HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-11-26, Page 5' ''HURS., NOV. 26, 1942
ver‘ii,eveac:2 mea
BEFORE the war, two young graduates in chemistry
faced the future with no assets but technical train-
ing and unbounded faith ii themselves. They
planned to capitalize on their years in college by
manufacturing a certain chemical product. "But
we'll need some money to get started," they said:
"Let's put it up to the bank."
Their banker decided that their faith was well
founded in character, ability, energy. "We'll finance
you to startin a small way," he said, "Make a test
On the local market first."
Presently the product was being sold all over
Canada and exported to the United States and
overseas. Now it fills a wartime demand. The
enterprise employs a large number of people.
This actual example illustrates how this country's
Chartered Banks help credit -worthy people to
benefit themselves, their fellows and their country
under the democratic system of free enterprise
Banks, like any other business, exist because they provide ser.
vice which a community needs and is willing to pay For at a
rate which will yield a reasonable profit. Chartered Bank proms
average less than ane -half of one per cent a year on total assets.
Few, if any, other businesses operate on as small a margin.
Bank of Montreal ,-The Bank of Nova Scotia ... The Bank of Toronto
The Provincial Bank of Canada c c The Canadian Bank of Commerce
The Royal Bank of Canada::: TheDomihion Bank Banque Canadienne
Nationale : t : Imperial Bank of Canada .:: Barclays Bank (Canada)
Mrs, George Dawson has returned
'from a visit to Sudbury, During her
absence Ainos Andrew was mail cour-
ier on It, R. No. 3.
Mr, and Mrs. W, T, Robinson were
London Visitors on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie and two
sons Billie and Gerald of Fergus
•.spent the week -end with Mi. and Mrs;
Warner Andrews.
Miss Margaret Nesbit has gone to
Toronto where she expects to secure
employment. •
Mr. Ben Johnston is a patient in
Goderich Hospital suffering from
-blood poisoning' in his hand.
Miss. Marjorie Arthur. of Teeswat-
er spent the week end with her moth-
er Mrs. M. Aathur,
Mrs, Russell King, Pauline and
Donald King moved to Auburn and
-are oecupying Percy Yungblut's house
Mr, John Cowan is a patient In
Clinton Hospital.
Women's institute
Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for
the November meeting oft the Wo-
men's Institute which was held in
the Forester Hall. -The meeting opened
by repeating the Ode followed by the
singing of "O God Our Help in Ages
Past" and "0 Canada". The exchange
of Christmas gifts will be in charge
of Mrs. Earl Raithby and Miss Am-
.elia McElwain.. A. reading was given
by Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. The topic
"Agriculture" was .prepared by Mrs.
John Cowan and was given by Miss
Josephine Wei ••: C+, -rent events were
given by Mrs. Wesley Bradnock; Miss
Amelia McIllwain rendered . a solo.
The roll call was answered by `Your
:Favorite Vegetable' The singing of
the National Anthem brought the
'meeting to ,a close. A dainty lunch
was served by ,Mrs. Geo. Sturdy, Mrs.
Gordon Taylor and Mrs, W. J. Terme-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson and
Mr, and. Mrs. Clifford Brown attend-
ed the funeral of an aunt of : Mr,
Brown at Ingersoll on Monday.
B. Y. P. A. Mr. and .Mrs.- John- •Soctchrner;-Sr. of
`George Robertson presided for the the Bronson Line. .
November, meeting of 'the Bj.Y.P.A. Mr. aiid Mrs. 'Tom *Snowden spent
"which was 'held Sunday' evening. The Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
meeting was opened with a sing song. Penhale of the Bronson Line.
A bible quiz was conducted by Marie
Raithby. The scripture was read by
Wm, Raithby, Mrs.Wolper of-
fered prayer...A. musical contest was
conducted by Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Miss
Elaine Johnston gave a mouth organ
number. A •duet was sung by Doris
and Jack McKnight, The topic "The
Life of Charles Surgeon" was given
by Mrs. Earl Raithby. The meeting
closed with the Mizpah Benediction.
