The Clinton News Record, 1943-01-07, Page 5'THURS., JAN. 7, 1943 • Mira Zeta llaunro has returned from a week's visit with Dr. and Mrs. Fer- :guson, Toronto. Me. and Mrs. W. T. Robinson spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Nott, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris have re- -timed after spending the Christmas season with the lady's parents near. Kingston. • Miss Helen ,Marsh, nurse -in -train- ing at Woodstock General Hospital was a recent visitor with her par- • ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh. • Miss Josephine Weir is visiting her s, u deed ectueine,sMlsssee Ohanatine:; .YRvltertsori, • Whitby. `Yes, and she'll continue to keep a budget because Abe wartime edition of the Royal Bank family bud-. ?get book is so easy to use, so practical and worksso 'simply in adjusting living habits tower conditions. Get your copy right away.. 700 at any branch of The Royal Bank. Anyone can have a bud- get book for the asking. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON,Manager AUBURN • L.A.C. Stanley McNall of Dunnville is spending five days leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro spent ,New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Strasser, Sebringville. • Mrs, Harold Nicholson and daugh- ter Karen have returned to Galt after a week's visit with her parents Mr. -and Mrs, J. J. Wilson. Miss Ruth Arthur nurse -in -training • at Victoria Hospital. London was a re- cent visitor with. her mother Mrs. M. Arthur. Corporal Lloyd Rutledge, of Ottawa spent a few days with his parents Mr, • and Mrs. Robert Rutledge. Miss Francis Huston, nurse -in -train Ing at the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospi- tal spent a few- days with her parents Mr ,and Mrs. John Huston. Aircraftman Jaynes Clanaghan of Mount Hope ,spent the week end with Mr ,and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips. Rev, ands Mrs. H. C. Wilson Ruth • and John. Wilson of Brussels spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wightmdn. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sheppard,. Joan and Torn, Sheppard spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips. Lloyd Molarty of the R.C.A.F. sta- tioned at Toronto was a resent visit- or with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McLarty.. Miss Isobel Rollinson has retuned to London after a week's visit with her parents, Mr• and Mrs. Alfred Rol- linsen. • Miss Doris Cassidy of Gamrose Al- berta who is attending university at Kingston and Mrs McPhee, Nile visit- • ed Miss Amelia McIiwain. The foliowing teachers -have return- . ed to their schools after spending' the holidays at their homes Misses Mary Huston; South Porcupine, Marjorie Arthur, Teeswatei•,, Ila Craig, Win• ham, Betty Asquith, Ben•miller and .Donald Ross, Brucefieicl. Miss Peine Lawlor of Fergus was •a 'recent visitor with her parents 'Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Lawlor.. Corp. Robe Craig St. Thomas and Miss Betty Craig, Clinton spent New:-- Years,. with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Craig • At - S.S. No. 5 Hullett r (Anbt tn) the retiring trustee, Harry Ynngbhitt was replaced by Gordon Taylor and -Prahlt Raithby, was elected to fill the vacancy created by the resigna- 1 tion of Mrs. John Cowan at the an- imal ratepayers' meeting. The trustee board for 1943 et S.S. No. 0 Hrtl'lett is Guy Cunningham,. • Archie Robinson, and John Hallam, the Iasi; two named replace Bert Marsh and Roy"Daer, Nelson Patterson was elected to re- place Thomas Jardin on the school boards at S.S. No. 16 East Wawanosh the other members are Alfred Nesbit and John Lockhart. A' large crowd attended the dance in the Forester's Hall on Wednesday night, Music was furnished by Jack- son's Orchestra, with George Jordan of Belgrave as floor manager. The proceeds were in aid of the Overseas Box Fund. Mrs. Wesley Bradnock entertained at her home Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Evelyn Plaetzer, bride- to-be, The guests were Jean Huston, Mary Huston, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Ila Craig, Marjorie Arthur, Noi-Ina seas, Mrs, R, J. Phillips•, Miss Jos- Danr, Laura;Bhillips,3Mxs eThos:.John-.iephine Weir; Finance Committee lh. ston, 'Mrs. Hugh Bennett and Mrs, IB. C. Weir, George Raith les Asquith, Ra g on+ Char - Harold Nicholson, The dinner was q Raymond Redmond. served by Miss Lenora Plaetzer lis- • A. vote of thanks was extended to ter of the bride-to-be and Miss Viv- all the officers for their splendid eo lar Straughan. operation and help during the year. