses, A mammoth eoliection. ' Looking through this book, you will. be amazed at the scope of its con- tents. You will say it has'' almost ev- erything imaginable between its cov- ers -gems from the great operas, con -1 cert songs, recital numbers, patriotic and war songs, sacred songs, songs from the sunny. South, Stephen Fost- er's immortal compositions, negro spirituals, children's songs, ballads' dove songs, hymns and Christmas car- ols. The book,' also contains a choice selection of the best popular song. choruses of the past quarter century. All who play piano, violin, guitar, or other instruments, will find a world of enjoyment from this collec- tion. The choice of songs and the beauti- ful piano arrangements are. the work of the famous editor, Hugo Frey. He is also the Editor of Canada Sings, the community song -book that has sold 100,000 copies. Hugo Frey's name as editor puts the Robbins Mammoth Collection in a class by it- self'. In spite of the size of the Robbins' Mammoth Collection • of World: Famous Songs, the high quality of paper and workmanship, the price of this book is only ONE DOLLAR (plus' 12c Post- age) -less than the price of three or four copies of current songs of the day. The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest --Always the Beat 119115 meII ° n niinn iunmiul(9li Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Cooper spent a couple of days in Toronto this week. Miss W. Thompson went to Toronto last week for an extented trip. Miss Marjorie Henderson spent the week end at her home in Goderich. Mrs. Erma Adams of London was a week end visitor at her hone in town. Mr. Norman Elliott of London was a week end visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs. David. Elliott. Miss Irene Brunsdon of London spent the week end in town with her father Mr. J. H. Brunsdon. Mr. Ninian Heard of Stratford was a week end vistior at the home of his brother, Mr. J. L. and Mrs. Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sandy of Goderich week end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Heard. Mrs. Clayton Salisbury of London visited her parents, Mr. and 1411x. J. B. Levis, this week, Mrs. Roy Lonsway of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. Ronald McDonald while in town, and also visited with other friends. Miss Phyllis Manning student at Wes- tern University, London, was a week end visitor' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P, Manning. Mrs. F. G. Thompson, spent a few days in London, last week, and on her return was accompanied by Ma- jor Thompson, who spent the week end here. Professor Harry Shaw returned to his duties at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, last week after his Christmas and New Year's 'holi- days, spent with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J, W. Shaw. V FRUIT GROWERS MEET AT CLINTON An Executive meeting of the Huron Fruit Growers' rAssociation was held in Clinton on January 13th, with the following officers present: 3. W. Joynt, Lucknow; Mrs, D. A. Smith, Bayfield, George Laithwaite, Gode- , rich; Stewart Middleton, Clinton; Thomas Salkeld, Lucicnow; George Johnston, Bayfield; Clayton Laith- waite, Goderich; Fred Middleton, Clin- ton; J. J. Johnston, London; -Char- lesMcPhail•, Holmesville, and 3. C. Shearer, Agricultural Representative. The Financial Statement revealed that $100. had been invested recently in Victory Bonds. It was decided to donate $10 to the Russian Relief Fund'. 'Due to the shortage of man- power on farms it was decided to can- ed the Annual Fruit .Show and also the Annual Field Day. The annual meeting and banquet will he held inClinton on March 30th c8 know-all. Thus m Mr. 'Grain's view, work, we are mc -Abraham Linee n. ;I with the following invited to address Segrae no Cut 'Flowers and Plants for all Occasions REMEMBER E :;Y OUR , Sick friends and shut-ins with flowers. Monne are still avail- able in limited quantity. Also Roses. If Your Plants Need a Tonic Try' SUPER -BLOOM PLANT TONIC 25c a Pkt. F. R. CUNINGHAME. Member of, Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Superior Stores PHONE 111-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR January 21, 22, 23 Sunlight Soap, 2 bars llc Tillson's Quick Cooking Oats Large Package,. 15e Maple Leaf Peas, 16 oz. tin 10c Stokely's Tomato Soup, • 10 oz. 2 tins 15c Nabob Coffee, 1 lb bag 45c Dare's Shortbread Biscuits lb ..25c Snowflake Ammonia Pkg. 5c Flusho, tin ale Ivory�Snow, Ige pkg. 25c Ivory Soap, Ige bar 10e Palmolive Soap, 3 bars 19e No -ca tastes like coffee, No cou- pons needs, 1 lb bag 25c Aylmer Blackberries, 16 oz. tin ..25e Grapefruit, size 112s, 5 for 25c Lemons 3 for 10e Cooking Apples, ...... 