HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-12-03, Page 8GE We areshowinga Large ;Variety' of all kinds of medium priced novelty furniture: Large'shipnent has just'arrived. You are Welcome to inspect this line while doing your Christmas Shopping. BEATTIE' Funeral Director Furniture Ambulance — PHONE 184w GEORGE B. BEATTIE We Carry a Full i 'Stock -of Pyrex Ware, Casseroles Baking Pans, • Measuring Cups, Pie Plates & Etc. ' 'Also a lot of Boxwood Trays, Ash Trays, Pit Holders, Bowls & Etc. Electric Irons, Toasters, Hot Plates, Warming 1._ Pads and Curlers ' 1 Used Cook Stove $15.00 1 Quebec Heater $15.00 SUTTER a PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS i PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. 1 A Shop Early Do you realize that there is less than one month in which to do YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING •' Do' you also realize that MANY LINES of merchandise are VERY SCARCE and CANNOT BE REPLACED once our present stock is out? Then why .not start now to look around for those little gifts you know you will buy before Christmas. It will surprise you what a nice selection of suitable gifts may still be had in almost all lines.' LET US SUGGEST MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS —A wonderful choice at the present time. MEN'S and BOYS''GLOVES and MI'TTS, FANCY HOSIERY, BOXED TIES, IMAGES, FMB SHIRTS, 'TABLE, COVERS, HANDKER- CHIEFS, FANCY TOWELS, ETC. —Collie in and Let Us Convince You— Plumsteel Bros.. Arrow Shirts -- Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoe for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. CLINTON'NEWS-RECORD If it flies, floats or shoots will you not. be proud to help pay for it? War Sav- ings Stamp buying is the convenient way'to do it and it is a profit making, way feu you too.You spend $4.00 and When you may need it most you get $5.00 in return. For minds that need to relax and get away from it all now and., then our. Book Shelves and News Stand has a varied;.collection . of reading ranging from low priced volumes to others so new that the bindings are scarcely cold yet WIN the War with WINston Buy War Saving Stamps. While history is being made more than ever Scrap Books are being made to keep a record of stirring events. How interesting and exciting the pictures will be in the future. The coming and growing generations deserve to have a record' of the greatest event of its kind the world has ever experienced, then we suggest Snap Shot Albums .for the more intimate personal and nearer -to - home -pictures. The future. will value and applaud them. Generations to come will revel over what they see and learn in Photo Al- bum or Scrap Book of to -day's activ- ities. Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in Need of Stove or Furance Pipes Give us a Call. WE MAKE OUR OWN Glass of All Kinds at Best Prices MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE THE BEST HARandT. Hankins,PLUMBING Phone 244 s ristmas Trees Arriving Dec. 10th Full Assortment of Christmas Trees Including Spruce, Pine, Balsam and Silver Spruce Kindly order early and we will deliver as requested. Victor D. Falconer PHONE 977 CLINTON, ONT. While we can't hope to show you, our usual varied display of gifts and, more espeeialy toys, as in the good old days we have done our best to maintain our stock to youy advantage as was made possible. Good Books and Attractive Boxed Sta- tionery are on display as usual and greater variety. CONSTAN'CE (Too late for Last Week) Mi. and Mrs. Charles Riley spent the week end with their son, Mr. Ber- nard Riley and Mrs. Riley at'Kitch- ener. Mr. Charles Riley and Mr. John Mann, are wearing a smile these days as theywerelucky enough to bring home a deer this hunting season. v 1 SUVIMERHILL' • The Summerhill. Red Cross Group held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Ephriam Snell. With the president in the chair the meeting Tfle W. D. Fair CO Often the Cheapest—Always the Boat o u 1II $10 amu inn �unIDPil 11 1� , ninon Miss Marjorie Black of Goderich vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. John Carter last week end. Mr. Wm. Mason, of Tornoto is visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook, this