HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-12-17, Page 8AGE 8 THE CLINTON NEVVS-RECORD We are :Showing a good assortment of: MODERN FURNITURE FOR THE MODERN HOME At Reasonable Prices In Many lines of furniture it take from three to four months to get delivery. ORDER EARLY AND AVOID 'DISAFPOINTMENT BEATTIE'S — Funeral Director - Furniture Ambulance -- PHONE 184w GEORGE B. BEATTIE *OS 001-200.1004 i Ramin zt+: `&retevele+fit€ We Carry a Full Line Of Flameware, Pyrex and Plain Glasswai e Electric Toasters, Irons, Heating Pads, Curlers and Etc. Christmas Tree.Lights, Complete line 90 cents to $3.25 per set 'See our New Burwood Line of Carved Ware 1 Quebec Heater, Used $15.00 1 Quebec Cook Stove Used $20.00. / SUTTER ? PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS UN, AN? PHONE 147w. a lA 43 :;,121-23 3r -2r2- a142rar2r3r rararar atna: ` t2tX222bli 12'3122,1 :121 ±32Ma1 Last Minute Suggestions For Your Christmas Shopping Men's Ties, Some Boxed 25c to $1.00 Men Scarves, Silk and Wool ' Kid Gloves, Lined and Unlined Fine Hose, Some All Wool, 25c to 75c Bedroom Slippers for all the Family Braces and Garter Sets, Elastic web $1.00 Fine Shirts, White or Colored $1,25 to $2.50 Bath Robes—Fancy Towels—Table Cloths—Galosh- es—Slippers—Oxfords— Two pairs only Men's Skate Outfits size 7 at Bargain Sweaters—Windbreakers—Ski Caps Close Prices on Men's Overcoats for the Balance of 1942 Plumsteel Bros. THE QUIET LADY By Norman Collins. This long, rich, infinitely detailed and excitingly plotted novel of England and France, yesterday and today tells how the passions, thet; sorrows and he overwhelming joys of nearly a cen- tury made their mark on one woman. It has all the elements which made All This and Heaven. Too such a suc- cessful best seller $3.00 Victoryis our business—your busi- ness, because the war is so serious, the consequences of defeat so horrible to contemplate. The achievement of victory can be hastened if you will serve, as so many of our 'courageous ones are doing in real vicious warfare, by saving war saving stamps. THORN APPLE TREE By Grace Campbell "This idyll of pioneer Ontario is the most distinguished con(tribwtiotr, to Canadian literature for 1942. A. liter- ary and artiste achievement, rounded and wholesome as a McIntosh. apple, it should solve the Christmas gift problem for readers by the thousand." $2.50 at Your Book Store Tht write gift may be found, in an attractive box of quality writing pap- er or a dependable fountain pen. Our stock of both is as complete and var- ied as government restrictions will allow. There's never been a Christmas "quite like this one. Never so many people apart. Never so many men at war or women at work. Never so many thoughts a -winging or wishes so dear —and never so much needed for a gift that will cheer. Magazine Digest is geared to life to- day. Its carried with ease, read with delight, Iooked for with glke and remembered with warmth 25c per copy Arrow Shirts — Adam Hata -- Scott & McHale Shoes for Mer sr Agents Tip Top Tailors. 12 aamit2eskintsiSt3ta121sbnstatad'r`arara12131-2ismOlnassr-2rar813 ma aftio2rarasntnintaiN ttetgeigtebemmMgzetMgleteteelgletetMetet3tglgtatetatezetgletemMeleigietetusgrutgistetelgtetttr. EARLY SELECTION, SAVES DIISAPPOINTMENT Buy gifts•now while the supply is good to save disappointment. A. good selection 'of Pyrex dishes and ovenware, cutlery, granitewar Multiple Sets Christmas Tree Lights, and Small Wares T. .@at`drrnaS`lY2r°,yfiar27-ul2ratalhiiar2ri3f2r'„12121`trarpr^er2r2r;?`a727a121-2r2'i3T`vr�.Yarar2tBrar"�12iarar2ka7a'o7-2t3; `l'tNRtEretet4�e�t0<er�eetC�tereREte+t�aerete�tetetiit.