HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-12-17, Page 1e Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 0. :6123 -63rd YEAR With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era The New Era Est. 1867 .iNTON ONTARIO. TRIMS/JAI.- DECEMBER 17, 1942 ataaidtaittdraktr Rogers rs Silver -Plated e Hollow -Ware -The Outstanding Name for Oustanding Value - Make Your Choice From Our Choice Stock TEA SERVICE and PLATTER -DESSERT SETS, CREAM, SUGAR and TRAY CASSEROLES, CAKE PLATES, TABLE ' CENTRES, BON BON DISHES, BREAD, AND BUTTER DISHES, TRAYS, TEAPOT STANDS, ETC. W. H. HELLYAR ,,,m. t9u`uvr;rn°sr2r;3k OtariW rrgr2a)3ne: prab"rBr�tb;WC Mg te-taCte-te A.$i.00 Christmas Gift ?e?er Sete Nothing could be more ac- ceptable than 4 AR SAVING STAMPS Purchase them . here and we will give You Free of Charge, a beautiful Christmas Card Print- ed. -expressly e-�c�-e-�pres5fy for.the-purpose-of sendingWar SavingStamps. P Cards Free only with four or more Stamps. •.. v-IRWIN Aeraieralaibrat otealiza sinatwaraiwrieentiumeamer7a rZreca pare+erean;3araiNeaarezezeizil. vetereteieicieieiciel sere is+Cuicielertielat etcceiateieme +cis temetstete ^ i, RANcea u lowers f �a PASMIGIA. 15 jewels 42475 Ladies' Gold Identity Bracelets - O 0 0 Children's Lockets Bracelets, Rings, and Baby Cups O 0 New Plastic Cigarette Cases O 0 0 New Compacts of Plastic, Metal and Woad O 0' 0 Ronson Lighters O '0 0 Bluebird Diamond Wedding Rings O .0 0 New Lockets All Shapes O 0 0 Large: Stock of Smart Brush, Comb & Mirror Sets. O 0 0 Costume Beads, Brooches, Chains Earrings and Lovely Strands of Pearls O 0 0 Rogers and Community Plate Silver O 0 0 Parker Pen and Pencil Sets Q 0 0 Pocks of All I{nds 1 O 0 0 W. N. COUNTER A. r+?�`FPI�A?Fl�dl BACK FROM DIEPPE Sapper James F. Burdge; of the 7th, Field C'onrpany, Royal Canadian En- gineers who went overseas in August 1940 and served in the Dieppe Raid in August 1942 arrived home safely. last week. Sapper Burdge is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Burdge of Brumfield, and his many friends wel- come trim back, v RED CROSS NOTES The Red Cross Society will meet again on Monday Dec. 21st., at two - thirty to make more hospital supplies. Your assistance will be very much appreciated: - Shipments: - Army Comforts: '7 khaki sleeveless sweaters, 3 khaki hel- mets, 4 pairs khaki gloves. Seaman's comforts -5 Grey turtle neck sweaters, 7 pairs 18" socks; 3 prs 26" socks; 11 navy tuck -ins; 24 pairs navy mitts. Women's Auxiliary -2 navy sleeve- less sweaters; 2 sweaters with sleeves, 1 pair navy gloves. Non -quota- 20 navy scarves, 5 khaki turtle -neck sweaters, 1 lady's khaki sweater, 2 grey aero caps, 4 pairs grey sockees, Red Cross Sends Word of Homes and Families The Red Cross is renowned for its care of the distressed in flood, fire, famine, war and other disaster. There is another equally valuable. contribution, one that,5deals with the human problems of men on active service overseas. Anxious sailors, sol- diers and airmen on many fronts turn to the Red Cross for information concerning the welfare of their fam- ilies at home, and no problem is too great or too small for its attention. Through the International Red Cross at Geneva, a prisoner -of -war in Italy cabled the Red Cross to ask how his family, living in Toronto, was faring . . A private in the 48th Eiighlanders overseas, worried about his wife and home, asked the Red Gess fgr advice. Both cases were followed up and the men sent full re- ports of the findings. The wife of a paratrooper training in Texas was receiving no pay as- signment and the Red Gross through the Foreign Exchange Board, ar- ranged to have the money transmitt- ed. A marine in Honolulu, concerned about the welfare of his children, wanted to know if they were being well cared for. The Red Cross was happy to report, after investigation that they were in good health and happy A marine, on 48 hour leave, drop- ped into the Toronto branch to ask assistance in locating his wife, With- in forty-five minutes the Red Cross had discovered her whereabouts and a happy reunion ensued. Whenever humanly possibly the Red Cross finds the answer. V THE HOME PAPER Engagement Announced Observes Nintieth Birthday No Community Christmas John