HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-01-07, Page 4PAGE 4 X41,1: THE CLINTON •NEWS -MORD COOPER'S. anuarySale SAVE MONEY ON LADIES' COATS LADIES' DRESSES LADIES' HATS All Coats Reduced 20% TWO RACKS OF DRESSES All Reduced for Quick Sale $2.95 and $3.95' Formerly up to $7.95 Clearance on Hats Choice for 1.98 We Close Wednesday afternoons at 1 o'clock. A. T. COOPER. Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor .r I1I21 12r9i;ir Iat2i;3t5I- abSI2 INDAI r2r3iststi3lhr3r; alt tsteeta laiennevt vesraewrxicea etett tR. +Rwtetetew-• FIRST CONSIDERATION Is Your Health For some time the weather will be hard on people. If you are now in good health, protect it by taking regularly PARKE DAVIjS HALMER CAPSULES They built, up resistance against colds. IF 'YOU NEED A BUILDER Take Certified Cod Liver Extract, it is a great reconstructor after COLDS OR SICKNESS. SOLD BY W. S. R. HOLMES PHM. 0. abINTON, ONT. PHONE Si a Rasta wlk> rapt raneMareinn intanniaMtRr intahVaintnaMPIRr>3IRMIDMIntatat r2rrlra: letrieletert4GRF A et tetelete etetete eze ne cher er• Winter Underwear 'Now is a good time to stock derwear. We Have It In STANFIELDS GOLD LABEL PURE WOOL Shirts and Drawers at $1.95 per garment BLUE LABEL Shirts and Drawers all wool at $2.95 a garment PENMANS' 95 Shirt and Drawers at up on your Winter Un - $2.50 a garment HATCHWAY COMBINATIONS at $3.95 a garment PENMANS'PREFERRED Combination at $2.95 a garment PENMANS' 71 Combination at $2.15 a garment DAVIS & HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS - Be Measured by a Tailor. o- t9..,..,w3n manor teneaaalalafernenisii muni 12>:nannini h is nennn1 P.tetrcOnteavetFe BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE GET YOUR ;SKI EQUIPMENT Wait( Skis $4, $5, $8.50, $9.50, $15.25 and $18.00. Ski Poles $1.95 to $8.00 Ski Harness $2.00 to $3.60 Ski Boots $4.50 and up Ladies and Men's Ski Pants $10.00 Ladies Gabardine Jackets $9.25 Ladies Vyella Flannel Shirts $3.95 Ladies Plaid Shirts $2.15 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Skates $7.95 up Hockey Sticks $1.00 and up. Model Aircraft for the Children LPPS SPORT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods BiRMiniaiMatraleMatiranalkaankviataftga TO THE ELECTOIIS OF CLINTON: I wish to Express niy Thanks for the Support given pie on January 4th. MELVIN CRICH TO THE RATEPAYERS: I wish to take this opportunity of thanking those who supported me at the polis on Monday. Your support is appreciated. Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year JOHN R. BUTLER THURS., JAN; 7,1943I' Further. Donations to Relief Following are still further dona- tions to the local . fund for Russian Relief. Ernest Epps ... • $5.00 Mrs. E. Beaton, , . . $1.00 L4..falot Bridge Club . $5.00 Annie 'Sinclair $1.00 Mrs. Robt McKee, Teeswater $3.00 Anonymous ... $1.00 Mrs. Win. Robertson , $1.00 Mrs. Jas. Stevenson $1.00 E. A. Runball '$3.00' Canada Packers ,, , ,,,,., $18,25 D. M. Maltby $15 Second donation from the staff $3.25 Clinton Public Hospital $23.00 Dr. Oakes, $10.00 Dr. Shaw, $5. Nurses $6 Patients $2. C. V. Cooke and family $5.00 Mr•. and Mrs. John E. Turner... $5.00 Mrs. A. Rodges $2 00 Mr. Robt. McCartney $2.00 M. 1YICEwan $1.00 John J. Zapfe $5 00 Willows Mountain $2 00 Miss Rose Tebbutt . • ..... , $1.00 Miss Jennie Tebbutt $1.00 Miss W. O'Neil $1.00 John Walton $1.00 John Medd $100 Wm. J, and Mrs. Plumsteel . , H. C. Lawson $ Dr. J. S. Evans M. G. Counter Dr. H, Garrett v Ontario Street W.A. $2.00 10.00 $2 00 $5.00 $2.00 Red Shield The R. S W. A. held their regular meeting, at the home of Captain Cur- tis, with the 'Presklent Mrs. N. W. Trewartha ,In. the chair. There were 22 members and 1 visitor present. Collection amounted to $6.35. Articles brought in were: 2 pair Seamen's socks,. 4 pair socks; 8 quilt blocks, 1 scarf,` 8 quilt tops, and , 3 caps, Donated' by Miss Barrett., The next meeting .will be at the home of the President Mrs. N. W. Trewartha on Tuesday,' Jan, 12th at,2.30 pan. Everybody welcome. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Win, Britton spent New Years with their daughter, Mrs. Andy Reekie and Mr. Reekie of Lon- don. Miss, Ethel Dexter of Waterloo spent New Years -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. Miss Edith Britton returned to London on Friday after spending a week with her parents., A. C. Ken Carter of Lachine, Qne., spent New Years with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Carter. Mr. and : Mrs. Rath of Belgrave called on Mr. and Mrs. John Fer- guson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Robt Jam- eson. DALE -In Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, on Tuesday December 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dale (nee Hattie Armstrong) a son a brother for Gordon. Mr. G. T. Coates is spending a week with relatives and friends. Death of Mrs. Wm. Clarke Mrs. Wm. Clarke, highly esteemed resident of Hullett, passed away quiet- Iy at the home of her son, Mr. Eph. Clarke, on Saturday- morning, after being confined toher bed for five months and on Christmas evening suf- fered a stroke. Mrs. Clarke was the daughter of the late Elizabeth Dale and Robt. Coates and was born in McKillop in 1864. In 1883 she was united in mar- riage to the late Mr. Wm, Clarke, who predeceased her 3 years ago. While Mrs. Clarke was able she took an active part in the community and was a memebr• of the Constance Unit- ed Church, also a great lover of flow- ers, Surviving are a son Eph, and a daughter Mrs.' Howard Armstrong (Evelyn) both of Hullett also one bro- ther, George of Rutherford, NJ., also seven grandchildren, Mrs. Lorne Law- sonStet Dolmage, Mrs. ;Ste- wart Dale, Ellwood Clarke, Misses Edna, Stella and Blanche Armstrong. The funeral Was held Monday after- noon from her home. The services were conducted by her pastor Rev. Mr, Menzies. Interment in Maitland Bank emeter•y. The pallbearers were 3 ephews and three grandsons. Messrs liver Anderson, Percy Taylor, George ollard, Lorne Lawson, Stewart Dale The Women's, Association of Ont- ario Street United Church held their regular meeting on Wednesday. Jan. 6 with a good- attendance. The President, Mrs. W. S. R. Hol- mes in the chair. Mrs.' Burton had charge of the devotional period with Miss Grant at the piano. The monthly reports were given and approved. The corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Kennedy read several let- ters of appreciation for flowers and greetings, Officers, for the coming year are: Hon. Pres., Mrs• J. C. Radford; Pres., Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; let vice pees. Mrs. E. Rumbail; 2nd, vice pres., Mrs. C. B, Vernier; 3rd vice pros, Mrs. Wm. Walker; Sec„ Mrs. Nay; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. R. E. Holines; Treas. Mrs. F. Townsend; Corresopnding S'ec. Mrs. Kennedy; Pianist, Miss L. Grant; Assistant, Mrs. B. J. Gibbings; Con- venors of Oommittees: Devotion, Mrs. Burton; Flowers, Mrs. Frank Lobb; Parsonage, Mrs. W. M. Ross; Social, Mrs. C. B. Veneer; Kitchen, Mrs. Mit- tell, Miss Cornish; Lookout, Mrs. Stong, Mrs. W. Shipley; Work, Mrs. Win. Walker; Auditors, Miss H. Cour- tice, Miss Mary Turner. The annual reports were given 0 which showed a very favorable year. n The social committee served a dainty 0 lunch. P TO THE CITIZENS OF CLINTON I wish to express my thanks for the splendid manner in which you supported me at the recent election. I appreciate your confidence very much, and trust that I shall be worthy of that confidence. MORGAN J. AGNEW THANK YOU I wish to thank the citizens of Clinton for the. confidence they have placed in me. I trust that L may prove worthy of your support. N. W. TREWARTHA TO THE RATEPAYERS: Thanking you for your support in the recent election and wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. JOHN W. NEDIGER Jr. TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON THANK YOU CHARLES E. ELLIOTT i v4 Canada's 5119/ltihf/Farmers Canadian farmers today are fighting for victory as truly as are the makers of tanks, ships and planes, in support of the men of our army, navy and air force. For the farm is the food reservoir of our battling ,legions on all world fronts. To help the farmer increase food production and do bis maximum part in this total war, the Bank of Montreal cooperates with him in many ways, par- ticularly by lending him money needed for seed, labour and marketing. The Bank has been supplying credit to farmers since 1817. If you need money to improve your production of 'food, either for export to feed the front lines, or for domestic use, you are invited to discuss your re- quirements with our nearest branch manager, He will understand your problems and will treat your business as strictly confidential. B AMR OF MONTREAL ' . BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE the Osuorne of 725 Years' Succutfret Operation. Bar WAR SAVINGS C. RTIPICATPS Clinton Branch W. H. R OBINSON, Manager. Londesborough. (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday. and Stewart Dolmage. The flower - bearers were, George Clarke and George Taylor. Among those from a distance pre» sent were Mr. G. T. Coates, Ruther- ford, New Jersey, Mr. Russel Barrett of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. John Fer- guson, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard and Bob of Blyth. • V PORTER'S HILL