The Clinton News Record, 1943-01-07, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 6126 -63rd YEAR
With Which is Incorporated ',•' The ' Clinton New Era
The :New 'Era Est. 1867
For a R
Or when in need of anything, generally carried in a
Jewellery Store. You will fiord quality and style.
.enzieei^sieentit`et releien7erim'eate elerercii3.aY 7 h5`m�Yama"hilim3+srvteeeee eeeee.e.e.e..e.. e
January Sales
As has always been our cus-
tom, we take advantage of our
Annual Stocktaking to clean up
odds and ends from every depart
it will pay you to come in
all : , look over
occasion ,and o _.
y ,
tables of bargains -durin g the en-
tire month.
'One Change in 1943 Councils Low Vote Due to
Melvin Crich a new entrant in muni-
cipal politics was fortunate in receiv-
ing two votes more than Councillor-
William Walker, which makes only
one change in Clinton council for 1943.
N. W. Trewartha headed the polls
with a total of 219 votes and M. J.
Agnew run a close second with 213
votes. Mr. William Walker, councils
for for the past five years, polled
two votes lower than Mr. Crz•ich. He
was not very anxious to . be elected
this year, and would have quit last
year had council not felt his exper-
St. Andrews' Ward
St. James' Ward . .. .
St. John's Ward .
St. George's Ward
• 0
ience would aid them.
Unfavourable weather conditions,
coupled with lack of interest in the
eleetion,'resulted in what; is said to
be an all-time low vote record for this
municipality. .A. total, of 'only 336
ratepayers, out of an approximate
possible 1,200 voted Monday. The
mayor and reeve both having been
returned, by acclamation, and only a
possilble change of one name on the
list of councillors., the sta' members -of
1942 council all having qualified with
only one new name added, made .the
contest less interesting.
A c
35 64
38 48
41 53
37 33
151 198
54' 59
49 • 57
52 j', 68
26 ' 35
181. -219
The Clinton Red Grose S'oeiety will
hold its regular monthly meeting on
Monday, Jan. llth, at three o'clock, in
the Council Chamber. Hospital supp-
lies will again be made at this meet-
The following Clinton boys have
already exressed their thanks to the
local Red Cross Society for gifts sent
them at Christmas,
Glen McGill, W. H. Cucinnore, Ed.
McGill, J. E. MacDonald and W. Bez-
The fallowing is a letter just receiv-
ed from Pte. W. Bezzo, Dec. 8, 1942
Meinbers of Clinton Red Cross:-
I would like to take this opportune
ity of • thanking the members of the
Red Cross Society for their very
kind and generous gift of 300 British
Consul cigarettes.
We had just come in off a week's
dBrzi arn2t rreileraanneeretez m eemamer eetatumntreeiem2tremareiem3teiereie eisi msni
Treat Yourself
to that really fine watch you have always wanted.
than ever,it it important that you know
Today more
the correct time. For this reason a good Watch is no
considered a luxury rather with most people
it is an important necessity..
Our stock of Watches is large and varied in style
shape and price.
Weyou invite to come in and see our wide range of
Bulova, Westfield, Lorie, Rolex, Modera, and several
other leading kinds.
' Repair is a job for Experts.
Remember -Watch Repa perts. Our
Work Assures You Satisfaction.
Counters for. Finer Jeweliery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County
Baptist Church, Clinton:
Goole and Worship.
Let us continue through., the year
faithful in worshipping Him who was
most faithful for us.
The minister's sermon subject for
the Sunday evening service will be.
"The Need of the hoar - namely
Christian Unity." •
The young people are asked to meet
in the Church on Monday evening at
eight -o'clock for their regular weekly
Ontario Street United Church
The W. M. S. will meet in the
Sunday School room of the church on
Tuesday, January 12th, at 3 p.m. This
is visitor's day and aspecial pro-
gram is being prepared.
Lunch will
be served..
St. Paul's Church of'Ehgland.
Thursday tonight be sure to attend
the world week af• Prayer service in
the Ontario Street United Church.
maneuvers which kept us at sea for Friday 8 p.m. World week of Pray -
three days and we were all wet and er service 'in the Bapti:sj: Cherch.
nearly frozen. But what made it so
bad was that all our smokes had. been
destroyed by the water and we were
feeling pretty down -hearted about it
all, and thinking that no one was car-
ing what was happening to any of us.
