The Clinton News Record, 1943-01-21, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 With Which Incorporated The . Clinton New NO. 6128 -63rd YEAR CLINTON Era The New Era Est. 1867 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, • JANUARY 21, 1943. Reliable Watch Fora GO TO HELLYAR THE JEWELLER. ,Or when in need of anything, generally carried in a Jewellery Store. You will find quality and style. W. H. HELLYAR Clearing Odds And Ends From Our Ready-to-wear Department Mostly in Misses' Sizes, ,13 to 20. Dresses, Skirts, Jerkins, Blou- ses, Etc. Some at only a fraction of their real.. Value, and others at Half Price, It will pay You to Look Them Over. . Q—ixwiN RED CROSS NOTES The University, of Western Ontario, London, • Ontario, under the Division of Study tfor Graduate Nurses is conducting the annual Refresher Course in the teaching of Home Nur- sing, January 27, 28, 29, 30. Realizing the importance of• this course, Mrs., Ruby Haddy has been delegated from our local branch to attend. On her return a course in Home Nursing will be organized. We hope every one who possibly can will avail them- selves of this opportunity and attend. Mrs. C. Venner has taken over the convenership of the cutting commit- tee.'• • Hai'e YOU been out to help make hospital supplies? The emergency for these supplies is great. Let it not be said that we could . not •meet our quota because YOU failed to help Let us see you at the work -rooms on hi lids Monday. at 2.30 p.m. Many ha make light work. The Red Cross is spending a con- siderable amount of money for Rus- sia and close to one million dollars has been raised this past year for Russian Relief. Our local society has given a donation of $100. to this worthy cause. Cards of appreciation for Christmas gifts are "still arriving. These have been received from 'the following Gordon Hearn; Alfred McLachlan, Fred Hovey, J. K. Hunt, Roy Vanden- borsda„ H. J. Managhan, IL A. McIn- tyre. A new large sewing quota has been received. Your help would be ap- preciated. Your Jewellery Requirements and repairs of all kinds will be taken care of promptly and efficiently if you consult us. . Our stock of Watches, Rings, Silverware and .Gift lines is beingkept complete as far as is possible; G p during this time of slow 'delivery and shortage : of goods. As always, we are giving you the best goodly and work obtainable at reasonable : prices. We are grateful for the confidence always be, stowed upon us and pledge an even greater effort to supply our customers with quality merchandise and good service on all our work. Rogers and Community Plate Silverware Bluebird Diamond and Wedding Rings Bulova, Westfield, Lorie and Rolex Watches Hughes Corn Flower Crystal Gifts For Every Occasion Remember—Watch Repair is a job for Experts. Our Work Assures You Satisfaction. W.N.COUNTER Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County V LITTLE LOCALS Miss May Davis had the misfortune to fall at her home this week breaking her hip. Her many friends hope .for a speedy recovery.' On Monday evening a large num- ber of the Ontario Street Young Peo- ples, turned out to a Toboggan party. After an enjoyable time was spent, all returned to the church where 're- freshments were efreshments.were served. V Clinton R.A.F. Defeats Stratford 68-7 in Basketball THE HOME PAPER Dr. Kingston Explains Why Good Friday Late Good Friday this year falls on .Ap: ril 23, which, according to Dr. H. R. Kingston, head of the department of mathematics and astronomy at the University of Western Ontario, is within a day of the latest date -on which it can come on the present cal- endar. • Easter Sunday, by which the Good Friday date is calculated, explained Dr. Kingston, is the first. Sunday af- ter the first full moon following the veinal equinox. The vernal equinox (the day when the sun crosses the equator, marking the first day of spring) may occur on either ljfarch 21 or 22. When spring begins on the latter date, the first full. moon