HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-11-26, Page 8PAGE 8 ..." CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., NOV. 26, 1942 .FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL- BEAI'TIE'S PHONE 184w GEORGE B. BEATTIE w The Mack 1NSURE§ HEALTH COMFORT SATISFACTION All Cast Furnace • NO SMOKE, NO GAS NO DUST We Care a Full Line of Fur- nace Pipes and Elbows of all Sizes, Pipes Made to Order. SUTTE,R & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PRONE 147w. CLINTON. ONT. Shop Early Do you also realize that MANY LINES of merchandise are VERY YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Do you also realize that MANY LINES of merchandise are VERY SCARCE and CANNOT BE REPLACED once our present stock is out? Then why not start now to lock around for those little gifts you know you will buy before Christmas. It will surprise you what a nice selection of suitable gifts may still be had in almost all lima. LET US SUGGEST MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS -A wonderful choice at the present time. MEN'S and BOYS' GLOVES and MITTS, FANCY HOSIERY, BOXED TlEB, BRACES, PINE SHIRTS, TABLE LOVERS, HANDKER- CHIEFS, FANCY TOWELS, ETC. --Come in and Let Us Convince You-- . Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts - Adam Hats - Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Agents Tip Top Tailors. The lett,er-writing 'days are here and ' . here is au "attractiVe;' hogof ' station-' ' .1.1\4S Potted Mumiul s .in Bu *loan also ,eut Mama in a good asaort Ment of colors, Ndtv .Ori Sale. ENGLISH. DIFFDDIL BULBS STILL- AVAILABLE 10 CENTS'EACH joilittersweet rto'. "Wiater Bouquets . 25 cents a Bunch LOVE BIRDS Poll SALE CUT FLOWERS Roses Carnations and Mums ery-a quire of paper and 25 envel- opes for 25c that all your friends will be glad to get. The paper has an easy to -write -on surface and is th� f sh ionabie shape. "Keep thein with letters and, Greeting Cards." " sent a letter to Santa", (-to watch over Daddy for me) This song prom- ises to be an outstanding 'Christmas song, of the pr°esent season, "When You're a'sLong' Long Way from Home" is an old timer that is being suc- cessfully revived. Just place in eomparison Your Earn- ings, Your Savings, Your Money( ag- ainst the' sacrifice made" by others, ev- en to death. Buy War Savings Stamps and help destroy this horrible, menace to civilization. Rs a self service to yourself and your future. It's said that 360,000 people have a brithday every day, then thousands get married, and many other events and anniversaries to celebrate. We have cards to match many events that reflect genial remembrance friendship and good fellowship, reviving fond, memories that live and recur when- ever and wherever the passing of time brings them to memory in an endless cycle. Uncommon Christmas Carols 36 of them, suitable for church services, selected, arranged and edited by a dis- tinguished choir leader. Remember, you don't just buy War Savings Stamps, you merely lend some of your money to your government and your stamps are a receipt for the amount of your loan. Your lending is still far, far less than are they who are Oflering, AND GIVING their very lives fighting for you. Stove Pipes, Glass and Paints When in.,Need of Stove or Furance Pipes Give us a Call. WE MAKE, OUR OWN ,Glass d All Kinds at Best Prices ' MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS, USE THE BEST , HARDWARE and T. Bautinsto ativeiRxG, MULLETT TOWNSHIP A pleasant evening was spent Tues- day Nov. 17 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Adams when around seventy five friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Adams, Hullett to wish the young couple much happiness in their recent marriage. The evening was spent in games, contests reading and musical selec-. tion a until near midnight when the young couple were presented with a lovely occasional chair. The address *as read by Bruce Roy and Cecil Cartwright made the presentation. .After Clifford suitably' replied they all joined in singing "For They are Jolly Good Fellows". Afterwards lunch was served. The address was: Dear Celia and Clifford: Your friends and neighbors all unite to offer you congratulations and every good wish for your future hap- piness. This seems to us a very good time, to show in some tangible •form the esteem in which.- we hold • you both. Will you therefore accept thiA chair as a token of our regard -.