There were the 300 cigarettes and I
don't believe I have ever been more
grateful for anything that I have
received over here, than I was for
Every time the Red Gross around
the distriet, in which we are stationed
are out trying to raise funds, we al-
ways have them come to the camp
and that is the one time we really
shell out.
h must close for now, as the lights
will soon be going out. I would like
to thanks you a million times for the
A-37756 Pte. Bezzo, W. Third Can-
adian Division, C.A.O.
Clinton Ration Board Holds
Inaugural Meeting
Duties of the local ration board
were 'outlined at its inaugural' meet -
Sunday Services ai 11`, and -sit
7 pan.
Sunday School at 2.30 pm.
Monday 8 p.m. Young People's
Tuesday 3 p, m, W. A.
The regular meeting of the Friend-
ship Club will be held on Wednesday
night January 13th, at the home of
Mrs. J. M, Elliott. All members are
requested to be present and to bring
knitting needles; as wool will be sup-
plied for afghan squares.
Wesley Willis United
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed at morning wor-
orship'; on Sunday next, Jan. 10. The ser -
man subject in the evening is "Re-
jecting God."
• The vMrnual Meeting of the congre-
gation will be held on Wednesday ev-
ening Jan. 20 .
Remember the two remaining meet -
Ings of the week of Prayer, Thursday
evening in Ontario Street United
and Friday evening in the Baptist
The i`e ular.meetin of the
The final mioetingr of the 1942
council was held in the ,Council Cham-
bers!, Tuesday evening at eight o'clock
with all members present and the
Mayor presiding.
• The minutes of the last regular
meeting and those of the Statutory
meeting of December 15th and of the
special meeting of December 22nd,
were read and approved. •
Dr; J. -W. Shaw, M.O.H. submitted
the annual report of the Clinton
Board of Health. This was an ex•
ceedingly interesting and comprehen-
sive statement of the activities of the,
Meal board in general and the M.O.H.
in particular. A condensed report may
be seen in this column. All members
of couneil expressed their appreciat-
ion of the efforts of Dr. Shaw to keep
our Municipality in a healtheeand.san-
itary eonditoin.
A letter from the Pentland Fire
Extinguisher Service was read and
the clerk was instructed to order two
quart size extinguishers.
A solicitation for this municipality
to become enroll . ember of
ed a s s a nm
Ontario Municipal Association wast
presented and ordered filed.
Day Constable Elliott was paid for
21 hours extra policing at the rate
of 30 cents per hour.
After' some discussion about the
rental of the hall, and the extra pol-
icing, .it• was moved from this date,
that the rental fee for the town hall
for dances be $20 on week nights and
$15 for Saturday nights, also that one
toilet be made available on all dance
nights, that is off the' board room..
A letter from Miss Elizabeth Beck-
er with reference to her assessment of
certain lots was read and discussed,
and referred to the cleric and assessor.
The payment of $40.59 to the Coun-
ty of Huron, for services of the county
grader be approved, The payment of
$4.90 to Harry Steep for street work
in November bo approved. Carried.
Reeve Falconer read the financial
Councillor Agnew made fitting re-
marks regarding the -retirement of
Councillor Walker from the council,
and referred to the splendid co-oper-
ation he and all other members of
the street committee had received
during the year just closed.
Reeve'Faleoner proved the adjourn-
ment, to meet Monday January llth,
at 11 a.m. for the inaugural meeting.
le g
will be held at the home of Mrs. A.
Lane on Thursday, January 14th, at
ing in the town, hall last Monday 3 pan. Mrs. Addison's group in charge
December 28th, by J. D. Andrews The Girl's Glub will meet at the
liaison officer of. the Wartime Prices home of Mrs. 0. L. Paisley on Tues -
and Trade Board, London. day evening, 'Jan.' 12th, Mrs. Foster
Meeting• officially for the first time willbe the guest speaker. Mrs.
since their appointment the volunteer
members were instructed in the gov-
ernment's rationing program and told
how the system will be worked out
in .each municipality where a local
board is formed.