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD suits, 29 pair•service, socks, 28 toques, 3 helemts, 3 turtleneck sweaters and a number of girls dresses, The Walkerburn; Ladies' Club made 24 quilts, 1 crib' quilt, 1 , knitted af- ghan, and did' some knitting. The Ebenezer Group made 20 quilts 1 crib quilt, 21 girls dresess, 2 knitted afghans made by. the school children. The East End group made 11 quilts 1 knitted afghan some sewing and knit- ting. The Donnybrook ladies made 3 quilts. Each of the village churches also donated ,quilts. 12 ditty bags were made and sent to the boys in the navy, Mich bag contained a pair of socks, buttons, safety pins, sewing needles, darning needles, comb, soap, tooth brushes and powder, shaving sticks, pipes, tobacco, cigarettes, gum, candy, writing paper and. envelopes, pencils, books and playing cards. A pair of hand knit gloves was put into each box sent to the 16 boys overseas from this district. Also a Christmas card and 3 handkerchiefs were sent to the 15 boys serving in Canada. Miss Laura Phillips reported on the .4ilud, 6. lu. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phone: 66w and 613i' Poultry in Demand 7kiere was a good clean-ups of dressed poultry for Christmas and this means a' continued good demand for poultry for some time. We can handle your. chicken and PAGE S 4 ws C SB"!w'�i6�RiE+egiverocCC ssoerC tscsle x£klt[�4` nesse .4a 't04�1e w gtst D ROXY THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CUSTOS SEAPORTS CAPITAL GODETFUEATRE Now. L lying ^ULa�I'1J1tA,•17 JOURNEY" -A War Melodrama MON., TUES., WED. Henry Fonda, Lynn Bari, Don And eche and Edward Everett Horton. As a success he was a failure, but as a failure he was the hap- piest man on earth. THE MAGNIFICIIaNT DOPE"' THURS.,. FRI., SAT. "WAKE ISLAND" The story of Wake Island springs into dramatic existence again. in the story of the same name. Grip- ping .. Inspiring . • , Impressive! Brian .Dunlevy, Robert Preston, Al- bert Dekker. Uoming—B:rrol Flynn in •'GN3N- TLEMAN JIM." • Matinee—Sat: January 9. .a-Mtrprpr� Now Playing—Donald Reagan in INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON' MON., TUES., WED., Bette. Davis, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains and Bonita Granville:Holly wood's "First Lady" outshines her- self in "NOW VOYAGER" THURS., FRI., SAT. Errol Flynn, Ronald Reagan, Nan- cy Coleman and Raymond Massey. They flew into Germany, but they had to walk and fight their way out. "Desperate Journey": Coming-. `George Brent and Joan Bennett in "TWIN. BEDS" Matinees—Wed. Sat. and Holidays Matinees—Sat, and Holidays at 3, at 3 p.m, premi3tnt siesaieseadizil�t2,br Now Playing—"WAKE ISLAND" & "CADET GIRL" ON., ]'UES., WED. Ronald Reagan, Nancy Coleman, Raymond Massey and Errol Flermee A. tale of high courage and wrack- ing adventure. The daily diet of s our young defenders. "Desperate Journey" THURS., FRI., SAT. Rosalind Russell and Briau.Aherne Taken from the famous stage hit of the same name. You will enjoy the riotous doings of "My Sister Eileen Coming_"NOW VOYAGES" star- ring Bette Davis Overseas Box Fund. showing a goodly hens either live or on'.a dressed BARTL1FF'S sum having been raised for this wor- basis at top prices. thy cause. Miss Josephine Weir gave the fin- ancial report for the year showing a balance of $971.97. • Receipts: Bal of Cash Jan 1st, 1942 $690.95; General Donations, $157.16; Campaign, $608.16; Fund Raising ev- ents, $138.97; Grants, $600.00; Sal- vage, $7.75, Total, $2102.98, Expenses: To Division for War Work, $500.00; Comfort Bags for' sai- lors, $25.08; Wool purch,sed from Di- vision, $342.60; Wool and Materially purchased locally, $138.86; Miscellan- eous expenses, $19.47; Soldiers Com- forts, $105.00; Bal. of•Cash Dec. 31, 