HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-12-17, Page 5THURS., DEC. 17,1942
While Egg Prices are Highest
Shur -Gain 1$% Laying'Mash
SHUR-GAIN BIG 50 Laying Concentrate,
mixed with grains as recommended pro-
duces a completely balanced Laying Mash
fully fortified with Vitamins, Proteins
and. Minerals.
Made and Sold by
Clinton Feed Mill
'Eteteiceemeit tmeicai tEtEU me icalteeiesseelereic6RC ie'ee need
Lovely Gifts for Loved Ones
Choose a Perfect Diamond Ring From Our Large
Stock of the Very Newest Settings
Diamonds at $22.50, $25,00,
$29.50, $37.50, $43.50,
$50.00, $62.50, $75.00
$10000 to $150,00 each
Govt. Purchase Tax Extra
A full line of grand Bulova Watches including the
lovely Elizabeth, Goddess of Time, .Dolly Madison,
Priscilla, Patricia, Miss America,
Priced from $24.75 to $39.75
Men's Models Include Banker, Arnold, Ranger, Com-
modore, Chief, Senator, and Military Models
Ladies' Diamond Set Watches, Eleag nt models in
White Gold Cases, Set with Sparkling Diamonds
Give Gifts of Lasting Beauty
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Raithby and
'family of London spent the week end
'With Mr, and Mrs, Jeremiah Taylor.
Mrs. F. O. Mclllveen of Bowman -
Ville is Visiting her' parents, Mr, and
.Mrs. Alfred Asquith.
Mr. Cliff Brown of . Windsor . spent
.the week end at his home here.
Mi•, Joe Carter of Port .Elgin is vis-
iting his mother Mrs. Jas. "Carter, who
eve are sorry to report is in very
poor health,
Aircraftman Jas. Clenaghan of Port
,Albert visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Phil-
lips on Saturday.
• .Miss Marjorie Arthur of Teeswater
.spent the week end with her moth-
er, Mrs. M. Arthur.
Donald Ross of Brucefield was a
tv'eek end visitor with his moth'=
:Mrs. Fred'Ross,
Elvin Wightinan, son of My. and
Mrs. Earl Wightman has just finish
ped his two months basictraining at
•Charlottetown P. E. I. He was, given
the award for general proficiency in
is draft and was presented with a
silver identification' bracelet. He is at
present serving as a quartermaster at
the Barracks H.M.C.S.' Queen Char
..Mrs. George Yungblut gave her
'home for the W.M.S. of Knox Pres-
•byterian Church, The president Mrs.
John Houston presided and opened the
aneeting with prayer. The scripture
'was read responsively. A. letter was
:read, from the Presbyterial Supply
' :Seeretary re the allocation. - The roll
'call• was responded- to with a verse of s
scripture containing the word "Joy" 1
.A reading "Peace on Earth" was giv-
' .en by Mrs, Fred Ross, Mrs. Geo, t
`"?'ungblet gave' a ,paper on "A new •
Order" and Mrs. Harry Yungblut
,gave a reading, The Christmas nits- i
sage was ably given by Mrs,. James n
John Houston, president, Miss Joseph-
ine Weir, lst vice president, 'Mrs,
Edgar Lawson; 2nd vice president,
Mrs. J. C. Stoltz; secretary -treasurer
Wes. Bradnock; Mrs. John Houston,
W. T. Robison; Rome helpers secre-
tary, Mrs. Herb Govier; Glad Tidings
secretary, Mrs. J. J. Wilson; Welcome
and Welfare secretary, Mrs. W. T.
Robison; Library secretary, Mrs. J.
Houston; .pianist Miss Norma Deer;
assistant Mrs. F. Ross; Flower com-
mittee, Miss Josephine Weir, Mrs.
Wes. Bradnock; Mrs. John Houston
expressed her appreciation for th
co-operation she had receiv
ed during the three years she wa
president. The meeting closed by re
peating the Lord's Prayer in unison.
A dainty lunoll was served and a so-
cial hour enjoyed.
men's Institute was held in the`For-
ester's Hall on Tuesday with the pre-
sident Mrs. Lawson presiding. It was
decided to glee $5 to the "White
Gift Fund" and $5 to the "Jim Bun-
ter Fund" Each member is asked to
make a block for 'a quilt for theeRed
Cross. A Christmas greeting was read
from Miss Margaret Small of Toronto.