The rationing office here will be
located in the town ,clerk's office at
the town hall. Thee duties
ed with rationing, Previously
care of by the Wartime Prices and
Trade Board office, will be handled.
Persons who have lost their ration
books will be required to apply at
the ration office for a new one, as
will persons who wish ration books
for babies, soldiers wanting temper -
It id who
Huron Holsteins in
Record of Performance
The largest Record of Performance
from a Huron
test reported fCountyo
Holstein herd during the past month
was that of Bonnie Pioneer Nether-
land owned; by Colin 'Campbell, Bay-
field. She. produced 594 lbs. fat from
14,428 lbs milks as a seven -year -o1,1
in the twice -a -day milking section of
the yearly division. Inl the same divis-
ion a two-year-old from the her:l of
Bisset Bros., Goderich, gave 12,784
lbs. milk containing 437 lbs fat.
Shearing's group. will be in charge
of the meeting.
The members of the Covenant Bib-
le Glass will find the lesson for
Jan. 10th as John 3: 1-16,
G. .S. J.Peckit
,ML. t of lst Bat-
talion Bufferin-Haldimand : Rifles,
Canadian Army Overseas, is• spend-
ing a holiday furlough at his home
in town.
ary books, and others.,
marry or change their address are
rg also required to report at the office
so that the changes can be recorded.
The ration board here serves Clin-
ton and the townships of Stanley and
Hullett and the village of Bayfield.
The members are Mayor A. J. Mc-
Murray, chairman, V. D. Falconer,
vice; JOrmanlcennedy, secretary all
Fred Watson,
in committee. F ed W
of Clinton;
Bayfield; George H. Beattyq, Varna;
Alfred Westlake, Bayfield; Mrs. N.
W. Trewartha, Clinton; Mrs. Ernest
Adams, Clinton; John Ferguson, R.
R. 1, Clinton.
The board began functioning Mon-
Cpl. Wesley Haddy of the R,C,A.F,
at Suarnnerside, P.E.I., spent his New
Year's leave at his home in town.
Mr. andi Mrs. Wesley Hoggart spent
their 25th. wedding anniversary on
New Year's Day at the home of their
slaughter, that of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond • Townsend.
This district had its heaviest snow-
fall of the winter during the past two
days. A high wind caused considerable
drifting but all main highways were
open. The driving was heavy and ha-
zardous because of the conecaled ice.
The' next regular meeting of the
Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian
Legion. will be held in the Legion
Hall, Monday January 11th, . at 8
Varna Flier In King's
Honor List.
Flying Officer Robert Morrison Ald-
winckle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Aldwinekle of Varna, was commended
for. services rendered in the air in the
Ring's New Year honor list.
F.O. Aldwinekle had just finished
his first year at the tlniverstiy of
Toronto when be enlisted in the Roy -
ttr eet
A. Fulford, Plowing walks,
24 hours at 50c 12.00
Wm. Cook, Rens, earth from st. 3.00
F. Hudie, 2 8" Tile $2.00
G. M. Levis, 1 load Sand 3.00
G. M. Levis S. plow. 81 hi. 1.80 145.80
W. Burton, rem. earth & snow 2.70
Ernest Epps, Man Hole covers,
Repair tools 10.25
W. J. Elliott, rem. tree 5.00
Street Lighting
P. U. C. Lighting streets .... 185.40
P.U.C.Lighting rest room ,,,, 1.00
P.U.C. lighting town hall .. 15,32
P.U.G. lighting stock scales 1.00
P.U.C.-4 rest room .0 es roo n rental .,
P.U.C. 1-4 year restroom water , 2.24
C.U.C. 1.4 year town hall water 2.86
P.U.C. 1.4 year drinking fount. 1.35
P.U.C, 1-4 Laneway light and re. 6.22
Mrs. L. Tidesweli, C of rest room 5.00.
A. T. Cooper•,' T. Tissue 7.50
W. D. Fain Co., T. Tissue B. cells 9.65
A. D. McCartney, 6600 lbs coal 52.80
Sutter & Perdue small hdwe 2.05.
Bert Langford, Re. Fur. & wick. 1.75.