1942, $971.97; Total, $2102.98, Mrs. James Woods presided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Herb Mog- ridge; vice president, Mrs. James Woods; Secretary Mrs. Fred Ross; treasurer, Miss r Josephine Weir; Knitting Committee, Mrs. J. Taylor; Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs. G. A. Howson, Cutting Committee, Mrs, M. Arthur, Mrs. Wm. Dodds sr., Mrs J. Yungblut, Mrs, J. C. Clark and Miss Mae Fer- guson; Hospital committee Mrs. Ar- chie Robinson; Miss Sadie Carter; Sewing committee, Mrs: Herb Govier; Buying and packing committee, Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. Ross and Josephine eir, Packing boxes for boys- over - The table was tastefully arranged. in a color scheme of pink and white. The attractive table centre was a inin- iature bride on either sides of which were pink lighted tapers. Following the dinner an address concluded, by- a bride's prayer was read by Miss Nor- nta Daer, who" also proposed a toast to the bride-to-be. The waitresses then on behalf of the girls presented Miss Plaetzer with a miscellaneous shower of useful household articles Great Britain is anxious for all our surplus eggs. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. We have a special shipment of fresh Lake !erring at 15e lb. Also Salmon, Fresh Filletts, Smoked Filletts and Sole Filletts. Have you tried our special sausage? Ground Beef, Green Peas and Frozen Strawberries Casings For Sale We Buy Hides FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS Batkins Locker Storage GODERICH TOWNSHIP The South End Red Cross Unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Wise on Wednesday afternoon, Jan - nary lath. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middleton spent New' Year's with Mr. and Mrs. McEwan of Stanley. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Welsh spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. H. Snell, Mr, and Mrs, B. J. Stathwell were guests on Ne Year's ,of Mr.:and Mrs. John Ostrtmt , • - Mr. Will Grigg and bride have re- s one a• are getting settled in their home on the 9th concession. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans en'd family spent the Christmas holidays at the: home of her. father, Mr. Len. Million—Plaetzer ord Cole, and .Mr, and Mrs, Arthur A pretty wedding was solemnized Evans. on Saturday afternoon at I Mr, and Mrs. Ken Taylor and fame Knox Un- sly of Blyth- spent New Years at the ited Manse when Rev. W. G. Rose, home of Mr .and Mrs. Fred Middle - united in marriage Carrie Evelyn ton. Plaetzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • Miss Margaret Middleton of Guelph Fred Plaetzer, Auburn, and Charles General Hospital is Million, son of Mr, and Mrs. George p spending a week's Million, Colborne Township.h holidays at her home. bride looked lovelyin a p The Cpl. .Hayden. Hyatt and Cpl, Bill gold color- Molyneaux of the R:A.F. Station Cline ed street length dress with sequins ton were week end guests embroidery and three-quarter lengthg sat the home he recipient expressed her thanks sleeves, also a brown turban with of Mr. and Mrs: Fred Middleton. and extended an invitation to all to th LAC. Ted Middleton, LAC, Seshaw visitvisit her in her ]tome. A+ pleasing a veil. She wore a corsage of Tells- of Vancouver, Miss Margaret, Katb- a of the evening was the pre- roan roses. The. bides sister,' Miss Ieen and Donald Middleton spent Sun- ssence of Miss Jean Huston daughter Lenore Plaetzer, was bridesmaid, and] day in /Myth with Mr, and Mrs. Ken of Mr. and Mrs Jah Masten, she chose, green crepe with b ' ha turned h d The Place To Buy Your Bread, Buns, Pies and Cakes PHONE 1 WE DELIVER MARRIAGES GRIGG—CAM3IeON - At Wesley Willis United church parsonage on December 31st, when Mary Eliza- beth Cameron, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. IL D. Cameron, Clinton, be- came the bride of William Grigg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Grigg, Clinton. Rev. A. Lane officiated. H2OVEY--CLABIKEi— At Oxted, Sur- rey, England, on November 28th, when Sybil Sidonia Qlaeke, younger daughter of Sir Ernest and Lady Clarke, Long Acre, Oxted,arid Ma- jor William