Letters of thanks were read from Mrs.
Howard Robertson and Mrs. W. H.
Sheppard former member of the In-
stitute for gifts they had received. A
ladies quartette Mrs. C. A. Howson,
Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs. .Wm. Hag
gitt and Mrs. John McKnight rend-
tred a number, Miss Betty Sturdy
gave a recitation, Mrs. Fred P'iaetzer
favored with a -solo and Mrs. Wes
Bradnock gave a reading, Rev. W. G.
Rose was the guest speaker and gave'
a splendid 'Christmas address. The roll.
call was answered by the exchanging
of Chritmas gifts. The singing of the
National Anthem brought the meeting
to a close. A dainty lunch was served
by Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Fred
Ross and Miss Mae Ferguson.
Wesley -Willis W.M.S.
The December: meeting of the Wo-
man's Missionary Society was held at
the home of ,Mrs. Paterson, Thursday
afternoon, Dec. 17, with Mrs. Chowen
-presiding, while Mrs. Lane took the
chair for the election of officers. Mrs.
Hearn, convenor of the nominating
committee, presented the following
slate of.officers, for 1943. Past Presi-
dent, Mrs. Chowen, President, Mrs.
Fingland, lst vice, Mrs, Addison; 2nd
vice., MTs. McGill; 3rd vice., Mrs. Jef-
ferson, 4th vise, Miss Brigham; Recor-
ding and Cor. Secy., Mrs. Cooper,
Treas., Mrs. Sutter. Missionary Mon-
thly Sec'y, Mrs. Watt; •Ohristian Ste-
wardship and Finance Sec., Mrs. Pat-
erson, Convenor Work Cont., Mrs.
Saville; Temperance Secy, Mrs. Brit-
ton; Community Friendship See'y Mrs.
Pickard; Supply Sec'y, Mrs. Van Horn
Pianist, Mrs. Hearn; Press See'y Mrs.
P. Manning.
Participating in the program, which
was in cahrge of Mrs. McGiil's group
were. Mrs. Hearn, who contributed a
pleasing vocal selection, accompanied
by Mrs. Agnew; Mrs. Van Horne, who
,read, the scripture lesson, and Mrs.
Fowler, who led in prayer. A candle
lighting service, representing the
light of Christian faith and prayer
directed by Mrs. McGill and execut-
ed by Mrs. Van Horne, Mrs. R. Jen-
kins, Mrs. Corless and Mrs. Paterson
was then presented. The Mission
Study, period was conducted by Mrs.
Britton and Mrs. McGill led in prayer.
At the close of the meeting refresh-
men's were served by the group in
V .
A number of articles were packed
December 8th ready for shipment to
headquarters in' Toronto. Following
are the items shipped by the Holmes-
ville Unit of the Red Cross during
1942: 26 quilts, 2 crib quilts, 48 dress-
es with panties, s
e 7
P dresses,
3 panties,
2 slips, 1 skirt, 1 tarn, 1 girl's coat,
30 pairs pyjamas, 11 pis boys pants,
22 boys blouses, 245 diapers, 125 pads,
78 pairs socks, 5 sweaters, 4 sea-
man's scarves, 3 prs gloves.
On Tues. afternoon of last, week the
W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs, M.
Elliott. Mrs. Bert Trewartha the Pre-
sident, opened the meeting, with "A
Christmas Meditation", after singing
"Joy to the World" Mrs. Rogers of-
fered prayer. Mrs. Pahner read the
Bible lesson, Matt. 6: 1-12. An instru-
mental by Mrs. Win Norman was fol-
lowed by an interesting Christmas
Story given by Mrs. N. Trewartha,
Mrs. S. Walter gave a reading and
Mrs. E. Potter favored with a Christ -
he mac Carol, ac*eompanied by Mrs.
Norman. Mrs. B. Trewartha, gave a
sreading' with Temperance as the top -
Baptist Ladies' Aid
The Baptist Ladies' Aid held' their
Christmas meeting' in the church. The
president Mrs. C. A. Howson opened
the meeting with prayer, The Ohrist-
mas program was'in charge of Mrs.