A good attendance was out to Sun- day School and church services on Sunday last Jan 3rd, Rev. 11PooIan delivered a splendid New Years' ser- mon. The Annual meeting of Grace church will be held Wednesday Jan- uary 13th at 2 o'clock in the after- noon, a full attendance is asked for. School opened Monday morning with Mrs. Ramage in charge. The school meeting was well attended on Wednesday last and the new trustee for 1943 is Wihner Harrison. Mr. Fred Bell got the contract for wood and Mrs. F. Stirling as caretaker. Mary Torrance returned to Normal Monday morning after a pleasant holi- day with her aprents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, Bill Harris, who is employed in Windsor, also returned to his job af- ter spending his holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris. The January meeting of the Red Cross will be held at Mrs. John Tor- rance's home on Monday January 18. The following is a Iist of receipts and expenditures for. 1942, Mrs. John Torrance` secretary. 1942 report of Porters Hill Unit Red Cross: Receipts: -Money on hand, $99.83; Donations, $5.00; Mrs. Ramage, $3.00; Mrs. Robt. Harmer, $2.35; Mrs. J. Lockhart, 50c, Miss Cuningham, $1; Mrs. Jim. Young, (rug) $8.05; Mrs. John. McGuire, quilt, $14.00; Miss Cuningham, quilt, $15.25; Mrs. Thos. Riley, Groceries, $9.55; Mr. Vic El- liott, wood,- $10,75; Parties, and teas, $114,63; Afghan, $8,23; Salvage $51.- 40; Car No. $8.22; Fees, $7.75; Tea Collection, $25.26; Mrs. McGuire, $1; A. T. Betties, $1.50 Camp per Cent. $18.23; County Grant, $28.69. Total $434.20. Expenditures:- Social, 25c; Tax, $9.76; Yarn, $114.10; Material, $27.43; Exchange, 30e; Ditty bags, $19.75; Bats, $4.56; Red Cross Drive, $25.00; Branch, $10.00; Baby's, vests, $14.85; Baby's Jackets, $3.72 W. A. for cups, $2.75; Groceries,; $2.00; uilting materials, $11.29; Boxes and postage, $L44; Miscellaneous, $19.97; Cash on nand, $166.91; Total $434.20. Clinton Q Castle, have returned to their studies BAXFIELD Misses Doris McEwen and Marion 1939 Cream Prices To -day 48 cents We Need More Butter CLINTON CREAMERY A i`1} intni tnintii �i•x3Td1°xfrnoinin n` I�dT9 nierram iach*nni*innnini`*nnini 3' itixhi' i`dL91"x'4�ii�. at Clinton Collegiate and Miss Dawua, teaching duties after 'having spent the Tours to Goderich Collegiate after Christmas vacation at his home at having spent the Christmas vasa- Brussels. tion at their respective homes in the I Major J, H. Cobb, returned to Val. village, I cattier, Que., on Monday after having Miss Berthena Sturgeon has gone I been with his wife and her mother, to Clinton where she has taken a Mrs. M. Ross, for New Years. position with the Clinton Knitting Mr. and Mrs. Sano C. Houston spent Mills. New Years with their son, Mr. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Russel Heard, Mrs. Houston, Blue Water highway, Stan - W. Heard and son, Will, motored to ley township. Stratford on New Years with Mrs.I A very successful euchre and dance Delbert.Haw and Master Donald who was held in the town hall on New were returning to their home at year's night under the auspices of Proton Station. They all spent the L.O.L. No, 24• There was c. large at - day with Mi'. and' Mrs. Fred Heard,. tendance and all reported a . largeood at - Mr. Reheny J. Larson returned to The prizes for euchre went to: Mrs. e. London- on Sunday after having spent John Sturgeon, high; Miss Ida Reid New Years with his wife and family. low; Elmer• Webster, high; Oiii er• Clarence, who was also home for the Hopson, low. ]Viusie for the dance was holiday, stayed until Tuesday, •1 supplied by , C. Perdue, W. Hayter, Lance 0pl., Borden Clarice •of Ip- Mrs. H. Thomas, accompanied by Mrs. perwash,' was home for the New J. Parker'. Carl Houston and. Lindsay- Year's indsay Year's leave. Smith were floor managers. Refresh - Miss Jeanne Dunne of Toronto ments were served by the lodge mein- spient New Years with friends in the bens' wives. During an intermission, village. IPte. Wm. Osmond whe was home on, Masters John and Phillip Rhynas,, leave, was called to the platform. who were with their grandmother,' Mrs. Wrn. Parker read an address and Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas, for the Christ -Ilio was presented with gifts on behalf mas vacation returned to Toronto' of the Committee of the Bayfield and on Saturday. Community Active Service Fund. Wil Pte. William Osmond, of Lethbridge Ilam expressed his thanks to the coin - Alta., spent New Years with his par- mittee. The door receipts amounted to ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Osmond. $68.20 and the net proceeds went Mr. J. Bates has returned to his to the British War Victims Fund