Derry, well known and long ` Tree, But Give Free Show time resident of Clinton, observed, The News -Record has been inform - his ninetieth birthday on 'Wednesdays ed that there is no prospect of being December ' 16th, able to give the children of Clinton the Mr. Derry was born near Bodmin, customary Christmas treat. Gandy Cornwall, Englnad, and at the age and nuts simply cannot be had in the 10 was apprenticed to the trade o£ ouantitiesthat would be required. shoemaking. In 1588, Mr. and Mrs. Nor will there be any lighted Christ - )7 Derry came to Clinton where lie was mas tree on the Post Office corner employed by William Taylor and Sons, •or Library Park this year. as shoemaker. He remained with the But the Clinton Lions Club are firm when it was purchased by the sponsoring a free show for all the late Fred Jackson. He retired front children of Clinton and its rural dis- active work eight years ago. triets next Wednesday afternoon, Dec. After the death of Mrs. Derry about 23rd, at 3 p.m. in the Boxy Theatre, 20 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Sam This is your invitation. Lab, a nephew and niece made their home with Mjr. Deirry, until Mrs. V Lobb's death in 1938. MILITARY NEWS Of a bright and cheerful nature, Mr. Derry has a host of friends from Ordinary Seaman R. (Bud) Schoen- Clinton and vicinity who extend greet- hats of the R.C.N.V.R. is home on ings to him on this happy occasion. furlough until the 28th of December. V In our last issue we stated that L.O.L. Elects its Officers Pte. Harry Tideswell was the eldest son of Mr, and. Mrs. Wm. Tideswell, Murphy L.O.LI No. 710 held its of town. We wish to correct this annual installation of officers• on the error, as Mr. W. J. Tideswell of evening, of D'ec. 10. The officers Drumbo is their eldest son and Harry were installed by Wor. Bro. Garnet is the second son. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seeley have their son,Sgt. following is the slate of of- received a fetter from th n ficers for the corning year: Wor. Mas- Pilot Harold Seeley, stationed, at Mac - ter: James Turner; Dep.. Master, Tho- Donald, Man., stating that he has mss Deeves, Rec. See., Ivan Turner; been promoted to the ,rank of Flight Fin. See., Henry Crich; Treasurer, Sergeant. George Potter; Chaplain, William Ful- One hundred and ten young men ford; 1st Lecturer, Henry Watkins from this district now serving over - 2nd Lecturer, Leonard Cook; Mar- seas in the various branches of ser- shaIl, William Cook; 1st Committee vice are being remembered by the man, Harold Lobb; 2nd Committee- local Legion Branch bi-monthly with man, Geo. Falconer; Std Committee- the gift of.,300 cigarettes each. The man, Melvin Crich; 4th Committee- funds used in the purchase of them Man Bruee Holland; 5th Committee- are raised by a bingo held in the wan - man George Potter; Tyler, William cid chamber each Saturday night. Farquhar, Int. Past Master, C Nelson Among those who enlisted recently Auditors, Norman Sly, Ivan Turner, at No. 9 Recruiting Centre of the The next regular meeting will be R.C.A,I'. in London is Kenneth James held on Thursday evening Jan. 14. One Carter, of Seaforth. Candidate is to be initiated, Members Mrs. R. H. Johnston, convenor of kindly take note. the knitting committee of the War o V Services Association has received let - Ladies Auxiliary of Legion ters from Cecil Elliott and Jack Rob- ertson overseas, thanking the associa- The De r m of o cembe eethn e Lad tion .for home knit socks. les Auxrliary of the Canadian Legion The picture in tlie{ Toronto .Daily was featured by the election of offic- papers of Saturday, Dee 12th, showed ers for 1943; president, Comrade Sgt. Stewart Schoenhals explaining Scribbins, first vice, Comrade Miller; the parts of a gun to Major Raymond second vice, Comrade McIntyre; sec- Massey, who has left his work in retary-treasurer, Comrade Haddy; Hollywood to serve in the Canadian Program Com., Comrade Carter, Army. Sgt. Schoenhals is the son of Frenrlin, Butler; Flower com., Com- Mrs. Beadle of Goderich and the late rades Heard, Reddy, Social comm., E. Schoenhals of Clinton, and lived Comrades Hanley, McTaggart; stand- here for some thne where he has and hearer, Comrade Sioman. A luneh many friends