Earl McKnight' and Mrs, Jas. Raith-
by and was conducted by Mrs. Mc-
Knight. The devotional period. was ta-
ken by Mrs Lucy Irwin and Mrs. Wm.
Haggitt. Readings were given. by Mrs.
Frank ' Raithby, Mrs. Thos McNall,
Amelia.Mclllwain and Madeline Yung -
Mut. Miss Josephine Weir rendered a
solo and a quartette number was giv-
en by Mrs. Howson, Mrs. Earl Ranh-
*, Mrs. John McKnight and Mrs.
Wrn•. Haggitt.. The Christmas 'mes-
sage `vas given• by Mrs, Edgar Law -
A quilt top was given to the Red
(Cross Mae. Howson and Mrs. Haggitt
rill be in charge of the next meeting
A hot put luck supner was served.
A large crowd attended the dance
n the Forester's Hall on Thursday
ight. Jackson's Orchestra of Bel -
grave provided the music and. George
onion also of Belgrave was floor
manager. The :proceeds of the even -
b3' tv'ere given to the fund for Over -
Woods, Mrs. Fred Ross' `:invited the.
Iadies to her home for the Jassuary
Meeting. Mrs. Edgar Lawson took
the chair for the election of ,of3'ic3rs
'which resulted as follows: Honorary
presidents, Mks, Jas. Howitt, :Mos,
seas bares.,
The "Christmasmeetingof the Wo=
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 86j
We expect to be in the market for
all lines of dressed poultry for'our
Christmas City Trade, Good Prices
Will be in order this year.
Great Britain is asking for 70,000,-
000 dozen eggs next year, Be good to
your Poultry Flock. .
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Storage
We Have Fresh Fillets While They
Last, Al' Salmon
'CaccitglowC +dtE 6iCtoctoso ectott iLjco CALKetveKc#litErdt6 tCortztecte ;6 sFtte c'Gt&t8rvozF,[wetocv avzza,
with Elisabeth Bergner & Randolph
rums., ,5y WED.
America dances, sings, whistles, to-
day to music that came' out of the
jungles more than a hundred years
ago, Adolphe Menjou, Jackie Coop-
er, Bonita Granville anti George
Bob Hope, Vera Zorina, • Victor
Moore and Irene Bordon. Direct
from Broadway comes the gayest
of musical comedies,
Coming—"NothingComing--Jack Benny in "George
But the Truth" „
I' ow Playing= -Kay Kyser and John
Barrymore in "Playmates"
Mon., Tues., Wed.—Two Features
In whichthe e genial old gentleman
betrays an enthusiasm for horse-
flesh.—Guy Kibbee, Dorothy Moore
and Jed, Prouty,
With George Sanders and Lynn Bari
Fred Astais'e, ?,ling' Crosby, and
Virginia Hale, To the music of le-
ving Berlin comes a brilliant and
Melodic hit comedy.
and "Mr. Big Goes to Town,"
Matinees—Sat. and Holidays at 3
Wasllrngton slept here,
Matinees—Wed. Sat. and Holidays Coming --."Magnificent Dope" and
at 3 p.m. y "Mr. Big Goee to Town."
Now Playing "So You Won't
Talk" & "Thunder Over the Prai-'
Elisabeth Bergner, Randolph Scott
and Basil Rathbone,
Tell in vivid style the tragic story
of France and its despoilers.
Rosalind. Russell, Brian Ahrene,
Janet Blair and George Tobias.
You will rollick with the adven-
tures of two small town girls try-
ing to gain recognition in New
n>3a�� ibineterar2'rnrur r r3t3'r
The place to buy
as , so a mon and Salmon Trout, •
Try our sausage -Patties dies
Leven Peas and Strawberries for
Casings For Sale _
We are in the market to buy Jack
Rabbit Hides again this winter
Custom Killing and Buy Hides
YUNGBLUT At Hamilton on Dec-
ember 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Yungblut of Hamilton, a son (Garry
HALLAM—At the Alexandra Hospi-
tal, Goderich, on December llth to
MT. and Mrs. Leslie Hallam, of
West Wawanosh, a son.
ARMSTRONG --At the Clinton Public
Hospital on Sunday December 13th
to Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, of
Auburn, a son.