W. J. Elliott, re. stock scales 6.35
Hydrant Rental
P.U.C. 1-4 year rental of hydr. 582.88
Board of Health
Dr. J. W. Shaw 1 yr sal &
M. McEwen, salary
Ball & Zapfe gen. hardw
Dry Earth Close
A. Fulford, salary
A, E. Premlin, salary
D. Elliott. salary
M. T. Corless salary
N. Kennedy, salary ,
R. B.' Fitzsimmons, extra polis.,
D. Elliott' extra police. .
Ryerson Sport Goods
Embossing bill feldme
Cadet C. F. Dixon, after spending
the holidays with .kis parents has re-
turned to the O.T.G. at Brockville.
Mrs. Dixon, who has spent the past
month in Brockville will remain at.
the home of her father, J, H, Bruns -
Mr. Gordon Herman of the Galt Air-
craft School spent the holiday at his
home: .
Ordinary Seaman George Rumbali,
of the R.C.N.V.R. at St. Hyacinthe,,
Quebec, and Ordinary Seaman Lorne
Brown, also stationed there, spent
New Years in town with their famil-
Pte. Joe Yesbec of the R.C.A.M.C. at
Camp Borden, formerly of Clinton,
and L.A.C. Andy `Dessick, of S.F.T.S.
Exeter. were New Year's visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas: Lepparigton
received a letter from their son, Pte,
Roy F. Leppington of the 4th. Cana.
dian Armoured- Division, R.C.A.S.G.
advising them he is in a hospital in
England, having steel splinters ae-
moved from his arm and has a Cana-
dian nurse from Owen Sound looking
after. him.
Flight -Lieutenant John E. Guning-
hame, instructor in the R.A.F. Station
Clinton; returned this week from a
New Year's leave, spent with friends
at Toronto, Oshawa and Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gudmore, of
town, formerly of Holmesville have
received word of the safe arrival ov-
e;mseas of their youngest son LAC.
Charles Gudmore, LAC. Cudmore re-
ceived his elementary and secondary
education at Holmesville public school
and Clinton •Collegiate Institute, res-
pectively, graduating from Collegiate
he attended Stratford Normal School
after which he taught school , near
al Canadian Air Force, June 1941. Be- Wingham. He received his training' at
lore entering University he was one Toronto, Trenton, Winnipeg and Fin-
of the most brilliant students ever to gal R.C.A.F. 'stations before proceed-
attend Clinton Collegiate Institute, ing ,overseas just before Christmas,
which he entered upon completion of V
his public school work at S. S. No: 10
Stanley township. He enlisted at Lon-
don, Ontario, and from there was sent
to Manning Depot, Toronto, Ottawa,
Eglington Ifunt Chub, Portage . La
Prairie, and received his wings and
commission nt Carberry, Manitoba:
He was stationed at Patricia Bay, B.
C., for some time with the Western
Coastal 'Command before being sent
to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, with the
Eastern Coastal Connnand,In June of
1942 he was promoted to the rank of
Flying Officer; F.I0. ,Aldwinckle is at
Sgt. George 1,awrason of the Royal
Canadian Ordnance Corps cabled his
mother, Mrs. Norman Sly, that he
had arrived overseas and in good
Pilot Officer Tom C. Cooke, who
had been visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. O. V. Cooke le; last week for
Summerside, P.E.I.
LAC. Ted Middleton and his friend
LAO. BAl1 iSashaw of Van.ceuvdr,
spent their New Year's leave at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middle-
ton. On their return to Brantford on
Monday, Ted left for his new posting
at 'Monleton New Brunswick.
Board of Education
The Board of Education for 1942
held its final meeting on Tuesday
evening, January 5th, with all the
members present. Communications
from the Minister of Education, in re-
gard to Cadet Corps work and the
grants were read. Principal Fines
and Principal Jefferson presented re-
ports for December. The usual ac-
counts were passed.
It was decided that the 1943 Board
at Ya mouth, N. S., and is of Education should hold its organize -
tion meeting on the evening of Feb -
expected home on leave sometimen ruary 2nd.
March. Mr. G. E. Hall who has been chair-
man of the Board for one year and,
four months, retired frons the chair-
manship and from the Board. Trustee
Trewartha moved a vote of apprec-
iation of the Board to Mr. Hall.