6 lbs. 25c T. R THPMPSON he� Deliverri the growers; Mr. H. D. Anderson, of th»: War. Time Prices and Trade Boards; Mr. 3. J. Johnston, Dom. Fruit Inspector, London; Mr. Gordon Blair, Mayor of Burlington; Prof. 3. E. Howitt, Botany Dept., 0. A. C., Guelph; Prof. It. W. Thompson, En- tomology Dept., 0. A. C. Guelph. The Association will affiliate with the Huron Federation of Agriculture with J. W. Joynnt, as delegate, and, with Stewart Middleton as alternate. Also, it was decided to affiliate with the Ontario "Fruit Growers' Associa- tion with Mrs. D. A. Smith as dele- gate. A nominating 'committee was ap- pointed to bring in a slate of officers for the Annual Meeting, composed of George Laithwaite, Jas. R. Stirling, Mrs. D. A. Smith, and R. J. McLaugh- lin. Congratulations were extended to the President of the Fruit Growers, Mr. J. W. Joynt on his election as Reeve of Lucknow. V St. Paul's Friendship Club The annual meeting' of the Friend ship club was 'held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Eliott on Wednesday, Jan- uary 13th. The secretary gave a re- sume of the year's activities, which included patching seven quilt tops and the knitting of one afghan. The treasurer reported a balance of $3.97. The officers for 1943 are as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) G. W. Moore; Pres., Mrd, J. M. Elliott; ist vi' a pres., Mrs. K. Waters, 2nd vice pres., Mrs. E. Ellwood; treasurer Mrs. G. F. Elliott, Secretary, Evelyn Blyth .Hail; Sewing Committee, Mrs. Fran- ,Brussels ces Steep; Mrs Bert White, The next Ethel MILITARY NEWS Seam'an 'Terry' Maguire, serving with the Merchant Navy on the high seas,' is spending .a few trays at his home tawn. Mrt, •Gordon Craig• has reeeived word that her husband', Trooper Gor don Graig, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ro- bert Craig, of Blyth, has arrived safe- ly overseas with an armoured division. Leading Airwoman Madeleine' Haw- kins represented her station at the. Quiz contest over the radio on Tues' day evening. LAW. Hawkins; cane se- cond in the contest.' LAC: Reg Cudmore of the R.C;A. F, at Trenton spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cud-• more.' LAW. Madeline Hawkins of the R. O.A,F. (W.D.) at Toronto was a week end visitor at her home in town. AC. 2 Kenneth Colquhoun of the R. C.A.F.. at Toronto spent the week end at his hone in town, z Sapper Ross Finch of the Royal Canadian Engineers. at Petawawa Mil- itary Camp is home on furlough and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Finch. AC' William Mutch of the R.C.A. F. At Exeter spent the week end in town with MTs. Mutsu.. Capt. Owen Combe of Listowel, was a weeds • end visitor at his home in town. Mrs. Ronald McDonald received word the end of last week from her brother, Sgt. Percy Brown, wireless air -gunner, stating that he had arriv- ed safely overseas with the R.C.A.F. LiCpl. Roy Fitzsimons of the PIo- vost Corps "stationed at London is visiting Mr's. Fitzsimons in town. Among the recent enlistments in the Royal Canadian Air Force at London is Billie Wheatley Finch, se- cond son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Finch of town. He is now taking his basic training at Manning Pool, Toronto. J. Newman Paterson, only son of Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Paterson of Clin- ton and G. N. Garrett son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Garrett, of Tucker - smith, are among the recent enlist- ments in the Canadian Army. at Lon- don, Ontario. V Plan to Hold Annual Clinton Stock Show Despite war conditions the annual stock show will be held in Clinton this spring, it was decided by the Centre Huron Agricultural Society at. the annual meeting ]veld in Cie board rooms on Saturday afternoon. After much dioeussion as to the advisability of carrying on the show in war time, the Society decided that it should be continued. The show will be held as usual on the first Thursday in April, which this year falls on April first. Past President W. H. Lobb presided at the meeting. One minute of silence was observed in memory of Thomas- Livingstone, homasLivingstone, of the board of directors. It was decided to affiliate with the Federation of Agriculture, and Past President Ephriam Snell was appoint- ed delegate. Treasurer and general manager A. J. McMurray read the financial re- port