Nisbet' Hovey, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. E; Hovey, Clinton, were united in marriage by Capt., the Rev. F. A. Smith and Rev. Wil- frid H. Gibbins. KENDALL In Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital on January 1, to Lieuten- ant and Mrs. E. L. Kendall, of El- mira, Ont. ,a daughter. DEATH'S STEEP—In Clinton, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 5th, Myrtle Aldred, beloved wife of Edward Steep, in her 48th, year. Funeral service at the resi- dence of the late Wm, Steep on Thursday, Jan. 7,. at 2 pan. Funeral Private. Interment in Clinton ceme- tery. with the carol "It Came Upon • a Mkt- g us on, who em rord� Taylor, night Clear." Mr.• Robert 1Robinson, resigived,, her school at Bowman- sly and a corsage of pink roses. The • Mrs. Arthur Thompson, of villa and joined groom was attended by Maurice Bean. Defence Ind p Nobel, read the scripture lesson from the clerk. She will enterthe R.C.A.F. early in a Following the wedding the 'bridalurines, spent the Christ= 1st Psalm, which was followed: by a training int par- inns vacation with he •short talk b January. In her honor an addressy repaired to the bride's 'home wherez parents, Mr. I sled on the Young Men by was the wedding dinner- was served by and Mrs.. airy Thompson of the 16 and Women of Today, pointing that read It Miss Marjorie Arthur. Use- Mrs.Wesley Bradnock 'and Miss Zeta concession their place in the world and the fur gifts were Marjorie her by all Munrm The ,bride's • mother received 1 Mt•. Hai; A. Thompson, spent the responsibility that will be theirs after girls present, Jean' althoughherby taken the twentyived week rdnelanto, and Oshawa }with his the war. Miss Hern followed with eVery- by suraa fittingly thank- guests gowned in black .brother-in»law, John Kirby. prayer and the Carol "Joy to the 'e her . much bye. Jean. is the first corded crepe and a corsage of mauve girl"flowers. The groom's mother wore;-----V----World" was sung, from here to join the R,C.A.F. Bingo a black dress with pink flowers. The The minutes of the previous mad- e enjoyed and later all attended 8.eae„ gifts to the bride was a t g Auxiliary mg were read and approved and the a dance in the hall. EVenin roll called. Our president, John Keyes, silver tea ser• vice to the bridesmaid a I The following is. the slate of offic- read veryainterests f. silve see and vi the groomsman a bill ng letter from to y •t a strtk- Rev Burry at Labrador. Instead of a Red Cross Anneal Meeting - err for 1943 breught ' b h fold. The couple went for a .wedding in committee The annual meeting of the Auburn, trip to London, thegg ice at Monday night's ing p r itwas A decided to ley' a skat Red Cross Society was held in the y •otttfit being' a two ebrown meeting; -pies., M Mrs. Ross ch; Bhp oft, an Aron providingdinter the i basement of Knox Preab erian awn piece browh Ewan;. •ry, B res., Mrs. all; treasurer 8th of Januar yb wool trope suit. She wore an English Y there is Church. The president Mrs. Herb Mo- tweed coat g • Secretary, Miss Ruth Ball; treasurer ice gridge presided a hymn was sun with red' fox fur. On their. Miss. Isabel Pickett; buying commit- With Miss Hern presiding the fns- g return they will live on the grooms tee, Mrs, Harold Lawsonquilt coni- lowing.were: and Mrs. Charles Straughan offered far�n in Colborne township, ; appointed for the exec.- prayer. The 106 Psalm wa read b 'tt , Mrs. 'J Ic Leiper and Mrs, utive for pe year 1943. s ea y Prior to her marriage the bride ter ice rs ae Mrs. Edgar Lawson. The'secretary was honoured by a .tie Thos. Morgan; wool committee, Miss- honorary President'Rev. Reba Mrs. Fred Rosa react Christmas greet- wgiven eau tea es Marjorie Henderson . and Evelyn Hern• F r on Thursday• by her mother. TheYn P erns nt John Keyes, Vice ings from C'pl, Harold Asquith and lovely trousseau and gifts,Hall; Knitting committee, Mrs. Brock Marion Peek; rArnoldSecrete Sgt. W. H. Thompson, also cards from g were shown Olde, Miss Agnes Combe; hospital Marion Peel • by Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Galt, Mrs. p t, Treasurer,lsp. Cold Key, several of the boys thanking the Red Lorne Johnston, .Ashfield committee, on; Kaye Snider and ea;Do Christianellowship Convenor Con - Cross for cigaraettes they had reedy- and Miss Ruth Watson;. cutting committee Douglas Robinson;Lenore Plaetzer and.. tea was: poured Misses Margaret g oc Missionary` ed, The secretary reported the follow- by Mrs. Geo. Million aga Ll Herne Helen Grea-vice senor, Phyllis McBride; Christian Cit- ed. articles had been shipped to Head lunch was servedthe dainty lis and lVIrs. Lloyd Stevens; service izenship Convenor Hit hi McBride; quarteas Tot+onto .. •]wring by Mrs, Jack Gard -club committee, Misses Dorothy Christian Culture Convenor, uria• the year. 