week. opened by singing "O Canada" follow- ed by the Red Cross prayer. The min rtes of the la .t meeting were read and adpoted: The roll call was answered by 20 members and 18. visitors. There were 24 little girls skirts handed' out to be made and our new knitting quota was given out. A quilt was quitted and patches were sewn. A paring knife donated by Mrs. E. Snell brought 85 cents. The meeting closed by sing- ing "God Save the King" Lunch Was served at the close. The next meeting will be at ,the home of Mrs. A. Vod- den on Dec., 9th. The roll call to be answered by "A substitute for Christ- mas confectionery." Hostesses will be Mrs. W. Lovett, Mrs. W. Vodden, Mrs. J. Rapson, Mrs. A. Vodden. Mrs. Ed. C. Glenn and daughter, Miss Alice, spent the week end in Toron- to, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Elliott. Mrs. A. Johnston, who has been a vis_ itor with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. John- ston for several weeks returned to her home in Goderich on Monday. Mrs. Kenneth Pickett and small son left on Friday for Montreal where Private Pickett is stationed with the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corp. and will remain there until Christ-: mas. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. C. J. Wallis were: Mr. and Mrs. John Wallis and son, Reginald of Rudyard, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Crich of Ferndale, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. William Hume and family of Milton, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrews and family of Auburn, • V BRE, CEFIELD Rev. Mr. Atkinson, Mr. R. P. Wat- son attended the Presbytery at. Ford., wich, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs H. F. Berry, Mr. and Mks. Gordon 'Ellio'Wt slpent Sunday near Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strange of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. ar i Mrs. G. Swan. Mr.'D. Swan, Miss E. Bowey spent a few days in Galt. Miss Grace Dalrymple of Hensall spent the week end at her home here. We are sorry Jimmie Paterzon is -ill with pneumonia. We hopehe will soon be on the mend. Mr. and Mrs, Fred DuFort of Tor- onto visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan last week: Mr, and: Mrs. Austin Zapfe, of London spent the week end with friends here. , Pte. Glen Swan of Chatham, Pte Wm. Graham of Listowel spent the week end at their hone here. We are sorry to report that our two store keepers are under' the weather with the cold also Seldon Ross. We. hope they will soon all be out again, Mr: Jack Mustard who has joined the R.C.A.F. left on Thursday for,La- M`U Potted Mums in Bud and Bloom also cut Mums in a good assort - menti of colors. • Now on Sale. ENGLISH DAFFODIL BULBS STILL AVAILABLE 10 CENTS EACH (Bittersweet for Winter Bouquets 25 cents a Bunch,. LOVE BIRDS FOR SALE CUT FLOWERS Roses Carnations and Mums F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del Aa Personal care given every order and 'special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 1 lb. Shortening 1-2 lb Red Cherries 19c 25c 1-4 lb Shelled Walnuts 19c 1-4 lb Shelled Brazil Nuts 19c 1 lb Ready Cut Mixed Peel 29c 7 Ib Pastry Flour 29c 2 ib Dandie Mxd Christmas Candy 45c 1 Ib Victoria Cream Mixed 29c 1 Ib Choice Chocolates and Creams Mixed 39c 6 Grape Fruit (Seedless) 29c 1 ib Cranberries 29c 1 Doz. Juicy Oranges 35c 1 pkg. Grape Nut Flakes 10c 1 lb Cocoa 19e W. L. JOHNSON GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. Mrs. Arnold Anderson and Miss Eve- lyn McCartney of Detroit, were vis- itors in town Thursday and Friday. Mr. Nesbitt Cook and Mrs. Leslie Hanley of Toronto spent the week end with their father, Mr. Thomas SPECIALS FOR December 3, 4, 5, Lighted Trees in Churches, Christmas celebrations in church- es and Sunday schools need not be less colorful this year. W. Harold Mc- Phillips regional prices and supply re- presentative, Wax -Gime Prices and Trade Board has announced that "re- cognized religibus organizations" are exempt. from the ruling that lights may be placed on Christmas trees "only within the home." Christmas trees and decorations within the home may be lighted elec- trically. only during the period from December 24 to