HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-12-10, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 NO. 6122 -63rd YEAR With ,; Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era CLINTON ONTARIO, TIIURSDA'Y; DECEMBER 10, 1942 Choose Gifts Rene WRIST WATCHES -Many sty- les by papular reliable manu- facturers. PEN AND PKNCIL :SETS -- Even Even Santa wants a Waterman's RINGS, BRACELETS, 1,OCKETS; NECKLETS, :BROOCHES• WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY IN ALL JEWELLERY CUPS AND • SAUCERS, TEA HOLLOW -WARE — Our stock POTS, LUNCH SETS, SER- of Rogers silverware gives you VICE PLATES -- A11 are' fine the opportunity for a splendid English goods. choice: . W. H. HELLYAR AR ra-erereini2:rr�r reuseesinn,Yes,asrstereerar:3oSs:;91 'tereselels>emeeaesstee e BE PRACTICAL No Gift so Appreciated as Something Smart to Wear Handkerchiefs Gloves ' Lingerie Panties Ic►l r _� Blouses Pyjamas Hand Bags Gowns Umbrellas .House Coats Be Wise Buy Early ►• •• v-IRWIN eared erlo3ratar sZncer nneleraanaiSM Sr8rereineereseseal elennaSISMd9a,1` ber$etteCreetaerenerell Vele1e rree;ar.+e? sere • FOR HER DIAMOND, SIGNET AND BIRTHSTONE RINGS BROOCH, COMPACT, LOCKET PEARLS, BRACELETS WRIST WATCH, negSsaam SET, CHEST OF SILVER- DIAMOND, WARIE, SILVER TEA SER- VICE, CORNFLOWER CRS_ TAL, SILVER OREAM AND SIJGAR ON TRAY, BEADS AND COSTUME JEWELLERY SANTA SAYS We have the grandest stock of fine Watches) he has ever seen. RED CROSS NOTES' TM Red Cross Society will meet on Monday,, Dec. 14th at two thirty for the purpose of malting Hospital Supplies, .Let us have a good atten- dance, as thiswork is urgent, Donations: Women's Institute $15,, Evening Auxiliary $20.09 for Christ- mas boxes sent to men on active ser- vice.'W A. Presbyterian Chuner, $10,00 for Russian Relief. Shipments from the Sewing Room for the past three months are as fol- lows:'; . . Shipped on• October 10:-30 boys' shirts, size 16; 19 boys' . shirts; . size 8; 4 boys' blouses, size 8; 5 pairs boys,shorts, size 8; 5 pairs' babies• bootees, 5 bed'jaekets. Shipped on November 4:— 30 boys' shirts, size 8; 7 pairs boys' shorts size 8; 4 boys' suits, sizes 3 and 4; 16 boys' shirts, size 16; 14 women's skirts, size 40; 29 women's blouses size 40; 15 babies jackets; 15 bed jackets; 100 towels (Evening Auxil- iary) Shipped on December 8.—Flospital Supplies: 240 small pads; 160 med. pads; 60 large pads; 800 wipes; 1200 compresses. • most . of this quota filled by Evening Auxiliary; 9 bed jackets; 35 pair pyjamas, size 14; a baby bon- nets, 10 baby jackets; 1 baby afghan, 1 boy's shirt, size 16; 1 boy's shirt size 8, • Evening Auxiliary Monday evening was the regular business meeting of the Evening Aux- iliary and the following • 37 knitted Articles were handed in: 5 tuck -in 5 lady's sweaters; 2, pair Iady's glov- es; 1 pair seamen's long stockings; 7 pair -mitts; 2 pair gloves;2 i:aps `IIos- pital' supplies; 240 small pads; 160 medium pads; 60 large pads; and 800 compresses. The following donations were vete fully received; one sewing machine from Miss Mazie Grealis; Fifteen Dollars from Women's' Institute; MILITARY NEWS Cpl. Bruce Bartliff of the R.C.A.P, at Ayhner is visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H, Bartliff, A.C. 2 Ken Colquhoun of the R.C. A,F., at Toronto spent part of this week in town with his perents. Sgt. Clarence Rozell, stationed at the Basle Training Centre in Chath- am spent last week end at his home in town. L.A.C. Reg. Cudmore of the R,C.A: F. at Trenton was a week end visit- or isit or with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cudmore. eit ' l Among the recent enlistments in the Canadian Army at London is' that of .T. Harry Tideswell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tideswell, of town. Pte, Tideswell, who joined the Highland. Light Infantry and is now stationed in London, spent last week end at his home in town. Pte James Allan Paterson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Pat- erson of Winston, who was reported missing after the Dieppe raid has . been reported to have been kill- ed' in action, August 19th, 1942.:Pte, Paterson' is the nephew of Mr. pi. E. Paterson of Clinton. A Constable Bob Biggart of the