{g�retete�r�rererdte�tit���:�tr� Christsnas Trees HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 red �,. A The Perfect Gift...: Arriving Dec. 10th Full Assortment of Christmas Trees Including Spruce, Pine, Balsam and Silver Spruce Kindly order early and we will deliver as requested. Victor D. Falconer PHONE 97J CLINTON, ONT. .oarari.rar; jirdaf±YM,a>ir;vr-21a 2•�r9r2+v"r:rai-2•rar-2r-2r2312r2arur�mr2roraa-Mar2rar-2iT,rwrler2r raY EXTRA TRAIN SERVICES for Christmas and New Year's TORONTO — STRATFORD — CLINTON — GODERICH Dec. 27—Lv. Gcdericb, 5.50 p.m, Stratford 7.45 P.M., for Toronto. See Time Tables for Intermediate Stop., and Alt Other Services :CANADIAN NATIONAL CHRISTMAS, I1O.SPITALITY More than at any other time of the year, Christmas and New Year's are the days when Canadian families ga- ther to celebrate and renew' the tie of love and friendship. At this time, too, is retold the ageless tale of Tiny Tim and Scrooge, who finally gained happiness in giving happiness to oth- 1 ers. gFLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS Poinsettias, African V,iole75ts, Bask - Cherries CyclamenBegonias, ets of Assorted Plants. CUT FLOWERS. sk Mums, Roses and Stevia WINTER GARDENS Moss Filled Baskets with flow- er seeds. Just' water Arid watch them grow. TABLE DECORATIONS Natural Birch Logs' with Candles SUPPERBLOOM PLANT TONIC' 25c a Pkt. Tba W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Dant IMO 1 I IiQI lyn �pII�INwn�mu�,.yuimiioi�i ir,�(plill Miss Pearl Elliott of London, was a week end visitor at her home in town. Miss Agnes Agnew, of Toronto is vis- iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Agnew. Mrs. Clarence Frost of Denfield spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Charles Manson. Miss Doris Eisler of Seaforth spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Leppington and family. Mr. James M. Reid, and Miss Gert- rude of Thedford were Sunday vistiors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fisher. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. ,hens 176 and 31 4,0124vr2t2m24 191-21 `�rdiai'21 r1-1'ar8r`d DRidiit CHRISTMAS SPECIALS V CONSTANCE The Christmas meeting of the W. A. and the W.M.S. was held in the base- ment of the church Thursday after- noon Dec, 10th. The meeting opened by singing Christmas Carols. The Vice President Mrs. John. Carter took the chair, after singing "0 come, All Ye Faithful," Mrs. Lindsay offered pray- er, After the business was discussed. Mrs. Lindsay gave a splendid Christ- mas message, "God So Loved the World that he gave His Only Be- gotten Son," John 3. 16, "Herod will seek the young child and destroy him'' Matt. 2: 13, Mrs. John Nottingham gave a reading, The Forgotten Man at Christmas, from John 12: 21. Mrs. Britton and Mrs. Carter sang a duet, "Christmas Cheer to All the World" and was much enjoyed. Mrs. Carter closed the mdeting with prayer. Mr, and Mrs. Gill of Grand Bend are visiting with their son, Mr. Gill and Mrs. Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoggart spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley. The many friends of Mrs. Walter Scott are_ glad to know she is improv- ing after her recent illness, Mrs. Dave Millson spent a few days last week in London. A: C. Kelso Adams, R.C.A.F. has FREE SHOW to all children of Clinton and its rural districts, on 'WEDNESDAY, AFTERNOON bUL:1VLIiI.lt 23rd 3. p.m. IN THE ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON Sponsored by the Clinton Lions Club instead of the annual Community Christmas Tree. This is your invitation to attend. 23-1 "I hear your wife has walked out 'because you couldn't stand her talk- ing in her sleep." "Yes, she's one home to mutter." 2 Garden Patch Peas, 16 oz ..2575 2 Aylmer Cream Corn 29c 2 lbs, Prunes 25c 2 pkgs, Puddings (3 flavours) 15c 1 Ib Bulk Cocoa 19c 3 Ib Carrots 10e lib Morning Cheer Coffee 35c 3 cans Libby's, Veg. Soup 29c 5 lb White Beans 24e 3 pkg. Corn Flakes 25e 7 lb Bag Pastry Flour 29c 1 pkg Quick Macaroni 15c 6 Grapefruit (seedless) 29e CHRISTMAS ORANGES Florida's (Pineapple flavored) at doz. 29e, 35e and 39c Navel Oranges, at 39c and 49c a doz. SEE OUR VICTORY CALENDAR W. L. JOHNSON GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE x11—cuNTON. SPECIALS FOR ti December 17,18,19 NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE CLINTON, TOWN HALL Thursday, Dec. 31st NEW YEAR'S EVE Lots of Fun and Noise Makers Come Again and Enjoy PAT MURPHY'S SWING BAND DANCING 9 to ? ? ? ADMISSION 50e Huron Fish and Game Club's Annual New Year's Dance 23-3 Campbell's Tomato Soup, . 