fol- lowing may occur as late as April 20: Should this date come on a Mon- day, then six days must elapse until. Easter. Sunday. Good Friday would then fall on April 24th. WELL KNOWN ,V Ontario Street Girl's Club The January meeting of the Girl's Club of Ontario St. United Church was held Thursday evening, Jan. 14, at the home of Miss H. Courtice. Miss L. Grant, President of the Club opened the meeting by reading a very appropriate New Year's poem. Mrs. Burton then took charge of the devo- tional period. This was followed by the business which consited of the reports of various committees and plans were made for the work of the coining year. Miss M.Judd bad charge of the program which included two piano selections by Miss Corona 'Wended, a missionary reading by Miss Courtice, a contest anda very interesting and instructive address, entitled "The New Year" by Mrs. J. Read. The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem and the benediction was pronounced, Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. N. Tyn- dall, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. D. Thorn- dike. Clinton RAF defeated the No. 14 B. T.C. from Stratford, 68-7 on the Clin- ton floor in a fast basketball game featured by the high scoring of Fox, Gray and Goldbloom. The game was played Wednesday night. From the opening tip-off Clinton got control of the bald and was never at any time threatened. Fox scored first for the RAF lads and from that point on it was merely 'a race to see who was to score the most points. On lay -in shots from under the bas- ket and long shots from the floor, the score rose to 24-0 before Stratford was able to break the ice on a free throw by Reidel after he had been fouled by Goldbloom. Another free throw by Beide' and one by Cuddy were the only points the Army boys were able to .score in the first half and the first period ended 36-3 for Clinton. Gray, the stocky forward of the home team, opened the second half with a long shot from near the centre of the floor . and then proceeded to put in three more baskets in quipk succession. Scaife's three, baskets aid- ed the Clinton score and it wasn't until the 'game was almost over that Ingram broke through to score Strat- ford's first basket. He followed this up with another just as the whistle ended the game. Stratford's inability to hold their passes plus the excellent checking of the Clinton boys made it almost im-• possible for the army team to score. Only four personal fouls marred) the' otherwise fast game—all the fouls be- ing against Clinton. No. .14 B. T. C. B. F.T. P.F. T.P. Cuddy 1 1 Gard Ingram 1 Savage 'Garvin Reed Reidel. Reach Clinton RAF Goldbloom . ' 6 Fox 8 V St. Paul's Annual MILKMAN DIES Mr. Luke Lawson, well-known milk- man here for many years, took a heart attack while on his regular milk route Wednesday afternoon., His assistant. Mr. E. 'Santee, was with him at the time and endeavoured to get him home, but he died before the doctor arrived. Several weeks ago Mr.. Law- son was stricken with a heart attack while on his regular route and had to be taken home. Since the he had been taking it easy, only going on the route whenever he felt well enough. • The funeral will be held on Sat- urday but further particulars are not available. Surviving are two sons, Gordon Lawson of 'Clinton, and Cap- tain Harold Lawson of Woodstock. Vestry Meeting The Annual Vestry meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church was held in the Owen Memorial Hall, on Monday. evening, Jan 18. The Rector Rev. G. W. Moore being the chairman. The meeting was opened by the members singing the Doxology and the King, followed by prayer by Mr. Moore. Following the report of the Vestry Clerk, read by Mrs. Moe El- liott in the absence of Mr. J. Hartley, Mr. Moore spoke briefly thanking the wardens, the organizations and all :the parishioners for their co-operation and loyalty. He stressed, the fact that wars and trials of wars bring the people closer to the church and its influences, stating that the more we give our church the greater our divid- ends will be. Gray Marshall Riches Scaife Millar Lynam` 7 3 3• 3 2 2 4 2 The rector's warden Mr. 