HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-12-10, Page 5.71:777", AUBURN` Miss Laura Phillips Was, a London visitor on Saturday. Mrs. R. Radford has returned .to Palmerston after visiting her cousin Mrs, C. A. •Howson. Dr. B ;C. Weir motored to Strath • roy on Monday, On his return he was ;.accompanied by his sisters Misses An- nie ie andMargaret Weir, who will espend the winter here. Mr. ,Clifford' Brown is at present wdrking on the G.P.R. at Windsor. The :monthly meeting, of the Wo men's Institute will be held in the Ferrester's Hall on Tuesday Dee. 15 .:at 2.30 pan. The Christmas' topic to be given by Rev. W. G. Rose.it 'Call exchange of Ohriatmas. gifts. Hos 'teases Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Fred Moss and Miss Mae Ferguson. Govier -Dawson, A 'quiet wedding was solemnized! at 'the Presbyterian Manse, Winghanz, on 'Wednesday evening at 7.30 when. Rev. Kenneth McLean united in- marriage :Mrs. Janet Dawson, Auburn, and Mr. Herbert-Govier, Base Line Auburn. 'The bride 'chose a frock of navy cheer -with matching accessories and wore a 'eorsage of roses and chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mr. Rollinson of Auburn were 'their attendants. Following the cere- mony the bridal patty motored to the "bride's home where a wedding dinner "was served to the immediate relatives. "Mr. and Mrs. Gooier will reside on the :Base Line. Ladies Guild The Guild of .St. Marks. Anglican • '•Church met in the Orange Hall on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. Phillips in charge of the program. :Prayers were led by Mrs. Thos. Hag- • girt. The scripture was read by Mrs. Gordon Taylor. A reading "Just a ,Pleasant Smile," was given by Mrs. Thos. Johnston. The topic, "Advent ••of 1942," was given by Miss Laura Phillips. The roll call was answered The annual Bible Society Service • by members presenting their white was held in Trinity Church on Sun- ' gifts, which are to be' sent to St. day evening last. The service was Margarets, Bracebridge. Rev. P. H. condycted by the Reefer, Rev. J. Streeter sang "I Heard the • Voice of Graham assisted by Rev. E. J. Wol- Jesus Say" Letters of appreciation land, of St. Andrews United Church for cards sent were read' from Mrs. who also gave an inspiring address. Alvin Leatherland and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Welland commenced by giving a Chas Jones. Rev, P. H. Streeter took few facts relating to the Bible Sec - charge for the election of officers iety stating how it is already printed ' which resulted as follows: Honorary. in 1000 languages but there are 1000 `Presidents, Mrs. P. H. Streeter, Mrs. languages it has not reached. 'Gordon Taylor; President, Mrs. T, S, They have always tried to get the •Johnston; vice president, Miss Laura man in the street; new the objective 'Phillips; secretary, Mrs. Alfred Nes- is to get men in army, air and navy— bit; treasurer, Mrs. Thos Haggitt; they are in a receptive mood. Already. Program convenor, Mrs, Clifford 18,000 copies go to prisoners or in - Brown, The programs for the coming eminent camps --to Norway and the year were then made cut, The Jan- Netherlands. Bibles are sent to Can'ad ureter meeting will be in charge of Mrs. `Cliff Browny the roll call}, to be an ,styered, by, .a,Scottish Joke. Rev. P.. H. s Streeter will give. the topic. comitnttee Mrs.. Jas. Woods, Mrs. Jas. Roberton; Mission Band, leader, Mrs. Earl Wightman; The - meeting was closed by repeating the Lard's Prayer in unison. Death of John Cowan This /community mourns the passing of John .Irwin Cowan, whose death occurred at Clinton Hospital at one e'eloelt Sunday afternoon, following an iilness of five weeks from chronic Bright's Disease. Mr Cowan, ''was the son of 'Mrs. Diana Cowan of Blyth and the late John Cowan' and was born in E. Wa- wanosla February 14th • 1902. He eas a member of