Royal Canadian Mounted: Police of Rockcliffe spent the week end' with his parents, Mr. and, Mas. Wm. Biggart, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Duckworth of Goderich ,were informed last week of the death of their second son, Pte. Wil- liam Delong Duckworth, in a German prison camp hospital: Pte Duckworth was a member of the' Essex Scottish and was taken prisoner in the Dieppe. raid August 19th and had since been in hospital. Death was due to deficient circulation and general septicaemia following' grenade wounds in the back. Pte. Duekworth was known to many of the younger generation in Clinton, who learned of his death with deep regret. V .. WEDDINGS McGREGOR-COOK Choose your Gift while our lines are complete. We will keep them for you until Christmas if you ' wish. FOR 'HIM WRIST WATCH, BILLFOLD, RONSON LIG I0EH, CIGAR- ETTE CASE, SIGNET RING, PARKER PEN and PENCIL SET, SMOKER'S STAND, ON- YX RING, CLOCK, WALDE- '1iT'AR CHAIN OR KNIFE MIL- ITARY BRUSH SEPT, BOOK ENDS, CARVING SET, TOB- ACCO POUCH, WATCH BRA- CELET. OPEN EVENINGS W. N. COUNT -1R Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over half a Century in Huron County A very quiet but pretty,wedding took place en Friday evening, Nov- ember 27th, at 8 o'clock when Dor- othy Irene Isabel, daughter of Mrr,, and , Mrs; . Leoned J. Cook .of Clin- ton, was united. in • marriage to Mr. Reginald Duncan (Rex) McGregor; of Egmb idville. They were attended by Miss Mona McGregor and Mr. James Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor left on 'a trip to eastern points,, and en their return will reside fn Stratford. The New Era Est. 186'? THE HOME PAPER COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of council was held Monday evening in the coun- cil chamber with All . members pie - sent and the Mayos- presiding: Min- utes of the- last regular meeting and those• of two: special meetings' were read and adopted. Communications were read for general information, from the' Wartime•I'rieee and Trade Board, Department .pf ,Municipal Af- fairs,' The City Clerk ' Department, Toronto, and were ordered filed, Tri reporting for the By-law Com- mittee, Councillor Trewartha refers ed to the meeting bf his committee with the Public Utilties Commission at their last regular meeting, when the matter of water service charges was discussed. The ;result, if not al- together satisfactory, left a better understanding. Councillor Medlgerre- ported a statement from Supt. Rum- ball . of the P.U.C. that the town is to receive a rebate on -the street light- ing account, dating back to about Oct. 15, and subsequent aecounts for light- ing street are to beireduced approxi- mately $12.50 per month. By-law No. 8 for 1942• thdhg the time and date and place of nomina- tions and elections for 1943 for May- or, Reeve, CouneiIlers, Public Utili- ties Commissioner and Members of the Board of Education, was read the first, second and third time and -pas- sed. - Councillor Elliott ;reported for the special committee, which Ms.purehas- ed more billfolds from W. M. Aiken and which have been, seut to be em- bossed. When they have been sent eo the men and, women from town who have joined some branch of His Ma- esty's service it Will total 159. Councillor Walker reported for the s'tr'eet committee °giv#ng a review of the 'Work- • accohnelei'8ild during the past month, such as fall cleaning of different drains, cleaning catch has - ins and general preparations for winter. A. motion followed whereby the two hundred dollar refund from the Huron branch of the Ontario Plowman's Association will be trans- ferred to the street committee ac- coun'i. Councillor Agnew said that he.h"a been approached by the Fire Bri gade ter have gas masks scoured fo them. He also reported for the come tery committee. Councillor Agnew reported for th property committee, referring to t recent repairs4`on the stock scales, an suggested repairs to the cement fotln dation end a better drainage sytsem Mayor McMurray then brought to the attention •of council the Russia Relief Fund which is in progress in other towns and cities. -Council heart fly agreed that a committee should be sat up to help raise a substantia amount for this worthy