BAIGENT-- In "Woodstock General
Hospital on Saturday, December 12,
to Mr. and Mrs. William Baigent
(nee Gladys Fairservice) a daugh-
ter, Karen Frances,
McLEOD—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Tuesday, December 16th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. McLeod, of Bruce -
field, formerly of Clinton, a son.
LOVETT---In loving memory of a
dear wife and mother, Elizabeth
Lovett, e who
passed away De-
cember 14th, 1937.
"Peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
The world's weary troubles and
trials are passed:
In silence she suffered, in patience
she bore,
Till God called her home to suffer
no more."
Ever remembered by the husband
and 'family.
The Stanley Community Club held
a very successful social evening in
town on Friday night, when euchre
and dancing were"enjoyed.
First ladies' prize for progressive
euchre was won by Mrs. Milton Steep
and second ladies' prize winner was
Mrs. Will Moffat. First men's ;prize
With the Pres: Mrs. E. Yeo in was Mr. Lorne Neilans and second
charge the' W. A. held their meeting Mr. Walter MCBeth of Brueefi
the same afternoon.old.
Mrs. W. Rogers Tom Riley very generously donated
g presided over the basket of groceries for .a draw, the
election for each Society sale of tickets on it bringing over
resulted as follows for the W. twelve dollars and the Iucky winner
M. S. Pres., Mrs. B. Trewartha; 1st
was 'Mrs. Milton Steep. The club had
vice president, Mrs. S. Walter;; 2nd been selling ticekts
vice Tres., Mrs. M. Elliott; 3rd vice byg on a quilt made
pies, Mrs. E. Potter, 4th vice Miss Tena Baird and t w Barbaranit.
prosy Graham was happy about winning it.
Mrs. W. Yeo. Sec, Mrs. A. Bond, The door prize a cushion donated b
Treas, Mrs. E. Trewartha, Christ. Mrs. Wilbur Welsh wasY
Steward, Mrs. Norman, Pianist Mrs. Merrill.' After lunch BillieGraham
Elliott, Assist.,, Mrs. Norman, Flower who•has joined the army, was resen--
Conrnt., Mrs, Palmer, Temp. Mrs, C. ted with a wrist watch from
Wilson, Lit., Mrs, N. Trewartha, Press neighbor and friends in the Come
Sec... Mrs. Oudmore. munity, Bob Glen read, the
The Women's Association,, Pres., Ken McGowanenta i n
Mrs, E. Yeo, Vice pies., Mrs. Walter, and Biili made the presentation
Treas., Mrs. Finlay, Sec, Mrs. Palmer, their i e thanked" the people far
Flower Comm., Mrs. D. E. Glidden gift. -
> Mr. Melvin Crich acted as floor
Buying Comm., Mrs. Finlay, Mrs. A. manager, and dancing to the music of
Bond,' Mrs. Potter, Miss Acheson, Welsh's Orchestra was
At the Close of the meeting Mrs. B. Mrs. Oliver much enjoyed,
Trewartha led in prayer. A dainty Oliverelsh at the piano
liver Welsh and son Robert with
lunch was served by the hostesses, their. violins certainl H
Mrs, M. Elliott, and Mrs. E'. Trewar the.-evenin a' sucC Y elped„ make
ilia. g ess.
V Altogether 4early sixty dollars
Blessings was netted for the war wont of the
g are upon the head of the club.
The ladies would like to thank ev-
gone who gave their time or.dona-1
lust,—Proverbs 10 : 6.
It is . difficult for others to see a er
man' who is wrapped up in himself, ti
ons or in any way helped • make the
evening• a success.
The office boy Says that Hitler is The December meeting of the Stan- •
Teacher Wanted
Applications will be received until
December 26th, for a teacher for
School Section No. 4 Stanley Town-
ship. Duties commencing January 4th.
Apply stating qualifications to the
Secretary -treasurer.
Meno Steckle, phone 98-13 Hensall,
R. R. No. 2 Zurich. 23-3
An Operator for
Apply Box 329 or Mrs. A. E. Finch,
Possession at Once to Right Party.
re id
P enc Mrs.
Norman Baird and in
charge. There were 11 members and
2 visitors present and the roll call
was answered by "Suggestions for
Christmas presents."