Independent Order of Foresters, Blyth, and of Knox Presbyterian Church: In 1938 he mar- ried Mrs. Edna Killough, who survives also his mother and five sisters (Jean) Mrs. A. B. Grainger, of Ogenie, Sask., (Olive) Mrs. Doug Morrison, of Blyth Mrs. Douglas Morrison of Blyth, (Margaret) Mrs. James Adams, Gode- rich, Winnie Cowan, R .N., Cornwall. one sister Mrs. Albert Grigg pre- deceased him. ere here as the family kept itscon- nection with the perish by returning:' to the village each year for vacation She will be greatly missed. The Globo and Mail of November 28 makes the following 5leferenee :to her death. "Prominent in women's organizations Mrs. Alma ::Georgina Hodgins, wi- dow of Rev. James Walter Hodgins. one-time Rectae: of St. Paul's Angli- can church Stzllitford died here'yest- erday, following a few hours illness. She was the daughter of the late Mor- gan.'.and Catharine Freele of United Empire Loyalist stock.' Per years Mrs,- Hodgins, was a member of the executive of the Women's Bistorie Society and also the Ladies' Commit- tee of the Toronto Branch of the U. E. L. She was a member of Christ Church, Deer Park. Surviving are two daughters, Miss Mabel Hodgins, at home and Mrs. Cameron MacNeil of Clieveland, Ohio; three sons, Cecil of Los Angeles Cal., Reginald of Tor- onto, and Prof. Lloyd! Hodgins; Trin- ity College; a brother, Wm. II. Freele and two nephews. Capt. Lloyd Freele former M.L.A. for North Middlesex, and Major Roy Freele, formerly May - The funeral was held from his or of Parkhill. Mess. Hodgins had home on Tuesday afternoon and was I been in her usual health and was largely ,attended. Rev. • A. E. Silver about -to go for a drive with her son on Thursday evening when she suddenly collasped and died a few hours Iater without regaining 'con- sciousness. The funeral service was held in Toronto on the following Sunday's/ter-noon and interment took place at Avondale Cemetery, Strat- ford, the next morning. was in charge assisted by Rev. Dr. Thompson, with interment in Union cemetery, Blyth. Pallbearers were Lewis Ruddy, James Curings, George Maines, Alfonzo Smith, Robt Patter. sore and' Bailie Parrot all of Blyth. The many .beautiful floral tributes which bore mute testimony of the esteem of the departed were carried by Ray. IYoffin, William Morritts, Emmerson Wright, Jas. Laidlaw and Jack Tierney all of Blyth. Among the friends attending the funeral from a distance were Miss Jean Grigg. of Toronto and Profes- sor Geo. Raithby of Guelph. • V� BA'iTFIELD • W. M. S. The W. M: S. of Knox United church bed,.their Christmas meeting in the Sunday School, The president Mrs. Woods presided for the opening exer- cises, Mrs, Earl Wightman, took cliarge for the program. The theme of the meeting was "A Christmas ' Candle light service" The first'speak- er Mrs. Woods lighted the candle op- posete the near east, Mrs. Kenneth Me - Dougall the candle opposite Europe, Miss Mae Ferguson, opposite America. ' The fourth speaker Mrs. Chas Straug- han the candle opposite Japan and Mrs. Earl Wightman, the Tifth speak- er,.the one opposite China. Miss Sadly Carter and Mrs. Wm. Craig sang as a duet "Silent Night." The sixth speak- er Mrs, Sidney McLinchey lighted the • candle opposite India, and Mrs. Geo. Bean the seventh speaker, the one op- posite Africa. Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Mrs. Gordon MeClinchey rendered a duet. The offering was taken and Mrs. Wightman offered the dedicatory. Inver. Miss Margaret King, conven- or, of the nominating committee, brought in- the following slate of of- ' freers:,. Honorary, presidents, Mrs, J. • McClinehey, Miss M. Small, Miss S. Blair, and Mrs. Jas. Mutch; president Mrs, as Woods; vice president, Mrs. ' Geo.. Bean; recording secretary Miss Margaret King; assistant Secy., Miss Mae Ferguson; corresponding seete- • tery..Miss Sadie Carter; treasurer; • alis, Chas, Straughan; literature and missionary monthly, Mrs. Jas. Robert son, stewardship secretary, Mrs. Earl' Wightman; finance committee, Mrs, • Wm. Anderson, Mrs. J. J. Washington, Miss M. King, Mrs, Geo. Bean, Mrs. Fred Toll, Mrs. Wightman, Mrs. Chas Straughan; Strangers committee, Mrs. Joe Irwin, Miss Amelia Malllwain; • supply, Mrs. M. Arthur, Mrs. H. Wag- ' ner, Mrs, J.,C. Clark, Mrs. Wm. Rob. • erton, Mrs, Wm. Craig,' Mrs. Syming- ton, ,Mrs. Wm. Dodds, sr., Mrs. M. Allen, temperance committee, • Mrs. las, Jackson, Mrs, Ernest Patterson, social committee, Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, L. Ferguson left on Tuesday for Sudbury, where they will make an extended visit with their two sons, Jack and Charles Ferguson and families, Lance Bomb. Grant Turner and Pte Thos. Castle returned- to .Windsor on Saturday after spending a two weeks furlough at their homes here. Mr. Robert Penhale went to London Iast week where he has secured work. Merton Meiner, Stoker R.C.N.V,R. of London spent the week end at his hone here. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner left on Wed- nesday for London where she will spend a few days en route to New York. Miss Patricia Atkinson, of Detroit spent the week end in the village. The Annual meetings, of the W. M. S. and W. A. of the United Church was held last week. The Former of- ficers were re-elected with the addi- tion of Mrs. L. Talbot as Mission Band President and Mrs. Wm. Down - son as Baby Band Supervisor, Mrs. Wolland was also appointed to the Flower Committee and Visiting Com- mittee Mr. John Marks has returned .tome ran Soldiers in Hong Kong because and is recuperating after having un - men have souls --and War makes them eergone :another serious operation in aware of it. The 'Bible with its wand- Clinton Community Hospital, erful words of Life go to those who face death. It is your privilege and - V mine to carry these great responsib- ilities, Mr. Wolland then took as his text. 11901 psalm, 105 verse "Thy ,light unto my path," word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." He touched upon the Bible its place in and effect upon life—"The Bible is one book that demands we place God in the the National Anthem followed• by the centre of life, The spirit of God is Red Cross- prayer in unison. Minutes needed today," 'Me must build foun of the last meeting were read; and dation in our world. Education will adopted- Mrs.' M. Elliott gave the not get us far but the fear of God. is Treas. report with $135.15 on' hand. the beginning of wisdom" He quoted Group leaders reported on -their as - the testimony of men such as Sir tivities and the amount each group Walter Scott, Ruskin, Abraham Lin- contributed to the local unit of the coin, Robert Stanley, Theodore Reese- Bed Cross as follows; Group 1, $16.60 vett and also pointed to that of the group 2, $52.90; group 3 $30.; group saints, He stressed the need of Bible 4, $85.45; group 5, $45.25; group 6, study and religious training hot only $48.25; group 7, $46.00. It was de - in the school but the home. Too often aided that groups continue as before the Bible remains on the, shelf. "The and the executive meet and re ar- Bishop of Durham once said., when range sante. showing a worn bible, "This book was my another's constant' companion. She Election of officers for 1943 as fol - was the best Bible student I have ever lows: Persident, Mrs. E. Yeo„ vice known." • president, Mrs. Lorne Jervis, Treas., "It nourishes faith that remains Mrs. Wm, Jervis; Greup Treas.; Mrs.. an anchor. In the hour of death the ' F. Potter, Buying Committee, Mrs. test is what the Bible has ' created" . Bond, Mrs. B. Trewartha; Cutting "It belong to all men. It answers Committee, Mrs. S. Walter, Mrs. H. questions colleges cannot answer, Cudmore, Mix. E. Trewartha; Comm. What is life, death, man, God? The to put quilts