cause. Council then adjourned to meet on December 15th, for its statutory meeting, Your Finance Committee beg to re- commend payment of the following accounts -for November, 1942. Lighting of Christmas Tree Complete instructions with regard' to the lighting of Christmas trees and C'hr'istmas' decorations shall h. as fol- lows:' . (A) No Christmas tree or Christ- mas decorations SHALL BE LIGHT- ED except during the period .Decein- ber 24 to. January 1st inclusive; and only as permitted under (b) and (e) following; No outside lighting of Christmas trees or Christmas decorations shall be allowed in any case, No Christmas trees, or Christmas• decorations shall be lighted in connection with stores or other eonimereial organizations, (B) During the period, December 24th to January lst,inelusive, Christ mas trees and Christmas decorations may be lighted, within the ]tome; but not on .front lawns, verandahs or in any place in connection with the home except inside the house. (C) During the period, December 24th, to January' lst;,. inclusive, Christ - mos decorations may be lighted in churches,' Sunday schools, parish halls and other buildings in connection with churches or religious organizations; also in connection with hospitals, halls under the auspices of fraternal societ- ies, service clubs, charitable itrstitu tions and other similar non-commer- cial organizations. V ONTARIO ST. W.M.S - The December meeting of the W.M. .S, of Ontario Street church was held on Tuesday afternoon., Dec. 8th, with a splendid attendance of members and visitors, Mrs. Aiken presided, The opening' devotion led by Mrs'. G. Ship- ley included a scripture reading by Ms. J. Radford and 'prayer by Mrs, (Rey.)- Burton.' The 'roll call was ans- wered by a Christmas message, After relror;ts,wei.e given .ung. busin4sg dealt. with Mrs. Burton presided for the' installation of officers and the fol- lowing slate was presented by Miss Rena Piekebt. President, .Mrs. W. M. Aiken; 1st vice., Mrs. G. Shipley; 2nd vice. ,Mrs. M. Wiltse; 3rd vice., Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; 4th vice., Mrs. E', Ifennedy; recording secretary, Mrs. G. Wheatley; - corresponding sec.,• Miss R. Pickett; prdss see., Mrs. s1 (Rev.) Burton; treasurer, Mrs. W. - J. Stevens; Christian stewardship .see. ✓ Mrs..E. Wended; Associate Helpers - sec., Mrs, R. Webster; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. J, C. Radford; e Community Friendship see., Mrs. 0. he Jervis; Temperance sec., Mrs. N. Sly; d Supply work, Mrs. Wm. Walker; - study book Mrs. A. Farnham and Mrs. • P. Townsend; expense fund sec., Mrs. E. Mittel); pianists, Mrs. E. Wend - n orf and Mrs. B, J. Gibbings; mission band leader, Mrs. D. Maltby and Miss - E. Wiltse. Street r.} H. Emmerson, 1, 10", 2, 8" tile 73.25 Geo. Jenkins, plank and lumber for bit • $9.43 Sutter & Perdue, 100 •tile , . , , 4.00 L Orme, Blowing out drain, etc; 5,20 Street Lighting P.U.C.' Lighting streets . , , 228.00 Property, P.U.C. Lighting Rest room ... 1:00 P,U,C. Lighting Teem Hall 11.86 sie P.U.C. Lighting Stock Scales ... 1.00 P.U.C, Repairing B. Room lights 1,65 Ge. Geo. Jenkins, Lumber for scales 1,.07 N. Kennedy, Repairs for scales 6,50 London' Seale works IL to scales 78,00 He Mrs, L. Tideswell, Care of R. R 5.00 Suttee & Perdue, Haw &:,S pipes 9,17' Co J. B. Mustard Coal 'Co, the 6890 pounds coal 55.12 ing T. Hawlcina, Hdwe & El lamps 2.00 Sub L. Cres, wood for hall 1.40 Cemetery T M. McE'wan, Salary , $95.83 gre Dry Earth Closet is t A. Fulford salary eve Salaries A. E. Fremlin, salary D. Elliott, salary" M. T. Corless, salary . ,... 83.33 N. Kennedy, salary 50.00 N. Kennedy Selecting Jurors and attend. C. of R, , 9,00 M. T. Corless, Selecting Jurors a and attend, C. of R.... ..... 9.90 Correct, Voters Lists . 58.80 A. .7 McMurray, Selecting jurors 4,00. A E. Premlin, A4. Count of R, ..4.00 Hospitalization Dept, of Health Insulin 3,98 Postage and Printing A, T. Cooper, post. & :foolscap ,.3.10 General Municipal Expense Ontario Street United Church 11.00 a.m,-- "The Gift of Love". Near Noon—Sunday School 2.00 p.m. --Turner's Chureh. 7.00 p.m. --What the Christmas Hymns mean to the church. "The Great Advent." Monday 8.00 p.m.