The Sec. and treas. reports were
given and it was decided to send $5 to
the Christmas Cheer Fund for Brit-
ish children, also to have a handker-
chief shower at our January meet-
The, ladies spent a very busy after-
noon sewing quilt blocks and plann-
ing for their social evening.
The next meeting is to be held at
the home of Mrs. Alex McEwan, roll
call to be "My New Year's Resolu-
• The December meeting of the W. A.
was held at the home of Mrs. Ira
Merrill. The president presided, 'and
the meeting was opened with a Christ-
mas hymn, after which the Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison. The
secretary read the minutes of the pre-
vious meeting and the roll call was
responded to by each member telling
of "some good deed done for you by
a neighbor."
The following officers were elect-
ed for 1943: Pres., Mrs. Carman Teb-
butt, Vice President, Mrs. Harold Lobb
Sec. Treas., Mrs. Morgan Jones, As-
sist. Sec,, Mrs. 'Stewart Farquhar,
Press sec., Mrs. Ira Merrill, Pianist,'
Mrs. Irvine. Tebbutt, 'Flower Corn.,
Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. Frank Jones,
Buying 'Com., Mrs. Ohas Williams,
Mas. Bert Lobb, Mrs. Frank Jones,
Program Com., Mrs. Chas Williams,
Mrs. Will itueger,
The program was prepared by 'the
grapdmothers of the Society. The de-
votional period was taken by Mrs.
John)/TTeb'butt. A reading "My Grand-
mother," was given by Mrs. Hebden.
The meeting was,•closed -with a hymn
and the Mizpah benediction. A quilt
was quilted during the afternoon.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Bert Lobb,
and Mrs. I. Merrill.
At the Y.P.U. meeting held last
week the following offitkrs were,
elected for the coming year:.
Pres. Ivan Lobb, Vice Pres., Mar-
garet Lobb, See. Treas, Marianne Mer -
changing his socks, every day now. ley Community Club was held at the
rill, Convenor; Christian Fellowship
He's beginning to smell de -feat. home of Mrs. Walter Moffat with the
Clinton Lumber Company
We have just received a car of '
Red Cedar Shingles
Better buy now for early Spring use
As they are Hard to Get 22-4
Jack Merrill, Christian Missions, Ail-
een McCartney,' Ohristian Citizenship,
Jim Lobb, Christian Culture, Isabel
Oakes, Recreation Committee, Ivan
Turner, June McCartney, Josephine
Muir, Pianist, Joy Lobb.
The Postmistress asks the co-opera-
tion of all patrons in speeding de-
livery of Christmas mail. Here are
ways in which you can help:—
1. Don't rush to the Post Office as
soon as the mail arrives and visit
with your neighbour. It takes an hour
to sort the mail and the hum of con-
versation distracts workers and slows
2. Don't bring your parcels and de-
lay the general delivery while they
are being weighed. Post them before
11.30 a.m. and after 3 p.ni. Monday
to Friday, and before 12 p.m. on Sat-
3. Post letters and cards early. Re-
member your neighbor's mail i,s¢ every
bit as important• as yours, do don't
expect it all to go if it's posted at the
last minute. Tra. ins don't wait.
4. If you have a number of cards
and letters, stamp and face them ail
the sante way and tie in a bundle. This
saves the Post Office Clerk or Rural
Courier one handling.
If these rules are followed it will
save delay in the despatch of mails
from this office. -
Miss Nora Ferguson Left for Lon-
don on Friday da last wheee she will l vis-
it for some time.
Pte Keith Gemeinhardt of Camp
Borden is spending his furlough with
his mother, Mrs, Mary Gemeinhardt,
Miss Peggy Boyd who was here for
the funeral of her grandmother re-
turned to Kitchener on Wednesday.
Mrs. Adam .Boyd of Gravenhurst
and Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby of Bolton
Landing, N. Y,, who were called to the
village owing to the death of their
mother, Mrs. G. W. Woods, are spend-
inp a few days with their siste, Whs.
J. I•Iorvarrl,
The Annual School concert will be
held in the Town Holt on Tuesday,
evening, December 22nd.
For Sale
17 purebred Leicester and. one ram,
or will trade for other livestock. Ap-
ply'to Kenneth Stewart, Londesboro,
phone 28-10 Blyth. 22-1
Por Sale
Part lot 84 Mt. Concession Gode-
rich township, 1-4 mile west of Hol-
mesville on highway No. 8, 12 acres
1 1-2 storey frame house, bank barn
with stone foundation, and garage.