- and our 'wish that you may both enjoy; an abundance of health and happi- ness' and prosperity throughout a long Alm and happy married life. Signed on be- haLf of your friends and neighbors. PORTER'S HILL Novembe.: meeting of the Red Cross was held Monday, Nov. 16 at Mrs. Les Cox's home. Two quilts vet e Imishad and a number articles were handed out to be made the quota of knitted articles for next month is heavy'. Anyone who can knit and is willing to help may get yarn from Mrs. Allen Betties. The next meeting Dec. 14 will be held at the home of Mrs. Bert Harris and. will be election of officers, and winding up the business of the year. • Group No.2 held a quilting on Fri- eay last at Mrs. Allen Bettle's home. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Torrance and Mr. and 'Mrs. Allen Betties motored to Priceville last Thursday and spent the day with Rev. and Mrs. Cox. 111T. and Mrs, Lockhart accompanied by Mr. and Mrs T Bert Rowden and two eaughters spent the week end at Dundalk-, Mrs. Milton Woods has returned home from London after a month's absence feeling much improved in health. The W. 0. Fair Co Often the Cheapest,-Alwaya We Beat IMO Miss Fannie Levis of London spent the week end at ger home in town Mrs. Calvin Streets spent the week end with friends in Hensel', Exeter and Listowel. Mrs. Kelso Streets of London •spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Calvin Streets and family. MOs. Clayton Dixon left on Wed- nesday for Brockville to be with her husband, who is in training there. Miss Sheila Turnbull of Oshawa was a week end guest in the home of Mr .and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogerson of Sea - forth were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich. Mrs. Dixon, of Blyth, Mrs Ford of Walton and Mrs. Taylor of Blyth were recent guests of Miss L. Brig- ham. Mrs. L. Snyder has returned from London where she spent a week with her two daughters, Miss Faye and Mrs. Erie Howes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mutch of Detroit, 'Mich., have returned' home after spending the past two weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mulch. . t. Pte, and Mrs. John Butler, Mrs. Fos- ter Fowler, Mrs. Mel Boukner and Miss Joyce Mabb, all of Mitchell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Butler over the week end. Councillor N. W. Trewartha as an Ebt- Warden was an invited guest at the County ' Warden's banquet held in Goderieh last Thursday evening at the British 'Exchange Hotel. • Miss Florence Aiken of Kitchener ac- companied by her cousin, Miss Beth Aiken. of Allenford, a student at Stratford Normal, spent last week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W,,M. Aiken. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del Aa. Personal care •given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and Isk WINTER SPECIALS 1 Box Thrift Soap Flakes 35c 1 Pkg. Super Suds • 22c 2 Pkg Assorted Puddings 15c 1 lb cheese •- 29c 1 lb assorted Cookies 23c 1-2 lb Sun Wheat Cakes 16c 1 Bag Wheat Berries 25c 1 Ib Morning Cheer Coffee 43e 11 qt basket Apples 35c 6 cakes Toilet Soap 25c 1 cake Lely's Hardwater Soap 5c 5 String Broom 39c 1 pkg. Tilson's Fine Rolled Oats 15c Service Light, bulbs, 25, 40, 60 w 15c 4 lb White Beans 19c 6 Grape Fruit (Seedless) 29c Huron Asks for Say in Next Deer Shoot If in future years there is to be an open deer season in Huron County, the County Council wants to be con- sulted before the decree is issued by the Department of Game and Fisher- ies. A resolution to that effect was unanimously passed by council, and will be forwarded to the minister. Last June Huron Council refused to endorse a request of the Huron, Fish and Game Association before the latter approached Queen's Park for the open season. It is quite true that Huron County Council never notified the department of its stand, but it was presuined and it is still felt In council circles that the department was cognizant of its wishes. There will be no mistake on this sore in future. 