'net', of Goderich, Mrs. Geo, Bean and Mutch. and y Sti' ed 1942. 173 quilts, 8 crib quilts, 6. knit- Mrs. R. D. Munro of, Auburn. Dorothy e ts, .work Bohner;; Social Convenor, • Harold As - ted afghans, Peck; Organist, Helen Robinson; As - 275 pair service socks, V Gist. Organist, Willi Robinson. g t, a obmson, ' VARNA p The carol "Silent Night, Holy sleeveless sweaters, 3: pair tWa-way Night" was t i g s s ung and the Miz ah B n- titts, 32 pair gloves 15 The Annual meeting of There were .ten knitted articles f' p e , Nth- ribbed � the Vain es to ediction was repeated, Helen Robin - 26 b' 26 -pair of seamen long stockings,' scarves, 12 turtleneck sweaters committee, Mrs. George Elliott and Mrs, F .ank McEwan; hostess coninit, tee, Mies Isobel Ohowen; press secre- tary, Miss Isabel Colq-uhoun. pair wristlets, 54 Red Cross Society will be held in the s• recti e , e en o m- helmets, 7. pair py- y e fished; 3 lady's sweaters; 1 pair socks son led in recreation' A delightful t mss, 5 .pair extra trousers; 180 y evening, Jan, 11 conn-, 3long stockings; 1 V lunch w -as served by bin hall on Monday pair seaman's stocicin Mrs. Robittson, har.;kerchiefs, 53 girls dresses,3S. meneing • at 8 o'clock.neck sweater;. 2 helmets. All are wet- . r s, From. the and John Keyes than gills "Y thanked Mr. y. Mrs. 1 , g blew -tiers, ,G n e i rants night dress- arne, come -out and hear the reports quilt committee, one large quilt and. Robmsoly for their hospitality. The on q d t e crib quilt were • n, and Mzs1meeting then ad es, 130 disps. s 25 mcther's night dress , of the year's activities. Another fes- of r d es, 1 ra. r flannelette blankets, 4 pair • George Huller donated a quilt. Result of the elections held tune of interest will be the election g 9 � Monday boys tr a ,er icy 19 boy's suits, 72 , of officers foe the ensuing year. The Twenty five dollars was• given to the for the _ Township of Stance. slings, 9 i:os'ti`tal gowns,6 hair men'slocal fund fol' the Russian Relief. Reeve Fred Y For g- Health aril. Rome, Nursing Elmet_ Watson With 449 votes, mitts, 23 toques, 2 balaclava helmets,' genet course which began V— on Wed-. (defeating A. P. Keys 1. aero cap, 20 turtleneck tuck -ins, 10 y afternoon of( h who had 270, itesdtt thisI For Councillors, Charles Farquhar, week,un- STANLEY alternate caps, 51 . surgical towels, dei the leadership of Miss M. -Stirling' � 365; J, E. Pepper, 408; Clarence' a total of 1309 articles, of this West- R.N., of Bayfielcl is creating. ,Parke, field unit cona great The Goshen Young Peoples Union i e, 410; Elinor Webster, b23; the t rebut } T rain pyjamas, 9 night gowns, 14 boys vent, H 1 d with w th 206 t ed ice quilts' 34 {'sa of attention and, favourable com- met on December 17 at the heir, ice defeated candidate was S, Thomson t e en D an i, oug1 as Robinson, opening;,,; R - vo es. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chamnbers, 'Court House, God erieh, commencing Tuesday, Janu- ary 19th, at 2 pan. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 16th, 1943. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich Ontario. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Clinton Sring Show will be held in the Agri- cultural Board room on, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16th At 2 p.m. All interested persons are invited to attend. EPHR1IAM .SNELL, President, J. SHEARER, Secretary. 