The local Lions Club held their re-
gular meeting at the Parish Hull in St.
Paul's church of England, Clinton,
with the president, Lion I{en• G. Wa-
tagious' Diseases during the past year. ters, in the chair and Cpl. Stevens
True there have been a few sporadic o '
R.A.F. Station at the piano. Chairman
cases but they have been kept under Sutter reported on Civic improvement
Control, and little spreading follow- Committee. The club held a theatre
ed. Owing to many visitors in town, party
for the children of town and
the past year has added a few cases country on Dec. 23rd, which was well
that would not have occurred. With so •attended. ,Chairman Johnson of the
many people moving from 'place to Hockey Committee reported a'junior
place we are bound to have infectious
lleague with Seaforth, with schedule
diseases. being drawn up. The town is being
With such excellent water and pas- I divided into four groups, under the
tem�izecl milk I attribute much of the supervision of Gordon Lawson,
good health enjoyed by young and old le Mithe Shearing, "Red"
in Clinton, ;w. r Jl
Cemetery 262.56
Stock Scales .. .... ..-... 17.50
Total 335.06
Olinton, Jan. 4, 1943
To the Mayor and Members Clinton
Town Council. Gentlemen:
I have much pleasure in submitt-
ing the annual report of the Clinton
Board of Health. '
There has been no epidemic of Con-
I I would suggest to the parents or ; J. C. Shearer introduced the guest
ex, 135.00 all school children in Clinton that they speaker, Mr, Anderson from Stratford
get their children vaccinated for small, chairman of Wartime 'Prices and
95.83 pox as ar•e mch- Trade aIsompand b
7.80 ing fromthere overseas froanym maildnyren concornn- jMr. L.BoC.rd. McCallewasmn aaccnal'Jacyk
trms prevent.lAndrews. Mr. Anderson gave a very
63.00 Donies't waitwhere until
Sall the Pox diseaseiis alhere' interesting talk which was greatly ap
and the.
n�et panicky. g P Y
Ms. McCallum and 'predated.Mr.An-
82.50 An
60 The worst troubles we have had drews answeredmany questions asked
'65.50 during the past year are With drains by the m.•em.bers about their different
83.and Septic Tanks. The Septic.Tanks trades. .
50.3300. become ,blocked and ,the soil.satur- I .The draw was won by Mr. McOal-
3.00 ated. There is no charting of drains 1 sum,:. after which the meeting ad -
6.30 consequently . when they are blocked , journed.
no engineer knows the direction nor V
depth so as to identify the offender, •
10.50 whether the Municipality or the own- SUMMERHILL
Postage & Stationery
A. T. Cooper, post. & clips ..... 3.70
News Record, letter heads etc ... 2.00
W. D. Fair Co., post. &-G. stat. 17.65
General Municipal Expenses
Bell Telephone Co. general , 8.43
News Record, court of Revision cost would be distributed over years.
Tenders etc. 7.00 There were 103 !births during the
yea2---27 residential, 76 non retie
dent. Still-births,n -resid tresi-
on en 5,
dent 0.
Death 44 resident, non-resident 25.
population 2237.
All of which is respectfully submit-
J. W. SHAW, M. O. H.
er is at fault. •Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond Townsend,
The only solution is a sewage sys- ,Annetta and Madelon of Tuekersmith
tem. I would advise the Council con -
Pte Ivan Hoggart of Red Deer, Alta.
„ides plans for the future after the
and Mrs. Annie
war and begin now to set aside a fund Brown' Clinton,,
spent the holiday with Mr.. and Mrs.
weach year for such a plan sothat the Wesley Hoggart and Ross.
Votcrs' hiets 134.00.
Judge Costello, J. Josling asap. '7.60
N Kenendy, Div, Grt Fees ... 24.00
H. T. Ranee, Div. Orb Fees ... 24.00
N. Kennedy, Asses. postage ac. 2.25
The Municipal World Elec sup. 6.19
Rentals 55,00,
Private and Mrs. L. Haughton of
New Toronto spent last week . with,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bond, Huron Rd.
Mise Helen Bond, student at the
Startford Normal spent the hol'.dayei
at her home.