—Young People's Union. "Christian Culture". ' Wednesday,: 8.00 p.m. Prayer meeting. e Sunday 20th Dee.--A.M.M, Sacrament Sunday 27th Dee. --Christmas mu- , Christmas Sunday, Tuesday Dec, 22nd—Sunday Sehool ristmas• Tree. Baptist Cnurch He AMONG TRE CHURCHES tPresbyterian Church Morning' service at 11 a.m, Sunday School at 12.10 p.m. You Seen The Pictures? Hear the Gospel in Song, lored Pictures and Tn- Word, at Baptist church on Sunday even- , beginning at seven o'clock, jeer— "Christ or Chaos", which ? Sunday Sehool'meets at 11 •a.rn. he Annual Sunday. Sehool and con- gational Christmas entertainment a be held inthe church on Friday ning, Dec, 18th. ' Again You are Welcome 65.00 $82,50 65.60 St. Paul's Church of England Thursday tonight, 7.80 service of Intercession, Sunday serivecs at 11 a.m. and 7 p,m, with Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Monday, 8 p.ni. A.Y.P.A, in charge of Margaret Shoebottom and Gerald ine White. ' Bell Telephone Co. general .. 12.93, Receipts Cemetery. Rentals Stock scales 185.25 53.00 21.25 $259.50 LITTLE LOCALS The Jtinioa Red Cross of the Col legiate Institute are holding their an uual Christmas dance in the auditor rum Friday night, Dec, 11th, The meeting of the Ladies Auxil iary of the Canadian Legion will be held in the Legion Rooms en Monday evening, December 14th, when the el- ection-af officers will take place. Mr. Clifford Levy has purchased. the James Nolan farm south of Eg- men0,ville and getsimmediate pos- session of this fine property, ' Mr. Levy is a breeder of purebred cattle, having a herd of Shorthorns and' a dairy herd of Guernseys. 'Mrs. R. H. Johnston, convenor of the knitting committee of the War Services Association has received let- ters from four Clinton men in the services, thanking her fora pair of home knit socks. They are Ordinary. Seaman Clarence Neilans, Gunner Bob Campbell, Sgt. Percy Brown and Pte. Norman Fitzsimons, V New Telephone Directories Mailed this Week Clinton's new telephone directory which is being delivered to local sub- scribers this week, contains many list- ngs new and changed from those of the last issue. The new buff cover will alternate with the green one used on the last directory. In view of the large number of new Listings, it is important to discard the old book promptly on receipt of the new one, and carefully consult the new one before placing calls, if the "wrong number" nuisance ,is to be avoided. Subs'eribers can do their bit to conserve paper by contributing 'their old directories to the bundles they prepare for the regular salvage col- lection• In order further to assist in saving paper, those who are moving should not forget to take their tele- phone directories with them, instead of asking for another at •the new resi- dence. V Wesley -Willis W.A. The Woman's Association of Wes- ley -Willis Church, held the annual "Christmas Party" .on the afternoon of Dec. 3rd with a splendid atten- dance, The church hall and tables were prettily decorated in the holiday colors of scarlet and green. The president Mrs, E, Paterson was in the chair. Mrs. A. T. Cooper was pianist. Carols were sung during the :meting. Mrs. Reg Shipley read the Christ )rias Scripture story. Miss L. Brigham offered . prayer, The secretary, Mrs. Gordon Miller and the treasurer, Mrs, W Oakes gave their reports, $150.00 was voted to the Board. Mrs, Lane presided for the election of officers, after which Mrs. Gordon Miller gave a fine reading "The Oth- er Wise Man" by Henry Van Dyke- Mrs. R. Sperling contributed a hum- orous selection which included the names of members of the W. A. Supper was served from 5 to 7 o'clock to a large number. Officers of the W. A. of Wesley- Willis Church for, 1943. Honorary. presidents, Mr's. . Lane, Mrs.. McKinley. President, Mrs, E. Paterson, first vice president, Mrs. M. Nediger,'second. vice president, MM. Addison, third vice president, Mrs. P. Manning-, rec. secretary, Mrs. Gordon Miller, treasurer, Mrs. IV. A. Oakes, Corresponding secretary, Mrs E. Adams.' Press Seoaetary,Mrs. A. T. Cooper, pianist, Mrs, P. Hearn. Convenors of Committees, Cern- niunion, Mrs, Laidlaw; lookout, Mrs. H. Gould; flowers, Mrs: G. Jefferson; manse, Mrs. Pickard; kitchen, Mrs. Saville; work,.Mrs. E. Epps. Group