in frames: Mrs. Harris, Bible answers all," Mrs. MoLinelzey, Miss Proctor, Mrs. At the close of the service Mr. A. Johnston. Packing Comm,, Mrs. Mac- E. Erwin presided over the business Math, Mrs-, Stoek, Mr4. C. Wilson. meeting. The secretary and. treasur- Packing of boxes for boys overseas. ers' reports wer read and approved. Group 1, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs, Bert Tre- Votes of thanks weld extended to wartha, Mrs. Mulholland. Group 2, the convassers; to Mr. Ernest Pollock Mrs- Huller, •Mrs. LorneJervis, Mrs, for his 'generous donation to the For- O. Pocock. • Packing 'to be done a1 year. The motion 'was carried. The eigta Colporteur Fund, and to Miss. Miss Acheson's. collection amounted tie $1.4L The next Lucy Wood's for her five years of meeting will be held at the home of office, as •secretary treasurer, Rev. J.I Press Secretary—Mrs. N. _.Trewar- Mrs. Noble Holland on January 7th. for the' nomination tha, It was decided to hold. meetings Part of the aftern6otr was Spent in, Grahamofficers:presided s A E.the Erwin, was whenever there is quilting to be done quilting. The meeting` closed by sing- ofnominated by Mrs. N. W. Woods for also to serve a ten cent tea at these ing. "God Save the If%ng.'' meetings. ' HOLMESVILLE The Holmesville Unit of the Red OM's met at the Moine of Miss' S. Acheson on December 2nd with the president, Mrs, E. Yee in charge. The meeting opened with the singing of CUA' •FLOWERS FIORAI, : __. DESIGNS For Eirer'v Occasion C. COOKE FLORIST. Phones:, 66w and Mi CHRISTMAS POULTRY We expect to be in the market for all lines of dressed poultry for our, Christmas City Trade. Good Prices will be in order this year. Great Britain is asking for 70,000,- 000 dozen eggs next year. Be good to your Poultry Fleck. N. W. TREWARTIR Day Pima* 214. Night Plus 32$. Batkins Locker Storage Have you tried our sausages put in Patties Don't Forget Fish for Your Health We Have Casings For Sale Custom Killing and, Buy Hides FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS BIRTHS ANNIS--In Vancouver, Hospital, on Saturday, November 21st, to Dr. and Mrs, J. T. Annie (nee Marie Vincent) the gift of a daughter. POSTILL----In Clinton Publie Hos- pital, on Tuesday, December 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Postill of Goderieh rich, a son, DEATI S JOHNSON—•In Toronto on •Sunday, December 6th, Margaret Brown Johnson, beloved wife of Oliver. M. Johnson. GRAHAM—In Toronto, Sunday, De- cember 6th, Rev. Dr. J. Graham, formerly of Clinton, in his 72nd year. IN MEMORIAM ' Colclough—In memory of Mrs. Annie Colclough, who passed away, .De- cember 12th 1940, ' "It is a sad but sweet remembrance. There is a memory fond and true, There is a token of affection, Mother, And a heart aches still for you." Ever, remembered by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Pickett, son, Arthur and daughter-in-law, Elsie. HURON ROAD The Happy War Workers' Club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Dale on December 4th. The meeting opened ,by singing "Jesus Lover of My Soul" followed by the Club creed. The 13th Psalm was then read by, the president "The Lord's Prayer" was next repeated in unison, The minutes of the last aneeting were read. 'A correction was made. The forty-eight dollars made at the dance was all sent at one time to the "Perth Regt. motors 5th Division." The Roll Call was answered by eI- even members and two visitors. There were 4 girls dresses, size 10. years; 4 pair socks 1 lady's' dress, size 16 'years; 1 nightgown size .12 years; •1 quilt; 1 quilt for a crib and 16 quilt blocks turned in at the meet-. The electron of officers was .held. It was moved' by Mrs, Albert Glazier. and seconded by 'Mrs. Raymond' Jam- ieson; that the - officers of the last year be elected -for the 'forthcoming president. This was .seconded by Mrs. The little girls dresses were brought Robt Scotehmer, Mrs. R.H.F. Gaird- in and during the afternoon a quilt ner made the motion that Mrs. R. was quilted. Gr Larson be secretary treasurer for eeee . 