Mrs. Earl Raithby spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill-
ough near Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moore and
granddaughter of Kitchener spent a
few days with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar
Aircraftma'n Lloyd McLarty of the
R.C.A.F. Toronto is visiting his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McLarty.
A very pleasant time was spent
in the Orange Hall on Monday 'after-
noon when the Mother's of the Little
Helper's Class of St. Marks Anglican
Ohurch entertained the Little Helpers
Class of Trinity Anglican Church
Blyth. Rev. Percy Streeter the Rect-
or was chairman. Following a sing-
song with Mrs. Gordon Taylor at
the organ the Little Helpers prayer
was repeated in unison and the child-
ren presented their mite boxes to
Rev. P. Streeter. The secretary treas-.
urer Mrs, Alfred Nesbit presented her
report. Rev. P. Streeter gave the
children's story. The meeting closed by
singing a children's hymn. A dainty
Iunch was served by the Auburn la-
dies. Mr. Streeter on behalf of Blyth
moved a hearty vote of thanks to the
Ladies for their hospitality.. Mrs. Ger-
don -Taylor replied. Following - lunch
hour Mrs. R. J. Powell and Miss Alice
Rogerson presided over • a series of
games. 'Mrs. Powell then presented
each child with a little remeinbrancC.
Mr. Clifford Scotchmer of Chicago
spent the week, end with,, his parents
Next Saturday and Sunday Nov.
28 and 29th -the executive of the Hu-
ron Presbytery Young People's'Union
will •hold a spirtival retreat at Lon-
desboro. The church service will be
in their charge on Sunday morning,
and the message will be given by
Rev. Stewart Crysdale of Vancouver,
who is the leader of the retreat and
who is now devoting his time to the.
work of the forward movement among
young people. They will also assist
the choir.
Mrs. John Nott is visiting with her
daughters in Seaforth,
,Miss D. Little, Toronto spent the
week end with her. mother, -Mrs. R.
Mrs. E. Grant of Lucknow,who
spent several days recently with her
mother, Mrs. Lyon, and other rela-
tives here has returned home.
A Pot Luck supper was held at Mrs.
A, Radford's home on Tuesday after-
noon •of last 'week. with 55 present.
Tickets were sold on 2 loaves of home
made, bread and a dozen buns donated
by Mrs. 0. Watson, proceeds were
$4.30. Tickets were sold on a crochet
mat donated by Mrs. Murdock Ross.
Proceeds were $3.40, Mrs. W. Moun-
tain winning both lucky draws.
Bingo was played during the af-
ternoon. Proceeds from Bingo after
paying for the prizes were $12.10.
Supper $16.20. Total money raised
$35.00 to be turned over to the Red
Another Red . Crass Christmas box
was packed and sent to Edwin Fother-
gill, who recently arrived overseas,
Mr. Thos. Caldwell and Mr. S. Les-
lie of Port Colborne spent a few
days during the hunting season with
the forger's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Caldwell and have, now'retuined
home having secured their venison
quota, -
Mrs. Mary Sperling' of Clinton spent
the week end with her brother, Mr.
13. J. Rathwell. .
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Tyndall and
Janet, Mr. and Mrs, CIarence Bali
and David were guests on Thursday
of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Welsh.
Mr. and itlrs, Oliver Welsh and
Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Fired Wallis and
Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh and
Catharine, Mrs, • A, B. Stephenson,
Mr. and Mrs. D.,.1,, Stephenson' and
Hilly waist guests of Mr, and Mrs, A,
Welsh Friday. evening.
Mr. and 11xts, Harold Tyndall and
Janet spent Friday in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cole and son
Robert spent Friday with friends
in London.
Council Meeting Council met in
i'l:oimesville on Nov. 2ncl.