'W. John- sonand the people's warden, Mr. C. Draper also addressed the meeting each giving some very 'progressive suggestions for the new year. • Mr. Chas. Middleton, the Lay Dele- gate to the Synod told of the work of Huron College and • of the work of the Provincial Synod. Council. ' He also stated that twenty-two minist- ers of the Diocese are now in the armed services. The Financial Statement for 1942 was presented by Mr. G. Draper fol- lowed by financial statements of the Various organizations of the church, each showing a good deal of work ac- complished and a nice monetary bal- ance. Mr. Kenneth Waters accepted the appointment as Recto'r's warden. Mr. Chas. Middleton was elected as people's warden. Mr. J. Hartley' was elected as Vest- ry Clerk. Mr. Thos. Deeves and Mr. Barret Taylor was elected as Chairmen of Sidesnren. The Lay Delegates to the Synod are: Honoray Delegate, Col. H. B. Combe, Active delegates, Mr. Chas Middleton, and Mr. Thos Hawkins, substitutes, Mr. W. Johnson and Mr. R. G. Thomp- son. The auditors are Col. H. T. Rance and Mr. E. Hovey The Board of Management is as fol- lows: The Rector, Mr. Moore, The Wardens, Mr. Waters and Mr. Midi. dleton and; Mr. C. Draper, Mr. G. V. Cooke, Mr. W. Johnson, Mr. George Walker, Mr. Robinson, Mr. R. G. Thompson, Mr. G. S'cribbins, Mrs. H. Bartllff, Mrs. C. Epps, Mr. Thos. Deeves, Mr. B. Taylor, Mr. J. Zapfe, Mr. M. Counter,and Dr. D. McInnis. The meeting adjourned. Mr. Moore closing with , an appropriate prayer. and the 'benediction. V AMONG THE CHURCHES Ontario Street United Church The annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 27th. St. Paul's Church of England Thursday, 7.30 pan. Service of In- tercession. Sunday - 11.00 a.m. Matins. 2.30 pan. Sunday School '7.00 p.m. Evensong. Monday - 8.00 p.nn. Young People's meeting. P Baptist Church, Clinton The ancient Psalmist said, "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the. Lord." If you too receive the joy and profit from being at the House of God on the Sabbath Day, come to the Gos- pel service beginning promptly at seven -o'clock. We join as one in sing- ing the good Gospel hymns. The minister's sermon subject will be— "The Christian's Need," Come, you are welcome. Conte andreceive a blessing. The young people are asked to sleet next Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Neil McLean. The meet- ing to begin at eight o'clock. The Ladies Aid will meet in the vestry of the church at 7.30 p.m. on. Thursday, January 28th. The key' word is "wisdom". All the ladies are and slciis., The trains had been sev- cordially inv?ted. A. E. Rumba , Mrs. H. Cameron, Mrs, oral hours late but on Tuesday even - C. Draper, Mrs. M. Batters, Mrs. W. V ing the Toronto train failed to reach Wallis, Mrs. Fremlin and Mr's. Crich. Clinton, being blocked by snow jest packing and Shipping, Mrs. A. Had - Sparks Lose to Beavers, 6-5 outside of Stratford. on Wednesday dy, Miss Brigham, Mrs. O. L. Paisley, no trains reached here until about Mrs. G. A. Miller, Mrs. J. Flynn, With Goal Not Counted 11 p.m. and on Thursday nnorning tlae and Mrs. K. Waters. Storm signals were hoisted over the 7 o'clock train went through, with all local arena last Fridaynight when - other trains cancelled for Clinton on Ennuis Raising Com., Mrs E. E. Pat - the Sparks scored a goal on the Bea T y arson, Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, Mrs. E. All roads were blocked, including Wended, Mrs. Agnew, Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Fremlin, Mrs Nickle and Mrs. Jefferson. Quilt ,Com., Mrs. Hudie, Mrs. W.. Walker. 