Jan. 1, inclusive. This does not permit Christmas tree light- ing in stores or any other place ex- cept "within , the home", the prices anal supply representative pointed out. Rinso, Lge Pkg 23c Aylmer Tomato soup 10 oz. 2 tins 15e Nabob Coffee, 1 lb bag 49c Kraft Dinner Pkg. 19c Old Dutch Cleanser, tin 10c Van Camp's Tomato Juice 20 oz. 2 tins Ivory Snow, Lge Pkg. Gold Soap, Bar Snow Flake Ammonia, 2 pkgs Sunlight Soap, 3 bars Aylmer Apple Juice 13 oz. 1 tl. Serviettes, Pkg Household roll towels, pkg Mazda Electric Bulbs, 25, 40, watts, Each Oranges, Med size, doz .. Grapefruit, 5 for • Delicious Apples, 5 for Cooking Onions, bag Cranberries, lb 19c 25c •5c llc 19c .14c 15c 15c 15c 35c 25c 25c 29c 29c 1. R. TKflMPSON Ares Denim's chine Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. F. Budge, Rev. Atkin- son visted Mr. D. Fotheringham in Vic toria Hospital London on Sunday. Miss Doris Dutot of Crumlin spent Sunday at her home here. V History is but the unrolled scroll of prophecy—Garfield. The whole face puts', on mourning for the death of self-respect. Consult duty, not events.—Annes1y. DANCE , Under the Auspices of Junior Red Cross Friday, December llth ; Willis Tipping and His Orchestra. Admrssron: 65 cts Dancing from 9.30 to 1.30 The Toggery Shoppe Operated by G. EDIGHOFFER & SON Pre -Christmas Clearance of Ladies' Coats Greatly Reduced— Come in and Get a Bargain - 4 SILVER FOX COLLARED COATS 5 F'UR COLLARED COATS 22 IMPORTED' and DOMESTIC TWEEDS Sizes 12 to 20. Various Shades Extra space must be made for Christ- mas lines. .A Practical Christmas Suggestion! A LADIES' HOUSE COAT in Tufted Chenille; Quilted Satins or Printed Foulards Various Shades — Choose Now The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge. THURS., DEC, 3, 1942 SPECIAL VALUES DECEMBER 4th and 5th DAL'TON'S F'LAVORSEAL SUCCESS LIQUID PUDDINGS 2, pkg 15c WAX, pint tin 59c GOLD MEDAL CHOICE COUNTRY'ICISTThWA.X Tomatoes 18 oz tin 11 c BEANS, tin ' 12c (SOAP FLAKES 'National 5 Ib.. Pkg. 42c —AYLMER -AREA & WHITE SIN SAUCE CATSUP PEAS PILCHARDS .!bottle 15c 2 tins 23c Tin 19c SOUP Red and White TOM. or VEG. 2 tins 19c GOLDEN SPRAY LIBBY'S •HOMVME iVIADE CHEESE 1/2 lb pkg .19 PICKLES, Jar .19 ALLEN'S- SWEET' RED AND WHITE, CHICKEN CIDER, Bottle .19 HADiDIIE, Tin .Z'5 GARDEN FRESIf FRUJITS'-AND VEGETABLES JUICY• FLORIDA Oranges doz .33 OIIOIC'E CALIFORNIA, Grapes, 2 .ib .37 FANCY ll1GL1c1UUS' Apples, doz. X39, Waxed TURN IPS• 2 LBS. 5c Washed CARROTS 3 LBS 10c rEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit 5 -.25 JU1l,t CALIFORNIA. • Lemons; 3 - 11) CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery 2 for .29 — 1tADISHES — T,OMATOES — LETTUCE -- CABBAGE - - MUSHROOMS — CRANBERRIES — PARSNIPS — ONIONS — Co M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON BALL Z A P F E Old Reliable Dealers in a General Line of HARDWARE and FUR.I'TURE Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls Modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral Directors -Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL Phone 110 JOHN J. ZAPFE • — Phone 103 December 3rd to 5th 19c LB Tillson's Oats 1... per pkg 15c Good Clean White Beans 41b 25c Dalton's Pudding Powders, Assorted Flavours, .......,. 4 pkg. 25c Morning Cheer Coffee, fresh Ground Ib 450 5 lb bag Wheat Berries ,... 25c Special Jergens Toilet Soap 4 bars 19c 1 ib Cheddar Cheese 39e Long Grain No. 1 Rice 2 lb 25c York Pumpkin, 28 oz. size 2 for 250 Tomato juice 20 oz. size 2 for 19e Colgate's Toilet Soap Deal 6 bars 250 Carrots and Peas mixed 2 tins 25c Noodles, 14 oz. pkg 10c Allen's Sweet Apple Juice 32 oz bt119c Quick Quaker Spaghetti or Macaroni, 2 pkg 25c Tomahawk Peas 2 for 21c Muffets, 1... 2 pkg 21c iShreddies, 2 pkg. 23c 5c Bar cANEW .ECONOMY Giant size 69c pkg Large size 20c pkg. Aylmer Catsup bottle 15c Kofy Sub, Ib. 31c Loose Cocoa, i'b 19e Oranges, dozen 39c and 45c Grapefruit, 5 for 25c 1i'KESH 'VEGETABLES IN OUR MEAT COUNTER Fresh Wieners .4•„ 27c LB. Fresh Sausage, 25c LB. Dutch Loaf 29c LB. Macaroni & Cheese Loaf 29c LB. Ham and Tongue Loaf 45c LB. Pickled Back Bacon 45c LB. Breakfast Bacon 42c LB. ( � p FNIN( 19cLB. Orvai o 9Grocer THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. PHONE 40,