A couple of corrections were made
in assessment, Mr, W. C. C. Naftel
was charged on 50, exempt and 91e
was rebated then 'Miss Acheson was
charged 600 to Inuclr and an adjust-
ment of 9.00 and 1.80 from the school
Section was neeessai.'y.
Other payments made.
Chas. A. Whitely treas, salary $125,
H. Sturdy, collector salary $100, R.
G. Thompson, clerk salary $175,.
Reeve and Councillors services at the
board $30. each- or $150, Board of
Health services $70, Miss Acheson use
of house $5, Supt pay roll No. 10
$38.25. Nominations in. the Council
Chamber Clinton on Nov.- 27 at 1 p.in.
Moved by councillor Corey seconded
by Councillor Stirling that this meet-
ing be adjourned to Dec. 15 to finish
the year's business.
Mr. John Smith spent a few days at
Week end, visitors with Mr. and.
Mrs. H. Zapfe were Mr. and Mrs. B.
Kaiser, and Mrs, and Mrs. R. Mc-
Kenzie and family of Detroit 'Mich.
We are sorry to report the serious
illness of Mrs. W. Elliott. We hope
she will soon be better.
Mrs. H. Collins. and Harry spent the
week end with Mrs. M. McKenzie.
We wish to express, very sincere
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. John A.
McEwen in the loss of their sen Dun-
can, whose death occurred last week
and also to Mrs. Frank Taylor, whose
mother died last week.
Mr. Louis Dutot spent the week
end at his home here,
Come on you folks especially you
farmers bring in your : scrap rubber
and iron. • - -
Mrs. T. B. Baird' left on Friday,for
the weal where she will visit her
The Red Cross held their meeting
on Thursday November 17, 2 quilts
were quilted and the usual business
dispensed with, -Neitt meeting will be,
on Thursday," December 3rd. Come
on out, We need you to help us,
there will be quilting to do.
The annual meeting of the W. A.
will be held Tuesday December 1st
will . all the' ladies try and be out as
it is the election of officers- and the f
groups will give their reports. PI
For Evert/ Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66.i
Poultry Wanted
We are in the market for a good,
quantity of live chickens and hens at
top market prices. Culling done by an
experienced poultryman.
Now is the time to have your flock
producing to obtain the best price
for eggs in years.
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Storage
We Have a Fresh Shipment of Sal-
mon and ;Salmon Trout in
-V—v v
We are in the Market to Buy Your
Deer Rides
SCOTT In Camden, New jersey, U.
S.A,, an November 18th, Agnes Fair
widow of the late lames Scott. In-
ternrent at Woodbury, N. 3., on No-
vember 20th.
COURTICE—In Winnipeg, Man., on
Friday, November 20th, Dr. An-
drew 3. Courtice, in his 63rd year.
The W. A. met at the home of Mrs.
Frank Jones for the November meet-
ing. The president, Mrs, 0. Tebbutt,
presided. The meeting was opened
by singing a Iiynm, which was : fol-
lowed by the Lard's Prayer in unison.
Tho secretary read the minutes of
the :previous meeting. Mrs. Roy Ras-
om read the scripture and led in pray-
er. It was decided that the Decem-
ber meeting should be in charge of
the grandmothers. A reading was gi-
ven by Shirley Jones. The 'meeting
was closed with a hymn and the bene-
diction. A quilt was quilted during
the afternoon and lunch was served
by Mrs. Frank Jones and Mrs, Mor-
gan Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake aiisi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snowden spent
a few days in St. Thomas last week
visiting friends,
Mr. H. G. E. Crosby and son David
returned to their home in Bolton Lan-
ding', N. Y., on Sunday after spend-
ing some time with her mother Mrs,
G. W. Woods and sister Mrs. J. How-
Miss. Donna, Murray of Goderich le
visiting her grandmother, Mi s. A.
Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Volume spent
the week end in Southampton.