26-2 Notice to Car Owners Ali car'•ownees are respectfully re quested to refrain from parking for any length of time on the streets in the early mornings in a manner which is apt to obstruct the work of the Street Plow. THE CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL Tenders for Wood Wanted, 15 cords of 12 inch 'wood, half beech, half maple, to be delivered by April first to . S. S. No. 10, Gode- rich township. Tenders close January 20th. JOHN R. MIDDLETON, Secretary -treasurer. 26-2 DANCE WILLIS TIPPING AND EIS ORCHESTRA IN CLINTON TOWN HALL THURSDAY, JAN. 6th ADMISSION' 50c For Sale Seal Cape trimmed with Sable, hat to match. Apply to Post Office Box 336,- Clinton Ontario. 26-1 LONDON ROAD The London Road Club held, their regular meeting at the home of Mrs.I M. Wiltse. The meeting was opened by singing "0 Little Town of Beth- lehem" followed by the Creed. The Roll Call was answered by 13 mem- bers and 4,visitors, by a gift for the bail. The bail consisted of 2 quilts, 1 crib quilt, 3 layettes, 1 pair mitts; 1 pair boys stockings numerous oth- er new and used clothing. It was 'mov- ed and seconded. that these articles, be one to the Red Shield, It, was moved and seconded that all bilis be paid. The election of officers took place for the coining year. President, Mrs. Swinbank; V. -Pres.., Mrs. Labeau; Sec. Wonnetta Henderson; Treasurer, Mrs. H. Pluensteel; Social Com, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. N. Manning, Mrs. Managhan, Mrs, J. Nott. Buying committee, Mrs, llIoffatt, Mrs. Clegg; Flower am., Mrs. M. Wiltso; Press Reporter Reth Manning; Pianist Mrs.' Henderson, The meeting closed by singing "God Save The King." The hostess served' a dainty lunch. The next meeting will be held Jan 14 at the home .of Mrs. Swinbank. Programs for the folioeving year will be made out, RADIO SERVICE Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed , Tubes Tested Free A. W. Groves, Princess St. Minton, Ont., Phone 290-W DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TO ADAM BROCK AND HIS ORCHESTRA TOWN HALL CLINTON. , ADMISSION 35e WANTED COCKERELS, Cockerels wanted, suitable fon breeders. Barred Rocks, New Hamp. shires, White Leghorn, Good price paid. Also flocks to supply hatching eggs for the 1943 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Government Supervision free of charge. Guaranteed bonus paid for eggs with additional prentiums. Write, for full particulars. Also wanted to purchase gullets. MEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES, Fergus, Ontario. 26-4 For Sale A young roan ,bull, ready for service Also 11 young pigs, over six weeks old. Apply to 'Ed. Beyes, R. R. 1, Brucefield, on No.- 4 Highway. For Sale One small kitchen range, "Cosy Home". Will sell cheap for cash. Ap- ply at the News -Record office. 26-1 For Sale 1.20 Bass Piano Accordian. Like new. Half price. Apply to John Plumtree, Clinton. 242 Farm For Sale Two miles east of Dungannon, in West Wawanosh, very reasonable. Will make good sheep or chicken faun. Apply to Mrs. M. Hoffman, 16 St. Anus Place, St. Thomas, Ontario *81111 25-4 Farms For Sale (1) 100 acres in Tucltersmith on Highway No. 8 ,Lot 29, Huron Road. Frame barn on cement foundation, frame hensd, productive land and plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Hullett, north half of Lot. 6, Con. 2 Frame barn on stone foundation, frame house, three wells, choice farm. Apply to Wm. Livingston, or Jas. F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaferth. Executors for the estate of the late Thos. E. Livingston. 21-tf . Raw Furs Wanted Highest market price paid. Get my prices before selling elsewhere. Nor- amn East, R. R. 1 Clinton. 20-6. W anted Old horses and cattle for mink feed., If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. ElnierTrick, phone. 907r5, or Lloyd Batlein 619r14. R6tf e-osw NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas E. Liv- ingston, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, E's - quire, Deceased. All persons having debris against the Estate ,of the above deceased are required to file the same with the un deesigned Solicitor for the said Estate on or before the 16th day of Jan- uary, A.D. 1943, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED' at .Clinton this .22nd day of December, A.D. 1942. F, Fingland, K. 0, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. 24-5 ':