11/1 W. L. JOHNSON GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. PHONE 286 next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. M. Wiltse, on Dec. 10th, There will be the election• of officers and all sevving. is to be brought in, The roli call te be ansvvered, by something to "be put in the bail. Superior Stores PRONE 111-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR November, 26, 27, 28 • T UCEERSMITE The Tueltersmith Ladies. ChM will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A, Matheson on 1;Ved- nesday afternoon, December 2nd. The annual reports will be given and each member is asked to bring a hand- kprchief to go with the Red Gross dresses and blbuses. The roll call to be answered with ideas. for Christmas confectionery in warthne or a substi- tute for same. P. & G. Soap, 4 Bars 19c Vancamp's Tomato Juice 48 oz. tin • 19c Maple Leaf Peas 16 oz. tin 10c DANCE Under the Auspices of Junior Red Cross ' Friday, December llth Willis Tipping and His Orchestra A.Amission: 65 cts Dancing from 9.30 to 1.30 New Tasty Cheese, lb 29c Finest Old Cheese, lb 43c Tilson's Quick •Cooking Oats 3 113 pkg. 17c Arctic Pastry Flour, 7. lb bag ...25c Neilson's Cocoa 1 lb tin 29c Aylmer Catsup, 12 oz btl. 150 2 -In -1 Shoe Polish, tin 10c Long Grain No. 1 Rice 2 lb 25c Pot Barley, lb 6c White Beans, lb 5c Grapefruit, size 126s, 5 for 25c Lemons lge size 3 for 10c Washed Carrots,4 lbs 10c Washed Parsnips, lb 5c Waxed Turnips, 2 lbs 5c I. R. TiMPS0111 LONDON ROAD The London. Road Club held their regular monthly meeting on Nov- ember 19th at the home of Mrs. Man- ning. The vice president was in charge. The meeting opened by sing- ing, "The Maple Leaf Forever" fol- lowed by the creed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt- ed. The roll call was answered by 15 members and three visitors. Corres- pondence was read. The afternoon was spent in sewing and kaitting. The meeting closed by singing "God Save the King" The hostess served a delicious lunch. The The Toggery Shoppe Operated by , G. EDIGHOFFER & SON 24 SHOPPING DAYS Until CHRISTMAS Shop Early and Buy Practical Things The Toggery Shoppe Phone 324 B. Streets in charge. 9,01...•••••••,,a1.111•1•111•11,11ft4, 7.,,4TottE1 SPECIAL VALUES NOVEMBER 27th, & 28th CAMPBELL'S TOMATO RED & WHITE KIDNEY SOUP, 2 tins 19c BEANS, 2 tins 23c ifBn-Sr'IVIIITEY6MATO---AYLMER BEET JUICE, 2 tins 19c GREENS, 2 tinS. •23.c CHRISTMAS CAKE Westons' Cherry Fruit lb. 50e Diced BEETS Tin 10c OXYDOL Walker SODAS Pkg. 25e Bag 14c SOUP, Clarks VEG. or SC. 'BROTH 2 tins 15c RED% WHITE . RED & WHITE TOMATO COCOA, lb. tin 25c CATSUP, Bottle ... 17c 'COUNTRY CRESSY CHOICE PEAS, tin 1 OC TOMATOES, tin ... 10C GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES .JUICY FLORIDA Oranges, doz .33 'CHOICE CALIF. Grapes 2 lbs. .35 FANCY DELICIOUS Apples, doz. •39 Waxed TURNIPS 3 lbs. 25c Washed CARROTS 3 LBS 10c TEXAS' SEEDLESS Grapefruit 5- 25 JUICY CALIFORNIA Lemons 3 - .11 CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery, 2 for .29 - RADISHES - TOMATOES - LETTUCE - CABBAGE - PEPPERS - MUSHROOMS - CRANBERRIES - SPINACH - • C. -M. -SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality FoOds CLINTON BALL & ZAPFE Old Reliable Dealers in a General Line of HARDWARE' and FURNITURE - Prompt Attention to Ambulance Calls Modern and Efficient Embalmers and Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 - Phone 103 Think of Gifts Gave Useful Gifts This Christmas) Time. We offer the following: Girls' White Snow Boots $2.98 Girls' Ski Caps, Colors Red. Navy & Black $L15 Girls' Parka Hoods, Fur trimmed. Co- lors, Red, Green, Blue & Navy $1.69 Girls' Bedroom Slippers a good as- sortment to choose from. Boxed Handkerchiefs for Women. Girls and Children. Snow Suits for Ages, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Priced $4.25 Childs' Coat made of Furry Llama, Cloth with Flannelette lining, Colors, Green and Coral, Price $3.25 Boys' Aviation Style. Leather Helmet Fur trimmed, Price $1.35 Boys' Ski Caps, Assorted Colors $1.15 Boys' Mackinaw Coats $4.69 Boys' Mackinaw Windbreakers $3.2t, $3.59 and $4.50 Boys' Dress Shirts and Ties • Boys' Dress Pants, Overalls, and Work Pants Boys' Underwear Penmans' Union Suits. Line No. 71. Size 22 to 32 $1.39 Men's Wool Mackinaw Coat, Color Dark Check. The right coat for cold days. Price $7.00 Also Wool Mackinaw Pants $4.75 Men's Underwear, Union Suits or Single Garments made by Penman's, Lines in stock. Line No. 71; Line pre- ferred; Line No. 95. Men's Winter Caps, wool tweeds $1.35 $1.50 Camel Hair Leather $1.35 Men's Sweaters, Work or Dress Prices $L69, $2.25, $2.98 and 3.50 Men's Work Shirts Winter WeighV Prices $1.59 and $1.75 Men's Dress Shirts, colors. all white - or patterns, also a; good range of ties. Footwear for women, girls, children, Men and Boys when you need it for Dress, Warmth or Dryness, it will ,pay you to check our stock, Clifford Lobb, k Son PHONE 40, - THE STORE "PHAT SAVES YOU MONEY.