Mrs. Robert Watson and Master
Edwards Watson, returned to their
home in Neudor'f, Sask. on Tuesday
after spending some months with the
former's mother, Mrs. 1'. A. Edwards,
Lane -Bomb. Grant Turner is spend-
ing his furlough at his home here.
Mrs. Spencer Irvine spent the week
end at her home in Southampton.
Mrs. R. L. Bassett who has been,
in Clinton for the past five weeks re-
turned home on Saturday.
Misses M. and 3. Stirling spent the
week end in Port Elgin with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh' McLaren,
Mr. Lawrence Powlie of London
spent the week end with his sisters,
Misses, E. and P. Fowlie.
Local nimrods•-who<,bagged deerin
this locality included: Harold' Bran-
don, Berton Merner, A. G. Atkinson,
Charles and Douglas giemeinhalydt,.
William McDool, Harold Stinson,
Lloyd Seotchmer,' Harry Baker of Lon.
don who spent several days hunting.
in Goderich township; got his bag on
Saturday. A party of six men from
Zurich took home six deer, The
Bayfieldhunters who went up to the
Lion's Head for the week were not se
fortunate in their choice of locality—
they Caine home on Sunday with emp-
ty: bags. •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston end
babe moved to Goderich on Monday
or the winter months, Fred is ens -
eyed at Sky Harbor'.' `
II should no
l Coining "SABOTEUR" — A spy
I melodrama —
Ij Matinees_Sat and Holidays at 3
Now PIaying —Abbott & Castel
lo in "Pardon My Sarong"
Mon., Tues., Wed. Two Features
The Andrews Sisters, Jane Frazee
and Robert Paige. Mirth and mel-
ody abound in this .laugh -packed
yarn about spirited youth on the
Also: Ai tale of Alaska's turbulent
gold -rush. •
Thum, Fri., and Sat.
Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Joan
Leslie and George Tobias. A stir-
ring drama of the first World War
which you sh ld t fail to see.
AL a: it-tUA:tftt(L\ . with scone's
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Priscilla Lane, Robert Cummings
and Qtto Gruger. Tell an ad-
venturous story of the most inside
ions of all enemy agents. .
Thurs, Fri., and Sat.
Barbara Stanwyck, Gorry. Fitzger-
ald and Geo. Brent. A household of
romancing 'sisters en a manhunt
for one bewildered male
Coming-. "IN. THIS OUR LIFE"
Matinees—Wed. Sat and Holidays
NOW ,Yisyuig _ -Neste to tee
Klondike" and "What's Cookin' "
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Gary Cooper, Joan Leslie and Wal-
ter Brennan Portray the life
of a famous hun-busting hero of
the World War 1.
"Sergeant York"
Thurs., Fri, Sat.
Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane
and 'Otto Kruger, Depleting the
snakey activities of the man behind
our backs.
Coming—Bette Davis in "IN THIS
t 3 1.. Matinees -Sat. and Holidays at 3
Tea Biscuits, Sueys,
Date and Nut Bread
and Pumpkin Pies
Try our Whole Wheat
or Cracked Wheat Bread
The family of the late Thomas E,
Livingston wish to take this opport-
unity of thanking their neighbors and
Friends for the kindness and thought-
fulness during their recent bereave-
ment. Also thanking all those taking
part in the service.
Farm For Sale
Lot, No, 87, Con. 12, Goderich
township, consisting of 80 acres. With
good well and windmill.: Apply,. to
Norman L. Mair, executor for George
Mali;. Ei'state, Box 436 New Hamburg,
Ont. 20-2
For Rent
Comfortable cottage on Albert
Street, either furnished or unfurnish-
ed. For par'ticular's write Mrs, J, R.
Makins, 454 Adelaide Street, London,
or phone 257 Clinton. 20-1
Second hand tricycle in good concli-
tion•for boy three years old. Apply at
the News -Record office. 20-2
Baby play pen in good ,condition.