12 16 14 6 6 6 4 4 LITTLE LOCALS Miss Lois Kearns, elder daughter of Mr: and Mrs. B. W. Kearns of town, accepted a position on the office staff of the Sky Harbour Air School and commenced working on Monday, Mr. Rueben .Grigg and family of Godericlr township; are moving into their house' on Maple street,' Clinton, recently purchased from the Misses Walkinshaw. Miss Marian Stewart and Miss E. M. Wilson left last Wednesday for London where they have accepted positions on the staff of Westminster Hospital. The members of the choir of On- tario Street United Church were trea- ted to a lunch at Bartliff's Restaur- ant by Mr. Lorne Tyndall, after choir practice last Friday evening. The Clinton Public Library will re- main ,closed on Wednesday until fur- ther Vice to confirm with the closing of business places in town. The Clinton Collegiate' Institute held their annual skating party at the local arena Wednesday night with a largecrowd attending in spite of the storm. No booth was in attendance as in former years due to the ration- ing of foods, but all reported a good time. • The firemen were called out Tues- day evening about 7.30 o'clock in an- swer to a call from Mr. Charles Ar- nold's home on Vierra street. Wood piled near the stove caught on fire and Mr. Arnold put in the, call think- inghe could not get in under control Fortunately it was very small and was put out quickly. V. MEET IN ENGLAND This picture was taken at Bourne - Mouth, England, last September when the four boys met there on leave. They- are, heyare, left to right, LAC. Lloyd Aiken. of Allenford; LAC. Willard Aiken.. LAC. Fred Axon; and LAC. Gordon. Hearn, all of Clinton. Willard is the eldest son of Mr... and Mrs. W. M. Aiken of Clinton and. Lloyd Aiken is his cousin from Al,- lenford; while Fred is the only son. of Mrs. F. Axon and the late Dr. Ax- on of Clinton, and'. Gordon: a the elder - son of Mrs. P. Hearn and the late Dr. Hearn of Clinton. Lloyd Aiken, Fred Axon; and ,Gor• don Hearn are radio technicians, bat. only Fred attended. the RAY` station,., here. Willard Aiken is a. clerk at a. reception centre and so very often meets airmen from this district,await- ing posting. Snow Blocks Highways and Railway, Thursday Trains. i Red Cross Officers for 1948. Cancelled, Still Storming Snowplows and: civic workers have been unable to cope with the `nunner- ens recent snowfalls in this district.. The town snowplow has been .un- able during this week to clear the streets and clownthwn and factory workers are pushing their way through drifts from three to five feet high in order to be at their places of business. We have noticed some workers going to work on snowshoes President, Mrs. W. A .Oakes; 1st. vice president, Mrs. G. H. Jefferson; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. B. J. Gibbing's; Corresponding Sec., Mis. G. A. Miller; Recording Sec, Mrs. J. P. Manning; Treasurer, Mrs. F. Axon; Knitting Com., Mrs. W. T. Heiman; Convenor; Mrs. Cantelon; Mrs. Addison; Wool corn., Miss Stirling, Miss Shaw; Sew- ing Conn., Mrs. Cree Cook; Mrs. Per- cy Livermore; . Buying Committee, Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Mrs. }L A. Mc-• hityre; Gutting Committee, (to be revised), Mrs. W. H. Robinson, Mrs. vet's net with the referee refusing the road leading to the RAF station to count it. The finalperiod ended in .a 6-5 victory for Seaforth. Seaforth led 3-1 in, the scoring at the end of the first period, 5-3 at the end of the second period, while •Clin ton outscored. them 2-1 in the last frame. The only penalty of the game went to Hughes of Clinton, while the Sparks best performers were Hardy and D•ungavell. Stan Smith of Strat- ford refereed the game. We understand several of the mein- bars of the Sparks are leaving this week but Cpl. Thorndike informs us that he has two new members ready for a tryout. The Sparks game with Sky. Harbour Tuesday night had to be called off on account of the roads •be- ing blocked. •Goderich will play here tomorrow (Friday) night at 8.15 pan. Intermediate •Standing WLT F AtiP Exeter 5 0 0 31 17 10 Seaforth 4 1' 0 . 46 25 8 Clinton ..... 1 3 1. 24 48 3 Goderich .. 