Hydro and telephone. Apply to Nor-
man E. Mair, Box 436 New Hamburg,
Ontario, 22-2
Pigs For Sale
A number of young pigs to be dis-
posed of owing to lack of room for
housing. Apply to S'olnlon Gingerieh,
Zurich, R.R. No 3, or phone 3r84 Zur-
ich central. 23-2
For Sale
Two Jersey Cows. Apply at the
News -Record. 23-1
,For Sale
A Lyric Radio, cabinet model- all
new tubes. Apply to News -Record -4e
fice._ 23-1
For Sale
Eighteen little pigs, six weeks old,
also 75 rock pullets commencing to
lay. Apply to Fred Cook, R.R. 3 Sea -
forth, Phone 21-617' Clinton.: 23-1
Old, horses and cattle for mink feed.
If dead phone at once. Will pay ac-
scording to value. Elmer Trick, ph"one
907r5, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14,
65t# e -o -w
IItt ••11 CLINTON r
You will enjoy Dancing to the Musk
of this Modern Baiul
Repairs of all kinds. Work Guaranteed
Tubes Tested Free
A. W. Groves, Princess St. -
Clinton, Ont., Phone 290-W
Wanted flocks all breeds to supply
us with hatching eggs for the 1943
hatching season. Flocks culled and
bloodtested under Government Super-
vision free of charge. Guaranteed bon-
onus over Grade A large price with ad-
ditional hatching premiums. Your
chance to make up to 25c a doz. prem-
ium over the price of Grade A. large.
Also Turkey flocks wanted for hatch-
ing. Also wanted pullets all breeds
and ages, yearling hens, cockerels
suitable for breeding. Write for full
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited
Fergus, Ontario. 22.4
Will all persons owing accotmts to
John Grant, late of Clinton, Stone
Cutter, please settle the seine as
soon as possible with Mss. Florence
Fraser, Adntinistratrix, or F. Fing-
land K. C., both of Clinton, Ontario.
Farms For Sale
(1) 100 acres in Tuckersmith on
Highway No. 8 ,Lot 29, Huron Road.
Frame barn on cement foundation,
frame house, productive land and
plenty of water.
50 acre '
(2)s m Hallett, .north half
of Lot, 5, Con. 2 Frame barn on stone
foundation, frame house, three wells,
choice farm.
Apply to Wm. Livingston, or Jas. F.
Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth,
Executors for the estate of the late
Thos. E, Livingston, 21-tf
Raw Furse Wanted
Highest market price paid. Get my
prices before selling elsewhere. Nor-,
limn East, R. R. 1 Clinton. 20.6
Farm For Sale
Lot 18, concession 1, Stanley Town-
ship, 97 acres, brick house, frame
barn on stone and cement founda.
tion, spring creek. About 10 acres of
hardwood bush. On highway No. 4,
one-half mile from Brucefield. Apply
,0 Frank Fingland, 3'{.C., Clinton. 21-3
House For Sale
White stucco house on Mary Street.
In good condition. Modern convenien-
ces. Apply Mies Rudd, Mary St. 11-tf
The undersigned auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions to sell by Public
Auction, on •
At 1.30 p.m. the household effects
of the late Annie McCool, at her resi-
dence on Albert Street Clinton.
The following goods will be offered.`
8 piece chesterfield suite, living room.
table, dining room suite, 8:bedroom-.
suites, radio, drop head couch, 2
cane rockers, 4 rockers, hall- rack,kit-
then table, kitchen chairs, kitchen
stove, 1 large rug, 1 long runner,
Morris chair, 3 burner coal oil stove.
And many other household articles.
At the same time and plane there
will be offered' for sale, subject to a
reserve bid and other conditions of
sale, the residence of the late Anne'
McCool, on Albert St., Clinton, It
is a highly desirable property, well
situated and with all modern con-
veniences and in a first class' state of
For further 'particulars apply to.
the undersigned.
F. Fingland, K. C., Clinton On-
tario, Solicitor' for the Ekecutors of
the Estate of Annie McCool.
Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer, 22-2 ___ j