showing a balance of over $300. The ofifcers elected are: President, John Innes, Clinton, honorary presi- dents, John MacFarlane Sr., Humph- rey Snell, William McEwan, Frank Powell, W. H. Lobb and Ephriam Snell, first vice president, Erwin J. (Dick) Jacob, Clinton; secretary, J. C. Shearer, agricultural° representa- tive, Clinton; treasurer and gener- al manager, Mayor A. J. McMurray, Clinton; director, Hulett township, W. J. Dale, Howard (Armstrong, W. L. Whyte, John Ferguson, A. Shana- han; Tuokersmitln Township, Samuel Whitmore, Lewis Tebbutt, Oscar Switzer, John Turner; Goderich town- ship, B. Rathwell, Wilmot Haacke, Oliver, Jervis, Fred Middleton; Stan- ley Township, Fred 'Watson, Mervyn Hanley, William Sinclair, Stewart McEwen; Town of Clinton, Dr. 3. W. Shaw, W. 7I. Perdue, N. W. Trewar- tha, V. D. Falconer, Rueben Grigg; auditor M. T. Corless. V -- Increasing Sale of War Saving Certificates War Savings Certificates are the only securities in Canada free of in- come tax. The Investor purchases a certificate for four dollars and in sev- en and a half years receives five' dol- lars, representing interest at three per cent. The increase in value of one dollar is a capital profit and as such is not taxable income. The tax free feature means a return of over six per cent to many investors: Sales of War Savings 'Certificates for the month of November in Huron County were $7 4,644 as compared witlr $14,344 in the month of Ogtober Sales of Postal districts are given below: meeting will be held at the home of Bluevale . Mrs, W. N. Counter, Wednesday ,Jan- Walton . .. nary 27th. - 11 r Clinton '.A.,. October 334. 368. 68-. 88. 156. 1,832. Nov. $ 508, 560. 72. 68. 256.;Seaforth 1,256. Brumfield .. , :..1. SPECIAL VALUES - JANUARY 22nd and 23rd RED i WHITE, KIDNEY GOLDMEDAL M DAL BEANS 2 tins 23c I' PUDDINGS'... 4 for 19c, RED & WHITE AYLMER INFANTS' SOUPS 2 tins 19c I ` FOODS 3 tins 25c MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI Quaker 2 pkgs. 25c REDq& WHITE RED &WHITE SALT 2 pkgs. 15c I JUICE 2 tins 19c A. J. PANCAKE CLARK'S TOM. OR VEG. FLOUR. pkg. 17c J SOUP 2 tins 15c RAISINS- AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS- LB. 13c AYLMER PEAS 2 tins 25c . GOLDEN SPRAY AYLMER CHEESE BEETS Pkg. 19c Tin 10c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FLORIDA JUICY Oranges Doz. •.29 CALIFORNIA JUICY-- Lemons UICYLemons 6 for -19 TEXAS PINK Grapefruit 4 - .23 ONTARIO Carrots, 3 lbs. .13 CELERY H. LETTUCE TOMATOES RADISHES MUSHROOMS GRAPES BANANAS APPLES CABBAGE SPINACH CALIFORNIA JUICY Oranges, Doz. .39 FLORIDA SWEET Tangerines dz .19 TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit 4 - .19 WAXED Turnips, 2 lbs .5 C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON STOCK TAKING SPECIALS GOOD LINE OF CARD TABLE COVERS AND ASSORTMENT OF TABLE & BOUDOIR LAMPS BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G.. BALL J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 Jan. 2ist to 23rd SPECIAL -Van Camp's Tomato Soup -3 tins 25c AYLMER Vegetable Boup, 2 tins for 19e DILL PICKLES, 17 oz. Jar 25c TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. • tins, 2 for 19c TOMAHAWK PEAS 2 tins for 23c POLLY PRIM PEAS ' 2 tins 27c QUAKER MACARONI 2 pkgs. 25c RICE, NO. 1 LONG GRAIN 2 LBS. 25c AYLMER SPINACH 2 tins 27c WALKER SODAS 2 lb. 29c COCOA, LB 19c PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tins. 2 for 25c VANILLA EXTRACT 16 oz. Bottle 29c BLACK CAT Floor Wax 1lbetin'25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fresh Wieners LB. 27e Fresh Wieners LB 25c Pressed Ham Loaf LB 45c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf LB. 29c Pkld Back Bacon LB 45c Dutch Loaf LB 29c ,�= '1;, = ? ,,________„_,..9.1ms.Grocer. 19c LB. Val Lobb Bayfield ... .... Londesboro Varna Exeter Dashwood ... . Grand Bend Kirkton Crediton -Centralia Goderieh • Dungannon ... Port Albert Auburn-Kintail Bengali Kjppen .....,.. 72. 184. Egmondville 20. 68 68. Wingham 1,788. 48. 84. Belgrave .. 68, 1,544. 1,604. Forclwich' 224. 328. Gorrie 88. 76. 80. 152.Wroxeter 296.' 176. 212. 260. Belmor'e-Glenannon 12. 12, Zurich ..... ,....' 360. 340, 2,280.' 8,944. 44. 40. Hairdressers and Beauty'Salons are 36 8. joining in a War Savings Stamp drive 160. 104. this month. With your next beauty 1,044. 776. treatment or hair -do --Ask the Opera-- 180, 164, tor to sell you one or more War Save ings Stamps., Remenrllber this month 1,428. 1,092. helm the Hairdressers "Pass the 'AM -- 220. 164. munition." 32. 1,964 52, 108. 116. 68. 84.