1943; Both officers were elected un-: The L.O.L. Varna held their meet- animously. Rev. E. J.'Welland closed e V ing on Thursday evening Dec. 3 and the meeting with the. Benediction, election of officers for 1943 which 'Geo. Sturdy, Mrs. Wm. Straughan, Death of Mis, .1, W. Hodgins 1 TLTC'KERSMITA resulted as follows:. W. M. Tiro. Nel- Mrs. O. E. Erratt, Mrs. Everett Tay- It was with deep regret that many i son 'Reid; D. M., Watson Webster; • lor, Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mrs. A. J. in this district learned of the sudden The teacher, Miss B. Carter and Chap., C. C. Pilgrim; R. S:, -Lorne Ferguson, Mrs, Geo. Milton, Mrs. Nei- death of Mrs. 'J. W. Bodging which pupils of the amalgamated school Coleman; F. S., Russell, Cpnsitt; Tress son, Patterson; pianists Miss Sadie occurred in Toronto on November sections, 6 and 4, are having a Christ- G. H. Johnston; D. C., John Ostrom; ' Carter, Mrs. Wm. Craig, music core- 27. The widow of Rev. J. W. Bode Inas concert on the evening of Dec. let L., Robt. Taylor; 2nd L., Orrin mittee Mrs. WiIliamn .And'erson, -Mrs. gins who was rector of Trinity 22 in No. 4 school house. People Dawson; 1. G., Thos. Stinson;, O. G., 'Cordon Meolinchey, Mrs. Sidney Me- church, Bayfield 1885 to 1890, the of the school section are also giving Harry Coleman; 1st Committee man, `-Clincher, Mrs .Thos. Jardine; flower deceased woman was a familiar fig- a Play. Everybody welcome; George Clarke, Carl Deihl, Chas. ROxY 141kATRE Now Playing ---Ronald Reagan in INTERNAT'I.ONAI, SQUADRON" MON., TUES.,: WED Bette Davis, ; the Queen of the Screen in. the greatest triumph- of her distinguished career. "IN THIS OUR LIFE" Olivia de Haviland, George Brent, Dennis Morgan' and Billie Burke., THURS., FRL,' SAT. Elisabeth Bergner, Randolph Scott, Basil .Rathbone and Gale Souder gaard. See this tense drama of the fight by true Frenchmen to save their country. "PARIS- CALLING" Coming—Adolphe Menjou and Jac- kie Cooper in "Syncopation". Matinees—Sat; and Holidays at 3. REEK -END SPECIALS CA'PflAL THEATRE Now Playing._' "Father Takes a Wife" and "A Date. With the Fal- con' MON., TUES., WEA,' "PARIS CALLING" Packed with thrills comes a story of international espionage. Ran- dolph Scott, Elisabeth Bergner and Basil Rathbone. THURS., FRI., SAT. Kay Kyser, John Barrymore and Lupe Velez. Ginger up a- sparkling, three -star fun fizz. You'll enjoy this hitt "PLAYMATES" Coming—"SCATyERGOOD RIDES' HIGH" with "THE FALCON TAKES OVER" Matinees—Wed. Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Now Playing — Robert Stack in' "EAGLE' SQUADRON" MON„ TUES, WED Bette 'Davis, Olivia de Ilaviland and George Brent. Presenting a superb dramatization of Elle' GIasgow's Pulitzer Prize Story. "IN THIS OUR LIFE THURS., FRT., SAT. Dual Attractions--. Charles Starrett and, Eileen' O'Hearn. Offer a sagebrush, saga with musical interludes by the Rhythm Rangers, 'THUNDER ,OVER THE PRAIRIE' 'Also doe, E. Brown in "SO YOU WON'T TALK" Coming—Randolph Scott in "Paris Calling," Matinees—Sat. smut Holidays at 3 Storage FOR 3 Cars Tea Biscuits, Sueys, Date and Nut Bread and Pumpkin Pies Try our Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat Bread' BARTLIFF'S PRONE 1 WE DELIVER Stephenson, Thomas Stinson, Harvey Coleman. A pleasant time was spent together and lunch was served after the instal- ation which 'was conducted by Right Worshipful Past County Master J, B. RathwelI. V LONDESBORO During the month of November the ladies on the 10 and 11 concessions Hullett have held five pot luck sup- pers with other entertainment in ord- er to raise funds for the Red. Cross. The net proceeds from those five tea's were $116.91. Those who opened up their