leaders, Social Department, first group, ,Mrs, Corless; second group, Mrs. C. Nelson, third group, Mrs. R. Shipley; fourth group, Mrs, P. Andrews; programme conmiftee, Mrs. Gree • Cook,' 3frs. Fred Potter.,. Miss Winnie O'Neil, V , R PUGEE GERMAN BOY SCOUT GIVEN AWARD POR BRAV'ERY' . Boy Scout Herbert S. Et'mann,. aged 6 g 1 , a refugee from: Geimrany and riow' a member of a British Boy Scout Troop, ' has been awarded the Scout Certificate of Gallantry for fire -fighting during an enemy raid, An officer of the local Fire Brigade reported the boy's work as reflecting great credit on his .training as a Scout. Happy Meeting in Scotland Two cousins from Clinton., Pte. Nae- ris Fitzsimons, younger son of Mi. and Mrs. R .B. Fitzsimons and Pte. Nor= nazi Fitzsimons, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons, Canad- ian Army Overseas, had planned bo take their seven days leave together rn Scotland. While en route to their destination in Scotland they got off the train to take a stroll on a sta- tism platform. Soon they spied a' ram --- liar face and, surprised Sgt. Cecil Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.S.R, Holmes, who was returning to his' base n Scotland after a leave spent 11} England, A camera was produced and the accompanying snapshot was sent to the boys' families in Clinton, It is quite easy to imagine their question and answer conversation, as Norman. and Norris have been in England a shorter time than Cecil and would be" able to give him first hand knowledge from the '"old home town," that is always so much dearer when it is everal thousand miles away. Annual Meeting of • • St. Paul's W. Ar. On Tuesday afternoontheregular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of St, Paul's Church was held in Owen Memorial Hall. Mrs. D. J. Atkinson, second vice president was in the chair and led in the opening prayers. The passage of scripture was read- by ttiss Alice Holmes. A short discussion was held in con- nection with sending a bale or money o St. Paul's School Cardston, Alta. Miss Holmes brought a message from Mrs. H. M. Monteith, of Goderich who wished to send ,greetings to the mein-. bers at their annual meeting. At the close of the regular meet. ng the annual meeting was opened by prayer by Rev, G. W. lttoore. The minutes of the last annual meeting and a resume of the year's activities were read by the secretary, Miss Mary Holmes, Mrs, C. H. Epps, treas,, reported that all the pledges had been met in full and a small balance remained. Mrs. R. G. Tohmpson, Dorcas seore- tary,.reported that a splendid bale of new and slightly used clothing had been sent to St. Paul's School at Cardston, Alta., and another bale to the Bis'hop's Messengers at Endeavor, Sask., and' a quilt to Huron College, University of Western Ontario. Miss Evelyn Hall reported for the Jr. W. A. that there were thirteen •members, several visitors- at the twenty-seven meetings held during the year. The girls had met their pledges in full and had almost completed several articles for a bale. Mrs, Geo. A. Walker reported for the Little Helperg and stated that there wore forty-five names on the roll, that all had received birthday cards, and that a large number of calls had been made on the mothers and children. Miss A, Holmes and Mrs. G. M. Counter, reported for the social ser- vice committee, that they had made a large number of .calls on the sick and shut-in members of the parish. The striking committee handed ,the slate of offteers to Mr. Moore who, read them. The officers for the cons - 'ng' year are,• " Honorary President, Mrs. (Rev,) G. W. Moore, President, Mrs C. 'Me - Kinnon, ist vice pres.; Mrs.' D. J. At- kinson, 2nd vice Pres., Mrs, Shoarer, 3rd vice. pi -es., Mrs. Hudie, See., Miss 111ary Holmes, Treas., Mrs. C. H .Epps, Dorcas See., Mrs. R. G. Thompson, Superintendent of Jr. W., A. ,Evelyn Hall, Superintendent of Little Helpers, Mrs. G. A.Walker, So- cial Service, Mr's. G, M. Counter, and Miss A. Holmes, Educational .Secre- tary, Evelyn Hall, Representative to Boarcl of • Management, Mrs. C. IT, Epps, Living Message secretary, Mrs. G. M. Counter. quilt Committee, Mrs, Hudie, Mrs. E. W. Morrison, Miss Alice Holmes and Mrs. Calton,