and relatives. was served after the election' and a Sgmns. C. Butts and Jack Summer social hour enjoyed. Vimy Barracks Kingston, spent a two days leave this week at the home of the iermer's uncle, Mr. T. T. Carter, and alsrr visited with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, and other relatives in town. -v Evening Auxiliary of Wesley Willis Church An interesting and impressive Candlelight Service was held at Miss lhudd's home on the evening of Dec. 10th by the members of the Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S, of Wesley Willis United Chruch.. With the President Mrs. Geo. Beat- tie presiding, the meeting was open- ed by the singing of a Christmas hymn and prayer. The minutes were read and adopted. A Nom, Committee consisting of Miss Isobel Chowen, our new president for 1943 and Miss Rudd then presented, a slate of officers for the ensuing year as 'follows: Hon. Pyrs., Miss Rudd; Pres. 1. Cho -wen, 1st vice pies., F. Shipley, 2nd. vice. A. Jervis, 3rd vies pres. 0. Pearce, Rec. Sec., E. Beattie, Press Sec. V. Nelson, Corresp. Sec. D. 1Vfutoh, Temp. Seca Mrs Britton, Treas. Grace Addison, Pianist, F. Higgins. Helen Nedjger then took charge of the meeting and an impressive candlelight service took place. On a certre table .was placed Christmas de'orations, on which was set a globe of the world; around which were plac- ed seven candles representing mission fields around/ the world. As seven in dividual members took their part: they lighted a candle and gave a prayer. Those taking part were: F. Shipley, I. Chowen, V. Nelson, Mrs. Britton, E. Beattie, D. Mutch A. Jervis. Ap- prepriate Christmas Carols were sung The engagement is announced of Grace Catherine, daughter of W. I-1. Hellyar and the late Mrd. Iiellyar to Warrant Officer Ralph " Carleton Greene, U.S.N.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Greene, of Avon, \ ,l.. The mar - siege' will take place ea ily in Janu- ary. anu-arY ' Air Fo rce• Men Sing Carols' in London Christmas was ushered initto London on Saturday evening last nben the men at the R.A.F. station t8linton, sang, carols and other nrusi associated with the Yuletide. y`;;' The concert was giveq through the permission of the commanding offic- er of the station, Wingl,, Commander A. H. W. J. Cocks, an waa heard. in the auditorium of the, illiam Me- morial Building under th auspices of the London Public Library and Art Museum. No charge wakemade. L.A.C. Bernie Yuffey, well-known pianist of Western Ontarte; Cpl. Jock Cormack, violinist; LAC I• hesley Har- per, baritone; and LAC Graham Beaty tenor, were heard in. sole,.' and LAC. John Martin gave sever I,monologues. The choir of the statrooi„wes present and performed under the: direction of LAO Bert Fisher. . ' The R.A.F. Choir made; p of British Airmen, ester at t e. Y.M.0:A. entertained London, Sunday afternoon and in turn enjoyed the hospitality o ,the "Y" in afternoon tea served b the.young women of the Tri Sigma Club in the association lobby. Going to the "Y" afterltheir broad- cast over station CIF the l'LLondon choir sang a number of AVOrite songs to an audience of servi.men in the social room. The choir, 3S strong, was led by LAC Fisher.-Sgdn; di W. Scott Morton,,.the padre, was airman of the impromptu program) as well as joining with the choir in their selec- tions. V l- c: AMONG TRE CHURCHES • e trteet Unt : 'M`hrirch - ,,l;3ntar,i ..S tit 11.00 a.m. - "Sacrament of the Lord's Supper." Near Noon: -Sunday School. 2.00 p.m. -Turner's Church- Sac- rament of the Lord's. Supper. 7.00 p.m. Ushering in the Christmas Season. A night of Christmas Carol Singing At the conclusion of the Service. One Slide of "The Adoration of the Shepherds" will be shown -colored I1- lustrated-The Work of Art by Wil- liam Hole. Tuesday evening -Sunday School Christmas Tree. Wednesday Evening -Prayers of Intercession. Sunday 27th Dec. -Christmas Sun- day, Morning and Evening Special Music. • Baptist Church, Clinton Special Christmas worship service at seven o'clock. Carol singing from the lantern screen. Christmas message entitled, "God's Christmas Gift" will be illustrated with colored lantern pictures. The choir under theleadership of Mrs. Earnest Adams and Sergeant Robinson will render n Christmas an- them. A welcome awaits you at this even- ing service. "Corse let us Adore Him, Christ the Lord." Members of the Sunday School kindly take note that the Sunday Sehool for the winter months is to be held at two -thirty o'clock on Sun- day afternoon. Annual Christmas Tree entertain- ment in the church, Friday. Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. St. Paul's Church of England. Thursday tonight, 7.30 service of intercession. 8.00 chancel guild. Sunday 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer and the Litany. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School,' 7.00 p.m. Evening Prayer. Important Note. We hope to have as the guest preacher at the evening service Wing- Commander Rev'd. Gerald Gregson rector St. Paul's church, Cambridge, England. Be sure to hear this out- standing preacher. This service will be Carol Singing Trans -Atlantic Air Mail Confined to Airgrapli The increasing demand on trans- Atlantic aircraft capacity for vital War supplies has created' an almost complete absence •of space on air- craft. Conditions have become so acute in recent weeks that practically all correspondence prepaid at air mail rates has had to be despatched front Canada to Great Britain by ship. The same situation has obtained as regards the despatch of air mails from the United/ States and also in `the reverse direction from Great Britain to both Canada and the United Stat- es. In these circumstances, the Canad- ian public should, he advised to use the Airgraph service for messages to civilian and members of the. Armed Forces in - Great Britain and other places to which this service ' is avail- able. A limited amount of space has been reserved on aircraft for Armed For- ces Air Letters • which will be accep- ted and despatched' by air subject to space being available. The public are to be advised ,to send their messages by Airgraph or surface transport -but if despite this advice the public 'insist on sending them mail by air in its original form modelled on the English Carol Service then the Department will give it the similar to the one held last year. It most elaped'ttious .treatment which the circumstances permit. No guaran• tee of air transport can be given. It is to be remembered that no such items must exceed 2 ounces in weight. If any item exceeding 2 oun- ces is prepaid at air mail rate it will be forwarded to destination by sur face MAR will be directed by Cpl. Lawson. Christmas Services and Events.' Wednesday, Dec. 28rd at 7.30 p.m. The children's annual Christmas en- tertainment. - v ,, .Thursday December 24th at 11.00 p.m. Holy Communion. No sermon, Christmas Day at 10.00 a.m. Holy 1Communion. V Wesley Willis Church Organ Prelude, - Adoration, - Borowski. Processional Hymn 47. CaII to Worship Choral Response, Prayer Scripture --Luke 2: 1-20. Hymn of Praise -62. Offertory -Nazareth by Giunod. The Christmas Story as in St. Luke. 1. The Journey to Bethlehem and birth of'Jesus. Gallery Choir: (a) "Away in a man- ger" (b) "Infant Holy." ' 2. The Message to the Shepherds. Anthem (a) "There were Shep- herds abiding." (b) "Gloria in-Excelsis Deo" Solo: "Gesu Bambino" Yon. Mrs. M. Nediger' 3. The response of the Shepherds.. Carol -"0t Little Town of Bethle- hem." No. 51. Recessional Hymn - "Hark the Herald Angels" No. 59. EVENING Organ prelude Processional Hymn 64. . Call to Worship. . , Choral Response. Prayer. Scripture -Matthew 2: 1-12. Hymn of Praise 55. Offertory -Christmas Pastorale. The Christmas Story as in St. Matthew. 1. The Birth, of Jesus. Solo -"Silent Night" Mrs. Percy Atkinson 2. Led by the Star. Anthems -(a) "We Three Kings" (b) "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear." Obligate, Miss Dorothy Carless. Solo-"Shepherdsin the Hush of Night." Mrs. B. C. Hearn. Solo -"Night of Nights" Opl. W. Conroe Gallery Chorus, choir and •congrega- tion in "The First Nowell" 3; Carol -"All my Heart this Night Rejoices" No. 4S Recessional Hymn -"As With Glad- ness" No. 60. throughout the program. Helen Nediger told an interesting Christmas Story, "Why the Chimes Rang," A Christmas carol and prayer closed the meeting, after which a serial half hour was spent over a cup of tea. - V IIULLETT TOWNSHIP A Christmas Tree and