Write Box 314 Bayfield, or phone
Clinton 624r33. - 20-1
Raw Pure Wanted
Highest market price paid. Get niy
prices before selling elsewhere. Nor -
ami East, R. R. 1 Clinton. 20-6
For Sale
.Lady's black fur trimmed coat, size
40; gentleman's fur lined coat; two
pair of velvet drapes. All in good con-
dition. Apply to Box 721 Clinton
News -Record. 20.1
For Sale
One bright red wool snow suit with
hood attached. size 4. In good condi-
tion as it has never been used to
play in. Apply at News-Reeord, 20-1
Por Sale
Black seal fur coat, size 42, in good
condition. Apply at the News -Record
Office. 20-1
October 26th, 1942
Mayor McMurray:
I wish to thank the members of the
Town Council and all those who were
responsible for sending me a pocltet
book. I assure you it is -appreciated
very much as the English .money, is
hard, to tarry, (the little we get to
deal with). Hoping to see you all'
again in the near future and after
this big job is ended, I remain, Sinc-
erely yours.
Pte. Norman L. Fitzsimons,
The (Dominion of Canada is develop-
ing an army _overseas which for its
size, will be the most heavily armoured
and hardest hitting force in the world.
To give mobile reserve support for
existing and projected defences on
the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, - the
7th and 8th divisions of the Canad-
ian Amy are being mobilized. The
Reserve Army of more than 130,000 is
being revitalized to strengthen home
To M. T. Corless, Clerk of the
Municipality of the Town of Clin-
I appoint the 30th day: of Novem-
ber, 1942, at the hour of 7.30 p.in.
at the Council Chamber Clinton, in
the County of Huron, for holding a
court to hear and, determine the sev-
eral complaints of errors and oniis-
sions in the first and second parts of
the said Voters' List for the Municip-
ality of Clinton for 1942. • •
I direct that the Assessor far the
Municipality shall attend the sittings
of the said court, :and that the ass-
essment Roll and the minutes of the
Court of Revision for the Municipal-
ity for 1941 be produced thereat.
Dated 4t1, day, of November 1942,
County Judge, Goderich, Ont. 19-2
Poi Sale
100 acres of good level farm land,
buildings in excellent shape, barn, 76
by 40, cement silo, lots -of water, well
fenced and well drained, Plowing all
clone. Brick house with slate roof. Ap-
ply at the News -Record office. 19-3
Pullets Wanted
Wanted, Pallets all ages and breeds
also yearling hens, also White Leg-
horn, Light Sussex, BIack Minorca,
New Hampshire, Barred Rock cocker-
els suitable for breeders. Also wanted
flocks to supply us with hatching eggs
far 1943 season. ,Flock euired.and
bloodtested free. Guaranteed bonus
paid with additional premium. Write
for full details.
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited
Fergus, Ont, 19-tf
Cattle Strayed
Red and white steer calf strayed
onto the premises of the undersigned
on the Babylon Line about the 10th.
clay of May. Owner may have same
by proving property anti paying ex-
penses. Nelson Reid, 'Varna. 20-2
For Sale
Young man's overcoat, size 18, also
girl's coat, size 14. Both good as new;
Apply at the News -Record office,
r 20-2
Farm For Sale
75 acres, three miles south-east of
Zurich, 65 acres tillable newly seeded
to permanent pasture. Water always.
in ditch. Apply to William Pearce, Ex-
eter. 20-1
There is offered for sale by tender
the monument -business .,of the late
John Grant, carried on at the Town
of Clinton in the County of Huron.
Included in the offer are the lands
and premises at which Me business
was carried on and on which is erect-
ed a shop in good condition, the tools
and equipment necessary for stone
cutting and about eighteen monu-
ments of different designs and kinds
of stone. ..
The highest or any tender net nec-
essarily) aentepted,. Offers must be
for Fish and must be in the hands of
the undersigned on or before the 8th
December 1942.
For further particulars apply to the
undersigned. Solicitor. •
Florence Fraser, Administratrix of
the Estate of John Grant.