0 4 1 16 84 1 V WEDDINGS LABISAU—ARLEJN The marriage of Anna Louise, dau- ghter of Leonard Arlein, to Trp. Ar- thur Paul Le Beau, Cannp Borden of Clinton, was solemnized at Holy An- egl's rectory with Rev. Father Mc- Martin, officiating. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gown- ed in street -length frock cif Aladdin blue crepe' with mulberry accessories, and wore a corsage of white roses. Her attendant, Miss Zita Arlein, sister of the bride, chose a gold ensemble with brown accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. Fred La Beau bro- ther of the groom acted as grooms- nian. Mrs. William McGann presided at the organ. Fallowing the ceremony a breakfast was served toy" the bridal party and guests at the Grand Cen- tral Hotel. Afterwards a honeynloon to Toronto and Barrie. two miles out from town. This road was plowed out about Wednesday at noon. The roads, on the RAF grounds were also 'blocked. Thursday morning and the snow is still falling with a heavy wind blow- ing, snaking visibility almost imposs- ible. Workers are renewing their ef- forts to clear the road and streets. Due to the storm the correspond- ence from Bayfield, Londesboro, and districts has not reached this office. V--- Wesley-Willis W.M.S. The regular meeting of Wesley - Willis W.M.S. was held at the manse. President Mrs, J. G. Ohowen occupied the chair for the opening exercises and the presentation of annual reports from various secretaries. The society had a very good year and successfully reached their allocation. The new President Mrs. Frank Fing- land then took the chair and conduc- ted the business for the forth coming year. The study book was ably presented by Mrs. Fowler. At. the close of the meeting Mrs. Lane served refresh- ments. The officers for the year 1943 are as follows: Past President, Mrs. J. G. Chowen;. President, Mrs. Frank Finglandi;. 1st vice president, Mrs. J. Addison; 2nd vice president, Mrs. McGill; 3rd vice president, Mr's. Geo. Jefferson, 4th vice president, Miss L. Brigham; Re- cording and Corresponding :See., Mrs. A. T. Cooper; Treasurer, Mrs. J, Sut- ter; Press, Sec, Mrs. B. C. Hearn; Temperance Sec., Mrs. Britton; Mis- sionary Monthly, 'Mrs. T. J. Watt; Supply Sec., Mrs. Van, Horne; Chris- to the Russian Relief Fund. This. tian Stewardship, Mrs.. R. Paterson, Com. Friendship, Mrs. Pickard; Work Com., Mrs. Saville; Assoc., Helpers, Mrs. A. Seeley, Rural ,Assoc,, Help- ers, Mrs. J. Innes; Mission. Band Lea- ders, Mrs. R. M. Sperling, Mrs, P. Manning; Baby Band Leaders, Mrs. Wilfred Jervis; Mrs. John Nediger. Pianist, Mrs. B. C', Hearn. Property Committe, Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Mrs. H. Bartliff, Mrs. G. M. Counter. , War Services, Mrs. G. M. Colin -- ter. Recreation Room, Mrs. F. G. Thomp- • son, Mrs. M. D. MoTaggart, Hospital Supplies, Mrs. Percy Liv-• ernnore, Miss Grainger and Miss Sin-• clair. Fur and Survivor's Bundles — Mrs;. B. J. •Gibbings. Hospital Requisition, Mrs. Jeffer- 5011. Se\ving Groups Convenors, Mrs. H., A. McIntyre, Mrs. F. G. Thompson, Mrs. M. Batkin, Mrs. C. Jervis, Mrs.. Jefferson, Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. R. Mittel!, Mrs. P. Hearn, Mrs. C. Drap- er. V, Presbyterian. W. A. The January meeting of the W. A-• was held in the Sunday S'chool'room with a good attendance. The president Mrs. E. Ward was in the chair and conducted the opening exercises. The report of the secretary was given by Mrs: J. Neilans, who also gave • the treasurer's report, which showed a substantial balance on hand at the• end of the year. It was moved by Mrs. M. D. Mc— Taggart and seconded by Miss Agnes. Stirling that a cheque for $10 be sent. makes a total of $20 the W. A. has .- sent during the last year to this very worthycause. The meeting closed with repeating the Lord'sprayer in unison after which Mrs. Ward pronuoncedthe ben- ediction. A quilt was quilted to be , given to the Red Cross and lunch was served by Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Fox.