Entertain- ment will be held in the school: house at S. S. No. 1 Hullett on Monday even- ing Dec. 21 at 8.30 p.m. LITTLE LOCALS .: Skating last Saturday night in the local arena marked the earliest skat- ing here for the past few years. Clothesline thieves have been ab work in Clinton during the past inonbh. They pick the best clothes on, the line and what they can't take they ruin, LAC B, H. W. I{irwin, and Mrs. Eirwin, who have been resident here for two months, left on Saturday for their home in Montreal on a two week furlough after which they will go to a coastal point, to which LAC Kirk - win has been posted. The regular meeting night of the A. F. and A. M. falling on December 25th, the Worshipful Master, M. J. Agnew, and officers will give the third degree on St. John'sNight, Dee. 28th. v LIONO CLUB MEETING The Lions Club held their regular meeting with the President Ren Wa- ters in the chair. Minutes of last reg- ular meeting were read and adopted. Denny Stevens of the R.A.F. Station Clinton, entertained with a few numbers on the piano. W. L. John- son reported, on Hockey Committee. It was decided to enter a team with Seaforth and a local Town League. J.. Sutter reported on show to be spon- sored for the children. Frank Fing- land reported on Health and Welfare and Colonel T. B. Ware of Queen Alexandra Sanatorium was the guest speaker and told us of the good that was being done by sane institution. The club sent during the year $480.00 to the British War Victims Fund. V Wesley -Willis Girls' Club The Girls Club of Wesley Willis met at the church on Tuesday evening, De- cember 15%, at 6.30 o'clock. The club members enjoyed a potluck sup- per. Christmas carols were sung and Mrs. W. A. Oakes sang a beautiful solo, "O' Little Town of Bethlehem" The seeretarys and treasurers' reports were red an a d approved. Miss W. P p O'l�eil reported on the housing pro- blem. It was decided to give a dona- tion to the church debt and to the , Russian Relief Fund. Next year the club will meet on the second Tues- day of the month. The slate of of- ficers for 1943 are: president, Mrs. Gordon Miller; secretary, Mrs. W. Mc+ Ewan; treasurer, Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, group Ieaders, Mrs. Lorne Jervis; Mrs. Rees Jenkins, Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. C. M. Shearing; flower commit- tee, Miss I. Walkinshaw; pianist, Mrs. M. Agnew. The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting after which gar- lands were made and the church de- corated for Christmas. v ;Ontario Street Y. P. U. The regular meeting of the Ontario Street Young People's Union was held. at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Burton. - on Monday evening, December 7th. The election of officers for the coming year were as follows: president, Har. old Squire; vies president Mrs. Edna Wheeler, secretary, Marie Connell; as- sist. sec. Delmar Potter; treasurer,, Mrs. Pearl Squire; press sec., Mildred Heard; Christian fellowship convenor, Mrs. Edna Wheeler, Christian citizen. ship convenor, AC. Roy Wheeler; Christian, missions convenor, Ray Potter; Christian recreation and cul- ture, Frank Potter; pianists, Allis Lon Thompson, Coronna Wendorf and Delmar Potter. V - -- Mailing List Corrected Last Friday the mailing list was changed to that date. Kindly check your label and see if they are cor- rect. Any remittances since that tune have been recorded and will be chang- edat a later date, Many thanks to those who have paid their subscrip- tions but there are still many who, - have neglected doing' so. We know they will be forthcoming shortly. BRL CEFIELD • • - Christmas services will be 'held • in. the United Church on Sunday Dec. 20, at the Morning Seriveethe us- nal white gift service will be held. For several years this congregatrori has held this service and sent their gifts to Queen St. United Church rfor•- - onto. In the everting carol •servics•will' be held in which the choir will lean in the familiar hymns and carols of the Christmas season. The Brucefield. Sunday, Schiooi. Christmas Concert will be held on Tuesday evening, Dee .22nd. Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson spent' the week end in Hamilton. Mrs. Geo. Swamis visiting in -Tor- onto.