F. Fingland, K. C., Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administratrix 20-2
In the Estate of John Grant; late
of the Town of Cimton, in the
County of Huron, :Widower, De-
All persons having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased' are
required to file the -same with un-
dersigned Solicitor for the acid Estate
on or before the 12th day of Decem-
ber, A.D., 1942. after which date the
assets will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto having re-
gard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given.
DATED at Clinton, this 20th` day
of November, A.D. 1942.
P. VINGLAND, K. C., Clinton, On-
tario, Solicitor for the said Estate.
lali,..• . . - 20-3
Electrical Equipment
Shur Shock Metric Fences, cams
plete with Buttery and Insulator*
$15.00 guaranteed.
I carry a full line of radio tubes,
up to date tube tester, General bat-
teries and' Dominion Washing Mach.
Ines ,all electrical appliances and
roofing supplies.
A., W. Groves, Princess St..
Princess Street Clinton
You will enjoy Dancing to the Music
of this Modern Band
House For Sale , -
Two storey brick house in Hensall
on Main • street: in good condition nes,.
ly painted. Apply Wm. Pearce, Exet-
er. 19-2. .
Furnished Home to Share
Must be particular and reliable.
Adults only. May be seen by appoint-
ment. State address and phone. Apply
Box 39m New -Record. 19-tf
Attractive Rome for Sale
Cosy and of good location. Suit
mall family. Interested parties please
,'rite Box 611 News -Record. 19-11
House For Sale
White stucco house on Mary Street.
In good condition. Modern eonvenien.
ees. Apply Miss Rudd, Mary St. 11-tf
Farm, Farm :Stock and Implements
LOS 2, Can. 16, Stanley 'Township,
Four Miles Southwest of Varna.
at 1 p.m, r r
11011SES:— Matched team of Per•
cherons, filly and gelding, 3 years old;
one 3 year old Clyde mare; one driv.
mg mare, ? years old.
CATTLE: -12 Durham cows, due to
freshen from time of sale till March;
3 baby beeves, 450 to 500 pounds; 4
spring calves; 1 Shorthorn hull, rising
2 years; 1 yearling steer; 2 calves one
month old,
PIGS -10 York chunks, two months
POULTRY; 140 Rock Pullets.
MACHINERY — One McCormick -
Deering side rake; 1 Massey -Harris
aiding plow (lee new); 1 walking
plow; 1 4 -section diamond harrows; 1
corn scuffler; 1 single scuffler; 1 Mas-
sey -Harris cream separator; 1 set of
beam scales; feed cooker; 1 grain
crusher;; 1 cutter; 1 rubber tired
wagon; hay rack; gravel box; slings,
1 colony house; brooderstove; 1 set of
Sarum sleighs and flat rack; 1 wheel
barrow; gas barrels; quantity of lum-
ber; 4 1-2 squares of galvanized roof-
ing (new); forks; shovels; whiffles
trees; neekyokes, etc,
HARNESS:— One set of breeching
harms, like new; 1 backhand set of
harness; 1 set of single hareees; 3
horse collars.
HAY AND GRAIN -200 bushels of
mixed grain; 300 bushels of choice
barley; suitable for seed; 25 tons of
timothy and clover hay.
couch; 1 mahogany table; 1 spool bed;
bed spring; washstand; writing desk,
2 kitchen tables; 1 kitchen cupboard;
4 kitchen tables; 1 stool; 1 piece of
linoleum; 1 baby's cot; lamps,gas
lantern.; 1 laundry stove; lawn mower.
FARM—Lot 21 Concession 12, Stan
ley township; 120.•aeres• clay loam
land, with abundant supply of water,
well drained; 1 1-2 storey brick house;'
1 barn 38 x 72, 7 years old; hen house;
garage. Hydro running water. Four
miles southwest of Vakna.
ty--Made known on day of sale. Sold
subject to reserve bid.
Percy Johnston, Proprietor.
Harold Jac cson, Auctioneer, 19-2._