home for these gatherings were Mrs. Robert Fairservice, Mrs.' Albert Radford, Mrs, Nellie' Watson, Mrs Sidney Lansing, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, One pot luck supper in the village was also held in November at the home of Mrs. Margaret Manning, the proceeds from this tea being $16.69. Making the total amount raised in this man- ner in November to $133.51. The white gift joint service of Sun- day School and the regular worship service will be held on Sunday a.m. at 10.30 o'clock this is` always an in- teresting meeting with special fea- tures by the Sunday School. The boys have commenced cleaning off the skating rink and no doubt will have it ready for the usual skat- ing in the near future, Mr .Fred Johnston has opened up a painting shop, in the former Massey - Harris' shop which the late W. T. Brunsdon occupied. Several cutters and buggies have recently had a new coat to brighten them up. V � RETURN FROM CAMP TO FIND. HOME TOWN HAS BEEN BOMBED Boy Scouts of the 5th Whitley Troop, England, returned from their summer camp to find their town had been bombed. The boys went right to work cleaning up the town, helping bombed people remove their furniture and making tea for A.R.F. workers. Another group went to work as assis- tants' at the local hospital. WHY DON'T THEY? If• only+ the women would use their heads while buying a hat. --Quiches Ohronir"e,'T'elegraph For Sale Twelve chunks for .sale. Apply to Raymond Finch, R.R. 1, Clinton. 22-1 :Lost Large sum of money lost between Holmes' Drug Store and Cooper's De- partment store, or in either of these stores, Finder please return to Police station, Clinton or the News -Record office. ' 22-1 For Sale Part lot 84 Mt. Concession Gode- rich township, 1-4 mile west of Hole inesville on highway No..8, 12 acres 1 1-2 storey frame house, bank barn with stone foundations and garage. Hydro and telephone. Apply to Nor- man ls, Mair, Box 436 New Hamburg, Ontario. 22-2 PHONE 199W OR 4 LOST Will person vaho took pair of shoes, black pumps, by mistake from Husty's Shoe store, Clinton, kindly return same either to Husty's Store or to Captain Curtis, Salvation Army, 22-1 For Sale 17 purebred Leicester_ and one ram, or will trade for other livestock. Ap- ply to Kenneth Stewart, Londesboro, phone 28-10 Blyth. 22-1 Clinton Lumber Company We have just received a car of ' 5X Red Cedar Shingles Better buy now for early Spring use As they are Hard to Get 22-4 JOHN GRANT ESTATE. Will all persons owing accounts to John Grant, late of Clinton, Stone Cutter, please settle the same as soon as possible with Mrs, Florence Fraser, Administratrix, or F. Fing- land• K. C., both of Clinton, Ontario. 22-2 AUCTION SALE Of 'Household Furniture and, Effects The undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to, offer for sale by public, auction on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16th at 1,30 p.m. the household furni- ture and effects of the late John Wiseman at his late residential prem- ises on Kirk Street, Clinton, consis- ting of Dining room Suite; living room far- niture; 3 bedroom suites; electric stove, heating stove, kitchen furni- ture, mattress, bedding, dishes, garddn tools and numerous household artic- les. All to'be sold without reserve, . At the same time and place the residence will be offered for sale, sub- ject to a reserve bid and other condi- tions of sale, This, is a desirable pro- perty, well located, all modern cora= veniences, 3 piece bath, heavy wiring, furnace nearly new. For further particulars apply to the undersigned • •John C. Wiseman and W. D. Wise. man, 'Executors: of the Feetate:of John Wiseman, by their Solicitor, F. Fing- land, K. .C. ' • Thos Gundry, Aalctioneo'r. 22-1 AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19th At 1.30 p.m. the household effects Of the late Annie. McCool, at her resi- dence on Albert Street Clinton. The following goods• will be offered. 