2 tins 17c Muffets, 2 pkgs 17c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 bars 19c Blue Boy Coffee, 1 lb bag 35c Neilson's Cocoa /2, lb tin 19e Cox's Gelatine, pkg 19c Royal York Cheese,.... ri4 lb pkg 21c Crsico, 1 ib carton 27c Serviettes, folded, pkg. 15c Bon Ami, Cake or Powder Each 14c No. 1 Long Grain Rice, 2 lbs 25e Mazda light bulbs 25, 40, 60 watt 15c Old English Paste wax, 1 lb tin 49c Oranges, Florida, doz 29c Grapefruit, 5 for 25e Lemons, size 300s . 3 for 10e Apples, McIntosh Red, ... 3 lbs 25c Cranberries, ib 29c PLEASE PHONE. YOUR ORDER —EARLY— i. R. THflMPSON returned to Dunnville after spending two weeks with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Britton, and family -of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, and Mrs. R'obt. Lawson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson of Brucefield. Miss Donelda Adams of Clinton, spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. John Ferguson spent Thursday last in Stratford. The Toggery Shoppe Operated by G. EDIGHOFFER & SON IFTS ' raf THURS., DEC.:17,.1942; SPECIAL VALUES DECEMBER E 18th to24th Il' ALLEN'S SWEET APPLECLARK'S TOMATO CIDER, 32 oz. Jar 19e I JUICE, 2 tins 19e MACARONI QUAKER READY CUT PKG 13c A',MLit TU MA.TO FLUFFO VEGETABLE CATSUP; Bottle 15e I SHORTENING Pkg 18c, FOR HIM SHIRTS: By Arrow and Forsyth HATS: By Biltmore. SOCKS: By Holeproof, Mercury and McGregor. TIES: By Currie, Arrow and For- syth. GLOVES: By Barrie and Imports from England. SCARVES: Wools, silks and wools and all silk: By Currie and Forsyth. HANDKERCHIEFS: Linen, Cotton and Mercerized JACKETS: Pony Horsehide Gab- ardines and Shark Skins. SUSPENDERS arid SUSPENDER SETS: By Currie, Webb and Plastic. BILL FOLD, KEY CHAINS, ASH TRAYS, ETC. PYJAMAS, SWEATERS AND HOUSE COATS 11 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge. rAUWarVealeaviVAiMHA;VMMWDAVAVOWMAVAVRtgarii. December 17th to 19th MIXED Good Taste Cuttings OLIVES !ASPARAGUS 6 oz. Jar 31c 20 oz. tin 19c KIST GINGER. ALE 2 lg. btls 29c QUALITY (GROUND FRESH)•SWEET MIXED COFFEE, Pound 41c t PICKLES, 25 oz. jar 27c SOUPS RED & WHITE Tom.' and Veg. 2 Tins 19c GOLDEN SPRAY P..ED AND WHITE PIE CHEESE,1/21b pkg. 19. PUMPKIN, 2 Tins 17c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE; JUICY FLORIDA Oranges, doz. .29 JURA UALdC'Oti1'JU Lemons, 3 for .10 CHOICE_ HEARTS OF Celery, 2 for .291 WAXED— Turnips 2 lb 5e YAMS PARSNIPS CARROTS RADISHES PARSLEY H. LETTUCE GR. BEANS '1',OMA'1'OBS, rv1U.SHROOMS CAPE COD 'Cranberries ib .34 C'ANCY DELICIOUS - Apples, doz.,.. J39` l'BXAS SEEDLESS— Grapefruit -EEDLESSGrapefruit 5;- .25 FANCY CALIFORNIA Grapes, 2 lbs .45 C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods Ahr,r3rmztuvapon a` arar2r CLINTON BALL & ZAPFE VAX Old Reliable Dealers in a General Line of HARDWARE and FURNITURE Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral Directors /Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 — Phone 103 751-2r2r2zarViatDi tar9rabldnraralaul aditablt2r-3ana ratar-2rar2tAdra131-2r-21313r2aarar2a"rar201304°. v:. KLEENEX 200's box, 2. pkg. 23e ALL WHEAT , 2 pkg 23c U'r ROSE BAKING POWDER, tin 17c PICHARDS, 3 tins 27e KLENZINE, Ammonia 5 pkg 25c CASTLE FLOOR WAX 1 lb tin 29c JERGEN'S SOAP, 4 bars 19c WHEAT BERRIES, 5 lb bags 250 RICE KRISPIES, 2 pkg 25c DALTON'S Pudding Powder Assorted flavours 4 pkg. 25c SOYAMALT Chocolate drink 6 oz Tin 19c MORNING CHE IR COFFEE, Fresh ground, lb. , 45c IVORY SOAP, large bar 10c FOREST CITY Baking Pwdr jar 33cc BABY FOODS, 3 tins 25c TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tins 190 CHALLENGE Corn Starch 2 pk 21c KRAFT DINNER pk 18c fig AYLMER CATSUP, 2 bottles 29c ftt TILSON'S OATS pkg 15c a RICE, Long grain No. 1 2 lb 25c „ PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tin 2 for 25e PIE CHERRIES, tin 19e FRESH VEGETABLES" & FRUITS IN OUR MEAT COUNTER PICKLED; BACK BACON LB 45e HAM & TONGUE LOAF LB 45c FRESH SAUSAGE LB 25e FRESH WIENERS LB 27c QUAKER MACARONI, or DUTCH LOAF LB 29e Spaghetti 2 pkg 25e MACARONI & CHEESES LF LB 290 Orval Grocer q 40. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY: PRONE (q�"./f�'r�,,(.-(,�y,,;(.s5.y��,(MOg�,,.,(.�y,,;.y�,A{.�{,�,�;�(.g�,�(.,�e( GCS( y,., Yyc'a3LJc7►1J c�J .r'►�'Jc7C'V r,74LJ o�Jr:�SJc�DS'Jc'ri� o�:lc��Jc�►.S"1c�7�s��`L•Jc�i'lc��.:J �►�J� iwG 4�u