3 piece chesterfield suite, living room table, dining• .room suite, 3 bedroom suites, radio, drop head ,couch, 2 cane rockers, 4 rockers,•hall rack, kit- chen table, kitchen chairs, kitchen stove, 1 large rug, 1 long runner, Morris chair, 3 burner coal oil stove. stove. And many other household articles. At the same time and. place there will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale, the residence of the late Annie McCool, on Albert St., Clinton. It is a highly desirable property, well situated and with all modern con- veniences and in a first class state of repair. For further particulars apply to the undersigned,. F, Fingland, K. C., Clinton On- tario, Solicitor for the Executors' of the Estate of Annie McCool. Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer, 22-2. Electrical Equipment. Shur Shock Eleotrie Fences, comp.' pieta with Battery and Insulatoru $15.00 guaranteed, ' I carry a full line of radio tuba% up to date tube tester, General bate teries and: Dominion' Washing Mach. Ines ,all electrical appliances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves. Princes St.. Princess Street -- CI Clinton DANCE TO ADAM BROCK AND HIS ORCHESTRA CLINTON TOWN HALL • EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT You will enjoy Dancing to the Music of this Modern Band ADMISSION: t35c EACH. WANTED Wanted flocks all breeds to supply us with hatehing eggs for the 1943 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Government Super- vision free of charge. Guaranteed bon- us over Grade A large price with ad- ditional hatching premiums. Yoiar chance •to make up to 25e a doz. presn- ium over the price of Grade A large. Also Turkey flocks wanted for hatch- ing. Also wanted pullets all breeds and ages, yearling hens, cockerels suitable for breeding. Write for full particulars, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited Fergus, Ontario. 22-4 Farms For Sale (1) 100 acres in Tuekersmith on Highway No. 8 ,Lot 29, Huron Road. Frame barn on cement • foundation, frame house, productive land and plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Hullett, north half of Lot. 5, Con. 2 Frame barn on stone foundation, frame house, three wells, choice farm, Apply to Wm. Livingston, or Jas. F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaferth. Executors for the estate of the late Thos. E. Livingston. 21 -fl' Raw Furs Wanted Highest market price paid. Get my prices before selling elsewhere, Nor- amn East, R. R. 1 Clinton. 20-6 For Sale Three Dual Purpose. Shorthorn Bulls, (of serviceable age). Apeily do Ray Cox Goderich Township, commie sion 7, 21-2 Farm For Sale Lot 18, concession 1, Stanley Towne ship; 97 acres, brick house, frame barn on stone and cement founda- tion, spring creek. About 10 acres of hardwood bush. On highway No. 4s one-half mile from Brucefield. Apply; o Firanlc Fingiand, K.C., Clinton. 21.3,, House For Sale' . White stucco house on Mary Street. In.good condition. Modern convenien- ces. Apply Miss Rudd, Mary St. 1141 NOTICE TO CREDITORS - ' in the Estate of John Grant, late of the Town of Clinton, in the ' County of Huron, Widower, De- ' ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with un- dersigned Solicitor for the said, Estate on or before the 12th day of Decem- ber, A.D., 1942. after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims' of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 20th day of November, A.D. 1942. P. FINGLAN'D, K. C., Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 20-3 SCOTTISH BOX SCOUTS HAVE UNIQUE RECORD OF NATIONAL SERVICE Boy Scouts of the 14th Edinburgh Troop had a record of 23,000 hours of national service during the past year In addition to regular messenger and salvage services• they have included Morrie Guard and Zoo policing duties.